
Revision as of 00:00, 4 November 2021 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

The Drackyma is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series, introduced in the original Dragon Quest. They are essentially yellow Drackolytes that can cast slightly better magic.


Drackymas, naturally, are cartoonish looking yellow bats just like their original black variants. They have large wings that they constantly flap in order to fly, a pair of round feet, a long and thin tail, round eyes, and a pair of large fangs in their smiling mouths. The drackyma is set apart by its enhanced spellcasting abilities.


Dragon Quest

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma)
Original (NES)
Sprite HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
  20 10 11 19 22 26 16
Spell(s) Heal
Location(s) Craggy Cave
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
116 016 216 016
Remakes (SFC, GBC, Mobile)
Sprites HP MP Experience Gold Attack Defense Agility
     20 10 20 25 22 26 16
Spell(s) Heal
Location(s) Craggy Cave
Evasion Fizzle Resistance Snooze Resistance Sizz & Sizzle Resistance
116 07 07 07

Dragon Quest V

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma) 
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
  30 8 25 27
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
23 16 10 N/A
Bestiary No. #024
Spell(s) Heal
Skill(s) Flee
Location(s) Winter Palace
Item dropped Wayfarer's clothes132
Evasion Frizz resistance * Sizz resistance * Fire Breath resistance *
0/64 20% 20% 20%
Bang resistance * Crack resistance * Ice Breath resistance * Woosh resistance *
20% 100% 100% 67%
Zap resistance * Drain Magic resistance * Whack resistance * Kamikazee resistance *
20% 67% 20% 0%
Poof resistance Dazzle resistance * Fizzle resistance Fuddle resistance
67% 20% 67% 0%
Poison resistance * Snooze resistance * Stun resistance * Sap resistance *
0% 20% 0% 0%
PS2 model DS & Mobile sprite

Dragon Quest VII

In the Nintendo 3DS version, drackymas appear as special monsters in the Daredevil's Distraction DLC Tablet.

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma)
Remake exclusive (3DS)
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
30 8 25 27
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
23 24 15 132
Bestiary No. DLC #007
Spell(s) Midheal
Location(s) Daredevil's Distraction
Item(s) Dropped Wayfarer's clothes164
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
364 25% 25% 15%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
25% 100% 100% 50%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
0% 25% 50% 80%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
90% 100% 15% 50%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
0% 80% 0% 15%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
0% 0% 0%

Dragon Quest VIII

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma) 
Original (PS2)
Sprite HP MP Attack
  33 6 29
Defense Agility Experience Gold
26 28 28 9
Bestiary no. #032
Family Bird family
In-game description Drackymas are the mothers of drackies. The lullabies they use to put their babies to sleep work just as well against their foes in battle.
Spell(s) Heal(self)
Skill(s) Flee
Location(s) Kingdom of Ascantha
Item(s) dropped Moonwort Bulb116
Wing of Bat116
Evasion Attack Resistance Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance *
116 0% 0% 0%
Fire Breath
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice breath
0% 0% 0% 0%
Woosh Resistance * Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance
25% 0% 0% 15%
Whack Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance Fizzle Resistance
0% 0% 15% 0%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance * Snooze resistance *
0% 15% 0% 0%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
15% 15% 0%
Remake (3DS, Mobile)
Notable Changes

Dragon Quest IX

#054 - Drackyma
HP MP Experience Gold
52 10 145 74
Attack Defense Speed
58 58 70
Dropped Item Wing of Bat (common, 1/8)
Gold Ring (rare, 1/64)
Locations Newid Isle
Tower of Trades
Western Coffinwell (Loch Storn island)
Bloomingdale (lighthouse)
Spells Snooze
Bestiary # 054
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Description Be grateful that these dukes among drackies can't cast Kasnooze too - Snooze is more than enough of an annoyance.
Don't make drackies really mad - they might morph into the mighty yellow force for justice that is...DRACKYMA(N)!

Dragon Quest X

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below

Model Experience Gold
  29 42g
List No. 053
Field Notes Dastardly drackies who cause chaos with Kasnooze before dealing dozing foes the mother of all rude awakenings. According to experts, Kasnooze is actually a lullaby drackymas use to send their little one to sleep.
Location(s) Caliburgh (Hero), Caliburgh Meadow (Hero), Colissea (Hero), Colissean Desert (Hero), Pinnacle of Light (Recruit, Captain), Yggdrasil's Crown (Recruit, Captain)
Item(s) Dropped Evencloth, Wing of bat

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End

Drackyma (ドラキーマ ) 
Model Experience Gold Marked Version?
  304 36g Yes
List No. #088
Field Notes Dastardly drackies who cause chaos with Kasnooze before dealing dozing foes the mother of all rude awakenings. According to experts, Kasnooze is actually a lullaby drackymas use to send their little one to sleep.
Location(s) The Battle of Accordia, The Darkwood
Item(s) Dropped Birdsong nectar, Slipweed

Dragon Quest Builders

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma) 
Chapter 3
HP Attack Defense Item(s) Dropped
141 26 16 Dracky butter (★★★), Limegrass seed (★★☆)
Final Chapter
HP Attack Defense Item(s) Dropped
39 28 32 Grass seed (★★☆), Limegrass seed (★★☆)

Dragon Quest Builders 2

Dragon Quest Tact

Drackyma appears as a C-rank monster of the Demon family. It can be scouted normally from many levels, starting from Chapter 10, Episode 1: The Upcoming Gold Cup and can participate in the Battle Roads of the Dracky, Imp, Leery lout, Patissier knight, and Leery lantern as a party member.

Drackyma (ドラキーマ Dorakīma) 

Family Rank Role
Max Level HP MP Move
95 410 208 2
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
186 155 178 175 20
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Snooze Boom Talent Blossoming: Compressed Boom
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Bang-type Spell MP Cost -5% / Stats Up Frizz Res +25 / Stats Up Boom Potency +5% / Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Sizz Res +25 / Stats Up Boom Potency +5% / Compressed Boom Potency +5% / Stats Up
Leader Perks
Basic Perks
First Second Third
WIS +3 Boom Potency +2%
Perk Details
Bang-type Spell MP Cost -5%: Lowers Bang-type spell MP cost by 5%.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Half Res Normal Very Weak
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Normal Very Weak Normal Super Weak
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Super Weak Normal Normal Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Half Res Immune Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Normal


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