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The War Goddess Togamihime, or only Togamihime, is a new monster that was introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Marvelous Mysterious Key.


Togamihime is a monster who resembles an ancient oriental deity with the appearance of a young japanese maiden surrounded by a script. She wears a white tunic with red and yellow details that could be similar to a kimono, however the area over the abdomen is uncovered, the inferior part of this cloth is held to the body thanks to a purple belt. Over these clothes there are two accesories made of gold with sun emblems and light symbols on them, the first one is located in the collar of the tunic and has a ruby on it and the second one is located in the waist of Togamihime. At her head there is a headdress with imitates the sun, and behind her there is floating a wheel similar to the Dharma wheel or Dharmachakra. Also, floating around her there are 10 orbs of different colors (each one with a different symbol on it). Togamihime is seeing wielding a silver or platinum scepter that is taller than herself, this scepter ends making a U-form decorated with golden wings at the top of it where a light orb is seeing floating at the center.


Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Marvelous Mysterious Key



  • Togamihime is really similar to the Japanese goddess Amaterasu. Both of them are depicted as black-haired young women wearing a white and red tunic and with the Dharma wheel floating at their backs. It should be mentioned that Amaterasu is the solar goddess in the Japan of yore and Togamihime's clothes have sun symbols on them (she even have one in her hair). However, Amaterasu have never been depicted as goddess of war but, Togamihime's title is translated as War Goddess.


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