
Revision as of 15:06, 14 November 2020 by TwoHeadedGiraffe (talk | contribs) (Added Joker 2)

Muspell is a skill introduced in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker

Muspell is learned by the Dark slime and Orgodemir. It grants the following abilities:

Ability Skill Points
Frizz 4
Zam 10
Flame Slash 16
Shade Slash 22
Zammle 32
Frizzle 42
Whack 56
Uncarnate 70
Magic Burst 100

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Muspell is now learned by the Cross bones. It grants the following abilities:

Ability Skill Points
Fuddle 4
Singe 10
Donk 16
Frenzy 22
Assassin's Stab 32
Whack 42
Mysterian Mauler 56
Sear 70
Magic Burst 100