Dragon Quest VI Party Chat
This is a transcript of the Party Chat from Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.
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(*): ......
(*): Be careful, Hero. I sense that our presence here has not gone unnoticed.
(*): Right, let's push on.
(*): Ya gettin' a whiff of this foul air? Aye, this is Murdaw's castle, alright.
(*): Keep your eyes peeled, Hero! The enemy could strike at any moment!
(*): It seems that Murdaw has already decided the path to our destiny...
(*): So ol' Murdaw keeps his doors locked, aye?
(*): Ya think he's scared of me? He better be.
(*): The presence of evil up here is stifling...
(*): Aye, you feel that? We're closin' in on somethin' evil. It's like the air's suddenly gettin' heavy.
(*): Are you ready, Hero?
It's time!
(*): Bah! I'm through with thinkin'!
After you, Hero!
(*): What are you doing, Hero!? We need to get to Murdaw, quickly!
(*): Avast, Hero! This ain't the right way! Ya want that slimy Murdaw to slip away on us!?
(*): Are you ready, Hero?
It's time!
(*): Bah! I'm through with thinkin'!
After you, Hero!
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Carver: Why are we still hangin' around Somnia, Hero? Got a hot date or somethin'?
Carver: Whatever your business, do it quick so we can wrangle that mustang 'n everything like that!
Carver: Maybe they'll make us honest-to-Goddess soldiers if we catch that horse, aye?
Carver: Trouble? Hero, I don't think you could cause trouble if ya tried.
Carver: Crikey... That's a poor reason to become a soldier.
Carver: Sorry, kid, but my fist's got Murdaw's name all over it. M-U-R-D-A... Oh, the W's on my foot.
Carver: Arf! Ruff! Arf!
Carver: Had ya goin' there, aye, Hero? I can't speak dog. Not fluently, anyway...
Carver: Hah! I make drab uniforms look good.
Carver: Giant chasms, aye? Would it kill Murdaw to do somethin' NOT evil for once?
Carver: More power by the hour, aye? Then we just need to gain more power by the half-hour!
Carver: Sweet! Time for a little spillunkin'... Er, spellinkin'...
Uh, cave explorin'!
Carver: C'mon, Hero, let's help the lady out.
Carver: See there? No good deed goes unrewarded!
Carver: The western forest, aye? I thought mustangs liked livin' in meadows or on the range, but whatever...
Carver: Easy there, old salt. Leave the heavy liftin' to us strappin' lads.
Carver: I'll bet lots of ladies have a thing for the King.
Lucky guy...
Carver: Rest easy, old timer! With the two of us on the job, ya got nothin' to worry about!
Carver: Wow. He should be happy he lived to tell the tale.
Carver: Huh... The forest north of the bridge out west, aye?
Carver: Perfect! Alright, Hero, lead the charge to this forest!
Carver: Sounds like one wonderful wagon, alright.
Carver: A fine set of wheels like that could survive a trip halfway round the world, easy.
Carver: Oh, didn't you see the wagon, Hero?
Carver: Well, I did. It looked like one smart set of wheels.
Carver: Hey, uh... I ain't so sure we should be in here, Hero.
Carver: King Somnus never so much as nods off?
What's his secret?
Carver: Me, I'm worthless without my beauty rest.
Carver: She's out like a light. Wonder what she's dreamin' of.
Carver: Mm? Seems like we're not alone in here.
Carver: A monster right here in town, aye? The world really is fallin' apart.
Carver: This must be the ring that lady lost.
Carver: Let's go back up and give it to her!
Carver: It's nice to be able to waltz in here like you own the place, aye?
Carver: You got it, old fella. We'll do what we can to help ya out!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Ya need to respect your elders 'n everything like that.
Carver: If the King's smart, he'll pick us for the mission and no one else.
Carver: Hey, everyone needs a hobby, aye? Me, I like kicking monsters in the face.
Carver: You got it, arms-in-brother– Wait, what did he call me?
Carver: Aw, don't listen to him, Hero. They'll be singin' a different song once we catch that mustang!
Carver: I'll be one before long, too! Don't ya forget it!
Carver: See, Hero? Wranglin' that horse is your ticket in!
Carver: The “phantom realm”? Wonder what the girls look like there...
Carver: When His Majesty cracks the case, we'll be ready to crack Murdaw's jaw.
Carver: Aye, the King might even be a better man than me.
...I said “might”.
Carver: That's what I'm tellin' you! We need to catch that mustang, and fast!
Carver: Whoa! I'd almost give up sleep for two breakfasts, two lunches, and two dinners a day.
Carver: Hey, what about me?
Carver: Ah, don't let it bother ya, Hero.
Carver: Urgh! My stomach's all in knots...
Carver: ......
Carver: Aye! Let's go and help someone in need, Hero! Wranglin' that mustang sounds like a job for us!
Carver: Don't worry, Hero. Once we catch that horse, they'll have no choice but to induct you, aye?
Carver: Can you believe that? Studyin' day and night without so much as a catnap!
That makes my head hurt...
Carver: The military's itchin' for a fight, aye? Good to know we've got backup.
Carver: Hmm... Hope we get to meet the King soon, too, aye?
Carver: A search expedition? You don't think she's talkin' about that wild mustang, do ya?
Carver: Geh. He got us good, aye?
Carver: Fair enough. He's a pretty busy guy, ya know.
Carver: We'll have to catch that mustang by ourselves!
Carver: These prison guards aren't much for conversation...
Carver: Huh. Next thing ya know, folks'll be tellin' us this horse can fly, too.
Carver: Never mind. I'm not afraid of some monster mustang!
Carver: Giddy up, Hero! Let's wrangle this monster mustang!
Carver: Ya ready, Hero? We're gonna get this mustang, and that's that.
Carver: Whoa there, horsey! Whoa!
Carver: She's not such a monster mustang when you see her eye-to-eye, aye, Hero?
Carver: Alright, Hero. Let's get this beast back to that old timer in the castle.
Carver: The more I size up Peggy Sue, the more I'm gonna hate givin' her up.
Carver: We'll both be Somnian soldiers for sure now, Hero!
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Carver: Hang on, Hero – your village is all the way up this mountain?
Carver: I never would've guessed. Mountain folk are hardy, but you're as skinny as a twig!
Carver: Not exactly smooth sailin', aye? What're all these monsters doin' on this mountain!?
Carver: “Buddy”, huh? Seems more like a henchman, the way he looks after the place for ya.
Carver: Must be a mountain thing.
Carver: An inn inside a mountain? Now I've seen everything.
Carver: Whoa! This is my kind of town! It's like a carnival 'n everything like that.
Carver: I love bustlin' towns like this. They make the peace we got all the more worth protectin'. Funny... I feel like I've had this thought before...
Carver: It's like some kinda festival, aye? Time to really let our hair down, Hero.
Carver: Oh, it's bazaar time, aye? Well, that explains all the hustle 'n bustle.
Carver: The price wars around here must be brutal, what with the wall-to-wall stalls 'n everything like that.
Carver: Being a merchant sounds like a stressful job. I'll stick to fightin'.
Carver: King Somnus comes here? You'd think he'd have a royal shopper or somethin'.
Carver: “Net loss”, huh? If I see one, I'll teach it the meaning of “tooth loss” with a kick to the jaw.
Carver: And I thought monsters were mean. These merchants are cutthroats!
Carver: Is there anythin' ya can't buy at this bazaar, Hero?
Carver: Oh, they sell stuff in sets, do they? Hmm... But is it any cheaper that way?
Carver: That ain't cheap, no, but that doesn't mean it ain't a good deal, either.
Carver: Ah, well... You can't always get what ya want.
Carver: Pot lids, aye? I don't need any stinkin' lids, me bein' a martial artist 'n everything like that.
Carver: This business pits brother against brother? What a dirty job.
Carver: Is there anythin' ya can't buy at this bazaar, Hero?
Carver: That doesn't seem like smart shoppin', buying somethin' sight-unseen...
Carver: I doubt anyone here would fall for that trick, but you be careful, Hero.
Carver: So Bill's the younger brother and Buck's the older one, aye? I need to find a way to remember that.
Carver: And here I was hopin' we'd find the King out shopping...
Carver: Let's go accomplish great things, aye? Then maybe the King will call on us!
Carver: Whoa. The crownsmith's daughter is a real jewel.
Carver: Looks like she didn't inherit her dad's looks.
Carver: What's that festival of yours like, Hero? You'd better invite me up to it someday.
Carver: The town inn, aye?
Carver: Hey Hero, how about we go and test it out?
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Carver: I can't wait to see the look on that wagon guy's face!
Carver: I hope that old timer doesn't have a heart attack when he lays eyes on this mare.
Carver: Come on, Hero! Let's go to the castle and make the old guy's year!
Carver: Funny how the whole town seems different when things are goin' our way, aye?
Carver: Hardy har! I'm in a mood to kick up a little trouble, Hero!
Carver: Folks probably thought she was a dangerous horse 'cause of how big she is. Hey, I know the feeling.
Carver: Wow, Peggy Sue's really the talk of the town, aye?
Carver: Hey, Hero, how about we cut down on the chit-chat and hightail it to the castle, aye?
Carver: All the monster sightings have made folks nervous around this poor horse. But she's such a sweetheart!
Carver: Sounds like this king really needs our help.
Carver: Aye, King Somnus has his work cut out for him.
Carver: Folks probably thought she was a dangerous horse 'cause of how big she is. Hey, I know the feeling.
Carver: See, Hero? Let's get Peggy Sue into the castle, pronto!
Carver: Huh? I know Peggy Sue is special, but legendary?
Carver: Suppose that's what happens when ya bring a horse into a bathroom. Some straw oughta soak up that mess.
Carver: Sounds like this king really needs our help.
Carver: Wow, Peggy Sue's really the talk of the town, aye?
Carver: Hero, come on! We didn't go through all this just so you could pick on the poor fella!
Carver: Believe me, I know. There's no wagon Peggy Sue can't pull!
Carver: Hmm... Guess horses ain't exactly indoor animals. She's wearin' out our welcome.
Carver: They really love their king here, aye, Hero?
Carver: Why do horses love oats so much? Me, I need protein!
Carver: See? Peggy Sue grows on people. She's really somethin', aye?
Carver: It's good to see folks got the fightin' spirit around here.
Carver: Folks around here really are crazy about their king.
Carver: Huh. Wonder what King Somnus lost?
Carver: Man, if folks are this scared of a sweet horse, how will they react when Murdaw shows up?
Carver: Well, well! We managed to impress the King. Aren't we special!
Carver: He's a nice fellow for a king. I thought he'd be older, though. And taller.
Carver: We did it, Hero! Peggy Sue and the wagon are all ours!
Carver: What kind of name is Ra, anyway? Got any ideas on where to look for this mirror, Hero?
Carver: We'll be sure to find this mirror... As soon as we figure out where to look.
Carver: Aye, King Somnus has his work cut out for him.
Carver: The north-eastern checkpoint, aye? Well, daylight's wastin'. Let's shove off, Hero!
Carver: Right. Time to hit the north-eastern checkpoint, Hero!
Carver: We should be proud we got the job, but we need some clues, fast!
Carver: Hmm... Ya know, Hero, I think I'll let you be the brains on this mission.
Carver: If that mirror can be found, we'll find it first... No doubt about it!
Carver: Let's do this, Hero! Can't fall behind the other soldiers, aye?
Carver: Do you really think King Somnus stays up all the time? Maybe he sleepworks and no one notices.
Carver: Seems like findin' leads is gonna be tougher than we thought.
Carver: Don't worry! We'll do our best for all the folks who didn't get picked, aye?
Carver: Come on, Hero. To the north-eastern checkpoint!
Carver: Hardy har! There's no wagon in the world that our Peggy Sue can't pull.
Carver: Come on, Hero. To the north-eastern checkpoint!
Carver: Was that fella cryin' tears of joy or sadness? I'll bet he's just proud to see his wagon get some use.
Carver: Off we go, Hero! To the north-eastern checkpoint, then on to Ra's mirror!
Carver: A mirror that shows only the truth, aye...?
Carver: Bet that thing would shatter if it tried to reflect my muscles. It can't handle the truth!
Carver: Aye, King Somnus has his work cut out for him.
Carver: You prayin' for safe travel to the checkpoint?
Good thinkin'.
Carver: Hmm... Ya know, Hero, I think I'll let you be the brains on this mission.
Carver: Hmm... This might wind up bein' a long journey. Good thing we have that horse 'n wagon, aye?
Carver: Come on, Hero! We need to start headin' for the north-eastern checkpoint!
Carver: Hey Hero, that's enough sightseein'. Let's shove off toward the north-eastern checkpoint!
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Carver: This place brings back memories. Wasn't that long ago when we climbed this tower, ya know.
Carver: Alright, Hero, let's get to the north-eastern checkpoint.
Carver: Whew! Got my lower-body workout for today.
Carver: So this is your home village, aye, Hero?
Not too shabby.
Milly: So this is Weaver's Peak, is it? What a lovely place!
Carver: It's really quiet around here. Tranquil, even.
Carver: Wow, your village is great. The air's fresh. The folks are down to earth. And what a view!
Carver: Seems like a place like this would breed hardy folk, Hero. So what's your excuse?
Milly: What a wonderful village. I could see myself settling down in a place like this one day.
Milly: The air here is so fresh and clean! It's like a different world up here in the mountains.
Carver: Is that your cat in the front, Hero? I'm more of a horse person, myself.
Milly: Aww... That cat reminds me of Madame Luca's kitty.
Carver: I'm sure all the monsters'll disappear once we take out Murdaw.
Carver: Don't let the pressure get to ya, Hero. I've got your back!
Carver: Of course Hero is stronger now... He's been hangin' about with me.
Carver: Hardy har! Kids sure say the funniest things, aye?
Carver: “Mountain spirit”, aye? That your neighbourhood deity, Hero?
Carver: Wonder if monsters see Murdaw as their protective spirit... Well, our spirits can beat up theirs, anyway!
Carver: How does it feel to be the big man around town, Hero?
Carver: Service with some style! I like that!
Carver: Me, I could use a stiff drink, too. But I'll wait until we're done with Murdaw.
Carver: Folks are really on edge over Murdaw, aye?
Carver: These folks should stay put. The mountain's still crawlin' with monsters.
Carver: So your village is famous for weavin', aye?
Carver: Passed down through generations 'n everything like that? Isn't that nice?
Carver: How does it feel to be the big man around town, Hero?
Carver: Well, don't stop believin' in your weavin'.
Carver: Passed down through generations 'n everything like that? Isn't that nice?
Carver: So folks around here don't trust this Buddy guy, aye?
Carver: He seemed reliable enough to me.
Carver: Good to know you've got someone watchin' over ya in this village.
Carver: Whoa! That armour is out of this world! I bet it's packed with spirit power!
Carver: That armour must be unbreakable, aye?
Carver: I can feel the power pulsin' from it. It's givin' me goosebumps.
Carver: Your mayor sure seems like a nice fella, Hero.
Carver: Whoa, Hero. I didn't know ya had it in you!
Carver: Yer sister's out of this world, Hero. She doesn't look much like you, though.
Milly: You must feel blessed to have such a cute sister, Hero.
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Carver: I always get sleepy when I see a bed... But no time for nappin' now!
Milly: I do like an inn with a unique atmosphere. And this one is certainly unique...
Carver: Ahoy! We're at the checkpoint!
Carver: I bet the monsters are a lot tougher beyond here. Can't wait to find out!
Carver: Never been past here myself. I've always dreamt of seein' the world, ya know.
Carver: Uh, okay. So go north-east, head south, look for a house...
Carver: Gah! I'm lousy with directions. I'll leave this one to you, Hero.
Carver: Right! Don't worry about us.
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Carver: Whoa. Not bad lookin', for a nun.
Carver: Who says nuns are no fun? Oh, right... I do.
Carver: Oh, I won't, Sister, I won't! Hardy har!
Carver: Blimey! Someone's made it here before we did!
Carver: No more wastin' time, Hero. Let's keep movin'!
Carver: Avast! What's a house doin' way out here?
Carver: Looks like someone lives here. Let's drop in and say hello, Hero.
Carver: Bit of a weirdo, aye?
Carver: Maybe we should leave him be.
Carver: Well, here's the shed I built. It ain't fancy, but it's solid.
Carver: Now it's time for that back scratchin' we were promised.
Carver: That dwarf duped us! What does Alltrades have to do with Ra's mirror!?
Carver: I trust this dwarf as far as I can throw him. Actually, that's probably pretty far...
Let's poke around the river.
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Carver: Well, what have we here! Looks like that dwarf was good for somethin'.
Carver: If the rest of his tale's true, there's a big ol' abbey waitin' for us east of here!
Carver: So maybe that dwarf wasn't fibbin' about the river path...
Carver: But do you really think there's an abbey on the other side? I suppose we should see...
Carver: I think you and me'll get along just fine, Hero. A real dream team!
Carver: I feel like we were fated to meet, ya know? Like it was destiny 'n everything like that.
Carver: Ah, sorry to get all emotional on ya. Let's go wrangle us a mustang!
Carver: Looks like we're partners in crime startin' today.
Carver: Word back in town was that the mustang was prancin' around the forest to the west.
Carver: Let's charge over there and bag that beast, aye?
Carver: Kinda nice sharin' the road with someone for a change. I feel like I've already known ya for a while.
Carver: Think that mustang'll be a real handful, aye?
Don't be scared...
Carver: Haunches of steel and a fiery temper.
...I'm talkin' about me, not the horse.
I'll tame the beast!
Carver: Havin' me around sure makes fightin' easier, aye?
Carver: I bet the monsters were eatin' you for breakfast 'fore I came along. My left bicep weighs more than you!
Carver: Well, here we are. Time for some serious horseplay!
Carver: Hey! This horse is makin' monkeys out of us!
Carver: I'll show that beast who's boss. Next time we give chase, I ain't stoppin'! Ya hear me, horse!?
Carver: Hey, I think this horse is too smart for us. We need a stratergy... Uh, a strategery... Er, a plan!
Carver: Ahh, I feel like a new man! Fine weather we're havin', aye?
Carver: Ya gotta take a load off sometimes, Hero. Be good to your body and it'll be good to you.
Carver: C'mon! Let's go see that old fella in the castle!
Carver: Peggy Sue's really tame for a wild horse...
Carver: And to think folks called her a “monster mustang”. Weird, aye?
Carver: Nice! A mission straight from the big man himself! We're movin' up in the world, Hero!
Carver: He picked the right guys, aye? Ra's mirror is as good as ours!
Carver: If I was a legendary mirror, where would I be? Hmm...
Carver: That's a lonely job, guardin' that checkpoint. I'd go mad – I'm a people person, ya see.
Carver: Looks like we're venturin' into foreign territory... Who knows what we'll run into.
Carver: He said somethin' about a place to rest up north-east, aye? And then a house down south and to the west. Let's scout it out!
Carver: That nun in there was easy on the eyes, aye?
Carver: Mm? You want to pay her another visit, Hero? Hardy har! I don't blame ya.
Carver: I'm a martial artist. These hands were made to tear stuff apart, so don't ask me how I just put that together...
Carver: That dwarf and his mind games... Drove me crazy, he did!
Carver: You just know he was makin' up that story about a tunnel under the river, too.
Carver: We're certainly not in Somnia any more, aye?
Carver: Huh? What's so different about it? Don't ask me.
I'm just tryin' to make conversation.
Carver: The monsters're a lot stronger on this side of the river, don't ya think?
Carver: I know we're on king's orders, but maybe takin' it slow ain't a bad idea. Can't find Ra's mirror if we're dead!
Carver: Whew. That cave have enough monsters for ya?
Carver: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, aye, Hero? Keep buildin' those skills!
Carver: We're really startin' to fight as a team, aye?
Carver: You'll be up to my level in no time...maybe.
Carver: Whoa! It's really here!?
Carver: Looks like that dwarf was right.
I still find it hard to believe...
Carver: Hang on! What's that land down there?
Carver: Hey, uh... You aren't thinkin' about doing anythin' crazy, are ya?
Carver: Don't come cryin' to me later if you get yourself killed falling down that hole, Hero!
Carver: Whoa! What the heck is that!?
Carver: Are you seein' what I'm seein'? This...this pit!?
Carver: Watch your step, Hero! You'll break more than your leg if you fall in there!
Carver: (gulp) Just lookin' over the side makes my head spin.
Carver: Hey, uh... What exactly are ya plannin' here, Hero? You're not thinkin' what I think you're thinkin', aye?
Carver: I see some kinda land down there, but it's not makin' any sense...
Carver: What in the name of the Goddess is goin' on here!?
Carver: I didn't just dream all that, did I?
Carver: “Ruins”, aye...? Well, the place was ruined, alright.
Carver: It's an odd feelin', walking around half-visible. I'm used to seein' and bein' seen, ya know.
Carver: Oh, and don't go playin' any dirty tricks just because you're invisible, Hero. It's temptin', but...
Carver: Wh-What was that creepy voice...?
Carver: Ugh. That old hag sure was pushy, aye?
Carver: 'Course, we can't get much done lookin' like this, ya know.
Carver: Guess we have no choice but to track down that “dream dew” stuff...
Carver: That lady gave us ten medicinal herbs... Ten!
Carver: Ya think she's tryin' to tell us the cave's not, ya know, safe?
Carver: I can't believe she used to go in there by herself. She's got almost as much guts as me! Almost.
Carver: Ya think Milly's related to that old girl? I don't see the resemblance.
Carver: If ya think about it, that dream dew stuff's pretty much our only solid lead here, aye?
Carver: Maybe I shoulda turned on the charm with that old hag.
Carver: Huh? Which way is south? Don't ask me, Hero. Do I look like I've got a compass in my head?
Carver: Huzzah! Finally got our hands on that dream dew stuff!
Carver: Not that it's doin' anything for us yet. Think we sprinkle it on our feet or somethin'?
Carver: I suppose we'd better go and ask that old Luca lady.
Carver: Is it me, or does everything look different now that folks can see us again?
Milly: Now that you're visible, you should be able to get all sorts of useful information from the people in town.
Carver: Pretty long haul between the port and Somnia Castle, aye?
Carver: We better get movin'.
Milly: Somnia's this way, isn't it?
Milly: Somnia Castle should be due west of where we got off the ferry.
Carver: Well, that was odd. First they practically parade us into the castle, then they dump us like dirty bilge water.
Carver: Ah, well. Guess we might as well hit Amor, aye?
Carver: If you look that much like the Prince, it'll be easy to recognise the guy... If we ever meet him.
Milly: Hee hee. All hail Fake Prince Hero!
Milly: Oh, don't let it get you down. Let's keep searching for Ra's mirror – that's bound to offer us some clues!
Milly: To get to Amor, we need to head north-west from Somnia and go all the way round, then follow the mountains towards the south-east.
Carver: Huh. That's odd.
Carver: Doesn't everythin' seem a little off from when we first came here, Hero?
Milly: There's no doubt this is Amor... But something is clearly out of place.
Milly: I'm sure this terrain was completely different the last time we were here.
Carver: C'mon! Let's go give that mirror key a try!
Carver: Hey, any idea why they call it Moonmirror Tower?
Carver: Maybe there's a mirror in there that makes you look as round as the moon. Wouldn't that be funny, aye?
Milly: I thought we were just dreaming, but this key seems real enough.
Milly: Come on, let's get to Moonmirror Tower.
Ra's mirror awaits us!
Carver: That tower makes my head hurt. We need to find a way to the top, and fast.
Milly: I think that girl Ashlynn is still inside the tower...
Carver: Huzzah! We got the mirror, Hero!
Carver: We need to get back up to the Somnia Castle in our world!
Carver: We need to get to the ruins of Alltrades, east of Port Haven. That's our ticket back to our world.
Milly: Somnia Castle awaits! Erm, the one in your world, that is!
Milly: What's it going to be, Hero? The ferry from Port Haven? Zoom will do the trick just as well, you know.
Ashlynn: Um, hellooo. Don't you have a king waiting for you to bring him that mirror?
Ashlynn: I hope you can use it to beat Murdaw!
Carver: Aye, Hero! Now to hop into that well in Alltrades and get back to our world!
Milly: Come, we need to get to Somnia Castle in the other world.
Ashlynn: You're going to take Ra's mirror back to King Somnus in the other world, right?
Carver: It's nice to be on familiar ground again, aye?
Carver: Ya know, Hero, it'd be quicker if you just cast Zoom and flew us all back to Somnia Castle.
Milly: Hero, you and Carver seem to know this area well.
Milly: It's just as I thought. The aura here is somehow different...
Ashlynn: So this is the “world above”...
Ashlynn: Hey, are we at Somnia yet?
Carver: Alright! Let's find Murdaw and give him what for!
Carver: So, uh, this Apnea lady that's taggin' along with us... What's her story?
Carver: So is she really gonna join us in the showdown with Murdaw?
Milly: Murdaw's Keep lies far to the south-east of Somnia.
Milly: At last, the time for battle is upon us.
Milly: Still, the idea that King Somnus might somehow be Murdaw has shaken my desire to fight...
Ashlynn: Um... I have, like, no idea what's going on here...
Ashlynn: But who cares! I'll still fight Murdaw together with you guys!
Ashlynn: Hey, are we at Murdaw's yet?
Carver: Huzzah! That's that! Murdaw's history! ...I think, anyway.
Carver: Well, no matter what, we'd better get back to Somnia Castle on the double!
Milly: Murdaw really was King Somnus... I must admit,
I wasn't prepared for that.
Milly: The King went on ahead with Captain Blade and the others. They're probably waiting for us at the castle now.
Ashlynn: Um... I have, like, no idea what's going on here...
Ashlynn: But whatever! I'm sticking with you, Hero! It's more fun that way.
Ashlynn: Hey, are we at Somnia yet, or what?
Carver: The King's really givin' us the runaround, aye?
Carver: I reckon we'd better head off to the Somnia Castle in the world down below, aye?
Milly: So the King and Queen returned from Murdaw's Keep to the other Somnia Castle...
Milly: Looks like we'll have to go back to that big chasm again, eh?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I'm impressed I figured it out by myself!
Ashlynn: That King Somnus we saw earlier must be the one from the world down below!
Ashlynn: Hey, so how do we get back to the other Somnia Castle again?
Carver: Aye! Onward to Somnia, Hero!
Carver: If only there was some spell that “zoomed” us all back to Somnia. Hint, hint!
Milly: I'm excited to get to Somnia so we can find out the truth. I hate being in the dark like this!
Milly: If we talk to the King and Queen, I'm sure they'll be able to shed some light on the situation for us.
Ashlynn: I figure a reward from a king's gotta be really something! I can't wait to see what it is!
Ashlynn: This is so confusing! Two Somnia Castles is too many!
Carver: Ghent, aye...? The soldier at the checkpoint said it was pretty far north of Somnia, ya know.
Milly: The sacred village of Ghent... I wonder what kind of people these Ghentiles are?
Ashlynn: I wonder what the Providence looks like... I bet it's pretty impressive...and impressively pretty!
Carver: Alright, off we go!
Carver: What's on your mind, Hero? Worried about Ashlynn?
Carver: Look, I don't know why she's stayin' behind either...
Carver: But like Milly said, we can't force her along. Take a leaf outta my book and stop thinkin' so much...
Milly: Destiny awaits us!
Milly: Ashlynn? I'm not sure why she chose to stay behind, but I'm sure she has her reasons.
Milly: In any case, the four of us have something more important to worry about: defeating Murdaw!
Nevan: It is time for us to go. The future peace of the world depends on our success.
Nevan: Let us be on our way.
Carver: Dyin' hurts... Let's seal the deal with Murdaw for real this time!
Milly: We're as ready as we'll ever be!
Ashlynn: Go get him, guys!
Nevan: The Providence awaits us.
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Carver: What a dump! Is this really Alltrades Abbey?
Carver: What a mess! How'd the Abbey wind up like this, anyway?
Carver: Agh! A-Avast, Hero! I can see right through your body!
Carver: Whoa! I can see right through MY body, too!
Carver: Are we d-dead? Are we gh-ghosts?
What's going on here!?
Carver: If this really is Alltrades, then it looks like Murdaw's already gotten to it, aye?
Carver: Hey, uh...you don't think we're invisible, do ya?
Carver: (sniff) Take a whiff of that fresh sea air...
This must be a port town.
Carver: Pretty big town, aye? I bet it'd be quicker to cut through that middle building instead of goin' the long way around.
Carver: Somethin' about the smell of the ocean and that sea breeze... It's calmin', aye?
Carver: He really can't see us. Wild!
Carver: Aye, she's right. Even good dogs do bad things sometimes.
Carver: Either that's one noisy mutt, or animals can sense our presence.
Carver: So this's the Mayor, aye? I don't like him already.
Carver: People do the oddest things when we talk to them.
Carver: This is actually kind of fun, aye?
Carver: If animals can see us, does that mean they're smarter than people?
Carver: Hey! Hello? I'm right here! HEY!
Carver: Alright, that clinches it. He really can't see us.
Carver: Hold on... Am I hearin' things, or did he just say “Somnia”?
Carver: Crikey. I feel like she was THIS close to seein' us.
Carver: Huh. Nothin'.
Carver: Huh. I imagine folk of faith are better at sensing things than regular people.
Carver: I thought this was a prison, but it seems like they're mostly just using it for storage.
Carver: The Mayor? That's the stuck-up old bloke with the pampered pooch, aye?
Carver: Sure is lively in here. All sorts of people, aye?
Carver: Our disappearin' act is gettin' old, quick.
Carver: Next time I'll try tweakin' someone's nose.
Carver: At this point, I'm happy to get any attention...
Carver: What's this lady up to? I don't like the look of it, whatever it is.
Carver: Sounds like that Ella girl's gonna get the worst of it.
Carver: Aye, that old salt might've heard us! We're here! Ahoy! (cough) My voice is startin' to crack.
Carver: Oh, so Ella's this fella's granddaughter, aye?
Carver: Hope nothin' bad happens' to her.
Carver: Oh, this is a bank?
Carver: Good thing we're the honest type, or we could liven up her quiet day in a hurry.
Carver: “Well-travelled”? “Tough-lookin'”? Hey, he must be able to see me!
Carver: I feel just like a fly on the wall around here.
Carver: Who cares about the swordsman, but “the most powerful sword in the world”? That's another story.
Carver: Hey, tell us too while you're at it, granny!
Carver: Well, now we know a little bit about the mirror, at least.
Carver: Too bad ol' granny doesn't know where it is, though.
Carver: This joint's pretty empty, aye? Not that we're improvin' the scene, us bein' invisible 'n everything like that.
Carver: Hey, ya hear that, Hero? He said “Somnia”, aye?
Carver: Huh. And here I thought I was the only Carver in the world.
Carver: Whoa. This guy's all business, aye?
Carver: If I had a dad like that, I'd probably run away the first chance I got.
Carver: Fat lot of good that'll do. There's always that one guy who jumps on at the last minute!
Carver: I see it and I still don't believe it. That says “Somnia”, alright.
Carver: I'm tired of tryin' to figure this all out. From now on, you're thinkin' for two, Hero.
Carver: Shame we can't board this ship, or else we could see if she really sails to Somnia or not.
Carver: He's gonna have to pray harder than that. The sea's overflowin' with monsters these days.
Carver: Geh! This is really starting to tick me off.
Carver: Wow... It feels a bit dodgy spyin' on personal stuff like this.
Carver: (sniff) Goodbyes always make me tear up.
Carver: I wish we could find a place where more folks spout random facts about Ra's mirror.
Carver: A swordsman, aye...?
Carver: I'd like to see him sometime. Ya know, see if he picks his nose like everyone else, or what.
Carver: If he's the only cargo hauler, he's got a tough job ahead of him.
Carver: Whoa! Hey, a casino! This place is paradise for a manly man like me!
Carver: Wait a sec! We can't play if nobody can see us ante up, aye?
Carver: These folks are lucky we're a couple of honest invisible guys.
Carver: Talk about lousy customer service. Us bein' invisible is no excuse!
Carver: Think this lady used to be a bunny girl, once upon a time?
Carver: If you think about it, love's a gamble too. Know what I mean, Hero?
Carver: Keep feedin' that one-armed bandit, buddy.
Me, I prefer poker.
Carver: Sometimes I swear these folks can sense we're here...
Carver: Goddess of Poverty!? Pfft! We're here to save the world, not swipe casino tokens!
Carver: Hardy har! I'm really startin' to enjoy the looks on these folks' faces!
Carver: Shame the bunny girls aren't payin' attention to you, aye, Hero?
Carver: At least he's dreamin' big, aye?
Carver: Hey! Hey, that was Ella, Hero!
Carver: Well, this guy's a real prince.
Carver: We better do somethin', or else Ella's gonna be in deep trouble 'n everything like that.
Carver: Hey, let's follow her upstairs, aye?
Carver: Aw, she can do better than that guy. I wish she could hear me!
Carver: Uh oh. I'm not sure I like where this's going!
Carver: This is no good! There has to be some way to warn her what's up!
Carver: Well, that's that. Now what...?
Carver: Aye, that's the spirit, Johan! Show a little backbone!
Carver: Ugh, I can't stand this. There's got to be some way to tell him who's the real culprit!
Carver: Mr Barkington... Poor little guy. He's a victim here, too, ya know.
Carver: What I wouldn't give to be visible for just ten minutes!
Carver: No! It's not her, I'm telling you!
Carver: Well, I hear what he's saying. Now if only he could hear what I was saying...
Carver: Listen, they got the wrong girl...
Carver: Gah! This is drivin' me round the bend!
Carver: This guy's more concerned about girls than he is King Somnus. No wonder monsters are runnin' wild.
Carver: This is where he threw Ella? Poor girl...
Carver: That little witch...
Carver: At least Ella's got someone on her side...
Carver: At least Ella's got someone on her side...
Carver: This guy's really obsessed with girls, aye?
Carver: Huh? What're you looking at me for? I'm not like that at all!
Carver: I'd say she's probably better off not knowin'.
Carver: So this Milly girl is the beauty we keep hearin' about, aye?
Carver: Huh. Interestin'. Hey Hero, let's stop by the church.
Carver: Come on! Let's go and see that Milly girl!
Carver: Wow! Looks like carpenters make more than just sawdust, aye? It'd cost a mountain of gold to build a joint this big...
Carver: Maybe I oughta try that line of work after we beat Murdaw and get our visibility back.
Madame Luca's House, before encountering Milly in Port Haven
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Carver: Whoa. I've heard of livin' in the sticks, but this is ridiculous.
Carver: You'd have to be some kinda super hermit to pick this place.
Carver: It's locked, aye, but I think there's someone inside...
Carver: Well, it's not like we can break in. Let's shove off, Hero.
Carver: Whew! That thing came out of nowhere! My heart's still pitter-patterin' like a bunny rabbit's.
Carver: What's he hangin' around down here for?
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Carver: I'd say we'd better do what the old lady says.
It's not like we have any better ideas.
Carver: I had a good sleep...but I'm good at everything.
Carver: Oh, come on! Does she have to be so bossy?
Carver: I can't shake the feeling the old bag is just usin' us.
Milly: Right then, let's head south to get some dream dew!
Carver: I suppose we're off to the Lucid Grotto, aye?
She says it's to the south.
Milly: Right then, let's head south to get some dream dew!
Carver: Anyway, who needs her when ya got me? I'll help ya tackle that southern cave...
Carver: So this is the Lucid Grotto, aye? A bit, ah, chilly.
Ah... Ahhh...
Carver: Ahh-CHOOOO!!!
...Whoa! Nice echo!
Carver: Keep on your toes. We're not alone in here.
Carver: Hey! That fella's guzzlin' all the dream dew!
Carver: That's that! We got the dew...
Let's go see that old bag.
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Carver: Huh? Hey, the old hag's standin' out in front. She must've got bored with no one to boss around.
Carver: Ya know, we didn't get much say in any of this...
Carver: But we've got a new friend, and our bodies are nice and solid again, so I shouldn't complain!
Milly: Thanks for having me, you two. I look forward to travelling together!
Carver: If there really is a Somnia in this world, you don't have to tell me to check it out. I can't wait to see it!
Milly: So what next? Shall we board the ferry from Port Haven?
Carver: Any place with “mirror” in the name has to be a step in the right direction, aye?
Milly: Hmm... The only way to cross over to that western continent is to take a ferry from Port Haven.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: If nothin' else, that crystal is entertaining. I'd watch it all day if I had one. Wonder what else it shows...
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: I was thinking... Madame Luca said something about “noble garb” yesterday, didn't she?
Milly: Maybe we should try and find some for you. Surely it must be for sale somewhere?
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Carver: Noble garb, aye? We'll keep an eye out.
Milly: We'd best start looking for some noble garb right away.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: We're off to Somnia again, aye?
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: Let's head to Somnia Castle to see what's going on.
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Carver: Right! Let's go and pump the Somnians for info!
Milly: Let's head to Somnia Castle to see what's going on.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: Hey, do you remember the directions to Amor that lady gave us yesterday?
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: So, do you remember how to get to Amor, Hero?
Milly: Do you recall how to get to Amor, Hero? From Somnia, head west and cross the bridge, then head back around towards the south-east.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: Hey, the lady told us to keep an eye on the church in Amor, aye?
Carver: Well, then I say we head back to Amor today.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: Let's go have a look at this church in Amor, shall we?
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Carver: I'm hopin' they finished cleanin' the church today...
Milly: Come, Hero. Let's visit that church in Amor that Madame Luca mentioned.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: I'm rarin' to go today. Back to Amor!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: Let's head to Amor to pay Ilya and Evgenya a visit.
Milly: Madame Luca said we should help those two, remember?
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Carver: Hey, remember what the lady saw in the crystal yesterday?
Carver: Somethin' about helpin' Ilya and Evgenya, and then gettin' something really important for our trouble?
Carver: Well, let's get on it!
Milly: Destiny calls us to Amor, Hero. We need to pay Ilya and Evgenya a visit.
Milly: Remember, if they're not around town, they're bound to be in the nearby cave.
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: Remember what the lady told us yesterday?
Ya know, about a mirror in a tower 'n everything like that?
Carver: She had to be talkin' about Ra's mirror.
Let's go and see!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: At last, Ra's mirror seems to be within our grasp.
Milly: Let's hurry to the tower near Somnia to see what's up!
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Carver: Right! It's tower time! Ra's mirror is ours today, and that's that!
Milly: Thanks to Madame Luca, we're nearing the end of our search.
Milly: Let's get to that tower and grab that mirror, Hero!
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Carver: (yawn) What a great night's sleep. I needed that.
Carver: We're baggin' that mirror today, Hero! Nothin' can stop us!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Milly: It's finally time. Let's make Ra's mirror ours!
Carver: I suppose it's reassuring to know the old lady's there when we need her.
Carver: That mirror's as good as ours today!
Milly: We'd best be on our way, Hero.
Milly: Ra's mirror is almost within our grasp.
Let's make it so!
Carver: Weird... This seems like a totally different town now.
Milly: We need to head for the docks if we're to get the ferry to Somnia.
Milly: You remember where they are, don't you?
That's where we first met!
Carver: Hardy har! I'll never take being visible for granted again!
Milly: Port Haven... I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic here.
I wonder if it's the smell of the sea?
Carver: Now that ya mention it, I feel the same way...
Maybe it's all in my head.
Milly: Hmm... Well, we've no time to dwell on that.
Let's push on.
Carver: Ah, Ella... Whatever ended up becomin' of her, anyway?
Carver: So some folks sensed us when we were invisible...
Just shows that nothin' can hide an aura as mighty as mine.
Milly: What a lively kitty!
Carver: Said too much? He didn't say enough! What's the matter with the King?
Milly: I've never been to Somnia myself, but all this talk has me more than a bit intrigued.
Carver: Why does everyone get so negative whenever the subject of Somnia comes up!?
Milly: You don't need to be a dream seer to realise that something significant is going on in Somnia...
Carver: Oh, wow... (sniff) I wish this guy was my grandad.
Milly: Seems like Ella's grandfather really loved the poor girl.
Carver: Hardy har! What a flirt. That girl practically threw herself at me!
Carver: Alltrades Abbey is just a whole lot of hole right now.
Carver: That's a good thing for Murdaw. We're already tough, but access to Alltrades would have made us invincible!
Milly: Murdaw must have really felt threatened by the existence of Alltrades Abbey.
Carver: Mr Barkington looks much better now.
That's a load off...
Carver: It's too late to apologise now...
Milly: Oh, my... I do hope Ella is okay...
Carver: He really knows how to rub it in, aye?
Carver: If only we had some way of warnin' them back then...
Carver: Hang in there, Johan!
Milly: I hope the two of them can be reunited...
Carver: Mm? Where's Ella?
Carver: Crikey... This is like one of those tragedies you see on stage 'n everything like that.
Carver: What a tease! I wish someone would tell us the full story.
Milly: Here kitty kitty!
Carver: Why, that little two-faced...
Milly: So that's Ivy... At least she seems to be showing some signs of regret.
Carver: I'm pretty worried about him, too, ya know...
Milly: The poor man... I hope Ella can return to him safely one day.
Carver: Oh, how embarrassin'. I really do now how this works, ya know. Honest!
Milly: Let's get out of here, Hero. We're getting in the way of his work.
Carver: Weapons take skill to use safely. We better put Murdaw down before folks hurt themselves.
Carver: Hang on, Hero! You didn't just lie to that kid, did ya?
Milly: Hee hee. I've told the odd fib or two, I suppose. What's to become of me, I wonder?
Carver: I don't need a history lesson on that bloomin' mirror. I need a geography lesson. Where is it!?
Milly: The Goddess Herself made Ra's mirror? I have to say, it's quite a romantic tale...
Carver: King Somnus, asleep for ages? That doesn't sound like him.
Milly: Something strange is brewing in Somnia...
Carver: It's a bit of a weird slogan, aye, Hero? I prefer “Saws are for sissies. We use our fists!”
Milly: Oh! I wonder if they would be able to fix Madame Luca's leaky roof?
Carver: We better make a break for it, Hero. This lady's bonkers.
Milly: Interesting. So these people have a child named Carver as well?
Milly: He must look a lot like our Carver if she's having trouble telling them apart...
Carver: So not only do I share a name with this other Carver fella – I must look like him, too. Great.
Milly: We shouldn't interrupt him while we's sleeping. Let's go, Hero.
Carver: Aye. It definitely says “Somnia”...
Milly: So this is where we board the ferry to Somnia.
Carver: Fat lot of good that'll do. There's always that one guy who jumps on at the last minute!
Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like this sailor could use a cold dip.
Milly: He seemed in fine fettle!
Carver: I'm sure we could've figured that out ourselves.
Carver: I feel like I've already seen all there is to see...
Carver: This place practically seems like home.
Milly: If the ferry's not ready to sail, there's not much we can do about it. Let's try and gather some more information from the locals.
Carver: The King is cursed now? Why won't anyone tell us the whole story?
Milly: The more I hear about Somnia, the more I'd like to get there as soon as possible...
Carver: That's no good. We're not goin' to be learnin' anything else from her...
Milly: Nobody seems to want to talk about Somnia.
I suppose we'll just have to go and see for ourselves.
Carver: Blimey. The girl here really loves blabbin' on about that swordsman.
Carver: Swords are for sissies. Seems like she's never met a martial artist.
Milly: If what she says is true, I wouldn't mind meeting this dashing swordsman myself!
Carver: I couldn't wait to play when we were invisible, and now we can! It's just a shame folks can see my poker face now...
Carver: Up for a game? It's not gamblin' if we win!
Milly: A little fun can't hurt. Just don't overdo it, Hero.
Carver: I'll bet you double or nothin' that I can triple my tokens.
Carver: Wonder what I should trade for first when I hit it big...
Milly: Seems like gathering advice from other players could be the secret path to success!
Carver: I've got nothin' to prove. We martial artists hit the jackpot when it comes to guts.
Carver: If at first you don't succeed, ante up again!
Milly: Oh, dear... Doesn't he know that getting addicted to gambling is a one way ticket to destitution?
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Carver: You were here before, aye, Hero?
Carver: Bet you're looking forward to actually conversin' with the locals this time.
Ashlynn: Huh. So this is one of the towns you visited when you were still see-through?
Nevan: This town looks like it's not without its charms.
Carver: We should give this place a try sometime, Hero.
Milly: It's nice to see people helping out with the family business. If only there were more like her!
Ashlynn: Hey, quit gawking at that girl, Hero! Don't pretend that you weren't!
Nevan: There's no sense in pushing ourselves too hard.
Nevan: If fatigue starts to build, it's best to rest and wake in the morning fully refreshed.
Amos: The inn here don't look too shabby. I'm sure nothin' untoward will happen if we stay the night there.
Carver: A young girl? She must be in trouble if soldiers are sniffin' around for her.
Milly: I wonder if there's something afoot? Let's ask around town to see if anyone knows anything.
Ashlynn: You think they're looking for me? I'm a young girl...
Nevan: You don't suppose it's our very own Ashlynn they're searching for? No, of course not.
Amos: It seems some local lass has done a disappearin' act. That don't sound too good.
Carver: It's a beautiful day out. Why keep the kid cooped up inside?
Ashlynn: Playing outside is fine and all, but worrying your mother is definitely not.
Nevan: I can only sympathise! If her son neglects his studies, he'll never get ahead in the world.
Amos: That's no good! You shouldn't be runnin' about and drivin' your mother round the bend!
Amos: Mind you, I was a dab hand at avoidin' doin' my homework when I was a nipper.
Carver: Hey, you don't think she's been kidnapped, do ya?
Milly: Hmm... I do sense that something untoward has happened. I'm sure it's just my imagination, though.
Ashlynn: Hide nor hair, huh? Hey, maybe Cynthia's gone see-through, too!
Amos: I'm guessin' she's not just playin' hide-and-seek...
Carver: Why're they keepin' kids away from there?
Makes ya wonder...
Milly: Dodgy-looking grown-ups by the dream well...?
Milly: Something's not right here, Hero. We'd better investigate.
Ashlynn: Sounds like some pushy grown-ups could use some pushing back.
Nevan: It is certainly curious. What could these so-called “dodgy-lookin' grown ups” be up to, I wonder?
Amos: Well, I for one am impressed by your display of bravery! Old Amos is proud of you, son!
Carver: Must be some really immature grown-ups, stealin' a kid's play spot 'n everything like that...
Milly: Hero... We should go and have a look at this dream well.
Ashlynn: Wow... This kid's, like, more mature than me.
Nevan: There's only one way to get to the bottom of this little mystery – we must get to the bottom of that well!
Amos: I'm guessin' she's not just playin' hide-and-seek...
Carver: See, this is why I like martial arts. Fists don't rust!
Milly: A master swordsmith... We'll have to keep that in mind.
Ashlynn: A master swordsmith is great and all, but I don't have any rusty swords handy!
Nevan: No self-respecting Ghentile would be seen carrying a rusty sword!
Amos: Well, if you're goin' to hang round damp wells, your swords are goin' to end up gettin' a tad rusty.
Carver: Turnscote, aye?
Carver: Ya hear that, Hero? Let's go!
Milly: Perhaps we should head for Turnscote.
Milly: I'm curious to see what kind of sheen he can put on that rusty sword!
Ashlynn: There you go, Hero! Let's bring that rusted sword over to Turnscote!
Nevan: I wonder if this swordsmith could give a staff an overhaul too. They can show a little wear and tear after a while...
Amos: My trusty old blade has always seen me right, but I suppose it could do with a bit of a polish...
Carver: He must be talkin' about Welda, aye?
Milly: I can't wait to see how that rusty old sword turns out!
Ashlynn: Well, sure! Welda's fixing up a sword for us right now!
Nevan: The Goddess has taught us not to judge others – but why would anyone choose to live down a well!?
Amos: Hey, mate! Your sword's goin' to get rusty if you keep hangin' round this damp old well!
Carver: Hmph. I never did my homework, and look how great I turned out!
Milly: It's only natural for a mother to be concerned about her son's well-being.
Ashlynn: I wish someone would rustle up my favourite supper!
Nevan: It's good to hear that this boy is engrossed in his studies. More power to his elbow!
Amos: If it's goin' to earn me a slap-up supper, I might roll my sleeves up and do some studyin' myself!
Carver: Aye, seize the day! Play, play, play!
Carver: If ya get knackered from bookwork, then you definitely need more exercise.
Milly: It seems that well is the place to be for the youth of this town!
Ashlynn: That kid should stick with the bookwork. A tasty reward awaits!
Nevan: I'm sure once you finish your studies, your mother will let you play. Everything in its right place!
Amos: Old Amos is always up for a bit of a laugh. Let's all go out and play once you polish off your homework!
Carver: If his head's in the clouds, he's probably thinkin' about the weather.
Nevan: Often we cannot fathom what those closest to us are thinking. Only the Goddess truly knows what lies within our hearts.
Amos: Well, if you want to know what's on someone's mind, there's no substitute for askin' them straight out!
Carver: Huh. Maybe he's got a gamblin' problem.
Milly: If the Village Chief is short of money, he must be in some kind of trouble...
Ashlynn: I hope he didn't do anything illegal!
Nevan: For the Village Chief to be scrabbling around for gold coins is rather unseemly...
I wonder what's the matter?
Amos: As a young lad, I was always taught to save my gold coins for a rainy day.
Amos: You won't see old Amos havin' to go round beggin' for money! That's not how I was brought up!
Carver: Huh. He must've come here lookin' for help with the ransom money...
Milly: Perhaps it's my maternal instinct, but I'm getting very concerned about the Chief's daughter...
Milly: Let's get to that overgrown well up north right away!
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go save Cynthia!
Nevan: It seems the Village Chief is no longer around.
I vote that we proceed to the overgrown well to the north.
Amos: ...So did this fellow lend the Village Chief those five thousand gold coins in the end? It's hard to tell!
Carver: I bet yer worried about her too, aye? Who's a good boy?
Milly: Seems like even this dog is worried about poor Cynthia.
Ashlynn: Aww, those sad puppy-dog eyes... We gotta do something!
Amos: Don't look so glum, little doggy chum! We'll have a sniff round to try and track down Cynthia for you.
Carver: Kidnapped? Five thousand gold coins!?
This just got really serious!
Milly: Hero, we simply cannot leave this be.
Let's follow the Chief!
Ashlynn: They kidnapped her? That's terrible!
Ashlynn: Hero! Let's find who did this and rough 'em up!
Nevan: A kidnapping? This is unforgivable!
Amos: Five thousand gold coins, eh? I bet you could buy a fair few medicinal herbs with that kind of money!
Carver: Hmph... Who does this fella think he's dealin' with?
Milly: Ugh, his aura is sickening. Let's get out of here, Hero.
Ashlynn: This guy have any expression other than “mean”?
Nevan: I, I have never been addressed so roughly in my life!
Amos: Not welcome, are we? I'd like to give this lad a piece of my mind, I tell you!
Carver: We shouldn't be hangin' around here? We'll see about that!
Milly: Hmph! No business? We'll see about that. How about
we make it our business, Hero?
Ashlynn: Make ourselves scarce!? What if we like it here?
Nevan: Well, I for one have no intention of making myself scarce. The nerve of this ruffian!
Amos: It takes a lot to get old Amos riled, but this lad is sorely testin' my patience!
Carver: Those rotten, dirty, thievin' little...
Carver: ...No, the girl's more important right now.
Milly: Let's hurry up and get her ungagged!
Ashlynn: Cynthia's still safe! Thank goodness!
Nevan: There's no sense in giving chase to those louts.
Let's leave them to their ill-gotten gains.
Amos: I dread to think what the likes of them are goin' to spend five thousand gold coins on...
Carver: Hah! They learnt a proper lesson, aye?
Milly: Nicely done. Now let's get Cynthia ungagged!
Ashlynn: Just try and get back at us! We'll do you in all over again!
Nevan: With the divine grace of the Goddess, justice will always prevail. ...I hope those louts take note!
Amos: I thoroughly enjoyed showin' those lads what for!
They got me good and riled, let me tell you!
Carver: Good. That's that. Let's shove off to Wellshire, too.
Milly: The Chief seemed thrilled to have Cynthia back.
I bet he's nearly as relieved as I am!
Ashlynn: I'm so happy Cynthia's still in one piece!
Nevan: I think it's high time we took our leave.
Amos: Nothin' quite like sendin' some wrong-doers away with a thick ear!
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Carver: I'm gettin' tired. It'd be nice to see the inside of an inn right about now.
Milly: The Chief must be relieved to have Cynthia back safe and sound.
Ashlynn: I bet Cynthia's back home by now.
Nevan: I would imagine that the Chief and his newly-rescued daughter have returned to their home.
Amos: If those kidnappers show their faces here again, old Amos will be the first to show 'em what for!
Carver: Good thing we weren't still transparent, or Goddess knows what woulda happened!
Milly: I dread to think what would have happened if we'd arrived just a little bit later...
Ashlynn: There's nothing this crew can't accomplish. Go team!
Nevan: It seems the people of this village have found peace.
Amos: Seems a sense of “well”-being has returned to Wellshire! ...D'you get it!?
Carver: The light doesn't look any brighter to me. Everyone seems happier, though, and that's good.
Milly: I'm just glad nothing untoward happened to her...
Carver: Aye, all's clear. Those two can get back to their childhoods, now.
Milly: Those thugs might be gone, but children should still be careful when playing outside town.
Amos: That's the spirit! It's good to see young'uns with a sense of adventure.
Carver: Now that's a kid after my own heart.
Milly: Hee hee. Reckless boys can be exasperating, but they do have a certain charm.
Ashlynn: Yep, definitely more mature than me...
Nevan: Youthful high spirits are all well and good, but one should draw the line at out-and-out mischief!
Amos: I got up to my fair share of mischief when I was a nipper! Grand days, they were!
Carver: I don't know about parenting, but havin' a pretty daughter must bring its own set of hassles for parents.
Milly: Men and their simple minds... I'm sure his wife is a simply wonderful woman.
Ashlynn: Remind me to never get married to a guy like this...
Nevan: I'm sorry to hear that this fellow is hen-pecked, but we hardly have time to hear about his woes!
Amos: I wouldn't mind havin' a ray of sunshine to brighten up my day, let me tell you!
Amos: But there's plenty of adventurin' to be done before old Amos can settle down and raise a family!
Carver: What a cute pooch. Nothin' to worry 'bout now, is there!
Milly: Aww, he must've been so worried about Cynthia.
What a clever pup!
Ashlynn: That poor puppy. But everything's dandy now!
Nevan: I get the distinct feeling that this dog knew exactly what was going on...
Amos: Seems my doggy chum's perked up! Looks like he's as happy to see Cynthia as everyone else!
Carver: I'm just glad they didn't hurt the lass.
Milly: Well, it's all over now, so hopefully she can relax and get on with her life.
Ashlynn: I'm glad we were able to help Cynthia!
Nevan: To be honest, it was a bit unseemly for the Chief to be scrabbling for gold coins...
Nevan: Ah, but all's well that ends well, I suppose. May the Goddess be praised!
Amos: This lass is feisty! Mind you, if I get hold of those louts, I'll knock 'em into the middle of next month!
Carver: All in a day's work, aye?
Carver: I'm just happy Cynthia's safe 'n sound 'n everything like that.
Carver: We don't need this, Hero, but we might as well take it. Think of the Chief's feelin's.
Milly: The Chief borrowed most of this money from the villagers...
Milly: Well, I suppose it would've been inappropriate to refuse. Just remember to remain humble about it, Hero.
Ashlynn: I feel kinda bad about this, but things might've gotten awkward with the Chief if we refused.
Nevan: If this is how the Chief chooses to express his gratitude, it is hardly our place to refuse.
Amos: The Chief is a gent and no mistake!
Carver: We sure are rich...
Milly: Oh my, two faux pas in a row...
Ashlynn: Wow! Talk about an embarrassment of riches. We're gonna need a bigger wagon!
Nevan: It seems we have ample funds, Hero. Perhaps we don't need the Chief's reward?
Amos: We seem to be causin' nothin' but hassle to this poor chap...
Carver: Ahoy! A seed of life! Must be our lucky day.
Milly: Seeing the Chief's glowing aura is more than enough reward for me!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! The Chief rocks!
Nevan: If this is how the Chief chooses to express his gratitude, it wouldn't be the done thing to refuse.
Amos: The Chief is a gent and no mistake!
Carver: I know the Chief wants us to relax 'n everything like that, but we should probably shove off pretty soon!
Milly: We'd better get back to our journey. Our destiny awaits!
Ashlynn: If you're through chatting, it's about time we hit the road, Hero.
Nevan: Pleasant though this village is, it won't do to dawdle here all day. Shall we be on our way?
Amos: The Chief is a gent and no mistake!
Carver: Whoa! Another gift in the bag.
Carver: No good deed goes unrewarded. Hardy har! It's funny because it's true!
Milly: That prayer ring should come in quite handy during battle, Hero.
Milly: We owe a great deal to the Chief for all his generosity.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! The Chief rocks!
Nevan: A prayer ring is indeed something to be treasured. Let's use it wisely, Hero!
Amos: The Chief is a gent and no mistake!
Milly: As soon as Cynthia returned, the aura here brightened considerably.
Ashlynn: Hey, since we're here, why don't we pay a visit to Cynthia's house?
Nevan: Hero, do we have any further business in this village?
Nevan: If not, I'd humbly suggest that we be on our way.
Carver: Seems it's the same price comin' or goin'.
Milly: It'd be nice to make the return trip via ferry as well. It's so relaxing...
Carver: Keep this between you 'n me, but I get seasick sometimes... Only when I'm on a boat, of course.
Milly: No matter how you travel, as long as you're with good company, any journey can be enjoyable.
Carver: Ahoy! I suppose we're bound for Somnia next, aye, Hero?
Milly: What a pleasant voyage. The view was fantastic!
Carver: Other passengers? I never noticed. I spent the whole voyage bowin' over the bow...
Milly: Other passengers can do as they please. We'll continue our journey at our own pace.
Carver: Looks like it'll be a while before we can sail back, aye?
Milly: We've no plans to head back just yet anyway. First we need to have a look at Somnia Castle.
Carver: How far is it between here 'n Somnia, I wonder?
Milly: Somnia must be quite a city if merchants are this enthusiastic about it.
Carver: North from the western mountains... Or was it west from the northern mountains?
Carver: One thing's for sure – I definitely heard “west”.
Uh, maybe you should handle the navigatin', Hero...
Milly: So we just travel north around the mountainous western terrain, and Somnia Castle should be to the west. Sounds simple enough.
Carver: No “arrr and arrr” for us, that's for sure.
Carver: We've got a mirror to find 'n everything like that.
Milly: The sailors are really busy when on deck. I'm sure they can't wait to relax once they reach land.
Carver: If that was a joke, then hardy har. He should try it on someone more fresh off the boat than us veteran voyagers.
Milly: I do hope we get to take another relaxing trip on this ferry someday.
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Carver: Ahoy, we're finally in Somnia! Er, I mean the other Somnia – the one in this world.
Milly: This seems to be a rather lively place!
Carver: This place is just like our Somnia. No, wait, it's nothin' like our Somnia. Wait... It's like it is, but it ain't!
Milly: I wonder how exactly the two Somnias are connected...
Carver: I see the castle up ahead. Good to know it's in the same place.
Milly: A second Somnia...
Carver: Aye, sounds like a Somnian dog, alright.
Milly: He seems like a lively pup!
Carver: Chancellor who? We're out of the loop in this Somnia.
Milly: I sense that this Chancellor Keating doesn't enjoy the best reputation among the townspeople here.
Carver: A prince, aye...? Our Somnia didn't have one of those.
Milly: I wonder if Murdaw is one of the monsters this prince went off to fight?
Carver: Oh, hardy har! That's funny!
Carver: Imagine you, Hero, bein' mistaken for a royal prince!
Milly: Sounds like you're a dead ringer for the local prince, Hero!
Carver: Maybe it's time for a royal makeover, Hero. If you've got it, flaunt it.
Milly: Hee hee. Ever fancied being prince for a day, Hero?
Carver: Heh... Bet if I put on some fancy threads, folks would start mistakin' me for the King!
Milly: I hope your outfit's not going to cause anyone any trouble, Hero...
Carver: Keating, aye? Even the name sounds rotten. It rhymes with...er, somethin' bad, I think.
Milly: Chancellor Keating... I sense we should be wary of this man.
Carver: Not just wells. Giant holes in the ground'll do the job, too.
Milly: Hmm. I suppose most ordinary people wouldn't consider climbing into a well in the first place...
Carver: So the King and Queen are both sick now?
Milly: It would appear that this Somnia has a queen...
Milly: It really is different to the Somnia in your world, isn't it, Hero.
Carver: Hmm... So Murdaw's lookin' to conquer this world, too? We'd better go and see the King, pronto!
Milly: Murdaw's influence has spread even here...
Carver: Whoa, Hero. This isn't good. Let's go round to the business end.
Milly: How rude of us...
Carver: Crikey! Does anyone NOT fear this Keating fella?
Milly: Keating... We need to keep an eye on him.
Carver: Guess we'll need to go straight to the source for answers – the castle itself.
Milly: Maybe we should speak to those inside the castle to try and shed some light on what's going on here.
Carver: Wait... The King's “not young”?
Milly: So the King Somnus here is an old man...?
Carver: Our Somnia ain't perfect, but it's nowhere near this bad.
Milly: All this talk of the missing prince is making me terribly anxious...
Carver: Ah, it happens. Me, I can't even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday.
Milly: You probably seem familiar to him because you look so much like this land's prince.
Carver: This guy must have really been somebody in the dim and distant past, aye?
Carver: Maybe the monsters cast a super-size version of Snooze on the royal couple.
Milly: Working out the cause of the King and Queen's slumber can't possibly be an easy task...
Carver: The King of the Sea, aye? I'll bet he never gets seasick.
Milly: A king living beneath the sea? That's rather romantic!
Carver: The King of the Sea's got himself quite a palace, that's for sure!
Milly: If only all monsters were like this slime. The world would be conflict-free...
Carver: Looks like castles are tough to enter in any dimension, aye?
Milly: Our destiny lies within the castle... But how are we going to get inside, Hero?
Carver: Ya know, Hero, I hate lyin' as much as the next wanderin' martial artist...
Carver: But maybe ya should try pretendin' to be the Prince for a bit?
Milly: You do look just like the Prince, you know. You've fooled everyone we've met so far...
Carver: It worked! Well, ain't that sweet, “Prince”.
Milly: Come on, Hero. He's moved out of the way – now's our chance to enter the castle!
Carver: Rusty, aye? He certainly looks familiar.
Milly: What is it, Hero? Have you met the Captain before?
Carver: He's right – things look grim. But chattin' about the weather ain't gonna fix anythin'.
Milly: It must be Murdaw... His influence is growing.
Carver: You're a king at this prince business, Hero.
Milly: Come, Hero. Now that we're in, let's try talking to a few people in the castle.
Carver: All that sleepin' can't be good for the King and Queen.
Carver: Their muscles'll shrivel up if they sleep forever.
Milly: Surely there must be some way to wake them...
Carver: Uh-oh. This kid's seein' right through ya, Hero. Quick, say somethin' royal!
Milly: This child is sharp. Dream seers often claim that innocent eyes are best equipped to see the truth.
Carver: Must be nice bein' a royal cat. Probably gets three feasts a day.
Milly: What an adorable little kitty!
Carver: Whoa, that's some spicy soup! If that won't wake up the King, nothin' will.
Milly: The castle's inhabitants all seem deeply concerned about King Somnus.
Carver: Readin' books about stayin' awake would put me right to sleep.
Milly: It seems they've tried all sorts of methods to get the King to wake up, but to no avail.
Carver: What was he mumblin' about at the end there?
Tell who?
Milly: Ugh. These cells are all damp and horrible.
Carver: I can't wait to see the look on this Keating fella's face, either.
Milly: It seems like this Chancellor Keating fellow won't exactly welcome the return of the Prince...
Carver: Whoa, he's crying tears of joy. Maybe we took this royal ruse a little far...
Milly: The people of Somnia seem to love their prince just as much as their king.
Carver: The Prince of Somnia was a popular guy, aye?
Milly: My, it seems everyone was on tenterhooks awaiting the return of the Prince.
Carver: Well, as long as he doesn't take us out to the front and give us the boot.
Milly: Chancellor Keating's away at the moment, it seems.
Carver: Well, uh... Maybe the Prince is too tired to chat right now. Long road 'n everything like that.
Milly: Interesting. So the Prince has been off trying to find a way to wake his parents.
Carver: Small hamlet in the northern mountains? That sounds like Weaver's Peak, aye, Hero?
Carver: I wonder what this world's version is like...
Carver: Oh well... We'll just have to wait.
Milly: This gives us a good opportunity to gather more information from the people around the castle.
Carver: Let's go, Hero! ...Oh, er, I mean Prince Hero. Hope no one heard me say that...
Milly: Shall we, Your Highness? Hee hee!
Carver: This Keating fella's created a really hostile work environment.
Milly: Up the stairs we go, my liege!
Carver: Er...yeah. Let's go with that.
Milly: Hopefully he won't be too let down when he finds out the truth...
Carver: Somethin' tells me this Keating guy won't be giving you the warmest welcome, sweet “Prince”.
Milly: I sense it would be wise to have a look at the King before Chancellor Keating returns.
Carver: Watchin' that whole exchange made me a little happier, too.
Milly: He doesn't need to thank us. The Prince is a very kind man!
Carver: Aye, he's asleep, alright.
Milly: His aura doesn't suggest any suffering...
Carver: Mirror? She said “mirror”, aye? Aye!?
Milly: Mirror...? That must be Ra's mirror she's talking about.
Carver: Uh, I don't think this lady gets it...
Milly: I'm sure she must be talking about Ra's mirror.
But why....?
Carver: Geh...
Milly: So this is Keating in action...
Carver: He's got a point. We should be glad we're only gettin' the heave-ho, aye?
Milly: Don't worry, Hero. Our fate clearly lies elsewhere for now.
Carver: North-west, then south-east? Sounds like a pretty loopy route to me...
