Prestidigitator (Dragon Quest V)

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Hello sir wouldlike to ask about injury of your foot. Is it happen since ninty day?

The Prestidigitator is a monster that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest V. They share the same name as two other monsters in the series and fulfill the same role as basic spellcasters, but they have a different design.


Prestidigitators are humanoid monsters with sickly green skin and spindly, raised hands ready to cast spells. They wear dark green hooded cloaks which cover them from head to toe. Unlike their similarly named cousins, these magicians' faces are visible, having a wizened appearance and their mouths agape which are missing many teeth.


Dragon Quest V

#18 - Prestidigitator
Prestidigitator DQV DS.png
HP MP Experience Gold
30 9 18 20
Attack Defense Speed
21 17 19
Dropped Item Magic water
Locations Faerie Lae
Winter Palace
Coburg area (G1)
Lodestar Harbour area
Scary Lair
Zoomingale area
Spells Crack
Capture Rate 1/2
Bestiary # 18
Game Dragon Quest V
Console SNES, PS2, DS, Mobile
Romanized Jap. Mahōtsukai



Legerdemen are slightly more capable Prestidigitators with blue-grey skin, wearing golden or orange robes.

#52 - Legerdeman
Legerdeman DQV DS.png
HP MP Experience Gold
48 8 45 47
Attack Defense Speed
54 30 28
Dropped Item Magic water
Locations Coburg castle dungeon
Abovitall Tower area
Spells Fizzle, Sizz
Bestiary # 52
Game Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest V
Console SNES, PS2, DS, Mobile
Romanized Jap. Matōshi


Thaumaturge is a blue grey-skinned variant of the Prestidigitator, wearing grey robes and pearls around their neck. They are the highest ranking order of magicians.

#76 - Thaumaturge
HP MP Experience Gold
92 12 85 43
Attack Defense Speed
70 60 56
Dropped Item Holy water
Locations Mostroferrato area
Spells Bounce, Swoosh
Bestiary # 76
Game Dragon Quest V
Console SNES, PS2, DS, Mobile
Romanized Jap. Gregor


Prestidigitation is more popularly known as sleight of hand, techniques involving quick-hand movement to perform magic tricks with objects such as cards and coins. A prestidigitator is a practitioner of these techniques, the name suiting the monster given its magical talents and emphasized, upraised hands. Legerdemain is another word for sleight-of-hand. A thaumaturge or thaumaturgist is a practitioner of thaumaturgy, a Greek term which means miracle or wonder working. Someone who uses magic to change things in the physical world.

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