Patissier knight

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Revision as of 03:25, 16 August 2021 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

The Pâtissier knight is a special monster that appears in Dragon Quest Tact. It is a Snooty slime knight who has taken up as a pastry chef, wielding a whisk in one hand and a shield shaped like a chocolate bowl in the other.


Pâtissier knights are a subspecies of the Slime knight, riding a giant fuchsia slime instead of the normal lime green one. It wears a white chef's outfit with red shorts and a red neckerchief over black leggings, turquoise boots and gloves, and a white toque with a heart on it over their knight's helmet. Their slime mount has a decorate red bow on its left side and appears to have gotten smeared with chocolate.


Dragon Quest Tact

The pâtissier knight appears as an A-rank monster of the Slime family as part of the limited Operation Love Struck event. It can learn Heart Breaker, Chocolate Toss, and Sweet Rush naturally and its Leader Perk raises the physical potency of slimes, including itself, by 10% in a 5x5 square around it. The pâtissier knight will join the party in the quest "Encounter with the Patissier Knight" and it can be fully awakened by collecting Pâtissier Knight Crystals from Valentine Event Super Training Quests at any difficulty. The pâtissier knight also stars in its own Battle Road.

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