Killer croaker

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The Killer Croaker is a monster from Dragon Quest VIII. It is a monstrous frog that is stronger than both the Frogface and Frogman.


Frog monsters with two faces. The sight of the demonic
faces on their backs is widely regarded as an omen of
death by adventurers.

The colors of Killer Croakers can be seen as those of the Frogface reversed with blue being the dominant shade.

As is the case with its other varieties, the Killer Croaker is only threatening when made to have its back face the party. Since they can cast Thwack with their demon faces, it is highly recommended to use sleep inducing moves and attacks capable of defeating them in a single blow in order to avoid confronting their unfavorable sides.

Killer Croakers appear most frequently at nighttime and only in areas that can be accessed through flight.

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