Moogle Dance

Revision as of 17:02, 31 January 2023 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Moogle Dance |image = |japanese = モーグリダンス |romaji = {{tt|Mōguri dansu|Moogle dance}} |old = |type = Skill }} '''Moogle Dance''' is a skill that appears exclusively in {{DQTact}} based on the skill of the same name from the ''Final Fantasy'' series. In ''Tact'', it is one of the Moogle's signature abilities, performing a lively dance that restores a nearby ally's HP when they are attacked. ==Appearances== ==={{DQTact}}===...")
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Moogle Dance is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact based on the skill of the same name from the Final Fantasy series. In Tact, it is one of the Moogle's signature abilities, performing a lively dance that restores a nearby ally's HP when they are attacked.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Moogle Dance can be used by Moogle after learning the perk of the same name with 400 awakening points. If an ally is attacked by an enemy within a 1 to 2-space range, Moogle will automatically heal them for a small amount of HP.

Moogle Dance (モーグリダンス Mōguri dansu) 
Ability information
Moogle Dance
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial   0
Range Additional effects
Heals a minor amount of HP for 1 ally
Naturally learnt by

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