Passionate Kiss

Passionate Kiss is a skill that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is one of the Kisser's signature abilities, sending out a powerful version of Blow Kiss that overwhelms a group of enemies.


Dragon Quest TactEdit

Passionate Kiss can be learned by Kisser at level 40 and costs 90 MP to use. It inflicts major martial damage to all enemies in a fan-shaped area of effect in front of it and has a chance to lower their ATK for three turns. Upgrading the skill increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use. Kisser can also learn the perk Desperate Passionate Kiss with 400 awakening points, which allows it to attack with Passionate Kiss up to three times per battle if the enemy is within a fan-shaped area of effect.

Passionate Kiss (じょうねつキッス Jōnetsu kissu) 
Ability information
Passionate Kiss
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Debuff Martial   90
Range Additional effects
ATK Down
Deals major martial damage to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers ATK for 3 turns
Naturally learnt by

Related skillsEdit