
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 20:08, 13 May 2011 by Vzing (talk | contribs)

This is Vzing from Dragon Quest Wikia & Woodus Forum.

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About Me

I started to play Dragon Quest in 2010, with Dragon Quest IV DS. I never beated that though for a while. Then I brought Dragon Quest IX and beated it. Then I beated Dragon Quest VI. By then I beated Dragon Quest IV. I played Dragon Quest V DS and Dragon Warrior VII in an emulator. I also like playing Ace Attorney games. Around this wiki, I'll probably be editing stuff concerning categories.

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babble babygoyle bandit behemoth berserker


borunga botok curer darkdraco darkmage darkthief


enchanter epong evilclown evilpot evilstatue foohero... madplant magestar maneater matilda muddoll nengal orgodemir12 orgodemir21 orgodemir22 orgodemir23 orgodemir24 plesiodon podhero puppetman redslime rhinoking seto slime slimenite tonguerat trickbag weirdguy wyvern zeppel zombie zombieeye zombier