Carver: Not like we have any other options, now that we got kicked out. Amor's as good a destination as any.
Milly: The mirror key? I wonder if that has some connection to Ra's mirror...
Carver: The water from Amor can “cure anything”?
Carver: Maybe it could wake up the King... Could it be that easy?
Milly: I've heard of the miraculous healing qualities of amor seco essence.
Milly: Apparently, it's known to be more effective than medicinal herbs.
Carver: Let's go somewhere else, Hero. I doubt the castle'll have us back any time soon.
Carver: I'm gettin' sick of the scenery here, anyway.
Milly: At least we got a look at the royal family before being thrown out of the castle.
Carver: Oh, aye! We, uh, agree. Lock the phony up!
(Back away very slowly, Hero.)
Milly: Hee hee. It would appear that our antics are the talk of the town.
Carver: Our hopes were dashed, too! Not like hers, but...
Milly: I'm beginning to feel bad about getting everyone's hopes up...
Carver: Ugh... I wish we could explain our side of the story...
Milly: Hee hee. Whether it's that world or this, one thing's for sure – rumours really do spread quickly!
Carver: Aye, the king in this Somnia is no spring chicken.
Milly: Finding Ra's mirror could turn out to be the key to waking the King and Queen.
Carver: Amor, aye? Why don't we check it out? Not like we've got anythin' better to do.
Milly: To find Amor, we go north-west from here, then make our way around the mountains and head back south-east. Sounds easy enough, no?
Carver: Buck up, man. With us on the case, Murdaw's days are numbered.
Milly: It pains me to see people in such distress... But it's up to us to ease their anxieties, and soon!
Carver: Let's go, Hero! No way are we missin' Amor now!
Milly: This salesman really takes his work seriously!
Carver: I'd love the chance to line up you and the Prince next to each other someday, Hero.
Milly: It seems the Prince lives on as a child in this gentleman's memory.
Carver: See, Hero? C'mon, let's go somewhere else!
Milly: Barring exceptional circumstances, I sense we won't be allowed within the castle walls again for a while.
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Carver: Aye, looks like there's nothin' here. Let's shove off.
Milly: Searching for a “misplaced dream”, huh?
There's something rather poetic about that...
Carver: Whoa! Nice change of scenery, aye?
Milly: My, what a charming place! Is that a waterfall I hear?
Carver: It'd be wasted on me. Gettin' sick is for sissies.
Milly: Everyone in this town is brimming with health. I've never seen so many glowing auras!
Carver: What can we do? I'm not breakin' into a church.
Milly: Hmm. It would've been nice to offer up a quick confession, at least.
Carver: Huh. Next she'll be tellin' us she's really a hundred years old.
Milly: Carver, shh! She can hear you!
Milly: It really shows. The villagers here have such smooth, gleaming skin.
Milly: They say that good water makes for good health, and here's living proof!
Carver: Whoa, treasure huntin'!? I did that all the time as a kid!
Carver: Buryin' coins in the ground, drawin' maps, 'n everything like that... Those were the days!
Milly: I suppose human lives are like treasure hunts, when you think about it...
Milly: Oh? Sorry, that was rather philosophical of me, wasn't it? Hee hee.
Carver: Aye, he'd probably spoil the stream just by dippin' in his pinkie toe.
Milly: If only we could use this water to wash away the filthy stains Murdaw has left upon the world.
Carver: The mirror key was buried in the earthquake? Well, great! So much for that, aye?
Milly: It's not like digging up that old cave is an option. Hmm...
Carver: Uh, don't tell me ya didn't notice the cave, Hero...
Carver: That fella's either deaf from the waterfall's racket or really, really angry.
Milly: Isn't it interesting how your voice naturally rises in noisy places? Like next to a waterfall, or next to Carver...
Carver: No room at the inn, aye? There really must be somethin' in the water.
Milly: People seem to come from all over the world just to get a taste of the water here.
Carver: Don't tell me this guy took the last bed in the inn...
Milly: Shouldn't we check with the innkeeper first?
Carver: Hey, at least you have a bed. Not everyone's so lucky.
Milly: I'm glad I don't do anything strange like that when I sleep...do I?
Carver: Ain't no cure for love, friend.
Carver: Not that I've ever been infected, but...
Milly: The only cure for the sickness called “love” is the medicine known as “time”...
Milly: Oh? Sorry, that was rather philosophical of me, wasn't it? Hee hee.
Carver: Whoa! An ex-bandit, aye? I bet she's got some interestin' tales...
Milly: Lovestruck bandits...
Carver: Considerin' the water in this town, I bet this dog'll live to be a hundred... In dog years, anyway.
Milly: Even the dog's fur is gleaming!
Carver: Hardy har! That's a good one!
...Wait, I don't get it.
Milly: I'll never understand men's obsession with bunny girls...
Carver: Tough break for the kid. Lucky break for his pals, though.
Milly: The poor child... Hang in there!
Carver: Looks like every hour is happy hour for this fella.
Milly: The proverb itself is easy enough to understand...
Milly: But the mirror key it speaks of was buried in an earthquake...
Carver: What? That cave's been sealed for twenty years!?
Carver: Well, Goddess knows what shape the mirror key's in now.
Milly: Even if the mirror key really exists, it must be buried under tons of rubble now.
Carver: Hey, I know about bad dreams. Once, I dreamt that my head turned into an apple pie...
Carver: Everyone was tryin' to eat me, and all that came out of my mouth when I screamed was apple sauce. So, yeah...
Milly: Judging by Carver's snoring, I'd say he has some rather lively dreams...
Carver: It's nice to see a kid respectin' her elders.
Carver: It'd be rude to come all this way and not say hello to Evgenya, aye?
Milly: Shall we go down and have a word with Evgenya?
Milly: Perhaps she'll be able to tell us something about the mirror key.
Carver: Oof. Someone didn't drink her Amor essence or whatever today. We oughta try back later.
Milly: I sense that Evgenya is deeply concerned about something...
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Carver: Just how tall is this tower? Maybe it got its name 'cause it goes all the way to the moon...
Milly: There's something sinister about this place...
Carver: Locked, aye? Great.
Milly: It looks like we'll need a key...
Carver: Ahoy! More uncharted territory to...chart! This mission is really bringin' out the explorer in me!
Milly: I doubt there's any way he's going to let us pass, Hero. Let's go.
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Carver: No old ladies? Is this bumpkin blind or somethin'? Ain't he ever seen Evgenya?
Milly: You don't think...?
Carver: So this fella comes here all the time, but he expects us to believe he's never seen Evgenya?
Milly: I sense we've somehow entered a different world again. This isn't the same church we were in before.
Carver: What, did the previous priest quit last night or somethin'?
Carver: Things have gone from weird to weirder. Where are we?
Milly: It seems as though we went to sleep and woke up in a different world...
Carver: Whoa! Is that... Is that what I think it is? Blood?
Milly: This water flows down from that cave upstream, doesn't it?
Carver: Everyone's in a panic round here. But I'd be anxious too, if the local watering hole turned into...that.
Milly: There must be some reason why the water's changed colour. Let's investigate, Hero!
Carver: This ain't natural, or the current would've cleared it up by now. Somethin' strange is goin' on here!
Milly: The water has exactly the same colour and consistency as blood...
Carver: Everyone needs to stay calm. There's gotta be a good explanation.
Milly: I understand the villagers' reactions. This can't be an easy thing to witness...
Carver: Whatever they cook better be well-done. Anythin' rare would just remind people of the river.
Milly: It's good to have calm, practical people in the village at times like this.
Carver: Aww, nasty water ain't the end of the world.
Milly: Let's hurry and get to the bottom of this so that the villagers can be at ease again.
Carver: Aye, we'd better go up there and check it out!
Milly: Yes, we'd better hurry to that northern cave!
Carver: “Evgenya”!? So she WAS here!
Carver: Wait, he said a “young” couple... A different Evgenya, maybe? I don't know what's what around here any more...
Milly: A young girl named Evgenya came through here...and the old lady we met before was also called Evgenya...
Milly: Surely there must be some connection? We'd better investigate.
Carver: Aye, he needs all the customers he can get.
Milly: It's at times like these that people reveal their true colours. And I'm not just talking about their auras.
Carver: That's the spirit! A real man's gotta do his job, no matter what!
Milly: We won't be able to put the villagers at ease unless we get to the bottom of this bloody-water business.
Carver: Whoa. Nerves of iron, aye? Me and this fella have a lot in common.
Milly: I like his attitude. “Stuff” does indeed happen, after all.
Carver: We'd better not tell him. He might have a heart attack.
Milly: No need to worry him. It's best to let him rest.
Carver: The northern cave, aye? I knew it. We better get movin' that way, Hero!
Milly: If we're to meet Ilya and Evgenya, we'd best journey to that cave as well.
Carver: Didn't we hear about treasure hunters back in the other Amor?
Milly: I wonder... Do you think the Evgenya in this world is the younger version of the one we already met?
Carver: That cave's gotta be the key to all this, Hero! Let's go up north, aye?
Milly: “Some key”? That must be the mirror key!
Milly: If the cave hasn't yet collapsed in this world, maybe it's still possible to find the mirror key there!
Carver: The Evgenya in this place is a popular lady, aye?
Milly: It sounds like this young Evgenya is quite a woman.
I can't wait to meet her for myself!
Carver: “Evgenya the Cyclone”, aye? Sounds tough. I like it!
Milly: If I hear one more ode to Evgenya, I'm afraid I'll start becoming jealous!
Carver: Aye! Let's go!
Milly: Let's go, Hero!
Carver: It seems like Evgenya really didn't work at the church in this town after all.
Milly: There's no point in hanging around here. Come, let's head to the cave.
Carver: Wh-Whoa... This lady's really givin' me the creeps.
Milly: Is this Evgenya...? It must be. She has a very similar aura...
Carver: Sounds like that someone oughta be us, Hero.
Milly: He's fighting whilst injured! We can't just stand idly by, Hero. We've got to do something!
Carver: What're you waitin' for, Hero!? That's our cue!
Milly: If we don't help him now, that poor man is finished!
Carver: For a guy with such nasty wounds, he sure is chipper.
Carver: Ah, well. Let's help him back up to the top.
Milly: Evgenya was convinced that Ilya is dead...
I can't wait to see the look on her face when we reunite the two of them!
Carver: Geh. The bloomin' thing's empty!
Milly: Hmm... If the mirror key isn't here, then...
Carver: Hittin' monsters hard is our business, and business is good.
Milly: Thank the Goddess we made it in time!
Carver: Whoa! Did she say “mirror of Ra” just now, Hero?
Carver: C'mon! We can't lose 'em!
Milly: So the mirror key opens the door to Moonmirror Tower...
Milly: At least that's what they said, anyway.
Milly: Come, Hero! We need to get after those two!
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Carver: Keep mum, Hero. Sometimes folks're better off not knowin' the whole truth.
Milly: The blood that dirtied the water was the cause of Evgenya's distress...
Carver: The Goddess is gettin' all the credit for our handiwork. Ah, well.
Milly: It's important to show gratitude for the blessings you receive.
I'm grateful to have companions like you and Carver to travel with, Hero!
Carver: Aye, we know the sales pitch: this stuff cures disease 'n everything like that.
Milly: The town will be back on its feet in no time.
This water's crystal clear again!
Carver: Geh. So where'd they run off to?
Milly: Knowing those two, I bet they're already far away by now.
Carver: You hear that, Hero!? The mirror's in Moonmirror Tower!
Carver: So...where's Moonmirror Tower again?
Milly: The mirror key, Moonmirror Tower, and Ra's mirror... At last, everything is clear.
Milly: Ra's mirror is in Moonmirror Tower!
Milly: The next step is to find that tower. Let's go!
Carver: “Adopt”, aye? You know what it means, Hero? It's on the tip of my brain.
Milly: We know they've left town, but where did they go?
That's the key question...
Carver: You'd think a gulp of that miracle water would work wonders on shot nerves.
Milly: Well, at least the water will be clean and fresh from now on.
Carver: “Back in the black”? Is that a good thing, Hero?
Milly: It's good to know things are getting back to normal here.
Carver: What the–? First he was terrified, and now he's bouncin' off the walls. He needs a medium settin'.
Milly: Now he can sell his armour without any disturbances.
Carver: Crikey! Nothin' rattles this guy. We could use a fella like him.
Milly: Well, he's rather blunt... I hope his weapons aren't! Hee hee.
Carver: So, uh, we still can't stay the night?
Milly: Ooh, a kindred spirit! Whenever I'm feeling happy,
I start cleaning too.
Carver: They ain't here, that much's for sure.
Milly: Ilya and Evgenya have such a good relationship.
I'm almost a little jealous!
Carver: Ah, so they did pay one more visit to Amor before shovin' off.
Milly: Why don't we have a word with the villagers before we move on?
Milly: Once we've heard all that they have to say, we can decide on what to do next.
Carver: What does she mean, “how we got here”? We took the wagon over, and...
Carver: Wait! No! We fell asleep at the church, and then we wound up here!
Milly: I suppose you could say we came to Amor...from Amor!
Carver: Aye, uh, that's exactly what Evgenya was doin' at the church before we went to sleep.
Milly: Don't you think it's about time we paid Evgenya the church worker a visit, Hero?
Carver: I ain't sleepy yet, anyway.
Milly: It'd be rude not to take them up on their kind offer, Hero. Let's be sure to rest here once you're ready.
Carver: If the old lady's here... We must be back in the first Amor again, aye?
Carver: I don't get any of this, but who cares. We got the mirror key, 'n that's all that matters.
Milly: Evgenya said that we appeared in her dream...
Milly: But why would we appear in Evgenya's dream...?
Milly: Could it be that the world we've just returned from exists within Evgenya's dreams?
Carver: Won't be long before we're seein' ourselves in that mirror, aye?
Carver: What a trip. I never thought we'd get here.
Milly: Our fate is clear, Hero. Let's head for Moonmirror Tower!
Carver: Guy's wrinkly as a prune, but no doubt about it – he's Ilya!
Milly: (sniff) I'm so glad Evgenya and Ilya's story had a happy ending!
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Carver: You could call him that, aye. “Old flame” works, too.
Milly: Even after all these years, Ilya and Evgenya are still so close. I need to find out their secret!
Milly: Dreaming... Yes, maybe we were dreaming after all...
Carver: Cyclone, Tempest... Wish I had a nickname like that...
Carver: How does “Carver the Hammer” sound? “Carver the Sawblade”? Why do I keep comin' up with carpentry-themed names?
Carver: She may be gettin' on in her years now, but that Evgenya was a heck of a looker back in her day.
Milly: Honestly! Are all men this easily infatuated!?
Milly: Hero? Hello?
Carver: I TOLD THE OLD MAN... Wait, why am I yellin' at you, Hero?
Milly: My, it seems like Evgenya the Cyclone had all the boys shaken up! Hee hee.
Carver: Hard for me to imagine it's been “decades”, but...
Milly: Two lovers, brought together in each others' dreams... (sniff) I think I'm welling up!
Carver: It'd be great to have a kid who idolises her old man as much as this lass does. Someday, maybe...
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Carver: Whoa, ya can barely see the ceilings in this place.
Milly: Let's go, Hero. But be careful not to get lost...
Carver: I think my muscles are sproutin' muscles.
Milly: Seems like an ordinary mirror to me.
Ashlynn: Ugh! Look at my skin! I'm gonna need a month of beauty rest when this is over...
Nevan: I say, my collar is rather rumpled! This won't do.
I am representing Ghent, after all...
Amos: It'd be a bit rum if I were to see my monstrous self starin' back at me! But no, it's just plain old Amos!
Terry: If I wanted to check myself out in the mirror, I could do it in my own time. I didn't need to come here...
Lizzie: (snarl) (slobber) Th-That's me! One more me! (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Welcome to the club. Now where's that mirror?
Milly: We should go. We need to push forward.
Carver: Wait, so does she want us to leave her behind or...?
Milly: Hee hee. She certainly is spirited. I like her!
What are we going to do, Hero?
Carver: She's got a 10-ton chip on her shoulder, but you can never have too many companions, I suppose...
Carver: Anyway, the mirror! We're almost there, aye, Hero!?
Carver: I'm more than ready for it, that's for sure.
Milly: Lucky you, Hero, you're just becoming surrounded by cute girls!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! I'm not alone any more! This is great!
Carver: Ahoy! Here it is, Hero! No doubt about it, this is the mirror the King told us about!
Carver: Eh? What do ya mean, “which king”? I'm talkin' about King Somnus from back in our world!
Carver: The King and Queen here just sleep all the time...
They ain't sendin' us on any quests.
Carver: It was our King Somnus who asked us to find this thing in the first place, right? Quit tryin' to confuse me!
Milly: You did it, Hero! This is doubtless the mirror sought by King Somnus.
Milly: What do you mean, which one? Naturally, I speak of the King Somnus of your world. Not getting confused, are you?
Milly: King Somnus in this world continues to sleep alongside his queen. This is very troubling...
Milly: But for now, you must fulfil the mission you have been given as a soldier of the Kingdom of Somnia.
Carver: She's got a 10-ton chip on her shoulder, but you can never have too many companions, I suppose...
Carver: Anyway, we gotta get back to Somnia, Hero!
Ashlynn: I stopped here on the way to Moonmirror Tower. It's a beautiful castle, isn't it?
Carver: We'd better defeat Murdaw on the double, aye?
Milly: The King and Queen are sure to wake up once we defeat Murdaw!
Ashlynn: What? So this castle's king and queen just sleep all the time?
Carver: Aye, he's got that right. Captain Rusty's a fine fella.
Milly: I sense a deep adoration for Captain Rusty within the castle.
Ashlynn: Hey, who's this Captain Rusty? He a friend of yours or something?
Carver: Geh... Keating, that dirty little...
Milly: Oh, poor Captain Rusty...
Ashlynn: The “Fake Prince Incident”? What was that? Sounds pretty juicy!
Ashlynn: Lots of stuff happening around here, and it's all going right over my head.
Carver: It'd take all week to explain how we got the mirror.
Milly: I'm rather impressed that this merchant knows about Ra's mirror.
Ashlynn: Don't you think we should keep a low profile with this thing?
Carver: Good idea. Probably better not go around showin' this off too much.
Milly: I'm rather impressed that this merchant knows about Ra's mirror.
Ashlynn: That's probably the smart thing to do. We shouldn't show this to strangers.
Carver: Wait, what!? So Rusty's Blade, too!?
Carver: This is so confusin'... I hope you're takin' notes, Hero!
Milly: This world and your world are undoubtedly connected, Hero...
Milly: The question is how? That's what we need to find out.
Ashlynn: I don't get why some people hate their names. If it's that much of a bother, just change it!
Carver: Hero, we're supposed to bring the mirror to OUR Somnia!
Milly: I like to take it easy as much as the next girl, but I really think we should hurry back to the Somnia in your world, Hero.
Ashlynn: Hey, why's this soldier so mad at you, Hero? What'd you do to him?
Carver: Huh? Somethin' left to do in this Somnia?
Milly: You know that it's the other Somnia we need to go to, don't you? Of course you do!
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Ashlynn: What kind of jerk pretends to be a prince? I'd love to meet him so I could tell him off!
Ashlynn: You tell me, mister! I always wanted to ship out on a really big boat!
Carver: We ain't up to any funny business. Ain't that right, Hero?
Milly: Are you planning to take the ferry to Port Haven, Hero?
Ashlynn: I wanna ride the ferry!
Carver: Mmm? Somethin' left for us to do here?
Ashlynn: C'mon! Finish up whatever you're doing so we can hop aboard the ship.
Carver: I kinda like Zoom more than long sea voyages, but...
Milly: I do hope that no sea monsters disrupt our journey.
Ashlynn: Hooray! I'm going on a boat ride!
Carver: We can cast Zoom to reach Port Haven anyway, aye?
Ashlynn: Aww, we can't get on?
Carver: Good. My belly couldn't take much more of this rockin' 'n rollin'.
Milly: Another smooth voyage. I've become quite the fan of sea travel.
Ashlynn: It ain't easy (glurp) being queasy...
Carver: Aye. What's the rush?
Milly: We like to do things at our own pace, don't we Hero?
Ashlynn: I like ships, but my tummy sure doesn't.
I wouldn't mind giving it time to settle before the next voyage...
Carver: Feels like we haven't been here in ages, aye?
Milly: I'm pleased to see Madame Luca looking so well.
Ashlynn: Wow! What a charming place!
Carver: Sayin' hi to the cat first, aye?
Milly: I miss that little kitty!
Ashlynn: Think this cat gets his dreams read, too? That'd be soooo cute!
Carver: Wh-Whoa, hold on now! You mean we've been livin' in a dream world all this time!?
Carver: But dreams are so...flimsy – here one minute and gone the next. Same thing could happen to us!
Carver: Wait a sec, though. If this is all a dream...then am I just the dream version of my real self?
Carver: Am I the illusion that the real me sees in his dreams...? This is way over my head...
Milly: Are you surprised, Hero?
Milly: I remember when Madame Luca first told me. At first I was terribly shocked...
Milly: But then I realised that the only way to discover the truth was to keep pressing forward.
Milly: How about it, Hero? What are you going to do?
Ashlynn: Anyone mind explaining what she was going on about?
Carver: Hey, we can play with the cat later, Hero.
Carver: Let's use our souped-up Zoom and take a trip back to our world!
Milly: I wish we could take Luca's kitty with us!
Ashlynn: Think this cat gets his dreams read, too? That'd be soooo cute!
Carver: Time's a wastin'. Let's shove off for Somnia!
Milly: Hee hee. Madame Luca seems as playful as ever.
Ashlynn: And here I thought this old lady was all-knowing. Nope.
Carver: C'mon, Hero, let's shove off! Enough kitty-cat chat!
Milly: I wish we could take Luca's kitty with us!
Ashlynn: Think this cat gets his dreams read, too? That'd be soooo cute!
Carver: Time's a wastin'. Let's shove off for Somnia!
Milly: Come, Hero. Let's try visiting Somnia Castle in both worlds.
Ashlynn: Carver and the old lady sure do bicker a lot.
Maybe they have a secret crush on each other...
Carver: The lady don't need to tell us twice. We were fightin' down the path long before she started bossin' us around.
Milly: It's nice to know Madame Luca will be watching over us from her crystal.
Ashlynn: This is neat. I'm starting to believe in dream seeing!
Nevan: This dwelling brims with a vast, vibrant energy.
Nevan: I sense its power, but I cannot discern its source. This is curious indeed...
Carver: Alright, Hero! Time to show Murdaw a thing or two!
Milly: Hopefully the next time we see Madame Luca, Murdaw will be no more!
Ashlynn: Glad she's on our side. Let's go do our best!
Nevan: So the Goddess has blessed this woman with the gifts of a dream seer.
Nevan: No doubt she has already foreseen the outcome of our battle with Murdaw.
Nevan: Well, whatever outcome she has seen, we must battle as if our victory was preordained!
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Carver: Whoa! Sounds like Johan manned up. Went and rescued Ella, aye?
Milly: How strange that the Mayor would leave town...
Carver: Still, even a stuck-up mayor's better than no mayor at all.
Carver: If I ever get some free time, I could fill in for him!
Milly: I wonder if he's ever planning to return?
Ashlynn: You know the Mayor, Hero? Wow! You're a popular guy!
Carver: There's no way we're gettin' back into Somnia down here...
Carver: Let's hurry back to our Somnia and get the mirror to King Somnus on the double!
Milly: The King Somnus of your world must be on tenterhooks waiting for Ra's mirror, Hero.
Milly: Let's hurry up and get it to him!
Carver: If ya ask me, we had it worse than anyone else over there...
Milly: I can't bear the thought of the King and Queen being trapped in their slumber. We have to help them!
Ashlynn: What's going on? Something wrong in Somnia Castle?
Ashlynn: Wow! He must be, like, super good with wood!
Carver: To think, I wrote Johan off for a wimp when we first met.
Carver: Looks like he's got some guts after all!
Milly: Johan's journey must have been tough. He looks a lot stronger now!
Ashlynn: Awww. I love happy endings.
Carver: After all she went through, she actually cares about that lousy Mayor?
Carver: Oh, Ella... (sniff) Ain't you a peach.
Milly: I'm sure it's this kindness that attracted Johan to Ella in the first place. It's nice to see that some men realise beauty isn't just skin deep!
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero. Is that girl your type? She sure is pretty!
Carver: Even when he's not around, this mayor manages to make life miserable for folks.
Milly: Perhaps he deserves what he gets, but I can't help but feel sorry for the poor man...
Carver: Ya know, I've met some harsh girls in my day, but Poison Ivy here's the queen of mean!
Milly: At least she seems to be showing some remorse now...
Milly: I'd say she was just a little too fond of mischief.
Carver: It's good to see the old timer feelin' great.
Milly: His aura is absolutely gleaming! I'm happy for him.
Ashlynn: That guy's happiness is rubbing off on me, but then I'm always happy!
Carver: Now the old fella can live in peace again, aye?
Milly: Everyone seems really happy that Ella has returned. I'm glad, too!
Ashlynn: Yippee! Great news!
Carver: Blimey. She told all them stories to her grandson...
Is she sayin' she didn't believe any of 'em?
Milly: Hee hee. Oh, it's real alright.
Ashlynn: Wow! The Goddess made Ra's mirror? She's so crafty!
Carver: Aye? Wait, what's not what she had in mind?
Milly: Hee hee. I can't speak for the boys, but that's definitely not what I had in mind either...
Ashlynn: Hey, what exactly did you have in mind, Hero?
Carver: You probably shouldn't encourage girls like that, Hero.
Carver: Man, this is just gettin' crazy! I sure don't remember this house. I swear on the Goddess 'n everything!
Milly: This lady seems absolutely convinced that Carver is her son.
Milly: I wonder why...
Ashlynn: Hey Carver, you sure this isn't your house? It just has to be!
Ashlynn: There's no way a mother would forget what her son looked like. Ever!
Carver: I wish she'd just drop it...
Milly: Wait... You don't think Carver could've lost his memory, do you, Hero?
Ashlynn: I feel kind of bad for that lady...
Ashlynn: Think he's trying to ignore us?
Milly: They seem to be terribly busy. We shouldn't get in their way, Hero. Let's take our leave.
Ashlynn: Guess it's a good thing we're not customers.
Milly: This place is in great shape. They say the state of a carpenter's workshop reveals a lot about his craftsmanship.
Ashlynn: He looks busy. He's only got eyes for yew...and other types of wood, too. Tee hee!
Carver: We made it! And so did my lunch this time.
Milly: What a pleasant voyage that was...
Ashlynn: Ugghhh... (glurp)
Carver: Aye? Seasick? Me? Hardy har!
Milly: I'm just fine. I find that enjoying the view helps keep me grounded during these trips.
Ashlynn: Ugghhh... (glurp)
Carver: Sea legs? My sea quadriceps alone are the size of tree trunks.
Milly: What a waste it would be to spend an entire voyage staring at the bottom of a bucket!
Ashlynn: Where can I get these “sea legs”, anyway? I lost my lunch and most of dinner...
Carver: Aye. We've seen better days...
Milly: We really should visit a church soon. Coffins are so unsightly and depressing...
Ashlynn: Hauling a coffin's a hassle, but dead or alive, we leave no one behind!
Carver: Depart? We just got here!
Milly: Hey, Hero, remember this place? This is where we first met!
Ashlynn: Fine with me. Sea travel, solid food, and me do NOT get along.
Carver: A big meal or two and twelve hours of sleep will set that guy right as rain. Works for me!
Milly: I didn't notice any choppiness myself, but I suppose one has a different perspective as a sailor.
Carver: Hardy har! I suppose her prince should have bulgin' pecs and locks blowin' in the wind, aye?
Milly: It seems the ships from Somnia carry rumours as well as passengers. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Hmm... A phony prince doesn't sound so dreamy to me.
Carver: Whoa. That was like watchin' a carriage wreck in slow motion.
Milly: Oh dear... I sense that man's love is unrequited...
Ashlynn: Wow. Talk about a failure to communicate.
Carver: The lone swordsman again, aye? She should forget that chump. Lone martial artists are where it's at!
Milly: The most powerful sword? That sounds intriguing...
Ashlynn: Wow! Heroes, princes... My kind of people!
Carver: Hey, you gonna go and see Evgenya, Hero?
Milly: We have to tell Ilya and Evgenya about Ra's mirror.
Ashlynn: Wow! This place is right out of a painting!
Ashlynn: Hey, what'd he say? The waterfall's too loud!
Ashlynn: Hmm... So that's what happened. Uh-huh, whatever.
Carver: He's takin' care of 'em both now? That Father's an angel, aye?
Milly: Evgenya must be so happy to have Ilya back after all this time.
Carver: I love happy endings... (sniff)
Milly: Thanks to Evgenya and Ilya, we were able to find Ra's mirror. We owe them both a great deal!
Ashlynn: Yeah, she had happiness written all over her face! In between all the wrinkles, I mean.
Carver: He oughta feel it – we couldn't have done it without him.
Milly: We'll make sure Ra's mirror makes its way to King Somnus. Won't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: Say, that guy aged pretty well. I'll bet he broke some hearts when he was younger.
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Carver: Wonder how that crusty ol' coot is farin'.
Milly: The surrounding area is rather bleak, but this cottage is nice and homely.
Ashlynn: What a cute little cottage!
Carver: Avast! No bad attitude or insults this time? I'm almost...disappointed.
Milly: Did one of you build that shed out there? I'm impressed!
Ashlynn: Ha ha! That guy's so ugly, he's actually kinda cute!
Carver: What a slave-driver! He's still bossin' folks around, aye?
Milly: Oh my, this really is a wonderful shed... Such elegant craftsmanship!
Ashlynn: Stacking wood, huh? Sounds like a career with a lot of growth. Ha ha! Get it? Wood? Growth? Ah, fun.
Carver: Mornin'! You sleep well, Hero?
Milly: I always feel so relaxed and comfortable after sleeping in a church.
Ashlynn: (yawn) Mmm, I slept great...
Carver: She's got nothin' to worry about! I know my body like, uh, the back of my hand. I'm fine.
Milly: I actually wanted to be a nun when I was a little girl.
Ashlynn: What a pretty nun...
Carver: Oh, I won't, Sister, I won't! Hardy har!
Carver: Aye! A short rest here, then next stop: Somnia Castle!
Milly: It seems everyone is desperate to get their hands on Ra's mirror.
Ashlynn: Oh, wow. Guess we found, like, the hottest item in the realm!
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Carver: Good thing I'm so humble, or all this praise would go right to my handsome head.
Milly: I bet there are still some soldiers out there looking for it.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I helped find it, too!
Carver: In a place like this, sleepin's about the only fun thing to do when you're off duty...
Milly: Poor thing. He seems exhausted.
Ashlynn: Hero, shhh! Soldiers need beauty rest too, you know.
Ashlynn: Oooh, tents! Shops! But why's the place so placid?
Carver: The bazaar's finally run its course, aye?
Milly: They hold an annual bazaar in this town, don't they?
Ashlynn: What!? No! And I missed it by THIS much.
Carver: If he says so. Me, I never lose.
Milly: Location is indeed the key to a successful business.
Ashlynn: Yeah... When it comes to selling, it's all about location, location, location!
Carver: Pfft, whatever you say. Birds don't talk, anyway. They sing!
Milly: His secret operation planning keeps him up all night – every night!
Ashlynn: Riddle me this: “I am awake up above but asleep down below. What am I?”
Ashlynn: Give up? I'm King Somnus! Tee hee!
Carver: Aye, that or maybe he just had a thing for overpriced knick-knacks.
Milly: Well, he won't be looking for it much longer! Hee hee!
Ashlynn: “Legendary mirror”? She means Ra's mirror, right?
Carver: Aye! That's old news to us!
Milly: The speed at which rumours spread never ceases to amaze me...
Ashlynn: But I thought the lady with us is– Oops! I keep forgetting it's a secret!
Carver: Looks like the older brother won the sales war – or dreamt he did.
Milly: Now there's a merchant who knows the value of a good location!
Ashlynn: He's in a good mood. I guess money does buy happiness.
Carver: Wouldn't be much of a bazaar without customers.
Milly: When peace returns to the world, maybe I'll try opening a little stall in this town.
Ashlynn: Wish I'd gotten here sooner!
Carver: Why don't we just buy it? Let's live a little.
Milly: I wonder if that key will open any of the locked doors we've encountered?
Carver: Geh! How humiliatin'.
Milly: Oh dear. What a sorry state...
Ashlynn: Boy, we need to manage our money better...
Carver: There won't be any more bazaars if the world ends. Just another reason to stop Murdaw.
Milly: The bazaar may be over, but this world is not going anywhere.
Ashlynn: The end is near, alright – for Murdaw!
Carver: Sounds like Bill's done playin' second fiddle to his brother at the bazaar.
Milly: The bazaar's just finished and he's already planning for the next? That's dedication.
Ashlynn: Boy, there's no way I could plan that far ahead.
Carver: Two Murdaws or twenty – I'm gonna knock 'em all out.
Milly: Running away is not the answer. We must stand together to defeat Murdaw.
Ashlynn: Lots of people seem fine with this whole “two worlds” thing...
Ashlynn: They don't know yet that this is the dream world, though...
Carver: Sounds like you've got a real shot with that girl, Hero.
Milly: Oh, right. You fell into the chasm instead of her father, didn't you, Hero?
Ashlynn: I think that girl's giving you the eye, Hero.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We women can tell!
Carver: Bet you're glad the old fella's doin' okay, aye, Hero?
Milly: The workmanship on Cliff's crowns is wonderful.
Milly: He's a true craftsman in every sense of the word!
Ashlynn: Wow, look at all these crowns! Guess they're not just for kings any more...
Carver: The town inn, aye?
Carver: Hey Hero, how about we go and test it out?
Milly: I sense that there are plenty of places outside this town where the thief's key might come in handy as well.
Milly: Now that we've paid for it, it would be a shame not to try it out in some of the places we've visited.
Ashlynn: That thief's key only opens up one specific type of door, right?
Ashlynn: Still, I bet there's plenty of them out there just waiting to be unlocked!
Ashlynn: Huh? Oh, we didn't buy it?
Ashlynn: I don't know... I think it'd be a big help if we had it...
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Carver: Finally, we're back – and with Ra's mirror, to boot!
Carver: I can't wait to see the look on the King's face!
Milly: Somnia Castle is within our sights. Quickly, let's go and see the King!
Ashlynn: Wow! So this is Somnia in your world, Hero?
Carver: The King's gonna “flip his crown”? That don't sound good.
Milly: This news is going to shock everyone in the castle!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I bet the King gives us each a big hug!
Carver: Oh, quit teasin', Hero! That's not funny.
Milly: Now hold on... Aren't you going to tell him?
Ashlynn: Did you hit your head, Hero? We have the mirror!
Carver: She won't have to worry for much longer, aye?
Carver: We're gonna use Ra's mirror to take out Murdaw for good!
Carver: ...Not that we know how to use it yet.
Details, details...
Milly: Hmm. The townspeople seem very anxious...
Milly: Let's not waste any time in putting them at ease!
Ashlynn: She needs to quit worrying – it's bad for your skin!
Carver: No one's dyin' on our watch, that's for sure!
Milly: I understand her fears, but a little bravery would go a long way right now.
Ashlynn: Poor people... They'll die of fear before Murdaw even gets here.
Carver: He probably just wants to show Murdaw how ugly he is so he'll keel over on the spot...
Carver: Uh, aye, never mind. Just thinkin' out loud.
Milly: I must admit, I too am curious as to what the King intends to do with Ra's mirror.
Ashlynn: Hellooo! It's for beating Murdaw, of course!
Carver: Mmm? Oh! We never did ask this girl what her problem was, aye?
Milly: Hero, we should help this poor lady. Shall we go and fetch it for her?
Ashlynn: C'mon, Hero. Help the lady!
Carver: Great! Ya can never be strong enough, I say.
Milly: Making good use of this reward would be the best way to show our gratitude.
Ashlynn: That was awfully kind of her!
Carver: Better times are comin'. You can bet on it!
Milly: I sense that there's a light waiting for us all at the end of this dark tunnel.
Ashlynn: No matter how bad things look, you should never give up! Right, Hero?
Carver: Splittin' hairs is a neat trick, but I can split a whole skull with one kick!
Milly: Interesting. I suppose it's only natural that the King should be a fine swordsman.
Ashlynn: Oooh, I wish I could meet this “Young King Somnus” guy!
Carver: Murdaw's not slinkin' away this time.
Milly: I sense that this gentleman's wish is soon to be fulfilled.
Ashlynn: Wow, sure is nice of the man to pray for king and country...
Carver: Out like a rock. Me, I sleep like a boulder.
Milly: If we're looking to shop, let's visit the shops in town.
Ashlynn: Wonder what he's dreaming about?
Carver: Fortune favours the bold, they say.
Milly: I wish him a speedy recovery!
Ashlynn: He's healing the old-fashioned way? What's wrong with magic?
Carver: Murdaw wouldn't be such a big deal if all he did was fog up folks' memories.
Milly: Somehow I doubt that Murdaw is responsible for his forgetfulness...
Ashlynn: Weird! It's like the guy has a young body but an old brain.
Carver: The fella doesn't look old enough to have worked there before.
Milly: Now's not the time for such doubts! She should be happy for her husband!
Ashlynn: Maybe that's that “déjà vu” thing, huh?
Milly: There must be some reason why the King never sleeps...
Ashlynn: Wow, so the King Somnus here never sleeps at all? That's, like, the exact opposite of the other king.
Ashlynn: Boy, she doesn't look too comfy!
Milly: Don't let your guard down! I sense the presence of a monster...
Ashlynn: Hey, there's someone in here. Really! I mean it!
Carver: I love unexpected workouts.
Milly: That wasn't a very threatening monster, but still, its presence in town would've only caused unrest.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We did it!
Carver: This must be the ring that lady lost.
Carver: Let's go back up and give it to her!
Milly: Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be damaged. That's good!
Ashlynn: No one under forty would be caught dead wearing this gaudy ring!
Carver: It's been a while, aye?
Milly: Somnia Castle is equally impressive in both worlds!
Ashlynn: Wow! It's even bigger when you see it up close!
Carver: Hmm... Not a good thing to keep your commanding officer waitin'.
Milly: Come, Hero. Everyone's waiting for us.
Ashlynn: This is so exciting!
Carver: Aye, show a little respect for the dead. To the church!
Milly: Resurrecting our companions should always be a top priority!
Ashlynn: You shouldn't have to be reminded to resurrect your friends.
Carver: I guess you could call it that, aye, Hero?
Milly: It was indeed quite the journey, and not without its difficulties.
Ashlynn: You've all been gone for that long?
Carver: If AWOL means “awesome without limits”, then guilty as charged.
Milly: You can't blame him – you really were away for rather a long time. But you did what had to be done.
Ashlynn: No one could forget me – 'cause I wasn't around to be remembered. I'm new!
Carver: How could everyone have forgotten me?
Er, I mean us.
Milly: An impossible mission? I beg to differ – and we've got proof!
Ashlynn: Oh, we have good news. And how.
Carver: That wagon's been a real Goddessend.
Milly: So this is the gentleman who provided us with the wagon?
Ashlynn: I've never ridden in such style!
Carver: He's got a right to remain silent. We're gonna storm Murdaw's joint before Murdaw can storm us.
Milly: If Murdaw were to attack, I don't think it would matter whether he was in a cell or a castle...
Ashlynn: That cell's probably one of the safest places around.
Carver: Nice to know someone here remembers us.
Milly: See? They haven't forgotten about you after all, Hero!
Ashlynn: Aww, see? Some people still care about you.
Ashlynn: Aww, quit messin' with the poor guy. Tell him the truth!
Carver: Aye! Let's go!
Milly: He's right, we should let him know as soon as possible.
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Carver: That's a lot of pressure, havin' the fate of folks' dreams in our hands.
Milly: The townspeople have a lot of faith in King Somnus, don't they?
Ashlynn: Who can sleep at a time like this, anyway?
Carver: C'mon, Hero, let's move!
Milly: He's right, Hero. Let's go. The King is waiting.
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go!
Carver: I used to think I'd get sick of all this praise, but it's not happenin'.
Milly: All this praise is beginning to make me blush!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We're the best thing to happen around here since salt pork, Hero.
Carver: It's not like we were on holiday. Attack is the best form of defence, aye?
Milly: The people of Somnia expect a lot of their soldiers, it would seem.
Carver: Blimey, Hero. You've got a sick sense of humour.
Milly: I can sense the Captain's disappointment, and it's making me feel guilty!
Ashlynn: Ugh. You're driving me up the wall here!
Carver: C'mon! Ahoy! Ahoy! Let's follow him!
Milly: Quickly, let's follow the Captain!
Ashlynn: Oh boy! Time for your big report to the King!
Carver: If folks are this happy about us gettin' the mirror, what'll they do when we beat Murdaw?
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Soak up the praise, team!
Carver: Heh... Now that it's time to deliver the goods, I'm gettin' all sweaty 'n everything like that.
Milly: That's this world's King Somnus...
Ashlynn: Hey, the King really is young! And how!
Carver: We found the mirror in the last place we looked, and that's all I'm sayin'.
Milly: I don't think “Moonmirror Tower” would mean anything to him...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! That's our little secret!
Carver: It's not anyone's fault we're so bloomin' good.
Milly: I'm sure this soldier tried his best, but...
Ashlynn: Hardened soldiers get jealous, too? Who knew?
Carver: I'm willing to share half the huzzahs, Hero. You put in a lot of work – almost as much as me!
Milly: Even our rivals are congratulating us. I'm impressed!
Ashlynn: I'll bet you're walking on air, Hero!
Carver: Aye, it was a tough job! Even I'll admit that.
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: We tried really, really hard, sir. Really!
Carver: Hey, we better not keep the King waitin' too long, aye?
Milly: It seems our success has come as a bit of a surprise to everyone.
Ashlynn: Maybe they should have tried jumping into big chasms and climbing some tall towers, too.
Carver: Mm? What's goin' on upstairs? Let's go and see.
Milly: I don't know what Captain Blade wants, but his aura suggests it is an urgent matter.
Ashlynn: Was it me, or did the Captain seem a little stressed out?
Carver: Let sleepin' guards lie, Hero. We gotta go upstairs.
Milly: Let's go and meet the Captain, quick!
Ashlynn: Sleeping on the job!? That's terrible!
Carver: Aye. He didn't look too calm 'n collected, did he?
Milly: Let's go upstairs and see what's up.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go!
Carver: Avast! Maybe King Somnus cooked up a strategy for beatin' Murdaw!
Milly: The King's chambers are on the top floor.
Let's hurry!
Ashlynn: The Captain didn't go this way.
Carver: Good Goddess! The King's in pain!
Milly: What's happened to the King...?
Ashlynn: Your Majesty! Is he sick!?
Carver: What could've happened to him in the dead 'o night like this? Guess evil never sleeps, neither.
Milly: The King's face is as white as a sheet...
Ashlynn: Oh, I hope the King's alright...
Carver: Avast! Anyone have a clue what's goin' on here?
Milly: Could this elegant lady be the Queen? The one who couldn't awaken in the real world?
Ashlynn: So, I guess the young King's gone now, huh...
Carver: Time to storm Murdaw's Keep, aye...? We can worry about the King later.
Milly: Let's head for that checkpoint. We need to follow the eastern mountains to the south.
Ashlynn: That's a lot of directions to remember. We'll ask the Chancellor later if we forget.
Carver: The only thing I understand here is that we finally get to hammer Murdaw like a rusty nail.
Milly: Defeating Murdaw will reveal all, I'm sure of it!
Ashlynn: Off we go!
Carver: Aye, it ain't smart to leave the castle undefended.
Milly: I'm sure the soldiers will keep the castle safe for us.
Ashlynn: That guy takes his job seriously.
Carver: Oh, um... Nothin' happened. Nope. Nothin' at all. So, how 'bout that weather?
Milly: Hmm, I wonder... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Only thing that happened was some guy turned into a lady.
Ashlynn: ...What!? It's not like anyone would believe us anyway!
Carver: I'm glad we never miss the fun stuff.
Milly: It's nice to see such determination in the face of adversity. Somnia's soldiers are a dedicated bunch!
Ashlynn: So many eager beavers around here!
Carver: If she only knew.
Milly: King Somnus can count on our support!
Ashlynn: Sure is fun having five people in our group. We're, like, the party that likes to party!
Carver: Don't need to hear that twice. We ain't about to fall behind!
Milly: We should go, let's follow the eastern mountains to the south and head for the checkpoint there.
Ashlynn: If only he knew – the King's right here with us!
Carver: That's the right attitude. We can win this!
Milly: We'll be fighting alongside the King! It's an honour!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Are you getting all this, King?
Carver: Aye! Long live Somnia, victory to the King, 'n everything like that!
Milly: Victory is assured!
Ashlynn: Oooh, I want a victory shout, too. “Go us!” How's that?
Carver: Aye, we heard the news.
Milly: I hope the Somnians pray for the King's safe return.
Ashlynn: Yep. That's exactly what happened. Right, Hero?
Carver: Hmm... This fella thinks too much.
Milly: We've no time to waste. We need to get to Murdaw's Keep.
Ashlynn: The King barely had time to, um, change, let alone say goodbye. Tee hee!
Carver: Aye, we're off. Right, Hero?
Milly: We'll be on our way, then.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Onward!
Carver: Don't mind if I do!
Milly: That guard is always so friendly!
Ashlynn: I feel so regal!
Carver: Aye, show a little respect for the dead. To the church!
Milly: Resurrecting our companions should always be a top priority!
Ashlynn: You shouldn't have to be reminded to resurrect your friends.
Carver: Aye, aye. We know, we know.
Milly: Do we look like troublemakers, I wonder?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! The lady in the back look like anyone you know?
Carver: I can't wait to carry the King on our shoulders!
Milly: We'll be sure to let the King know that his subjects have faith in him!
Ashlynn: Murdaw's going down for good this time.
Carver: Just think: next time we come here, Murdaw will be dead and the world'll be at peace.
Milly: It's time for us to head for Murdaw's Keep as well. To the south-eastern lands we go!
Ashlynn: I'm pretty sure the King hasn't gotten there yet. Tee hee.
Carver: I can think of a lot of uses for that mirror. We can blind Murdaw, or hit him over the head, or, uh... See, two uses!
Milly: The method is not important – Murdaw will be defeated, by whatever means!
Ashlynn: She does make a good point... How do we use this thing?
Carver: Hardy har! I thought it'd say somethin' like that!
Milly: Captain Blade must have made an announcement.
Ashlynn: Not the most appreciative citizen, is he...
Carver: Keating...
Milly: Keating...
Ashlynn: Ooh, is he rich!? I bet he worked really hard for his money!
Carver: A good-for-nothin' in any dimension...
Milly: So he's a millionaire in this world, is he...
Ashlynn: This is the rich guy? Guess he forgot to buy manners.
Carver: Maybe ya couldn't hear the ruckus over your snoring.
Milly: The King truly is cunning... He didn't want Murdaw to notice his approach, so even his own subjects were kept in the dark.
Ashlynn: I don't think she'd notice even if the King were in the same room as her. Tee hee!
Carver: This cave leads to Murdaw's castle, aye? Feels like the whole place wants us dead.
Milly: Murdaw is deep within this cave... I can sense it...
Milly: It's time to show what we're made of, Hero. Let's go!
Ashlynn: Why do damp and gloomy caves always have to be so...gloomy and damp?
Carver: The air's gettin' heavy in here, aye...?
Carver: Keep your eyes peeled, people! Murdaw ain't above hittin' us from behind!
Milly: We must continue forward. But mind how you go!
Milly: Is everyone alright? If anyone's injured, be sure to heal up quickly.
Ashlynn: Are we there yet? At Murdaw's?
Ashlynn: These monsters must be the cream of Murdaw's crop, huh?
Carver: Aye! Keep your guard up, folks!
Milly: We're getting closer to Murdaw, Hero. It's almost time.
Ashlynn: I think I'm getting...a little tired...
Carver: He's in here, alright! I can feel it in the air alone!
Milly: Finally... Face to face with our nemesis.
Ashlynn: It's like there's an invisible evil force just inches from my nose...
Ashlynn: No way it's gonna stop me, though.
Carver: Well, that was weird.
Carver: Is it just me, or do ya get the impression we didn't really beat Murdaw?
Milly: Well, we can't stay here forever. We should go, Hero.
Milly: Let's follow the King and Captain Blade back to Somnia.
Ashlynn: Hey, the King said he was going to reward us, right?
Ashlynn: I love getting gifts! Let's hurry back and see what he hands out!
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Carver: Whew! Nothin' like forty winks to fortify brains 'n brawn.
Milly: Is everyone rested and raring to go?
Ashlynn: (yawwwn) Good morning, Hero.
Carver: Oof... That's just not right.
Milly: Th-That poor soldier...
Ashlynn: If Murdaw's behind this...he'll have to answer for it.
Carver: Crikey! Looks like he was attacked from behind.
Milly: I sense that he is now at peace...
Ashlynn: That's no fair... No fair at all.
Carver: Here we go. From here on out, we gotta give it everything we got, ya got me?
Milly: I'm glad I was able to pray once more before the battle ahead.
Ashlynn: Murdaw, you're not gonna get away with this!
Carver: Great. Last thing we need is our first line of defence fallin' asleep on the job...
Milly: I'm sure standing up straight all day long is very tiring.
Ashlynn: He looks more bored than tired, I think.
Carver: This fella's sleepin'. He'll be seekin' new employment before long...
Milly: Soldiers need to sleep just like anyone else, but...
Ashlynn: Boy, these are some lazy soldiers. They'd make an easy snack if any monsters showed up.
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Carver: Huh. Things seem pretty quiet around here.
Carver: I imagined once folks heard we beat' Murdaw, they'd be in a tizzy 'n everything like that.
Carver: Why aren't they throwin' a Murdaw Deadication or a National Peace Feast or, I dunno... Somethin'!
Milly: I thought the villagers would be celebrating after having heard about Murdaw's defeat from the King or Captain Blade...
Ashlynn: Weird. Things seem pretty low key considering Murdaw is history.
Carver: That kid should hang in there. Who knows what evil tomorrow might bring.
Milly: I predict great things for that child! Perhaps a few prayers to the Goddess will speed up his development...
Ashlynn: I wish I could be a kid again!
Carver: You think the dogs know Murdaw's gone, too?
Milly: What a lovely pup!
Ashlynn: Aww, what a friendly doggie.
Carver: She must be blind, aye? Seems totally reasonable that someone my size could wallop Murdaw...
Milly: The poor girl. She seems to have lost all hope...
Ashlynn: Dreamt it, huh? Well, in a way, I guess...
Carver: Aye, he went, alright. Just don't ask me to explain the details.
Milly: The King certainly did embark on that campaign.
Ashlynn: Well, he did, but I doubt anyone would've recognised him as the King...
Carver: Standing still ain't as easy as it looks. Maybe that old timer's secretly in martial arts training...
Milly: I hope that poor old man doesn't overdo it!
Ashlynn: You know what they say. If you don't give your bones a break, they might just break on you! ...Well, I say it, anyway.
Carver: Hmm... The news didn't make it over here yet?
Milly: I was sure that Captain Blade would have informed the townspeople by now...
Ashlynn: Why doesn't he know about Murdaw yet? That should be huge news!
Carver: Some folks say you're only as young as ya feel.
Milly: Hmm. There must be some reason why he would start to feel that way...
Ashlynn: He's starting to sound like an old man, too!
Carver: Hey, you don't suppose this young couple ain't so young in the other Somnia?
Milly: Dreams and reality... Their destinies will always be entwined.
Ashlynn: They should just enjoy being young again and not sweat the small things.
Carver: Wha? What's she mutterin' about? Is she really dreamin' or...?
Milly: Oh my! Does this mean...!?
Ashlynn: Was King Somnus sick over in this world?
Carver: I'm really startin' to think no one realises we bashed Murdaw...
Milly: I get the feeling that the King is yet to return...
Ashlynn: You'd think word of something as big as Murdaw's defeat would have spread by now...
Carver: Looks like the King and Captain Blade still aren't back yet, aye?
Milly: I wonder where in the world the King's group could have got to...
Ashlynn: Wow. They should have been back by now!
Carver: That's a question for the Captain, not us.
Milly: Hmm. Explaining what's going on in this castle would take more time than we've got.
Ashlynn: The King hasn't come back yet, huh? Captain Blade, neither...
Ashlynn: He said he had a reward for us, too...
Carver: What do ya think he was thinkin'?
Milly: At least we know that Murdaw hasn't harmed the King. But I do wonder where he could have gone...
Ashlynn: How can a king just go missing like that!?
Carver: Why stop there? I say super-duper-size it!
Milly: Everyone seems eager to see the King return.
Ashlynn: Hope the King comes back safe and sound. And soon...
Carver: Prisoner? What prisoner? See, I'm already ignorin' him.
Milly: We'll make our own judgements on who to ignore.
Ashlynn: A blowhard? Well, I wanna hear what he's blowing so hard about!
Carver: I suppose it's only natural to fear the worst if the King ain't back. Where could he have gone?
Milly: I must admit that I'm rather concerned about the King. I hope nothing happened to him on the way back...
Ashlynn: Murdaw hasn't done in anybody... This blowhard's got things in reverse.
Carver: Great. Just great.
Milly: As I thought... Neither the King nor the Captain have yet returned to the castle since defeating Murdaw.
Ashlynn: Oh, it's alright! I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Carver: If he's nervous, that must mean the King's not back yet.
Milly: If the King is yet to return from his campaign, then he's right to be nervous.
Ashlynn: I'm starting to get kinda nervous myself.
Carver: I know how he feels. We soldiers, we can relate.
Milly: I'm sure King Somnus would be pleased to hear of his subjects' concern for him.
Ashlynn: Too bad he didn't come with us. Boy, would he have been surprised!
Carver: His Majesty lose? That ain't his style.
Milly: She should try and relax. The King is sure to prevail.
Ashlynn: This definitely isn't good. People are starting to panic.
Carver: Ahh, of course! Why didn't I think of that?
Carver: I wish the King would've just told us that from the start.
Milly: Now it all makes sense. Right, let's head for the other Somnia Castle!
Ashlynn: The King was telling us to go to HIS Somnia Castle, not this one!
Ashlynn: C'mon, Hero, let's go!
Carver: I'm not keen on leavin' a priest by himself here...
Carver: Then again, he'd be in even worse danger travellin' around with us, so...
Milly: It's certainly a relief to have a priest here!
Milly: Still, I do hope he takes care not to get attacked...
Ashlynn: We can record our adventure here? How convenient!
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Carver: Whoa! Things are really hoppin' over here!
Milly: The town seems filled with happy voices and gleaming auras. It's nice, isn't it Hero?
Ashlynn: Hey, check it out! Everyone's all smiles around here!
Carver: I don't know what makes me happier: hearin' that the King's awake or that Keating is gone!
Milly: Thank goodness the King is finally awake. What a relief!
Ashlynn: Keating? Was he the chancellor here?
Carver: Aye, happy days are here again.
Milly: It's nice to see the people here in good spirits for a change.
Ashlynn: Yahoooo!
Carver: These folks know how to party, aye?
Milly: I understand his excitement. The King and Queen were asleep for a very long time!
Ashlynn: He said it! It's definitely time for a party!
Carver: The kid ain't lyin'. Captain Rusty got robbed!
Milly: Oh, poor Captain Rusty...
Ashlynn: I'm sorry I never had a chance to meet the guy.
Carver: Wait, the King's lookin' for the fake prince?
Carver: That's not good, aye? I mean, not good for us...
Milly: I wonder why he's searching for the fake prince now, all of a sudden?
Ashlynn: The fake prince? I'd like to meet this guy!
Carver: A hunt for the impostor...? Uh-oh.
Milly: You do have a bit of a princely demeanor, Hero... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: What? Hero looks like the Prince of Somnia?
Carver: Didn't seem all that fancy to me...
Milly: If only he knew! It's a whole other world...
Ashlynn: Hey, c'mon! Let's go to the castle and see the King!
Carver: This lady might be pretty sharp!
Milly: Hee hee. That's not such a bad theory...
Ashlynn: ...Prince? What prince?
Carver: “Time for him to return”, aye...?
Milly: Now that the King and Queen have awoken, I sense that a meeting with the Prince is close at hand...
Ashlynn: Wow! I hope I get to meet the Prince of Somnia someday!
Carver: Aye, that sounds about right to me.
Milly: I've no doubt that it was Murdaw who was the cause of all their troubles.
Milly: The Murdaw of the dream world may be gone, but I sense that the battle isn't quite over just yet...
Ashlynn: Exactly how long did the King and Queen sleep for? It must've been a while, huh?
Carver: I think I've got an idea where the Prince might have disappeared to...
Milly: Yes, I can't help but wonder what became of the Prince... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Sounds like this nation could use a vacation!
Ashlynn: Yeah, Blade is a much dreamier name than Rusty.
Carver: So they'll be gettin' the usual twelve hours from now on, aye? I imagine royalty gets to sleep in.
Milly: The King and Queen waking up has had quite a positive effect on the townspeople's auras.
Ashlynn: Huh? Where'd the lady who was always sleeping go?
Carver: What were we thinkin'?
Milly: Back out we go!
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Carver: Great. Bein' in jail's bad enough without a nosy neighbour.
Milly: The real mystery is why they waited until now to arrest us.
Ashlynn: Hold it, hold it, hold it! So are you saying Hero was the fake prince?
Ashlynn: Wow! I did NOT see that coming! And it takes a lot to surprise me!
Carver: He said you looked like his son, aye, Hero?
Milly: I believe the King wants to speak to you, Hero.
Ashlynn: That poor King. He's going through so much right now.
Carver: Ain't it amazin' what a conscious king will do for a nation's spirits?
Milly: I'm certain the Prince is safe. Don't you think so, Hero?
Ashlynn: Any idea where the real Prince is? Is he close?
Carver: Deep thinkin' like that's a recipe for a headache...
Milly: I can understand how difficult it is to believe in the existence of the dream world.
Ashlynn: I'll admit it: I don't really get it, either.
Carver: It's best to just accept what happened and move on, I say.
Milly: Well, one thing is for certain: now we have to find and defeat the real Murdaw!
Ashlynn: So...the King here was turned into the dream-world Murdaw by the real-world Murdaw.
Ashlynn: That's right... Right?
Carver: That was one tough story to follow... I'm just glad it had a happy ending.
Milly: It's such a wild story. The Queen turning into the King in the dream world in order to rescue her husband...
Milly: It seems the bond between them was so strong, they were able to understand each other's hearts in the dream world. How romantic...
Ashlynn: Love can be more powerful than magic...
Carver: You're their what? You aren't thinkin' what I'm thinkin', are ya, Hero?
Milly: ......
Ashlynn: “For you are our...” What? Fill in the blank!
Carver: Must've been back-breakin' work changin' the sheets with the King and Queen sleeping like the dead.
Milly: Now that the King and Queen can appreciate their efforts, the castle staff should enjoy a little more job satisfaction!
Ashlynn: Wow, look at that bed. Guess that's what they mean by “king size”.
Carver: Throwin' sheer numbers at Murdaw won't work. They'll just get trounced again.
Milly: I'm sure the King knows that they're ready, but still...
Ashlynn: “Vim and vigour” alone won't be enough to beat Murdaw!
Carver: A ship! That's it! ...But that's gonna be a problem, aye?
Milly: There must be a large ship we can use somewhere. Something bigger than a Somnian ferry...
Ashlynn: We need a ship to reach Murdaw's lair now? I feel queasy already...
Carver: Just doin' our duty as soldiers! Right, Hero?
Milly: I think the King and Queen's love for each other played more of a part in this than we did.
Ashlynn: How we managed to rouse the royal couple? That's simple! We, uh... Hmm... Maybe it's not so simple...
Carver: Won't know until ya try, ya know?
Milly: I wonder what the other me would be like...
Ashlynn: I love meeting new people, but the thought of meeting another me is kinda scary...
Carver: Unimaginative? Hardy har! We have dreams, alright. As far as I know, we're dreams ourselves!
Milly: Come along, Hero! Surely you must be curious to meet your other self?
Ashlynn: You want dreams? I have dreams! For instance... Um...
Ashlynn: Hmm... I seem to have forgotten them all.
Carver: Aye. We should go and see him, Hero.
Milly: We should find out what the King has to say.
Ashlynn: He's alright, right? I hope he isn't sick again.
Carver: Whoa whoa whoa! Hero! What're ya sayin'!? You're not serious, are ya?
Milly: What's going on, Hero? Do you have something in mind?
Ashlynn: Wait, what? You're saying no to His Majesty? As in, “the King”!?
Carver: We're goin' to Ghent, aye? Wow, this is turnin' into somethin' pretty big!
Milly: We should strike while this iron is hot, Hero. Let's get to the northern checkpoint right away.
Ashlynn: These Ghentiles... They aren't scary or anything, are they? I mean, “serving the Goddess” sounds like scary business.
Carver: Aye, I doubt he's worried about the weather.
Milly: Indeed... He must be contemplating how to bring peace back to the world.
Ashlynn: He's probably trying to figure out how to keep everyone happy!
Carver: To the left, Hero! Uh, is that his left or our left?
Milly: Shall we have a word with him, then?
Ashlynn: I'd like to know what's on his mind too!
Carver: Poor, poor Rusty... A real tragedy, that...
Milly: ......
Ashlynn: ......
Carver: When we finish Murdaw for real, I'll dedicate the final blow to Captain Rusty!
Milly: Captain Rusty didn't deserve this...
Ashlynn: I had a feeling that Keating was a bad seed.
Carver: Don't know nothin' about flowers, but I think I could build a nice flower box if I tried. Weird, aye?
Milly: She's right. This is a good place to forget one's fears.
Ashlynn: If only we had time to stop and smell the roses.
Carver: Huh. How'd he get soup down the King's piehole?
Milly: Perhaps the King would have preferred to remain asleep...
Ashlynn: I'd sooner be seasick than eat spicy food.
Carver: Hey Hero, you think that book has anything to say about our dream world?
Milly: I'd love to read a book about dreams! Especially after all that we've been through.
Ashlynn: Look at all the books!
Carver: A question like that could give a man a migraine!
Milly: I'd love to stand you next to the Prince to see how similar you two really are, Hero. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: I wonder where the real Prince could be.
Carver: If the good die young, why am I still alive 'n kickin'? Ain't no one better at bein' “good” than me.
Milly: Oh, poor Captain Rusty...
Ashlynn: Guess that means Keating will live to a hundred then.
Carver: We'll be back with good news before he knows it!
Milly: Shall we, then?
Ashlynn: Off we go!
Carver: Ahead we will go!
Milly: That guard is always so friendly!
Ashlynn: We're back!
Carver: Time's a-wastin'. Let's go and bash Murdaw for real now!
Carver: ...'Course, we have to figure out how to get to him, first.
Milly: If we want to keep the smiles on these people's faces, then we have to defeat Murdaw!
Milly: The awakening of the royal family is a source of great joy in the town.
Milly: Speaking of royalty, didn't the King say he wanted to speak to us?
Ashlynn: If we beat Murdaw over here, everyone'll be even happier!
Ashlynn: But where is this other Murdaw, though?
Carver: If you ask me, I'd take Zoom over another sea cruise any day of the week.
Milly: I always love a nice sea voyage!
Ashlynn: Wow, I didn't get too seasick! Maybe I'm finally growing my sea legs!
Carver: I hear you can lose your shirt in a casino...
Good thing I ain't modest.
Milly: That fisherman sounds like he knows what he's talking about!
Ashlynn: You probably shouldn't gamble if you don't know when to walk away.
Carver: Hmm... I wonder which castle?
Milly: Sounds like a nice dream to have!
Ashlynn: Well, in MY dreams, I'm always a pretty little princess!
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Carver: Beatin' Murdaw in the dream world musta woken 'em up, aye?
Milly: Isn't that wonderful, Hero? They've finally awoken from their long slumber!
Ashlynn: “Cured”? Who says they were sick?
Carver: That ain't news to us.
Milly: There was quite a commotion over in Somnia, wasn't there, Hero?
Ashlynn: “Cured”? Who says they were sick?
Carver: We'd better go and see the King before too long, aye?
Milly: What do you think? Shall we take the ferry to Somnia, or should we Zoom there to save time?
Ashlynn: That soldier looked like he was about to break into tears!
Carver: Seems like anyone who knew those two is happy now, aye?
Milly: Even as far as Port Haven, news of King Somnus's recovery is raising people's spirits.
Ashlynn: That soldier looked like he was about to break into tears!
Carver: Looks like the ferries have a hard-workin' crew.
Milly: Hmm. The sea is still full of monsters, though, so we do need to be careful.
Ashlynn: Wow, this guy's in amazing shape! Guess hauling cargo is the best workout there is.
Carver: I wouldn't mind knockin' back a few drinks, too! What do ya say, Hero?
Milly: “Wild party”? Sounds like the news from Somnia is really spreading fast!
Ashlynn: I love parties!
Carver: Somnia seems like an awful long way to drag an anchor.
Milly: It really was nice, wasn't it? Everyone in Somnia's got a spring in their step!
Ashlynn: I love parties!
Carver: Avast! So they really woke up, aye?
Milly: I suppose we'll finally be able to meet them, then.
Ashlynn: They must've woken up once we beat Murdaw over in the dream world.
Carver: I reckon you could say we're wanderin' around in our dreams, too!
Milly: Even when they were fast asleep, the King and Queen's hearts were as one. Isn't it moving?
Ashlynn: “Curious incident”? Story of my life, these days.
Carver: Wonder what he'd think if he knew we actually come from the dream world! Not that he'd believe us...
Milly: The dream world seems to be the hot rumour on everyone's lips.
Ashlynn: It must've been Murdaw's curse that kept them asleep all this time...
Carver: Oh, boo hoo! Who'd fall for a girl who might sabotage your supper?
Milly: What goes around, comes around, or so they say... Still, I wouldn't wish loneliness upon anyone.
Ashlynn: Me, I like guys with a mix of brains and brawn, you know?
