Thief of Thieves Axe

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Thief of Thieves Axe
DQT Thief of Thieves Axe.png
Japanese 大盗賊のオノ
Romaji Dai tōzoku no ono
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest Tact
Effect Increases the wielder's physical potency.

The Thief of Thieves Axe is a weapon that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is the hand axe wielded by the infamous Robbin' 'Ood himself and can give him a boost to his abilities.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

The Thief of Thieves Axe is an A-rank axe that appears as part of the limited True Dragon Quest III event that can be received as a reward for completing the Shampane Tower stage of Searching for a Legend at any difficulty or purchased from the event Swap Shop. It has an ATK bonus of +22, increases the wielder's Physical Potency by 2%, and has three slots for Alchemy Effects. Some of the potential effects are increasing the potency of Robbin' 'Ood's Invincible 'Ood and My Mighty Flame skills.
