The sword Rednusadner (read backwards as "rend asunder") is a sword given to the hero of the game after the defeat of the mirror guardian Draug (who's name spelled backwards is "Guard"). While the sword may not be too powerful, it gives the player the Master Stroke "Figure of Fate", which is charged up by drawing a figure eight during the execution of said Master Stroke. From the point that the Hero receives Rednusadner, several plot points focus on the Figure of Fate Master Stroke.
Rednusadner can be tempered (upgraded) into the Aurora Blade, which is much stronger and give the player the Master Stroke "Light Fantastic", which is excecuted nearly the same way as "Figure of Fate", except that it requires three slashes to finish instead of one. The Aurora Blade can then be tempered into the Dragovian King Sword, Zenithian Sword, or Sword of Kings, which can also be made by upgrading a Steel Broadsword several times along a certain upgrade path.