Dragon Quest Wiki:Backup

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 02:31, 15 March 2019 by FlyingRagnar (talk | contribs)

Below are links to backups of content on the Dragon Quest Wiki. Note that all original content on the wiki is released under a Creative Commons license. See the copyrights page for full details. It is worth mentioning that images do not fall under this category and are released under the respective copyrights of their original authors.

These dumps are provided in order to enable users to keep a local copy of all wiki information. In the event that this wiki is shutdown for some reason in the future, users can still access the information locally or use it to re-establish the wiki at another location. These dumps do not include extension or configuration data for the wiki. All backups are provided at the discretion of the staff.

Latest database dump

(link removed, backups available via request only)

Latest image dump

(link removed, backups available via request only)