Coup de Grâce

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Coup de Grâces are powerful attacks that vary depending on the vocation. For example, a Warrior's is Critical Claim, a Paladin's is Knight Watch, etc. A Coup de Grâce is not available at the start of battle. When you can use your Coup de Grâce, it notifies you by saying:

[party member] is primed to perform a coup de grâce!

If the battle is over before you can use the coup de grâce (the monster is defeated, fled, or all party members are defeated), or the party member primed to use the coup de grâce dies, then the coup de grâce is lost.

Examples of coup de grâces

  • Roaring Tirade: Martial Artist: All enemies are unable to move. This coup de grâce is similar to War Cry, which can be learned by martial artists also.
  • Critical Claim: Warrior: This coup de grâce attacks the opponent. No matter what, this attack strikes a critical hit.
  • Knight Watch: Paladin: Attacks will do nothing for a few turns on the person who used it. All of the opponents are enraged to the person who used it.
  • Rough 'n Tumble: Minstrel: Evasion and the ability to counterattack go up.
  • 0 Zone: Mage: Reduces MP cost to zero for a short while.
  • Itemized Kill: Thief: Guaranteed item drop from the enemy it is used on.
  • Tension Boost: Gladiator: Boosts tension up to 50 or maximum.
  • Spelly Breath: Sage: Recovers all lost MP to the caster.