Carver: Nothin's gonna ruin our good luck. Murdaw's a goner, regardless...
Milly: I feel sorry for those who can't enjoy their own good fortune...
Ashlynn: I get the sense this guy lost big at the casino.
Carver: “Rebels”? Hardy har! If anyone's gonna get in trouble here, it's that guy!
Milly: He seems a bit rebellious himself, doesn't he?
Ashlynn: We're “rebels” because we don't think good things come in threes? Whatever, weirdo.
Carver: Murdaw's already history over in the dream world...
Carver: Now that King Somnus is up 'n at 'em, you can bet it's time to take on the real thing!
Milly: It may not be good for business, but I do hope to see a peaceful world free of weapons someday.
Ashlynn: I get the feeling the final battle's coming sooner rather than later.
Carver: Nothin' wrong with weapons, but we need a ship before anythin' else.
Milly: It may not be good for business, but I do hope to see a peaceful world free of weapons someday.
Ashlynn: I get the feeling the final battle's coming sooner rather than later.
Carver: Maybe if the kid eats his veggies, we'll take him there sometime, aye?
Milly: Dreams vs reality... I'm not sure which is more enjoyable, to be honest.
Ashlynn: Getting to the dream world is easy. You just close your eyes and go!
Carver: I don't “think” the dream world's real – I KNOW it is!
Milly: The dream world is probably best enjoyed from the safety of one's own bed.
Ashlynn: I've been having a hard time telling the difference between what's real and what's a dream lately... Hey Hero, pinch me, will ya?
Carver: She's out like a loose board.
Milly: I hope she's having sweet dreams!
Ashlynn: I wonder what she's dreaming about...
Carver: A...“pattyserie”? That's a real thing?
Milly: I'm afraid I have no useful advice to offer her...
Ashlynn: What's a pattycake, anyway? Can I bake one?
Carver: Good to know we've got an open ticket, aye?
Milly: I can't get enough of sea travel!
Ashlynn: Ugh. Wish someone had a spell to cure seasickness...
Carver: King Somnus is popular everywhere, aye?
Milly: We should think about heading to Somnia as well.
Ashlynn: I can't wait to see the King and Queen's faces, either!
Carver: King Somnus is popular everywhere, aye?
Milly: She should take the ferry over right away. It's such an enjoyable trip!
Ashlynn: I wish everyone could see the King's smiling face. It's inspiring!
Carver: Aye, I'm sure Queen Apnea was a real beauty... Back in her day, at least.
Milly: I'd give anything for the kind of eternal beauty Queen Apnea possesses.
Ashlynn: Hey Hero, who do you think is prettier – me, or the Queen?
Carver: Haulin' all that cargo looks like a great workout. Wonder if he needs a spotter?
Milly: I bet there are lots of excited Somnians waiting for these parcels to be delivered!
Ashlynn: Seems like a lot of cargo. The ship won't sink, right?
Carver: Huzzah! New territory to tame! More monsters to massacre!
Milly: Yes, Hero, we'd best take care as we travel.
Ashlynn: We'd better make a beeline for Ghent!
Carver: Specially favoured, aye...? Can't wait to see what all that's about!
Milly: So if we follow the eastern river north into the mountains, we'll reach Ghent, will we? Sounds simple enough.
Ashlynn: I bet these Ghentiles think they're holy hot stuff. Hope we don't get a lot of attitude...
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Carver: So this is Ghent, aye?
Carver: Lots of room to roam here... Hey, look at that big building at the other end!
Milly: The sacred village of Ghent... I can sense the holiness that pervades every cranny of this place.
Ashlynn: Wow! This place is pretty amazing. It doesn't have that small village feel at all.
Carver: There's somethin' extra holy about this place, ya know? I can feel it on the back of my soul or somethin'.
Milly: This village appears to attract all types of visitors.
Ashlynn: There's something different about these Ghentiles... You can see it in their faces.
Ashlynn: Everybody just looks so...smart!
Nevan: The sacred village of Ghent is where I was fortunate enough to be born and raised.
Nevan: Ghent's rich history and deep spiritual traditions have taught me all I know – and I know a lot!
Carver: Hardy har! So that's why gettin' here was such smooth sailing. Fate was pushin' us along!
Milly: What a wonderful village!
Ashlynn: The people here sure seem, uh, different, don't they?
Carver: Whoa. Ghent must be the best village around.
Carver: Remind me to come here if I ever get sick.
Milly: Hmm, yes... I do seem to recall hearing about the healing powers of Ghent.
Ashlynn: Wonder if they could fix my memory here...
Carver: If ya don't count a few cuts 'n bruises, I'm as healthy as Peggy Sue!
Milly: Fortunately we all seem to be in one piece, don't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: Oh, we're right as rain!
Carver: Hmm... You think this Elder knows how to resurrect folks 'n everything like that?
Milly: I think we should go and meet this Elder.
Ashlynn: Seems like they really respect their Elders around here!
Carver: Who cares about sacredness? Let's find the Providence, Hero.
Milly: That large shrine in the rear of the village must be where the pilgrims go.
Ashlynn: I won't complain if I pick up a little sacredness while we're here.
Carver: Whoa. Those weapons must dish out holy heck!
Carver: Couldn't hurt to stock up on a set or two.
Milly: We'd have nothing to worry about. We always fight in the name of justice and rightitude. Isn't that right, Hero?
Ashlynn: I'd say wielding these arms against Murdaw is a just form of rightitude.
Carver: Huh. So even the Ghentiles have “warriors”, aye?
Milly: Ancient times... Holy warriors... This really is an awe-inspiring place.
Ashlynn: Wonder what these “holy warriors” are like. I bet they look super tough in their armour!
Carver: ...Why would we want to do that?
Milly: Sounds like an offer we can't refuse. Shall we go inside?
Ashlynn: We can go in? Really? Wow, the Ghentiles sure are nice to us!
Carver: He's got the blood of the Elder, aye? Must be one tough kid.
Milly: I wonder what this “holiness” means in practical terms.
Ashlynn: Nevan, huh? That's an...interesting name.
Carver: A staff like that's bound to be handy on the battlefield.
Milly: Surely the staff of Ghent must be imbued with the power of the Goddess.
Ashlynn: Hey, do they sell those anywhere around here? Like, as a souvenir or something?
Carver: Avast! We're really not gettin' in!?
Milly: So the Providence is enshrined in there...
Ashlynn: Just when I was starting to think everyone around here was super nice...
Carver: Must be quite a ship if folks are comin' from all over to see it!
Milly: Seems like proof positive that the Ghentiles are intent on protecting their ship.
Ashlynn: The guy's got a point. What could one little peek hurt?
Carver: A “divine steed”, aye? We've got one of those. I'd put Peggy Sue up against this fella any day.
Milly: Can you imagine if Peggy Sue descended from the heavens? She's so pretty – sometimes I wonder!
Ashlynn: I'll bet Peggy Sue has some neighs to say on this issue...
Carver: Whoa. This horse is a fiery one, aye?
Milly: What a beautiful steed!
Ashlynn: Oh, yuck! He got some spittle on me!
Carver: Oh, so the Elder called on the King while he was sleepin'?
Milly: King Somnus wasn't actually “sick” to begin with, so perhaps they were just praying for the wrong thing.
Ashlynn: Sounds to me like their prayers were answered!
Carver: Folks are pretty nice around here, aye, Hero? All humble 'n everything like that.
Milly: It's nice to see people who understand the importance of humility and gratitude.
Ashlynn: I better say thanks to the Goddess, too! You know, for being well fed and finding friends and all...
Carver: Crikey. She treats those cows better than she treats her husband.
Milly: I sense that even this moaner is pure of heart. Maybe she just has some difficulty showing it...
Ashlynn: Wow. I wonder if she makes her husband sleep in the pasture at night, too?
Carver: Am I the only one with a sudden craving for meat?
Milly: Yes, that's a cow alright...
Ashlynn: Gross! I didn't think cows could drool that much!
Carver: Am I the only one with a sudden craving for meat?
Milly: Yes, that's a cow alright...
Ashlynn: Gross! I didn't think cows could drool that much!
Carver: Am I the only one with a sudden craving for meat?
Milly: Yes, that's a cow alright...
Ashlynn: Gross! I didn't think cows could drool that much!
Carver: That guy oughta take it easy or he'll wind up in bed again.
Milly: The Elder's powers are truly impressive...
Ashlynn: Wow! Is there anything they can't cure here?
Carver: Hope the kid remembers to thank the Elder.
Milly: I'm sure she'll be playing outside again in no time.
Ashlynn: I'd love to come back and play with the little missy someday!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Nevan! That name just cracks me up!
Carver: Wait, what? He won't even do a favour for King Somnus himself!?
Milly: Oh dear...
Ashlynn: Wow. He just straight up ignored the King's request. Can he do that?
Carver: I don't get what happened, but I think they're lendin' us the ship. That's all that matters, aye?
Carver: C'mon! Let's go follow him!
Milly: It would appear that the Goddess has spoken.
Milly: Let's go. Nevan is waiting.
Ashlynn: Hey, all that glittery light just now... Was that... Was that the Goddess?
Carver: Aye! To the shrine, Hero!
Milly: I hope they'll be praying for us too!
Ashlynn: The Elder came through for us in the end!
Carver: So he's the favoured son...er, grandson, aye?
Milly: I sense that Nevan is rather fond of his grandfather as well.
Ashlynn: Well, he'll be walking that path along with us now!
Ashlynn: Hopefully we won't trip over each other along the way...
Carver: Alright! Let's go!
Milly: Finally, it's time to see the Providence.
Ashlynn: Ooh, this is so exciting!
Carver: How long has she been sealed up in here, anyway?
Milly: This ship belongs to the people of Ghent. We'd best take good care of it, Hero.
Ashlynn: So this is the Providence? Incredible!
Carver: It requires a lot of work to keep ships, er, ship-shape.
Milly: The Ghentiles must think very highly of the Providence.
Ashlynn: It's so clean! I'd hate to get seasick and ruin it!
Carver: Looks like bein' the “chosen one” has its perks!
Milly: Let us pledge our lives to completing this mission!
Ashlynn: Oh, this must be the captain!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! I'm rarin' to go! Let's shove off!
Milly: Did you forget something, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wait a minute... How are we going to set sail? I don't see any water in here.
Carver: Huh. Maybe she got a bad case of the jitters or somethin'.
Carver: Ah, well. We can't force her. Let's keep going.
Milly: Ashlynn can decide what's best for herself.
Nevan: Her name was Ashlynn, was it not? Is there something troubling her?
Nevan: She certainly looks trouble-free to me.
Carver: I'm so excited, I'm shakin'!
Milly: The time has come. Let's go, Hero.
Nevan: Guarding the Providence is a sacred duty of the highest order.
Carver: We'll take care of everything, right, Hero?
Milly: I understand how Ashlynn feels. I'm sure she'll be alright.
Nevan: I confess, understanding the eternal mysteries of women is something I've never excelled at...
Carver: ...I'll handle Ashlynn's share of the battle.
Milly: Come, Hero. We have to go on without her.
Nevan: It is best to allow her to rest for now. She is at peace, I can assure you.
Carver: C'mon, Hero, I wanna settle this once 'n for all!
Milly: Did you have some unfinished business to attend to, Hero?
Ashlynn: Hmm? What are we back here for?
Nevan: At present, there is no other way to reach Murdaw's island besides going by sea.
Nevan: Let us set sail once more aboard the Providence!
Carver: Aye! Let's go!
Milly: We'll be back soon!
Nevan: I'm glad to see a fellow Ghentile guarding the Providence alongside Ashlynn.
Carver: Ahoy! Anyone around?
Milly: I wonder... Could this be King Somnus's ship?
Nevan: Something terrible has befallen this ship. It looks as if it has endured a ferocious assault.
Carver: I'm just happy we met someone with new abilities. Now Murdaw's in deeper trouble than ever!
Milly: You seem to be her hero, Nevan.
Ashlynn: Nevan must be one of those famous Ghentile “holy warriors”!
Nevan: I will not betray the faith that you have placed in me.
Carver: Wanna see what the place looks like when it's empty, aye?
Milly: If you're looking for the Providence, it's waiting for us just south of Ghent.
Ashlynn: Talk about smooth sailing! I didn't upchuck once!
Nevan: I'm gladdened to see that the Providence has been well guarded.
Carver: Now's probably not a good time to tell him we were sailin' on the thing, aye?
Milly: If he were to pop outside now, he could have a look... But we'd better not tell him that!
Ashlynn: Wow, it sure was a surprise when we came out on that river in the Providence!
Nevan: So it seems this rather rough-spoken gentleman desired to see the Providence.
Nevan: Well, I'm afraid it's a divine vessel, not some sort of common-or-garden tourist attraction!
Carver: Well... I mean, we haven't fought him yet, so...
Milly: No picnic? The entire island is shrouded by an aura of evil. That would be some picnic...
Ashlynn: The Murdaw over in the dream world was pretty tough, too, wasn't he?
Nevan: It will take an exceptional effort to defeat Murdaw. We must rely on the infinite grace of the Goddess.
Carver: Bah! Next time, we'll drop him for sure! Mark my words!
Milly: Next time, we'll spare no effort in our fight against Murdaw.
Ashlynn: ......
Nevan: No matter how many times we suffer defeat, our spirits will not be vanquished!
Carver: Aye! It's time to take out Murdaw!
Milly: I only hope the Elder will continue to pray for us.
Ashlynn: Yes... I have my own role to fulfill...
Nevan: I will not let my grandfather down. I pledge that we will one day return victorious.
Carver: Aye! It's time to take out Murdaw!
Milly: I only hope the Elder will continue to pray for us.
Ashlynn: Yes... I have my own role to fulfill...
Nevan: I will not let my grandfather down. I pledge that we will one day return victorious.
Carver: Nothin' like the feel of the sea breeze in your mohawk, aye, Hero?
Milly: The Providence is the pride of the Ghentiles. Let's be sure to treat her with due reverence, Hero.
Ashlynn: She's a real pleasure cruise!
Nevan: It has been a while...
Carver: I've never had such fair sailing. I almost feel bad that we're the only passengers...
Milly: The craftsmanship is magnificent. It's impossible to tell when the ship was made.
Ashlynn: This ship's so clean, you can eat off its decks!
Nevan: The Goddess will reward those who have tended to the sacred Providence.
Carver: Huh? Have we got some kinda business with this old coot?
Milly: The surrounding area is rather bleak, but this cottage is wonderfully homely.
Ashlynn: Aww, this cottage is so cute...
Nevan: I find this place greatly to my liking.
Carver: What a slave-driver! He's still bossin' folks around, aye?
Milly: This certainly is a sturdy-looking hut.
Ashlynn: Stacking wood, huh? Sounds like a career with a lot of growth. Ha ha! Get it? Wood? Growth? Ah, fun.
Nevan: There's no sense in rushing things. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say.
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Carver: Gah! Hot! What's the matter with this place!?
Milly: Be careful! That lava burns incredibly hot!
Nevan: Walking over the lava will steadily sap our stamina.
Carver: Hot enough for ya? Monsters I don't mind, but this heat... Holy heck!
Carver: Isn't there any water around here? I need to wet my whistle...
Milly: Haah... Haah...
Milly: The layout of this cave is rather complicated.
We must take care not to get lost.
Nevan: This lava forms a perfect natural barrier to prevent enemies from invading.
Nevan: It's no coincidence that Murdaw has located his fortress here.
Nevan: Th-This sweltering heat... I feel rather faint...
Carver: Ahh-CHOOO!
Carver: Brrrr... Now that the lava's behind us, the air feels downright chilly.
Carver: I can feel the evil creepin' closer. That's a sign we're closin' in on Murdaw!
Milly: We've yet to reach Murdaw's Keep...
Milly: The farther we press into the cave, the stronger the monsters become. Keep your wits about you!
Nevan: After the lava's heat, this cold is severe...
Nevan: One moment I'm sweating through my Ghentile robes and the next I fear catching a chill...
Carver: Didn't know him, but I feel for him...
Milly: That is the fate that awaits us if we drop our guard for even a second. We must remain focused.
Nevan: Sleep peacefully. You are with the Goddess now...
Carver: Curse you, Murdaw...!
Milly: Did you read that? On the floor?
Milly: He must've been a Somnian soldier, looking for his missing Prince...
Nevan: Truly this is a desolate place to meet one's end...
Carver: Ya gettin' a whiff of this foul air? Aye, this is Murdaw's castle, alright.
Carver: Keep your eyes peeled. The enemy could strike at any moment!
Milly: Be careful. I sense that our presence here has not gone unnoticed.
Milly: We must push on...
Nevan: I have never before experienced such an oppressive sense of evil...
Carver: Haah... That guy played rough!
Milly: I sense that was not the last of Murdaw's traps. Let's proceed with caution.
Nevan: Truly Murdaw excels in the arts of deception.
To be attacked by a stone statue!
Carver: Hardy har! Ain't no problem now that we're ready for him, aye?
Milly: What could these statues be guarding?
Nevan: We shan't be fooled by the same old tricks!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Let's bash that Murdaw good and proper! Then there's the small matter of findin' your real body!
Milly: We've all got a lot on our minds, but for now we must focus on defeating Murdaw!
Nevan: I confess that I am flummoxed by what I just witnessed. I thought my studies had covered everything...
Carver: A sorcerer mightier than Murdaw? Well, I'll believe anythin' at this point.
Milly: I don't sense any aggression in this monster's aura...
Ashlynn: The bigger they are, the harder we'll knock 'em down!
Nevan: Perhaps there really are sorcerers out there that are on the same level as Murdaw...
Nevan: And if so, I imagine they must answer to an even greater power...
Amos: I wonder whereabouts you'd find this sorcerer that's stronger than Murdaw...
Amos: It's times like these when I'm more than happy to live in blissful ignorance!
Carver: You can't live your whole life in a dream! At some point you've got to wake up and smell reality.
Milly: We're almost there. Soon we'll be able to dream of a brighter future.
Nevan: It is time for us to face Murdaw. Our destiny awaits...
Carver: Come on! Let's get on with it, aye? I'm spoilin' for a fight!
Milly: It is time.
Nevan: May the Goddess bless us with courage and fortitude. Our destiny awaits...
Carver: C'mon, Hero! That ain't the way! We've made it this far – let's finish the job!
Milly: Where are you going? Hurry, we must confront Murdaw!
Nevan: I'm not at all sure what this is supposed to accomplish...
Carver : Come on! Let's get on with it, aye? I'm spoilin' for a fight!
Milly: It is time.
Nevan: May the Goddess bless us with courage and fortitude. Our destiny awaits...
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Carver: Take it from me, Hero: havin' your real body back feels great! We'll track yours down. Don't worry!
Milly: It seems that Queen Apnea has been giving your situation a lot of thought, Hero.
Ashlynn: Well, despite the confusing circumstances, this lady's definitely your mother, Hero! I'm sure of it!
Nevan: I fear that Murdaw's downfall has not resolved all the world's problems. Stern tests may well lie ahead.
Amos: The Queen of Somnia is quite a looker, if I may be so bold!
Amos: Fair reminds me of my old mother, she does.
With fancier hair.
Carver: C'mon gang! We're rarin' to go and ready for anything!
Milly: In a way we're all searching for ourselves on this quest. I know I am...
Ashlynn: You heard the King. Let's go!
Nevan: It is hard to comprehend how this good-hearted king could become Murdaw in the dream world.
Amos: I'm just flabbergasted that a two-bit adventurer like me can have an audience with the King of Somnia!
Carver: Nothin' can stop us now that we've got free use of that boat. The world's our seaslime!
Milly: Now that we have command of the Providence, we're free to explore much more of the world. How exciting!
Ashlynn: East of Somnia Castle, right? Let's go check it out!
Nevan: The Elder of Ghent has once again given me more than I could ever thank him for...
Amos: Hang about! Forgive old Amos if he's a bit slow off the mark...
Amos: Are you really sayin' we're gettin' free rein of the sacred ship of Ghent!? Well, I'll be!
Carver: Sometimes a dream is just a dream. No use losin' sleep over it.
Milly: It makes perfect sense! Alltrades Abbey must be restored in the dream world!
Ashlynn: Alltrades Abbey is restored? This I gotta see!
Nevan: It is feasible that this fellow has witnessed an event that has occurred in the dream world.
Amos: Alltrades Abbey? Am I right in thinkin' that we stopped by there on our travels?
Carver: Think all this praise'll give us big heads? Mine's already mighty huge.
Milly: It was our pleasure, wasn't it Hero?
Ashlynn: I'm a hero, too? Little ol' me? Really?
Nevan: I do no more than the noble traditions of Ghent demand of me.
Amos: No, no, don't go praisin' old Amos to the hilt! I was just along for the ride really!
Carver: There's another Hero out there somewhere. Your fate is to find your real self.
Milly: Certainly not the first time we've heard this...
Ashlynn: Hmm...
Nevan: It seems that in some respects, you are not identical to the real Prince. I find this most fascinating...
Amos: I've got a funny feelin' I'll know this lookalike fellow when I spot him. Not much gets past old Amos!
Carver: Hey, about that lightning staff the King gave us...
Carver: I heard it packs quite a kick when you use it in battle.
Carver: Let's give it a shot when we have a chance. I bet it'll send the enemy boltin' away in a flash!
Milly: Have you finished up with the King and Queen?
Nevan: It won't do to tarry here for too long. Shall we be on our way?
Carver: I can only hope Captain Rusty is still alive and kickin' out there somewhere.
Milly: Oh, poor Captain Rusty...
Ashlynn: Captain who-sty? Have I met this person?
Nevan: I have the strangest feeling that we shall encounter this Rusty once again, Goddess willing.
Amos: It seems no one has a bad word to say about this Captain Rusty. I'd dearly like to shake his hand!
Carver: Even I never got this much praise before.
Bein' a hero ain't half bad!
Milly: I don't think anyone truly expected us to defeat Murdaw. I'm seeing lots of surprised auras as of late!
Ashlynn: I'll never turn down gratitude, but I wouldn't call what we did a “show”.
Nevan: It is indeed jolly good to receive praise expressed in such well-spoken tones!
Amos: I'm just lucky enough to be taggin' along! I had nowt to do with Murdaw's defeat, more's the pity!
Carver: Lucky us – we got to do all the dirty work.
Milly: I understand how he feels, but guarding the castle is of equal importance!
Ashlynn: That soldier's got moxie!
Nevan: Somnia boasts a noble tradition of brave warriors. I am impressed by all I have met.
Amos: I would have loved to see old Murdaw get his comeuppance and all!
Carver: Sounds like a fun party. Too bad we missed it, aye?
Milly: A poem? Well, that's one way to ensure our immortality!
Ashlynn: You think I'll be in his poem, Hero? All I did was guard the boat!
Nevan: The sheer joy of the people of this kingdom is almost tangible, isn't it?
Amos: I've never seen a more cheerful bunch than this!
Carver: Sounds like findin' your other self is as important to these folks as beatin' Murdaw...
Milly: Your real self, Hero... I'm sure he's alive out there somewhere.
Ashlynn: We better find some leads, fast!
Nevan: Hero, the journey to find your true self is finally beginning.
Amos: So is this other Hero called Hero too or is he called somethin' different?
Carver: Think all this praise'll give us big heads? Mine's already mighty huge.
Milly: It's great to be back, isn't it, Hero?
Ashlynn: I just love a warm welcome!
Nevan: We have returned thanks to the bountiful grace and goodwill of the Goddess.
Amos: It's a pleasure to be here! You don't get castles like this where I come from!
Carver: ......
Milly: ......
Ashlynn: Hearing that makes me flummazzled!
Nevan: It is a tricky conundrum indeed...
Amos: Forgive me, but I've got a bit of catchin' up to do.
I'm not that sure what happened to this Rusty lad...
Carver: A proper slap-up meal? Where do I sign up for that?
Milly: His aura is just bursting with enthusiasm. How nice!
Ashlynn: I need a meal. When I slap my belly, it sounds hollow!
Nevan: I doubt it would conform to the strict diet required of the Ghentiles. But maybe just this once...
Amos: I'll eat anything, me!
Carver: Whoa! We've even made the world a better place for jailbirds!
Milly: I'm so glad the prisoner can relax!
...Wait, what am I saying?
Ashlynn: Guess this guy likes life behind bars. What a weirdo.
Nevan: Well, let's at least accept his thanks.
Amos: If you've got cheerful prisoners, that's a sure sign that the whole kingdom's on top of the world!
Carver: If this kid wants to be like me, she'd better start workin' out right about now!
Milly: It's nice to see even the children reacting positively to the news of Murdaw's defeat.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Pretty neat, huh?
Nevan: All the weariness of battle falls away when one witnesses the smiling faces of grateful children!
Amos: Well, to be fair, at that point I wasn't actually–
Oh well, never mind...
Carver: The missing Prince, aye? I ain't even gonna begin tryin' to explain what really went on.
Milly: Hmm. That's rather a tricky question...
Ashlynn: The Prince, huh...
Nevan: It is an exceedingly complex position you occupy with regards to this prince, Hero.
Amos: Credit where credit's due. It was these folks who showed that Murdaw what for.
Carver: Keep up the good work!
Milly: Always a pleasure!
Ashlynn: Just passing through.
Nevan: The castle guards here are certainly friendly.
Amos: Nice castle they've got here!
Carver: If you're worried about fallin', just stay away from high places!
Milly: I know the feeling. I'm always worried that too much good can only lead to an eventual disappointment.
Ashlynn: Wow, what pessimism. Me, I always see the goblet as half full.
Nevan: The ways of the Goddess are often mysterious, but I pray there are many more good things to come.
Amos: How can you have too many good things!? Enjoy what you have, that's what I say!
Carver: That's the spirit!
Milly: He really is excited!
Ashlynn: Boy, does he look happy! The Murdaw menace must have been tough on folks of all ages.
Nevan: How refreshing to hear a child's carefree laughter...
Amos: Well, I had nowt to do with Murdaw's defeat but I'm takin' pride in it all the same!
Carver: You hear that, Hero? Someone's defeated Murdaw! ...Any idea who he's talkin' about?
Milly: This man's got his finger on the pulse, hasn't he! Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Why's he shouting? He think we're deaf?
Nevan: I'm sorely tempted to enlighten this fellow...
...But perhaps there really are times when it's best to just smile and nod.
Amos: Oh, I heard alright! Murdaw's finally gone for good!
I'll never get tired of hearin' that one!
Carver: Well, Hero, whether they're sayin' good things or bad things, at least everyone's talkin' about ya!
Milly: “Gang”? That makes us sound so uncivilised...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Not quite the exact same gang, but close enough.
Nevan: That was no fake prince who defeated Murdaw – that much is certain.
Amos: What's all this talk of fake princes!? Is old Amos a little slow on the uptake again or what?
Carver: So they've got the news posted here. Word is officially out!
Milly: It's good to get a little excited now and then!
Ashlynn: Hey, it doesn't say who defeated him – not even in the fine print!
Nevan: We must not take excessive pride in our achievements. There is much that remains to be done.
Amos: This is the best news I've ever heard! (sniff)
Carver: A “brush with greatness”? I think it'd be great if you kept that brush to yourself.
Milly: It was our pleasure, wasn't it Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow! He's about to explode! Maybe we should give him some room.
Nevan: The Goddess counsels us not to put our faith in praise for it can just as quickly change to blame.
Amos: I don't think old Amos qualifies as part of this “brush with greatness”, more's the pity!
Carver: Aye, that is a fine breeze.
Milly: Indeed! There's nothing better than a shining sun and a cool breeze.
Ashlynn: I hope this peace lasts for a long, long time.
Nevan: D-Does anyone else feel we should apologise for using the back exit?
Amos: This breeze on my face takes me back to my carefree days as a nipper playing in the fields.
Carver: How are we goin' to find the other Hero? Where do we even start?
Milly: Well, some of us are less in the dark than others... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Sounds like the Prince was right on the money.
Nevan: Hero, the search for yourself will double as the search for the Prince of Somnia.
Amos: So we're lookin' for someone who looks just like Hero? That should be a breeze!
Carver: I don't recall the Goddess sendin' me anywhere, but I don't feel like arguin'.
Milly: All this praise is awfully flattering!
Ashlynn: Sent from the Goddess, huh...? Is that where I came from?
Nevan: If the Goddess sees fit to use us to fulfill Her higher purpose, then so be it.
Amos: To think that I used to blush when they called me the town hero in Scrimsley! This is all too much for me!
Carver: I do hope business picks up for him!
Milly: Peaceful peddling sounds wonderful! As long as he's careful to avoid monsters, that is.
Ashlynn: You couldn't pay me to be a travelling merchant. What a tough job!
Nevan: If he's travelling, he should take a trip to Ghent.
I only wish I could pay it a visit myself.
Amos: The folk in Scrimsley have got their heads screwed on, so they won't let any salesman short-change 'em!
Carver: Now “Blade” is a good name for a fighter! Not as good as “Carver”, but what can you do?
Milly: We've met Captain Rusty's dream world self...
Ashlynn: Wait – so this Rusty guy was Captain Blade in the dream world?
Nevan: Hmm... So in Captain Rusty's dreams, he becomes a soldier by the name of “Blade”...
Amos: Seems a shame not to like your own name.
I'm quite a fan of “Amos”...
Amos: My old mother used to say that one day the whole world would know my name...
Carver: Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd have so many strangers sayin' nice things about me!
Milly: I'm sure she'll be able to enjoy this peaceful world for many years to come!
Ashlynn: It's a wonderful life, alright.
Nevan: World peace is the best medicine there is.
I pray she lives many more years yet.
Amos: I never thought I'd see a peaceful world either.
It seems like just yesterday that those monsters were attackin' Scrimsley...
Carver: That's right! We need to pay a little visit to Alltrades Abbey!
Milly: Sounds like her husband's telling the truth!
Ashlynn: She oughta believe in her husband more, I'd say.
Nevan: Hmm... This man's constant sleep is likely not the work of Murdaw. I wonder...
Amos: I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this house isn't an abbey. What could that dream be about?
Carver: If I run into one of these “pattycake princesses” in the dream world, I'm goin' to watch my back...
Milly: Sounds like this gentleman is currently visiting the dream world.
Ashlynn: Dream big, I always say. Dream big.
Nevan: Well, he doesn't seem to be suffering any discomfort, at least.
Amos: I've always been happiest when I'm asleep. Except for that monster episode, but let's not dwell on that...
Carver: We could tell him the whole story, but that would take days.
We defeated Murdaw and that's that!
Milly: ......
Ashlynn: Sounds like the exact details haven't quite reached Wellshire yet.
Nevan: It appears that word of Murdaw's defeat has reached even here.
Amos: By heck, his attitude didn't half change when he found out who we were!
Carver: Maybe we should've told him the truth, but we ain't got all day!
Milly: Everyone likes to feel useful, don't they?
Ashlynn: I think this guy's a legend in his own mind. Tee hee!
Nevan: Well, hopefully his guard skills are superior to his rather brusque manners.
Amos: This chap's got no shortage of confidence, has he?
Carver: Aye, even the sun seems to know we walloped Murdaw.
Milly: It's a glorious day indeed!
Ashlynn: Couldn't ask for a better laundry day, right?
Nevan: The Goddess has truly pulled out all the stops today!
Amos: Anyone else fancy a picnic? ...No? Prefer to carry on adventurin'? That's fine too!
Carver: The kid should be allowed to play where he likes!
Milly: At least those ruffians are gone now. I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Ashlynn: If I were him, I'd probably go regardless of what my mom said!
Nevan: It's only right that a mother should worry about her son. But you've got to cut the apron strings sometime!
Amos: If you ask old Amos – which no one did – nippers should be allowed to play in any well they fancy!
Carver: He should still watch his back. There's no shortage of monsters with a taste for travelling salesmen out there!
Milly: Peaceful times mean that everyone can enjoy seeing more of the world.
Ashlynn: Sure is nice to have a piece of peace, huh?
Nevan: It is heartening to see that people can once again go about their business in relative peace.
Amos: Murdaw's been defeated good and proper, but there's other bad sorts out there!
Carver: Good for him! The dream well is now officially free of all kidnappers and shady sorts.
Milly: Still, without adult supervision, I'd be concerned about letting a child run free out there.
Ashlynn: I don't know of any well games, but I bet they'd be wet and wild if I did!
Nevan: I was never allowed to play in wells. I suppose that's what you get for being the “Chosen One”. Maybe I missed out...?
Amos: We used to have contests to see who could drink the most well water. It wasn't a great game, lookin' back.
Carver: I hope they don't bump into a real well wisher. We'd best wish them well! Hardy har!
Milly: Well, as long as they're careful, everything should be fine.
Ashlynn: Oooh, that does sound fun! Maybe I could try that out sometime!
Nevan: “Pretend to be a well wisher”!? What can it all mean!? Perhaps my youth was a little too sheltered...
Amos: Now that's a fine game! I'd like to join in if I didn't have adventurin' duties!
Carver: The poor kid shouldn't study his whole life away.
He needs to get out and live a little.
Milly: It's a mother's lot to worry about her child's education.
Ashlynn: Raising a kid is a real adventure, I'll bet.
Nevan: I can only commend the boy's diligence. A bright future awaits him, I'm sure!
Amos: My old mother wanted me to become a famous scholar! It didn't quite pan out as she hoped...
Carver: Books are all well and good, but seein' is believin'!
Milly: Good for him! Developing your own thirst for knowledge is the most important part of education.
Ashlynn: If he wants amazin', he should try studying magic. It's got a million-and-one uses!
Nevan: It's good to see a smart young man who's hungry for further knowledge. Rather reminds me of myself...
Amos: He's got himself a nice little set-up here!
I wish I'd had a room to study in as a lad.
Carver: We haven't run into anything we can't handle yet.
Carver: Kidnappers, sorcerers, run-of-the-mill crooks – they're all goin' down when we're in town!
Milly: My word, the Chief's aura is blinding!
Ashlynn: Boy, this Village Chief sure looks the part.
Nevan: It's good to see the Village Chief carefree and smiling. He's been through rather a trying time.
Amos: I had nowt to do with any of that. Makes me feel quite left out, it does.
Carver: Good to see Cynthia doin' well, aye?
Milly: Poor Cynthia. I still shiver when I think of what she must have been through...
Milly: But I must say, she seems to be doing much better these days!
Ashlynn: Her name's Cynthia, right? Good thing she didn't get her looks from her father!
Nevan: It is pleasant indeed to be given such a warm welcome. In fact, I feel a little flushed...
Amos: I don't believe I come under the category of this lady's “heroes”, but it's grand to be here all the same!
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Carver: So here I am again! Feels funny comin' back to the ol' place.
Milly: You know, we've been so through much together, it feels like an age ago when I met you here, Hero.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We made it to Port Haven!
Nevan: Port Haven... That's a fine name for a town. May it offer us a haven from the storms of life!
Amos: (sniff) Ahh... Now that's a fine sea breeze for you!
Carver: Well, I ain't no out-of-towner, and Mayor Carver does have a nice ring to it...
Carver: ...But I'm not ready to run for office 'n everything like that. I've got places to visit and monsters to bash!
Milly: I'm glad the Mayor's job isn't being offered around willy-nilly. It's a position with a lot of responsibility.
Ashlynn: Makes sense to me. Picking strangers for mayor isn't what I'd call smart government.
Nevan: I pray a suitable mayor makes an appearance before long. It's certainly not my idea of a dream job.
Amos: I was a bit worried she was gonna make old Amos mayor there! Town hero's one thing – but town leader!?
Carver: Aye, here's hopin' his sales pick up. It'd be good to see my hometown thrivin'!
Milly: He really is excited!
Ashlynn: I bet he'd be even more shocked if he heard that we're the heroes who beat him!
Nevan: It's a fine thing to see a smile on every face!
Amos: I remember I wasn't half shocked when I heard Murdaw had been beaten.
Amos: I never thought I'd end up seein' the world with the very folk who were responsible!
Carver: They weren't sick to begin with, but oh well...
Milly: I suppose it's no surprise that news from Somnia reaches this town so quickly.
Ashlynn: Boy, he's certainly taking this well.
Nevan: Perhaps once I would have made this man aware of our role, but now I am content merely to share in his joy.
Amos: I used to have certain problems with sleepin' myself. But thanks to Hero and company, I'm over it now!
Carver: Even the cat seems to be in a good mood.
Milly: It's nice to see such a happy cat!
Ashlynn: How cute!
Nevan: All of the Goddess's creatures seem able to sense the darkness that has been banished from the world.
Amos: Right, that's just what old Amos would say! If I were a cat, I mean...
Carver: Aye, let folks think it was the King's power if they like. We can't go hoggin' all the credit!
Milly: Oh dear... That soldier really has got the wrong end of the stick. Well, no harm done!
Ashlynn: Wow. His facts couldn't be more fouled up, but I don't want to kill his buzz.
Nevan: It is a fine thing to see how much deeply-held respect the King commands here.
Amos: Well, whoever's power was responsible, the main thing is that ordinary folk are happy.
Carver: Always been a little jealous of sailors. Life's such a breeze for them. Hardy har!
Milly: The town's aura is certainly much livelier now.
Ashlynn: Nice to see someone so into his job.
Nevan: So it seems the number of passengers sailing the seas had declined dramatically.
Amos: There's nothin' like seein' a man who loves his job, I tell you!
Carver: My old man's the best in the business. But it's true, he ain't the fastest in the business...
Milly: He was talking about Carver's father. How nice!
Ashlynn: Hey, Carver knows his way around a hammer and nails, right?
Ashlynn: Maybe he could take that work on instead? Hmm, I guess saving the world takes priority here.
Nevan: It seems that Carver's father's talents are truly in demand. Like father, like son!
Amos: So have I got this straight – Carver's old man is a top-notch carpenter? Who'd have thought it!
Carver: I don't know how she did it, but that was some fancy guesswork!
Milly: Those who do the Goddess's work always seem to be blessed with acute intuition.
Ashlynn: The whole town's buzzing about the business with Murdaw right now, isn't it?
Nevan: The Goddess has indeed sent peace flowing back into the world. I too can sense it keenly.
Amos: Cripes, I can't go takin' credit for somethin' I had nowt to do with!
Carver: Alltrades Abbey, huh...
Milly: Indeed... If even some of those poor souls can find peace now, it will have been worth the effort.
Ashlynn: Ah, the Alltrades ruins... Places don't get much more desolate than that, do they?
Nevan: I too will pray for the souls of all those caught up in the destruction of the Abbey...
Amos: The more I hear about this Murdaw fellow, the more pleased I am that you put an end to his antics!
Carver: Uh... Don't mind us! We didn't see a thing.
Milly: We really shouldn't have burst in on them like that...
Milly: But it's nice to see them both so happy, at least.
Ashlynn: Tee hee...
Nevan: B-Blushing, you say? No, no, I can assure you that's not the case!
Amos: Now that's a fine couple for you! Old Amos knows true love when he sees it!
Carver: We were uh, just leavin', aye, Hero?
Milly: Poor Ella... We really should apologise for our intrusion...
Milly: I hope we didn't spoil their happy moment!
Ashlynn: Hmm... I feel a bit like a fifth wagon wheel in here.
Nevan: Perhaps we should head downstairs. I'm feeling a little flushed for some reason...
Amos: The funny thing is old Amos seems to feel more awkward about all this than they do.
Carver: Sure feels great to have somethin' to do now that Murdaw's done. We'll find that Prince, wherever he is!
Milly: The Prince... Where could he be? I do hope we can find a clue soon.
Ashlynn: We'll find him. Count on it!
Nevan: It is extraordinary to think that there is another Hero out there somewhere.
Amos: Instead of us findin' him, it would save a lot of bother if he found us instead!
Carver: I just hope she learnt somethin' from it!
Milly: Ivy just needs to find her own true love. I'm sure she can do it.
Ashlynn: Well, that's what she gets for trying to swipe someone else's man.
Nevan: Manipulating people's hearts is a difficult task, even for the Goddess.
Amos: What's all this about pinin', whinin' and plottin'? Seems old Amos has some catchin' up to do once again.
Carver: Hey, I ain't blind! I can see just fine that Johan chose the right girl!
Milly: At least she's acknowledging their happiness. It's a start.
Ashlynn: People like this... They rub me the wrong way.
Nevan: The Goddess alone may judge you, but it is sad to see someone fall so far from the path of rightness.
Amos: It seems this lass is really well-balanced – she's got a chip on both her shoulders! Ha ha!
Carver: ...And they all lived happily ever after! My cockles are pretty toasty, too. Wait, what are cockles again?
Milly: He deserves his happiness. No one was more concerned for Ella's well-being.
Ashlynn: Oh, I want a grandpa like that!
Nevan: It is a fine thing to be able to take pleasure in another's good fortune!
Amos: I'm not at all sure what's occurrin' but old Amos isn't one to spoil the general air of cheerfulness!
Carver: If folks in Port Haven had always been this happy, I might never have left!
Milly: He's right, you know. Things are looking up!
Ashlynn: That's great and all, but I feel like our work is just beginning...
Nevan: Sadly, the world is far from a state of total peace. But if you have peace in your heart, that is enough.
Amos: “Mustn't grumble!” That's what my old mother always used to say...
Amos: If there's one thing any self-respectin' adventurer needs, it's a stiff upper lip!
Carver: Imagine a world without swords to swing and monsters to bash! I'd waste away to nothin'.
Milly: Just as she says, peace is what matters most. Isn't that right, Hero?
Ashlynn: Guess peace can be a double-edged sword when your job is selling weapons. Tee hee!
Nevan: I fear that the weapon trade will be booming for some time yet.
Amos: She's not wrong – peace is the most important thing!
Amos: Along with eatin' your veggies and sayin' your prayers!
Carver: Looks like we've got another fine Port Haven hero in the makin'!
Milly: We'll just have to try and hold the fort until this little fellow is tough enough to take over. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Being tough is important, but so is having a stout heart!
Nevan: It's a fine thing to see that this young fellow has such grand ambitions.
Amos: When this lad takes down Murdaw, I hope he calls me! I wouldn't want to miss it a second time!
Carver: Murdaw's one less thing for us all to worry about now.
Milly: She needn't think about dying! I sense that she still has many years ahead of her.
Ashlynn: I hope she lives long enough to see her grandson grow up.
Nevan: This woman clearly cares deeply about her grandson. I pray his generation can live in peace.
Amos: Even if Murdaw was still around, I reckon this lady's grandson would make short work of him!
Carver: Ahoy! I've been waitin' what seems like forever for this place to open!
Milly: I'm sensing that we're going to visit this place quite often in the future.
Ashlynn: Wow. Wish I could try on the outfit that girl's wearing!
Nevan: As our party grows, we'll be able to use this place as a meeting point.
Amos: So this is Patty's Party Planning Place!
Amos: The rumours have spread as far as old Amos, but this is the first time I've made it here!
Carver: Whoa! Don't tell me she's really gone to sleep!?
Milly: Huh? Am I hearing things? She's snoring like a drain already?
Ashlynn: I've heard of catching forty winks, but that's just plain lazy!
Nevan: I can't approve of sleeping one's life away!
Free time should be used to improve oneself!
Amos: I could do with forty winks myself.
Carver: Sounded a lot like snorin' from where I was stood...
Milly: Oh? Was she awake all along?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I'm pretty sure that was snoring.
Nevan: It's at times like this that I long for the piety and purity of Ghent...
Amos: Ah-phew... Ah-phew...
...Wh-What? Just havin' a doze...
Carver: Dad...
Milly: ......
Ashlynn: Carver...
Nevan: The time of Carver's homecoming has arrived...
Amos: Is it just me or does everyone seem a little on edge? Is something the matter?
Carver: That was somethin' I had to do. But enough of all that emotional stuff – let's shove off.
Milly: I'm proud of you, Carver.
Ashlynn: Wow... I'm ashamed to say, I'm a little jealous.
Nevan: Carver, I know you'll fight even more fiercely, now that you have the blessing of your parents.
Amos: I, I think I've got somethin' in my eye... (sniff)
Carver: Thanks, Mum. That means a lot to me...
Milly: You've got your mother's approval to hit the road again, Carver.. That's lovely to hear, isn't it?
Ashlynn: You heard her! There's nothing we can't do, Carver!
Nevan: We'll all fight more fearlessly than ever and make Carver's mother proud!
Amos: There's nothin' quite like a mother's love! I miss my old mother somethin' rotten...
Carver: Dad...
Milly: Carver's father is completely different when he's talking to himself...
Ashlynn: Wow, there's more to Carver's dad than meets the eye.
Nevan: Carver's father may not like to express his emotions, but the depth of his love cannot be mistaken.
Amos: WoooarrrRRGGH!!!
Amos: What? Don't look at me like that! It wasn't me becomin' a monster – I was just expressin' how moved I was!
Milly: I understand Carver's mother's concern for her son. I feel the same way.
Ashlynn: Let's be sure to bring Carver around next time.
Nevan: Carver's boundless supplies of vim and vigour give strength to us all!
Amos: I feel bad that Carver's not here. I'd have been more than happy to step aside to make room for him!
Milly: A mother's love... Well, I'm sure Carver. knows that he's always welcome here. Don't you think, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow, I wish I had a mom as kind as Carver's...
Nevan: It is a fine thing to have someone patiently awaiting your return!
Amos: I dearly wish Carver were alongside us now!
Milly: I sense that behind that tough act is a father who would dearly like to meet his son...
Ashlynn: Pretty blunt, isn't he? Like son, like father, I guess.
Nevan: There are times when people say the exact opposite of what they really wish to say.
Amos: If I ever spoke like that to Carver's face, I bet he'd make me regret it!
Carver: A mermaid, aye? I'll have what he's drinkin'!
Milly: A sea populated by mermaids... Sounds wonderful – if it's true.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! This guy for real? He's hilarious!
Nevan: Hmm... Way up north...? It sounds like somewhere we could perhaps sail to...
Amos: He seems to be havin' trouble walkin' in a straight line...
Carver: What's wrong with knockin' back a drink or two when you're happy? Or three? Or six?
Milly: It's very decent of him to be so concerned for the old gentleman.
Ashlynn: Some people take their celebrating a little too far...
Nevan: Well, at the very least, he has someone to look after him. Otherwise who knows where he'd end up?
Amos: Peace or no peace, there's no excuse for losin' the head!
Carver: We're doin' everythin' we can to make sure that day arrives sooner rather than later!
Milly: A girl travelling alone...? I would say that's still fairly dangerous, even without Murdaw's presence.
Ashlynn: I was travelling on my own for a while, actually...until I met you guys.
Nevan: Perils still plague the path of all travellers. I'd say she's safer staying here for the moment.
Amos: If I had time, I'd be more than happy to accompany her wherever she wants to go. Maybe next time?
Carver: The priesthood? Doesn't sound as fun as bein' a wanderin' martial artist!
Carver: But then, there are days when I wouldn't mind givin' a different vocation a whirl...
Milly: Alltrades Abbey... Now there's a place I'd like to investigate.
Ashlynn: So all it takes is a trip to Alltrades and you can quit the military?
Nevan: That reminds me – I've heard that Alltrades Abbey is a place where you can change your vocation.
Carver: Imagine goin' from warrior to priest and gettin' the right balance of attack power and recovery!
Milly: But Alltrades Abbey IS still standing.
Milly: It's just not standing in a place that most people can visit, that's all...
Ashlynn: They have so many trades to choose from over there. It's enough to give me a career crisis!
Nevan: It wouldn't do to trouble this fellow with the truth about Alltrades Abbey in the dream world...
Amos: We can't have all the warriors and soldiers changin' vocations! Not while there's still monsters skulkin' around!
Carver: Hardy har! I'd like to see that lone-swordsman fella take a shot at Murdaw!
Milly: That far-away look in her eyes is making me a bit jealous...
Ashlynn: “Lone swordsman”, huh? She's not talking about Hero, is she?
Nevan: This is the first I've heard of this so-called lone swordsman. I wonder if it will be the last?
Amos: All that I can say is that this lone swordsman is most definitely not yours truly!
Carver: Don't true love make ya sick? Ah, just kiddin'.
I'm happy for 'em 'n everything like that.
Milly: (sniff) Their story is starting to make me well up!
Ashlynn: The “sea of life”, huh? Aww, it's nice to see true love does exist.
Nevan: Now that the shadow of Murdaw's oppression has been lifted, love seems to be blossoming all around.
Amos: Maybe one day I'll settle down with a bride of my own. That's if anyone'll have me!
Carver: Gag me with a sword. This lovey-dovey stuff makes me wanna be sick.
Milly: Truly a match made in heaven! Or Haven, I suppose. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Wow... Love is really in the air around Port Haven, isn't it?
Nevan: I-I'm not sure I want to know too much more about this romance. I should surely be praying...
Amos: I suppose it's too late to offer her my hand in marriage and a high-end hovel in Scrimsley?
Amos: Poor old Amos just doesn't have a way with women...
Carver: Time for another session with everyone's favourite dream seer! Great.
Milly: Oh, Madame Luca! We're back!
Ashlynn: Oh! Hey, the old lady's over there! Helloooooo!
Nevan: This dwelling brims with an unmistakeably vast, vibrant energy.
Carver: Mornin' all! I'm feelin' fightin' fit and rarin' to go!
Carver: Seems ol' Luca's cookin' didn't kill us after all!
There's a reason to be cheerful!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Ashlynn: (yaaaawn) Nnngh... Morning, everyone...
Nevan: What precisely did we eat last night? I didn't recognise a single ingredient...
Nevan: I'm starting to regret the second helping of lizard's tail souffle... Those were lizard's tails, weren't they?
Carver: Aye, that's all well and good, but the Abbey in this world is still a ruin...
Carver: Wait! That's it! We need to go to the upper world and check out that giant chasm!
Milly: If Madame Luca has seen it in the crystal, then surely it must be real.
Milly: Alltrades Abbey in the dream world must have been restored – let's go, Hero!
Ashlynn: Alltrades? Didn't someone in Somnia mention that place?
Nevan: If Alltrades Abbey were really back in one piece, it would be...er...out of this world!
Carver: Why do I sometimes get the feelin' this cat's more welcome here than I am?
Milly: I'm glad to see Luca's kitty looking so well!
Ashlynn: Oooh! The kitty's purring at me!
Nevan: Er... How does one address a cat?
Carver: Mornin' all! I'm feelin' fightin' fit and rarin' to go!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Did you sleep well?
Ashlynn: (yaaaawn) Nnngh... Morning, everyone...
Nevan: There's nothing like a high-quality bed for getting a jolly good night's sleep!
Carver: Seems like as good a time as any to pay Alltrades Abbey a little visit.
Milly: If you've said your goodbyes to Madame Luca, Hero, then we should get going.
Ashlynn: We got the all-clear from her. Let's go!
Nevan: If Alltrades Abbey were really back in one piece,
it would be...er...out of this world!
Carver: Alright, alright, this cat's startin' to grow on me.
Kinda like her mistress... There – I admit it!
Milly: I wish we could take Luca's kitty with us!
Ashlynn: Oooh! The kitty's purring at me!
Nevan: Er... How does one address a cat?
Carver: Sounds like good advice from where I'm standin'! Let's pay this Scrimsley place a little visit!
Milly: “Meet someone”? I wonder who it might be?
Ashlynn: Oooh, a voyage! Now that I've grown my sea legs, I can't wait to try them!
Nevan: Indeed, a trip to Scrimsley sounds like a wise move.
Carver: If anyone wants to test my powers, bring 'em on! This could be fun!
Milly: Where would we be without Madame Luca's words of wisdom? Quite lost, I suppose...
Ashlynn: Wow! The start of another adventure, huh? Keep 'em coming, I say!
Nevan: So we sail east from south of Scrimsley, then land and hike even further east. I hope I can remember all that...
Amos: Who'd have thought there'd be such a place far to the east of good old Scrimsley?
Amos: I had my hands so full defendin' my patch, I never had any time free to explore the area.
Carver: I'll drag this monster kickin' and growlin' out of the shadows myself!
Milly: We'd best bear Madame Luca's warning in mind as we go.
Ashlynn: What kind of monster? And where? A situation this serious needs some specifics!
Nevan: The blood of the most holy warriors of Ghent flows through my veins...
Nevan: If there is a monster terrorising the sleep of the innocent, I have no choice but to intervene.
Amos: So people are all tucked up in bed for the night and then they're just dyin'!? That's just not right!
Carver: So Luca said something about a place called Howcastle, aye?
Carver: I've learnt to take her hints seriously. How about payin' it a little visit?
Milly: If Madame Luca says that we should sail west to Howcastle, then, well...
Ashlynn: Luca unloaded a whopper of a fortune on us last night, huh?
Ashlynn: I think I got the specifics, though. First, we “tack” west. That means sail, right?
Ashlynn: Once we pass a rocky mountain to the south-west, we'll see a checkpoint.
Ashlynn: Pass through there and walk a bit, and we'll get to Howcastle.
Ashlynn: What we're looking for is there. That was the gist of it, right?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Who says Milly is the only one good at remembering things?
Nevan: If Luca tells us that our destiny lies to the west, I think we must take the Providence and go to meet it.
Amos: The cat must have been lickin' my face in the night. It's still a little sticky to the touch.
Amos: What's that you say!? Droolin'!? Pull the other one! You can't fool old Amos that easily!
Carver: Aye, much as I'd love to stay here with Luca and her cat forever, I think we should shove off!
Milly: Good to know we got the all-clear.
Ashlynn: Did I understand her right? She was talking about the future, right?
Nevan: Luca spoke of a young king who rules over the land of Somnia...
Nevan: Could this refer to Hero? Or the other prince? Or...
Amos: Madame Luca's a fine hostess. I hope I can return the favour someday!
Carver: No sense sittin' around here until our muscles get puny.
Carver: Do you think we should follow Luca's advice and head to this Clearvale place?
Milly: How about we heed Madame Luca's words and head over to Clearvale today?
Milly: We need to leave Howcastle and walk south until we see a small shrine to the west...
Milly: It would seem that shrine is our ticket to Clearvale.
Milly: ...That's what Madame Luca said, anyway. I'm curious to see what kind of “strange experience” awaits us in Clearvale!
Ashlynn: I love surprises! Wonder what Clearvale has in store...
Nevan: The Goddess has gifted us a beautiful clear day. Shall we heed Luca's words and head south of Howcastle?
Amos: Now that was a sleep and a half, I tell you!
Amos: Shame I still seem to have half the pillow stuck to my face... Bloomin' feathers...
Carver: Um... What pearls of wisdom did ol' Luca have for us yesterday?
Carver: I slept so well, it seems I've forgotten everythin' she said!
Milly: Have you already forgotten what Madame Luca had to say yesterday, Hero? Tut tut!
Milly: We're to take the flying bed and head for the well south of Amor. Beyond the well there's a castle.
Milly: Castle Swanstone, I believe it was called.
See? I remember everything!
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go look for Castle Swanstone, huh?
Ashlynn: Now that we have that bed, it's just a quick, relaxing trip to the well south of Amor.
Nevan: Unlike so many of the charlatans out there, Madame Luca is a dream seer we can rely on.
Nevan: With that in mind, I recommend that we head to Castle Swanstone as she suggested!
Amos: That's a comfortable bed, alright!
Amos: It was so soft, I felt like I was flyin'!
Carver: If Luca says there's a tower in a dream-world desert, that's good enough for me.
Carver: How about we shove off and see what's doin' at this tower?
Milly: A tower in the middle of a desert...
Milly: Haven't we seen one of those somewhere?
Ashlynn: Huh? Oh! Sure I remember Luca's fortune!
Ashlynn: There's a tower in the middle of a desert in the dream world, right? Right!
Nevan: So there is a tower in a desert in the dream world. Stern new challenges surely lie in wait for us there.
Amos: I'll be honest, I'm not all that fond of heights. And I'm not too good with deserts either, come to think of it...
Carver: I'll bet there's tons of vicious monsters beyond the floodgate. I can't wait to introduce 'em to my fists!
Milly: The floodgate doesn't seem too far away from here.
Milly: If we take our ship and follow the coastline to the west, we'll get there before long.
Ashlynn: That's near Castle Swanstone...
Ashlynn: I can't help but remember King Ludwig and Princess Miralda!
Nevan: Beneath the ocean waves, cruel monsters lie in wait for hapless voyagers.
Nevan: I pray that true peace visits land and sea in the not too distant future.
Amos: Let's be headin' to this floodgate, then!
Time's a-wastin'!
Carver: So Luca says there's someone in the village of Pescado who needs our help, aye?
Carver: If it's that fisherman who gave us an earful, he can help himself as far as I'm concerned.
Carver: Anyway, let's go and find out. It'd be good to know, ya know?
Milly: “Someone”? She must be talking about Rod!
Milly: But how do we help him? What does he need?
Ashlynn: Ooh, I bet she's talking about Rod, that guy who hurt his legs!
Ashlynn: But he always spots us when we try to tail him. Wish I knew what he was up to...
Nevan: Hmm... I sensed that this Rod was trying to conceal some secret in the depths of that cave...
Nevan: If only he hadn't kept looking back over his shoulder all the time...
Amos: I'm a bit sheepish about askin', but I wasn't blabberin' away in my sleep, was I?
Amos: I had the strangest dream of tusslin' with this giant scaly fish.
Amos: I'm not really sure if it was a nightmare or not, to be honest...
Carver: I can see why sailors fall in love with mermaids! What's not to like!?
Carver: Anyway, let's get Unda back to her home!
Milly: Rod really does have a heart of gold. We must try our best to help him!
Ashlynn: How evil do you have to be to hunt mermaids, huh?
Ashlynn: C'mon! We have to get Unda back to her friends!
Nevan: So Unda awaits us in the ocean waves. Let us not keep her waiting too long.
Amos: I'm a bit sheepish about askin', but I wasn't blabberin' away in my sleep, was I?
Amos: I had the strangest dream of bein' chased by this strange mermaid.
Amos: Now, what was strange about it was that it had the head of a fish and a human body!
Amos: Have you ever heard the likes of that before!?
Carver: We owe the old lady great gourds of gratitude for that Zoom upgrade.
Carver: Whizzin' between the two worlds is sure to speed up the process of findin' Hero's real body.
Milly: My, what a warm light that was!
Ashlynn: Zoom Zoom Zoom! C'mon, let's go try it out!
Nevan: Madame Luca has gone above and beyond the call of duty! She's even casting spells on us now...
Nevan: Acts of kindness and generosity like that make all the hardships and trials worthwhile.
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Carver: Folks around here seem very chatty. Let's see if they have anything worthwhile to say, aye?
Milly: Oh my! The news has reached here as well!
Ashlynn: Wow! Rumours travel faster than the speed of Zoom sometimes!
Nevan: Good news travels fast it seems, though for some reason, bad news always seems to travel faster.
Amos: If the water's as pure as they say, it'd be a shame not to go for a quick dip.
Amos: I mean, I can't swim, but I'd be happy to mind your stuff while you go for a paddle.
Carver: I'm already beautiful, healthy, 'n everything like that. What more could this water do for me?
Milly: This really is a lovely town, isn't it?
Ashlynn: Here's hoping the water and everyone around it stay pure forever. I'll drink to that!
Nevan: The people in this town seem to be earnest and pure at heart. I think I'm going to like it here.
Amos: If I don't get the good folks back in Scrimsley some crackin' souvenirs, I'll never hear the end of it!
Amos: Let me think... There's the priest, the innkeeper, then obviously there's that lass... And not forgettin'...
Amos: ...I'm all in a tizzy! I can't be spendin' all my gold coins on souvenirs! They'll have to make do with my tales!
Carver: It brings back painful memories of that time Murdaw clobbered us. ...No! I'm not goin' to think about it!
Milly: Well, he's right about the look-alike part. To a certain extent, anyway.
Ashlynn: I'm sure the Prince is alive and well. I just know it!
Nevan: I have absolute faith that we will solve the mystery of Hero and the Prince. But for now, we must be patient.
Amos: He's got the story all mixed up! The Prince wasn't beaten by Murdaw! Least, I don't think he was!
Milly: I can imagine her mother's consternation, too. I hope she gives her husband an extra elbowing from me!
Ashlynn: I think the sky really has gotten prettier since Murdaw's defeat. Is that even possible?
Nevan: I pray that her mother and father are resting in peace and domestic harmony...
Amos: So let me get this straight. Her old man's up in heaven, but he's still gettin' grief from the missus...?
Amos: That don't sound much like heaven to old Amos!
Carver: The heroes who defeated Murdaw!? Passin' through this very town!? Well, how about that!
Milly: How about that indeed! This gentleman clearly doesn't have a good memory for faces.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! You think he'll beg me for an autograph if I tell him it was us?
Nevan: The gentlemen may be referring to us, but I think it's best not to embarrass him about it.
Amos: It seems you're becomin' somethin' of a legend in your own lifetime, Hero!
Amos: They'll be sellin' wood-carvin's and jerkins with your face on 'em before long!
Carver: Probably best just to smile and nod along with the ol' fella.
Milly: Hee hee. This old gentleman never fails to make me smile.
Ashlynn: You think maybe he does know who we are and is just trying to be silly?
Nevan: I thought for a second he was going to ask to join us...
Amos: I've got a funny feelin' this fellow can hear a lot more than he's lettin' on.
Carver: Aye, it's good to see a merchant with a little fire in his belly! Hope he makes a killing!
Milly: Murdaw may have been defeated, but there are still plenty of monsters wandering around. He should be careful!
Ashlynn: Good to see things are back to business as usual.
Nevan: May the Goddess smile on his endeavours.
And frown on any attempts he makes to short-change his customers...
Amos: Somnia's not too far from here. Those folks looked like they had gold coins to burn!
Carver: The nerve of some people. We're out bustin' our humps and he's just snorin' his life away.
Milly: Hee hee. If I were him, I'd go back to sleep too!
Ashlynn: Wow. Some people can sleep through anything...
Nevan: This man doesn't appear to be sleeping his life away due to any illness... Hmm...
Amos: They say sleep is good for what ails you! But this lad might be gettin' too much of a good thing!
Carver: I don't look for love, ya know. Love comes lookin' for me!
Milly: I do hope Ilya and Evgenya will be taken good care of.
Ashlynn: She held on to her love for decades... Isn't it romantic?
Nevan: I don't know much about this saga of Evgenya, I must confess. I look forward to learning more.
Amos: You never know how life's goin' to change! I've been goin' through a lot of changes of my own recently!
Carver: That kid's got spirit! Those monsters won't know what hit 'em when he grows up.
Milly: That's a fine ambition. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Seeing everyone so happy makes me...happier!
Nevan: Murdaw's shadow lay too over the hearts of our youth. It is a joy to see them so liberated.
Amos: If old Amos were a nipper again, I'd be doin' just the same, I'll warrant!
Carver: Seems there's something funny in the water around here. Let's leave this fella to his ramblings!
Milly: Hee hee. If only the “amor seco essence” had such positive effects on all men!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Here's to you, Hero!
Nevan: The Goddess teaches us moderation in all things, but it would seem this fellow has other ideas.
Amos: If this lad keeps drinkin' to our health, we won't have to worry about gettin' sick any time soon!
Carver: Aye, but those monstrous hordes didn't plan on bumpin' into us! We'll spoil their little party!
Milly: That's the kind of level-headedness you'd expect from a scholar.
Ashlynn: Wow. Talk about the cold voice of reason...
Nevan: Yes, I can only concur whole-heartedly with this gentleman's perceptive analysis of the situation.
Amos: So to get rid of all those monstrous hordes, how many battles is it goin' to take? Any ideas?
Carver: Bah! Don't people have better things to do than walk round arm-in-arm?
Milly: We've come all this way – it'd be a real shame to leave without saying hello to Ilya and Evgenya.
Ashlynn: I bet we'll find those two inside the church.
Nevan: I confess that I am intrigued by this couple.
I would dearly like to meet them both.
Amos: I wonder if these folks have any spare happiness they could share with old Amos?
Carver: Maybe I'm turnin' into a softy, but they did seem pretty happy. Good luck to 'em!
Milly: Just one glimpse of their happily conjoined aura made me happy as well.
Ashlynn: I sure hope I'm that happy when I'm their age.
Nevan: It was indeed a pleasure to make that couple's acquaintance. It is rare to see such untainted joy!
Amos: There were more than a few tears in my eyes after seeing that old couple. Now that's love, I tell you!
Carver: I'll bet her old man doesn't know how to handle a bad-tempered beastie, eh?
Milly: She should aim to be just like her father. The world needs more female scholars!
Ashlynn: Guess her dad must read a book a day or something.
Nevan: It is right and proper that this girl admires her father. But I doubt he is as well-read as me!
Amos: You can tell just by lookin' at her old man that he knows a thing or two. I take my helmet off to him!
Carver: Evgenya's room is right there near the stairs, aye?
Milly: Let's go and see them, then!
Ashlynn: Wouldn't hurt us to say hello, right?
Nevan: I am excited to be finally meeting this fabled couple.
Amos: Old Amos tends to get a bit nervous meeting folks for the first time. I've nothin' stuck to my face, have I?
Carver: Ain't that the truth. She really was excited to see us!
Milly: I do hope the priest continues to take care of Ilya and Evgenya.
Ashlynn: Ooh, Evgenya's happiness is just so contagious!
Nevan: I pray that the happy couple remain as deeply in love for the rest of their lives.
Amos: Meetin' that pair brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye!
Carver: The ol' fella may be sound asleep, but he's still got plenty of guts and gusto.
Milly: It was thanks to these two that we were able to retrieve Ra's mirror and defeat Murdaw...
Milly: We should let them know how grateful the whole world is to them both.
Ashlynn: Aww... Seeing the two of them just warms my little heart.
Nevan: Ra's mirror did indeed prove indispensable.
Amos: Hang about! Are you tellin' me this is THE Ilya the Tempest and Evgenya the Cyclone!?
Amos: They used to be my idols when I was a nipper!
Pinch me! I think I'm dreamin'!
Carver: Aye, we've been gettin' more gratitude than I know how to handle.
Carver: But Evgenya deserves it, too! If it wasn't for her help, Murdaw would still be causin' trouble.
