From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 00:32, 8 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with "Equinox is the ceaseless steed of death, who tirelessly travels the skies, taking all lives in his path. Also known as the black star ( game description ) He is basically a bl…")
Equinox is the ceaseless steed of death, who tirelessly travels the skies, taking all lives in his path. Also known as the black star ( game description )
He is basically a black horse.
Easiest grotto boss. ( ranked 12th )
- dark bolt
-Weakening wave
-Breath attack
-wave of Panic
-Can attack twice in one turn, but not always.
-100% treasure map ( low level one, general 1-14, he can be found in very low level grottos. )
-10% dragon tail whip
-???% dragon scale