The Budding Sorcerer is a enemy in Dragon Quest VI. Based on the Green Man of Celtic myth, it is a troublesome tree troll that likes to send players to slumberland. A large pink flower is in full bloom atop their head and they wizened, branch-like limbs along with twigs jutting from their backs. They also carry a supply of medicinal herbs in their robes to munch on when the time is right.


Dragon Quest VI

#17 - Budding Sorcerer
HP MP Experience Gold
22 3 21 16
Attack Defense Speed
29 20 13
Dropped Item Cypress stick
Skills Medicinal Herb
Spells Snooze
Bestiary # 17
Game Dragon Quest VI
Console DS


Blooming sorcerer

The Blooming sorcerer has made it through winter's harsh chill, and picked up sizz to keep itself warm and burn through foes with blistering fire.

#29 - Blooming Sorcerer
HP MP Experience Gold
30 9 22 24
Attack Defense Speed
38 33 17
Dropped Item Iron staff
Spells Sizz
Bestiary # 29
Game Dragon Quest VI
Console DS