Milly: It was thanks to these two that we were able to retrieve Ra's mirror and defeat Murdaw...
Milly: We should let them know how grateful the whole world is to them both.
Ashlynn: We owe big thanks to Evgenya. Hope she takes care of herself.
Nevan: I pray that Evgenya can spend the remainder of her days happily beside Ilya.
Amos: To meet real-life legends in the flesh! It's more than a lad like me ever dared to dream, I tell you!
Carver: He's sleepin' like a baby.
Milly: Ilya looks to be sleeping soundly, doesn't he?
Ashlynn: Shhh! It would be a shame to wake him.
Nevan: If all the tales of adventure are true, Ilya has truly earned his rest.
Amos: What I wouldn't give to see what's goin' on in his dreams!
Amos: I'm sure he's relivin' some of his biggest adventures from the prime of his life!
Carver: Aye, it looks like he's still got a swing in his punch, alright!
Milly: Hee hee. Seems like he's having an exciting dream.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I bet he's fighting right alongside us in his dream!
Nevan: If he's doing battle even in his dreams, I wonder if he's really getting any rest?
Amos: Just hope he doesn't take a tumble out of the bed!
Carver: So Evgenya's even got fans up in heaven!
The ol' girl was really somethin' else!
Carver: That's good to hear! We might be passin' this way on a regular basis.
Milly: Everyone can cross freely? That's great news!
Ashlynn: Hope those guys don't let any monsters sneak through.
Nevan: It's good to see the crossing is well-guarded.
Amos: It's nice to know we can come and go as we please!
Carver: Good to know folks have been gettin' out more.
Milly: Everyone seeks the healing powers of the Ghentiles, it would seem.
Ashlynn: So, to get to Ghent from here, we go north along the east river and, uh... It'll all make sense when we're actually doing it.
Nevan: If anyone is sick or ailing, they should make their way to the holy village of Ghent without delay.
Amos: Ghent, eh? Folks round my way always talk about it in hushed tones!
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Carver: Aye, we're back, alright.
Milly: I hope we're not intruding.
Ashlynn: Good to be here!
Nevan: It is indeed good to be back.
Amos: By heck, this is a fancy place! So this is where Nevan was born and raised?
Carver: Good to see the girl back on her feet! Kids should be gettin' into trouble – it's nature's way!
Milly: The Ghentiles do not discriminate when it comes to healing. They really are a wonderful people.
Ashlynn: This town sure is a hot ticket for the sick and injured.
Nevan: Seeing the joy in the faces of those who have been healed in Ghent is our highest pleasure.
Amos: My word! It looks like old Amos is tearin' up once again! (sniff)
Carver: If ya don't count a few cuts 'n bruises, I'm as healthy as Peggy Sue!
Milly: Fortunately we all seem to be in one piece, don't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: Oh, we're right as rain!
Amos: Well, to be honest, I did have a rather embarrassing illness, but I'm right as rain now!
Carver: Right then! Let's see what the Elder's got to say for himself!
Milly: The Elder is sure to help us out.
Ashlynn: Oh, right! We can get the Elder to handle the resurrection!
Amos: The Elder of Ghent must be right powerful. Old Amos hasn't met anyone this holy before!
Carver: We're not here for any sacred sacredness! We're here to tell the Elder that Murdaw's history!
Milly: Speaking of sacredness... Shall we pay the Elder a visit?
Ashlynn: Hey, I think I just heard some kid shout Nevan's name!
Amos: I wouldn't mind some of that sacredness! It'd be sure to impress the folks back home!
Nevan: It is good to be back. My fellow Ghentiles are looking well, may the Goddess be praised.
Carver: So Nevan's gonna star in his own poem!?
Better him than me! I've got no time for rhyme!
Milly: Wow, I'm so proud of Nevan. He truly is a holy warrior of Ghent!
Ashlynn: Wow! This is how legends are made!
Nevan: Please, do not praise me too highly. All we have achieved has been in line with the will of the Goddess.
Amos: Fancy that! Appearin' in your very own poem! Do you think there's any room for old Amos in there?
Carver: Seems like Nevan's a big-shot around here.
Maybe I should ask for his autograph?
Milly: Well, well... Nevan seems to be the mothers' favourite!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Energy to spare, huh?
Nevan: Needless to say, I did not defeat Murdaw alone!
Amos: I know a thing or two about bein' a local town hero. It's got its perks, but you have to work hard too!
Carver: Good to see this kid so rarin' to go again.
I just hope she doesn't overdo it!
Milly: Wonderful! The child has been cured!
Ashlynn: I'm no doctor, but I'd say she's made a full recovery. She's so spry!
Nevan: I know she's happy to have her health back, but does she have to scream quite so piercingly?
Amos: So this lass was under the weather?
You wouldn't know it from lookin' at her!
Carver: We gave Murdaw a heap of “heavenly justice”, alright!
Milly: It would have been surprising indeed if the news hadn't yet reached Ghent.
Ashlynn: I guess you could say we dished out some divine punishment on behalf of the Goddess.
Nevan: Truly no one can hope to escape the justice of heaven. The Goddess is indeed due much praise.
Amos: My old mother used to tell me that heavenly justice would catch up with me if I didn't do my homework!
Carver: No surprise there. It ain't like the temple's gonna grow another ship.
Milly: We are truly blessed to be able to use a ship as wonderful as the Providence.
Ashlynn: Remember when they launched the ship? All that clanking and whirring! Boy, what a racket!
Nevan: This man has stood guard over the Providence all throughout my grandfather's time as Elder of Ghent.
Amos: I wish I'd seen the Providence while it was here! That would have been a treat!
Carver: King Somnus is a fine figure of a man!
I feel inspired just thinkin' about him!
Milly: Indeed. Inspired leadership is important.
Ashlynn: That king of theirs is the real thing!
Nevan: With the grace of the Goddess, King Somnus looks destined to inspire his people to achieve great things.
Amos: King Somnus is a real leader for you! He's got me feelin' positive about the future and all!
Carver: We ain't lyin'! We just ain't tellin' the truth!
Milly: Perhaps she could see in our eyes that we were lying. Or maybe it was our auras...
Ashlynn: Oh, great, now she's angry at us.
Nevan: Er, Hero. Don't you think perhaps we should tell this old lady the truth?
Amos: Can the people here really tell when you're tellin' lies? I'd best be careful!
Carver: I ain't sure it's healthy to sound that way when ya snore...
Milly: He's out cold, that's for sure.
Ashlynn: You'd think his own snoring would wake him up.
Nevan: He appears to be healthy. But I admit, he doesn't sound entirely...er...normal...
Amos: Perhaps he's just got a blocked nose. I'm sure it's nothin' to worry about!
Carver: Aww, I wanted to see him explode!
Just kiddin', just kiddin'...
Milly: It's nice to see that the female Ghentiles are also blessed with healing powers.
Ashlynn: ...Wow! He's already cured!?
Nevan: I am glad to see the grace of the Goddess cure another soul of their ailments.
Amos: By heck! That wasn't just play-actin', was it?
That was the real thing!
Carver: Aye, I thought it would be the end of him, too. But all's well that ends well!
Milly: Her healing powers are impressive!
Ashlynn: Amazing! He's like a new person!
Nevan: I'm glad to see that he's made a full recovery.
Amos: You're really feelin' right as rain? That's a relief!
Old Amos can't stand to see folks in distress.
Carver: So he just ate too much!? Well, he ain't gettin' any sympathy from me, either!
Milly: He's practically dancing home! That nun certainly did a good job of healing him.
Ashlynn: Wow. What a pig!
Nevan: The Goddess frowns upon unbridled greed and gluttony. I pray this is the last time.
Amos: Maybe it's not my place to say this, but you shouldn't be runnin' to a nun with a case of indigestion!
Carver: He's shovellin' down dessert like there's no tomorrow! He's never gonna learn!
Milly: I'm sure the Goddess is just delighted to see him eating again...
Ashlynn: Look at all that food! How much can a belly hold before it busts?
Nevan: Just because you're lucky enough to live in Ghent, it doesn't mean it's acceptable to risk your health!
Amos: Maybe you could show your gratitude to the Goddess by takin' the odd break from eatin'?
Carver: Why don't she get her hubby to make his own dinner? That'd teach him!
Milly: Her husband may be greedy, but at least he's healthy.
Ashlynn: How much do you wanna bet her husband packs away more than the cows?
Nevan: Her husband appears to have learnt his eating habits from those cows. I disapprove of this gluttony.
Amos: If this woman's husband keeps eatin' like a cow, he might just turn into one!
Carver: All the martial arts abilities in the world won't stop sickness, aye?
Milly: The Ghentiles devote their lives to helping others.
How humbling...
Ashlynn: I certainly know where to go the next time I get sick!
Nevan: I am inspired once again by the healing powers of Ghent. I too must strive to improve myself.
Amos: Everythin' I heard about Ghent is true! It's a special place and no mistake!
Amos: All this healin' seems to be goin' on free of charge! Now that's what I call a miracle!
Carver: Looks like we might be interruptin' somethin'...
Milly: Let's stay out of the way and observe the Elder at work.
Ashlynn: Hmm. They must have come all this way from some remote village.
Nevan: Let us watch and witness the healing powers of the Elder of Ghent at work.
Amos: I wonder what the matter is...
Carver: She's havin' a rotten day. I wonder what her story is...
Milly: She seems to be in terrible shape...
Ashlynn: Aww... Poor lady.
Nevan: This is no mere case of indigestion. This poor woman is gravely ill.
Amos: It sounds like her son's havin' a tough time of it too!
Carver: Just listenin' to the Elder's soothin' voice seems to have fixed up all my aches and pains!
Milly: We really are indebted to the Elder for bestowing us with health and courage.
Ashlynn: With the Ghentiles on our side, how can we lose?
Nevan: I will not let the people of Ghent down! I will come to the aid of all those who are suffering!
Amos: I'm truly blessed to be gettin' this kind of treatment in Ghent! I don't know if I deserve it!
Carver: I never get sick. But in case I do, bring me straight to the Elder of Ghent! He's amazing!
Milly: Thank the Goddess... His mother seems to have been cured.
Ashlynn: Wow! She was that bad off, and yet the Elder fixed her in a flash! Incredible!
Nevan: Aiding those in distress is what gives the people of Ghent their purpose in life.
Amos: So that old dear was at death's door, but the Elder brought her back to health?
Amos: I take my helmet off to the Elder of Ghent!
Carver: Well, she seems to be dozin' peacefully now.
Milly: Her difficulties seem to have eased.
Ashlynn: She's out like a candle. This is probably her first good rest, now that she's not in pain.
Nevan: Her countenance looks remarkably trouble-free.
I pray she enjoys good health for many years yet.
Amos: She's lucky to have such a carin' son, despite all the flak he has to put up with.
Carver: All that sweat and tears has given us one fine ship!
Carver: Looks like we'll be gettin' a lot more use out of her from here on out!
Milly: She's a worthy vessel indeed. Thanks to the Providence, we can explore new lands we were unable to reach before.
Ashlynn: She's a smooth ride, alright! I haven't lost my lunch once while aboard her.
Nevan: There is indeed no worthier vessel on the ocean waves. Wouldn't you agree, Hero?
Amos: Now that's a lad who loves his ship!
Carver: Aye, it's always a plus to have the Goddess on your side!
Milly: I have indeed sensed a remarkable power protecting us whenever we are on board the Providence.
Ashlynn: I don't need any convincing. That ship is unsinkable!
Nevan: I too used to tend to the Providence every day. Those were happy days indeed!
Amos: I'm glad to hear the Providence can't sink, but I don't really want to test this theory too much!
Carver: Now, where was the Providence anchored again?
Carver: Didn't someone say somethin' about the coast to the east of Somnia Castle? Aye, that's it!
Carver: Let's shove off already!
Carver: I don't know what's waitin' for us out in the big, bad world, but I can't wait to find out!
Milly: If we're going to be travelling around the world, I'd certainly rather do it in a ship than on foot.
Milly: I sense that our adventures are just beginning!
Ashlynn: Guess this is the start of a new adventure! I hope we find your double soon, Hero.
Ashlynn: So, uh, where to now, Hero?
Ashlynn: Let's go someplace really, really far! What's the point of having a ship if we don't use it?
Nevan: Hmm... Where would the Providence be waiting...
Let us look near the coast to the east of Somnia Castle.
Nevan: A new adventure begins here. There are monsters to defeat – and Hero's true self to locate.
Nevan: In the great tradition of the holy warriors of Ghent, my task is to fight for justice and peace.
Carver: There's a town up ahead. Worth takin' a look, aye, Hero?
Milly: We're not in any particular hurry. Why don't we pay this town a quick visit?
Ashlynn: Hmm. Scrimsley, huh? Wonder what it's like.
Nevan: I have heard tell of the town of Scrimsley, but I haven't yet had the opportunity to visit it.
Carver: The mountains around here are rough. My calves are on fire!
Milly: This area is full of monsters that we haven't encountered before...
Milly: We'd best focus until we become accustomed to fighting them.
Ashlynn: I dunno why, but I just have the best time on the road with you folks. Weird, huh?
Nevan: There is certainly no shortage of mountains in this locale. I'm afraid mountaineering is not my forte...
Carver: I wonder how many monsters we've sent to the great beyond.
Carver: I should've kept score... Well, always more where they came from, aye?
Milly: A day like this does wonders for one's positivity. Look, even Peggy Sue is chomping at the bit!
Peggy Sue: (snort) Neeeigh!
Ashlynn: Hmm... I've been a bit run down lately, you know? I need to take better care of myself.
Nevan: I sense that there are monsters lurking in the vicinity. We must be on our guard.
Amos: A nice bracin' walk, scrappin' with some monsters... There's nothin' quite like a good adventure!
Carver: Is this coffin full of rocks or somethin'? Well, at least I'm gettin' a workout.
Milly: Hmm. Commander Brutus was certainly a capable soldier...
Milly: But it would seem that the monster in the cave is even tougher.
Ashlynn: Terry was dragging one of these coffins along all by himself, wasn't he?
Ashlynn: He's not that big of a guy. He must be solid muscle!
Nevan: The sunderbolt blade! It has an impressive ring to it, right enough! I pray we can get hold of it.
Amos: So this fine horse goes by the name of Peggy Sue, does it? She's a horse and a half, I tell you!
Carver: Well, at least we got rid of that coffin.
Talk about dead weight!
Milly: Let's return to Arkbolt for now.
Ashlynn: It'll probably be a while yet before Wayfarer's Pass is open.
Nevan: So the young warrior named Terry has departed with the sunderbolt blade...
Amos: And there was me thinkin' that a young whipper-snapper like that would never get the better of us.
Amos: Just goes to show that old Amos has still got a fair bit to learn!
Carver: Wayfarer's Pass should be all fixed up by now, aye? Why not head over that way?
Milly: I'm sure that we'll get the opportunity to atone for our failure at the Pass...
Ashlynn: I wish we could just forget everything that happened here.
Nevan: I have a peculiar feeling that we shall encounter Terry again in our travels.
Amos: That King of Arkbolt isn't half stingy! Fancy not even givin' us a reward!
Amos: He could have at least given us an oaken club or somethin'!
Carver: I wish I'd beaten that cave monster. If my old man taught me anything, it's to never leave somethin' half done.
Milly: I don't believe this area is part of the kingdom of Arkbolt.
Ashlynn: Say, Commander Brutus's kid was pretty cute, wasn't he? All stubborn and precocious...
Nevan: What a truly desolate area. There is no sight of even the most humble hamlet.
Amos: Old Amos is startin' to get a mite peckish.
...Is no one else hungry?
Carver: How'd we end up here!?
Carver: Who in their right mind would visit this place, anyhow?
Milly: We seem to be back in the dream world... I wonder where exactly we've ended up.
Milly: Let's look for signs of civilisation. A town, a village – even a hut. Anything will do!
Ashlynn: Haah... Haah... Taking the stairs between worlds is no fun... There's gotta be a better way...
Ashlynn: I'm beat. My legs feel numb...
Nevan: Two worlds joined by a staircase... Truly, reality is stranger than my textbooks have led me to believe...
Nevan: As we travel across unfamiliar terrain, we should take extra care to maintain our levels of stamina.
Amos: Who'd have thought we'd find a place like this at the top of a staircase!? We're not in Scrimsley any more!
Amos: It takes a lot to rattle old Amos, but wanderin' about unfamiliar terrain makes me a tad nervous.
Carver: Ahoy! A town, here? In the middle of the desert?
Milly: Sand, sand, and – oh my, what's that over there!? Oh... More sand.
Ashlynn: This dry air is murder on my skin. It's practically cracking before my eyes! Gross!
Nevan: Have you caught sight of the town that lies over there? I suggest we pay it a visit!
Amos: So you squeeze yourself through a tunnel only to find yourself in the desert...
Carver: Hmm... So they seem to be losin' people in Aridea. But where does everybody go?
Milly: A floating island that visits the western cape on a full moon? That's the kind of talk that tickles my curiosity!
Ashlynn: I wonder if all the desert-town deserters are already at the western coastline...
Nevan: A full moon hangs in the night sky. Everything is bathed in a cold, crisp light.
Amos: The desert gets a bit nippy at night, I tell you!
Amos: Ah...Ah-CHOO!
Carver: Aye, it's a full moon tonight, alright.
Looks like tonight's the big night!
Milly: The moon is full – which means the floating island must be at the western cape. Let's hurry!
Ashlynn: We're gonna get to the bottom of this Isle o' Smiles business tonight. I just know it!
Nevan: Perhaps we should drop by Aridea on our way.
Amos: Ah...Ah-CHOO!
Amos: Fear not! It'll take more than a bit of a sniffle to get the better of old Amos. (sniff)
Carver: Seems like all those poor folks trapped on the altar have been released.
Carver: That's that. Our work here is done.
Milly: The only way off this island is via the floating island we came here on. I hope we can work out how to steer it...
Ashlynn: That King Medford guy was a real character, huh? All twirling around in the air like that!
Nevan: It troubles me still. Just what nature of beast was that Jamirus?
Amos: Right folks! Let's get on board that island!
(Never thought I'd say that...)
Carver: Medford's Manor might not be the biggest castle I've ever seen, but it's one classy joint!
Milly: I wonder... How many mini medals can there be in this world?
Milly: I suppose the only way to find out is to try and collect every last one!
Ashlynn: Let's come back once we get more mini medals, okay?
Nevan: Thanks to King Medford's taste for medals, exploring's going to be just that bit more fun from here on!
Amos: Far be it from me to be nosy, but I wonder what His Highness does with all those medals?
Amos: Maybe he trades 'em in someplace for even bigger rewards!
Terry: Well, each to their own. If he wants to collect medals, then so be it...
Lizzie: (snarl) Next prize... How many medals...we need? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Where we headed next, aye? No sense wanderin' round like headless hacksauruses...
Milly: The sea breeze here is frightfully strong. It's playing havoc with my hair!
Ashlynn: That wasn't fun... I came THIS close to falling down the stairs at one point.
Nevan: So we're stuck between steep mountains and the deep blue sea. We'll have to keep pressing forward!
Amos: I was a tad concerned about my ears poppin' in the upper world, but it seems there's nowt to fear.
Carver: So we're stuck twiddlin' our thumbs 'cause that guard's catchin' up on his beauty sleep?
There's somethin' fishy about this...
Milly: It would appear that we've come to a dead end at that checkpoint.
Ashlynn: I'd love to see the other side of that checkpoint someday.
Nevan: It seems that we won't be able to pass for the moment. Everything in its own time, I suppose...
Amos: Seems a bit like we went out of our way for nothing. Still, mustn't grumble, I suppose.
Carver: The landscape's wide open here. Looks like we've got some serious walkin' to do.
Milly: This place has a real air of tranquility – and tranquil air, too!
Ashlynn: Boy, is it me, or are even the monsters around here a little... You know, “backwoods”?
Nevan: This area has a rather calmer feel to it. It seems we can breathe a little more easily here.
Amos: I could have sworn I just heard some monsters scrapping with each other in the woods.
Amos: If only all monsters had the decency to fight each other, I could retire happily in Scrimsley!
Carver: No use wastin' our time huntin' for the Prince out here. We wouldn't know where to start.
Milly: If I were a spoilt delinquent prince, where would I go...?
Ashlynn: We should probably pick a specific point and start searching. Wandering willy-nilly won't do us any good.
Nevan: The Goddess counsels us to have patience in times of adversity... But WHERE has that little brat got to!?
Amos: That Prince Howard doesn't need a royal rite of purification! He needs a rite royal clip round the ear!
Carver: Is that Prince Howard still taggin' along?
Prince Howard: Oh, I'm here alright! Against my better judgement...
Milly: Are you ready for the rite of purification, Prince Howard?
Prince Howard: Hmph!
Ashlynn: I feel like I can't really let my hair down with the Prince around.
Prince Howard: And you think I can relax with you around!?
Nevan: I pray to the Goddess that we may carry our collective burdens with grace and forbearance...
Prince Howard: Are you referring to me as a burden?
Amos: We'll never get this royal rite of purification over and done with unless we all pull together.
Prince Howard: Alright, alright! I'm pulling...
Carver: Well, that's that! Time to head back to Howcastle!
Prince Howard: My moment of glory awaits!
Milly: We need to take Prince Howard back to the castle. In handcuffs, perhaps?
Prince Howard: You no longer have to worry about me slipping the leash, I can assure you!
Ashlynn: Whew! I can't wait until we get this royal albatross off our necks.
Prince Howard: Don't tempt fate! I might just slip away to spite you!
Nevan: The path to the rite of purification was far from a smooth one.
Prince Howard: My ancestors didn't do things by halves, that's for sure.
Amos: I'm shattered! I'm goin' to need a good kip, I tell you!
Prince Howard: Well, if you tire so easily, I may have second thoughts about hiring you as one of my servants!
Amos: ...You what!? Old Amos isn't lookin' for a career as a servant, I tell you!
Carver: I'm runnin' out of patience. Let's get back to Howcastle – and fast!
Milly: Seems like the Prince really wants to tell his daddy just how brave he's been! Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard's right. Listen to him! I want to be rid of this guy already.
Nevan: I dare say we can return to this village any time.
Let us repair to Howcastle!
Amos: Let's be makin' tracks before anythin' untoward happens!
Carver: Hey, Hero! Do you think we've seen all there is to see of this kingdom?
Milly: I sense that this magic key is imbued with great power. Let's be sure to use it wisely.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Let's take that magic key and open every red door we see!
Nevan: It is a relief to see Prince Howard ready and able to take the throne. The question is what do we do next?
Amos: I don't know if we're goin' to achieve much besides wearin' out shoe leather by wanderin' round here.
Carver: What do ya think's in there?
Milly: That shrine looks like it's been there a while. I wonder what could be inside?
Ashlynn: You know, I just have this feeling there's nothing to do here...yet.
Nevan: That door appears to be firmly locked.
Amos: There's somethin' about a bright red door that says: “You're not comin' in”...
Carver: Let's get that door open and head on inside!
What've we got to lose!?
Milly: I can't wait to see what's inside this old shrine.
Ashlynn: I can't shake the feeling that this shrine leads somewhere else.
Nevan: We are fortunate that King Howell's generous spirit blessed us with this magic key.
Amos: So as long as we've got this magic key, we'll be able to open any red door we fancy!
Amos: There must be red doors all over the place just waitin' for us to open 'em!
Carver: For a second there, I thought we'd come out in the same spot we went in.
Milly: Let's see... We entered from the lower world, so this must be the upper world.
Ashlynn: A town or village would really make my day about now.
Nevan: Lofty mountains surround the area to the north.
I suggest that we head to the south.
Amos: I don't want to make a fuss, but I wouldn't mind a break in the next town. I'm gettin' a tad peckish...
Carver: So we've been dumped in the middle of a poisonous swamp. Is this a dream or a nightmare?
Milly: Hmm, so we're in the lower world now, but I've no idea where.
Ashlynn: It's getting hard to tell down from up...
Nevan: I confess to being somewhat disorientated. Is this terrain new to us or not?
Nevan: At times like this, there is no substitute for consulting a map...
Amos: Goin' down that staircase was a hike and a half...
My knees are jigglin' like a pair of slimes!
Carver: Destiny's Drop, aye? Hope you're not scared of heights, Hero!
Milly: Destiny's Drop is to be found in the mountains to the north-east of Clearvale, isn't it?
Ashlynn: So Tom Foolery promised a shard of courage to Matthew...
Ashlynn: Sure would be nice if we could help him out!
Nevan: I've read of Destiny's Drop in an old textbook.
Can it really be such a fearsome climb?
Amos: There's somethin' about the word “drop” that bothers me. I wasn't plannin' on doin' any droppin'!
Carver: Some folks might call Destiny's Drop steep, but I call it exercise!
Milly: If you don't want your destiny to involve a very big drop, I suggest you don't look down...
Ashlynn: Go team! Let's get the shard, okay?
Nevan: I understand now – Destiny's Drop is a fearsome climb indeed...
Amos: Folks like me were designed to keep both feet firmly planted on the ground. I've got no head for heights.
Carver: You need more than a shred of courage to get your hands on a shard of courage!
Milly: Oh my, I can't wait to see the look on the Tresses' faces when we bring them this shard of courage!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We did it! Now let's get this shard back to town!
Nevan: Look at the mysterious glow radiating from the shard of courage. This is no ordinary rock...
Amos: Right, let's hurry back to Clearvale before that Tom Foolery fellow puts in an appearance.
Carver: A flyin' bed! Sounds like a first-class way to fly, aye?
Milly: We got an even better present in return. How nice!
Ashlynn: Our own flying bed? Now I feel like we owe the kid!
Nevan: The altitude achieved by the bed in full flight isn't sufficient to clear tall trees or mountains.
Nevan: However, it WILL take us over oceans and rivers. And what could offer a more comfortable flight than a bed?
Amos: I'm not keen on heights, but I won't pass up the opportunity of seein' the world aboard a flyin' bed!
Carver: A flyin' bed can take us to all kinds of new places. The only question is where to first?
Milly: It seems we've arrived in yet another new location in the real world. Let's investigate!
Ashlynn: Haah... Haah... Yay... Stairs again...
Nevan: I would suggest that we begin by looking for any nearby towns or villages.
Amos: So is this the basement or what? Old Amos is gettin' a touch confused.
Carver: Did I hear the gatekeeper say Turnscote?
Somethin' familiar about that name...
Milly: So that was Turnscote. I sense that we'd do well to remember that name.
Ashlynn: We wouldn't fit in that town? What'd that guy mean by that?
Ashlynn: Oh, he must mean we were too classy for it. What a nice thing to say! Tee hee!
Nevan: This is rather frustrating. Just how can we gain access to the town?
Nevan: In any case, let's bear its location in mind. It may come in useful later.
Amos: And there was me thinking Scrimsley folk were hostile to strangers!
Amos: Still, it doesn't seem like the kind of place I'd be overly keen on visitin' anyway.
Carver: I took a nasty knock to my leg in that last battle.
Carver: It's just a flesh wound – nothin' I can't walk off.
Ouch... Ouch... Ouch...
Carver: Ya know, we've gotten a lot tougher than we used to be.
Carver: I bet we could batter that Murdaw in a rematch with one arm tied behind our backs!
Carver: The sun's shinin'... The birds are chirpin'...
This is perfect fightin' weather!
Carver: Line up twenty monsters and I bet I could knock 'em all down without breakin' a sweat!
Milly: The search for your real self has taken us far and wide, Hero, but we're still rather short on clues.
Milly: But it's your destiny to be reunited – you must have faith in this and keep pushing forward!
Milly: (sigh) What a pleasant breeze...
Milly: If it weren't for the perpetual monster attacks, this would truly be a thoroughly enjoyable trip.
Milly: I wonder how Madame Luca is getting on.
Milly: I'm not feeling homesick or anything, but I do think of her every now and then. I hope she's doing well!
Ashlynn: You know, I think I've really honed my magic lately.
Ashlynn: It's like I get an image in my head, and then – poof! – I make it happen in real life! Neat, huh? Tee hee!
Ashlynn: Oww... I think the blisters on my feet are getting blisters!
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero! I'm just going to put this out there: I could sure use some lighter, stronger armour.
Ashlynn: Oh, and if it comes in pink, that'd be just perfect!
Nevan: We've ended up with an impressive array of vehicles at our disposal...
Nevan: A sacred ship, a floating island, a flying bed... What other unconventional modes of transport await us?
Nevan: Oh my! I seem to have torn my clothing!
Nevan: A monster must have got its claws into it in the last battle. It seems my fighting skills still need some work.
Nevan: ...Take that! ...And that! Avast, you foul beasts!
Nevan: ...Ahem! I do beg your pardon. I was just engaging in some battle training. One can never be too prepared!
Amos: Look at the way Peggy Sue carts that heavy wagon around without a whinny of complaint.
Amos: I dare say we could all learn a lot from her about keepin' a stiff upper lip!
Amos: I'm not one to sing my own praises, but I'm gettin' the hang of bashin' an assortment of mighty monsters.
Amos: I reckon I could take on a couple of Murdaws without the least bit of bother!
Amos: Is it me or are more monsters scarperin' when they see us comin'? Maybe they've heard our reputation!
Carver: So we're back in another unknown part of the lower world. I'm losin' track of where we are.
Milly: As soon as we entered this area, I could sense the overwhelming presence of monsters. We must take care.
Ashlynn: Boy, it's like we just keep going and going, yet we never run out of new things to see. It's a big world we live in!
Nevan: We must never overestimate our strength. In new terrain, unforeseen perils may await us.
Amos: If there's one thing I learnt as a nipper, it's to always remember the path home.
Carver: If someone had told me about a princess stuck in a mirror, I'd say they had slime for brains...
Carver: But we've seen it with our own eyes!
We can't let the King down – let's show this Spiegel character what for!
Milly: If there's no tower where they said it would be, let's try the world up above!
Ashlynn: You think Spiegel's magic is pretty tough? Ah, what does it matter. I know we'll beat him, no matter what!
Nevan: Spiegel is a powerful sorcerer, so we must be on our guard against his spells and charms!
Amos: It was a boyhood dream of mine to rescue a beautiful princess! Let's roll up our sleeves!
Carver: Hardy har! He didn't know what hit him! Now let's head back to Castle Swanstone, aye?
Milly: I'm certain that Miralda has been freed from the mirror. We must hurry back to King Ludwig.
Ashlynn: Yuck! This wind! I'm getting sand everywhere – and I mean, everywhere!
Ashlynn: My feet are on fire, too. Can we ride the bed through this? Please?
Nevan: I'm all a-fluster! That duel with Spiegel really got the old blood flowing!
Nevan: I, I must calm down! It wouldn't do for a Ghentile to get over-excited...
Amos: Wouldn't you know it! Old Amos has clean forgotten the way back! Do you remember it, Hero?
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Carver: You'd better believe it was outstanding! I ain't capable of anything less!
Milly: Speaking of which, what happened to the King Somnus in this world?
Milly: The young king turned into Queen Apnea, so that should leave them without a ruler...
Ashlynn: I wonder if Apnea and Captain Blade are back yet...
Nevan: Hmm... This would appear to be the dream world version of Somnia Castle.
Amos: It looks like there's a bit of life in this town!
That's always good to see!
Carver: Aye, life sure is good with Murdaw gone.
Milly: A world without Murdaw seems almost like a dream...
Milly: Then again, this is the dream world.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go see what's going on in the castle!
Nevan: Life is indeed a wonderful thing.
Long may this peace last!
Amos: Right enough, life's been wonderful ever since I fell in with this bunch of brave adventurers!
Carver: Hardy har! I never thought we'd get in trouble for takin' care of Murdaw.
Milly: He would do better to set his sights on a world where soldiers aren't needed...
Ashlynn: I can sympathise with the little rascal – but it's not like Murdaw was just gonna read a book until the kid grew up.
Nevan: I pray that this child can find a new goal for himself before he gets into any mischief.
Amos: I had nowt to do with Murdaw gettin' clobbered so I feel a bit left out.
Amos: Still, I'm sure there's no shortage of adventure waitin' out there for old Amos!
Carver: Aye? Is this dog hungry or something?
Milly: It must be the armour merchant's dog.
Such a cute puppy!
Ashlynn: Aw, poor pooch. We're too busy to play with him right now.
Nevan: This is a most amiable looking dog.
Amos: Now maybe it's just me, but this dog looks like it's a lot sharper than old Amos.
Carver: Aye, only a real stick in the mud would be in a lousy mood these days!
Milly: I sense that she's still harbouring some anxiety.
Ashlynn: Yep! Everything's a-okay now that we took care of the big bad guy!
Nevan: The reality of Murdaw's absence will take some time to fully sink in.
Amos: I wouldn't fancy bein' done in by Murdaw either!
Still, there's nowt to worry about now!
Carver: I don't care how many chasms Murdaw dug – we'll fill 'em back up any time, any place!
Milly: I wonder if he's talking about the chasm above the ruins of Alltrades Abbey...
Ashlynn: So many rumours floating around these days!
Nevan: Hmm... Giant chasms in the ground...
So this occurred in the dream world...
Amos: So did that Murdaw fellow dig some kind of hole to trap folks? I wouldn't put it past him!
Carver: I'd have been furious if that mirror had turned out to be some “silly antique”.
Milly: The King had the right idea all along.
Ashlynn: That King really knows what he's doing, huh?
Nevan: Ra's mirror rendered all of Murdaw's tricks and deception useless, may the Goddess be praised!
Amos: I wouldn't mind havin' a look at that there mirror of Ra sometime.
Amos: I'd like to see what sort of reflection would be waitin' for old Amos.
Carver: Looks like we've been volunteered for a bit of ring wranglin', aye?
Milly: She could have dropped the ring somewhere less treacherous...
Ashlynn: Ooh, I love exploring old wells!
Nevan: Now that we're committed to helping, it wouldn't do for us to turn our back on our duty.
Amos: Hoppin' down a well's no problem. I did it all the time as a nipper!
Carver: “Monster-infested”, aye? Now we really gotta help the lady!
Milly: We are going to help her, aren't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: I take it that ring is important to her, huh?
Nevan: A dark well is indeed no place for this woman to be venturing alone.
Amos: What do you say, Hero? Shall we pop down and have a nose around?
Carver: Huh. It looks like that lady could tell you're from the sticks, Hero.
Milly: You've already enjoyed a taste of fame, haven't you, Hero? Hee hee.
Ashlynn: I don't really remember where I came from...
Ashlynn: But I'll take the countryside over the big city for sure!
Nevan: Let us use that seed of strength wisely.
Amos: Fame and glory, eh? That sounds like it's right up old Amos's alley!
Carver: “Character building”, aye? Is that anything like body building?
Carver: Anyway, we're in the same boat as her. Who knows what's next!
Milly: Being able to see things in a positive light is an admirable trait.
Ashlynn: Hey, she's got that ring on her finger!
Nevan: We've all been through our own “character-building experience”...
Nevan: But it has given us the fortitude to cope with any adversity.
Amos: The end of the world puts things in perspective, right enough.
Carver: Avast! That's really King Somnus's proclamation?
Carver: Sounds like a totally different fella... You sure he ain't a phony?
Milly: A royal proclamation? Does this mean that the King has returned?
Ashlynn: No way... Did the King really write this?
Nevan: Did King Somnus perhaps suffer a blow to the head?
Amos: Drinking and partying? This King Somnus sounds like a chap I'd like to meet!
Carver: Now that we've seen the King, his proclamation makes some sort of sense.
Milly: I hope King Somnus doesn't get carried away and incur the wrath of the Queen...
Ashlynn: The King sure looked happy to be young again...even if it's only in his dreams!
Nevan: It's good to hear that King Somnus is in fine fettle.
Amos: That royal declaration is a real crowd pleaser,
I tell you!
Carver: Sleep-talkin', aye?
Milly: King Somnus enjoys the support of his subjects even when they're dreaming!
Ashlynn: Wow, he's sleeping standing up! Hope he doesn't fall in the water...
Nevan: Being able to sleep while standing is no mean feat. Bravo!
Amos: This fellow will catch his death if he insists on napping in a place like this!
Carver: Captain Blade's alive 'n well, no doubt about that.
Milly: Well, Captain Blade didn't give his life. But where could he have gone?
Ashlynn: Not that Captain Blade had anything to do with Murdaw's defeat...
Nevan: We must preserve peace for the sake of those who laid down their lives to achieve it.
Amos: Captain Blade sounds like an all-round good egg.
I hope we bump into him someday.
Carver: I'll bet Keating's ponderin' the same question himself right now.
Milly: It seems that one's crimes in the real world won't go unpunished in the dream world, at least.
Ashlynn: Does anyone like Master Keating anywhere?
Well, except for this guy...
Nevan: If this Keating character has been locked up, the order must have come from the King himself.
Amos: Wasn't this Keating fellow some kind of money-bags?
Amos: Couldn't he just buy his way out of prison?
Carver: I bet back pain like that is a real pain in the rear.
Milly: He looks young, but I'm guessing he's quite old in the real world...
Ashlynn: Ugh! I hope he can hold himself together.
Nevan: There's nothing wrong with him that a dose of prayer won't take care of!
Amos: He doesn't look old, but he speaks like he is...
Amos: Seems in the dream world, appearance and actual age can be at odds on occasion.
Carver: I think I know what's goin' on here, but I'm not about to try and explain it.
Milly: Let's not spoil this couple's dreams, Hero.
Ashlynn: I see what she did there. She wants to “forget” about his failing memory? Tee hee!
Nevan: Intriguing... It seems that the real world is exerting a subtle influence on this world.
Amos: Old Amos sometimes forgets the odd thing
...Now what was I sayin'...?
Carver: Hardy har. The King works in mysterious ways, aye?
Milly: We can't tell her that this world's Murdaw was, in fact, King Somnus...
Ashlynn: Wow. You can't get much past her, huh?
Nevan: The world moves in ways we cannot hope to grasp.
Amos: Folks should stop frettin' and enjoy a bit of peace and harmony!
Carver: Feast, aye? That sounds good – I'll have two, please.
Milly: She can feast as much as she likes from now on!
Ashlynn: Ooh, I think I smell roast beast. (slurp)
Sorry, I'm drooling like a slime!
Nevan: No matter the meal, it'll certainly taste sweeter from now on. Peace is a fine condiment!
Amos: A special feast, no less? I like how this lady thinks!
Carver: Aye. Let's shove off!
Milly: The security at the castle is top-notch, as always.
Ashlynn: Standing guard at the entrance all day must be a real bore.
Nevan: This is a splendid castle, to be sure.
Amos: What a castle!
Carver: It wasn't so much the King doin' the defeatin' – it was his mirror. But that's that.
Milly: I'm just glad that the King has returned safely.
Ashlynn: I guess you could say beating Murdaw was a team effort all around, huh?
Nevan: Truly the Goddess smiles on us when we combine our strengths and work together.
Amos: I'll be sure to pull my weight next time!
Carver: I know that voice...
Milly: Hee hee. I should have known that Queen Apnea would be keeping an eye on her husband.
Ashlynn: That laugh at the end was kind of scary. I hope the King's not in any kind of trouble!
Nevan: She is aware of everything and allows her husband to do as he pleases. Truly she has a generous spirit.
Amos: Old Amos knows a classy lady when he sees one! (...Could this be my dream woman?)
Carver: We did a load more than “help” him, but... Ah, well. Some credit's better than none at all.
Milly: Interesting... So we “helped”, did we?
Ashlynn: So we were just helpers, huh? How interesting...
Nevan: Well, in the broadest sense, we did indeed offer assistance to the King.
Amos: Old Amos can't take any credit for this.
Carver: “Displays of courage?” I display it all day!
Milly: I wonder what exactly the King said about us?
Ashlynn: All this praise is making me blush!
Nevan: With all this praise, I feel my head swelling...
Amos: It looks like old Amos is knockin' about with some proper celebrities!
Carver: We'll be seein' Blade before long, aye, Hero?
Milly: I hope that Captain Blade is safe, wherever he is...
Ashlynn: He didn't go missing “in the struggle”, right? More like afterwards.
Nevan: Captain Blade was a truly brave and noble man.
Amos: Old Amos feels all left out again...
Carver: Pfft. All that book-readin' must be rottin' this guy's brain.
Milly: If only his theory had been correct...
Ashlynn: I guess not all scholars are created equal.
Nevan: I pray this scholar applies his mind to finding out why all these monsters remain at large.
Amos: Those monsters haven't disappeared, that's for sure!
Carver: The King's back to sleepin', aye? Good for him.
Milly: A “different person”...?
Ashlynn: I'm sure the King's in a good mood now that things are back to normal.
Nevan: I'm intrigued to see how King Somnus has changed. Let us meet him without delay.
Amos: I know what it's like to feel like a different person...
Amos: Well, I say “person”. It's more of a monster really...
Carver: Hardy har. There's a better explanation for it than that!
Milly: Everyone seems to have noticed the change in King Somnus.
Ashlynn: He doesn't just “seem” like a different person...
Nevan: I'd like to explain the truth, but I must bite my tongue.
Amos: Well, old Amos never had the privilege of meetin' the previous King so I couldn't tell what's changed.
Carver: Blimey! That dog eats better than I do!
Milly: I'm sure it must have been a lively feast.
Ashlynn: I bet the roast beast was a “dreamy” dish!
Nevan: We'll just have to wait until the next feast!
Amos: I can't believe we missed a feast!
Carver: No point explainin' things to folks in this world. They'd think we were stark ravin' loonies.
Milly: I only wish we could lock up the other Keating as well...
Ashlynn: Wonder what the Keating down in the real world is up to.
Nevan: I wonder if the Keating here in the dream world has the faintest idea why he is imprisoned.
Amos: If the King wants him locked up, this Keating fellow must be a bad egg!
Carver: Keating, aye...? I can see why he got this royal treatment from the King.
Milly: This Keating has no idea what's been going on in the real world... No wonder he's angry!
Ashlynn: That guy needs to buy a nicer personality!
Nevan: In the real world, Chancellor Keating had the run of the kingdom while King Somnus slept...
Nevan: He no doubt spent money like water, which is why his dreams have taken this sorry form.
Amos: Old Amos might not have two gold coins to rub together, but I know wrong from right.
Carver: You heard the man. Let's help ourselves, aye?
Milly: But can we actually access our reward?
Ashlynn: Oh, wow! Presents from the King himself!
Nevan: This is truly something to be grateful for.
Amos: If it's coming from the King, I'm guessing it won't be oaken clubs and medicinal herbs. ...Right?
Terry: As long as it's something we can actually use...
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure! Lizzie take treasure! (slobber)
Goober: B-boing, b-boing, b-boing!
Carver: Aye! Time for a little chest-raidin'!
Milly: It took quite an effort to reach this point.
Ashlynn: And we have the key we need!
Nevan: Royal treasure is truly something to be grateful for.
Amos: All I know is if it's medicinal herbs and oaken clubs, old Amos won't be best pleased.
Terry: As long as it's something we can actually use...
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure! Lizzie take treasure! (slobber)
Goober: B-boing, b-boing, b-boing!
Carver: Sounds good to me. Let's shove off.
Milly: It seems that the King has been waiting for us.
Ashlynn: What got into that guy? Hope we're not in trouble or anything.
Nevan: We know where the throne room is, do we not?
Let us head there without delay.
Amos: I'm in a bit of a tizzy here. I tend to get nervous round royal types!
Carver: Now we know why the King was so excited. Losin' a few decades will do that to ya!
Milly: Hee hee. He was right about the gushing.
Ashlynn: We already got ourselves to him! Tee hee!
Nevan: We could explain how the King differs from his previous incarnation...
Nevan: But our explanations might be incomprehensible to him.
Amos: Old Amos was fair taken aback to see such a young whipper-snapper on the throne!
Carver: Folks around the castle really loved the Captain, aye?
Milly: We'll pray for Captain Blade's safety, won't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: If we only knew where Blade was, we could just pop over and help him out...
Nevan: The more we learn of Captain Blade, the clearer it becomes that he was held in the very highest esteem.
Amos: When this kingdom's soldiers do battle, they'll have Captain Blade in their hearts.
Carver: It's good to see morale's high with the troops, aye?
Milly: It's good to see that support for the King is growing.
Ashlynn: The rumours all pretty much have King Somnus slaying Murdaw by himself, huh?
Nevan: It is clear that this guard dearly wanted to join in the assault on Murdaw.
Amos: I know exactly how he feels. I wanted to be there to stick the boot into Murdaw too!
Carver: Umm... Will our part make it into the history books?
Milly: It certainly was a confrontation for the ages.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Sure would be nice if I could say what really happened!
Nevan: The epic battle with Murdaw will live on in history and in people's hearts.
Amos: I wonder if there's room for old Amos in these history books?
Carver: It's true... We can't rest on our laurels 'n everything like that.
Milly: I think the King himself has “slacked off” a little, to be honest...
Ashlynn: We should do our part for the monster-slaying cause, too.
Nevan: We must find out the reason why monsters continue to plague the land.
Amos: There's no slackin' from the soldiers of Somnia.
They're a fine bunch and no mistake!
Carver: Nothin' wrong with livin' a little, aye?
Milly: It's only natural. All the castle's problems were solved at once, after all.
Ashlynn: Gross. She smells like whatever she drank...
Nevan: I cannot condone excessive drinking. But there are times when it's only right to celebrate.
Amos: This lass looks like she can take her drink! Shame old Amos can't...
Carver: It makes sense that the chancellor would be happy to have his boss back.
Milly: Holding the fort must have been tiring for the chancellor.
Ashlynn: “The rigors of battle”? Really? The King looks fine and dandy to me.
Nevan: Waiting for someone to return from battle is never easy. I can sense the chancellor's relief.
Amos: So this fellow's a big-shot round here? He does look like someone you could rely on...
Carver: Off duty, aye?
Carver: Now what? I'm not a big fan of free time.
Milly: This time, it's not Queen Apnea from the lower world, but the real King Somnus.
Milly: We've heard all about the fun he's been having, haven't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow, the King's rooting for us! It's good to have friends in high places!
Nevan: Where to next, Hero?
Amos: What a fine fellow that King Somnus is.
Old Amos is his newest fan!
Carver: He pinched her...? It really is good to be the King.
Milly: King or not, he'd better behave!
Ashlynn: The King better hope the Queen doesn't find out about that...
Nevan: I'm quite sure the Goddess frowns most severely on antics of this nature...
Amos: Kings have it easy!
Amos: Hmm... King Amos... It's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Carver: Hey, so the King's a barfly now?
Milly: The King seems to have a weakness for cute girls...
Ashlynn: Boy, the King's letting it all hang out here in the dream world, isn't he?
Nevan: King Somnus certainly seems to be enjoying his newfound freedom.
Amos: A dancer! For a secretary!
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind givin' this king lark a go.
Carver: Ahoy! Word's already spread here, aye?
Milly: Your home village is lovely, Hero.
Ashlynn: Oooh, I just love quaint little villages like this!
Nevan: This village has a simple, rustic charm.
Amos: So this is where you hail from, Hero?
I wouldn't mind settlin' here myself!
Carver: Sounds like everyone's breathin' a lot easier these days, aye?
Milly: I didn't sense any strong monsters in the area, I must say.
Ashlynn: I bet they're all having a big party down there – a peace party!
Nevan: Monsters still roam the land despite Murdaw's defeat. The villagers must be on their guard.
Amos: Seems the villagers are havin' a grand time of it, wanderin' around to their hearts' content.
Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like your neighbours didn't know you had it in ya, Hero!
Milly: Hee hee. She seemed rather surprised, Hero! She did call you the village hero, though.
Ashlynn: Wow, the view here's to die for!
Nevan: That old lady is bursting with health and vitality.
Nevan: Fresh air is clearly one of the keys to a long life.
Amos: Seems the world and its mother's talkin' about you, Hero!
Carver: It's good to see the rumours made it up here without gettin' fouled up.
Milly: We're not really that far from the village at the base of the mountain and its gossip, I suppose.
Ashlynn: I guess the whole village must know by this point, huh?
Nevan: Weaver's Peak is brimming with smiling faces. It's a fine thing to behold!
Amos: Beatin' that Murdaw was really a feat and a half!
Carver: Buddy? Ain't that the one who keeps callin' you “buddy”, Hero?
Milly: It sounds like everyone downed tools when they heard that Murdaw was defeated.
Ashlynn: This Buddy guy must be stronger than Carver if he's protecting all those villagers.
Nevan: It seems that the holiday spirit is flowing through the good folks of Weaver's Peak.
Amos: It's never a bad idea to finish work a little early and let your hair down!
Carver: The sky always looks pretty when you're in a good mood. And right now, it looks stupendous!
Milly: I'm inclined to agree with him, I must say.
Ashlynn: This guy's kind of a poet. You wouldn't know it from looking at him, though.
Nevan: I pray that this peaceful state shall continue far into the future.
Amos: The view from up here is stunnin' and no mistake! Look at all of those mountains!
Carver: On the house, aye? My favourite kind of drink!
Milly: Everyone's so welcoming now that peace has returned! Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! A girl can get used to a village like this.
Nevan: I shan't take this woman up on her generosity, but it is sincerely appreciated.
Amos: “On the house!” Three little words that old Amos loves to hear!
Carver: Hardy har! I like that fella's style!
Milly: He's certainly in, erm, high spirits...
Ashlynn: That guy needs to, like, pace himself or something.
Nevan: I cannot condone this gentleman's...er...habits.
Amos: He could cut down on his drinkin' a tad!
Carver: Hope that old fella doesn't celebrate himself into a coffin.
Milly: It really is festive around here.
Ashlynn: I hope he doesn't drink the whole year away.
Nevan: From young to old, it would seem all are celebrating.
Amos: That old boy's spillin' more than he's gettin' down his throat. Oh well, as long as he's happy!
Carver: I could see myself bein' a hunter. It's a job for manly men, aye?
Milly: Maybe he could be a guide for the local hunters... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Hunting sounds fun, but I'm pretty happy with my adventuring career right now.
Nevan: So Buddy's father is a hunter...
Amos: I once had a dream where some hunters were tryin' to bag old Amos. Terrifyin', it was.
Carver: No one here but the cow, aye?
Milly: What a wonderfully glossy coat. That cow must be well taken care of.
Ashlynn: You think that cow's got milk? I'm thirsty.
Nevan: Are cow's faces supposed to be that big?
Amos: Hmm... That cow looks deliciou–
Amos: I mean, it looks like a healthy, strappin' beast!
Carver: She looks as good at weavin' as I am at fightin'.
Milly: Being able to do what you love will bring happiness at any age.
Ashlynn: Wow, she's weaving up a storm!
Nevan: It just goes to show that nothing is more important than good health.
Amos: Look at her go! Let's see if old Amos is half as healthy when I get to her age!
Carver: I reckon it'll take a while before folks can really rest easy.
Milly: I know exactly what that nun means.
Milly: I must admit that I share her unease.
Ashlynn: She makes a good point. It doesn't really seem over yet, somehow.
Nevan: I think that many people throughout the world share this fear.
Nevan: Murdaw's baneful shadow lay over all of our hearts for far too long...
Amos: I'd like to reassure her, but I get tongue-tied at times like these.
Carver: Blimey, this armour's really something! I bet it's blessed by spirits 'n everything like that!
Milly: That armour really suits you, Hero, it deserves to be equipped straight away!
Ashlynn: Don't you just love that new-armour smell?
Nevan: Just gazing at armour like that makes me feel safer.
Amos: I wonder how old Amos would look in that armour...
Carver: That armour must be unbreakable, aye?
Carver: I can feel the power pulsin' from it. It's givin' me goosebumps.
Milly: Let's come back for it another time!
Ashlynn: Seven thousand gold coins, huh? That's not exactly cheap.
Nevan: It seems our current supply of gold coins just isn't going to cover it.
Amos: So we're low on funds? Well, no sense complainin' – let's go and get some gold coins!
Carver: That armour must be unbreakable, aye?
Carver: I can feel the power pulsin' from it. It's givin' me goosebumps.
Milly: I sense that the enchanted armour is bestowed with the divine protection of the spirits.
Ashlynn: Huh? We're not buying it after all?
Nevan: I sensed the extraordinary strength that armour was imbued with.
Amos: What's that?! It was too expensive!?
Carver: Avast! You jokin' or what, Hero?
Milly: How can you say something like that, Hero?
Ashlynn: Hold on now! Have you forgotten about your search for yourself?
Nevan: I do not wish to meddle, but perhaps it's best to explain the true nature of your quest to the Mayor?
Amos: Were you just tellin' the Mayor what he wanted to hear, Hero? That's nice of you but...
Carver: Stop by and see Tania, aye? Hardy har! Don't mind if I do.
Milly: A search for yourself is not the easiest concept to explain, I suppose.
Ashlynn: I don't think he understood, but at least he's a good sport about it!
Nevan: The Mayor may not fully understand the nature of our quest, but we can count on his support.
Amos: The Mayor seems like a good sort. He's worried about the well-bein' of this Tania lass.
Carver: Marriage? Soon!? Did you take a hit to the noggin, Hero!?
Milly: How serious are you, Hero?
Ashlynn: Hmm... I don't really see the chemistry, but whatever.
Nevan: Er... Matrimony is a wonderful thing, but are you sure about that timing...?
Amos: When you get married, Hero, we're goin' to have ourselves the party to end all parties!
Carver: Crikey, she's really serious about this!
Milly: I'm sure you know what you're doing, Hero.
Ashlynn: She's keeping it a secret...?
Nevan: Far be it from me to doubt you, but did you really make such a promise, Hero?
Amos: I'm worried that all this talk of weddings is goin' to get out of hand!
Carver: Crikey. This is why I'm single and lovin' it.
Milly: I can't believe she's so tolerant of your half-hearted attitude, Hero.
Ashlynn: “Rebel”? More like “slacker” if you ask me...
Nevan: It's best to leave all of this matrimonial malarkey until after our quest is over, don't you think?
Amos: Hero, you're quite a hit with the ladies!
Carver: Avast, Hero! Are you seriously gonna drag this out?
Milly: So Hero... What will you do?
Ashlynn: I think she's serious, Hero.
Nevan: Does love truly affect people this profoundly?
Amos: Seems like this Judith lass is more than prepared to wait!
Carver: You shouldn't promise to marry folks willy-nilly like that, Hero.
Milly: Do be careful, Hero. A single careless word can cause so much pain...
Ashlynn: Someone else, huh? I wonder who the lucky gal is...
Nevan: Judith has clearly taken the news hard.
Amos: ...You've got another lass on the go, Hero!? When were you goin' to tell old Amos?
Carver: ......
Milly: The poor girl... Both you and Buddy...
Ashlynn: Boy, Judith sure has rotten luck with guys...
Nevan: I'd love to comment, but affairs of the heart are not my strong suit.
Amos: This Judith lass looks like a tough type. She'll be fine, you mark my words.
Carver: Crikey, Hero. This girl's attraction to you is startin' to sound fatal.
Milly: She's quite eager to please, isn't she.
Ashlynn: So Hero likes to take things slow, huh?
Nevan: She clearly still holds a torch for you.
Amos: I think this lass is goin' to keep comin' back no matter what you say, Hero.
Carver: Avast, Hero! If you really made that promise, you ain't the Mr Nice Guy I thought you were!
Milly: Don't tell me you've actually forgotten, Hero?
Ashlynn: Is that girl really serious about all this?
Nevan: Did you really make this promise, Hero? Not that it's any of my business, of course...
Amos: Now, old Amos has been known to forget the odd thing, but I wouldn't forget agreein' to marry a lass!
Carver: (yawn) What a great sleep!
Carver: It's a shame we didn't get to talk with Tania much, though.
Milly: It's clear Tania cares for you a lot, Hero.
Ashlynn: Boy, Tania sure was excited to see you yesterday, wasn't she?
Ashlynn: I'll bet having you back home was a real treat for her, Hero.
Nevan: You were truly dead to the world, Hero.
Amos: That Tania lass isn't half dreamy, I tell you!
Carver: Let's come back now 'n then, aye, Hero? You know, just to make sure Tania's okay...
Milly: It must be wonderful to have a sister who cares so much about you, Hero.
Ashlynn: I'm a big fan of your sister, Hero!
Nevan: It's a true blessing to have a sister like this, Hero.
Amos: Old Amos would do anythin' for Tania!
...I really would, you know!
Carver: Rise 'n shine, Hero! Time to shove off!
Milly: My, what a replenishing sleep!
Ashlynn: I feel like I could conquer the world today!
Nevan: Good morning to one and all!
Amos: It's mornings like this that make you glad to be alive!
Carver: Seems like Tania's startin' to sense something, too...
Carver: Maybe there's another Tania down in the real world somewhere, aye?
Milly: It's hard to determine how best to address Tania's concerns...
Ashlynn: Wow. Can't get much past Tania, huh?
Nevan: None of us know just what answers we will find in our quest.
Nevan: I'm curious, but also fearful of the truths we may uncover.
Amos: I've never met a lass like Tania before! She's got a good heart – and a great smile!
Carver: Hardy har! That cat seems to like us!
Milly: I'm glad that the cat is here to keep Tania company.
Ashlynn: Aww... She kind of looks like a fuzzy little Tania, doesn't she?
Nevan: Petting a cat can be a healing experience – not unlike a visit to Ghent.
Amos: They say that pets grow to look like their owners.
Amos: But you're nowhere near as hairy as this cat, Hero!
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Carver: He has a point. You'd think the monsters would be scarce, what with Murdaw gone 'n everything like that.
Milly: Monsters that should have disappeared with Murdaw's defeat are still at large...
Milly: Perhaps a source apart from Murdaw is involved...?
Ashlynn: Getting all these people down the mountain would be tough even without the monsters.
Nevan: So the number of monsters in this area has not decreased one jot...
Amos: This place would be perfect if it wasn't for those flippin' monsters!
Carver: Good thing ya got out of that village, Hero, or your legs would be puny, too.
Milly: What a lovely area. The air is so fresh!
Ashlynn: Wow, she's already tired? We're, like, a stone's throw from the village!
Nevan: I'm sure it's hard to take breaks with so many monsters at large.
Amos: Whenever I've walked too far, a good foot massage fixes me right up!
Carver: Can't argue with that, aye, Hero?
Milly: It'd be nicer if there weren't any monsters roaming around...
Ashlynn: He shouldn't stand so close to the cliff.
It's windy out here!
Nevan: I'd prefer to snuggle up indoors with a nice book, myself...
Amos: What a view! Old Amos could get used to this...
Carver: That's the question of the moment right there.
Milly: Perhaps it would be best for the villagers to return to Weaver's Peak.
Ashlynn: If a couple of monsters are enough to freak him out like that, he should've never left home.
Nevan: The world is still a long way from being safe for everyone to walk around as they please.
Amos: If he doesn't mind out, a monster will scare him right off the cliff!
Carver: Aye, I reckon the monsters made payin' proper respects pretty tough around here.
Milly: So this is where the village's dearly departed are laid to rest...
Ashlynn: Aww. I think I'm going to cry...
Nevan: I pray that this man's wife can rest here in peace.
Amos: You shouldn't have to risk your life to take a trip to your wife's grave. It's just not right!
Carver: “Culture shock”!? That sounds rough! He should see the priest, and fast!
Milly: I'm sure he'll remember this day for the rest of his life!
Ashlynn: I can't imagine never leaving your hometown...but maybe that's because I can't remember mine.
Nevan: Perhaps he'll get bitten by the travel bug and one day venture further afield.
Amos: There's a whole wide world out there for him to explore!
Carver: It'd take a pretty silly innkeeper to set up shop in here, aye?
Milly: I sure hope monsters don't visit this inn...
Ashlynn: How does this inn stay in business? I thought location was everything!
Nevan: It's fun to stumble upon these kinds of tucked away places.
Amos: You don't get a lot of sunlight in this inn!
Carver: Whoa! This place is hoppin'!
Milly: Bazaars are always so exciting!
Ashlynn: Oooh, a bazaar! That means shopping! Yippee!
Nevan: I dare say we may be able to stumble across a real find in this town.
Amos: A bazaar! You don't get many of these where I come from!
Carver: Time to put our scoutin' skills to the test!
Milly: With all these shops, the competition is red-hot.
Ashlynn: I guess the point is...it pays to shop around!
Nevan: This gentleman's advice is most sound.
Amos: So let me get this straight – you'll find the same item at different prices depending on the shop?
Carver: He wasn't sellin' anything we haven't seen before, aye?
Milly: He always seems to be a step behind...
Ashlynn: This poor guy's either the worst businessman ever, or the unluckiest – or both!
Nevan: That does seem a rather strange place for a shop. But it's intriguing nonetheless.
Amos: If he'd only munched on a few seeds of agility, he might've fared better.
Carver: Folks pay more attention when you're tough, aye, Hero? Welcome to my world.
Milly: Lots of people here seem to know you, Hero.
Ashlynn: Is she saying you used to be a weakling, Hero?
Nevan: She's clearly a born saleswoman – she remembers all of her customers.
Amos: This stunner is an acquaintance of yours, Hero? I'm impressed!
Carver: Hmm. Do folks really care that much about crowns?
Milly: Cliff's crown making skills are held in high esteem.
Ashlynn: I wish I could try on one of those crowns for myself!
Nevan: This fellow seems to know which way the world is going.
Amos: I wouldn't mind tryin' a spirit crown on for size!
Carver: It's good to see that guy outlived Murdaw, aye?
Milly: His aura is shimmering with joy.
Ashlynn: You can tell he really loves life. And turnips.
Nevan: Before, peace must have seemed like an unrealisable dream.
Amos: That old boy's full of beans. ...Or full of turnips!
Carver: Captain Blade, aye...? He's known all over these parts.
Milly: The story of King Somnus and Murdaw is indeed bizarre – not to mention complicated.
Ashlynn: The King's been like a new man ever since he came back to the castle, huh?
Nevan: She no doubt craves enlightenment regarding King Somnus, but we should keep it to ourselves.
Amos: I'd explain what really happened, but I don't have the first clue!
Carver: Givin' thanks for Murdaw's a good way to get roughed up, if ya ask me.
Milly: Now that everyone can relax, hopefully it'll lead to more bazaars.
Ashlynn: I guess Murdaw was good for some things – like getting us all together.
Nevan: This town certainly seems to be enjoying peace.
And profiting from it too!
Amos: You can never have too many bazaars! Old Amos is just worried about burnin' through his savings!
Carver: He should stop griping and start gatherin' stuff to sell.
Milly: This bazaar must have been rather spontaneous.
Ashlynn: The lesson here is to always be prepared.
Nevan: It seems this bazaar caught this fellow flat-footed.
Amos: In other words, this stall isn't open for business.
Carver: You actually bought that? You collectin' knick-knacks or something?
Milly: “Bone stake”...? I suppose it's a weapon?
Ashlynn: A bone stake, huh? I wonder who could equip something like that.
Nevan: His customer service leaves a little something to be desired.
Amos: Ouch! The tip of this thing isn't half sharp, I tell you!
Carver: Bein' a cheapskate beats bein' swindled! Aye, Hero?
Milly: We can always come back if we need to.
Ashlynn: It's not like a “bone stake” sounds all that great, anyway.
Nevan: I don't mean to cast aspersions, but that man seemed suspicious...
Amos: I'm pretty sure I could whittle a bone down and you wouldn't know the difference.
Carver: Are you really plannin' to buy that, Hero?
Milly: Apparently, we're poorer than I realised...
Ashlynn: Sheesh! He didn't have to rub it in like that.
Nevan: The purpose of our quest is not to collect riches. We fight for a higher cause!
Amos: Old Amos was always taught to save for a rainy day. It's no fun to be hard up.
Carver: Buyin' in bulk for emergencies, aye?
Milly: That didn't seem like a particularly good bargain...
Ashlynn: Do you think that water's the real deal? I mean, we're an awful long way from Amor.
Nevan: Amor seco essence is a powerful healing tonic.
It's always good to have some to hand.
Amos: If old Amos remembers rightly, amor seco essence has the same healin' powers as the spell Midheal.
Carver: Hey, how does he know it's the “deal of the century”, anyway? The century ain't over.
Milly: Wise shoppers buy what they need, when they need it.
Ashlynn: We haven't had much use for chimaera wings lately, anyway.
Nevan: I wonder how much we really would have saved.
Amos: So we didn't splash out in the end?
Amos: Maybe if he'd chucked in another chimaera wing...
Carver: We don't even have four hundred gold coins? How embarrassin'.
Milly: Perhaps it's time for us to start economising...
Ashlynn: Did we have any deposits in the bank, maybe?
Nevan: Perhaps it's a sign from the Goddess that this purchase is surplus to our requirements.
Amos: And there was old Amos gettin' all excited about our little spendin' spree...
Carver: A thief's key, aye...? I'd be interested in that, actually.
Milly: This seems like it'll come in quite handy...
Ashlynn: You're turning him down? This deal seems like a no-brainer, Hero.
Nevan: A thief's key sounds like something of a find to me.
Amos: Two hundred sounds like a fair price to old Amos...
Carver: Huzzah! This key oughta come in handy.
Milly: I wonder if we can try out our new key here in town somewhere?
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Let's go try this sucker out somewhere!
Nevan: What a find! It pays to shop around, it seems.
Amos: I've got a feelin' this key is goin' to be worth its weight in gold.
Carver: Crikey. How'd we end up so broke?
Milly: Oh dear... I'd hate for someone else to snap it up instead.
Ashlynn: Boy, we need to manage our money better...
Nevan: Shall we sell some of our possessions to bolster our war chest?
Amos: Hang about! Old Amos might have two hundred gold coins stashed away here somewhere...
Amos: ...No. I forgot that we'd chucked all our money together...
Carver: Well...it's not untrue, I reckon.
Milly: The people of this town must have a sixth sense especially for rumours!
Ashlynn: It can't be a good feeling to have your king go missing.
Nevan: I pray for the day when rumours are replaced by solid, verifiable facts...
Amos: Seems the rumour mill is workin' overtime these days!
Carver: Aye, but my old man can make stuff better than his.
Milly: I wonder which one is his father...
Ashlynn: Maybe he's right, maybe not. I don't know my dad, so...
