
Theddon is a town found in Dragon Quest III, located in what equates to the southern region of the real world African continent.

By being the closest to Baramos' lair, it was the site of the fiend's first assault upon the world. During the day, Theddon is destroyed and deserted; but at night the former inhabitants return, unaware of their own passing...


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

Theddon is first mentioned by the keeper of the Portoga Lighthouse, which players will see after gaining their ship. Sailing southward from the strait of Portoga across the continent will put the town into view quickly. The nun at the Wayfarer's Shrine warns of the state of Theddon, but does not go into detail.

The townsfolk were cursed by Baramos after his forces killed them, being unable to move on to the afterlife and not even realizing that they are dead. The innkeeper and store owners operate as they did in real life and the player will not be tricked for using their services, but until the fiend is slain there is no help for these lost souls. The Green Orb is given to the player by the prisoner, who instructs them to travel to the southernmost continent. In order to speak to the man, the Ultimate Key is required.

Remake changesEdit

  • The day time music has been altered to sound much more sombre
  • The price of the inn has been dropped from 31 gold coins per person to just 1 each, encouraging players to rest at the town and learn the truth.

Shops & servicesEdit

  Weapon and armor shop (NES
Item Price Attributes
  Somatic staff2,500+25
  Angel's robe4,400+30
  Bronze shield180+7
  Iron mask3,500+25

  Weapon and armor shop (Remakes) 
Item Price Attributes
  Morning star1,700?
  Spiked steel whip3,100+40
  Sizeable scissors4,70047
  Magical skirt1,500+25
  Magic vestment4,400+30
  Magic armour5,800+40
  Pointy hat2,300+21


Nearby monstersEdit

Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeEdit

Shops & servicesEdit

  Weapon & armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
  Morning star3,700Attack +38
  Spiked steel whip4,200Attack +40
  Sizeable scissors4,100Attack +48
  Magical skirt24,000Defense +25
-25% all spell damage<br.Women only
  Magic armour6,900Defence +50
-33% all spell damage
  Pointy hat230Defence +21
  Black bandana1,900Defence +24

Map & GalleryEdit