List of enemies in Dragon Quest IX

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DQIX has over a hundred types of monsters split into different families.

Slime Family

  • 001-Slime: The mascot for the entire DQ series, the slime is the weakest enemy you will encounter. However when the team up they become more powerful. (Found near Angel Falls and the Hexagon)
  • 014-She Slime: A red color version of the regular slime. (Found in Eastern/Western Stornway)
  • 016-Bubble Slime-Also known as Babble or the Poison Slime since they can poison you and your party. (Found Western Stornway and Zere)
  • 029-Healslime: Slimes that heal obviously, often summoned by other monsters. (Found in Brigadoom and Western Coffinwell)
  • 046-Metal Slime: Probably the second most well known DQ monster, these little guys are tough to kill and often run away, but the experience from killing one is very rewarding. (Found in Quarantomb and Pluvi Isle)