Erdrick Equipment

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Life-sized replica of the set built for the 30th anniversary museum in 2016

The Erdrick Equipment is a set of powerful and crucially important items from the original trilogy of games. The equipment consists of the sword, shield, armour and helmet belonging to the legendary hero Erdrick.

In the first two games the items bear Erdrick's name as a part of his iconography, but in Dragon Quest III each piece has a distinct name: the Sword of Kings, Auroral armor, and Hero's shield. No helmet exclusive to the hero existed in the original 8-bit version, but subsequent releases have added Ortega's helmet to fill in the gap.


Dragon Quest

Erdrick's sword, armour, and mark debut in the seminal title, with the game's plot making the mark a mandatory acquisition. The sword and armour are entirely optional, albeit strongly recommended, and the fabled shield would not appear until the sequel. As helmets were not a distinct equipment type in the first game it is assumed that Erdrick's helm was included with the armour set.

The sword is held in the depths of the Dragonlord's Castle as a precaution on the scaled sovereign's part, and the armour is located in the ruins of Damdara where it is guarded by a knight aberrant. The mark is found in the fetid swamp south of Cantlin, being exactly 40 steps east and 70 steps south of Tantegel.

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line

The sword is once more found in the Dragonlord's castle, watched over by his great-great-grandson. Though powerful, the sword will be eclipsed by several weapons the player encounters over the course of the adventure. The mail is found in the third floor of the chasm leading to Rendarak, in the bottom-rightmost section of the floor near a set of stairs. Erdrick's helmet is obtained by exchanging his mark at the shrine southeast of Tantegel, and the mark itself being found in Middenhall behind a door requiring the golden key to open.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Due to taking place in the distant past, none of the heraldry bears Erdrick's name until the completion of the game. The Sword of kings is was destroyed by Zoma over the course of several years due to the demon fearing its power, and must be reforged with an ingot of Orichalcum. This precious metal is found in the horse field of Damdara, and must be sold to the Jipangese blacksmith living in Kol.

The Auroral armor is found in a chest in a hidden room in the Tower of Rubiss, and Hero's shield is found on the bottom floor of the Nail Mark northwest of Tantegel. Ortega's helmet was added to the game in the SNES remake, being given to the player by the people of Mur. What would become the mark of Erdrick is the Sacred amulet, which is granted to the player upon the rescue of Rubiss.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Available only in the Nintendo 3DS version is "Ye Olde Sword of Erdrick", a rusty version of the mythical blade that is obtained via a download code first made available internationally on February 24, 2017. Players can reforge the tarnished slab by mixing it with the Liquid metal sword and a lump of orichalcum in the Alchemy pot.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Erdrick's sword is the result of mixing the rusty sword with nine Glass frits and one chunk of Orichalcum within Krak Pot. The rusty sword lays within a chest on the eighth floor of the Realm of the Mighty.

The suit of armour has been split into several pieces corresponding to the upper & lower body, hands, and feet as per the system changes features in IX. These pieces of equipment are first obtained in dilapidated condition and are collectively referred to as the Rusty suit, along with the helmet and shield.

Dragon Quest Builders

Erdrick's sword, shield, and armour are available in this alternate timeline spin-off. The paraphernalia is referred to by the antiquated names not used since III, and can be forged in the fifth chapter of the game.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The three parts of the heraldry return for the sequel, but have simpler recopies to forge.

Dragon Quest Tact

Erdrick's sword and armour appear as S-rank equipment made available in the True Dragon Quest III event.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The sword, armour, helmet, and shield are available as Mii Swordfighter costume gear, and the Hero if III fights with the sword of kings and hero's shield equipped.

Auroral armour

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

The Auroral armor (ひかりのよろい Armor of Light) is found in the third floor of the Tower of Rubiss, the radiant suit of mail will add +85 (+75 in the original) to the Hero's Defence, cuts breath/magic damage by 1/3rd, and recovers 1 HP per step.

Dragon Quest Builders

The Auroral armour is available for to players in chapter 5, and requires three chunks of zenithium, two ingots of orichalcum, one gold ingot, one ruby, two pelts of fine fur, and a length of cord to assemble. It increases the Builder's Defence by +30 and renders them immune to poison and lava.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The armour increases Defence by +30 as before, but now requires three chunks of zenithium, two ingots of orichalcum, two gold ingots, and one ruby to forge.

Dragon Quest Tact

The Auroral Armour is an S-rank armor that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest III event by clearing Rubiss's Guidance on any difficulty. It has an Defense bonus of +20, can rarely raise the wearer's spell resistance on each turn and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.

