Swamps of Sickness

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Swamps of Sickness is the second major region explored in Dragon Quest Builders, being the defiled remains of Rimuldar's once pristine lake and forests. The terrain is much less forgiving than any found in Cantlin, and the Bodkin family of monsters will happily snipe at the craftsman from afar.


The first inhabitant of Rimuldar base is Elle, a nun who seeks to cure the land of the cataclysmic contagions the swamp produces. Her first request is for the Builder to construct a sanitarium, then search the immediate area for patients to fill it with. Helping her will restore the village to grace bring hope back to the people, but will also draw the ire of the Hades Condor watching from above.


Raw materials

Raw materials requiring shovels

Building materials



See also
