Darkness Breath

Darkness Breath is a breath attack that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It emits shadowy energy to damage enemies.


Darkness Breath is known naturally by Dragon zombie, Lost soul, and Shadow at level 1 and costs 9 MP to use. It deals minor Zam-type breath damage to any enemies in a straight line of three squares in front of the user. It can also be taught to any unit by using an ability scroll, which is received as a reward for completing the second stage of Walking corpse's Battle Road.

Darkness Breath (暗黒の息 Ankoku no iki) 
Ability information
Darkness Breath
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Breath   9
Range Additional effects
Straight line
Deals minor Zam-type breath damage to all enemies in area of effect
Naturally learnt by
Dragon zombie, Lost soul, Shadow

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