Prestidigitator (Dragon Quest V)

The prestidigitator is a monster from Dragon Quest V. It is a humanoid monster with spindly, raised hands and attacks by casting spells.


Dragon Quest V

#18 - Prestidigitator
HP MP Experience Gold
30 9 18 20
Attack Defense Speed
21 17 19
Dropped Item Magic water
Locations Faerie Lae
Winter Palace
Coburg area (G1)
Lodestar Harbour area
Scary Lair
Zoomingale area
Spells Crack
Capture Rate 1/2
Bestiary # 18
Game Dragon Quest V
Console DS


Prestidigitation is more popularly known as sleight of hand, techniques involving quick-hand movement to perform magic tricks with objects such as cards and coins. A prestidigitator is a practitioner of these techniques, the name suiting the monster given its magical talents and emphasized, upraised hands.

Related Monsters


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