Nevan: His father may be nothing but a swindler. Let's be on our guard.
Amos: This lad seems to have the gift of the gab. I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine salesman too!
Carver: Hardy har! It's good to see the quiet brother gettin' riled for a change.
Milly: He's quite excited, isn't he!
Ashlynn: He must be doing pretty well!
Nevan: When your rival is your own flesh and blood, it adds an extra element to the competition.
Amos: What I wouldn't give to know how much profit this fellow's made today!
Carver: Who needs help puttin' on a kilt?
Milly: Normally five hundred gold coins, eh? I wonder...
Ashlynn: You say kilt, I say skirt. I'd never wear that anyway!
Nevan: I have little time for sartorial matters but is a leather kilt really a practical item of clothing?
Amos: A leather kilt!? It's not really my style, but I'll wear it if it makes you happy, Hero.
Carver: Never mind. It's not like we're in a big rush to buy the thing.
Milly: Bazaars aren't much fun with empty pockets. Let's go, Hero.
Ashlynn: I'd get upset about not affording this thing, but glorified skirts aren't my style.
Nevan: Let us accept that it was not meant to be.
Amos: I'm a tad worried about not even havin' two hundred gold coins to rub together...
Carver: You ain't buyin', aye? Let's shove off, Hero.
Milly: The only customers that matter are the paying ones, apparently...
Ashlynn: How rude! Let's take our business elsewhere.
Nevan: Rarely have I been treated in such an off-hand manner!
Amos: I'm glad we bought nothin'! Handin' over money to him would have stuck in my craw.
Carver: Crikey, Hero. Don't you wanna know what you're buyin'?
Milly: Erm... What did you just buy, Hero?
Ashlynn: You bought it! ...Wait, what did you buy?
Nevan: Perhaps there was a reason that this was the last item on the shelf...
Amos: Is it me or did we not meet a nipper who acted a lot like this fellow?
Carver: C'mon, we're done here. Let's hit another stall!
Milly: He never did tell us what he's selling.
Ashlynn: You know, it's probably for the better. I have a bad feeling about this guy.
Nevan: I preach caution towards silver-tongued salesfolk.
Amos: We should hurry before he sells it to someone else! ...Whatever it is!
Carver: I don't like this fella's high-pressure sales style.
Milly: This merchant definitely went to salesman school...
Ashlynn: Don't fall for it, Hero! Whatever it is, I'm sure it's worthless!
Nevan: So we remain in the dark as to what he was selling...
Amos: Is anyone really goin' to snap this up? I wonder...
Carver: What a fraud...
Milly: I'm not sensing any remorse whatsoever...
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! As if we're the bad guys here!
Nevan: He may laugh but I sense there is little humour there.
Amos: Did he think he could pull the wool over our eyes!?
Carver: He's talkin' about those two brothers, aye?
Milly: He must have been following the brotherly contest closely.
Ashlynn: Wow, those brothers are the talk of the town.
Nevan: There's something very pure about brotherly rivalry.
Nevan: They're spurring each other on to new heights.
Amos: So this Bill is beatin' Buck at his own game, is he?
Carver: Hardy har! Next thing ya know, someone'll be tellin' us about a “Town o' Frowns”.
Milly: “Isle o' Smiles”? If ever somewhere sounded too good to be true...
Ashlynn: Likely story. They say it's full of smiles, but what's the place really like?
Nevan: This sounds like the most baseless of rumours.
Amos: “Isle o' Smiles”!? Why did no one tell old Amos!? Where do I sign up?
Carver: Pfft. You'd have to be crazy to believe that tale in the first place!
Milly: Happiness is not something that can be slotted into one's schedule!
Ashlynn: If a place sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Nevan: The Isle o' Smiles was built on lies but there was nothing false about the ferocious power of Jamirus.
Amos: A quick trip there tells you it won't live up to its name.
Carver: Hardy har! I knew this girl had a thing for ya, Hero.
Milly: It's nice to have someone recognise your achievements.
Ashlynn: Sounds like you've really come a long way, Hero!
Nevan: This woman has an intimate knowledge of your personal history, Hero.
Amos: As soon as she spotted it was you, Hero, she got a lot more friendly! What's your secret!?
Carver: You're a popular fella, Hero!
Milly: Hee hee. You're a proper Haggleton heartthrob, Hero.
Ashlynn: Well, well, Hero! You're quite the ladies' man!
Nevan: It seems she harbours some affection for you, Hero...
Amos: Any hints on how to be a hit with the ladies,
instead of just getting hit by the ladies?
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Carver: Hardy har! I thought the whole continent would know we whupped Murdaw by now!
Milly: Even among the Somnian military, there are those who haven't yet heard the news...
Ashlynn: I bet guard duty will be a lot easier from now on.
Nevan: News travels slowly to outposts such as these.
Amos: And there was me thinkin' that the world and its mother had heard the news...
Terry: This guy's really out of touch...
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Good news would make that guy's day!
Milly: Wilful contrariness like that is a sign of immaturity, Hero.
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! Just tell him the truth!
Nevan: I suppose he'll have to use his own judgement to discern the truth.
Amos: I hope he doesn't get upset with us when he finds out the truth!
Terry: Is there a particular reason you're doling out misleading information, Hero?
Carver: He's sleepin' like a log.
Milly: He must be on break.
Ashlynn: Being a checkpoint guard sure is a relaxing job.
Nevan: Let's leave him be until his shift begins.
Amos: Must be tirin', guardin' these checkpoints...
Amos: Well, sweet dreams, fellow!
Terry: He certainly knows how to sleep...
Carver: “Crazy”, aye? Crazy how, I wonder?
Milly: I must admit, I'm rather intrigued by this “coot”.
Ashlynn: Too bad we can't cart the Providence into this world...
Nevan: Well, until we find a suitable means of transport let's just make a note of this information.
Amos: A crazy old coot? He sounds like he might be a good laugh.
Terry: Haven't we got enough on our plates without adding crazy old coots to the menu?
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Carver: Avast there, Hero! What're we doin' here again?
Carver: I dunno if you've noticed, but I don't like dealin' with this little fella much.
Milly: The scent of wood here is quite alluring.
Amos: Who'd choose to live holed up out here?
Carver: Lovable as always, aye?
Milly: Wouldn't it be wonderful to live such a simple, carefree life, Hero?
Ashlynn: This guy talks a lot tougher than he looks.
Nevan: He certainly takes things at his own pace...
Amos: You've got no shortage of acquaintances, do you Hero?
Terry: There's something appealing about making a living by chopping wood...
Carver: Good to see he's startin' to get a little self-confidence.
Milly: He's clearly terrified of his boss...
Ashlynn: The “number-one apprentice”? He looks like the only apprentice to me!
Nevan: He seems to be in perfect harmony with his surroundings.
Amos: This is a top notch hut and no mistake.
Amos: It must have been made by a famous carpenter!
Terry: A little bit of hard work will do him good...
Carver: Whoa! Look at this place! Is this Alltrades Abbey!?
Milly: I knew it. Alltrades Abbey in the dream world has been restored!
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's mingle and find out about this place.
Nevan: I confess that I am most taken aback by this.
Amos: Take a look at this place, would you?
It's bloomin' marvellous!
Carver: Let's scout around 'n see how things work around here.
Milly: It seems people take on all kinds of different roles in life.
Ashlynn: So...so this is Alltrades Abbey?
Nevan: It seems there are stairs leading down as well.
Let us be careful not to lose our way.
Amos: There's somethin' so dignified about this place.
It's not somewhere for idle chit-chat.
Carver: Crowded as always, aye?
Milly: Let's keep quiet, so as not to disturb people's prayers.
Ashlynn: I really love it here. The place has...atmosphere.
Nevan: Has anyone changed their vocation today?
Amos: This place feels a bit above old Amos's station.
Terry: Something in the air here tells monsters to steer clear.
Lizzie: (spit) This... Alltrades Abbey... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: I'm glad we got this place goin' again.
Milly: I sense that we'll be making many visits to this place.
Ashlynn: The soldiers here seem different from the ones at other castles.
Nevan: For such a sacred place to have been sealed off by monstrous forces... It's almost too much to bear!
Amos: The soldiers here are a cut above the rest.
Terry: Let's see what else is in here.
Lizzie: (slobber) Alltrades... Sacred place... (snarl)
Goober: Boing boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I reckon this lady musta been sealed away with the Abbey. What's this about “abilities”, though?
Milly: She doesn't seem to recall the details of what happened.
Ashlynn: Abilities I never dreamt I had, huh? Wait till the monsters get a load of those!
Nevan: The Abbey does indeed appear to have been revived very recently.
Amos: Seems like they don't have a clue that it was Murdaw who imprisoned them all.
Carver: “Change paths”, aye...? Which way're you headed today, Hero?
Milly: I hope that Alltrades Abbey continues to thrive for many years to come.
Ashlynn: That woman gives the best pep talks. She makes me feel full of potential!
Nevan: She speaks the truth. Life is indeed the greatest of journeys.
Amos: When a classy lass like this talks, old Amos tends to drift off into a nice daydream.
Terry: Let's hurry up and take care of business.
Lizzie: (splutter) Awaken abilities... Alltrades... (spit)
Goober: Boing boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I'm lost. Did you follow all of that?
Carver: I'd better start payin' more attention – especially if we talk to him again.
Milly: We should ask that nun about advanced vocations.
Ashlynn: If we ever need a refresher, I guess we can just talk to the nun or this guy, huh?
Nevan: So if we look at the Attributes menu, we can check up on our progress.
Amos: So if you master multiple vocations, you might come up with an even more smashin' one!
Terry: That seemed pretty helpful.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie leave details to Hero... (sputter)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: We can always come back whenever we want more details.
Milly: He seems to be something of an expert when it comes to changing vocations.
Ashlynn: What's with his attitude? We're just not in the mood for a lecture, that's all.
Nevan: Well, when we get the urge to hear more about changing vocations, this is our man.
Amos: To be fair, we never asked in the first place...
Terry: C'mon, look lively.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie leave details to Hero... (sputter)
Goober: Boing boing boi-oing!
Terry: I was a gladiator before I even met you, so I've got nothing to learn here.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie... Born dragon... (snarl)
Carver: Guess this is the go-to place to learn about vocations 'n everything like that.
Milly: The more I learn, the harder it is to choose a path.
Ashlynn: I bet it'd take a lifetime to learn every single vocation!
Nevan: This has been enlightening indeed.
Amos: The explanations were nice and slow and didn't use too many long words!
Terry: Have we heard enough?
Lizzie: (slobber) What...next... Hero... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: So talkin' to her will help us know when we oughta switch vocations?
Milly: I hope this lady's advice will prove helpful in choosing our paths.
Ashlynn: There's no shortcuts in life, huh? We'll just have to fight, fight, and, er, fight!
Nevan: It's good to know our status with regard to changing vocations.
Amos: I'm grateful for having learnt somethin' today!
Terry: C'mon, let's get moving.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero... What...next...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: (yawn) That speech over? I zoned out a little while back.
Carver: I got the gist, though. Now we know why this abbey up 'n vanished.
Milly: Murdaw seemed intent on sealing off anything that stood in his way.
Ashlynn: So that's why this abbey was just a big hole in the ground...
Nevan: So Murdaw sealed off the Abbey to prevent heroes from emerging...
Nevan: “Hero” should therefore be the vocation to which we all must ultimately aspire.
Amos: If we all got ourselves bumped up to hero status we wouldn't have a thing to fear!
Terry: So we become heroes. No sweat.
Lizzie: (sputter) Murdaw seal Abbey... Seal broken... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's still a dangerous world out there. I'd hold on to that sword...
Carver: Besides, a merchant should learn some sword techniques. Nothin' wrong with bein' well-rounded...
Milly: He has such a peaceful aura for a warrior.
Ashlynn: I guess current events really influence how you choose your vocation.
Nevan: I pray for a future where everyone puts down their weapons and chooses a path of peace.
Amos: Merchants are always goin' to make more money than warriors, that's for sure!
Terry: Peace or no peace, I wouldn't give up my sword for anything.
Lizzie: (snarl) Merchants strong... Stronger than expect... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: ......
Milly: Seems these types exist no matter what world you're in...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! ...Wait, what's a pattycake princess again?
Nevan: A p-pattycake princess!? There's no such vocation! Er... I hope...
Amos: It's not old Amos's cup of tea, that's all I'll say.
Terry: If people want to live in a dream, let them.
I'll take reality, if it's all the same.
Lizzie: (spit) Hero... Like pattycake...? (splutter)
Goober: Boing boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: Choppin' wood, aye? That's one way for a martial artist to make a livin' during peace.
Milly: Some vocations seem useful even outside of battle.
Ashlynn: Hmm... What would the world be like if everyone mastered one of these vocations?
Ashlynn: Monsters would be a lot more scarce, that's for sure.
Nevan: This at least is a dream I can approve of.
Amos: You could chop through all kinds of things if you were a martial artist. What a laugh that'd be!
Terry: The path to becoming a gladiator starts at the martial artist.
Terry: ...Chopping wood isn't part of the equation.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie cook food... Use fire breath...
Very handy... (splutter)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: So ya learn some magic and some priest stuff, and suddenly you're a sage?
Carver: That sounds like two steps too many for me.
Milly: The more vocations you master, the more new possibilities open up to you.
Ashlynn: Whoa. I guess this girl's more powerful than she looks.
Nevan: A sage! What a splendid-sounding vocation it is!
Amos: There's so many vocations to choose from! How are you supposed to know what path to take?
Terry: In do-or-die battles, you always want to have a sage on your side.
Lizzie: (sputter) Path to sage... Very long... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Even thieves are welcome at Alltrades as long as they use their abilities for good, aye?
Milly: In an ideal world, people would use their vocational training for the good of society...
Ashlynn: If he always had a knack for thievery, I bet he'll zoom right through his training.
Nevan: Well, it is good to have professional pride in what you do for a living...
Amos: Hero! Watch out for this fellow! Check he hasn't nicked anythin'!
Terry: A thief can be surprisingly useful to have around.
Lizzie: (spit) Thief... More than meets eye... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing...
Carver: The Sword of Ramias, aye? Even the name sounds powerful.
Milly: This abbey truly does attract all sorts of people, all for different reasons.
Ashlynn: Wouldn't it be quicker to ask around at weapon shops?
Nevan: Hmm... The Sword of Ramias...
Somehow I feel it will be connected to our quest.
Amos: The Sword of Ramias, eh? Let's remember that name! ...Now what was it called again...?
Carver: Crikey, this guy's still lookin' for it?
Milly: I don't have the heart to tell him that we've got it...
Ashlynn: Kinda hard to find it when you never leave the Abbey...
Nevan: I recall that we first heard of the Sword of Ramias from this fellow.
Nevan: But it seems the Goddess had other plans for the sword...
Amos: I bet he'd be surprised if we told him where it was!
Terry: Well, he's not gonna find it here.
Terry: ...Unless he wants to rifle through our stuff. Heh.
Lizzie: (splutter) Ramias sword... Our sword... Best not tell... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: I like to think I was born a hero, but whatever...
Milly: “Hero”... Now there's a vocation anyone can admire.
Ashlynn: I doubt bumming around Alltrades all day will get him any closer to becoming a “hero”.
Nevan: This is indeed intriguing information.
Amos: If this lad can become one of them heroes, then anyone can do it!
Terry: Uh...yeah. No comment.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie... Hero material...? Not sure... (snarl)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Pretty quiet, aye?
Milly: What is it, Hero? Have you noticed something?
Ashlynn: What's up with those round...brazier things? I wonder what they're for...
Nevan: I feel like something out of the ordinary is bound to occur in this room...
Amos: So what happens here then?
Goober: Boing! Boing boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: Let there be light, aye? I reckon they'll all be lit sooner or later.
Milly: What is it, Hero? Have you noticed something?
Ashlynn: The number of lit braziers must mean something...
Nevan: I feel like something out of the ordinary is bound to occur in this room...
Amos: It'd be nice to get all these braziers lit and shed a bit more light on the subject, wouldn't it?
Terry: What, this place? I have no idea.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie does not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: Avast! We got 'em all lit! Huzzah!
Milly: Whose voice was that? We'd better inform the high priest about this...
Ashlynn: Whoa! Did you hear that voice!? I knew all these lit braziers had to mean something!
Nevan: Let us hurry to the high priest!
Amos: What are we goin' to achieve by informin' the high priest, I wonder?
Terry: Well? Are planning to tell the high priest or not, Hero?
Lizzie: (spit) Fires burning... Tell high priest... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing boi-oing! (jiggle)
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Carver: So this is Scrimsley, aye? Nice place!
Milly: This town has a lovely aura. And yet...
Milly: Something about this place is not quite right.
Ashlynn: Whew... What a slog. I'm exhausted.
Nevan: This town feels spacious and pleasant.
Carver: This is the part of travellin' I like – meetin' new folks, listenin' to their stories...
Milly: A forest glade is a delightful spot for a town.
Milly: But why do I feel a little uneasy?
Ashlynn: Hey, let's go hit the hay at the inn, okay?
Nevan: Hopefully we can pick up some helpful information here.
Carver: Hey, talkin' to folks is just fine, Hero, but let's get to an inn, aye?
Milly: A forest glade is a delightful spot for a town.
Ashlynn: Hey, are we ready to sleep yet?
Nevan: Hopefully we can pick up some helpful information here.
Carver: Nothin' wrong with a little tourism. The death of Murdaw is startin' to have positive effects all over.
Milly: He didn't seem very welcoming, did he, Hero?
Milly: It sounds to me like he'd rather not have any visitors at all...
Ashlynn: I bet the inn and shops here would love more business, though.
Nevan: Well, I would hardly describe us as “big city sorts”...
Nevan: Still, the man's distinct lack of enthusiasm for tourists is clear.
Carver: “Hero of the hour”, aye? That's not a very long time to be a hero.
Milly: It sounds like this Amos person is a protector of the peace here.
Ashlynn: Wow! That Amos guy must be a real musclehead!
Nevan: So this Amos is viewed as a hero in this town.
Carver: Pfft. Why would the Goddess care if we're here or not?
Milly: Are we causing someone trouble by being here...?
Ashlynn: Wait, what? I thought priests were supposed to be warm and welcoming!
Nevan: This priest has appealed to the Goddess in telling us to leave this town.
Nevan: This is not a warning to be idly ignored.
Carver: “That terrible day”? Did he stub his toe or something?
Milly: I'm curious about this Amos fellow.
Milly: Come on, Hero, let's ask around town to see if we can learn some more about him.
Ashlynn: Consider my curiosity piqued. What do you think happened to Amos?
Nevan: I pray whatever ails this Amos is nothing too serious.
Carver: “That terrible day”? He must mean the day he got bitten, aye?
Milly: I wonder if there's anything we can do to help him...?
Ashlynn: Maybe he got an infection or something when that monster bit him on the butt.
Nevan: Amos didn't appear to be in such a terrible condition...
Carver: What's he blabberin' about? He's just jealous of my hair.
Milly: Well, at least he seems to like it here...
Ashlynn: He's got it all wrong. Travelling is fun!
Nevan: I was hoping for some slightly more enlightening information...
Carver: ...And? Crikey. I hate it when folks just trail off in the middle of a tale!
Milly: Every night, like clockwork? Just what happens here after dark?
Ashlynn: How can he end his story on a cliffhanger? What a tease!
Nevan: A dark secret lurks in the hearts of the people of Scrimsley...
Nevan: But as to its nature, I haven't the faintest idea.
Carver: That kid's pretty sharp, mindin' the store at his age...
Milly: How cute! Can we buy him a little something, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow! He's barely out of diapers, but he's still doing his part to help!
Nevan: He reminds me of my own happy childhood, helping my grandfather with his sacred duties.
Carver: Are we takin' a load off our feet, Hero?
Milly: So this is Scrimsley's inn. What a homely place!
Ashlynn: Can we spend the night here? Pretty please? I'm beat!
Nevan: It's nice to see an inn that's so spick and span.
Carver: They're closed, aye? Ah, well. Let's try back later, Hero.
Milly: Why don't we have a look around town for a while?
Ashlynn: What? How can an inn not be open for business!?
Nevan: Perhaps we can stroll around a bit while the innkeeper gets things in order.
Carver: Nothin' wakes me up once I start sawin' logs. Earthquakes, thunder, end of the world – nothin'!
Milly: Did you see the bags under his eyes? He clearly didn't get enough sleep.
Ashlynn: Talk like that's enough to give a girl nightmares...
Nevan: I confess I am perplexed by this man's tale.
Nevan: But I sense this town conceals some dark secret.
Carver: Ahoy, Hero! How 'bout we have a quick prayer? Couldn't hurt, ya know?
Milly: Churches always have such a tranquil aura.
Ashlynn: I don't know why, but churches are just so soothing.
Nevan: The infinite mercy and goodness of the Goddess is almost tangible here.
Carver: In what state? What's she mean by that, aye?
Milly: This Amos is clearly a very important figure here.
Ashlynn: How about we look for this Amos, huh?
Nevan: I'm intrigued to find out just what has befallen this Amos fellow.
Carver: Whatever's botherin' him, it's not a common cold. He won't be bouncin' back any time soon.
Milly: Why don't we take a rest and then go and check on Amos?
Ashlynn: Amos seems like such a nice guy, doesn't he?
Nevan: It seems certain that being bitten on the behind is what lies...er...behind his malady.
Carver: Honeymoon's over, aye?
Milly: This house must be home to that lady and her husband.
Ashlynn: Why did she tell us about her husband out of the blue?
Ashlynn: She think we're old buddies of his or something?
Nevan: This woman no doubt owes her safety and well-being to the indefatigable Amos.
Carver: Crikey! I spend any more time around here and I'll start worshippin' Amos!
Milly: He must have been terribly worried about his son...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Amos's fan club is huge! Even I want to join at this point.
Nevan: This Amos seems to wear his heroic status lightly.
Carver: Everybody's Amos this and Amos that. This guy's like another me!
Milly: I'm sure nothing beats living together with family.
Ashlynn: Aww, they look so happy!
Nevan: I feel bad for wandering in while dinner is being prepared.
Carver: Hardy har! Reminds me of myself when I was a little rascal.
Milly: It seems that Scrimsley has found its next Amos!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Glad that kid's on our side, huh?
Nevan: He seems like he has a bright future ahead of him as this town's guardian.
Carver: Mmm? What's the matter with the mutt?
Milly: The poor pup seems a little down.
Milly: It seems like there's something weighing on his mind.
Ashlynn: Guess today's not that dog's day.
Nevan: That dog does seem somewhat down in the mouth.
I wonder what the matter could be.
Carver: The mutt's worried about his master, aye? “Man's best friend” 'n everything like that!
Milly: I'm sure the pup will cheer up as soon as Amos gets better!
Ashlynn: Aww, what a good dog, keeping guard for Amos all this time!
Nevan: I'm sure he'll come bouncing back as soon as Amos has recovered.
Carver: So that's Amos, aye?
Carver: I thought he'd be more mean 'n muscular, but he seems like a nice enough fella.
Milly: Amos isn't just a hero – he's a gentleman, too.
Ashlynn: Oh... So Amos got bit on his butt, huh?
Nevan: Might I suggest that we take our leave?
Nevan: Perhaps we should take Amos's advice and find a bed for the evening here in town.
Carver: What kinda inn turns down customers like that? This is gettin' awfully suspicious.
Milly: This innkeeper seems to be hiding something...
Ashlynn: Wait, what? We're not staying here?
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! Amos recommended it to us and everything!
Nevan: Standard practice in the innkeeping world is to welcome guests who want to stay the night...
Nevan: There's something odd afoot. I suggest we give this fellow one more try.
Carver: Avast! You hear that!?
Carver: Let's go outside 'n see what's doin', Hero!
Milly: This is no ordinary earthquake!
Ashlynn: Ack! Earthquake! Ohhh, it's a big one, too!
Nevan: Wh-What is going on?! C-Can this really be an earthquake?
Carver: Is that fella off his rocker!? He can't really expect us to just sit here!
Milly: I don't think he's going to let us through. Let's find another way!
Ashlynn: Hey! Why isn't he letting us out, huh!?
Ashlynn: I don't know what an “owt” is, but I'm itching to find out!
Nevan: Something is happening that the innkeeper clearly wants us to keep our noses out of.
Carver: Avast! Hey, Hero! Let's take those stairs up to the roof!
Milly: This has been happening in this town every night!?
Ashlynn: Now I know why this guy couldn't catch forty winks here.
Ashlynn: But how did he sleep through all this shaking in the first place!?
Nevan: It's time to see this town's secret with our own eyes! To the roof!
Carver: Wh-What in the name of the Goddess is that?
Milly: We can't do anything from up here. What's your plan, Hero?
Ashlynn: Hey! Do you think that's the monster that bit Amos on the butt!?
Nevan: How could a beast like that suddenly appear in the middle of the town?
Carver: What a night! Let's go and chat to the innkeeper!
I gotta find out what's goin' on here!
Milly: Were you able to sleep, Hero?
Milly: It was a bit of a shock finding out that monster was actually Amos, wasn't it?
Ashlynn: (yawn) I could have gotten a better night's sleep in a casino...
Ashlynn: I can't believe that monster was actually Amos...
Nevan: So Amos is in that parlous state after being bitten by a monster.
Nevan: If only there was something we could do to aid him...
Carver: Whatever the secrets are, they ain't happy ones, aye?
Milly: It would be best for his peace of mind if he didn't know the truth.
Ashlynn: Good thing that guy didn't go on the roof with us.
He probably would've had a heart attack!
Nevan: We had best keep this to ourselves, for Amos's sake.
Carver: I don't mind keepin' mum about this if that's what he wants...
Carver: But that ain't gonna solve anything, aye?
Milly: The more I hear about Amos, the more tragic his story seems...
Milly: If only there were something we could do for him...
Ashlynn: Hey, how about we poke around and see if there's any way to cure Amos?
Nevan: Sure enough, this is not a tale we should go telling to anyone outside of Scrimsley.
Nevan: And needless to say, we mustn't tell Amos himself...
Carver: Here we go again!
Milly: Amos...
Ashlynn: It's hard to believe that Amos could be behind this chaos...
Nevan: We cannot just leave Amos to his fate!
Carver: Let's head up to the roof, Hero.
Milly: The innkeeper can't hide his fear from us.
Ashlynn: Hero! C'mon, let's go to Amos!
Nevan: He's trying to appear calm, but his eyes betray him.
Carver: Forget about this guy, Hero! We gotta go up! Now!
Milly: The poor man... Every night...
Ashlynn: We shouldn't say anything. He's better off thinking this is just an earthquake!
Nevan: To the roof!
Carver: Huh. You think the nun ran out to make sure he's okay?
Carver: Well, whatever! Might as well go back to bed for now.
Milly: She's right, Hero. Let's tread carefully.
Ashlynn: Wow... Amos must be so happy, knowing how much everyone worries about him.
Nevan: Now that we've uncovered the truth, we should return to our room.
Carver: Yeah... That'd be a whopper of a revelation!
Milly: Poor Amos indeed. If only we could help somehow...
Ashlynn: My heart aches for him, of course, but the townspeople here have it pretty rough, too.
Nevan: Now we understand why Amos is so fatigued during the daytime...
Carver: Huh. So that's it, aye? He just wanders around and keeps his claws to himself?
Carver: Well, that's a relief... Sort of... No, it really ain't, is it?
Milly: He may be “no bother”, but I don't think that's the issue here.
Ashlynn: You know, man or monster, I'm sure Amos is still the same gentle guy on the inside.
Nevan: The affection in which the town's people hold Amos is extraordinary.
Milly: The innkeeper begged us not to say anything as well...
Milly: But even if we keep quiet, Amos will eventually learn the truth one way or another.
Milly: I'm telling you, gossip is a terrible thing.
Ashlynn: I really think it'd be better to tell him, but if that's what the priest wants from us...
Nevan: If Amos left town, it would be an enormous loss to the people here.
Carver: Oops. Too late now, aye?
Milly: We can't possibly tell him that we've already spoken to Amos...
Ashlynn: You don't think Amos would actually leave Scrimsley... Do you?
Nevan: Words can never be unspoken.
I feel we have erred terribly...
Carver: Aye, she's right. His monster act is gettin' old.
Milly: Considering he's stomping around town all night, it's little wonder he sleeps all day.
Ashlynn: I bet that lady isn't the only one getting a little frustrated around here.
Nevan: Poor Amos is at the mercy of a monstrous power beyond his control.
Nevan: If only he could learn to harness that power...
Carver: Those seeds fixed his sleepwalkin', aye?
Carver: That sounds to me like a pretty solid lead!
Milly: Hero! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Ashlynn: Seeds...of reason?
Nevan: Seeds of reason? Perhaps they still grow somewhere.
Carver: The seeds're on the northern mountain, aye? That's what that old lady told us!
Milly: Amos's problem is like sleepwalking, isn't it?
Maybe the seeds of reason can help!
Ashlynn: That old man's not sleepwalking, right? I never know who to trust around here any more.
Nevan: We cannot rest till we obtain these seeds of reason!
Carver: ...There really ain't no need for this, aye?
Milly: If everyone kept everything to themselves, no problems would ever get solved.
Milly: It's important for people to face up to their problems together, don't you think, Hero?
Ashlynn: Well, we can't really un-see what we saw, so...
Nevan: A truth once learnt cannot be forgotten...
Carver: A few monsters are keepin' them from helpin' Amos? Pfft. C'mon, Hero, to the north!
Milly: I'm sure those seeds of reason will cure Amos!
Milly: Come, Hero, let's head to that mountain up north!
Ashlynn: That's got to be it! She said the seeds are at the mountain to the north of here, right?
Nevan: Even a small lead is better than nothing. We must go to the mountain to the north!
Carver: Well, that's that.
Carver: Amos took it a lot better than I would've.
Milly: What did you think of Amos's reaction, Hero?
Milly: Do you think he really believes he turns into a monster? I wonder...
Ashlynn: He just laughed it off...
Ashlynn: Do you think he's alright? I hope he doesn't leave town or anything.
Nevan: So you've told Amos the truth.
Nevan: I pray that this has a positive outcome...
Carver: Whew... Ain't as easy as ya thought, aye?
Milly: I don't think I could look at that face and tell him the truth either, Hero...
Ashlynn: It's not easy looking someone in the eye and holding back a secret...
Nevan: I dare say that withholding the truth from him was the wisest choice.
Carver: He can count on us to stay mum, aye, Hero?
Carver: Ahoy! The seeds of reason are here somewhere!
Let's find 'em!
Milly: This seems like a very tranquil place, but I sense we need to be careful of monsters.
Ashlynn: Huh? Hey, I think there's someone up there.
Nevan: Let's just hope these seeds of reason aren't too well hidden.
Terry: Let's get this over with.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... Mountain steep...
Air thin... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: These caverns are startin' to make my head hurt...
Milly: Apart from the monsters, it's quite beautiful here.
Ashlynn: Better watch that we don't get lost in here.
Nevan: Even if it's safe outside, there may well be hidden perils deep in the caves.
Amos: So this here's the northern mountain, eh?
Terry: The monsters round here are a bunch of weeds. We're not gonna break a sweat.
Lizzie: (slobber) Up... Up we go...
Grrr... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: I reckon he gave up right on this spot, aye?
Milly: I don't know where he came from, but he did well to make it this far...
Ashlynn: Sheesh. I hope the monsters aren't too strong.
Where's the fun in that?
Nevan: Seems we have company in our search for the seeds.
Nevan: I hardly think he'll beat us but let us make haste!
Terry: Strong monsters? I'll be the judge of that.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie... Very strong monster... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. He's still here?
Milly: It seems he hasn't given up on his search yet.
Ashlynn: Boy, he wasn't kidding! This place was packed with some seriously heinous beasties.
Nevan: Let's not tell him that we got our hands on the seeds. It doesn't pay to crow.
Terry: Is he ever gonna work up the nerve to get himself down off this mountain?
Lizzie: (snarl) Monsters not scary... Lizzie's friends stronger... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: Hey, let's give it a tug. It ain't like we've got any other leads...
Milly: How strange... It's a plant, and yet I sense it has a certain...intelligence.
Ashlynn: C'mon, give the plant a pull. You know you want to.
Nevan: This plant seems to have grown in a way that virtually cries out to be uprooted.
Terry: We didn't come all this way just to look at a plant.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie like meat... Not so much grass... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...? Boing!
Carver: Blimey! Lectured by a plant? That's a first.
Milly: Come to mention it, we are looking for seeds...
Ashlynn: Wow, a talking plant!? Now I've seen everything!
Nevan: Seeds... There must be seeds lying around here somewhere...
Terry: The plant's got a point.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie search for seeds too... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: No plant's gonna treat me like that. Let's make like a tree and, uh, get outta here.
Milly: Oh dear, I think we've upset him...
Ashlynn: Kind of a tough nut to crack, huh? Or plant. Whatever.
Nevan: I don't recall encountering talking vegetation in my school books...
Terry: I wonder if a face would pop out if we pulled it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie no pull plant... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So these are the seeds we heard so much about, aye?
Carver: If we bury 'em, you think they'd sprout one of those grumpy greens?
Milly: With these seeds, we'll be able to cure Amos!
Ashlynn: These are the seeds, huh? Wonder what they taste like.
Nevan: The unfortunate Amos awaits our return!
Nevan: Let us make haste back to Scrimsley!
Terry: So this is what a seed of reason looks like...
Lizzie: (snarl) Deliver seeds... Lizzie promise not to eat... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Now he won't shut up, aye?
Carver: We'll have to keep that in mind in case we need info later.
Milly: This plant is more helpful than most of the humans we've met!
Ashlynn: For such a small sprout, he sure has a big mouth.
Nevan: What a kind-hearted plant. Er, not that it actually has a heart...
Terry: Really? Advice from a plant? (sigh)
Lizzie: (spit) Plant smarter than Lizzie... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He calls that a “pearl of wisdom”?
Milly: It's nice to know we're not the only ones with problems...
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! We didn't come all this way to get treated like this.
Nevan: Perhaps we expected too much in seeking advice from a vegetable...
Amos: That there plant's got a lot of cheek, I tell you!
Amos: What's that!? It produced those seeds of reason?
Amos: Why didn't you say!? This plant saved my hide!
I'll have to come and water it sometime!
Amos: Hello, my plant pal! Old Amos is here to water you!
Amos: You helped me out with those seeds of reason, so it's the least I can do.
Terry: I knew this would be a waste of time...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... Lizzie not like plant... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Why'd we even bother coming here?
Milly: I can't help but wonder what kind of advice the plant has to offer...
Ashlynn: It's good for plants if you talk to them, but what if they talk to you?
Nevan: It's good of the plant to offer us advice.
Amos: What was it you wanted to ask the plant, Hero?
Terry: As if a plant could actually give good advice...
Lizzie: (snarl) Plant good...? Or bad...? Lizzie not know... (slobber)
Goober: Boing... (slurp)
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Carver: Avast there, Hero! You forget the seeds o' reason?
Milly: Never mind wandering around, let's see if the seeds of reason work on Amos!
Ashlynn: Well, that sounds like a– Wait a sec! What about the seeds of reason!?
Nevan: Hero, I recommend that we make use of those seeds of reason.
Terry: Are we gonna help this guy or not?
Lizzie: (snarl) Seeds... Use seeds... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Crikey! You really unleashed the beast there, Hero! Don't go easy on him!
Milly: Oh Goddess! The seeds are having the opposite effect to what we expected!
Ashlynn: Oh no! He'll bring down the house if he starts stomping around in here!
Nevan: Can we not calm him somehow!?
Terry: We'll have to calm him down – by force!
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie ready...
Lizzie fight beast! (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oing!
Carver: Huh. A shape-shifting fighter, aye?
Carver: Well, great. He oughta come in handy.
Milly: I'm looking forward to seeing Amos in action!
Milly: ...But the people of Scrimsley will be devastated when they hear that he's leaving.
Ashlynn: Now that's what I call a happy ending!
Nevan: Let us make Amos feel welcome.
Carver: I bet the mutt's happy his master's cured!
Milly: I hope the pup doesn't mind us borrowing Amos for a little while!
Ashlynn: Good for the pooch. Amos is all better!
Nevan: This dog was doubtless as surprised as us by Amos just now.
Terry: He's probably gonna be lonely with Amos gone.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hope dog happy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: We fixed Amos and got another guy for our team...
Carver: Aye, I'd say Scrimsley's been good to us. I won't forget this trip.
Milly: Perhaps Scrimsley will slowly return to normal now.
Ashlynn: You know, I kind of like Scrimsley. So nice and wide open!
Nevan: I trust the people of Scrimsley will be catching up on their sleep now.
Amos: I've caused all sorts of strife for the good folk of Scrimsley. Won't happen again, I can assure you!
Terry: Anything else we need to do here, Hero, or can we be on our merry way?
Lizzie: (spit) Scrimsley...? Lizzie not feel welcome... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Folks have really changed now that Amos is on our side, aye?
Milly: The speed of rumour seems to be a constant wherever we go.
Ashlynn: It's nice to see everyone wishing Amos well!
Nevan: The people of Scrimsley have taken this as a positive development.
Terry: Amos is quite the celebrity in this town.
Lizzie: (slobber) Amos our friend... Lizzie like Amos... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: It's good to know Scrimsley's got some backup!
Milly: I'm sure Amos will be relieved to hear it!
Ashlynn: I guess he's better than nothing...
Nevan: It's good to see someone with a sense of public duty.
Amos: It's a relief to hear there's someone protectin' Scrimsley while old Amos is away on his travels.
Terry: So we're borrowing the town's protector, are we?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrr... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing, boi-oing...
Carver: Nothin' beats the peace of mind that comes with a personal prayer from a priest, aye?
Milly: We'll pray for permanent peace in Scrimsley...
Ashlynn: That priest has a peaceful look about him.
Nevan: I pray that the blessings of the Goddess are with the people of Scrimsley.
Amos: It's always nice to have a priest givin' you some blessings!
Terry: This guy's got a real priestly feel to him...
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie feel blessed... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: This lady worried herself sick over Amos, aye?
Milly: I could see the relief in her eyes.
Ashlynn: Everyone in Scrimsley sure has high expectations for Amos, huh?
Nevan: It's a fine thing to have all these well-wishers in Scrimsley. I like this town more and more...
Amos: I'll be poppin' off for a while with Hero and his mates to fight for world peace.
Amos: But I won't forget the good folk of Scrimsley! I'll be back to visit – you mark my words!
Terry: No one's got a bad thing to say about Amos.
Lizzie: (snarl) Amos many fans... Big star here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: This is the guy who cured his sleepwalkin' with the seeds of reason, aye?
Carver: I reckon Amos is followin' in his footsteps...
Milly: He's right, you know. We can't be worrying about our hair in the heat of battle!
Ashlynn: You think that guy wanted to join us?
Nevan: This gentleman seems ever so slightly suspicious of the world outside Scrimsley.
Amos: Old Amos is a man of simple tastes and doesn't need fancy things!
Terry: Me, I like to look good in the heat of battle.
Lizzie: (slobber) Who stronger...? Lizzie or Terry...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I know where this guy's comin' from, that's for sure.
Milly: I'm impressed that he kept it under his hat for so long.
Ashlynn: I heard that if you have a secret you're dying to tell, you just yell it into a pot and you'll feel better! Easy, right?
Nevan: Keeping one's lips sealed about something like that is no mean feat.
Amos: I've caused the good folk of this town a lot of grief. I'll try to make it up to the lot of 'em!
Terry: So Amos used to stomp round town as a monster? That explains why he can transform...
Lizzie: (slobber) Amos... Lizzie's new pal... (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: I reckon he's catchin' up on all that lost sleep, aye?
Milly: He seems to be dreaming about his nightly disturbances...
Ashlynn: Maybe this guy doesn't know the truth yet.
Nevan: It seems that monsters still stalk the streets of Scrimsley in this gentleman's dreams.
Amos: Old Amos and his nightly wanderings have given this poor chap nightmares! I feel rotten!
Terry: He'll find no rest in his disturbed sleep...
Lizzie: (spit) Earthquake... Just dream... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Why's it always tougher to take compliments from ladies than fellas?
Milly: Hee hee. The ladies of Scrimsley seem to have a bit of a soft spot for our Amos.
Ashlynn: They sure do love and respect Amos around here, huh?
Nevan: The people of this town seem cold at first but they care deeply about Amos's welfare.
Amos: Look at the state of me! I've only gone and got tears in my own eyes now! (sob)
Terry: ......
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie likes... Blue human... (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Good to know we got the town on our side.
Milly: It looks like her husband is out gallivanting yet again today.
Ashlynn: We really owe this lady. She's the one who told us about the seeds of reason!
Nevan: I pray this lady lives a long and fruitful life here in Scrimsley!
Amos: Now, if old Amos isn't very much mistaken, it was this old dear's husband who used to sleepwalk...
Amos: She must have pointed you all in the direction of the seeds of reason! I'm speechless with gratitude.
Terry: I've no idea what this woman's story is but at least she's rooting for us.
Lizzie: (slobber) Old lady... Nice lady... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boi-oing, boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I know what'll be hittin' monsters. My fists and feet, just like always.
Carver: Not just me, though. We'll all have to be stronger than ever from here on out.
Milly: He's right, you know. There are no fears that teamwork can't overcome!
Ashlynn: I'm sure Amos can handle the monsters, but can he handle Hero's snoring?
Ashlynn: That's pretty scary if you ask me! Tee hee!
Nevan: On this quest, I have discovered strengths I never knew I had.
Nevan: With the blessings of the Goddess, Amos too will blossom.
Amos: All this praise is makin' old Amos a tad embarrassed!
Terry: Oh, those monsters are going to get hit alright...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie monster too... Don't hit Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: I gotta admit, I've kinda taken a liking to Amos's mutt...
Carver: I'm glad someone's lookin' after him. I'd hate to worry about him on the road.
Milly: They really like each other, don't they? It looks like he's in good hands.
Ashlynn: That pooch and the boy are already best friends. That's what I call puppy love!
Nevan: With his dog in capable hands, Amos can set off on his quest without any worries.
Amos: This is a relief, I tell you!
Amos: The one thing I was worried about was abandonin' my poor little puppy. But he's all smiles now!
Terry: You know, that dog looks a bit like Amos...
Lizzie: (slobber) Dog looks happy... Lizzie happy too... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! ...Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! This kid's showin' those made-up monsters what for, as always.
Milly: Aww, they've found a game to play together!
Ashlynn: All that running in circles... It's making me a little (glurp) queasy...
Nevan: Amos's canine companion looks perfectly content!
Amos: Seein' my dog so well looked after by that little nipper fair brings a tear to my eye!
Terry: I envy them, playing without a care in the world...
Lizzie: (snarl) Be careful... Run into Lizzie...
Get hurt... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Looks like that dog's got his bounce back, aye?
Milly: The last time we saw that pup, he had his tail between his legs, but look at it wagging now!
Ashlynn: Seeing this has to make Amos happy.
Nevan: This dog has really made itself at home here.
Amos: I was worryin' myself sick about this little fellow.
Amos: But now he's got a good home and looks as happy as can be!
Amos: See you later, fellow! Be a good dog!
Terry: They say that dogs come to resemble their masters...
Terry: Let's hope this one doesn't have a habit of transforming into a monster...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like dogs... Dogs don't like Lizzie... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The joint seems pretty big now that nobody's home, aye?
Milly: I always feel a pang of loneliness in an empty house.
Ashlynn: Seems a lot more spacious, doesn't it?
Nevan: Amos had a large house indeed.
Amos: Once the world's at peace, I'll be back!
Terry: Are we doing anything in particular here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie smells monster... (spit)
Lizzie: (slobber) Smells like Amos... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's a good question. Where is he?
Milly: It seems that this gentleman's been looking for Amos for a while...
Ashlynn: Oh, no! We got the seeds of reason for him and everything...
Nevan: Amos normally sleeps through the daylight hours. Where can he be...?
Terry: ...?
Lizzie: (snarl) No Amos...? Where Amos...? (slobber)
Goober: ...Boing?
Carver: Hey, you don't think...ya know, when we talked to him in bed...
Milly: Oh dear... This doesn't sound good...
Ashlynn: I guess the truth hurt him a lot more than it seemed.
Nevan: When he heard the truth, Amos appeared to laugh it off. But he clearly took it very seriously...
Terry: Who is he talking about?
Lizzie: (snarl) Man seems angry... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So Amos just upped 'n left? He's nowhere in town?
Milly: Amos...
Ashlynn: What? Seriously!? Surely he must be somewhere in town still?
Nevan: Could Amos have truly left the town in his current state?
Nevan: If so, this is alarming to say the least...
Terry: So where has this Amos got to?
Lizzie: (snarl) Amos... (slobber)
Goober: Boing... (slurp)
Carver: Amos...
Milly: I feel terrible for causing these people grief...
Ashlynn: Where do you think Amos could've gone...?
Nevan: To think that the seeds of reason we fetched could have cured Amos of his terrible condition...
Nevan: If he's gone, there's nothing we can do to help him.
Terry: I admire this guy. Sounds like he's got old-fashioned honour.
Lizzie: (spit) Amos... Gone away... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Just when things seemed to be turnin' around in this town...
Milly: What a dreadful situation...
Ashlynn: Maybe he's just off running an errand or something?
Nevan: It's only natural that the people of the town are down-hearted without their hero...
Terry: That's an apt way to put it...
Lizzie: (sniff) No stuffing...? Where stuffing go...? (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Hardy har. This fella's way out o' the loop.
Milly: Amos left town while we were up that mountain...
Ashlynn: If that guy's telling the truth...
Nevan: If the earthquakes have stopped, then I'm afraid that Amos really has gone...
Terry: I bet I could sleep through an earthquake or two.
Lizzie: (sputter) Inn quiet... Town quiet... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Blimey! So he's really gone, aye?
Milly: That lady knew Amos well... Does this mean that what she said was true...?
Ashlynn: So...does that mean we're never going to see Amos again?
Nevan: She speaks with a curiously strong sense of conviction. I'm afraid she may be right...
Terry: This Amos sounds awfully stubborn.
Lizzie: (snarl) Amos gone... No trace... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing, boing!
Carver: “Undo it”? Some things are better left undone.
Carver: We were just tryin' to give Amos the truth... Aye, Hero?
Milly: Was she saying that we should give up on Amos?
Milly: Perhaps she regrets telling us about the seeds and doesn't want to put any more ideas in our heads...
Ashlynn: “Won't be found”? What, so there's no way we can ever make up for this?
Nevan: It seems that searching for Amos is a waste of time.
Nevan: This woman doesn't sound like she's lying...
Terry: Tough luck...
Lizzie: (sniff) Lizzie sad... (sob)
Goober: Boi-oing...
Carver: The folks of Scrimsley have lost a real hero in Amos...
Milly: The town has lost its hero...
Ashlynn: You don't think Amos was embarrassed about turning into a monster every night, do you...?
Nevan: If Amos really has gone for good, it's going to be a struggle for the people of Scrimsley to accept it.
Terry: If it's true, we just have to deal with it.
Lizzie: (splutter) Lizzie like Amos... But Amos gone... (sob)
Goober: Boing... (slurp)
Carver: Amos... He's gone for good, aye?
Milly: The poor pup is all alone...
Ashlynn: It sure is chilly in here...
Nevan: I'm no expert in reading canine expressions, but this dog appears to be inconsolable.
Terry: Looks like this place is abandoned...
Lizzie: (spit) Only dog... House empty... (slobber)
Goober: Bo...boing... (slurrrp)
Carver: That guy over there lives all by his lonesome, aye?
Milly: Isn't it inconvenient to live alone in a place like this...?
Ashlynn: How could someone stand living alone in a place like this? I'd start talking to the walls!
Nevan: Let's see if this fellow has any useful information for us.
Amos: What kind of person would choose to live in an out-of-the-way place like this?
Amos: Unless you were into fishin'! That must be it!
Terry: What's with this place...?
Lizzie: (sniff) Lizzie smell no monsters... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. Gettin' there sounds like a pain, aye?
Well, let's keep it in mind – Castle Swanstone, due south.
Milly: Castle Swanstone... I wonder what kind of place it is?
Ashlynn: Do you think this guy hails from Swanstone?
Nevan: Let's keep Castle Swanstone in mind for the future.
Amos: I was noddin' and smilin', but to be honest, old Amos wasn't really payin' attention.
Amos: Any chance of gettin' him to repeat all that?
Carver: Hardy har! Good thing we found another way in.
Milly: Yes, conventional means are not the answer...
Ashlynn: Little does he know, we've already been there. Tee hee!
Nevan: Castle Swanstone was a most impressive castle, to be sure.
Amos: That shortcut was bloomin' well hidden, I tell you!
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't have dreamt of lookin' there if it hadn't been for you folks!
Carver: Avast! So that key from King Ludwig fits the floodgate? Let's go and open her up!
Milly: I wonder what awaits us beyond the floodgate?
Ashlynn: I wonder what's on the other side of the floodgate! Aren't you curious?
Nevan: I wonder why the floodgate was closed in the first place? There must be some explanation...
Amos: There's a whole new world waitin' for us beyond the floodgate. I can't wait to see it!
Carver: This fella's pretty up on things for a hermit, aye?
Carver: Maybe he gets more visitors now that the floodgate's open.
Milly: I sense a dark force south of the floodgate. It must be the cause of the rough seas, too.
Ashlynn: Choppy seas? Great. It ain't easy being queasy...
Nevan: So the floodgate was closed because of the rough waters that lie beyond it.
Amos: Not a lot of folks know this, but old Amos isn't too keen on choppy oceans.
Amos: Don't be alarmed if I look a little green round the gills.
Carver: This fella's pretty up on things for a hermit, aye?
Carver: Maybe he gets a lot more visitors than he's lettin' on.
Milly: “Was”? Does this mean that it's no longer there?
Ashlynn: ...Mmm? That's weird.
Ashlynn: Something about the words “enchanted city” really stuck in my head for some reason...
Nevan: I recall reading about a legendary enchanted city in my school books.
Nevan: I must confess I thought it a mere myth.
Amos: An enchanted city, no less! Old Amos hasn't looked back since we left Scrimsley!
Carver: Aye, we can imagine, alright. Just not in this world...
Milly: The enchanted city of Sorceria... Truly a mysterious and tragic place.
Ashlynn: That city wasn't always just in the dream world...
It used to be here, too...
Nevan: Sorceria was a profoundly mysterious place.
Nevan: I realised how much I have to learn. I would dearly love to go there again and study.
Amos: He's talkin' about Sorceria, I'll warrant!
Old Amos knows all about it!
Terry: Been there, done that...
Lizzie: (snarl) South of Swanstone... Sorceria... (sputter)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
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Carver: So we're stuck on this side, aye? Ah, well.
Milly: No wonder people are frustrated. What could have happened to the guard?
Ashlynn: What's the point of a checkpoint if the guard's asleep?
Nevan: Hmm... A guard that cannot be woken up...
What could be the matter with him?
Amos: So that's where all that snorin' was comin' from!
Carver: Whoa! So you just sleep to death? Sounds creepy!
Milly: Has such a sickness really been “doing the rounds”?
Ashlynn: You never wake up until you're dead?
What a nightmare!
Nevan: A fatal sleeping sickness? We cannot turn a blind eye to this.
Nevan: If only there was something we could do to come to this poor man's aid.
Amos: If I were to grab forty winks beside that fellow, do you think I'd get sick as well?
Carver: Aye, he's out like a bent nail, alright.
Milly: Isle o' Smiles... Where have I heard that name before...?
Ashlynn: Those must be some crazy dreams he's having!
Nevan: Crossing the mountains north of Arkbolt? This fellow is dreaming some very detailed directions.
Amos: Isle o' Smiles!? There can't really be a place with a name like that, can there?
Amos: Well, I suppose people can go wherever they like in their dreams.
Carver: Avast. What's with that tough-lookin' fella in the blue outfit leavin' the castle?
Milly: There's a signpost over there.
Ashlynn: Hmm? Hey, someone's coming.
Nevan: This is an imposing place. Oppressive even...
Amos: Now this is a big castle!
Carver: Pretty fancy joint, this place.
Milly: This castle's layout seems rather complex...
Ashlynn: We'd better not split up in this place. It'd take us weeks to find each other.
Nevan: This castle appears to be home to quite a large number of people.
Amos: Old Amos isn't too good with directions, but I'll try not to get myself lost.
Carver: What was up with that fella? And where was he draggin' that coffin?
Milly: ......?
Ashlynn: Hmm. Not the friendliest guy, huh?
Nevan: That brusque fellow had a confidence and presence rare in one so young.
Amos: That youngster had an aura of all-round toughness about him.
Amos: I bet he'd be pretty handy in a fight...
Carver: Think the Somnian military would mind if we moonlit, Hero?
Milly: Hmm... It seems that they're recruiting soldiers.
Ashlynn: Wow, it's like that sign was written just for us!
Nevan: Judging from that sign, Arkbolt has got some heavy-duty monsters it needs to deal with.
Amos: ...I love fightin'! ...I hate monsters!
Sounds like old Amos is their man!
Carver: Whoa. Gettin' in was a little too easy.
Milly: “Tough enough”... I wonder how he came to that conclusion?
Ashlynn: Wait a sec! He thinks I look “tough”?
Ashlynn: Cute? Yes. Sassy? Definitely. But tough? That's not the look I'm going for.
Nevan: Let us make haste, before that guard changes his mind...
Amos: Old Amos is tremblin' with excitement!
Carver: I wouldn't mind someone singin' my praises. Hint, hint, Hero.
Milly: Brutus... That's a good name for a commander.
Ashlynn: Woo! “Flash lightning knight!” “Winning every fight!”
Ashlynn: Tee hee. Sorry, it's just catchy!
Nevan: The commander of a castle like this must be impressive indeed.
Amos: Who's the transformin' monster who's always winnin' every fight? Old Amos!
Amos: ...I thought I'd give my own lyrics a bash!
Carver: Wouldn't mind checkin' out the place. I haven't worked out in hours!
Milly: I'm sure the training room is an important place for soldiers.
Ashlynn: Everyone trains in that room? Ugh, I bet it stinks in there.
Nevan: No matter what it is you do, training is vital.
Amos: Old Amos used to train by punchin' tree trunks out in the forest. I'm jealous of this place!
Carver: Patrollin' is a boring job, aye, but somebody's gotta do it.
Milly: If he's bored, that should mean the castle's safe, at least.
Ashlynn: Hey, patrols are important! He better not zone out on the job!
Nevan: Every job has its tedious side.
Amos: He may be grumblin' about his job, but he's not lettin' his guard down for a second!
Carver: Too much sun 'n wind can be a bad thing, aye? I'm feeling a bit weather-beaten lately.
Milly: The view of the treetops from up here is fabulous.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I just love the sun. If I could bathe in it, I would!
Nevan: It is a pleasant breeze indeed. I'd like to breathe it in for a bit...
Amos: If that old boy stays out in the sun and wind too long, he'll dry up!
Carver: C'mon, let's do this, Hero! It's about time we got some royal attention 'n everything like that.
Milly: We haven't come this far just to turn back, Hero!
Ashlynn: What!? Hey, Hero, are you gonna let them get away with that?
Nevan: These guards don't look like they're open to persuasion.
Nevan: If we desire an audience with the King, we'd better roll up our sleeves and prepare for battle.
Amos: C'mon, Hero! Let's give these upstarts a lesson they won't forget!
Carver: Hardy har! And that was just a light workout!
Milly: Hee hee. Seems we passed their little test.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! As if there was ever any doubt we'd win...
Nevan: At least they were as good as their word. Let's go!
Amos: Nicely done!
Carver: Aye, let's shove off, Hero!
Milly: I don't envy their job. It must get tiresome.
Ashlynn: They still seem pretty uppity, considering the blow we just gave their egos.
Nevan: Shall we go inside, then?
Amos: What a thrill! But old Amos never knows what to say to royalty...
Carver: Right to business, aye? That merchant's got gumption!
Milly: He's certainly making the most of his situation.
Ashlynn: Kind of a weak selection, huh?
Nevan: The castle does seem to have been deliberately constructed to confuse outsiders.
Amos: That merchant's got his eye on the ball, I tell you!
Amos: I didn't see an item shop here, so I bet he's rakin' it in!
Carver: Roomy in here, aye?
Milly: It looks like a lot of people live within the castle walls.
Ashlynn: I like this place! Indoor shopping is always a plus!
Nevan: Shops, a church... This castle really has it all!
Amos: I thought this place would be packed with hard-nuts who've seen that sign.
Amos: But they haven't exactly put the sign in the most accessible location...
Carver: “Really tough soldiers”, aye? Hardy har! That's the job we were born for, Hero!
Milly: I wonder how the King decides which soldiers are tough enough...
Ashlynn: I wonder how “really tough” you have to be?
Nevan: Let us proceed. It doesn't pay to tarry!
Amos: Somehow I doubt we'll be able to just march in and meet the King.
Carver: A bunch of monsters, aye...? Maybe they don't know Murdaw's dead yet.
Milly: Perhaps this is why the King is recruiting soldiers.
Ashlynn: Sounds like this cave's an important route around here.
Nevan: Monsters seeping from a hole? The world is a curious place indeed.
Amos: Sure enough, you can't just patch up a collapsed cave with monsters around.
Carver: Wayfarer's Pass? Doesn't sound too fair of a way to me.
Milly: He seems to be in a bit of a pickle...
Ashlynn: I guess that pass is the only way through to...uh, wherever it goes.
Nevan: I wonder if we might be of some use here...
Amos: Bein' stuck in a cave can't be good for business!
Carver: Well, no kiddin'! You can't do much without a decent army on your side, aye?
Milly: The King must be a popular figure to inspire such efforts from his army.
Ashlynn: That sign out front said they wanted fighters, right?
Ashlynn: I guess the Arkbolt Army needs to beef up its ranks a bit.
Nevan: Arkbolt boasts an impressively tight-knit army.
Amos: A king needs a strong fightin' force, to be sure.
Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like that fella was all bark 'n no bite.
Milly: The soldiers in this castle do look rather fearsome.
Ashlynn: Hard to tell if Arkbolt's soldiers are tough...or if that guy is wimpy.
Nevan: Any self-respecting hard man must bounce back from these beatings.
Amos: Ouch. It's painful just to look at him...
Carver: Wanna pay our respects, Hero?
Milly: Shall we have a look upstairs?
Ashlynn: Maybe we should peek in on the priest?
Nevan: Let's meet the priest before we proceed any further.
Amos: Havin' a chat with that sister has made old Amos want to start prayin' more often!
Carver: Crikey, that Bronson guy was playin' for keeps, aye?
Milly: Phew... That was tough. Do you think we'll be allowed to see the King now?
Ashlynn: You know, he said he had a busy schedule...
Ashlynn: He must be booked solid beating up wannabe soldiers!
Nevan: So this is how Arkbolt welcomes visitors.
Nevan: I think we've got a hard time in store for us...
Amos: That took it out of me! Can we not stop for a quick breather?
Carver: Hold me back, Hero! I was born ready!
Milly: I can't believe he's giving his would-be opponents such freedom...
Milly: We should make the most of this opportunity, Hero.
Ashlynn: Wow, that guy looks like he packs a punch...
Nevan: This is a battle that we cannot avoid indefinitely.
Amos: Let's show that fellow what we've got!
Old Amos is in the mood for a tussle!
Carver: He means the sign outside, aye? The one askin' for soldiers?
Carver: We should give it a shot! Who's got more fightin' experience than us?
Milly: So only those who respond to the sign are allowed to see the King?
Ashlynn: Guess we're not getting through like this.
Nevan: The only way to gain access to the castle is to say that we saw the sign.
Amos: Let's say “Yes!” first, then deal with the consequences later!
Carver: Hey, uh, Hero... You think Brutus is that guy starin' at us by the stairs?
Milly: Is that Commander Brutus standing over there...?
Ashlynn: What? Don't tell me we have to fight another guy!?
Nevan: If the battles are going to get tougher, perhaps we'd better rest first...
Amos: I hope this Brutus fellow is ready for us!
Carver: Brutus, aye...?
Milly: Commander Brutus must be a fearsome opponent.
Ashlynn: Guess we've got one more fight on our hands...
Nevan: I feel we're in for a tough time.
Amos: Brutus better be ready for us!
Carver: A wandering swordsmen, aye? Haven't heard of one of those in a while...
Milly: “The most powerful sword in the world”... Interesting...
Ashlynn: What he lacked in friendliness, he made up for in looks.
Nevan: I have a feeling we may encounter this lone swordsman again.
Amos: So if old Amos strutted round draggin' a coffin, would that lass fall for me too?
Carver: Confident fella, aye?
Milly: He must train often. Even his aura is muscular!
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go upstairs, too!
Nevan: That man has been watching us do battle.
Amos: When he says his turn's comin' up, he's talkin' about fightin', right?
Carver: So the monsters haven't slacked off around here, aye?
Milly: It's true, not much has changed since Murdaw was defeated.
Ashlynn: Fighting monsters seems to be the national pastime around here. More power to them!
Nevan: The Arkbolt Army is devoted to its ongoing struggle against monsterkind.
Amos: I'm sure the Goddess is takin' careful note of all their prayers!
Carver: Blue getup? You think he means that fella we passed near the entrance?
Milly: He may have been rough-looking, but still...
Ashlynn: Wait... Does he mean Mr Mean? That rude guy is really that strong?
Nevan: Ah, that brusque swordsman? I had no idea he was such a gifted fighter.
Amos: A rough-looking swordsman in blue? He's not talkin' about old Amos?
Carver: Well, I'd be bored, too, if they put me on guard duty in Somnia...
Milly: The poor guard seems restless.
Ashlynn: Hero, be careful when you strike up conversations with random soldiers!
Ashlynn: Any of these guys might challenge us to another one of those dumb duels. These soldiers are so gung-ho!
Nevan: Boredom is the price of peace, they say.
It's to be welcomed.
Amos: I know what that fellow means. It might be dangerous but there's nothin' quite like bashin' monsters!
Carver: Hardy har! I'd be interested in meetin' those monsters!
Milly: A monster like that sounds incredibly dangerous.
Ashlynn: How'd that 'fraidy-cat soldier make the cut?
Nevan: I think I'm starting to understand why the King is recruiting skilled fighters.
Amos: We'll need to battle this Brutus lad first. Then we can judge how hard those monsters are.
Carver: Nettle shakes, aye? I prefer drinkin' raw egg yolks.
Milly: I'm sure her cooking is the cornerstone of the Arkbolt peacekeeping effort!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I love watching people scarf down a big meal!
Nevan: Even the cuisine in Arkbolt packs a punch!
Amos: I'll have to get hold of one of those uniforms if it'll impress the lasses.
Carver: Poor kid. Nobody wants to see their dad get dressed down in public, aye?
Milly: It's good to know that Commander Brutus is beatable, at least.
Ashlynn: Something in his eye? Riiight.
Nevan: That would appear to be Commander Brutus's son.
Amos: I wonder what that lad's called. Brutus Jr?
Carver: Oh, he's hurt. For a second I thought he was nappin'.
Milly: The poor thing sounds like he's really in pain.
Ashlynn: Wow, that guy's been beaten into next week.
Nevan: Judging from that man's injuries, his opponent wasn't a monster...
Amos: A soldier's life is not an easy one, I tell you!
Carver: “Swordsman”, aye...? Three guesses who he's talkin' about...
Milly: Both the soldiers in this room have been beaten black and blue.
Ashlynn: I'll bet he must've given the blue swordsman one of Arkbolt's “tests”.
Nevan: It appears that this swordsman knows how to pull back from landing the fatal blow.
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind a swing at that swordsman in blue!
Carver: Hey, ya think that Brutus guy wrote this?
Milly: A soldier's life is his weapon, or so they say.
Ashlynn: What a rule! Wouldn't that make it hard to eat? Or brush your hair?
Nevan: This is clearly a place where rules and regulations must be obeyed.
Amos: It's good advice! You never know when you're goin' to have to unsheathe your sword!
Carver: I get the sense Commander Brutus can protect the castle just dandy without that fella.
Milly: Sometimes self-confidence is the best weapon a soldier can have.
Ashlynn: That guy doesn't seem quite in the same league as Brutus.
Nevan: Well, it's clear that Commander Brutus is far from a weakling.
Amos: With just two guards, you can only keep an eye on the front and back gates!
Carver: Ahoy! That's an easy one to remember!
Milly: The life of a soldier doesn't sound very appealing, I must say.
Ashlynn: This place seems more about the Three P's: Posters, Posters, Posters.
Nevan: You can almost sense the high morale in this castle.
Amos: I'm not even a soldier in this kingdom but I'm inspired by this sign!
Carver: He's right. Let's shove off, Hero.
Milly: He probably spends every day training like this.
Ashlynn: Yow! Give him some room before someone loses an eye.
Nevan: Shall we watch him train a bit? From a distance, of course.
Amos: That lad's got a set of lungs on him!
Carver: What's there to see in a prison, aye?
Milly: Wandering all around this castle is quite tiring...
Ashlynn: I wonder what that guy in the cell got busted for.
Ashlynn: Is it bad manners to ask? Do crooks even have manners?
Nevan: It seems it is human nature to pace in circles to alleviate boredom...
Amos: Fancy that. A prison right here inside the castle...
Carver: He want some cheese with his whine?
Milly: I can't help but feel sorry for him, locked up all alone like that.
Ashlynn: I guess mealtime's the highlight of the day when you're stuck in here.
Nevan: If he keeps wailing like that, he's only going to make himself hungrier.
Amos: Old Amos's tummy is rumblin'!
Carver: Aye. I guessed that was Brutus.
Milly: I'd certainly feel better if he were on my side in a fight.
Ashlynn: Do we really have to fight this guy? Can't we just, you know, talk things through?
Nevan: This Brutus character is the one who was watching us earlier downstairs.
Amos: So that's Commander Brutus. His reputation really does precede him!
Carver: You heard the man. Let's chat with the King.
Milly: He must be Arkbolt's chancellor.
