Dragon Quest Wiki:Site Move 2017
A plan has been made to move the Dragon Quest Wiki to a new host in September 2017. The new host will allow greater control over parts of the wiki, easier maintenance, better backup capability in terms of files and database, etc. It should also improve the overall performance of the site.
Moving the site will require the wiki to be down for at least a few days. The editing capability must be turned off so that a full up-to-date backup of the current site can be made. Then this backup must downloaded and re-uploaded to the new host. This will take some time due to the overall size of the site (approaching 20GB in size). Once everything is migrated, editing capability can be turned on once again and everything will function just like it did before.
No specific date has yet been set for the move. More information will be posted on this page and on the main page when a date is chosen. In the mean time, users are welcome to test drive the new site at the following URL:
Note that many things may not be functional, as I am testing the migration process several times in advance of the actual site move. Feedback or questions are welcome and can be posted on the talk page of this page.
Thank you all for your interest and contributions to this wiki!
--FlyingRagnar (talk) 23:04, 27 August 2017 (CDT)
Tentative Migration Date (18 September 2017)Edit
Update. The tentative start for the migration will be Monday September 18th, 2017 around 9:00pm eastern time. At that time the wiki will be locked in order to perform a full export of all the content. The migration is expected to take approximately 24-48 hours, and there may also be some minor delays related to sync'ing the dragon-quest.org host name to the new site. No action is needed on the part of users, all content will be ported without data loss.
Site MigratedEdit
The site has been migrated. Users are now able to edit again. Over the next week, various things will be tested and configured to ensure everything is working properly. --FlyingRagnar (talk) 00:13, 19 September 2017 (EDT)
19-20 September UpdatesEdit
The wiki has been updated from Mediawiki version 1.25 to 1.29.1. Extensions have been updated to the latest version available. Some of the look and feel of the wiki likely changed a little bit due to updating the MediaWiki software.
Server CertificateEdit
The wiki is now protected with an SSL certificate to encrypt all traffic. Requests made to HTTP on port 80 are now automatically redirected to HTTPS on port 443.
Final UpdateEdit
As of now, the site should be 100% functional and working great. I've re-uploaded site maps to Google and Bing to assist with bringing in search engine traffic.