
From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 22:09, 15 April 2014 by FlyingRagnar (talk | contribs)


|title = ''use the title of the article (ex.'' Yakusou'')''
|image = ''add'' [[Image:''ImageName.ext'']] ''so the image will appear.'' 
|japanese = ''use kana only (ex.'' やくそう'')''
|names = ''example:'' Herb''<br>'' Medical Herb''<br>'' Medicinal Herb
|games =
|buy = ''if not a constant number (ex. 8G) enter the range (ex. 6-12G), including the specific detail in the article''
|sell = ''if not a constant number (ex. 8G) enter the range (ex. 6-4G), including the specific detail in the article''
|effect = ''if effect is not constant, use'' various, see article