Ashlynn: C'mon. We'd better do what we're told.
Nevan: Hero, we should speak to the King.
Amos: Meetin' the King? Old Amos is gettin' the jitters just thinkin' about it!
Carver: Hey, we'll never know unless we try to beat him, aye?
Milly: We've come this far, I suppose a battle with Commander Brutus is inevitable.
Ashlynn: Well, we aren't exactly ninety-pound weaklings.
Nevan: This Commander Brutus is no doubt much stronger than the soldiers downstairs.
Nevan: We mustn't let our guard down.
Amos: This Brutus seems to be patiently waitin' his turn to batter us. Makes me nervous, it does.
Carver: Whoa, whoa! We can't leave now, Hero!
Milly: The King needs us, Hero. I don't see any reason why we should turn him down.
Ashlynn: No is not an option, Hero! You'd never live it down!
Nevan: Hero, we must do battle here in order to help others later.
Amos: So that fellow wants a scrap, does he?
Amos: Old Amos is in the mood for a rumble.
Let's not let him down!
Carver: Alright! Let's go!
Milly: I think we're ready!
Ashlynn: Well, ready or not, here we go!
Nevan: Now then, let us consider our strategy. Er... Let me think...
Amos: Let's roll up our sleeves and show this fellow what we've got!
Carver: Crikey! He must be some fighter!
Milly: Terry...?
Ashlynn: I realise he's a “lone swordsman” and all, but facing that monster solo is suicide!
Nevan: It is perilous indeed to try to face that monster alone. We must go to his aid!
Nevan: But before that, we have the not-so-small matter of defeating Commander Brutus...
Amos: Sure enough, that young whipper-snapper was no ordinary swordsman.
Carver: Right, Hero! Time to shove off to the training room!
Milly: The training room was in the south-west of the castle, I believe.
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Ashlynn: That commander looks like a pretty prickly adversary to me.
Ashlynn: We better make sure we're prepared before we go down there, okay?
Nevan: So at last we face the strongest foe Arkbolt can throw at us.
Amos: We wouldn't want to keep the King or Commander Brutus waitin', would we? Let's get ready to rumble!
Carver: Normally that'd make me wanna peek in there all the more...
Carver: But I'm too excited about our battle with Brutus to care!
Milly: The King and his entourage are headed for the training room. We should be too!
Ashlynn: You want to short-sheet the King's bed or something? Let's go back downstairs.
Nevan: Let's head to the training room without delay.
Amos: If we keep Brutus waitin', he's goin' to get angry. And I don't think we'd like him when he's angry...
Carver: I woulda been completely lost without that guy!
Milly: South-west corner. Right!
Ashlynn: You forget where the training room is, Hero? Let's move!
Nevan: It won't do to keep the King waiting. Let us hurry!
Amos: Old Amos is ready to show this Brutus fellow what for!
Carver: Hardy har! We'll see who's got a full set 'o limbs after the fight.
Milly: We didn't defeat Murdaw by worrying about our limbs, did we? Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Not much of a pep talk, huh?
Nevan: Who will be victorious? Let us pray that we have the Goddess on our side.
Amos: These soldiers should take a step back or they'll end up gettin' dragged into the rumpus!
Carver: Great news! Alright, Hero, let's move!
Milly: Let's fight wisely, Hero!
Ashlynn: All we have to do now is win this thing!
Nevan: I pray that the fight will be judged fairly.
Amos: Old Amos has no intention of handin' victory to this Brutus fellow!
Carver: Even the Queen's rootin' for us, aye?
Now I'm really rarin' to go!
Milly: We certainly will do our best!
Ashlynn: We better show Her Majesty one royally good fight!
Nevan: Commander Brutus looks to be flexing his muscles in anticipation. Here we go...
Amos: I didn't realise the Queen would be watchin'!
Old Amos is gettin' a bit flustered!
Carver: Cold feet? Mine are toasty. (sniff sniff) Don't smell like toast, though.
Milly: The King is waiting, Hero. Let's do this!
Ashlynn: We should probably stop messing around. You can't blame him for thinking we're losing our nerve.
Nevan: I've gathered my strength and am prepared for battle, Hero.
Amos: Let's show these royal folk a fight they won't forget!
Carver: You nervous, Hero? I can't blame ya. We can't afford to lose this one, aye?
Milly: Shall we take advantage of the Commander's generosity to prepare ourselves?
Ashlynn: Kind of early to be taking a time-out, isn't it?
Nevan: This Commander Brutus is an impressive fellow.
Amos: Old Amos has got no time for pussy-footin' around. Let's get down to business!
Carver: Crikey! Bronson's got more stamina than Peggy Sue, aye?
Carver: We'd better keep that in mind next time we take him on!
Milly: We mustn't be so complacent next time....
Anyway, let's go.
Ashlynn: Yikes! That guy crashed down on us like Alltrades Abbey!
Nevan: The taste of defeat is a bitter one indeed...
Amos: It seems old Amos still has a lot to learn...
Carver: That's the royal guard for ya, aye? Strong to the finish – our finish!
Milly: Those two guards were quite the combination.
Ashlynn: Ugh! Those two were way too strong!
Nevan: If we're going to meet the King, we need to defeat those guards.
Nevan: We must remain positive. Fortune favours those who persevere!
Amos: Ugh. What happened...?
Amos: Whatever it was, we can't let it happen again!
Carver: The man really lived up to the legend, aye?
Milly: Commander Brutus was even stronger than we imagined...
Ashlynn: So Brutus beating us wasn't just a bad dream? Great...
Nevan: We must remember the words of the King...
Nevan: If we do not defeat Brutus, we won't be allowed to face that monster.
Amos: Well, if you're goin' to lose a battle, make sure you lose to someone good!
Amos: And that Commander Brutus was good, I tell you!
Amos: Er... I should spend less time admirin' his technique, and more time bashin' him!
Carver: Blimey. Tight enough for ya?
Milly: There's another staircase leading down.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go down a little deeper.
Nevan: Hmm...
Amos: It's bloomin' damp in here!
Carver: What, no monsters around here?
Milly: Shall we go in a little deeper, Hero?
Ashlynn: Sure is dim in here. Thank the Goddess for those torches.
Nevan: This seems like a good place for rest and respite.
Amos: Whoops! I almost slipped and landed on my behind!
It's still a little tender from that monster bite...
Carver: So this path leads to the north, aye?
Milly: A lot of people must be inconvenienced by this.
Ashlynn: Oh, right! Didn't someone in the castle say something about an earthquake here?
Nevan: Now I see. This must be Wayfarer's Pass.
Amos: He's got a face like a rainy day in Scrimsley.
Carver: Monsters? We laugh in the face of monsters!
Hardy Har! See?
Milly: Monsters? I can see that being a problem for people.
Ashlynn: Let's keep on keeping on. A few monsters aren't about to stop me!
Nevan: Hmm. We should delve deeper into the cave.
Amos: Seems you can't walk ten paces these days without stumblin' across a monster!
Carver: I bet that puts the King in a bind, too.
Milly: It seems that repair work has been put on hold.
Ashlynn: Sounds like these guys are taking five until someone cleans up the monsters.
Nevan: Until the monsters are gone, no repairs will be taking place.
Amos: Well, monsters do have a habit of bein' scary.
Carver: Hardy har! That fella's got the right idea.
Milly: I can sense the workers' frustration.
Ashlynn: You can tell that guy values drinking over making a living.
Nevan: I wonder when they last did an honest day's work.
Amos: That fellow looks knackered and he hasn't even lifted a finger!
Carver: A big hole, aye? Wanna give it a look, Hero?
Milly: Monsters appearing from the hole... Let's go and have a look, Hero. I'm getting curious.
Ashlynn: How big a hole are we talking about here?
Nevan: We can't rely on eyewitness accounts. We need to see this for ourselves.
Amos: Now we've heard all this talk of giant holes and maraudin' monsters, we need to see for ourselves!
Carver: A big hole is no big deal, but a bunch of monsters... That's a problem.
Milly: It really was a huge hole.
Ashlynn: I'd love to clear out the monsters for these people, but right now we aren't even allowed inside.
Nevan: At present, I cannot see how we can offer any useful assistance here.
Amos: ...Does anyone else fancy poppin' back outside?
Carver: Crikey! Look at that view!
Milly: Can you see the hole?
Ashlynn: Wow! What a cliff this is!
Nevan: It appears that there are soldiers stationed here.
Amos: Old Amos has no head for heights, I tell you!
Carver: Ceiling's pretty high, ain't it?
Milly: This cave is so spacious, it doesn't feel like we're underground.
Ashlynn: Boy, we're up so high! I can't even see the bottom.
Nevan: I would surmise that this tunnel has long been used by travellers.
Amos: This would be quite scenic if it weren't for all the beasties roamin' around.
Carver: So nothin's gonna get solved until someone beats the big one, is that it?
Milly: This sounds like quite a dangerous predicament.
Ashlynn: Trouncing those two troublemakers over there won't help, huh?
Nevan: An enormous monster lodged deep within the cave...
Nevan: If it were to emerge, then we'd have a true emergency on our hands.
Amos: No matter how many beasties they bash, more keep comin' to replace 'em...
Amos: Just the thought of it gives old Amos goosebumps!
Carver: Those monsters prowlin' around the entrance don't seem too tough.
Carver: There ain't no point in beatin' them if it won't solve anything, but...
Milly: It must be quite an inconvenience for these people not to be able to travel up north.
Ashlynn: Those monsters over there seem to be guarding the entrance.
Nevan: At least now it is clear what happened here.
Amos: Well, we're not goin' to get any further.
Shall we head back the way we came?
Carver: What, we can't go in?
Milly: We can't get through. Shall we head back above ground?
Ashlynn: Well, I guess this path won't be clear any time soon...
Nevan: I pray the monsters over there refrain from making any sudden attacks...
Amos: I bet if you delve deeper into that there hole, you'll find gangs of huge monsters. (shudder)
Carver: Huzzah! We beat him! We beat Brutus!
Milly: Phew... Commander Brutus is tougher than your average thug!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We did it, Hero! We showed him!
Nevan: I admit I was concerned at times, but we managed to pull it off!
Amos: M-M-My knees are still kn-knockin' together!
It's n-not a d-d-dignified sight, is it?
Carver: Crikey, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. That was a tough one!
Milly: Both sides were in it to win. It was a good fight.
Ashlynn: Brutus lived up to his reputation, huh? I was gasping for breath there.
Nevan: He seems to be genuinely stunned that we managed to defeat Commander Brutus.
Amos: I can't believe we managed to get the better of that Brutus fellow! I'm still pinchin' myself...
Carver: Is it my imagination, or are we gettin' more respect now that we beat Brutus?
Milly: It's rather embarrassing to be called a skilful soldier to your face...
Ashlynn: Even when they're being nice, the gate guards are all business.
Nevan: It's pleasant to be treated with such respect.
Amos: Now that we've showed Brutus what for, we must be the hardest folks in this whole castle!
Carver: I can't wait to hear all the words that rhyme with Carver!
Milly: Hee hee. I wonder what kind of song it'll be?
Ashlynn: Yahoo! I'm gonna sing this song day and night!
Nevan: What an honour.
Amos: Old Amos has penned a few songs in his time, you know!
Carver: Hardy har! Gotta put up or shut up, aye, Hero?
Milly: The soldiers should concentrate on keeping everyone in the castle safe.
Ashlynn: Sounds like that soldier has some pent-up aggression.
Ashlynn: I guess I would, too, if all I ever got to do is patrol duty.
Nevan: It seems that soldier had his heart set on undertaking this mission himself.
Amos: Seems everyone in Arkbolt knows who we are.
Fame at last!
Carver: Come to think of it, we'll be cooped up in that cave pretty soon, aye?
Carver: We'd better enjoy the fresh air 'n everything like that while we can.
Milly: He seems to spend all his time standing out here.
Milly: I'm worried that he'll catch a cold if he doesn't get back inside soon.
Ashlynn: I'd soak up the sun and enjoy the wind in my hair all day, if I could.
Nevan: I'd like to breathe some more of this air in before we go.
Amos: Good to see that old boy hasn't dried out.
Carver: Perfect! Time for our walkin' papers.
Milly: The King is waiting for us. Let's go!
Ashlynn: Let's go find out about this monster we'll be facing, okay?
Nevan: I recall when we first came here, these two guards were far from friendly.
Nevan: They seem to be much more amenable now.
Amos: Now we can come and go as we please. Happy days!
Carver: Well, we got the coffin, Hero... Let's shove off for the cave.
Milly: Let's try our best to help the King, Hero.
Ashlynn: That monster's as good as gone with us on the job! Yahoo!
Nevan: I recall when we first came here, these two guards were far from friendly.
Nevan: They seem to be much more amenable now.
Amos: Now we can come and go as we please. Happy days!
Carver: Spectacular, aye? I like the sound of that!
Milly: You know, the King hasn't given us any details yet.
Milly: Let's go and have another talk with His Majesty.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Commander Brutus couldn't take us down, either!
Ashlynn: Let's go get that monster and get our reward, Hero!
Nevan: The reward is much less important than dealing with that monster once and for all.
Nevan: In any case, let's hear what the King has to say.
Amos: Old Amos is a big fan of rewards!
Amos: Let's get a move on before someone else beats us to the prize!
Carver: The King promised us the sunderbolt blade, aye?
Milly: We can worry about the reward later.
Milly: For now, we need to focus on defeating that monster!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Commander Brutus couldn't take us down, either!
Ashlynn: Let's go get that monster and get our reward, Hero!
Nevan: The reward is much less important than dealing with that monster once and for all.
Amos: Let's get a move on before someone else beats us to the prize!
Carver: He's asleep, alright.
Milly: He seems exhausted. I think we should let him sleep in peace.
Ashlynn: He probably turned in after getting his butt kicked by all the soldiers. Never go to bed angry, I say.
Nevan: That soldier seems to have slept his wounds away.
Amos: I remember last time we saw that fellow, he was in a right old state.
Amos: It looks like those injuries are a thing of the past. Sleep tight, fellow!
Carver: Hardy har! You'd better believe we're bound for Wayfarer's Pass!
Carver: Uh, but don't we need the details from the King first?
Carver: C'mon, let's head to the throne room upstairs!
Milly: We should get some more information about this monster we're going to face.
Milly: I'm sure the King can tell us everything we need to know.
Ashlynn: He shouldn't be ashamed – he was strong, too!
Nevan: It's almost time to take on that monster in Wayfarer's Pass.
Nevan: But first we must get more information from the King.
Amos: If that beastie in the tunnel is really stronger than Commander Brutus, we've got our work cut out!
Carver: Let's shove off to Wayfarer's Pass! No way I'm losin' to that swordsman guy!
Milly: I wonder whether he was with Commander Brutus when he took on the monster?
Ashlynn: He shouldn't be ashamed – he was strong, too!
Nevan: If we steel ourselves, I'm sure that we can take on this monster.
Amos: If that beastie in the tunnel is really stronger than Commander Brutus, we've got our work cut out!
Carver: Blimey. I wish I could un-hear that.
Milly: I hope he'll be okay, going in there on his own...
Ashlynn: I wouldn't go that far. But the man is definitely interesting.
Nevan: This Terry seems to have mastered the art of appealing to women...
Amos: Well, I'm wearin' a blue getup – but no one's got old Amos stuck in their head!
Carver: Everyone in Arkbolt seems in the dark about the blue fella, aye?
Milly: If he headed for the cave right away, he may have already beaten the monster...
Ashlynn: I hope he didn't beat the monster! That's our job!
Nevan: Well, this is the fellow who took care of Commander Brutus, after all.
Nevan: I doubt any monster will find it easy to defeat him.
Amos: Everyone keeps mentionin' this “blue getup”.
Has he stolen old Amos's look?
Carver: Hold back? Not us!
Milly: I hope we can meet everyone's expectations.
Ashlynn: That poor monster's in trouble with us on the case.
Nevan: Everyone is anxiously awaiting news of this monster's defeat.
Nevan: Whether it's defeating monsters or guarding the castle, we all have our role to play.
Amos: Old Amos has no intention of holdin' back.
Let's show this monster what for!
Carver: Was he insultin' us? That went over my head...
Milly: I suppose he has a point...
Milly: Well, let's just make sure that we stay focused.
Ashlynn: What's wrong with a little optimism?
Nevan: Well, that can be said to be true.
Amos: Well, we've got more chance than some wimp who couldn't beat Commander Brutus!
Carver: Uh...aye.
Milly: Aww. His father put up a good fight!
Ashlynn: I feel bad for the kid, but it's not like we were cheating or anything!
Nevan: Perhaps he's right, perhaps he's not...
Amos: To be honest, I doubt I'd be able to beat Brutus if I was all on my lonesome.
Carver: Hardy har! That kid is the king of excuses, aye?
Milly: I'm rather touched by the pride he has for his father...
Ashlynn: I, uh, don't think he had a runny nose, no...
Nevan: The poor child cannot yet accept his father's defeat...
Amos: The lad's father was gracious in defeat. He could learn a lot from his old man's example.
Carver: Whoa – these guys're still out o' commission?
Milly: Oh dear, I hope they'll be back in action before long.
Ashlynn: Wow! That Terry guy must have done a real number on these two!
Nevan: So these are the soldiers left licking their wounds after their last gladiatorial contest...
Amos: I take my helmet off to these lads.
Carver: Anyone who beat Brutus should have no trouble with run-o'-the-mill monsters.
Milly: He certainly has enough spirit to become Commander.
Ashlynn: Watching us fight must've lit a fire in him, huh?
Nevan: That soldier burns with an admirable ambition.
Amos: I wish that fellow luck!
Carver: At least he's honest.
Milly: He's gracious even in defeat – the mark of a true Commander.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He seems to be taking it well.
Nevan: It's good to see that only the Commander's pride has been wounded.
Amos: With a fine, upstanding fellow like Brutus in charge, it's no wonder the troops' morale is sky high.
Carver: Aye. The King first, then.
Milly: I sense that the Chancellor would like to speak to us later as well.
Ashlynn: Hey, um, any idea why that guy has a coffin with him?
Nevan: Let us do as the Chancellor suggests.
Amos: Time to see the King? Old Amos is all at sixes and sevens...
Carver: Hardy har! An order from the Queen, aye?
Milly: I'm always impressed by the Queen's elegance.
Ashlynn: If it's monsters you need slaying, then Ashlynn's your gal!
Nevan: The Queen has a deeply admirable dignity.
Amos: I bet that once upon a time, the Queen was really...
Amos: ...Er, really young!
Carver: The sunderbolt blade, aye? That ain't no useless knick-knack! I'm really rarin' to go now!
Milly: I can sense the King's sincerity. We won't let him down, will we, Hero?
Ashlynn: The sunderbolt blade, huh? Even the name is deadly!
Nevan: The sunderbolt blade sounds like no ordinary sword.
Amos: I never thought we'd have to drag round a monster's corpse. It fair gives me the willies!
Carver: That coffin looks pretty heavy, aye?
Carver: Anyway, let's shove off.
Milly: We're all set. Let's hurry to Wayfarer's Pass!
Ashlynn: I'm glad they're entrusting us with this mission and all...
Ashlynn: But I'm not too crazy about hauling this coffin around, you know?
Nevan: I was expecting something special, but this looks like any other coffin to me...
Amos: We can't let that lad in blue snatch the prize from under our noses!
Carver: I'd be up for teamin' up if he was. Either way, let's shove off!
Milly: We don't have a moment to spare. Let's head off, Hero.
Ashlynn: The swordsman in blue? He doesn't seem like much of a team player to me.
Nevan: Let us not disappoint the King.
Amos: So if we team up with that lad, will we split the sunderbolt blade in half...?
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Carver: Aye. Onward!
Milly: Let's go down those stairs.
Ashlynn: (shiver) Chilly in here, huh?
Nevan: Hmm...
Amos: It's bloomin' damp in here!
Carver: What, no monsters around here?
Milly: This cave is so large, it's easy to forget that you're underground.
Ashlynn: Sure is dim in here. Thank the Goddess for those torches.
Nevan: This seems like a good place for rest and respite.
Amos: Whoops! I almost slipped and landed on my behind!
It's still a little tender from that monster bite...
Carver: This must be the main trade route for merchants from the north and south, aye?
Milly: A lot of people must be inconvenienced by this.
Ashlynn: Oh, right! Didn't someone in the castle say something about an earthquake here?
Nevan: Let's get this problem sorted out on the double.
Amos: He's got a face like a rainy day in Scrimsley.
Carver: Leave? Hardy har! Monsters're why we're here!
Milly: Unfortunately, we've got a date with those monsters...
Ashlynn: Monsters? Good! Let's go get 'em!
Nevan: We've got a job to do – clearing this cave of monsters!
Amos: Let's get every one of those miserable monsters!
Carver: So the King sent us here to help these guys get to work, aye?
Milly: It's been a while since the work halted, hasn't it?
Ashlynn: You know, that guy looks plenty beefy to me...
Ashlynn: But I guess construction work is a far cry from fighting monsters.
Nevan: It won't be long now. We'll take care of those monsters.
Amos: Well, monsters do have a habit of bein' scary.
Carver: We're riskin' our lives, and all he cares about is hittin' the sauce. That's gratitude, aye?
Milly: They'll be back to work before they know it!
Ashlynn: If drinking were a vocation, that guy would be the best in the business.
Nevan: I wonder when they last did an honest day's work.
Amos: Doin' absolutely nothin' is thirsty work!
Carver: Aye – that's the hole we're huntin' for.
Milly: That's our destination. Shall we head off?
Ashlynn: C'mon! Let's go check out this hole!
Nevan: Let us proceed...with caution.
Amos: Let's go in and see exactly what's goin' on!
Carver: A big hole is no big deal, but a bunch of monsters... That's a problem.
Milly: It's quite a large hole, isn't it?
Milly: I wouldn't like the task of filling it in once the monster's been defeated.
Ashlynn: We can't plug the hole, but we can sure root out all the monsters inside!
Nevan: Well, first things first – we need to clear this place of monsters.
Amos: Do you reckon the monsters opened this hole themselves? I wouldn't put it past 'em!
Carver: Crikey! Look at that view!
Milly: Can you see the hole?
Ashlynn: Wow! What a cliff this is!
Nevan: It appears that there are soldiers stationed here.
Amos: Old Amos has no head for heights, I tell you!
Carver: Ceiling's pretty high, ain't it?
Milly: This cave is so spacious, it doesn't feel like we're underground.
Ashlynn: Boy, we're up so high! I can't even see the bottom.
Nevan: I would surmise that this tunnel has long been used by travellers.
Amos: This would be quite scenic if it weren't for all the beasties roamin' around.
Carver: Hardy har! We beat Brutus, so we can handle this. It's logical 'n everything like that.
Milly: If we can just take out the monsters' leader...
Ashlynn: Let's start with those two guarding the entrance!
Nevan: We must deal with that monster before it starts to terrorise the surface!
Amos: No matter how many beasties they bash, more keep comin' to replace 'em...
Amos: Just the thought of it gives old Amos goosebumps!
Carver: So the blue fella already went this way, aye?
Carver: Fair enough! Now it's our turn.
Milly: Well let's get after him then, Hero!
Ashlynn: I guess this coffin is proof enough we're here on the King's orders, huh?
Nevan: This Terry fellow seems to have stolen a march on us.
Nevan: Whether we team up with him or not, the main thing is to press on!
Amos: So he's come all this way draggin' that coffin on his own? Blimey!
Carver: Aye! Off we go!
Milly: Quickly, let's go after that swordsman!
Ashlynn: Uh, those two look way scarier from up close!
Nevan: We're going to have to deal with those two first.
Amos: Let's be careful! We don't want any of the party gettin' their own coffin!
Carver: Whew... That was a good warmup, aye?
Milly: I sense that the battles ahead will be fierce. Keep your guard up.
Ashlynn: Great! Now for the real fight!
Nevan: We did it! Now let's head inside!
Amos: Those were our first opponents!?
Could be an uphill struggle...
Carver: Whoa! Look at the size of this place!
Milly: Who would've guessed a cave of this size would be hidden behind that wall?
Ashlynn: This place is huge! Hope we don't get lost.
Nevan: The winding paths make this area quite tricky to navigate...
Amos: Take care not to take a dip in any of this water!
Carver: Where do ya think that Terry guy is by now?
Milly: There's no telling how deep this cave is...
Ashlynn: Nothing's gonna leap from the water and, like, suck my face off, right?
Nevan: The presence of monsters is strong here. Let us proceed with caution.
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Carver: “Swordsman”? Him, I bet.
Milly: Looks like someone felt the sharp end of Terry's sword...
Ashlynn: Even the monsters are talking about him? He must be the real deal!
Nevan: It looks like he was felled with a single blow. This is no mean swordsman...
Amos: That monster still had some life in it when we arrived...
Amos: That must mean this Terry lad isn't too far ahead.
Carver: Geh. And I thought they smelt bad when they were alive!
Milly: Terry...
Ashlynn: No time to waste here. C'mon! C'mon!
Nevan: Let us hurry!
Amos: The final battle is waitin' for us up ahead.
Carver: This cave ain't big enough for a mountain of a man like me.
Milly: The aura here seems different...
Ashlynn: It doesn't seem like anyone is here.
Nevan: I wonder if Terry is on this level?
Amos: Down here I can barely see beyond my nose.
Carver: Crikey. I'm gettin' all twisted around.
Milly: Let's take care not to waste energy by walking around too much.
Ashlynn: We just keep walking and walking...
Nevan: This place is a labyrinth.
Amos: Old Amos is gettin' nervous every time we turn a corner...
Carver: Those are human bones, alright. They look too mouldy to be his, though.
Milly: Oh my...
Ashlynn: That must've been an Arkbolt soldier, sent to slay the monster.
Nevan: He is with the Goddess now...
Amos: Old Amos doesn't want to end up like that poor fellow!
Carver: Avast! Even I'm startin' to get creeped out by this place.
Milly: The air down here is horribly stagnant... (cough)
Ashlynn: Wow, this place is crawling with monsters!
Nevan: Warm, pungent air is wafting from somewhere close...
Amos: Doesn't this cave ever end?
Carver: Hardy har! The beasts here have a little fight in 'em, aye?
Milly: We've entered the monster's nest... I can feel it...
Ashlynn: Wait, monsters hatch from eggs? You learn something new every day!
Nevan: Hmm... I wonder where that blue-clad swordsman has got to...
Amos: Old Amos is feelin' a tad peckish but I wouldn't fancy an egg like that.
Carver: Whew... We better find the big one or we'll never get out of here.
Milly: What kind of monster lays eggs that big...?
Ashlynn: Do you think these eggs hatch all by themselves?
Nevan: For freshly-hatched monsters, they put up quite a fight.
Amos: I'm startin' to wonder if I'll ever eat eggs again...
Carver: There he is! You wanna help him out, Hero? He could use a hand here.
Milly: It's the swordsman in blue!
Ashlynn: So Terry broke all those eggs? He making an omelette or something?
Nevan: Terry is face-to-face with that enormous monster!
Nevan: We haven't a second to lose!
Amos: Let's look lively! We don't want to turn up to the party late!
Carver: He likes bein' a solo act, aye?
Milly: Does he really think he's going to defeat it alone!?
Ashlynn: What's he talking about!? We're trying to help him here!
Nevan: This Terry brims with self-assurance...
Amos: This lad shouldn't overdo it or that beast will have him for breakfast!
Carver: He's gone...
Milly: Terry... He certainly is strong...
Ashlynn: I guess we can kiss that sunderbolt blade goodbye...
Nevan: That was an extraordinary display of swordsmanship.
Amos: Old Amos is agog! That lad didn't put a foot wrong!
Carver: It's really quiet, aye...?
Milly: It's eerily silent in here now that the monster's been defeated.
Ashlynn: Boy, all this walking is murder on my feet...
Nevan: There's not the slightest hint of any monsters in the vicinity.
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Carver: Whew... Finally free of that coffin!
Milly: We could've taken the coffin back ourselves...
Ashlynn: Yippee! That coffin was giving me the heebie-jeebies.
Nevan: That soldier hauled the coffin away without breaking a sweat!
Amos: It's good to get rid of that coffin, I tell you!
Carver: ...I reckon Terry lived up to the hype, aye?
Milly: Shall we head back to the castle for now?
Ashlynn: Hopefully it's safe enough for them to start working again.
Nevan: The air is getting fresher by the minute!
Amos: I can't get that image of those monstrous eggs out of my mind...
Carver: That's what we wanna know.
Milly: That lad is long gone, it would seem.
Ashlynn: I don't know who that blue guy is, but I do know he's got some attitude.
Nevan: Whoever he is, he's no doubt beating a path to Arkbolt Castle.
Amos: He had a bit of a baby-face, but when it came to doin' battle, that lad was fully grown!
Carver: Aye, I'd like to see what's doin' back at the castle, anyway.
Milly: Perhaps we'll find Terry waiting for us back at the castle.
Ashlynn: A while? But I want to explore new territory now!
Ashlynn: Oh well... Not much we can do but wait.
Nevan: We had better return to Arkbolt Castle.
Nevan: We owe the King and Commander Brutus a full report.
Nevan: It just saddens me to say that we don't have a great deal of success to boast of.
Amos: If we head through here, we can travel up north, right?
Amos: Once it reopens, let's give it a try, Hero!
Carver: Avast! Hope he ain't lifting with his back!
Milly: So... Shall we head back?
Ashlynn: That's a dirty job, moving rocks all day...
Nevan: We won't be passing through here any time soon.
Amos: That lad needs to watch himself! He should be bendin' at the knees!
Carver: He musta picked the rock-liftin' vocation. Does that even exist?
Milly: I thought he'd be a bit more enthusiastic to get started again...
Ashlynn: He's been at this for thirty years?
Nevan: Well, at least they can get back to work now.
Amos: These lads don't seem as laid-back now they have an honest day's work to do.
Carver: His sales'll stink until that construction wraps up.
Milly: I'm sure he'll be happy to finally hit the road again.
Ashlynn: Hold on, so that merchant sat here the whole time...?
Nevan: Once the pass reopens, many people will be travelling here.
Amos: Old Amos is lookin' forward to givin' this pass a go once it's ready!
Carver: At least some good came from this, aye?
Milly: At the end of the day, that's what matters most.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I can't wait for them to wrap up.
Ashlynn: That'll put our journey back on track!
Nevan: This is the day travellers have been awaiting.
Amos: I wish we could say that we'd helped open up the pass, but...
Carver: Hardy har! They're finally back on the job, aye?
Milly: Did his partner actually fall asleep...?
Ashlynn: We did our part... Now it's their turn!
Nevan: I'd love to say it was us who resolved the situation...
Amos: It's not goin' to be a picnic for the two of them to clear all these rocks. Rather them than me!
Carver: Things're about to get lively here!
Milly: He's surprisingly nimble considering he's just got up.
Ashlynn: Work like that is dangerous if you're drowsy.
Nevan: Shall we observe the repair work while we're here?
Amos: Old Amos can't wait till they open this pass up!
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Carver: Geh... I was hopin' we wouldn't run into the fella.
Milly: I wonder if the sunderbolt blade is the sword he's been looking for...
Ashlynn: Oh, great. Not only is he making off with the reward – he's rubbing it in, too!
Nevan: We didn't even face him head-to-head...
Nevan: Why then do I feel such an acute sense of defeat?
Amos: I take it that's the sunderbolt blade Terry's grippin' in his mitt.
Carver: (sigh)
Milly: The great swordsman Terry...
Ashlynn: Ugh. I just want to crawl into a hole...
Nevan: So the news has already been posted...
Amos: Why did we have to go and read that?
Ignorance is bliss, I tell you!
Carver: Carver rhymes with a lot more things than Terry. Just sayin'.
Milly: So Terry's their hero now, is he?
Ashlynn: Oh, please! Now he won't shut up about Terry!
Nevan: It seems we've found another of Terry's innumerable fans...
Amos: Don't be down in the mouth, Hero.
Amos: Old Amos'll knock a poem together for you!
Carver: Can we change the subject?
Milly: It is the truth, after all.
Ashlynn: Seems like word's spread all around the castle already.
Nevan: Not this again...
Amos: Seems the whole castle's gone Terry crazy.
Carver: I gotta admit, I can hardly believe he did it myself.
Milly: Terry almost seems like a different person when he's fighting...
Ashlynn: I wouldn't have believed it myself if I didn't see it.
Nevan: It may seem hard to believe, but it's entirely true.
Amos: We could barely believe it either! What's his secret!?
Carver: Sounds like a pitiful partner there, aye?
Milly: He looks like he's about ready to leave.
Ashlynn: It's a lot more fun to travel with a friend, isn't it? Safer, too.
Nevan: Hmm... His partner's a wandering merchant?
Nevan: I wonder if we have encountered this fellow on our travels.
Amos: That fellow must be chompin' at the bit to get through that Wayfarer's Pass.
Carver: At least one good thing came out of this, aye?
Milly: I'm sure both locals and travellers are elated to see the pass open again.
Ashlynn: We should get going ourselves. Those northern lands are calling!
Nevan: It sounds as if Wayfarer's Pass is finally open.
Amos: Those northern lands sound worth a visit. Old Amos has caught the travellin' bug!
Carver: Hardy har! Still sleepin'.
Milly: The poor man's going to be shocked when he finds out they're no longer recruiting.
Ashlynn: He'll be the last guy to hear the news at this rate.
Nevan: His wounds may have healed but he doesn't seem eager to get back to his training.
Amos: That lad must have cloth ears to sleep through all the din in this castle!
Carver: He bet on us? I didn't think he'd be into that kinda thing.
Milly: His aura suggested he was a more respectable person than this...
Ashlynn: Hmph! Like I care what that guy thinks!
Amos: I wonder how much he would have won if we'd brought that monster back.
Carver: I reckon lone swordsmen like to be alone, aye?
Milly: It sounds like she'll never forget her encounter with the swordsman.
Ashlynn: He's not worth getting THAT worked up about...
Nevan: What does Terry have that attracts women so strongly...?
Nevan: Not being a woman, perhaps I have no hope of ever understanding...
Amos: That sunderbolt blade Terry was swingin' was a sword and a half.
Amos: I was hoping he'd allow old Amos to have a quick go with it...
Carver: Speaking of, Terry must've brought that monster corpse back into the castle, aye?
Milly: Where did that monster in the pass come from? And why?
Milly: I hope the castle's investigation can produce some answers.
Ashlynn: Good thing there was only one of those big monsters, or this castle would be in real trouble!
Nevan: It was a peculiar monster indeed. It even had some capacity to speak.
Amos: Thinkin' of that monster makes me think of eggs.
And that makes me think about lunch!
Carver: There better be more of Murdaw's leftovers out there.
Carver: I ain't about to let Terry claim a prize for takin' out the next one.
Milly: I think we'd need to do some investigating to see whether that's true or not.
Ashlynn: Do you think the monster had been living inside that cave all this time?
Nevan: I pray that this was the last monster of its kind.
Amos: It was a fearsome beast, sure enough, but that Terry lad took the brunt of it.
Carver: Hardy har! He's actin' like we saved the day 'n everything like that.
Milly: I think it's a little early to be proclaiming peace.
Ashlynn: That guy was Mr Downer just a little while ago, wasn't he?
Nevan: Peace may have returned to Wayfarer's Pass, but it is far from universal.
Nevan: Though Murdaw may be gone, the monster population seems unaffected...
Nevan: It is up to us to find out why.
Amos: It seems like this Terry lad is the people's choice.
Amos: If he really has brought peace, then I have to take off my helmet to him.
Carver: Huh. But it's dead, aye?
Milly: Why put the body in a cell...?
Ashlynn: Wait... Isn't that a little weird?
Nevan: Shall we investigate this cell?
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't really know where to store a stinkin' monster corpse either...
Carver: Crikey. Is that soldier ever gonna heal up?
Milly: Wasn't there another soldier sleeping here before?
Ashlynn: Maybe he's having, like, flashbacks or something.
Nevan: I pray for his swift recovery.
Amos: It's no easy task bein' an Arkbolt soldier! That poor lad's still sufferin'.
Carver: Right from sickbed to his post, aye? Soldiers here got it rough, that's for sure.
Milly: Last time we saw him, he was fast asleep on the bed upstairs.
Ashlynn: That's the guy who was in a tizzy over Terry knocking him out, right?
Ashlynn: You saw Terry fight. He must've been going easy on this guy.
Nevan: Straight back to training, already? Impressive...
Amos: At least there won't be wannabe beast-battlers linin' up to test their mettle against this chap.
Carver: The sunderbolt blade, aye? Who needs it? It ain't fit for my fightin' style, anyway.
Milly: I've no doubt Terry is even stronger now with that sword.
Ashlynn: “Sunderbolt” sounds pretty dangerous. I bet you'd get a shock if you even touched it.
Nevan: With that sword at his disposal, is there any adversary who can take on Terry?
Amos: Old Amos wanted a go with that sword, but what if I'd sliced somethin' important off!?
Carver: I reckon beatin' Brutus would give ya ultimate braggin' rights around here.
Milly: He certainly has enough spirit to become Commander.
Ashlynn: Terry must've lit a fire under him!
Nevan: There is certainly no shortage of ambition here.
Amos: I wish that fellow luck!
Carver: Even tough fellas like me know to come in out of the cold...
Milly: I knew he would catch a cold...
Ashlynn: Gross! What's that stuff dripping from his nose!?
Nevan: I pray he learns his lesson!
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Carver: Hardy hoo-boy. Someday I'll look back on this and laugh.
Milly: At least he's got a sense of humour about all this.
Ashlynn: I bet we can't leave soon enough for that guy!
Nevan: I imagine this is as close as Commander Brutus gets to being sympathetic.
Amos: Commander Brutus knows how to bounce back from adversity.
Amos: He took a triple beatin' from that beast, Terry and – of course – us.
Amos: You wouldn't tell by lookin' at him, though.
Carver: That kid really looks up to his old man. It kinda gets ya right here...
Milly: Such a spirited child... I'm sure Commander Brutus was exactly the same at his age.
Ashlynn: What a great father-and-son moment! I started welling up there for a second...
Nevan: Commander Brutus seems to be physically incapable of ever giving up. I admire him greatly.
Amos: Once that lad's grown up, old Amos would be game for a bit of a scrap.
Carver: I'd be lookin' into a new vocation if I was that guy.
Milly: There's definitely something strange about keeping the body down here, don't you think?
Ashlynn: What are they guarding it from? Thieves?
Ashlynn: Are rotting monster corpses hot on the black market or something?
Nevan: I must confess, I am also puzzled by this.
Amos: What if in the dead of night, the coffin lid suddenly sprung open and...
Amos: ...Arghhh! Old Amos has gone and scared himself!
Carver: I reckon ignorance is bliss in this case.
Milly: If we told him the truth, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all.
Ashlynn: Corpses make rotten neighbours. Tee hee!
Nevan: Sure enough, that fellow hasn't been blessed with a neighbour he would want to get to know better.
Amos: We could tell him what's really in there, but I reckon it's kinder not to.
Carver: I reckon this'll be our last visit to Arkbolt for a while, aye?
Milly: Once we're done here, we should investigate the other side of Wayfarer's Pass.
Ashlynn: Ugh. My feet are on fire from all the walking...
Nevan: I wonder how the King will react to us this time.
Amos: We're facin' the King again? Old Amos has got his tail between his legs...
Carver: Ahoy! Once we're through here, why not take Wayfarer's Pass to the other side, aye?
Milly: The pass will probably reopen very soon.
Ashlynn: I bet they finished up in a flash. They had a guy with thirty years experience, after all!
Nevan: Unfortunately, we cannot take much credit for the fact that Wayfarer's Pass has reopened.
Amos: It's great to hear that Wayfarer's Pass is open for business again.
Amos: I only wish we could have played more of a part.
Carver: I reckon some royal attention is better than nothin', aye?
Milly: The Queen is so kind and considerate... I consider her something of a role model.
Ashlynn: What's she apologizing for? We're the ones who came up short.
Nevan: It is flattering indeed to hear that the Queen recognises our efforts.
Amos: A real Queen called old Amos brave!
It fair brings a tear to my eye... (sob)
Carver: “Strong”'s not even the word. Losin' to Terry's nothing to be ashamed of.
Milly: It seems that Terry's already hit the road.
Milly: Isn't it time we set out on a new journey as well?
Ashlynn: A strong sword for a strong swordsman. Makes sense to me!
Nevan: I feel certain that we will encounter this Terry again in our travels.
Amos: The more people talk about how great that sword is, the harder this is to deal with...
Milly: He's right – we should forget about the sword. It's not why we came here, after all.
Milly: The country's problem has been solved, and we can carry on with our journey. That's what counts.
Ashlynn: He's got a point...but I'm still disappointed!
Nevan: Now that we've had an audience with the King, shall we be on our way?
Amos: Is there no sort of runners-up prize for effort?
Carver: Sleepin' on the job, aye?
Carver: He must think he can slack off now that the monster problem's taken care of.
Milly: A small castle full of treasure...
Its King assaulted by monsters...
Milly: It almost feels too specific for a dream...
Ashlynn: Looks like he slipped right back into the same dream.
Nevan: That soldier is sleeping at his post again?
Amos: It's not easy to sleep standin' up, I tell you! I've tried...
Nevan: The Goddess frowns on gambling – and I have no doubt Commander Brutus does too.
Carver: A sword like that was made for Terry, anyway.
Carver: Like the King said, it all depends on how ya look at it!
Carver: The place is pretty dead, aye? Looks like everyone shoved off.
Milly: Let's go farther in.
Ashlynn: So the monsters aren't coming out any more?
Nevan: At last, Wayfarer's Pass is living up to its name.
Amos: Not much life in this place, is there?
Carver: Hardy har! The guy finally got what he wanted, aye?
Milly: Once they got started, the rocks were out in no time.
Ashlynn: Wow! He knocked that back like it was nothing!
Nevan: They say that a drink after hard work tastes especially good.
Nevan: Looking at that fellow, I can well believe it.
Amos: He's swiggin' away like there's no tomorrow.
Doesn't he have a home to go to?
Carver: Why are they still here if the stones are gone?
Milly: It's nice to see people taking pride in their work.
Ashlynn: Those guys are a little gruff, but we owe 'em one, nonetheless.
Nevan: The workmen have done a remarkable job.
Amos: It's a relief to be able to get right through to the other side!
Carver: Aye, a fella could wander for days in that maze.
Milly: It seems that monsters have turned up in the cave again.
Milly: At least the big one is gone. Still, it's probably best that normal people stay out of the cave.
Ashlynn: Why don't they just seal the hole and be done with it?
Nevan: It's a relief indeed to have such a diligent fellow standing guard.
Amos: It looks like our work here is done!
Carver: So this is the other side, aye?
Milly: This must be this side's resting spot.
Ashlynn: It feels like we're pretty close to the exit.
Nevan: Now the construction work is complete, it's a rather fast trip through the pass.
Amos: (sniff) Is it me or does the air here smell different?
Carver: Let's change the subject, aye?
Milly: I wonder where that swordsman could have gotten to by now...
Ashlynn: Everyone around here must be happy that Wayfarer's Pass is open again.
Nevan: It seems that fellow was left cooling his heels here while the pass was blocked.
Amos: If he's headin' to Arkbolt, he should know there's a gap in the item shop market!
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Carver: Travellers must love havin' a place to take a load off way out here.
Milly: This inn is rather far from civilisation. I doubt they get very many customers.
Ashlynn: Wow, looks like this place is an inn, huh?
Nevan: Is it just me or is there something peculiar about the positions of these three buildings?
Amos: I thought this place was a tad unusual, but it's just a common-or-garden inn.
Carver: I doubt he gets much business dealin' only on this side of the pass.
Milly: Being able to travel freely to the south will certainly help the development of this area.
Ashlynn: Wow. Now I see how important Wayfarer's Pass really is!
Nevan: There doesn't seem to be much profit to be made in a place like this.
Amos: I reckon Arkbolt attracts merchants from here, there and everywhere.
Terry: That's old news.
Lizzie: (snarl) Wayfarer's...Pass... (splutter)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Even if that's true, there's no use losin' sleep over it. We can't get by without rest...
Milly: Passing away in your sleep? What a terrifying thought...
Ashlynn: You can't believe everything you hear – and I choose not to believe that!
Nevan: Hmm... Might there be another monster meddling in people's dreams?
Amos: Dyin' in your sleep's bad enough, but sufferin' too!? It's all too much for old Amos to bear!
Terry: That's no disease. Hero, you and your crew dealt with this already, right?
Lizzie: (spit) Must...not sleep... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boing boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! Doesn't he know that tellin' us not to go just makes us wanna go even more?
Milly: A phantom staircase? Given some of the things we've seen, it wouldn't exactly surprise me...
Ashlynn: Hmph. Just because he didn't see it himself doesn't mean it can't be true.
Nevan: By warning us not to go, he basically guaranteed we'll be going...
Amos: That fellow looks like he's well-off and well-fed. Maybe he's a local landlord or somethin'?
Terry: Maybe he should take a trip up that staircase and give us a report.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mystery...stairway... Lizzie climb... (spit)
Goober: Boooing!
Carver: Avast! What was that about? My ears are ringin'.
Milly: It seems that these people are often pestered by a pushy merchant.
Ashlynn: Mermaid meat? Eww! Forget it! I'll take plain old fish filets any day.
Nevan: If mermaid meat really has those properties, there must be no shortage of people seeking it.
Amos: Maintain her youthful looks? Isn't it a bit late– Um, I mean, never mind!
Terry: Let's get out of here. Mermaid meat? Seriously?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not merchant... Also not mermaid... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boi...oing?
Carver: Any idea where this cave leads?
Milly: Hopefully this is a shortcut to the other side of these mountains.
Ashlynn: Brrr... It's chilly in here!
Nevan: Where does this lead, I wonder?
...Or perhaps it's a dead-end?
Amos: First Wayfarer's Pass, now this. Give old Amos a town, a castle – anything but another cave!
Carver: Nngh... G'morning...I think. How can ya even tell in a cave?
Milly: Everyone seems well rested. Good.
Ashlynn: I'm amazed anyone can run a business in this monster-infested hole.
Nevan: Good morning – if indeed it is morning.
It's hard to keep track of time in here.
Amos: Poor old Amos kept gettin' woken up by water drippin' from the cave ceiling!
Terry: It's lookin' like a bad-hair day, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...awake... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
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Carver: Ahh-CHOO!!!
Eh, sorry. I must have snorted some sand.
Milly: I wonder what this place is called? Everything is covered in sand.
Ashlynn: Not exactly the most...lively of places, is it?
Nevan: The air's so dry here it hurts to inhale.
Amos: Why would anyone choose to live here?
Carver: It's like this town's had the life sucked out of it.
Milly: I don't envy the people who have to live here.
Ashlynn: I can't stand all this sand! It gets everywhere!
Nevan: This drought is remorseless. People and plants alike are wilting.
Amos: Blast! My shoes are all full of sand!
Carver: She ain't lying, aye?
Milly: How sad. I'm not sensing much in the way of hopes and dreams here...
Ashlynn: They'll never attract travellers with that attitude. Anything's better than nothing!
Nevan: That poor woman's face betrays a deep weariness with life.
Amos: Well, they've got no shortage of sand!
Carver: I don't see how the well runnin' dry was Murdaw's doing...
Carver: It probably has more to do with this bein' a desert 'n everything like that.
Milly: A dry well is an even bigger problem than a Dread Fiend for these people.
Ashlynn: Something tells me this town has seen better days – far better days!
Nevan: So when the well dried up, the life was sucked out of this sorry place.
Amos: There's no water here!? How am I goin' to wash the sand out of my hair now!?
Carver: When times are bad, I reckon ya can always escape to the bottom of a cup.
Milly: I'm amazed that he could understand a word you said, Hero.
Ashlynn: Men sure are weak sometimes.
Nevan: The Goddess frowns on public displays of drunkenness.
Amos: Old Amos isn't one to talk, but that lad really can't hold his drink!
Carver: The “Isle o' Smiles”, aye? That name sounds awfully fishy to me...
Milly: Is that island so attractive it can make a woman leave her husband...?
Ashlynn: She ran away from that winner? I can't imagine why...
Nevan: Intriguing. I would like to find out more about this Isle o' Smiles. We should ask around.
Amos: So his missus ran off to the Isle o' Smiles? That would explain the lad's permanent frown.
Amos: Can you really be happy if you're makin' the people around you miserable?
Carver: A little island? When did ya see that, Hero?
Milly: Little island? I didn't notice anything like that...
Ashlynn: You shouldn't pick on gullible people like that, Hero. He believed you!
Nevan: No sooner had that man heard your words than he raced off.
Amos: Did you think that one through fully before answering, Hero?
Carver: I don't get that fella. He hasn't missed what yet?
Milly: What could he have been talking about? I could sense its importance to him, whatever it was.
Ashlynn: He hasn't missed it “yet”? What, does this island, like, come and go with the tide or something?
Nevan: Has that man been drinking?
Amos: What is that lad on about? Old Amos doesn't have the foggiest.
Carver: What an odd fella. Either an island's there or it ain't.
Milly: Do you think an island really...comes here?
Ashlynn: I don't think I've ever seen a moving island before!
Nevan: The island wasn't there yet? What can all this mean?
Amos: So is he sayin' you can hop on this island and it'll go off somewhere?
Carver: That mutt's skin 'n bones. Food must be in short supply around town, aye?
Milly: I'm worried about the poor dog. His aura isn't very bright...
Ashlynn: Aww, look at that pooch's eyes! They look so sad...and hungry.
Nevan: That poor dog's nose is as dry as the desert.
Amos: I wonder if my poor dog back in Scrimsley is missin' old Amos... (sob)
Carver: I wish I could help, but wells are a pretty deep subject.
Milly: The well is almost dried up. If that goes, this town is in real trouble...
Ashlynn: So this is the only well in town? Doesn't look like it's doing very...uh, well.
Nevan: It seems that this town is going to need some sort of miracle in order for water to flow here again...
Amos: How do the folks here even manage to stay alive?
I can barely imagine.
Carver: Huh? She must have us mixed up with someone else.
Milly: They seem used to people trying to lure them away somewhere.
Ashlynn: Um...what? We didn't bring up the island – she did.
Nevan: What does she mean by “your island”?
Strange things are afoot.
Amos: They do seem like a happy couple, right enough.
Carver: Folks are sellin' the Isle o' Smiles around town? Wonder who they are.
Milly: They really do seem content here. I can see it in their auras.
Ashlynn: As if Aridea doesn't have enough grief – they have pushy salesmen, too?
Nevan: I pray we meet this fellow promoting the Isle o' Smiles. There is much I want to ask him.
Amos: What does this lad from the Isle o' Smiles look like?
Amos: I imagine him with a big silly grin on his face.
Carver: That cat's coat must be murder in this heat, aye?
Milly: Here kitty kitty!
Ashlynn: Oooh, kitty! Even scrawny cats are cute!
Nevan: That cat looks famished. The poor thing must be scavenging for scraps.
Amos: So if that cat scratched old Amos would I turn into a great sabrecat every night?
Carver: Hey, you ain't seriously thinkin' about going there, are ya?
Carver: ...Well, I'm sure you have your reasons, Hero. If you're goin', then count me in!
Milly: There's no way of knowing whether they're happy if no one ever comes back...
Ashlynn: Oh, this Isle o' Smiles is a bigger attraction than I thought. I didn't realise it was luring out-of-towners, too.
Nevan: There's something worrying about that man's words.
Nevan: We must ask around and find out more.
Amos: Imagine if this was a fairy tale...
Amos: There'd be a monster waitin' on the Isle o' Smiles waitin' to gobble up the folks who visit.
Amos: ...Argh! Old Amos has gone and scared himself again!
Carver: The western cape, aye...? Maybe we could find some clues over there.
Milly: So in other words, if we want to go to the Isle o' Smiles, we should head to the western cape?
Ashlynn: I'm guessing that guy's not buying into the Isle o' Smiles hype.
Nevan: I think it's worth investigating this western cape.
Amos: There's nothin' to talk about in this town except the Isle o' Smiles. Or sand.
Carver: She's not lookin' too good, aye...? Maybe we could track down her dad 'n everything like that.
Milly: That girl's father probably can't come back even if he wants to... Don't you think?
Milly: I wonder if anyone has ever actually returned from this Isle o' Smiles?
Ashlynn: Right now, I'd say that girl's father would be the best medicine. She needs him by her side.
Nevan: Did something befall that poor girl's father on the way to the Isle o' Smiles?
Nevan: Or did something befall him after he arrived there?
Amos: I hope that lass's old man hasn't got caught up in some kind of bother.
Carver: Whoa! That kid must've seen this island for himself, aye?
Milly: So the island only appears when the moon is full...
Ashlynn: An island? On the full moon? When you put it that way, it sounds kind of romantic!
Nevan: That boy seems to be getting a bit carried away. Can we really trust his words?
Amos: Is that lad talkin' nonsense?
He sounds like he means it...
Carver: An island free of toil or tears...?
I'd die in a place like that – of boredom.
Milly: The nun managed to sum the situation up nicely, didn't she, Hero?
Milly: But the only way to find out exactly what happens around here at night is to see it with our own eyes.
Ashlynn: Right. Let's go find a way to kill some time until nightfall.
Nevan: I sense that we have a long night ahead of us.
Amos: Don't worry! It may be a full moon but old Amos won't be up to his old monster-transformin' tricks!
Carver: Seems like half the people in Aridea came here just to get on the island.
Milly: I've never seen such a dedicated hedonist.
Ashlynn: I wonder how many people this island can hold.
Think we can all fit on it, too?
Nevan: The way that man is talking, you'd think his spirit is already on the Isle o' Smiles.
Amos: Well, the lad is enthusiastic, I'll grant him that.
Carver: It's nice to see someone has a little sense around here.
Milly: Well, if anyone was going to be sceptical...
Ashlynn: I think Skip's right. Unfortunately, he might be the only one around here with a good head on his shoulders.
Nevan: Even if the Isle o' Smiles were to be all illusion and trickery, people like him would not be fooled.
Amos: It may sound like a kid's tale, but there's plenty of full-grown adults who seem to have swallowed it.
Carver: Eh... That conversation went nowhere, aye...?
Milly: Let's try talking to some of the other people in town.
Ashlynn: Never mind? That just makes me want to pay it all the more mind.
Nevan: I think it best to find out more about this floating island and the so-called Isle o' Smiles.
Amos: Now I really want to hear more about this place!
Carver: Gets dark quick in the desert, aye?
Milly: It's already dark. I wonder if the inn's open?
Ashlynn: Whoa! Night already? I didn't notice.
Nevan: The night is drawing in.
Amos: Old Amos tends to get a tad jumpy of an evenin'. But don't worry – there'll be no monster antics from me!
Carver: Ahoy! That's definitely a full moon up there.
Milly: The moonlight is nice and bright. It should be safe to walk around, even outside of town.
Ashlynn: Sure gets cold when the sun drops around here.
Nevan: The number of people out and about has dwindled.
Amos: I know it's gettin' dark, but doesn't there seem to be a shortage of townsfolk?
Carver: So what was the story again? A floating island from the Isle o' Smiles that makes port under the full moon, aye?
Carver: If we're gonna find out if it's true, tonight's the night!
Milly: The island that goes to the Isle o' Smiles should be arriving at the western cape.
Ashlynn: Once we're done looking around town, I think I'd like to check out that western cape a bit.
Nevan: I want to see this island with my own eyes.
Amos: Looks like we'll be workin' the night-shift tonight!
Carver: That fella oughta move away from the well. It's probably freezin' in there!
Milly: Indeed. We'll freeze to death out here if we aren't careful.
Ashlynn: Sheesh. If he's that cold, why doesn't he go home and warm up?
Nevan: The Goddess has blessed us with a beautiful full moon in the cold, clear sky.
Amos: Ah-CHOO!!!
Carver: Seein' a full moon makes me wanna howl, too.
Milly: Is he howling because something's coming?
Ashlynn: I wonder what he's howling at.
Nevan: That dog sounds like he's giving a send-off of sorts to those who are off to the Isle 'o' Smiles.
Amos: Old Amos feels like stayin' and howlin' as well!
Carver: If ya ask me, this seems like the worst seat in the house for moon gazing.
Milly: (shiver) It's even colder here in the well.
Ashlynn: Sheesh. Does that guy ever go home?
Nevan: So there's beauty to be found even in a desolate town like this...
Amos: Look! The moon's the same size as the well!
Carver: Feels good to warm up the bones a bit, aye?
Milly: That old gentleman.... Is he napping?
Ashlynn: This is the couple who keeps turning down offers to see the Isle o' Smiles, right?
Nevan: This couple seem to have found perfect contentment in each other's company.
Nevan: Just being in the same place as them makes one feel at peace.
Amos: That old fellow will catch his death if he doesn't sleep in his bed.
Carver: She's one sweet old lady, aye?
Milly: She works very long hours, doesn't she? Poor thing.
Ashlynn: I'm surprised she's still awake after being on her feet all day.
Nevan: This is clearly an evening like any other to these folks. It is heart-warming indeed.
Amos: I hope that old dear gets a good night's sleep.
Carver: Hope that fella didn't catch a cold. At least it's nice and toasty in here.
Milly: That old gentleman... He's napping, isn't he?
Ashlynn: This is the couple who keeps turning down offers to see the Isle o' Smiles, right?
Ashlynn: That's a smart move, I'd say. They already have all the happiness they need right here.
Nevan: This couple seem to have found perfect contentment in each other's company.
Nevan: Just being in the same place as them makes one feel at peace.
Amos: That old fellow is fidgetin' in his sleep. It's a miracle he doesn't fall off the chair.
Carver: She's asleep, alright.
Milly: Let's keep it down – we don't want to wake her up. Nice and quiet now...
Ashlynn: Aww. She's calling for her father in her sleep.
Nevan: Hopefully she can meet her father in her dreams.
Amos: Let's be quiet! Don't make a sound!
Amos: Uh-oh! Here comes one of old Amos's sneezes. Ah-Ah-Ah...
Amos: ...I managed to hold it in!
Carver: Plenty of vacancies, aye?
Milly: Huh? The man who was so eager to go to the Isle o' Smiles... He's gone?
Ashlynn: Do you think the man from before is over by the cape now?
Nevan: Seems like no one is spending the night here tonight.
Amos: There's no one here but the innkeeper.
Carver: Hardy har! Must be nice to have such a cushy job.
Milly: It doesn't seem anyone is staying here tonight.
Ashlynn: I can see why everyone sleeps so soundly here. This town's quiet as, well, a desert.
Nevan: This is not a night when we can afford to sleep.
Amos: He's fast asleep...
Amos: If someone snuck in and slept here, he'd never know!
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Carver: Crikey! What's this now? That thing really does move!?
Milly: Look Hero, there's someone waiting on the bridge.
Ashlynn: Wow. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Nevan: I presume they won't suddenly attack us if we try and speak with them?
Amos: Let's get on board! Err...can you say that about an island?
Carver: Huh. So this is it, aye?
Milly: Oh my, it's wobbly. It really is riding the waves.
Ashlynn: Hey... Is it just me, or is that big-shot over there giving us the eye?
Nevan: Let's speak to the crewman, shall we?
Amos: It's not too late to go back over the bridge if we need to.
Carver: No turnin' back now, aye? That's that.
Milly: We don't want to raise suspicions. Let's at least pretend to go along with what they're saying.
Ashlynn: I'd like this floating island a lot more if the Isle o' Smiles people weren't so creepy.
Nevan: I hear sounds of revelry coming from behind that entrance over there.
Amos: How do you get an island to move!?
This is above old Amos's head.
Carver: Blah, blah, blah. Pass me the shovel, Hero.
Milly: Where are all the people from Aridea...?
Ashlynn: The crewman...? Wait, someone drives this thing?
Nevan: Just who are these people?
Amos: Hero, if we want to head back, we'd better do it sharpish.
Carver: I reckon we ain't allowed in that building until they shove off.
Milly: Well Hero, are you ready to smile? Let's go!
Ashlynn: We've come too far to chicken out now. Let's go tell that crewman to set sail or whatever.
Nevan: I would imagine the townsfolk are ensconced inside.
Amos: Hero, if you want to go back, we can still cross the jetty to dry land...
Carver: Ahoy! This thing actually sails!
Milly: At last, we're off to the Isle o' Smiles.
Ashlynn: I'm pretty used to sailing on the Providence, but will my sea legs work on a floating island?
Nevan: This island is rocking gently. I pray that we've all packed our sea legs.
Amos: Come on! Old Amos is ready for anythin'!
Carver: Cold feet, Hero? Looks like we can still get out if you want.
Milly: Who knows what awaits us from here, Hero. I suggest we make any necessary preparations now.
Ashlynn: I don't know about you, but I'm good to go.
Nevan: That crewman is almost too agreeable.
It raises my suspicions...
Amos: He seems like a pleasant lad. Almost too pleasant...
Carver: I reckon they want us to wait out the trip in that room, aye?
Milly: Looks like the room is open to us now.
Ashlynn: Wow, he can pilot this whole island all by himself? This is, like, the future of sea travel!
Nevan: I would dearly like to study the mechanism that allows this island to move.
Amos: You heard the man! Let's enjoy the ride!
Carver: This is one fancy cruise ship, aye? Or is that “cruise island”? Whatever.
Milly: Hey, there's one of the people we saw in town. And there's another...and another...
Ashlynn: We sure have a lot of company on this cruise.
Nevan: I see the faces of many people we've encountered before.
Amos: Everyone seems like they're on top of the world.
Hmm... I wonder...
Carver: We'd better play by the rules for now.
Milly: I imagine there's trouble awaiting us down there.
Ashlynn: That guy sure likes getting in our way, huh?
Nevan: What secret lurks at the bottom of those stairs?
Amos: It's probably best to do as we're told.
Carver: Hardy har! That fella's actin' like this is a dream come true 'n everything like that.
Milly: Hmm... If I were him I'd be worried about what happens once we arrive.
Ashlynn: Finally, huh? He must've been trying to get on board for a long time.
Nevan: There is a distinct lack of restraint to that man's joy.
Amos: If that fellow's this happy already, what's he goin' to be like once he's on the Isle o' Smiles!?
Carver: Does that fella ever run out of excuses to drink?
Milly: At this rate, he won't even notice when we land.
Ashlynn: You know, I doubt that guy's wife'll be thrilled to see him – not in his condition, anyway.
Nevan: Is he wobbling because of the waves or because of his reckless imbibing?
Amos: What's he like when he hasn't got a drink in his hand?
Carver: Huh? She must have a frog in her throat.
Milly: She must have some kind of cold....
Ashlynn: Bunny costumes are all the rage around here, huh?
Ashlynn: I wonder how I'd look in one of those. Maybe I'll try one on sometime. Maybe.
Nevan: That voice... It sounded rather masculine...
Amos: Old Amos's ears must be playin' tricks on him. That young lass sounded downright terrifyin' just there!
Carver: Seems like a fun joint now, but I bet you'd get sick of it soon enough.
Milly: The buffet is keeping people from asking questions, such as who made the Isle o' Smiles and why.
Ashlynn: This is some ride. It's like a floating party!
Nevan: There's no such thing as a free lunch...
Amos: The grub may be free, but someone must be footin' the bill...
Carver: These folks don't get that the easy way ain't always the right way, aye?
Milly: I wonder if he's ever heard the phrase “too good to be true”...
Ashlynn: In a way, the Isle o' Smiles is even creepier than Murdaw... At least it was obvious he was evil.
Nevan: It seems everyone on board has truly thrown caution to the wind.
Amos: Things tend to go wrong when you least expect it...
Carver: These folks are far too old to believe in fairy tales.
Milly: If you ask me, older gents are rather charming.
Milly: But I sense that such assurances would be wasted on that man at this point...
Ashlynn: But growing old is good. I mean, it's part of life.
Nevan: It sounds wonderful, but could a place like this truly exist?
Amos: So if no one ages, does that mean babies always stay as babies?
Amos: That just doesn't seem right to old Amos.
Carver: He was probably perfectly happy before he heard about this place...
Milly: Well Hero, if we ever find an inn without a keeper, we'll know who it belonged to.
Ashlynn: If he shuttered his inn to come here, then what about the travellers left out in the cold?
Nevan: It seems that folks from all walks of life have made their way here.
Amos: I wonder just how far rumours of the Isle o' Smiles have spread.
Carver: What a flip-flopper, aye? One taste of the good life and he lost all common sense!
Milly: And there I was, thinking he could resist anything. Not temptation, apparently...
Ashlynn: Skip might be fooled, but don't let the rosy atmosphere here get to you, Hero!
Nevan: Sometimes the doubter can end up as the strongest believer...
Amos: I thought that fellow had his head screwed on properly but now I'm not so sure...
Carver: You know, I've been checkin' out that bunny girl over there...
Carver: No, not like that! Anyway, somethin' just ain't right about her...
Milly: I wonder how much longer it'll be until we reach our destination...
Ashlynn: Ugh. We better stay out of that guy's blast radius – or I might end up losing my lunch, too.
Nevan: It seems one can get seasick even on board an island.
Amos: Well, that fellow doesn't look too happy!
Carver: Ahoy! She said “hooves” just now! Hooves! I heard her!
Milly: Take a good look at her, Hero. Something's not quite right, is it...
Ashlynn: Bunnies don't have hooves! They have cute little pink paws! Sheesh!
Nevan: There may be more to her than meets the eye...
Amos: Is it just old Amos or is there something a tad manly about that bunny?
Carver: She's one smooth talker, aye? It's almost scary.
Milly: “Surprise”? If ever a word had the lure of the forbidden fruit...
Ashlynn: You should ogle less and listen more! I swear she emphasized the word “dying”?
Nevan: I must say that I have never liked surprises...
Amos: Is that the cutest lass on the Isle o' Smiles, I wonder? Er... Sorry, my mind was wanderin' there...
Carver: I wouldn't drink this crud if they gave it away free...which they are...
Milly: The bar is very well-stocked, I must say.
Ashlynn: Something about those two bartenders. They're kinda shifty-looking.
