
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 14:13, 27 January 2010 by FlyingRagnar (talk | contribs)

Rimuldar is the only major town located on the southeastern continent of Alefgard. It is accessible in Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest III.

Dragon Quest

Rimuldar is the first location where the hero may purchase Magic Keys. This is the primary purpose for visiting, as keys are required in order to complete the game.

Dragon Quest II

As with the other towns/villages in Alefgard, Rimuldar is not accessible in Dragon Quest II despite its location being available. A single forest tile represents where the town would be on the world map.

Dragon Quest III

Rimuldar is the final town visited before the final dungeon in the game, Zoma's Castle. However, Rimuldar does not contain any required items for completing the game.