Fert Isle

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Fert Isle is one of the seven islands in the Green Bays archipelago in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker. It is a Danger Rank S island and, although the story begins here, the last of the islands accessed in the game. The environment is quite overgrown and jungle-like. Like most of the other locations, Fert Isle contains a Scoutpost, where the player can save the game, rest, reorganize the party, etc. Additionally, this is the only way to reach CELL Headquarters, where Warden Trump, can be found.

The Diamagon can transform into a Wulfspade ace if brought to the final shrine's Nexus. Guarding this sacred place is a diabolical Demon-at-arms.




There is a one-time-only chance to scout a Boss troll inside a large treehole.