Nevan: This wine is indeed an unusually rich shade of red.
Amos: Why did he have to go and mention blood?
Old Amos is feelin' queasy now...
Carver: Couldn't hold what in any longer!?
Milly: I sense it would be wise not to ask for more details. Let's move on!
Ashlynn: I don't think I wanna know what he's sorry about.
Nevan: Just what is going on here?
Amos: Old Amos is a bit confused but as long as there's no harm done...
Carver: Hey, what do ya think would happen if we said yes to him?
Milly: That bartender... He sounds like he's up to something...
Ashlynn: That is one eager-beaver bartender, huh? We look that thirsty?
Nevan: How do we shake the truth out of these people?
Amos: Hero, why don't we have a drink?
It can't do us any harm...can it?
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Carver: Hardy har! I shoulda known the Isle o' Smiles would be a sham.
Carver: Well, I suppose we're headed back to Aridea for now, aye?
Carver: I bet the rest of the passengers are waitin' for us back on the floating island.
Milly: Did you notice, Hero? Jamirus spoke someone's name when he died...
Milly: Could this mean that more Dread Fiends await us now that Jamirus is gone...?
Ashlynn: Thank the Goddess all those trapped souls were released from their prison or whatever!
Ashlynn: But where did that King Medallion guy go after he popped out at the end?
Ashlynn: I think we have some mini medals, but what's the point if we don't know where he went?
Nevan: It seems that with Jamirus defeated, all of his underlings have fled.
Amos: Justice will always prevail, I tell you!
Carver: Pretty crazy place, aye?
Milly: Shall we return to Aridea to see how it's doing?
Ashlynn: “Isle o' Smiles”? “Mound of Frowns” is more like it.
Nevan: I am afraid that the folly of man has been amply demonstrated by this affair.
Amos: All of these victims happily came of their own accord.
Amos: If you think about it, the only ones who could call this place a paradise are the monsters!
Carver: Our ride's still here! Time to shove off to Aridea, aye?
Milly: I wonder if all the people who've awoken from that nightmare are waiting quietly inside?
Ashlynn: Hey, do you think we could learn how to drive this thing?
Ashlynn: ...Oh – there's already someone at the controls!
Nevan: With no monsters to worry about, we have free use of this island.
Amos: There's someone standin' by the entrance to that there buildin'. D'you reckon it's a monster?
Carver: Hardy har is right! Lucky thing we had a salty sailor aboard. Let's leave the driving to him, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. The old gent is in his element.
Ashlynn: Wow! That's one guy who loves his job!
Nevan: The Providence is one thing, but sailing an entire island might prove to be something of an ordeal.
Nevan: For now, let's leave it to that gentleman.
Amos: That fellow's a dab hand with a rudder and no mistake!
Carver: I feel pretty safe leavin' the island in his hands.
Milly: Now's his opportunity to look for real happiness.
Ashlynn: I wish he'd keep his eyes on the ocean while he's “manning the helm” or whatever.
Nevan: That man seems to have found his true calling.
Amos: His rudder-arm's clearly been in trainin' for years.
Carver: Crikey! Someone's drivin' us? We should see who it is.
Milly: Maybe we should go and introduce ourselves to the driver.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go see!
Nevan: Our time on the Providence has blessed us with some competence in sailing.
Nevan: Should that man get into trouble, I'm sure we can jump in and assist him.
Amos: Just lookin' at that fellow's back, you can tell he's puttin' his heart and soul into it.
Carver: He's lucky they didn't throw him overboard. Hope he learnt a lesson from this.
Milly: They must have just forgotten about him after throwing him in here, the poor thing.
Ashlynn: He could've wound up with a lot worse than a bum back!
Nevan: I think that we can rest easy knowing that we've come to the aid of all who needed it.
Amos: Old Amos was a tad jittery. I thought he'd attack us when we spoke up to him.
Carver: Let's hope this whole experience'll push these folks back in the right direction, aye?
Milly: These people thought they were going to heaven, but they ended up going to hell and back.
Ashlynn: Hey, wasn't that the guy we found in the corner by the bar before?
Nevan: Hopefully, they'll all take a valuable lesson from this – home is the only place to find true happiness.
Amos: Let's hope that fellow pulls his socks up from now on!
Carver: I'm surprised he even remembers, given how many drinks he had.
Milly: That old drunk is something of a monster himself...
Ashlynn: I bet he could gargle with holy water and still taste that kiss.
Nevan: Did that fellow plant those kisses before or after he was drunk?
Amos: He'd have been better off just givin' 'em a peck on the cheek!
Carver: Hardy har! He's probably better off not knowin', aye?
Milly: Hmph. I've a mind to tell him the truth, in the hope that it straightens him out a bit.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! How does he know those beasts were even female?
Nevan: Those girls did indeed have voices most unbecoming of bunnies.
Amos: I must confess, those bunnies did have their charm...
Carver: Hardy har! Sometimes it takes guts to follow your gut.
Milly: (sigh) Human beings... The weakness of our resolve amazes me sometimes.
Ashlynn: Skip looks like a lean, mean warrior type, but he sure doesn't act the part.
Nevan: He claims to have known it was too good to be true, but he appeared to be totally taken in...
Amos: It's good that he can laugh about it now.
Carver: He's right, aye? I couldn't make out the name, though.
Milly: I heard it too! I don't know whose name he said, though...
Ashlynn: I'm surprised he was able to remember all that! Things got pretty hairy back there.
Nevan: There may well be monsters that are equal – nay, even stronger – than Murdaw and Jamirus.
Amos: Jamirus was trying to say someone's name!? I hope he wasn't calling old Amos!
Carver: I'm sure we're all pretty knackered after tanglin' with Jamirus...
Carver: Some rest might do us right, aye?
Milly: It's terribly kind of the innkeeper to take such good care of us.
Milly: We should take him up on his offer.
Ashlynn: That innkeeper's still got the knack. I sure feel sleepy all of a sudden...
Nevan: It would be good to take some rest while we voyage to Aridea.
Amos: With a real live innkeeper lookin' after us,
I bet we'll sleep like logs!
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Carver: Huh. Seems a lot livelier around here than before, aye?
Milly: The cruel wind that was blowing before seems like a fresh breeze now, doesn't it?
Ashlynn: The sand sure hasn't gone anywhere, huh?
Nevan: Aridea seems a good deal less desolate already.
Amos: I wonder where all the folks who've returned from the Isle o' Smiles have got to.
Carver: That lady's mood turned right around, aye?
Milly: I can't wait to see everyone that returned.
Ashlynn: Sure is refreshing to see folks happy around here.
Nevan: I pray that Aridea gets itself back on its feet.
Amos: I take it there'll be no mass exodus next time there's a full moon!
Carver: All's well if ya have a workin' well, aye?
Milly: It's impossible to work together when everyone is only focused on their own happiness.
Ashlynn: If they succeed, maybe things'll start looking a little green around here.
Nevan: I pray that both the well and the town will see a full recovery!
Amos: If the townsfolk put some effort in, the well'll be flowin' in no time.
Carver: Hardy har! Ain't that romantical 'n everything like that.
Milly: I assume that's his wife? I wonder what she sees in a lout like him?
Ashlynn: You think he'll quit drinking now that he's got her back? Somehow I doubt it...
Nevan: They seem to have rekindled their love.
Amos: I hope that couple can put the past behind 'em and come out of this stronger.
Carver: Honeymoon's over, aye?
Carver: Or maybe she's just attracted to the bad-boy type.
Milly: At least she seems to know her husband well...
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. I guess that's his cup of tea.
Nevan: Her husband will have to pull out all the stops to make it up to her.
Amos: I've got a funny feelin' I know why she set her sights on a new life on the Isle o' Smiles.
Carver: That's what happens when you give in to your base desires. You get burned.
Carver: ...Whoa, I'm startin' to sound all serious 'n everything like that. I need to lighten up.
Milly: I sense that he learnt an important lesson on the Isle, one that'll stay with him for the rest of his life.
Ashlynn: Oh, please. I bet we could start a rumour about the “Glen o' Grins” and he'd go lookin' for it all over again.
Nevan: He at least appears to have come out of this experience a little wiser.
Amos: You can't be happy all the time! What would life be without a few rough edges?
Carver: Hardy har! That mutt's finally pulled its tail from between its legs.
Milly: Oh my, the dog's aura has brightened considerably!
Ashlynn: There's a pooch who's finally living a dog's life.
Nevan: My, my, what a friendly dog.
Amos: He's got a smart look on his face, that there dog.
Carver: Great to see they haven't given up on the place. Lots of folks turnin' out to help!
Milly: I hope they succeed. Rescuing the locals will have all been in vain if that well remains dry...
Ashlynn: A steady water supply would really turn this place around. They can plant trees, crops...
Ashlynn: ...Before long, this town'll really be back in business!
Nevan: I would dearly love to one day say this town transformed into an ocean of green.
Amos: Never give up! That's what old Amos always says!
Carver: Nothin' makes ya work faster than a catchy tune, aye?
Milly: He seems to really be enjoying his work!
Ashlynn: I'm sure they'll hit water before long!
Nevan: With hope in their hearts and a song on their lips, the people of Aridea have a bright future!
Amos: I've a good mind to roll my sleeves up and get stuck into some diggin'!
Carver: Hmm... Aye, I think I see a dribble... Maybe...
Milly: Water? Really? That would be fantastic!
Ashlynn: Water? I dunno. It might just be puddles of sweat.
Nevan: Optimism seems to be all the rage in Aridea!
Amos: Let's hope the water doesn't all come out at once or we'll be in trouble!
Carver: Huh. She didn't say a word about her son before. Must've been worried sick inside, aye?
Milly: Another family together again.
Milly: I hope they'll be able to live a happy life together now.
Ashlynn: Looks like this house is hoppin' again!
Nevan: Having a long-lost son back in the fold will put a spring in anyone's step.
Amos: That poor woman must have been beside herself with worry while her son was away.
Carver: Abandonin' your dear old parents to visit a phony paradise ain't exactly the smoothest of moves, no.
Milly: I dread to think what would've happened to him if we hadn't turned up.
Ashlynn: He's got that right. If we hadn't come around, he would've been dessert for Jamirus!
Nevan: It is sad that he didn't realise sooner that true happiness was here in the bosom of his family.
Amos: Well, he won't be fallin' for any tall tales or foolish fables next time.
Carver: Hardy har! Feels good to help, aye?
Milly: They must have a lot to talk about. Shall we leave them to it?
Ashlynn: Hopefully that son will appreciate his parents more than ever now.
Nevan: I'm sorry we intruded on this family reunion.
Amos: Who needs the Isle o' Smiles when you've got yourself a happy family?
Carver: He may not be a fat cat, but at least he's chipper!
Milly: That kitty looks very contented.
Ashlynn: Ooh, look! He's purring!
Nevan: He appears to be licking his lips. He must've just been fed.
Amos: Old Amos has quite a soft spot for cats!
Carver: Huh. I stopped payin' attention halfway through all that, but what I heard sounded good.
Milly: I couldn't have said it better myself. Happiness can be found wherever you look for it.
Ashlynn: What makes me happy? A tummy full of roast beast, cute clothes, and a clear complexion!
Nevan: I really couldn't have put it better myself.
Amos: All these philosophical discussions of happiness have given old Amos a sore head...
Carver: Well, good thing her old man made it back, aye?
Milly: Her aura looks much healthier. Here's to a full recovery!
Ashlynn: Her father's disappearance must be what made her sick.
Nevan: Having her father beside her is the best medicine she could ask for.
Amos: I'm glad to hear she's feelin' better but I don't want to see that lass over-doin' it!
Carver: I bet that fella'll be fine from now on. He seems decent enough on the inside.
Milly: What's done is done. The important thing now is for him to take care of his daughter.
Ashlynn: Well, I hope he can keep that father-of-the-year act!
Nevan: Although that man went astray, he seems ready to make amends.
Amos: Whatever mistakes that man made, he always had his daughter's best interests at heart!
Carver: Now that I think about it, that kid must've been watching us from the coast, aye?
Carver: Good. I got worried when I didn't see him in town or on the island.
Milly: That's because we're sailing it! We'll have to come visit him again soon.
Ashlynn: Think that kid'll be sad to see us sail the island away?
Nevan: It's best not to tell him that the island was sailed by monsters all along.
Amos: The lad has quite a soft spot for that island.
Carver: Purely in soul form, aye...? I ain't sure that's the best way to put it, but I better not say any more...
Milly: That nun is as sharp as you'd expect...
Ashlynn: ......
Nevan: This may be the dream world, but to its inhabitants it's as real as our own.
Nevan: It's not our place to tell them the truth about their world.
Amos: That nun's words gave old Amos plenty of food for thought.
Carver: Huh. Not a single guest, aye?
Milly: I do feel for the poor innkeeper – his numbers are sure to dwindle.
Milly: After all, their main “tourist attraction” is no more...
Ashlynn: Sure is quiet, huh?
Nevan: It seems that the folks here for the Isle o' Smiles have returned to their home countries.
Amos: The rest of the town's full of life but the poor innkeeper seems to be left twiddlin' his thumbs.
Carver: Now he's stayin' here? This fella can't make up his mind about anything, aye?
Milly: Why, that's exactly what I was going to suggest...
Ashlynn: I can never tell when that guy is messing with us or not.
Nevan: I worry about that Skip Tickle character's ability to protect this town's people.
Amos: That lad's liable to live up to his name and skip town sooner than defend it.
Carver: He's right. We oughta show our faces around Aridea one more time before we shove off.
Milly: It wouldn't feel right to leave without saying a word. Let's pay Aridea a visit, Hero.
Ashlynn: Let's go back to Aridea, Hero!
Ashlynn: Maybe we'll find some of those freed souls back there!
Nevan: I would dearly like to see how the townsfolk who escaped the Isle o' Smiles are faring.
Amos: For a second there, I wondered if it was monsters shakin' us awake again.
Carver: Crikey! I can't believe I'm travelling the world on my own island! Talk about ridin' in style!
Milly: The wheel on that little platform can be used to make the ship move.
Ashlynn: A sweet ride like this is bound to turn heads wherever we go.
Nevan: This is marvellous! Now we have a sea-faring vessel up here in the dream world too.
Amos: Old Amos is just a bit concerned by what folk'll think if we commandeer this island.
Amos: Won't they think we're hucksters sellin' a one-way trip to the Isle o' Smiles?
Carver: It almost boggles the mind, aye? This entire island, servin' as our personal ship! It's good to be us!
Milly: Now that we've got this island, we'll be able to float effortlessly across the sea!
Ashlynn: No seasickness to speak of! I feel like a million gold coins on this island.
Nevan: It is a true blessing that we can rest on this island when we are fatigued.
Amos: Funny to think that in a way this island is a partin' gift from old Jamirus.
Terry: I'd prefer resting here to traipsing about searching for inns in flea-pit towns.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like island... Just like ship... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: This place is startin' to feel downright homely, ain't it?
Milly: I always feel at ease in here.
Ashlynn: It's always kind of reassuring to see the caretaker in here!
Nevan: Having someone here waiting for you is most reassuring.
Amos: Having this place to come back to is a weight off old Amos's mind.
Terry: This is my favourite place to sleep.
Lizzie: (snarl) Floating island... Floating hotel... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oing!
Carver: Alright! Time to seize the day 'n everything like that!
Milly: We'll be back soon!
Ashlynn: See you next time, innkeeper man!
Nevan: I was blessed with a fine night's sleep.
Amos: Right, let's see what the weather's doin'!
Terry: Let's hit the road.
Lizzie: (slobber) Time to go... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: No one here... Not that I expected anyone.
Milly: This place could do with a quick once-over...
Ashlynn: Whenever I set foot in here, all I can think about is our battle with Jamirus.
Nevan: Hero, have you found anything of interest here?
Amos: Seems like no one's about.
Terry: This place is a mess.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like prisons... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
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Carver: Nobody home, aye?
Milly: There's nothing here, is there?
Ashlynn: What's there to smile about in a place like this?
Nevan: It is as quiet as a tomb.
Amos: This place still gives old Amos the jitters.
Terry: Hero, did you leave something here or what?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie smell leftover scent of strong monster... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: Blimey! What in the world is this? Talk about over the top!
Milly: That crest above the entrance... Could this be...!?
Ashlynn: Wow, it's a castle! A tiny castle, sure, but a castle all the same.
Nevan: Monsters do not appear to be dwelling here, at least.
Amos: You don't get flashy places like this where old Amos comes from, I tell you!
Terry: What are those things floating on the water?
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie not know here... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: How many times have we been here now?
Milly: The King's crest on the castle really does look like him...
Ashlynn: This has to be the smallest castle in the whole world.
Nevan: If I didn't know better, I'd think this castle belonged to a slime...
Amos: This place never gets any less flashy.
Terry: Those round things look like slimes to me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie knows here... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing!
Carver: “His Medal Majesty”!?
Carver: Wait... This must be the home of that fella we saw flyin' up after we beat Jamirus!
Milly: I just knew that this was King Medford's place!
Ashlynn: Ooh! Medford's Manor! We found his home!
Nevan: So we made it at last to King Medford's castle!
Amos: Hero, this is a real find! It's King Medford's Manor!
Terry: So is this your first time here too, Hero?
Lizzie: (spit) Medal...Majesty... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: That has to be the most borin' guard post in the world, aye?
Milly: I'm always impressed by this castle's luxuriousness.
Ashlynn: Hey, there's an inn here, right? Mind if we rest a bit?
Nevan: I pray we find King Medford in good spirits again.
Amos: No sense in dawdlin' – let's head in!
Terry: Let's do what we came here to do.
Lizzie: (snarl) Medford...Manor... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ahoy! There he is! The King himself!
Milly: It's a bit flashy here, but it works.
Ashlynn: Collecting mini medals is kind of addicting, isn't it?
Nevan: I'm not even sure if this really qualifies as a castle.
Amos: So what are we here for today?
Terry: Is it just us who comes here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Medford...Medallion... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Crikey! Never thought I'd run into such a know-it-all slime, ya know?
Milly: So the people in the castle were sealed alive?
Ashlynn: They can conquer the dream world, but they can't conquer people's hearts, is that it?
Nevan: It's a relief to see the castle back to its old self.
Nevan: A big hole here would only mean a big hole in the hearts of those in the real world.
Amos: We've got a lot to learn from that slime!
Terry: That slime's got the gift of the gab alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Slime speak better than Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: Huh. So the more medals we find, the more treasures we earn...
Carver: And the more trouble we'll make for the monsters, aye?
Milly: Interesting... That would explain it.
Ashlynn: I guess Medford got the monsters all hot and bothered, huh?
Nevan: Hmm... So he wanted to seal the castle to keep the treasure locked within it.
Amos: So the more mini medals we get, the more monsters will hate us!
Terry: Let's get all the mini medals we can and then sock it to monsterkind.
Lizzie: (spit) Jamirus seal here... Murdaw seal Abbey... (snarl)
Goober: Boooing...
Carver: We did it, Hero! Our mini medal hunt's finally finished!
Milly: Seeing the King's radiant aura...
Milly: It really makes searching the world for all those mini medals worthwhile, doesn't it Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow, I never even imagined we'd collect so many of those things!
Nevan: It's been a long time since we first made King Medford's acquaintance.
Nevan: I pray he continues his happy life, surrounded by his beloved medals.
Amos: So we've crossed the medal-huntin' finish line. Old Amos is gettin' all emotional again. (sob)
Amos: We should come and see the King from time to time even without any medals.
Terry: So there's no reason to come back here again...
Terry: Maybe we could pop back sometime...
Lizzie: (snarl) Medal hunt...complete... (sob)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
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Carver: What is this place?
Milly: Look – over there! Is that...a mermaid!?
Ashlynn: Ooh! Look, look! Mermaids!
Nevan: I cannot believe what I am seeing...
Amos: Am I dreaming?
Amos: ...OUCH!
Pinched myself – and I'm awake!
Carver: Wait, are you tellin' me mermaids live here?
Milly: They all swam off when they spotted our ship.
Ashlynn: Aww! They swam away!
Nevan: I doubted my own eyes, but this was no dream.
Amos: We should've hung back instead of just blunderin' up to 'em.
Carver: Mermaids ho! Let's approach 'em reeeeeal slow 'n careful-like...
Milly: It seems mermaids exist after all, Hero.
Ashlynn: Ooh! Look, they're back!
Nevan: I cannot believe what I am seeing...
Amos: Am I dreaming?
Amos: ...OUCH!
Pinched myself – and I'm awake!
Carver: Shy little fishies, ain't they?
Milly: I can sense the mermaids' fear of humans.
Ashlynn: Aww! But we just want to be friends!
Nevan: In any case, we currently have no way of communicating with the mermaids. Let's be on our way.
Amos: Maybe if old Amos stuck his head under the water they'd come swimmin' back?
Carver: Kind of poorly guarded for a checkpoint, aye?
Milly: Let's keep moving, Hero.
Ashlynn: What's the point of a checkpoint if no one's around to check it?
Nevan: An unguarded checkpoint would have been unthinkable during Murdaw's reign of terror.
Amos: It seems like folks can come and go as they please.
Carver: Crikey. He dreamt about the Isle o' Smiles, aye? That fella doesn't know how lucky he is.
Milly: It seems Jamirus's influence extended even as far as this checkpoint.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Sounds like that soldier owes us his life, doesn't he?
Nevan: Reality and dreams are becoming rather tangled.
Amos: I wonder who that fellow was in his Isle o' Smiles dream.
Carver: Havin' an inn next to a checkpoint is a good idea, ain't it?
Carver: I bet this fella gets business from both sides of the border.
Milly: Shall we get going?
Ashlynn: Right! Off we go!
Nevan: I didn't even notice that this was an inn.
Amos: Beautiful day for a stroll – let's get walkin'!
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Carver: It must be a real riot, livin' in a sleepy little village like this.
Milly: The village leans right up against the mountain.
Ashlynn: I'd probably die of boredom if I lived here.
Nevan: A quiet little village, to be sure – if not for the neighing horses, I might suspect I'd gone deaf.
Amos: This really is the middle of nowhere!
Amos: ...Urgh! I just trod on somethin' squelchy.
Carver: Howsworth, aye? Nice name. Kinda rustic 'n everything like that.
Milly: So we're in the nation of Howcastle...
Milly: That would make this Howsworth...Howcastle. How convenient!
Ashlynn: Oh, look! All the houses here are made out of wood!
Nevan: One finds beautiful women no matter where one goes. Er... I mean, isn't it time for prayers already?
Amos: I'm thinkin' of investin' in this village – how much is Howsworth worth, d'you think?
Carver: Hardy har! That fella cracks me up.
Milly: Farming does seem like pretty hard work.
Ashlynn: Whew... I thought he was serious.
Nevan: Joking aside, there does seem to be a shortage of farmhands about.
Amos: Old Amos can think of worse things than settlin' down here in Howsworth.
Carver: Whoa! That horse has some spirit, aye?
Milly: The horse probably belongs to that old gentleman over there.
Ashlynn: Better keep your distance – he might be a biter.
Nevan: That is clearly a well-fed animal.
Amos: That horse is packin' plenty of horsepower.
Carver: That fella's a farmer through and through, aye? It's written all over his face.
Milly: Some work in the open fields might be a nice change of pace from all those dingy dungeons.
Ashlynn: Thirteen years? That'd make him a beginner around these parts!
Nevan: That rustic accent can be rather off-putting.
Amos: Seems these good folks aren't afraid of gettin' their hands dirty.
Carver: Aye, no use tryin' to turn back the clock.
Milly: I'm sure it's just the ripples on the water that look like wrinkles.
Ashlynn: I know what he means. Whenever I see my face in the water, I wonder, “Is that a pimple?”
Nevan: Truly a tranquil spot to reflect on one's life.
Amos: Well, none of us are gettin' any younger.
Carver: If we're near the castle, we might as well pay a visit.
Milly: The people here seem to enjoy an excellent quality of life.
Ashlynn: I bet every meal at Howcastle is packed with Howsworth produce.
Nevan: A lot of Howcastle visitors must pass through this village.
Amos: So this village is Howcastle's breadbasket...
Carver: He came all this way just to see the Prince?
Milly: “A lost cause”... What could he mean by that?
Ashlynn: What “stories” do you think he's talking about?
Nevan: I wonder if all travellers to the castle stay here. Perhaps Howcastle has no inn?
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind havin' a gawp at this hopeless prince!
Carver: Royal rite? So maybe we won't find him in the castle, aye?
Milly: Royal rite of purification? I wonder what that involves?
Ashlynn: I wonder what this Prince is like.
Nevan: I imagine it was this fellow's son who was working out in the fields.
Amos: So the Prince has set off, has he?
Carver: The Prince's babysitter, aye...? I bet he knows a lot about the royal fella.
Milly: Her poor husband... It just breaks my heart.
Ashlynn: I bet the old man really loved the Prince.
Nevan: I wonder how old this Prince Howard is now.
He must be approaching manhood...
Amos: So that fellow used to travel over to the castle every day.
Amos: It can't be all that far – why does he look so knackered?
Carver: Whoa. Folks have heard about the Prince of Somnia all the way out here?
Milly: I suppose updated rumours can take a little while to reach some places.
Ashlynn: Speaking of which, I wonder what the other version of Hero is doing right now...
Nevan: The Prince of Howcastle seems to have a somewhat less-than-stellar reputation.
Amos: This Howard character sounds like he falls a bit short in the prince stakes.
Carver: So he has to pass a rite of purification, aye?
Carver: Sounds like a rite he has no right to refuse.
Milly: We've heard so much about Howcastle...
Milly: Aren't you just dying to visit, Hero?
Ashlynn: They don't seem too fond of Prince Howard here, but it's not as if they hate him.
Nevan: What challenges face one who would undergo this royal rite of purification, I wonder...
Amos: Let's get to the castle and find out more about it.
Carver: Huh. Prince Howard often comes here to play, aye?
Milly: This boy seems to be a playmate of Howie's.
Milly: Sounds like the Prince has one friend, at least.
Ashlynn: Is he kidding? A prince, play with a village local?
Ashlynn: In most kingdoms, that commoner would be considered cuckoo!
Nevan: Perhaps this Prince isn't all bad after all.
Amos: This lad seems to be lackin' the proper respect for the Prince of his kingdom.
Carver: Plenty of ex-Howcastle workers in this village, ain't there?
Milly: Oh dear... I can sense that gentleman's resentment towards the Prince.
Ashlynn: The Prince got him fired? I'd love to hear that whole story.
Nevan: His memories of Prince Howard seem tinged with a certain bitterness.
Amos: Got the chop, he says? Looks like he took it hard.
Carver: Pretty wet 'n wild church, aye?
Milly: It's nice and cool in here.
Ashlynn: Wow – a chapel with its own waterfall!
Nevan: This must be where villagers are baptised.
Amos: It's nice to see a church that's got back to nature!
Carver: This place is real soothin', ya know? I bet the villagers hang out here all day.
Milly: So this isn't where the royal rite takes place, then.
Ashlynn: If this “rite of purification” is in a fancier place than this, I'd love to see it sometime.
Nevan: I wonder if Prince Howard has already undergone the royal rite of purification.
Amos: Old Amos has really fallen in love with this church. Let's come again, Hero!
Carver: Avast! This really is a fancy castle hidden way out in the backwoods.
Milly: Interesting... The entire castle is built on top of a mountain.
Ashlynn: Wow, what a castle! I can't even see the top of it!
Nevan: I wonder what awaits us inside.
Amos: Those stairs aren't half steep!
Carver: So this is Howcastle, aye?
Milly: The soldiers here have rather tranquil auras.
Ashlynn: Ooh! He seems friendly.
Ashlynn: Maybe because you've got a cute girl like me with you. Hey, it's plausible!
Nevan: Such a hospitable guard... This is clearly a kingdom that is at peace.
Amos: Well, let's head on in!
Carver: Who said it should be easy or fun? It's a rite, right?
Milly: So the Prince is being forced to visit some monster-infested cave?
Ashlynn: You mean normal people don't venture into dank caves all the time? I guess that's just us!
Nevan: He seems to be genuinely concerned about the Prince's well-being.
Amos: To be honest, old Amos doesn't much like dank caves or monsters either.
Carver: Sounds like the Prince could stand to grow up a bit, aye?
Milly: This would seem to be one of the more...laid back...royal families I've encountered...
Ashlynn: What's the Prince need armour for? Wouldn't it just slow him down when he runs screaming from monsters?
Nevan: I'm afraid I do not understand... Why would he want her to see his armour collection?
Amos: It seems everyone's havin' a pop at poor old Prince Howard.
Carver: Why's he askin' us? We just got here.
Milly: This must be the Prince's weapon instructor.
Ashlynn: You know, my impression of the Prince is getting worse with each passing moment.
Nevan: I believe I'm starting to get the measure of the Prince...
Amos: No princes to be found here, far as I can see.
Carver: Hardy har! How about “crammed full of cowardice”?
Milly: Working for this royal family is not without its problems, it would seem.
Ashlynn: Wow. He's a poet, and boy does he know it!
Nevan: It seems Prince Howard's reputation leaves a lot to be desired.
Amos: He's right – you shouldn't tell fibs.
Carver: Whew! I thought he was gonna challenge us to battle for a second there.
Milly: Well that request came out of nowhere. I wonder what the King needs a hand with?
Ashlynn: I guess we have time. Why don't we go see what the King has to say?
Nevan: There is nothing to be lost by hearing the King out.
Amos: Does that soldier really think we look tough or was he just flatterin' us?
Carver: What do ya think? Go up and see the King now, or explore the castle a bit longer?
Milly: Let's go upstairs to meet the King.
Ashlynn: An audience with the King? No waiting? Let's go!
Nevan: Perhaps we should gather some more information before having an audience with the King.
Amos: Why is it Kings are always upstairs? You never find 'em downstairs, do you now?
Carver: I wonder if he has to let the Prince win...
Milly: Oh dear. There's nothing worse than sleep deprivation.
Ashlynn: A prince who plays with queens, kings, and aces all night? Sounds like a real joker.
Nevan: I haven't the first clue about card games. I fear I wouldn't last long as a soldier in Howcastle.
Amos: So the Prince is a gamblin' man, is he?
Carver: Crikey! And here I was wonderin' how she knows my old man.
Milly: It didn't take much to make her snap, did it?
Ashlynn: Does Prince Howard really eat that much? He must be one king-size prince!
Nevan: She may have a sharp tongue, but the aroma suggests that she knows how to cook.
Amos: So Prince Howard likes his food, it seems.
Carver: I reckon the Prince gets along better with kids than grown-ups.
Milly: Well that's one citizen who admires the Prince.
Ashlynn: Of course he likes the Prince – kids'll like anyone who plays with them.
Nevan: The more I learn about this Prince, the less I feel I know him...
Amos: I wonder what games this lad plays with the Prince.
Carver: Hardy har! This Prince must be a real handful if his guards are gripin' to strangers!
Milly: What could the Prince have done to them?
Ashlynn: Boy, that soldier looked frazzled.
Nevan: Do these soldiers not worry their gripes might make their way back to the King?
Amos: Sounds like this fellow's at the end of his tether.
Carver: A “spoilt royal brat”...? Folks sure have lots of titles for this Prince – none of them good.
Milly: He pledged his life to the royal family, but he's not pulling any punches when it comes to the Prince...
Ashlynn: Sheesh. Why doesn't he tell us how he really feels.
Nevan: Well, no job is without its faults, but this seems rather out of the ordinary...
Amos: To be sure, baby-sittin' falls outside a soldier's duty.
Carver: It's kind of a maze down here, aye?
Milly: The aura down here is completely different.
Ashlynn: Not much foot traffic down here...
Nevan: This area of the castle is rather sparsely decorated.
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
...Beg your pardon – it's a tad dusty down here.
Carver: Blimey! This castle has everything!
Milly: The Prince sneaks out through an underground passage? Now I'm really curious...
Ashlynn: Ooh, a secret tunnel! I love this kinda stuff!
Nevan: I see. So one can exit the castle by traversing a subterranean passageway.
Amos: Why would a Prince be sneakin' away from his own castle? Old Amos hasn't got the foggiest.
Carver: “Impressive”? Nothin' about him is impressive.
Milly: Finally, an audience with Prince Howard!
Ashlynn: That's Prince Howard? What an ego! Just goes to show, not all princes are dashing!
Nevan: Prince Howard certainly makes quite an impression.
Amos: That's the Prince!? Bloomin' heck...
Carver: A room this fancy is fit for a king, aye?
Milly: Tuck your shirt in, Hero – we're meeting royalty.
Ashlynn: Fix your hair! Don't slouch! Be on your best behaviour!
Nevan: It seems strange that passing travellers like us are granted an audience with the King so easily.
Amos: Remember to mind your manners!
Carver: I'm not used to gettin' this kinda treatment from the get-go.
Milly: The Chancellor seems kindly.
Ashlynn: Hey, um, weren't we here because the King wanted help with something?
Nevan: It is pleasant indeed to get such a warm welcome.
Amos: Maybe they don't see our sort very often round these parts.
Carver: Huh. If she says so. I don't really know the fella.
Milly: Prince Howard's mother seems like a very kind-hearted lady.
Ashlynn: Well, she is his mother, after all. What else would she say?
Nevan: It is natural for a mother to be concerned about her son's reputation.
Amos: It's hard to credit now, but when old Amos was a nipper, folks used to call me a coward.
Amos: That's why I rolled my sleeves up and trained myself in the arts of scrappin' and adventurin' and so on.
Amos: ...Beg your pardon! Old Amos got a bit carried away down memory lane. Don't mind me!
Carver: I'm no expert on royal etiquette, but shouldn't ya at least hear the King out before you say no?
Carver: I know it might be tougher to turn him down once he's had his say 'n everything like that, but still...
Milly: Come on now Hero, it won't do any harm just to listen to what he has to say.
Ashlynn: Hero! You can't just say “no” like that!
Nevan: It is curious that the King would ask for help from travellers who are just passing through.
Nevan: I must confess that this has rather piqued my curiosity.
Amos: So we've got Howsworth, Howcastle, Howard and Howell. ...Which one was which again!?
Carver: That's that, aye? I suppose there's no harm in thinkin' it over a bit.
Milly: I can sense the King's consternation. Won't you reconsider, Hero?
Ashlynn: Prince or no Prince, I wouldn't mind seeing that cave where they do the purification rite.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's say yes! Then we'd have the perfect excuse to check it out!
Nevan: Prince Howard sounds like he brings this kingdom's soldiers nothing but grief.
Amos: We've received such a warm welcome in Howcastle.
Amos: It seems a shame to refuse one little quest...
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Carver: Great. So first we gotta find the royal brat, aye?
Carver: Ah, well. It'll give us a chance to learn our way around the castle, I reckon.
Milly: I get the feeling that this is going to be an incredibly annoying mission...
Ashlynn: Well, no turning back now! Let's go find us a prince!
Nevan: We can't very well accompany the Prince to the cave if we can't find him first. Let's go!
Amos: I heard the Chancellor use the words “once again”...
Amos: It sounds like Prince Howard might pull this disappearin' act on a regular basis.
Carver: Alright, let's get to searchin' for this fella!
Milly: We don't know the castle half as well as the Prince, which will make finding him difficult.
Milly: Let's ask around and keep our eyes peeled.
Ashlynn: I hope this isn't a sign of things to come...
Nevan: Where shall we begin our search?
Amos: (sniff) Old Amos can't get a whiff of that Prince!
Carver: Whew... We haven't even started our mission yet, and I'm exhausted already.
Milly: At least the Prince showed up here when he was supposed to.
Ashlynn: I really, REALLY hope this isn't a sign of things to come...
Nevan: It seems it's time to get started properly.
Amos: The Prince changes his tune when he's in front of his old man, doesn't he?
Carver: Let's have a chat with the Prince later, alright?
Milly: Hero, I think it's the King we need to speak with, not Howard.
Ashlynn: Charming, isn't he?
Nevan: Remain calm, Hero. Don't let him get to you.
Amos: Well, we can't say that no one warned us. The Prince seems like a bad egg and no mistake!
Carver: Huh. I doubt this guy knows where the Prince went.
Milly: Let's talk to some of the people downstairs.
Ashlynn: That soldier's no help.
Nevan: We have no time to waste, Hero.
Let us be on our way!
Amos: Perhaps this guard's helpin' Howard to hide...
No, that's foolish talk.
Carver: Huh. Is that all he can say?
Milly: Right, we can finally get started.
Ashlynn: That guard smirked at us just now, didn't he? I saw him!
Nevan: Come, Hero. Let us proceed.
Amos: It seems the Prince is behavin' himself back with his old man.
Carver: Hardy har! Even the Prince's own chancellor has had enough of him!
Milly: His aura is truly frazzled.
Ashlynn: Sounds like the Prince goes missing quite a bit.
Nevan: I gather that Prince Howard has made a habit of disappearing. This is a cause of some concern.
Amos: What have we gotten ourselves into...
Carver: Hardy har! But who's gonna protect the Prince from himself?
Milly: We've made a promise to the King, Hero.
We can't back out now.
Ashlynn: Not exactly excited to help out some spoilt Prince, but a promise is a promise...
Nevan: I do not know what lies ahead, but with the grace of the Goddess, we will succeed.
Amos: You're as worried as I am, aren't you Hero? Let's just keep it to ourselves for now.
Carver: Maybe someday, but right now he's got a lot to learn, aye?
Milly: The intensity of the Queen's love for her son is plain to see.
Ashlynn: A problem child growing up to become a great man? I guess crazier things have happened...
Nevan: The Queen seems to be rather defensive of her son.
Amos: A fine king? Right now I'd settle for a fair-to-average prince!
Carver: Great. So first we gotta find the royal brat, aye?
Carver: Ah, well. It'll give us a chance to learn our way around the castle, I reckon.
Milly: I get the feeling that this is going to be an incredibly annoying mission...
Ashlynn: Well, no turning back now! Let's go find us a prince!
Nevan: We can't very well accompany the Prince to the cave if we can't find him first. Let's go!
Amos: I heard the Chancellor use the words “once again”...
Amos: It sounds like Prince Howard might pull this disappearin' act on a regular basis.
Carver: Aye. We should leave no stone unturned.
Milly: I wonder if anyone has seen the Prince?
Ashlynn: The King told us his son's hidden somewhere inside the castle, didn't he?
Nevan: He could have concealed himself in the shadows.
Amos: What a castle!
Carver: Ready to head back to the throne room, Hero?
Milly: This child is definitely still a flight risk...
Milly: But there's no use in worrying about that now.
Let's go back to the King.
Ashlynn: Time to check on our mate the King.
Nevan: It's a relief that our search is at an end.
Amos: Old Amos is worn out, I tell you!
Carver: Well that settles that, aye? Let's head back inside.
Milly: If neither of these guards saw him come out, he must be inside the castle.
Ashlynn: Right! Back inside, then!
Nevan: At least we can narrow our search to within the castle walls.
Amos: Well, it's good to know the Prince hasn't slipped out.
Amos: Guess his old man knew what he was talkin' about after all.
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Oh! That's the cave where they do that royal rite 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: ...I suppose he hasn't seen the Prince, then.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that's the reason he's hiding from us in the first place.
Nevan: That fellow feels some sympathy for the Prince.
Nevan: In any case, it doesn't appear Prince Howard came this way.
Amos: Well, Prince Howard isn't just anyone. He's got certain princely duties to fulfill.
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: I reckon she's used to this sorta thing by now, aye?
Milly: I don't sense his presence anywhere around here.
Ashlynn: Ugh! Where IS he!?
Nevan: No one so much as bats an eyelid over his disappearance. It seems to be an everyday occurrence.
Amos: If he's really so petrified of that cave, we've got our work cut out for us.
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Hardy har! We better find the Prince before this fella.
Milly: Prince Howard won't have time for any weapon training today, will he, Hero?
Milly: As soon as we find him, we're taking him straight to that cave.
Ashlynn: I guess we're not the only ones the Prince is ducking out on.
Nevan: If the Prince routinely eschews weapon training,
we cannot rely on his fighting skills.
Amos: Well, askin' him turned out to be a waste of time.
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: I reckon he ain't back there. That fancy fella would tell us if he was.
Milly: A lovely composition, but it doesn't get us any closer to locating the Prince.
Ashlynn: I'd rather hear a poem about where the Prince likes to hide...
Nevan: A poet's job is more difficult than I had imagined.
Amos: We've got no time for rhyme!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Crikey! I don't see him anywhere!
Milly: I doubt he's just going to appear out of thin air...
Ashlynn: Hmm... Now where could he be?
Nevan: Let's leave no stone unturned.
Amos: This reminds me of playin' hide-and-seek as a nipper.
Carver: Ready to head back to the throne room, Hero?
Milly: This child is definitely still a flight risk...
Milly: But there's no use in worrying about that now.
Let's go back to the King.
Ashlynn: Time to check on our mate the King.
Nevan: It's a relief that our search is at an end.
Amos: Old Amos could do with forty winks, I tell you!
Carver: Huh. I loved playin' hide-'n-seek...when I was five.
Milly: That gentleman will keep watch over this area for us. Let's search somewhere else.
Ashlynn: At least we know that guy will spot the Prince if he runs through here.
Nevan: Even the castle's soldiers are joining the hunt.
Amos: Hide-and-seek is no activity for a military man.
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: I kinda doubt he'd be hangin' around here, aye?
Milly: Where did the Prince run off from in the first place?
Ashlynn: If that guy's always facing forward, the Prince could sneak right behind him!
Nevan: Everyone seems quite accustomed to the Prince's antics.
Amos: It's like this is a regular event!
Carver: Let's go up, Hero!
Milly: He looked relieved as well.
Ashlynn: Oh, please be true!
Nevan: He is undoubtedly telling the truth.
Quickly now!
Amos: Seems Prince Howard's finally accepted his fate.
Carver: Crikey! The Prince can actually fit in there?
Milly: Prince Howard is rather adept at hiding in even the tightest of spaces, isn't he?
Ashlynn: Wow. Does this mean we should be checking every pot, too?
Nevan: I seriously doubt the Prince possesses the flexibility to fit inside a small pot.
Amos: Why not cook his favourite dinner? He'll soon come runnin'!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Folks aren't shy about sharin' their opinions of the guy, aye?
Milly: Let's pretend we didn't hear that, eh?
Ashlynn: I can imagine why she doesn't want him found. Feeding that Prince was probably a full-time job!
Nevan: The Prince is not in the kitchen at least.
Amos: Let's look elsewhere!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Whoa! Like huntin' fish in a barrel, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. He actually answered back. He's still got a lot to learn about hide-and-seek.
Ashlynn: He fit inside that barrel...? He's not exactly a small child, either!
Nevan: Let us return to King Howell.
Amos: You wouldn't find old Amos clamberin' into pots and barrels, I tell you!
Carver: Hardy har! This Prince must be a real handful if his guards are gripin' to strangers!
Milly: What could the Prince have done to them?
Ashlynn: Boy, that soldier looked frazzled.
Nevan: Do these soldiers not worry their gripes might make their way back to the King?
Amos: Sounds like this fellow's at the end of his tether.
Carver: Not many places to hide around here, I suppose.
Milly: Shall we check around this room, Hero? I'm sure he's not here, but still...
Ashlynn: I doubt he'd hide in a room guarded by soldiers who can't stand him.
Nevan: Well, there's no Prince here.
Amos: He couldn't be in here.
Carver: It's kind of a maze down here, aye?
Milly: The aura down here is completely different.
Ashlynn: Not much foot traffic down here...
Nevan: This area of the castle is rather sparsely decorated.
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
...Don't mind me! It's just a tad dusty!
Carver: He's out like a light. That ain't helpful.
Milly: With that old man asleep, the Prince could go wherever he pleases undetected.
Ashlynn: I wouldn't hide down here if I were the Prince. He'd be a sitting duck.
Nevan: Well, he doesn't appear to be around here.
Where to next?
Amos: There's nowhere underground that you could really hide yourself except for here.
Carver: Hide-'n-seek, aye...?
Milly: He didn't even know Prince Howard had run away.
Ashlynn: This castle has too many places to hide...
Ashlynn: If Prince Howard is that good at hide-and-seek, this could be a looong day.
Nevan: A barrel? Intriguing...
Amos: Hidin' in a barrel?
Amos: This lad's a clever one, I tell you!
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Back to the King!
Milly: Howard must have gone straight back to the King.
Ashlynn: Aaand back to the King again!
Nevan: So it seems Prince Howard didn't come this way.
Amos: Hero, I think we should make seein' the King our top priority.
Carver: Uh-oh. You don't think...
Milly: Did he forget something...?
Ashlynn: I have a bad feeling about this...
Nevan: Perhaps he forgot some item necessary for the rite?
Amos: I'm hopin' he hasn't scarpered.
Carver: Wonderful. Too bad we ain't got a prince to take there!
Milly: Then I believe we can safely assume the Prince is not headed in that direction...
Ashlynn: Forget the cave – where's the Prince?
Nevan: So the cave lies to the south of the castle.
At least we've learnt that much.
Amos: Maybe the Prince has taken himself to the cave?
...No – there's fat chance of that.
Carver: For now, we'd better just say “yes sir!” and be on our way, aye?
Milly: His aura is so optimistic... I can't bring myself to tell him that Howard has run away.
Ashlynn: Uh-oh, should we say something? He's even pushier than he was last time...
Nevan: It is certainly a great responsibility we bear.
Amos: First things first – let's find that Prince!
Carver: We'd better find that Prince, and fast!
Milly: He really is determined for the Prince to undergo this rite.
Ashlynn: Whew! I was worried what the King would think of us losing his son again.
Nevan: It seems we have no choice but to carry out the King's wishes.
Amos: Old Amos was petrified the King would have our heads for losin' his precious son.
Carver: Crikey, that guy really likes puttin' us on the spot, aye?
Milly: So it's safe to assume he hasn't seen Prince Howard run downstairs...
Ashlynn: Oh, we're going to look after him, alright!
Nevan: Let's plunge a little deeper into the castle and see what we find.
Amos: You just know there's more trouble in store once we track the Prince down.
Carver: Prince Howard is a royal pain in the rear for a lot of folks, aye?
Milly: I suppose the poor man can't refuse a royal request.
Ashlynn: Knowing the Prince, he probably runs off whenever he's about to lose a hand.
Nevan: The Prince plays cards all night and gives folks the run-around all day. Where does he get his energy?
Amos: Seems like there's no one hidin' under the bed.
Carver: Crikey! That lady needs to look before she yells!
Milly: If the Prince stays hidden like this, he's going to miss his dinner.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard must have a bottomless belly.
Nevan: Her words are harsh, but I detect no malice in her tone.
Nevan: I'd almost say she rather enjoys bantering with the Prince.
Amos: We've gone and got ourselves shouted at again!
Carver: The kids are Prince Howard's only fans around here.
Milly: Children are always so affectionate towards their playmates, bless them.
Ashlynn: Playing games all day? At the Prince's age? I guess he's childish in more ways than one.
Nevan: One could argue we're playing with the Prince as well – a perpetual game of hide-and-seek.
Amos: I wonder if Howie's teachin' that lad to gamble and all.
Carver: I wonder if these two ever stop their bellyaching.
Milly: He's getting well ahead of himself. We need to get the Prince to the cave first.
Ashlynn: If Prince Howard heard what that soldier just said, he'd probably have him fired – or worse.
Nevan: Once the Prince has undergone the rite, he'll be considered worthy of taking the throne.
Nevan: ...A worrying proposition, indeed...
Amos: Havin' Howard for a King doesn't sound like a walk in the park to me either.
Carver: So the rite's a mystery to everyone, aye?
Milly: These rites differ from kingdom to kingdom. We'll just have to see this one for ourselves.
Ashlynn: The cave's usually off limits to everyone except royalty...
Ashlynn: But if we tag along with the Prince, we can see the ceremony for ourselves! That's worth it...right?
Nevan: Only those accompanying the Prince are allowed to witness the rite.
Nevan: So it's only logical that none of the soldiers are familiar with the ceremony.
Amos: Are we ever goin' to see this rite for ourselves?
Carver: The Prince's private escape hatch, aye? Hey, wasn't there an exit to outside the castle somewhere?
Milly: Sounds like he's spotted him coming down here before. Let's keep searching.
Ashlynn: These corridors exit out all over... It'll be tough to check them all.
Nevan: Let's press on and keep searching for the Prince.
Amos: This underground passage looks like a perfect escape route for the young Prince.
Carver: No way he'd be in here...
Milly: I doubt he'd make it this easy for us.
Ashlynn: No prince here.
Nevan: No sign of Prince Howard.
Amos: There's no pots here for him to hide in.
Carver: We'll just have to comb every inch of this place, I reckon.
Milly: Don't give up. We'll find that prince!
Ashlynn: This is getting really, really old.
Nevan: Just one more push and I sense we'll find him.
Amos: Does anyone else get the feelin' that he's somewhere right under our noses?
Carver: I don't suppose you've got some kinda prince-detector, aye?
Milly: There's no way that the Prince came through here without being spotted.
Milly: He must be hiding somewhere in the castle.
Ashlynn: I can't shake the feeling that he's somewhere nearby...
Nevan: Is there somewhere we've overlooked?
Amos: It doesn't seem like we'll be headin' to that cave any time soon.
Carver: Wonder what kind of monsters we're talkin' about with this cave, aye?
Milly: ...I suppose he hasn't seen the Prince, then.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that's the reason he's hiding from us in the first place.
Nevan: It doesn't seem as if the Prince has come this way.
Amos: You'll forgive old Amos if he's a little short of sympathy for the Prince right now.
Carver: Aye, thanks for the news flash!
Milly: He doesn't seem to be in here.
Ashlynn: Ugh, I'm exhausted! This is driving me crazy!
Nevan: We must continue with our search!
Amos: Looks like he stopped issuing invitations to check out his armour collection.
Carver: Good question, aye? How many times would ya guess? A hundred?
Milly: Well, this will be the last time!
Ashlynn: It'd probably make that soldier's day to know the Prince ran off before even setting off this time.
Nevan: The last thing we want is to help the Prince break his dubious record.
Amos: Maybe the Prince is makin' a notch in a tree trunk every time he dodges the rite.
Carver: That's a song I wouldn't mind singin'!
Milly: Expressing one's feelings in song is an excellent stress-reliever.
Ashlynn: Pretend this never happened? Why? That sounded like a surefire hit!
Nevan: I'd very much like to hear how that ballad continues...
Amos: Just hearin' that rhyme takes the wind right out of my sails, I tell you.
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Carver: Keep an eye on him! He's one slippery prince!
Milly: It looks like we're finally ready to head for Hallowed Hollow.
Ashlynn: He is NOT – I repeat, NOT – getting away from me this time!
Nevan: Our tedious game of hide-and-seek is finally over. ...Right?
Amos: Time to head off – and about time, too!
Carver: Even I picked up on that soldier's sarcasm.
Milly: Oh dear, the Prince appears to be in a foul mood...
Ashlynn: One minute we're the Prince's royal pursuers. Now we're his royal attendants. Isn't that funny?
Nevan: Alright, what's next for us to do?
Amos: This Prince Howard needs to mind his manners.
Carver: Smoothly, aye...? I wouldn't bet on it with this Prince.
Milly: He must suspect that the Prince will run off again...
Ashlynn: Between the Prince and the cave monsters, we're going to have our hands full.
Nevan: Shall we head to Hallowed Hollow?
Amos: It'd be nice if these guards hailed us once in a while!
Carver: Hardy har! Some pep talk, aye?
Milly: His concern for his prince is quite genuine.
Ashlynn: Great... And just when the Prince was starting to gain a little confidence, too!
Nevan: Sympathy may not be what the Prince needs.
Amos: We'll do all we can to protect the Prince from any hostile monsters.
Carver: Hardy har! So much for the Prince's ol' armour routine, aye?
Milly: I'm glad she isn't having any of the Prince's nonsense.
Ashlynn: I wonder if there's some history between her and the Prince.
Nevan: Is showing off your armour really that enjoyable?
Amos: The pair of them are like a couple of stroppy schoolchildren.
Carver: It's probably safer for the Prince to leave the fightin' to us.
Milly: Somehow I doubt we'll be seeing much in the way of impressive weapon skills from the Prince.
Ashlynn: Wait, does that mean he actually attended some sessions?
Nevan: Even if the Prince has some sword skills, it's clear his heart's not in it.
Amos: I wouldn't trust Prince Howard to beat an egg, much less a monster.
Carver: That fella was laying it on a bit thick, aye?
Milly: The Prince certainly doesn't hold back with his opinions, does he?
Ashlynn: Prince Howard must've heard some of this guy's other poems about him.
Nevan: I pray that the Prince one day earns his place in an epic poem.
Amos: That poet doesn't think all that much of his heroic Prince.
Carver: C'mon! Let's run for the cave while he's still got fire in his belly.
Milly: My word, did Prince Howard just show some enthusiasm?
Ashlynn: “Raring to go”, huh? I'll believe it when I see it!
Nevan: I would be willing to settle for him simply not disappearing for once.
Amos: Let's see if Howard's still raring to go once we're in the cave.
Carver: Oh, are we sayin' bye to the King before we set off?
Milly: The King and Queen must be worried about Howard.
Ashlynn: I'm sure the King would grant us another audience now that Prince Howard is along with us.
Nevan: Shall we speak to King Howell before we leave?
Amos: Upstairs, always upstairs. Why not the basement once in a while?
Carver: Maybe he can catch up on his sleep while we're in the cave.
Milly: Dear me, sleep deprivation is a terrible thing.
Ashlynn: Why's that guy so tired when Prince Howard isn't? I thought they stayed up all night playing cards together?
Nevan: That fellow's eyes are indeed half-closed.
Amos: He looks like he's ready to collapse.
Carver: Hopefully he won't try to give us the slip the second his belly growls...
Milly: That lady knows what makes Prince Howard tick.
Ashlynn: We'll be back by dinner? This must be one of those quickie rites. Fine with me!
Nevan: I sense that woman is skeptical of Howard's ability to see the job through.
Amos: Where you find food, you'll find the Prince.
Carver: That kid must be the Prince's most loyal subject, aye?
Milly: Prince Howard seems to be something of a hide-and-seek hero.
Ashlynn: Well he should be good at hide-and-seek – he's certainly had enough practice!
Nevan: It's only the Prince's hide-and-seek skills that seem to garner any praise.
Amos: Well, everyone's got a talent of some sort.
Carver: Hardy har! Maybe we should've tried to cut him off.
Milly: Hee hee. I don't think that soldier will be as forthcoming with his opinions in future.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Busted.
Nevan: That guard should count himself fortunate to retain his head, much less his job.
Amos: That guard needs to learn to keep his grumbling to himself.
Carver: Hardy har! The Prince really knows how to inspire the troops, aye?
Milly: It sounds as if the Prince might doubt that guard's sincerity.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I'd love to hear what that soldier's thinking right now.
Nevan: These guards appear much more focused when facing the Prince.
Amos: The Prince seems like he's a little out of sorts.
Carver: This is more of a maze than a basement.
Milly: It's slightly cooler down here.
Ashlynn: Hey, where're we going?
Nevan: Ah yes, these subterranean passageways again.
Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
...It's dusty down here.
Carver: Huh. It's nice to see the Prince cares about someone besides himself.
Milly: Prince Howard may seem rude, but perhaps deep down he's not all bad.
Ashlynn: Wow... I actually choked up a little there.
Nevan: Perhaps the Queen was correct in her assessment of the Prince.
Nevan: Though he may not always show it, Howard does indeed appear to have a kind heart.
Amos: Prince Howard's got a sharp tongue on him but his heart's in the right place.
Carver: Ahoy, look! The King's grinnin' like a court jester!
Milly: Let's say our goodbyes and head off.
Ashlynn: Okay, Ashlynn... Don't slouch, don't slouch, don't...
Nevan: The King and Queen will no doubt be anxious until the rite is complete.
Amos: Prince Howard's folks don't have to worry.
Old Amos is right behind him!
Carver: We'll see how long that lasts, aye?
Milly: Let's make sure we've got good news for the Chancellor next time we see him.
Ashlynn: The Chancellor still looks plenty worried to me.
Nevan: The Chancellor won't rest easy until Prince Howard's back in one piece.
Amos: Seems everyone's relieved just to see Prince Howard show up.
Carver: Even with his folks, he just blurts out exactly what he's thinkin', aye?
Milly: The Queen's soft voice is like a warm, comfortable blanket, isn't it?
Ashlynn: Soon we'll be seeing exactly how delicate that disposition really is.
Nevan: Prince Howard has been brought up with an ample supply of maternal love.
Amos: I understand his mother's concern, but Prince Howard has to take this rite like a man.
Carver: You heard the King. Let's finish this up 'n everything like that.
Milly: Let's try not to disappoint the King.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard is definitely respectful towards his father, isn't he?
Nevan: It would appear Prince Howard really is endeavouring to make his father proud.
Amos: So the King's called Howell, his son's Howard, and the kingdom's Howcastle...
Amos: That's right, isn't it? Old Amos is gettin' the hang of this at last!
Carver: She recognised the Prince straight away, aye?
Milly: Hmm, the Prince must visit here from time to time.
Ashlynn: Wow. The villagers show him the proper respect, at least. Guess a prince is a prince.
Nevan: Even the humblest citizen of Howsworth boasts impeccable manners.
Amos: If she only knew what we had to go through to get him here...
Carver: Even this fella recognises the Prince, aye? Funny.
Milly: I'm sure the Prince would be useless at farm work.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard isn't the same blabbermouth here as he was back at the castle, huh?
Nevan: I imagine the people of Howsworth are wondering why we're with their Prince.
Amos: With his fancy royal clothes, you can see the Prince comin' a mile off.
Amos: Old Amos has just stepped in something squidgy...
Carver: Aye, nothin' to fear – not with me on the job.
Milly: Everyone seems surprised that Howard is going to the cave...
Ashlynn: I got a bad feeling about this...
Nevan: She tried to hide it, but she was surprised to see the Prince heading to the cave.
Amos: Old Amos can't wait to see this cave!
Carver: Is he snorin' or did somethin' crawl up his nose?
Milly: Snoring like a drain... He must be tired after a long journey or something.
Ashlynn: Asleep at this hour? What is he, nocturnal?
Nevan: Let's leave him to his slumber.
Amos: That's some impressive snorin', I tell you!
Carver: Whoa. As sick as he looked, he woke right up for the Prince.
Milly: That was suspiciously polite for Prince Howard...
Ashlynn: The villagers around here show the Prince waaay too much respect, if you ask me.
Nevan: Word of the royal rite of purification has reached even that man's sickbed.
Amos: Prince Howard seems to inspire both love and hate.
Carver: Aye, I'm startin' to know how he feels.
Milly: Her poor husband... It just breaks my heart.
Ashlynn: I bet the old man really loved the Prince.
Nevan: I wonder how long ago this was.
Amos: So that fellow used to travel over to the castle every day.
Carver: Prince Howard ain't fit to tie the Prince of Somnia's shoes.
Milly: Howard clearly doesn't like being compared to other people.
Ashlynn: Not to distract us from Prince Howard's purification or anything...
Ashlynn: But what do you think the other version of Hero is doing right now? I can't help but wonder.
Nevan: Howard really doesn't want to hear anything about his fellow Prince.
Amos: The Prince of Somnia's exploits have left quite an impression on this fellow.
Carver: (sniff) Hmm. Wonder what's cookin'?
Milly: Oops, I think we got in her way there.
Ashlynn: We probably shouldn't sneak up on her like that. What if we scared her and she cut herself or something?
Nevan: That woman is clearly busy. We should make ourselves scarce.
Amos: Her mind's clearly on the cookin'.
Carver: They must play together a lot, aye?
Milly: I'm sure he'll have plenty of chances to play with the Prince later.
Ashlynn: Tee hee. I think we've seen enough hide-and-seek from the Prince for one lifetime.
Nevan: That child is clearly fond of the Prince.
Amos: It does seem like a grand place for a spot of hide-and-seek.
Carver: Huh. Do ya think that fella really wants to help the Prince?
Milly: The Prince is a perfect gentleman one minute, a rude child the next...
Ashlynn: Wow. I've met toddlers more mature than Prince Howard.
Nevan: So this man accompanied the Prince on a previous expedition to Hallowed Hollow.
Nevan: I wonder just what happened to them there.
Amos: I can't help but feel that we've drawn the short straw here...
Carver: The villagers must come here to relax.
Milly: I'm certain the Prince would trade his royal monster-filled cave for this one if he could.
Ashlynn: Wow! Is Hallowed Hollow really that pretty? I can't wait to go see it!
Nevan: I wonder how far the Prince has ventured into Hallowed Hollow.
Amos: Maybe a little stay in a nice place like this would help straighten the Prince out.
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Carver: So this is the place, aye? It ain't quite how I imagined it.
Milly: Let's stay alert.
Ashlynn: What's that smell?
(sniff) It smells...wet.
Nevan: Is there someone waiting in the depths of this cave?
Amos: I've got a funny feelin' about this place.
And not funny in a good way, either...
Carver: Avast! Where's the Prince!?
Milly: I think the Prince has run off again...
Ashlynn: Argh! He's done it again!
Nevan: We seem to have mislaid the Prince.
Let's retrace our steps.
Amos: Eh!? No Prince!?
Carver: Crikey! That slippery devil!
Milly: He's off... I sense that finding him again will be quite the ordeal...
Ashlynn: Ugh! What have I done to deserve that little sneak? I'm a good person, right?
Nevan: Outsmarted once again! Let's head back and find the recalcitrant royal.
Amos: Don't tell me it's back to the starting line once again!?
Carver: Goddess knows if he's back here or not, but...
Milly: Where could he have got to this time?
Ashlynn: Ugh! I've had it up to here with that stupid Prince!
Nevan: My patience is fraying...
Amos: Which nook or cranny is the Prince lurkin' in now?
Carver: Could the Prince've slipped by that fella? Probably not, aye?
Milly: Hmm. What shall we do? We know he's not here – that's a start, I suppose...
Milly: The people in the castle might know where Howard likes to run off to. Shall we ask around?
Ashlynn: There's only one way into this castle, right? So that means he's not here...
Nevan: So Prince Howard hasn't returned.
Nevan: Yet, I feel there may be some clue here.
Nevan: We haven't much time, but perhaps speaking to a few folks in the castle would be a good idea.
Amos: So Prince Howard's givin' the castle a wide berth.
Carver: Ain't no point askin' that guy about the Prince, aye?
Milly: That chap's got caves on the brain...
Ashlynn: Not all monsters are horrible. Some of them are horribly cute!
Nevan: I confess that I am often filled with dread at the prospect of encountering monsters.
Nevan: But the only way to overcome your fears is to face them head on.
Amos: Old Amos can't afford to be afraid of monsters – I'd end up scared of myself!
Carver: Love ain't just blind – it's dumb, too.
Milly: Prince Howard probably offers to show his armour to all the girls...
Milly: But I sense that he has a soft spot for this one.
Ashlynn: You think if we wait long enough, the Prince'll show up here to put the moves on her?
Nevan: Perhaps I have something to learn from Prince Howard when it comes to impressing women...
Amos: I bet no one's interested in old Amos's armour collection...
Carver: That's a good question. How many times do ya think? A hundred-ish?
Milly: We'll do whatever it takes this time!
Ashlynn: That sneaky Prince missed his calling. He would make a great thief!
Nevan: The last thing we want is to help the Prince break his dubious record.
Amos: I just hope this is the last time.
Carver: Pretend this never happened? Crikey, we're ready to join in the chorus!
Milly: Expressing one's feelings in song is an excellent stress-reliever.
Ashlynn: Pretend this never happened? Why? That sounded like a surefire hit!
Nevan: I'd very much like to hear how that ballad continues...
Amos: Just hearin' that rhyme takes the wind right out of my sails, I tell you.
Carver: Crikey, that guy really likes puttin' us on the spot, aye?
Milly: If that soldier didn't see him, it's unlikely that the Prince was in here.
Ashlynn: Oh, we're going to look after him, alright!
Nevan: Let's plunge a little deeper into the castle and see what we find.
Amos: We need to find that Prince!
Carver: You wanna see the King right now, Hero? Eh, I dunno...
Milly: The King and Queen are sure to be anxious.
Ashlynn: I'm in no hurry to see the King – especially without the Prince at our side.
Nevan: While I feel that we owe the King a visit, I go with a heavy heart.
Amos: Hero – can we just show our faces upstairs then head back out?
Carver: I tell ya, he needs to stock up on shut-eye while we're explorin' the cave.
Milly: That poor man is still awake!?
Ashlynn: Why's that guy so tired when Prince Howard isn't? I thought they stayed up all night playing cards together?
Nevan: In this exhausted state, I doubt he'd notice the Prince if he walked right past him.
Amos: That lad's shakin' like a leaf!
Carver: Looks like the kitchen's closed, aye?
Milly: Unfortunately the situation means the exact opposite for us.
Ashlynn: After dealing with the Prince all this time, I'd say she deserves a break today.
Nevan: I believe it would be safe to assume that the Prince will not be returning in time for dinner.
Amos: I can't wait to get this royal rite over and done with!
Carver: I wonder if these two ever stop their bellyaching.
Carver: Good thing the Prince ain't with us...
Milly: He's getting well ahead of himself. We need to get the Prince to the cave first.
Ashlynn: I guess Prince Howard isn't here after all.
Nevan: Once the Prince has undergone the rite, he'll be considered worthy of taking the throne.
Nevan: ...A worrying proposition, indeed...
Amos: I doubt Prince Howard would be hangin' round here.
Carver: I'd like to find out, too. Let's catch that Prince!
Milly: Let's get the Prince and witness this mysterious rite.
Ashlynn: Hey, are we done here yet? Let's track down that Prince.
Nevan: It seems Prince Howard never stays in the cave long enough for anyone to witness the actual rite.
Amos: I hope we get to witness the rite sometime this century...
Carver: No Prince here...
Milly: He's not in here...
Ashlynn: What if he was just asleep in his own room right now? Wouldn't that be rich.
Nevan: No sign of him...
