Healing Wave

Healing Wave is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It restores HP to multiple party members with a surge of energy.


Dragon Quest RivalsEdit

Healing Wave is the Tension skill for Priest leaders. It restores 3 HP to the leader and all ally units.

Dragon Quest WalkEdit

Healing Wave is a weapon skill that can be learned with the Sage's staff at level 30. It costs 36 MP to use and restores HP to the entire party based on the wielder's Magical mending.

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Healing Wave can be learned by Cumulus vex at level 44 and costs 45 MP to use. It has a range of 1-2 spaces away from it, can be cast on itself, and restores a moderate amount of HP to all allies in a plus sign-shaped area of effect.

Healing Wave (いやしのはどう Iyashi no hadō) 
Ability information
Healing Wave
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial   45
Range Additional effects
1-2 (+self)
Heals a moderate amount of HP for all allies in area of effect
Naturally learnt by
Cumulus vex