List of items in Dragon Quest Builders

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Revision as of 15:07, 31 January 2024 by LiquidMetal (talk | contribs) (Removed the projectiles and tools, as they are listed in the weapons list)
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These items are more akin to those seen in mainline DQ games. They are usually disposable and provide immediate results when used. The tools and vehicles can be used indefinitely.

Disposable items
Image Name Obtention Description Uses Recipe
Holy water builders icon.png Holy water Craft in Diviner's altar A bottle of blessed water with purifying powers. Purifies the surrounding land. Pure water x1
Springtide sprinkles.png Springtide sprinkles Craft in Color wheel Pretty powder that prepares parks for the picnic period.
Note: Day One Edition Bonus Item.
Changes nearby trees into cherry blossom trees and earth floors into straw floor blocks. Broken branch x5, Plumberry x5, Coal x1
Faerie fertiliser icon.png Faerie fertiliser Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table Magical manure that speeds seedlings’ growth. Use in Terra Incognita to make plants grow. Bones x1, White petals x1, Earth x1
Confetti icon.png Confetti Craft in Color wheel Small squares of colourful crepe paper. Can be used repeatedly Freezia flower x10, Magic dye x3
Healing cream icon.png Healing cream Craft in Tree stump Mason's workstation Builder's workbench Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table A palliative paste of pure white petals. Restores 15 HP. White petals x3
Medicinal herb builders icon.png Medicinal herb Craft in Mason's workstation Builder's workbench Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table A carefully prepared pouch of pain-relieving leaves. Restores 30 HP. Medicinal leaf x3
Antidotal herb builders icon.png Antidotal herb Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table A curative compound of antivenomous vegetation. Cures poison Medicinal leaf x1, Sticky liquid x1, Pink petals x1
Defuddle drops.png Defuddle drops Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table Pale little pills of mind-blowing bitterness. Cancels confusion Confusing claw x1, Frogstool x1, Yellow petals x1
Tingle tablet icon.png Tingle tablet Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table A big, black bolus that brings numb limbs back to life. Cures the effect of paralysis. Paralystinger x1, Cod x1, White petals x1
Sheen salts icon.png Sheen salts Craft in Diviner's altar A sanctified solution of curse-cleansing compounds. Banishes curses. Holy water builders icon.png x1, Silver x1
Yggdrasil essence icon.png Yggdrasil essence Craft in Diviner's altar An exotic elixir made to mirror the world tree’s dew. Revives and restores you to full health upon death. Automatically used if held. Holy water builders icon.png x1, Medicinal leaf x3, White petals x3, Scare root x1
Divine draught icon.png Divine draught Craft in Transmutation table A consecrated concoction that can cure the incurable. To be used when required. Holyhock x5, Liquid silver x3, Pure water x1
Chimaera wing builders icon.png Chimaera wing Craft in Mason's workstation Builder's workbench A fastly tied fan of fluttering feathers. Instantly transports you to your base. Chimaera feather x5
Nopic.png Elle's cure Start Chapter 3. (Mobile & Steam versions only) A healing cream made specially by Elle. Restores 30 HP. None.
Wrecking ball icon.png Wrecking ball Craft in Mason's workstation Machinist's workbench An explosive steel sphere filled with fulminatory fragments. Explored a short time after being placed. Rockbomb shard x3 Iron ingot x1 Cord x1

Image Name Obtention Description Uses Recipe
Bashmobile icon.png Bashmobile Craft in Welder's workbench Machinist's workbench A spiked trike that can move at scary speeds. Can be ridden to increase movement speed.
Can be used repeatedly.
Vulcovoltaic magimotor x1 Magic ingot x8 Thermobattery x5
Wooden minecart icon.png Wooden minecart Craft in Welder's workbench Machinist's workbench A classic cart with a frame fashioned from wood. Can be used to ride on track.
Can be used repeatedly.
Wood x2 Copper ingot x1
Metal minecart icon.png Metal minecart Craft in Welder's workbench Machinist's workbench A classic cart with a frame fashioned from wood. Can be used to ride on track.
Can be used repeatedly.
Iron ingot x2 Copper ingot x1
DQB Mobile Mega minecart.jpg Mega minecart Craft in Mason's workstation (Mobile & Steam versions only) A cart that clatters at break-neck speeds. Can be used to ride on track.
Can be used repeatedly.
Steel ingot x5 Iron ingot x5
DQB Mobile Magic Carpet.jpg Magic carpet Craft in Mason's workstation (Mobile & Steam versions only, requires paid DLC) A fantastical flying carpet that you can ride anywhere. Can be used repeatedly. Grassy leaves x10 Chimaera feather x5

Image Name Obtention Description Uses Recipe
Wheat seed icon.png Wheat seed Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The tiny, golden seed from which great sheaves of grain are grown. Plant in tilled earth to grow wheat. Score +30 pts. Wheat x1
Heartfruit seed icon.png Heartfruit seed Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The heart-shaped seed of a heart-shaped fruit. Plant in water to grow heartfruit. Score +30 pts. Heartfruit x1
Sugar cane seedling icon.png Sugar cane seedling Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The sweet little seedling of a sugarcane plant. Plant in water to grow sugarcane plants. Score +30 pts. Sugar cane x1
Butterbean sprout icon.png Butterbean sprout Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The soft and slippery sprout of a big, green bean. Plant in tilled earth to grow butterbean plants. Score +30 pts. Butterbeans x1
Potato sprout icon.png Potato sprout Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The sprouting root of a sprouting root crop. Plant in tilled earth to grow potato plants. Score +30 pts. Potato x1
Holyhock seed icon.png Holyhock Craft in Herbalist's cauldron Transmutation table The shining seed of a blessed blossom. Plant in tilled earth to grow a holyhock flower. Score +30 pts. Holyhock x1

Novelty items
Image Name Obtention Description Uses
Architects exposed icon.png Architects exposed Fishing A special-interest periodical with an especially interesting pull-out section. None.
Welly icon.png Welly Fishing A damp and dilapidated wellington boot with the sole flopping off. None.


  • The faerie fertilizer's appearance is based on the Sacksquatch monster.
  • The two novetly items, Architects exposed and Welly, have no use at all. They are they only obtainable items in the game to lack use.
  • The Springtide sprinkles and the confetti can be crafted at the Mason's workstation in the Mobile & Steam versions.
  • The Mobile version adds the following items: Elle's cure, Gloves, Mega minecart and Magic carpet.