Ortega's helmet

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

Ortega's helmet (オルテガのかぶと) is only available in the SFC Version and subsequent remakes, and originally belonged to Ortega. It is found in the village of Mur and can be sold for 6,150 gold coins. The helmet will add +30 Defence, but offer no protection against debilitating magic except in the GBC Version, where it will reduce the chance of being afflicted by Snooze, Dazzle, and Sap by 50%. This aspect was removed in the subsequent cell phone release due to being a port of the SFC version.

The helmet doesn't exist in the NES version. In its place is a novelty item called the water blaster.

Hero's shield

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

The Hero's shield (ゆうしゃのたて) is located in the Nail Mark north by northwest of Tantegel castle. When equipped, it will boost the Hero's Defence by +65, and reduce magic/breath damage by 33%. When both the shield and armour are equipped, the shield's reduction properties will take effect after the armour's.

Dragon Quest Builders

The Hero's shield can be forged in chapter five of the game, and takes two chunks of zenithium, a gold ingot, one ruby, two steel ingots, and two blocks of wood to assemble. It increases the Builder's defence by +16 and has no special effects.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The Hero's shield raises the Builder's Defence by +32, and requires two bits of zenithium, one ruby, one gold ingot, and two steel ingots to forge.

Sword of Kings

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

The Legendary Sword of Kings (おうじゃのけん), since long before the events of Dragon Quest III, it is said that it took Zoma three years to sunder the blade in twain. Because of this, the player must first locate a piece of Orichalcum and a smith of godly skill in order to restore the weapon. Once reforged, the Sword of Kings will boost the Hero's {{Attack by +120, and will deafen a group of enemies with an earth-shaking thunderclap when used as an item in battle.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

The Sword of Kings is available in the post-game. In Hotto, there is a blacksmith that wishes to forge the sword, and needs Orichalcum to do so. Once given the material, the blacksmith starts forging the sword and asks the player to return later (one in-game day) for it. The Sword of Kings will then become available in the item shop and costs 35,000 gold coins. It has an Attack bonus of +120 and a Charm bonus of +32. It deals wind damage when used as an item. It cannot be upgraded.

The Sword of Kings is one of the ingredients needed to craft the Supreme Sword of Light.

Dragon Quest Builders

The Sword of Kings is available in chapter 5 of the game, and requires three lumps of Orichalcum, two steel ingots, one gold ingot, one silver ingot, and a drop of magic dye. It increases the Builder's Attack by +50, and does not wear down with use like other weapons.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The sword increases the Builder's Attack by +86, and requires three orichalcum ingots, one zenithium ingot, one gold ingot, and two silver ingots to forge.

Dragon Quest Tact

The Sword of Kings is an S-rank sword that can be acquired as part of the limited True Dragon Quest III event by obtaining Orichalcum fragments through various challenges. It has an HP bonus of +30, an Attack bonus of +30, raises the physical potency of Hero units by 5% and has three slots for Alchemy Effects.


Sacred Amulet

Exclusive to Dragon Quest III, the amulet is given to the Hero by Rubiss and will grant +30 Luck, along with complete immunity to instant death and Kamikazee.

Erdrick's gauntlets

As Dragon Quest IX has split armor into three categories, the gauntlets that originally came with the auroral armor have become their own equipment for the game.

DQIX Erdricks gauntlets.png  Erdrick's gauntlets  (DS)
Defence +25
Style +40
Rarity ★★★★☆
Recipe Rusty gauntlets + Glass frit x9 + Orichalcum
Equipable by Warrior, Minstrel, Gladiator, Paladin, Luminary
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price N/a
Flavor text High-grade gloves once graced by the hands of a legendary hero.
Notes Reduces accuracy of Spooky Aura and Divine Intervention by 20%.

Erdrick's Tablet


  • The iconography of Erdrick bears a distinct resemblance to Ramia, appearing on the sword, shield, and armor of legend. Even the hero's emblem bears Ramia's visage, likely owning to her significance in III's chain of events.
  • The overworld sprite of Ortega in the SFC Version shows him wearing a black helmet with a single strip of metal going vertically along the cranium, rather than the blue emblemized helmet seen in later sets of the Armor of Erdrick. This could imply that the helmet was modified after joining with the legendary gear.
  • Some versions of the sword and shield have Anglo-Saxon runes inscribed on them.
    • The runes on the sword read "Dragon Kuest", an approximation of Dragon Quest. These runes first appeared on the sword in artwork for VIII.
    • The runes on the shield read "Roto", Erdrick's Japanese name. These runes first appeared on the shield in Famicon artwork.

See also