Amos: Maybe if we left a barrel out with some food in it...
Carver: That fella doesn't seem fazed by any of this.
Carver: We'd better keep searchin'. He's either here or in Howsworth!
Milly: He's known the Prince from when he was a toddler, so he must be familiar with his antics.
Milly: Let's try searching the places he mentioned.
Ashlynn: Hey, that was a clue, right? Not a very specific clue, but a clue...
Nevan: That narrows the focus of our search somewhat.
Amos: So he's either in the castle or over in Howsworth. Let's get him!
Carver: He ain't back, aye?
Milly: He can't be in here. The doorman would've seen him.
Ashlynn: Nobody's home. I figured it wouldn't be that easy.
Nevan: Perhaps we'd better look beyond the castle walls.
Amos: No Prince? Why aren't I surprised...?
Carver: Not in here...but I expected as much.
Milly: There's no way he's here.
Ashlynn: Same old story, huh?
Nevan: It would be quite a risk for the Prince to come here.
Amos: This is another Howard-free zone...
Carver: I just don't know what to say to these folks any more.
Milly: His aura doesn't suggest he'd take too kindly to questions regarding the Prince's whereabouts...
Ashlynn: You could store armour in the bags under the Chancellor's eyes. The stress is finally getting to him.
Nevan: As those entrusted with the Prince's welfare,
we have little choice but to find him ourselves.
Amos: Let's find ourselves a Prince!
Carver: I don't care about his future – I care about his present. And presently, he's missin'!
Milly: The intensity of the Queen's love for her son is plain to see.
Ashlynn: Maybe he'll make a good king someday, but he sure makes a lousy prince right now!
Nevan: I would agree that the Prince's detractors do tend to exaggerate...
Amos: He might make a fine king one day, but he's no great shakes in the prince stakes...
Carver: Orders are orders, aye? Let's wrangle the Prince and march him back to the cave.
Milly: Thank the Goddess that the King didn't start interrogating us about his son's whereabouts.
Ashlynn: Somehow I don't think his mom's worries will end once the Prince is purified.
Nevan: We'd best expand the search. Onwards!
Amos: My heart's racin'! Old Amos gets a tad nervous in front of royalty.
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Carver: Hmm... Where is that Prince?
Milly: Where is that Prince...
Ashlynn: This prince is the king of rotten manners.
Nevan: The Prince's hide-and-seek skills are unparalleled.
Amos: Old Amos's main priority is not steppin' in anythin' squelchy, squidgy or squashy.
Carver: So he ran here to Howsworth, aye? We're hot on his trail now!
Milly: He's here somewhere, but the village has plenty of places to hide... Let's knuckle down and find him!
Ashlynn: He's in the village! Let's go!
Nevan: A verified sighting of the Prince, at last!
This is a positive sign!
Amos: Poor lad. Slime slobber is no laughin' matter.
Carver: Aye, it'd do the Prince good to get a bit dirty – after gettin' purified 'n everything like that, of course.
Milly: The future king probably should know how his subjects live.
Ashlynn: I bet the Prince would bolt before he got within a hundred feet of those fields.
Nevan: Before he can consider a career in agriculture, we must locate him first.
Amos: This fellow's desperate for help on his farm.
Carver: I see where that lady's coming from, but rules are rules 'n everything like that.
Milly: Many villagers are quite fond of the Prince, aren't they?
Ashlynn: I can see why the King's giving the Prince a little push. Otherwise, he's the sort who would goof off from cradle to grave.
Nevan: Harsh though it may sound, Prince Howard has no choice but to fulfill his duty.
Nevan: With royal blood comes power, but also the burden of responsibility.
Amos: Prince Howard's made it perfectly clear that he's in no rush to fulfill his royal duty.
Carver: Prince Howard came here!? He must be inside! That's that – we got him cornered!
Milly: Have we finally found him!?
Ashlynn: Shaking? Ugh... I should've figured.
Nevan: If he's this shaken from merely entering the cave, how will he ever complete the rite?
Amos: I'm guessin' the Prince wasn't shakin' and sobbin' with excitement.
Carver: Prince? You about?
Milly: We can't rest until we've searched every corner.
Ashlynn: I doubt he'd be in here – not with that lady eyeballing the entrance.
Nevan: No sign of him here...
Amos: Nothing princely round here.
Carver: Crikey. Folks're still dreamin' about the Isle o' Smiles?
Milly: There's no point in asking him about the Prince.
Ashlynn: Ugh... I wish I could just forget this whole escapade and go to bed myself.
Nevan: We have nothing to gain from talking to him.
Amos: That fellow wasn't the Prince in disguise, right?
Carver: He probably ain't here. It's too quiet.
Milly: Let's give this house a once over.
Ashlynn: It'd make my day if he was in here, so of course he isn't.
Nevan: The old gentleman seems to be awake.
Amos: Nope. No Prince here.
Carver: I'm rulin' this fella out. He ain't hidin' the Prince...
Carver: He wants him to go through that royal rite as much as we do.
Milly: Let's not ruin things for him by mentioning that the Prince has run off...again.
Ashlynn: That guy doesn't know the Prince very well, does he?
Nevan: I pray that Prince Howard can live up to the expectations of his people.
Amos: That old boy will have an extra spring in his step if Howard completes the royal rite.
Carver: No way he'd be here...
Milly: I think we can forgo searching this house.
Ashlynn: Nope. No place to hide in here.
Nevan: As expected, there's no sign of him here.
Amos: He's not crept into any cracks in the wall, has he?
Carver: Bein' a royal attendant ain't what it's cracked up to be, aye? We learnt that lesson.
Milly: He seems to have mixed emotions about the Prince.
Ashlynn: Ugh! That little... Doesn't he care about anybody but himself?
Nevan: This man seems to have been wounded by the Prince's words.
Amos: At least Prince Howard seems a bit more grateful for our efforts.
Carver: Hmm... This church's got nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Milly: No sign of him in here. Onwards!
Ashlynn: Maybe we should pray for some divine help. Couldn't hurt.
Nevan: No sign of him here...
Amos: He's not hidin' behind the waterfall, is he?
Carver: We'll get that Prince purified sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
Milly: The Prince doesn't seem to have been in here either.
Ashlynn: Yes, but what happens when royal folk don't WANT to go in there!?
Nevan: I pray we'll get to delve deeper into Hallowed Hollow.
Amos: Old Amos has seen that cave! Well, it was just the entrance, but still...
Carver: This Prince could learn a thing or ten from the Prince of Somnia...
Carver: But I bet Prince Howard couldn't bear to be compared with a real prince, aye?
Milly: Prince Somnia... Hero's other self...
Milly: Searching for him is one of the reasons that we're on this quest in the first place...
Milly: But our priority right now is to find the prince of Howcastle.
Ashlynn: If Prince Howard was here to hear this, I bet he'd start bawling all over again!
Nevan: This gentleman seems to have a burning interest in the Prince of Somnia.
Amos: I might be mistaken, but I get the feelin' the Prince is close by.
Carver: The real question is whether we can manage the Prince, aye?
Milly: This royal rite will remain a mystery to us unless we find the Prince.
Ashlynn: With a prince like Howard, no wonder people are worried.
Nevan: We of all people can certainly understand why the people are so anxious about their Prince.
Amos: If Howard's not man enough to do it, old Amos is happy to undergo the royal rite.
Amos: Then I'd get to be king! King Amos!
It's got quite a ring to it!
Carver: Ahoy! Prince ho!
Milly: Here, of all places...
Ashlynn: Found him!
Nevan: Here he is.
Amos: What's so interestin' about that corner?
Carver: Watch him, Hero! Don't let him slip away!
Milly: He seems terrified!
Ashlynn: Oh, brother... Pathetic.
Nevan: I confess I do sympathise with the Prince's plight.
Amos: I'm fine with monstrous monsters – it's ghosts that give me the willies.
Carver: We might have to haul him off the hard way. I'd enjoy that, actually.
Milly: Don't tell me you're starting to feel sorry for the Prince, Hero?
Milly: He does look pitiful at the moment, I'll grant you...
Milly: But he'll never grow up if he stays here, will he?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Smooth move, Hero! Calming him down before laying down the law, huh?
Nevan: Aside from leading him to the rite, there is little we can do for Prince Howard.
Amos: Come on! We've got to get this lad ritually purified and no messin'!
Carver: Whew! That's a load off my mind.
Milly: No more hide and seek for Howard! Hee hee.
Let's go!
Ashlynn: That's it! If we lose the Prince one more time, my sanity's going with him!
Nevan: It's a relief to find the Prince – but the real trial begins now.
Nevan: I pray the Goddess grants us the patience to put up with Howard's cowardly nature.
Amos: Right, second time lucky!
Carver: C'mon, people! To the cave!
Milly: Thank the Goddess that we found the Prince.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard looks down in the dumps... Not that I blame him.
Nevan: Let's get the job done this time!
Amos: Maybe we can get back to Howcastle by dinner time...
Carver: Aye, thanks for the greetin' but we've got ourselves a cave to get to!
Milly: The Prince's aura doesn't suggest he's very happy to be here. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: The Prince is still with us, right? Just checking.
Nevan: If we're done exchanging pleasantries, we should make our way to the cave.
Amos: We won't be able to relax till this royal rite is done and dusted.
Carver: That fella's gotta learn that agriculturin' ain't for everyone.
Milly: I'm amazed the Prince managed to hide in this village, considering how well-known he is.
Ashlynn: Does this guy ever take five?
Nevan: If we're done exchanging pleasantries, we should make our way to the cave.
Amos: That fellow seems to gain tremendous satisfaction from ploughin' his fields every day.
Amos: Oh heck! I've just stepped in something squishy...
Carver: Back to the cave, aye? We ain't quittin' no matter how many trips this takes.
Milly: Hopefully this time Prince Howard can finally finish the deed.
Ashlynn: I can read her like a book. She thinks we're gonna fail again.
Nevan: Folks here will be stunned if the Prince actually manages to undergo the royal rite.
Amos: The Prince has nowt to fear – we're the best in the business!
Carver: This was all hide-'n-seek to him? Blimey!
Milly: I've never seen such an appetite for hide-and-seek.
Ashlynn: It's no wonder the Prince is so good at disappearing – he plays hide-and-seek with kids all day!
Ashlynn: If only he'd spend that time working on his manners instead.
Nevan: If the Prince goes missing again, we might consider enlisting that boy's services to find him.
Amos: I'm hopin' there's no third act to Howard's hidin'.
Carver: Crikey, is that fella ever awake?
Milly: The island isn't exactly “gone” – you might just say it's on loan to someone. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Turns out life was a lot happier for people who DIDN'T visit the Isle o' Smiles, huh?
Nevan: Now that we've located the Prince, let's make haste to Hallowed Hollow.
Amos: This fellow is goin' to wake up at some point. ...Right?
Carver: Seein' the Prince again really sparked somethin' in that old timer, aye?
Milly: We've got to make sure that Howard doesn't let him down again.
Ashlynn: Maybe that pep talk'll light a fire under the Prince.
Nevan: That gentleman has absolute faith in the Prince.
Amos: Surprisin' though it might be, some folks actually quite like old Howard.
Carver: Prince Howard ain't fit to tie the Prince of Somnia's shoes.
Milly: Howard clearly doesn't like being compared to other people.
Ashlynn: Not to distract us from Prince Howard's purification or anything...
Ashlynn: But what do you think the other version of Hero is doing right now? I can't help but wonder.
Nevan: Howard really doesn't want to hear anything about his fellow Prince.
Amos: The Prince of Somnia's exploits have left quite an impression on this fellow.
Carver: (sniff) ...Beef for dinner, aye?
Milly: Oops, I think we got in her way there.
Ashlynn: We probably shouldn't sneak up on her like that. What if we scared her and she cut herself or something?
Nevan: That woman is clearly busy. We should make ourselves scarce.
Amos: Her mind's clearly on the cookin'.
Carver: Pretty wet 'n wild church, aye?
Milly: It's nice and cool in here.
Ashlynn: Wow – a chapel with its own waterfall!
Nevan: This must be where villagers are baptised.
Amos: It's nice to see a church that's got back to nature!
Carver: Spelunkin' time, aye? We're goin' the distance this time!
Milly: He's right. I already feel a little purer just from being in this cave.
Ashlynn: Yes, but what happens when royal folk don't WANT to go in there!?
Prince Howard: Hmph!
Nevan: I pray we'll get to delve deeper into Hallowed Hollow.
Amos: We can go and see for ourselves, providin' our Prince stays the course this time!
Prince Howard: Hmph!
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Carver: Well, we're here. Time to get down to brass tacks 'n everything like that.
Milly: Let's keep moving – don't let your guard down.
Ashlynn: Let's hurry before he chickens out again!
Nevan: You may rest assured that the Prince is still with us.
Amos: We can at least get further than we did last time!
Carver: Crikey. This cave just got a whole lot bigger, aye.
Milly: These scattered shafts of light are rather pretty.
Ashlynn: Hey, where's the Prince!?
Ashlynn: ...Oh. There he is. Whew.
Nevan: Take care not to tread on any stalagmites.
Amos: ...URGH!
Amos: ...Er, sorry about that. A drip just went down my back...
Carver: For such a big cave, there ain't that many paths, aye?
Milly: I wonder how big this cave could be?
Ashlynn: Wow. More monsters than I thought...
Ashlynn: Those soldiers who tried to escort the Prince before sure must've had a rough time.
Nevan: Let's proceed with caution and take care not to expend any energy unnecessarily.
Amos: Slow and steady wins the race! If you go rushin' around, old Amos will get lost.
Carver: That test was a whole different beast from the other monsters here, aye?
Carver: Crikey, what a handful...
Carver: Avast! He's gone again!
Milly: I wonder how long that monster had been standing there waiting?
Milly: We lost the Prince again? Well that was careless... Let's go and look for him.
Ashlynn: We must be tested, huh? I wonder how many more of these tests are waiting for us.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! He ran off again!?
Nevan: I now see why Prince Howard was so fearful of the tests awaiting him.
Nevan: While we were busy fighting, it appears the Prince scampered away.
Amos: Old Amos doesn't remember much about that last fight except the monster was a toughie.
Amos: It's like I was all befuddled or somethin'.
Amos: He's gone!? He's not run back to Howsworth, has he!?
Carver: Aye, well... Let's get him.
Milly: He can't have gone too far.
Ashlynn: That's it! When we find him, I'm spanking his royal rear!
Nevan: Even during combat, Prince Howard shouldn't be let out of our sight.
Amos: We need to put the lad on a leash, I tell you!
Carver: I'd give a hundred gold coins if he'd shut his trap.
Milly: Let's take a deep breath and move on.
Ashlynn: Look at the bright side – at least he stayed in the cave this time.
Nevan: But for the grace of the Goddess, the Prince would have been stranded here all alone.
Amos: Prince Howard only looks lively when he's escapin'!
Carver: I reckon there's no test here – just a whole lotta monsters. Watch your back.
Milly: Let's push on deeper into the cave.
Ashlynn: Watching the Prince is making it hard to focus on the monsters. My nerves are shot!
Nevan: This has become quite a long and winding path.
Amos: Prince Howard, if you want to hold hands with old Amos, it's no bother.
Prince Howard: The thought of it! I am not a child and will not be treated as such!
Amos: ......
Carver: Dead end, aye?
Milly: Only Howcastle royalty can pass through there, it seems.
Ashlynn: No Prince Howard, no entry, huh?
Nevan: Seems we have no choice for now but to retrace our footsteps.
Amos: I wonder how they can tell we're not royal folk.
Carver: The Prince is good for something, aye?
Milly: Onwards we go!
Ashlynn: Guess we still have a long haul ahead of us...
Nevan: From monsters administering tests to that curious door, Hallowed Hollow is a mysterious place indeed.
Amos: How does all this work!? It's over old Amos's head!
Carver: Huh. Just some stairs, aye?
Milly: Let's go down.
Ashlynn: Nowhere to go but down.
Nevan: I sense there is still much that awaits us below.
Amos: Let's head on down!
Carver: Blimey! This is even bigger than the last level, ain't it?
Ashlynn: I hope we don't have to face any more of those “tests”.
Carver: The Prince still with us...?
Carver: ...He is. Good.
Milly: Just walking around without getting lost is a chore.
Ashlynn: My eyes are finally adjusting to the darkness in here.
Nevan: We should be ready to retrace our steps should we take the wrong path.
Nevan: I sense there are monsters here – and we're getting closer to them.
Amos: ...ARGH!
Amos: ...Er, sorry about that. Old Amos nearly slipped and fell on his behind.
Carver: Well, that's that for test number two.
Carver: Geh! Not again!
Milly: Onwards we go!
Milly: What? The Prince? How utterly careless of us... Let's go back and look for him.
Ashlynn: Wow! The second test monster just up and vanished! And speaking of vanish...
Ashlynn: Arrrgh! We lost him again! This is a bigger headache than those stupid tests!
Nevan: The path has opened up before us.
On we go!
Nevan: If the Prince should slip away again as we fight,
I shall near the end of my tether.
Nevan: But at least he should not be far away, based on our prior experience.
Amos: That monster looked hard – and sure enough, it was!
Amos: Lucky we're second to none in the fightin' stakes!
Carver: If I were a spoilt Prince, where would I be?
Milly: Maybe he's hiding behind something nearby.
Ashlynn: How does he keep giving us the slip? We need to put that Prince on a leash!
Nevan: It is possible that he has escaped the cave altogether.
Amos: It'd take guts to get all the way out of the cave by himself, so old Amos is guessin' he's close by.
Carver: Hardy har! He went from hatin' us to praisin' us.
Milly: Howard has promised us no more running off...
Milly: I must say, I do sense a change in him. I think he's ready to face his destiny.
Milly: I think we should trust him this time, Hero...
Ashlynn: You mean he never got this far?
Ashlynn: We're good! It's time to go all the way!
Nevan: Curious that he does not fear being left alone each time he flees...
Amos: That was some fine hidin' – even by Prince Howard's standards.
Carver: Who knows what's waitin' for us next.
Carver: Only one way to find out. Let's shove off!
Milly: No more escaping, eh...
Milly: There's something about his aura that makes me believe him...
Ashlynn: Whew... I am drained.
Nevan: We find ourselves on a long, winding path once again.
Amos: Prince Howard's still here! Old Amos is keepin' his eye on him...
Carver: No dice, aye?
Milly: Of course. Only Howcastle royalty can go through.
Ashlynn: Goddess forbid the Prince would stay with us for once. We wouldn't be in this predicament!
Nevan: I'm afraid we have no choice but to go back and locate Prince Howard.
Amos: If only old Amos had a few drops of the royal blood of Howcastle flowin' through his veins...
Carver: It's open! Let's move!
Milly: Come on, this way!
Ashlynn: Nothing's gonna stop us now. I gotta see why everyone was raving about this cave!
Nevan: Prince Howard seems to be speaking with a newfound authority.
Amos: ...YAAARGH!
Amos: ...Er, sorry about that. Old Amos just wanted to hear his voice echoin'!
Carver: Another lone staircase, aye?
Milly: Down we go!
Ashlynn: Not much choice here, huh?
Nevan: More daunting trials may well lay below.
Amos: Old Amos never did care much for tests... Hopefully we're through most of them now.
Carver: No turnin' back now, aye? We've gotta keep going.
Milly: I sense that we've yet to reach our goal.
Ashlynn: Oof... This cave will end, right? Eventually?
Nevan: I still get a strong sense that there are monsters in the vicinity.
Amos: ...WAHOO!
Amos: ...Er, sorry about that. Old Amos was just tryin' out his new war cry!
Carver: Well, that's that for test number three!
Milly: There should be a set of doors ahead of us now.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! That was fun, right?
Nevan: P-Prince Howard...!? He's still here!
Amos: (wheeze) (pant) Don't mind old Amos...
I just need a second to get my puff back... (gasp)
Carver: There we go!
Milly: Come on, Hero. Let's move on!
Ashlynn: Yeah, yeah, another door, another test! Let's keep going!
Nevan: Let us proceed!
Amos: Prince Howard is soundin' more like proper royalty by the second!
Carver: Whoa, have a look at this...
Milly: Can you hear the waterfall, Hero?
Ashlynn: Hey, somebody's here!
Nevan: I sense something different in the air here.
Nevan: It is unpolluted by the presence of monsters.
Amos: That looks a lot like a priest to old Amos.
Or is this another test?
Carver: I reckon it's over, aye?
Milly: Aww, didn't Howie behave nicely for his rite?
Ashlynn: Was...that it?
Nevan: The Prince is shivering. Let us make haste to Howcastle.
Amos: You could catch a cold just lookin' at the poor Prince! ...Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Carver: Aye! Time to deliver our sweet prince home!
Milly: I could sense the priest's relief at getting the rite over and done with.
Ashlynn: Wow. So that was the entire ceremony...? I mean, really?
Ashlynn: After all we went through to get here... Like, what a letdown.
Nevan: Let's escort Prince Howard back to his castle.
Amos: For a minute there, old Amos was worried that talkin' to that priest would start another battle!
Carver: It's been a long haul down a tough road, but we finally did it. Let's go, Hero!
Milly: I suppose that's the end of the rite.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother...
Nevan: It wasn't easy, but Prince Howard came through in the end.
Amos: The things royal folk put themselves through!
I'm glad I'm just plain old Amos.
Carver: Whew, I'm whipped. I'd kill for a week or three at a fancy inn.
Carver: Take out the tests and this place is a pushover.
Milly: The cave has a completely different aura on the way out, doesn't it?
Ashlynn: The sooner we get Prince Howard back to the castle, the sooner I can get some peace in my life again.
Nevan: Now that Prince Howard has the Proof of Passage, all our trials seem worth the effort.
Amos: The royal rite of purification didn't half look cold!
Amos: I hope there's some dinner waitin' for us...
Amos: Has anyone got a towel? Prince Howard's drippin' all over the place.
Prince Howard: Hmph!
Carver: Hmm... Where is that Prince?
Milly: Where is that Prince...
Ashlynn: This prince is the king of rotten manners.
Nevan: The Prince's hide-and-seek skills are unparalleled.
Amos: Old Amos's main priority is not steppin' in anythin' squelchy, squidgy or squashy.
Carver: Huh. Maybe he ain't in this village after all, aye?
Milly: If the Prince isn't here, then he must still be somewhere in the cave...
Ashlynn: He's not here? Hmm...
Ashlynn: So he's either still in the cave or over in the castle. This is making me mental!
Nevan: Hmm... And I thought it highly likely that Prince Howard would come here...
Amos: Looks like we've not got a clue.
Carver: Aye, it'd do the Prince good to get a bit dirty – after gettin' purified 'n everything like that, of course.
Milly: The future king probably should know how his subjects live.
Ashlynn: I bet the Prince would bolt before he got within a hundred feet of those fields.
Nevan: Before he can consider a career in agriculture, we must locate him first.
Amos: This fellow's desperate for help on his farm.
Carver: I see where that lady's coming from, but rules are rules 'n everything like that.
Milly: Many villagers are quite fond of the Prince, aren't they?
Ashlynn: I can see why the King's giving the Prince a little push. Otherwise, he's the sort who would goof off from cradle to grave.
Nevan: Harsh though it may sound, Prince Howard has no choice but to fulfill his duty.
Nevan: With royal blood comes power, but also the burden of responsibility.
Amos: Prince Howard's made it perfectly clear that he's in no rush to fulfill his royal duty.
Carver: That kid should get in line. The Prince is busy playin' hide-'n-seek with us right now.
Milly: If he hasn't come here, I'd say it's unlikely that he's in Howcastle either.
Ashlynn: Seems like a good kid. If he'd seen the Prince, I'm sure he would've told us.
Nevan: So Prince Howard really isn't in Howsworth.
Amos: Well at least we know he's not back here playin' hide-and-seek with that lad.
Carver: Prince? You about?
Milly: We can't rest until we've searched every corner.
Ashlynn: I doubt he'd be in here – not with that lady eyeballing the entrance.
Nevan: No sign of him here...
Amos: Nothing princely round here.
Carver: He probably ain't here. It's too quiet.
Milly: Let's give this house a once over.
Ashlynn: It'd make my day if he was in here, so of course he isn't.
Nevan: The old gentleman seems to be awake.
Amos: Nope. No Prince here.
Carver: I'm rulin' this fella out. He ain't hidin' the Prince...
Carver: He wants him to go through that royal rite as much as we do.
Milly: Let's not ruin things for him by mentioning that the Prince has run off...again.
Ashlynn: That guy doesn't know the Prince very well, does he?
Nevan: I pray that Prince Howard can live up to the expectations of his people.
Amos: That old boy will have an extra spring in his step if Howard completes the royal rite.
Carver: This is where he hid last time, but...
Milly: Any sign of him?
Ashlynn: Doesn't look like anybody's here.
Nevan: No luck, it seems.
Amos: Looks like Howsworth is a prince-free zone.
Carver: This Prince could learn a thing or ten from the Prince of Somnia...
Carver: But I bet Prince Howard couldn't bear to be compared with a real prince, aye?
Milly: Prince Somnia... Hero's other self...
Milly: Searching for him is one of the reasons that we're on this quest in the first place...
Milly: But our priority right now is to find the prince of Howcastle.
Ashlynn: If Prince Howard was here to hear this, I bet he'd start bawling all over again!
Nevan: This gentleman seems to have a burning interest in the Prince of Somnia.
Amos: Seems there's been no visitin' princes at this address.
Carver: The real question is whether we can manage the Prince, aye?
Milly: This royal rite will remain a mystery to us unless we find the Prince.
Ashlynn: With a prince like Howard, no wonder people are worried.
Nevan: We of all people can certainly understand why the people are so anxious about their Prince.
Amos: If Howard's not man enough to do it, old Amos is happy to undergo the royal rite.
Amos: Then I'd get to be king! King Amos!
It's got quite a ring to it!
Carver: No way he'd be here...
Milly: I think we can forgo searching this house.
Ashlynn: Nope. No place to hide in here.
Nevan: As expected, there's no sign of him here.
Amos: He's not crept into any cracks in the wall, has he?
Carver: Hmm... This church's got nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Milly: No sign of him in here. Onwards!
Ashlynn: Maybe we should pray for some divine help. Couldn't hurt.
Nevan: No sign of him here...
Amos: He's not hidin' behind the waterfall, is he?
Carver: We'll get that Prince purified sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
Milly: The Prince doesn't seem to have been in here either.
Ashlynn: Yes, but what happens when royal folk don't WANT to go in there!?
Nevan: I pray we'll get to delve deeper into Hallowed Hollow.
Amos: Sounds to me like there's been no sign of the Prince.
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Carver: Ya know, I've never been so happy to see a long flight of steps in my life.
Milly: I'm certain everyone in Howcastle has been awaiting our return – especially the King and Queen!
Ashlynn: Laa de da de daa... Was I singing? Tee hee! I'm so happy, I can't help it!
Nevan: It feels good to return bearing glad tidings.
Amos: ...Hang about! Where's the Prince gone!?
Amos: ...Oh! There he is! Glad to see it.
Prince Howard: Hmph!
Carver: C'mon, folks! We're off to see the King!
Milly: Everyone was waiting anxiously for our return.
Ashlynn: Oop! Did I just see Prince Howard crack a smile? Tee hee!
Prince Howard: I...I did nothing of the sort!
Nevan: I'm very much looking forward to giving King Howell the good news.
Amos: I feel like runnin' round the castle lettin' everyone know we're back!
Carver: Shall we, uh, proceed forthwith 'n everything like that? ...Hmm. I ain't used to royal formalities.
Milly: Let's enter the castle, Hero.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Prince Howard is blushing!
Nevan: Both the guard and his Prince are in high spirits.
Amos: If that guard's this happy, the King and Queen will be doin' cartwheels!
Carver: The Prince won't be needin' that fella's sympathy any longer!
Milly: Come on, let's go and see the King!
Ashlynn: Hmm... Prince Howard didn't have much to say for himself, did he?
Nevan: That man has no shortage of sympathy for his Prince.
Amos: “I have no need of your sympathy. Monster-filled caves hold no fear for me!”
Amos: ...What do you think, Prince Howard? If you like that one, feel free to use it!
Carver: The King'll be surprised to hear the rite is over, aye?
Milly: Let's tell the King the good news, post-haste!
Ashlynn: Now don't take your eyes off the Prince until we're in the throne room!
Nevan: Once word spreads, the kingdom of Howcastle will no doubt unite in celebration.
Amos: At least we know the Prince won't run away on us again.
Prince Howard: Of course I wouldn't... Would I?
Amos: ......
Carver: Crikey. Good thing he caught that cold, or he'd never stop braggin'.
Carver: Aye, but who can blame him? He's probably just relieved this whole rite thing is over with.
Milly: Aww, Howie looks ever so proud! Hee hee.
Ashlynn: If we don't keep him moving, he'll end up showing that thing to every person in the castle.
Nevan: Never doubted the Prince for a second? I have doubts about that...
Amos: I'm pleased Prince Howard got through his cold shower...er...I mean, royal rite of purification.
Carver: Ready, folks? Let's go see the King!
Milly: Well, then, let's go up– Wait!
Sort your collar out first, Hero!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Let's go!
Nevan: I confess I am a little nervous.
Amos: Old Amos is feelin' that royal glow already!
Carver: Sooner or later he's just gonna keel over.
Milly: The poor thing looks like he's going to collapse.
Ashlynn: If there's any kind of celebration tonight, that guy'll be out cold after one drink.
Nevan: That fellow seems not to have noticed his Prince right in front of his nose.
Amos: Couldn't that lad take himself off to bed?
Prince Howard: That's all it takes to wear him out!? And that man calls himself a Howcastle soldier!?
Carver: It'd take a lot more than a quick dip to totally clean up the Prince's act, aye?
Milly: I think she was right the first time. He really has grown up!
Ashlynn: Boy, won't that lady be surprised when she finds out where the Prince has been!
Nevan: Simply preparing his meals has made that woman into a sharp judge of the Prince's character.
Amos: The main thing that's changed about the Prince is that he's soakin' wet!
Amos: ...Oops! I stand corrected. He's dried out now.
Carver: I wonder if the Prince'll stop playing kiddie games now that he's purified 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'm sure that Howard would be perfectly happy just being known as the king of hide-and-seek...
Milly: But he'll soon have to make a name for himself as the king of this land.
Ashlynn: I bet the Prince's life is about to get a whole lot busier.
Ashlynn: But somehow I think he'll find enough time to play with that kid once in a while.
Prince Howard: Most assuredly!
Nevan: The days of “Hunt-The-Prince” are over in Howcastle, I warrant.
Nevan: But whatever will replace hide-and-seek as the official castle pastime?
Amos: I reckon the Prince learnt a heap of useful survival skills from all that hidin'.
Amos: If he just applies them to his weapon trainin' there'll be no stoppin' him!
Carver: Something down here need doin', Hero?
Milly: It's deserted down here, same as always.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, when're we going to see the King?
Nevan: I feel that we should report to King Howell.
Amos: It's much more relaxin' now that Prince Howard's not runnin' off every few seconds.
Carver: Blimey. He's still sleepin'?
Milly: He probably dropped off while waiting for the Prince.
Milly: Shall we let him sleep and go and see the King?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! When the old man wakes up and hears the news, he'll probably think he's still dreaming!
Nevan: We should let him sleep.
Amos: Shame the old boy's sleepin'. I'm sure he'd love to hear the news.
Prince Howard: Far be it from me to wake this man simply to brag.
Prince Howard: Besides, he had every faith that I would succeed, so the news will come as no surprise to him.
Carver: Last night was like fifty festivals wrapped into one! Good times, aye?
Carver: These folks know how to throw a post-purification party. I'll help with as many rites as they like!
Milly: Did you see the King and Queen's faces last night?
Milly: They had smiles so wide, I'm surprised they could fit through the door.
Ashlynn: Do you think that rite truly changed the Prince?
Ashlynn: I coulda sworn I saw him trying to show a girl his armour last night...
Nevan: Yesterday was a momentous day in the history of Howcastle.
Amos: By heck! Old Amos is feelin' a bit delicate today!
Amos: I may have enjoyed myself a bit too much last night.
Carver: I wonder how Prince Howard's been farin'.
Milly: This is bringing back some hazy memories of that royal banquet...
Ashlynn: Prince Howard's purification banquet was pretty crazy, huh?
Nevan: Walking around here, I still get the feeling that Prince Howard is trailing in our wake.
Amos: Old Amos has never eaten that much in his life.
Terry: Did we come to this castle for any specific reason?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie first time here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's nice to see they're still friendly to travellers around here.
Milly: The guards' auras seem somehow brighter than before.
Ashlynn: Don't forget to salute that guard, Hero!
Nevan: That guard has a grin from ear to ear.
Amos: Now all the worries about the royal rite are gone, everyone seems chipper.
Terry: Howcastle, huh?
Lizzie: (slobber) This is...Howcastle... (snarl)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing!
Carver: I can't say I blame him...
Milly: I'm sure that Prince Howard can't wait to be king, after everything he's been through.
Ashlynn: It's a good thing he wasn't born prince – good for him, and good for Howcastle.
Nevan: I doubt this man has to worry about being asked to become a monarch any time soon.
Amos: Well, old Amos wouldn't mind givin' this king lark a try.
Terry: I wonder who'd have been king if Howard hadn't made the grade.
Lizzie: (snarl) Prince should become King... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: I think she's got it wrong on both counts, but...
Milly: Thank the Goddess for that.
Ashlynn: Ugh. He's probably just showing it off to some other girl these days.
Ashlynn: That girl would be better off pining for a proper pauper than a spoilt prince.
Nevan: Am I mistaken, or might the Prince have blossomed into a fine, upstanding young man?
Amos: Y'know, old Amos might have some old armour lyin' round somewhere...
Amos: ...Ah, who am I kiddin'!? That lass only has time for royalty.
Terry: I'm with the Prince on this one. She's not my type.
Lizzie: (snarl) Armour collection...? Lizzie not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boing? ...Boing! (slurp)
Carver: I just hope they don't blame us when he becomes king.
Milly: I'm just pleased we could be of service.
Ashlynn: Boy, the guards around here sure hated their jobs until we came along.
Nevan: It seems a fair proportion of the castle's guards held grudges against their Prince at one point.
Amos: Things were lookin' worryin' for a spell.
Amos: If the old Prince Howard had become King, he'd have had the whole country playin' cards and hide-and-seek.
Terry: Guards aren't paid to complain. He should remember he can always be replaced.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie just got here... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oing!
Carver: It all just sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me...
Milly: He's apparently from the “louder is better” school of recital...
Ashlynn: If that's true poetry, I'll take the fake stuff, thanks!
Nevan: Let's make this the last time we suffer this poet's painful prose.
Amos: That lad needs to get workin' on that next verse!
Terry: I can't decide whether to shame him with the silent treatment, or embarrass him with a slow hand-clap.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie not like poet... (snarl)
Goober: (sluuurp)
Carver: Good thing we handled the heavy lifting then, aye?
Milly: Who'd have thought we'd have been able to help so many people just by passing through this country...
Milly: It's fascinating to consider all the roles fate would have us play...
Ashlynn: So they stand around in their nice, clean uniforms while we do the dirty work, huh?
Nevan: The Prince was truly a heavy burden on his soldiers.
Amos: If old Amos is bein' frank, I know exactly how these soldiers felt about Prince Howard.
Terry: I don't get it – were you a soldier here, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Soldier grateful... Nice soldier... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Maybe the Prince has grown up a bit!
Milly: Prince Howard was like a son to this lady. A delinquent son, but still...
Milly: Only a mother could have enjoyed that attitude of his.
Ashlynn: Maybe the Prince is on a diet? Anyway, I'm sure her cooking improved without all the interruptions.
Nevan: Well, at least Prince Howard has apparently stopped snacking between meals.
Amos: Maybe the Prince is busy pesterin' someone else!
Terry: Whatever – this has got nothing to do with me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lady lonely... Lizzie give hug...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing.
Carver: Huh. It sounds like he didn't see that coming. I didn't either, to be honest.
Milly: He sounds quite shocked!
Milly: Well, I hope the Prince continues to surprise people by developing into a fine leader.
Ashlynn: That was the guy who never slept, right? He looks much better today.
Nevan: The new Prince Howard is a blessing indeed. Each time he fled in the cave, I almost gave up on him.
Amos: I bet that fellow's secretly goin' to miss those late-night card games.
Terry: No idea what he's talking about...
Lizzie: (snarl) New man? Cards...? Lizzie not understand... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Seems the Prince finally realised that hide-'n-seek ain't one of his duties, aye?
Milly: The Prince had another playmate in Howsworth, didn't he?
Milly: That poor child must be rather lonely as well.
Ashlynn: Aww, poor kid. He doesn't have any other young pals to play with around here.
Nevan: The old Prince Howard was a master at neglecting his duties for a game of hide-and-seek.
Nevan: I'm sure that now he has far more pressing matters to attend to.
Amos: Maybe this lad could go and play with that dodgy poet up on the roof.
Amos: Anything to stop him for making more of those terrible rhymes.
Terry: What's wrong with playing alone? That's what I always did...
Lizzie: (slobber) Prince's...brother...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: This fella's really changed his tune, aye?
Milly: Everyone's seeing Prince Howard in a new light since he completed the rite of purification.
Milly: Public perception is everything for a leader, after all. I just hope he doesn't let anyone down.
Ashlynn: The makings of a fine king? Tee hee! That's a good one!
Ashlynn: ...Wait, he was kidding, right?
Nevan: Given its striking effect on the Prince, it's little wonder the royal rite has continued for so long.
Nevan: I wonder if King Howell was a wastrel like his son before he underwent the ordeal.
Amos: I wonder how much the Prince has really changed. ...Though I suppose anything would be an improvement!
Terry: What was his problem with the Prince in the first place?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not know Prince... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Aye, it'll be interesting to find out.
Milly: It looks like everyone's looking forward to the day Prince Howard becomes king.
Ashlynn: I'm just glad I won't be serving under him.
Nevan: Once Howard ascends to the throne, perhaps card games and hide-and-seek will become nationally recognised sports.
Amos: Will King Howard still specialise in sharp exits?
I do hope not...
Terry: These guards think too much. That's the price of peace, I suppose.
Lizzie: (snarl) But...if cold, why sweat...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Empty as always, aye?
Milly: I've lost count of the number of times we've been through this corridor.
Ashlynn: These corridors are starting to feel like home now, huh?
Nevan: I keep expecting Prince Howard to spring out at us.
Amos: I guess we might not be seein' this place again any time soon.
Terry: No monsters? A pity – it might help kill the time.
Lizzie: (snarl) This short cut...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: That fella was pretty helpful to us once upon a time, aye?
Carver: Well, he was asleep just as often, but still!
Milly: We'll always be grateful to that gentleman for the help he gave us.
Ashlynn: I wonder when he finally heard the news.
Ashlynn: He probably still thinks it's all some crazy dream.
Nevan: Come to think of it, no one we've met harboured a genuine hatred of the Prince.
Nevan: All seem to wish him well in his future role as King.
Amos: Maybe that old boy should get some fresh air?
Amos: There'll be mould growin' on him next time we see him...
Terry: So that old guy helped you out?
Lizzie: (snarl) Howard make good king... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey! He really has changed, aye?
Milly: He's talking the kingly talk already.
Ashlynn: At least he seems to realise all the trouble he caused us.
Nevan: I was wrong to ever doubt Prince Howard.
Nevan: I pray we will hear much about his enlightened reign in the future.
Amos: He's got his head screwed on alright! He knew we were flatterin' him right away!
Terry: He reminds me a little of me when I was a kid...
Lizzie: (slobber) That...Prince Howard...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa – he ain't angry at all... Are we sure this is the same Prince Howard?
Carver: Well, we've all gotta grow up sometime.
Milly: It's amazing what a bit of self-confidence can do for someone.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He's developing a sense of humor, too. That rite really did him right!
Nevan: The Prince truly has become a man.
Amos: You're a straight-talker, aren't you, Hero?
Terry: I can't imagine that guy as a king yet. He's still too green.
Lizzie: (slobber) That...Prince Howard...? (snarl)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: He was a stubborn one, aye. But I bet he can do some great things if he really puts his mind to it.
Milly: “Dedication” is right...
Ashlynn: He has a point. It was a real test of wills, but we won.
Nevan: It seems there was always a fine, upstanding young man inside Prince Howard, struggling to get out.
Nevan: It just goes to show that you should never give up on someone.
Amos: It was a bit of a slog, but our determination paid off in the end.
Terry: Dedication, duty, AND hide-and-seek skills? I salute you.
Lizzie: (slobber) That Prince Howard... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: This'll likely be the last time we see the King for a bit.
Milly: We've become regulars in the royal chambers, haven't we...
Ashlynn: Wow! It's so clean in here! This place was a disaster after the banquet.
Nevan: Thinking back on it, this has been a richly rewarding experience.
Amos: King Howell was knockin' 'em back last night.
I hope he's not feelin' any after-effects.
Terry: This is pretty cosy for a throne room.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like King's room... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Ever faithful to his post, aye?
Milly: Tuck your shirt in, Hero – we're meeting royalty.
Ashlynn: Fix your hair! Don't slouch! Be on your best behaviour!
Nevan: King Howell waits just over there.
Amos: Those guards never relax for a second.
Terry: Those guards sure have manners. I've got manners too. I just choose not to use them.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie feel welcome here... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: That Chancellor's been nothin' but nice to us from the start, aye? That means a lot.
Milly: I hope the Chancellor stays around to serve under King Howard as well!
Ashlynn: Wow, I've never seen the Chancellor look so healthy!
Nevan: It's good to be greeted by such a friendly face.
Amos: How long are we stickin' around, Hero?
Terry: So we can stay as long as we please?
How long do we please, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like Howcastle... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves there, aye? The Prince still has a lot of growin' to do.
Milly: Basking in the Queen's joyous aura is all the reward I'll ever need.
Ashlynn: She's not kidding. He's a whole different person in a lot of ways.
Nevan: I'm looking forward to seeing how Prince Howard turns out as well.
Amos: I reckon anyone'd change if they had to stand under a freezin' waterfall for a spell!
Terry: Everyone changes as they get older...
Terry: Seems to me this Howard fellow just changed faster than most.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie meet Queen... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing.
Carver: That's that for our obligation to the King, aye?
Carver: Crikey, I'm glad he remembered!
Milly: So, Hero... Ready for our next adventure?
Milly: A magic key... What a wonderful reward.
Milly: I sense that we'll be making plenty of use of it.
Ashlynn: Will we have to call him “King Howard” the next time we visit?
Ashlynn: Oooh! The key's so pretty! Can I hold it for a second?
Nevan: It seems we really won over King Howell.
Nevan: Let us accept his generosity and make use of what treasures we find.
Nevan: Hero, your key collection is really comin' along!
Amos: Old Amos always gets tongue-tied in front of royalty.
Amos: Hmm...
Amos: If old Amos isn't mistaken, there was a locked door someplace here on the castle grounds as well...
Carver: I think I've had my fill of treasure huntin' for the moment.
Milly: Let's drop by and see Prince Howard again sometime, eh?
Ashlynn: I'd be happy to stop by and see the King and Queen again, too!
Nevan: I feel slightly unworthy of the King's fulsome gratitude and generosity.
Amos: What was it he gave us, again?
It's slipped old Amos's mind!
Terry: Doesn't look like he's going to cough up any more goodies.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want to see Howard... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
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Carver: Looks like same ol', same ol' here, aye?
Milly: All the villagers look well.
Ashlynn: Hey, remember Prince Howard's banquet over at the castle? Boy, what a wild night!
Ashlynn: Who knew the Chancellor could belly dance like that? ...I wish I didn't.
Nevan: I wonder how many times we've visited this village, the castle, the cave...
Amos: It's as laid back as ever here.
Terry: Air doesn't get fresher than this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Horses... Farm... Countryside... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Aye, well, he had a little help is what I heard, eh Hero?
Milly: King Howell said he was ready to step down at any point, but it seems he hasn't done so yet.
Ashlynn: He may have passed the royal rite, but that doesn't mean the Prince is ready for the King job just yet.
Ashlynn: Remember? He said he still had much to learn.
Nevan: Now that Prince Howard's undergone the royal rite, he's all set to become King.
Amos: Har har! I'm just thinkin' of how cold old Howard was after the rite!
Terry: So the Prince is all set to take the throne?
Lizzie: (snarl) Prince...Howard... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: You think folks here are startin' to feel better about the Prince yet?
Milly: I can sense the villagers' relief at knowing their next king has been decided.
Ashlynn: I'd love to tell that guy how we practically had to drag the Prince through the cave!
Nevan: That man's still keen to set Prince Howard to work in the fields.
Nevan: The Prince did say he has much to learn. Perhaps he could give farming a try...
Amos: Prince Howard had to get soaked to the bone to earn his right to be King.
Terry: Just what's that farmer going on about?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie monster... Lizzie eat plough... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! (slurp)
Carver: He eats like a horse, aye?
Milly: Got any sugar lumps, Hero?
Ashlynn: I like his eyes. They're so pretty!
Nevan: That is one healthy, happy horse.
Amos: Old Amos stepped in somethin' squidgy again...
Terry: Anyone else smell something?
Lizzie: (spit) Horse have big appetite... (snarl)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: That fella cares more about crops than crowns.
Milly: He does have a passion for ploughing.
Ashlynn: I guess not everybody cares about local politics...
Nevan: Then again, who can say what might change when Howard ascends the throne?
Amos: That lad does things in his own sweet way!
Terry: Let's keep our distance from that guy.
Terry: If we interrupt his ploughing, he may start throwing punches.
Lizzie: (snarl) Field... Plough... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Next to the castle, aye? Have we been there before?
Milly: If this shelter is near the castle, we might as well go and try it out.
Ashlynn: That magic key will sure open a lot of doors for us. Tee hee!
Nevan: I believe that gentleman once worked at the castle.
Amos: Let's open every door we can!
Carver: Aye, we've been there before.
Milly: Ah yes, the shelter near Howcastle, I remember it.
Ashlynn: I could listen to that guy talk keys all day. He sure knows a lot about 'em!
Nevan: I believe that gentleman once worked at the castle.
Amos: Since the King was kind enough to give us that key, let's get as much use out of it as we can.
Terry: That guy's sharp – one glance and he knows what you're carrying.
Lizzie: (slobber) Magic...key... Help us...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: She seemed surprised, aye? Excited, but surprised...
Milly: Those who knew the Prince best seem to be the most surprised that he completed the rite.
Ashlynn: Boy, she seemed relieved...
Nevan: A prince succeeding his father to the throne should be taken as a matter of course...
Nevan: Yet here in Howsworth, everyone seems genuinely surprised it's really going to happen.
Amos: I wonder who'll be next in line after Prince Howard.
Amos: If he has a son that's anythin' like him, ol' Howie's in for a rough ride.
Terry: So a prince is set to become a king.
...Why is this news?
Lizzie: (snarl) Prince...become king... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Is that really the same guy that was snoozin' here way back when?
Milly: Is it just a coincidence that he's always sleeping when we come here?
Ashlynn: You heard that tale about the guy sleeping for centuries and waking up with a crazy beard and stuff? Well, that's him!
Nevan: Perhaps he still dreams of the Isle o' Smiles.
Nevan: At least now there's no harm in dreaming about it.
Amos: Should we stick somethin' up his nose?
...Just joshin'!
Terry: Is that guy sick or what?
Lizzie: (snarl) Snoring...loud... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: I reckon that fella's dream came true, aye?
Milly: His aura is bright and joyous...
Milly: That gentleman seems to regard the Prince as though he were his own son.
Ashlynn: Wow! He sure looked happy to hear the news, huh, Hero?
Nevan: The good news has put a spring in that fellow's step.
Amos: We'll just leave out the part where the Prince ran away every few minutes.
Terry: Sounds like that guy never doubted the Prince.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie have faith...in...blue man... (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle jiggle)
Carver: Aye, Hero – give it to him straight.
Milly: You'll make the poor man ill again, Hero.
Ashlynn: Hey! Would you treat your grandpa like that, Hero?
Nevan: I'm sure the Prince will come here in person to tell him the news soon enough.
Amos: Are you havin' fun fibbin', Hero?
Terry: You pulling that guy's leg, Hero?
Lizzie: (slobber) True...? Lie...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Prince Howard was that guy's bread 'n butter, aye?
Milly: Her husband doesn't seem to be in too much pain. That's a relief.
Ashlynn: Hope her husband snaps out of it soon.
Nevan: I'm glad to see she's doing well, at least.
Amos: That lady's always busy lookin' after her other half.
Terry: That old guy doesn't look great, but there's still some colour in his cheeks.
Lizzie: (spit) Strain bad... Relax good... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: The Prince hasn't earned everyone's trust yet. I can't blame 'em!
Milly: Sounds like not everyone has accepted the news of their next king yet.
Milly: But I sense that Howard will eventually win them over.
Ashlynn: You know, I think the Prince might stand half a chance as king – but only if his subjects believe in him.
Nevan: The Prince no longer deserves to be known as a coward. This kingdom is in safe hands.
Amos: If that fellow wants to prepare for Howard's reign, he should work on his card and hide-and-seek skills!
Terry: Some people are never happy.
Lizzie: (snarl) Howard not proper...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! New place, same ol' story.
Milly: I wonder what events in this village's history cause her to say that...
Ashlynn: I guess griping about politics is a national pastime everywhere we go, huh?
Nevan: It is only natural to feel trepidation about a new king.
Amos: Payin' for it, eh? ...I wonder how much Howsworth's worth, anyway?
Terry: Howsworth, in Howcastle...? How about that...
Lizzie: (snarl) All politics local... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hidin' is in the Prince's blood. He'll play with that kid sooner or later.
Milly: Howard was a royal prince, but when it came to hide-and-seek he was just another village child...
Milly: I hope he doesn't lose his common touch.
Ashlynn: It's only a matter of time until the Prince gets bored with his training again...
Ashlynn: I bet he'll slip out of the castle and come back to play with that kid.
Nevan: Hide-and-seek, cards, armour collecting...
Nevan: The young Prince Howard certainly had a lot of strings to his bow.
Amos: Maybe Prince Howard's hidin' round here already.
You never know...
Terry: He wants a prince for a playmate?
Good luck with that, kid...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: He would have had to be there to really understand, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. If we'd had him on a leash, one of us would have ended up strangling poor Howard!
Ashlynn: We can look back on it now and laugh, right? Or cry? It was like one long, horrible game of hide-and-seek.
Nevan: I believe, if given the chance, that man would have liked to accompany the Prince through the cave himself.
Amos: Thinkin' about it, we SHOULD've dragged Howard round on a leash.
Terry: I can tell getting the Prince through the cave was no picnic, right Hero?
Lizzie: (spit) Hero got Prince through rite... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Quiet as a church mouse in here, as always.
Milly: It's nice and cool in here.
Ashlynn: Wow – a chapel with its own waterfall!
Nevan: This must be where villagers are baptised.
Amos: I keep thinkin' the Prince is goin' to come shiverin' out of that waterfall.
Terry: For such a backwater village, they sure have an impressive church.
Lizzie: (slobber) Church good... Water clean... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It'd be downright dishonest to call Prince Howard a coward nowadays, aye?
Milly: I'm sure that Prince Howard's reputation will only improve from now on.
Ashlynn: He nearly wet his pants, but he still went through the rite. Nothing cowardly about that, right?
Nevan: It seems Prince Howard will always be the locals' main topic of conversation.
Nevan: Let's hope in the future it's for all the right reasons.
Amos: I daresay the cowardly prince is a thing of the past!
Terry: There's a lot of talk of princes here.
Any of this about you, Hero?
Lizzie: (slobber) Church good... Water clean... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Feels just like old times in here, aye?
Carver: The joint just ain't the same without those “test” fellas.
Milly: Do you remember the first time we came here?
Milly: Where was it that Prince Howard hid himself again?
Ashlynn: Ah, this cave sure brings me back...
Ashlynn: You know, we should've just tied a bell to the Prince. Why didn't I think of that before!?
Nevan: Memories of Prince Howard's rite of purification are flooding back.
Nevan: How many times have we come here?
Amos: There's a mysterious air about this cave.
Amos: I keep thinkin' I'll turn round to find Prince Howard cowerin' in a corner someplace.
Terry: Are we going any deeper?
Terry: There's nothing here but monsters.
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...deep... (slobber)
Lizzie: (spit) Enemies weak... Why come here...? (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing, boing, boooing!
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Folks really do seem to believe in the Prince, I'll give him that much...
Carver: Maybe he'll end up a decent king after all, aye?
Milly: The priest's aura appears even and calm now.
Ashlynn: Just goes to show that even brats like the Prince can grow up.
Nevan: I wonder how many years will pass before the next royal rite of purification.
Nevan: Whenever it is, I very much doubt we will be involved.
Amos: If old Amos had to go through the freezin' shower part of the rite, I'd at least make sure the weather was a bit warmer.
Terry: A rite, in a place like this?
Lizzie: (snarl) Priest live here...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
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Carver: This town's kinda quaint 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: Come on, Hero, let's try talking to some of the locals.
Ashlynn: I like the vibe here. It's just so...authentic, you know?
Nevan: May the Goddess bless this town.
Amos: Old Amos loves visitin' new places!
Carver: This is shapin' up to be a fun adventure, aye, Hero?
Milly: What a perfectly lovely town.
Ashlynn: What do you think of my equipment, Hero? Neat, huh? I picked it out just for today.
Nevan: May the Goddess bless this town.
Amos: Old Amos never gets sick of travellin' with you lot. Every day is like a party with this party!
Carver: The bed that flies? More like a bed of lies. I'll believe it when I see it.
Milly: I wonder if such a bed really exists...
Ashlynn: A bed that flies? Sounds like a silly fairy tale...
Nevan: I confess I've never heard of a flying bed.
Amos: A flyin' bed? That'd be news to me.
Carver: We didn't come for a flyin' bed, but let's keep an eye on the sky regardless, aye?
Milly: A bed that flies is a pretty outlandish concept, even for the dream world...
Ashlynn: Aww, I wanna see the bed!
Nevan: The world is full of marvels and miracles... Who's to say what is possible?
Amos: Would you get seasick sleepin' in a flyin' bed?
Carver: So the flying bed's flown the coop, aye?
Milly: How could a bed go missing? Perhaps it flew off on its own...
Ashlynn: Imagine travelling the world in a flying bed! Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps!
Nevan: I wonder why the flying bed disappeared.
Amos: Now I really want to catch a glimpse of this bed!
Carver: Folks really have a lotta free time on their hands these days, aye?
Milly: This bed seems so well-known here that I'm surprised none of us have ever heard of it.
Ashlynn: I never knew there was such a thing as a flying bed, let alone flying-bed fanatics.
Nevan: Perhaps it's just a bed that makes those who sleep on it dream they are flying.
Amos: Maybe it “flies” by bouncin' round on special springs? The mind boggles.
Carver: Good thing I gave up tryin' to understand ladies a long time ago.
Milly: I don't think there's anything scandalous about following one's heart.
Ashlynn: Ahh, love! I know how she feels...
Nevan: I'm afraid I cannot comment on matters of the heart.
Amos: That lass sounds like she's got a lot on her mind.
Carver: Crikey, there's gotta be more to this picture.
Milly: Age is just a number, isn't it?
Ashlynn: If it really is a dream – and it kinda is – he'll have to wake up sooner or later, no?
Nevan: I am unqualified to comment on romantic matters.
Amos: Maybe he'll write a book revealin' the secret of his success with the ladies. Old Amos will buy two copies!
Carver: The flying bed? Off the balcony? ...Or maybe a bed FELL off the balcony and scrambled his egg.
Milly: Launch from the balcony...?
I can't help but be curious...
Ashlynn: So we might see the flying bed from here? Really? Now I'm getting excited!
Nevan: So in other words, this house warrants investigation.
Amos: Did that old boy really see what he claims?
Carver: Throw him a bone and say a prayer, Hero.
Milly: We should pray for his master.
Ashlynn: Do you think that grave belongs to whoever owned the house next to it?
Nevan: I pray that he may rest in peace...
Amos: That lad must be a servant at the neighbourin' house.
Carver: Locked, aye? That's that.
Milly: I sense something unusual about that house...
Ashlynn: I wonder if that flying bed can handle loop-de-loops and barrel rolls...
Nevan: It seems there is no one home.
Amos: I reckon the grave-visitin' lad is from that house.
Carver: She's got a point. Beatin' Murdaw and Jamirus hasn't thinned out the monsters any, aye?
Milly: I hope she can live in a peaceful world one day.
Ashlynn: Maybe we're not trying hard enough, huh?
Nevan: I sympathise deeply with the nun's sentiment.
Amos: To be honest, old Amos is a tad nervous to find out why monsters are still hangin' round.
Carver: Aye, any trip is a good trip with the right folks at your side.
Milly: He's right. Any journey is more enjoyable with good friends, isn't it?
Ashlynn: I don't know about you, Hero, but I've loved every moment of this adventure right from the get-go!
Nevan: I would not have been blessed with the chance to join this quest were it not for you, Hero.
Amos: I wonder who this partner he hated at first is.
Carver: Huh. He musta messed up in his dream.
Milly: It seems like these two are travelling together.
It's good to travel with people of different vocations. When you fall, your partner can pick you up.
Ashlynn: Wow, he's in a cold sweat...
Nevan: It sounds like this boss is an intimidating figure.
Amos: I'd love to know what that fellow's dreamin'.
Carver: He's truly asleep on the job, aye?
Milly: He must sleep with one eye open...
Ashlynn: Whoa! That guy's speedy!
Nevan: I thought he was fast asleep, but appearances can be deceptive.
Amos: That fellow's a natural born salesman!
Carver: Nothin' but a cat in here, aye?
Milly: Aww, the poor kitty's home alone.
Ashlynn: What a cute wittle snookums!
Nevan: I take it this is where the merchants reside.
Amos: That cat looks excitable – I think it wants its dinner.
Carver: Whoa! So that bed was flown by a kid? Really?
Milly: I sense he is telling the truth...
Ashlynn: Aww, I want to tuck myself into that flying bed so badly!
Nevan: So that child got lost and wandered here?
Amos: I wonder whether the flyin' bed could take off with old Amos on board.
Carver: Hmm... What's for dinner, I wonder...
Milly: What an elegant young lady.
Ashlynn: I wish someone would make me dinner every night.
Nevan: Let's not disturb the dinner preparations.
Amos: Any grub for old Amos?
...No luck it seems.
Carver: Imagine bein' jealous of a little kid like that. Hardy har!
Milly: His wife must have a heart of gold.
Ashlynn: Is he really jealous of a kid?
Nevan: It is deeply admirable to take in a lost child.
Amos: He's gripin' about the lad, but I can tell he enjoys havin' him round just the same.
Carver: This place really looks familiar, aye?
Milly: Could this be...?
Ashlynn: I like the vibe here. It's just so...authentic, you know?
Nevan: May the Goddess bless this town.
Amos: Is this the first time old Amos has been here!?
Carver: Right. Where to next?
Milly: Open spaces do wonders for one's peace of mind.
Ashlynn: It's never a dull moment with you, Hero.
Nevan: May the Goddess bless this town.
Amos: Where was the entrance again?
Carver: Clearvale, aye...?
Milly: Of course, this is Clearvale.
Ashlynn: Oh, yeah! This is all starting to make sense, come to think of it.
Nevan: So this is the real world Clearvale.
Amos: Old Amos is havin' a little trouble gettin' his head round this...
Carver: Aye... Goddess knows I hate to see anyone die, no matter what their age...
Milly: All things must pass, as they say, but it's tragic when young people go before their time...
Ashlynn: Oof. Well, I wish her good mourning.
Nevan: It sounds like that woman is enduring a recent loss...
Amos: She needs cheerin' up – should I give her a hug?
Carver: I couldn't imagine anything worse than bein' all cooped up.
Milly: Matt sounds like a spirited child.
Ashlynn: I'd cry myself to sleep if I were laid up like that.
Nevan: It is tragic when a child is confined to their bed.
Amos: This Matt's a brave lad!
Carver: You heard of that mountain before, Hero?
Milly: Could this “Drop” be part of our destiny?
Ashlynn: “Destiny's Drop”? Wow! Let's drop by someday!
Nevan: I wonder if our destiny is somehow entwined with Destiny's Drop.
Amos: Destiny's Drop? That's a name and a half!
Carver: If that swordsman can do it, so can we!
Milly: Could this “Drop” be part of our destiny?
Ashlynn: “Destiny's Drop”? Wow! Let's drop by someday!
Nevan: I wonder if our destiny is somehow entwined with Destiny's Drop.
Amos: If it's time for a date with destiny, old Amos is ready for action!
Carver: If that swordsman can do it, so can we!
Milly: Could this “Drop” be part of our destiny?
Ashlynn: “Destiny's Drop”? Wow! Let's drop by someday!
Nevan: I wonder if our destiny is somehow entwined with Destiny's Drop.
Amos: If it's time for a date with destiny, old Amos is ready for action!
Carver: That fella's pretty spry for his age, aye?
Milly: He's still young at heart.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Hope he finds a ripe old Miss Right!
Nevan: I know little of love, but it's said it keeps the spirit young.
Amos: Anythin's possible in the dream world!
Carver: We better do somethin' about those monsters, aye?
Otherwise, folks'll just stay at home and mope.
Milly: Tom Foolery...
Where have I heard that name before...
Milly: Hmm... I can't seem to remember.
Ashlynn: Tom Foolery, huh? I wonder what his act was like.
Nevan: With a name like Tom Foolery, how entertaining could his act possibly be?
Amos: Maybe I should introduce the world to the comedy stylings of old Amos!
Amos: ...But I wouldn't want to put this Tom Foolery fellow outta business.
Carver: No wonder she didn't choose him. He cries like a girl.
Milly: The poor man... This Alicia must have dumped him.
Ashlynn: Alicia made the right choice if you ask me.
Ashlynn: I mean, what's with the sobbing? That guy needs to man up.
Nevan: The Goddess moves in mysterious ways.
Amos: So maybe that lad was too young for Alicia.
Carver: Look at that pup! He's man's best friend to the end, and then some!
Milly: It's almost like the dog has come to the grave to pray...
Ashlynn: Aww... That poor dog. I'm going to start whimpering myself here in a minute...
Nevan: That is a wise-looking dog.
Amos: That dog's smell...
Amos: Wasn't there another gravesite somewhere with that smell...?
Carver: Talk about a sad tale, aye?
Milly: Oh my. I can only imagine what those parents must be going through.
Ashlynn: After hearing all that, I know Matthew was happy. I'm sure of it!
Nevan: Destiny is at work here. Let us pray for the child's soul.
Amos: We should lay a wreath for this poor Matthew lad.
Carver: A promise, aye...? What kind of promise, I wonder...?
Milly: That couple's story has really affected me...
Milly: Let's visit their house and see if there isn't anything we can do for them, Hero.
Ashlynn: I wonder if this promise is the sort of thing we could help fulfill...
Nevan: I have faith that their prayers have reached their son.
Amos: Old Amos thought about tellin' a few gags to lighten the atmosphere.
Amos: ...But it's not the right time.
Carver: Avast! What was that...thing?
Milly: Oh Goddess. I really wish I hadn't seen that...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! A middle-aged bunny-girl-man!? You sure we're in the real world?
Nevan: Oh Goddess! My eyes! They must be purified!
Amos: Touch wood we never have to witness anythin' like that again!
Carver: All the way from Somnia, aye? That Tom Foolery must put on one heck of a show!
Milly: That's entertainers for you – they flit about like leaves on a breeze.
Ashlynn: Ooh! She's making me want to get into show business, too!
Nevan: I'm sure this Tom Foolery never made it as far as Ghent.
Amos: If anyone needs a laugh, old Amos is always on hand to supply jokes, japes and joviality!
Carver: She ain't too ugly if you don't mind man hands.
Milly: Look at that five o'clock shadow...
Ashlynn: Uh, yeah. I need to learn a spell that'll erase the last minute from my mind...
Nevan: I pray the Goddess does not strike that bunny “girl” down for his...err, her crimes against nature...
Amos: That would be a fine lookin' lass – if it were a lass...
Carver: Destiny's Drop is north-east of here, aye? I'm committin' that to memory...
Milly: Something horrible must have happened to this Matt...
Ashlynn: What kind of badge did Tom Foolery promise him, I wonder...
Nevan: Can Destiny's Drop really be so steep that he judges it impossible to scale?
Amos: I can't wait to get an eyeful of Destiny's Drop.
I'm less keen on actually climbin' the thing.
Carver: Destiny's Drop is north-east, aye? Let's give it a look-see, Hero!
Milly: Climbing Destiny's Drop has become part of our own destiny, don't you think?
Ashlynn: I guess now's the part where we go get that badge for them, huh?
Ashlynn: That would've made Matt really happy, too!
Nevan: I have absolute faith that no mountain or cliff can best us.
Amos: So we're settin' our sights on Destiny's Drop to the north-east, are we?
Carver: That's...that's a tough one, aye.
Milly: Losing someone is never easy.
Ashlynn: I hate goodbyes, you know.
Ashlynn: When I say my final farewell, I hope there's a smile on my face!
Nevan: There are things which children are too young to fully understand.
Amos: I wouldn't know how to break news like that to a little lass either...
Carver: Did her friend skedaddle on her or something?
Milly: Has Matt disappeared, then?
Ashlynn: Well, that promise seemed a little...inappropriate.
Nevan: Perhaps this Matt will be home in time for his dinner?
Amos: A bed's not for ridin' on – it's for sleepin' in!
Carver: I dunno what to say to her. This is a toughie.
Milly: Telling her that she'll never meet Matt again is not going to be easy...
Ashlynn: Oh, this just breaks your heart, doesn't it?
Nevan: However hard it may be conceal the truth, it is not our place to enlighten that girl.
Amos: That bed she mentioned... Could it really be?
Carver: More lovey-dovey stuff. Geh.
Milly: Her aura is positively glowing with joy.
Ashlynn: I guess this is what they call “domestic bliss”, huh?
Nevan: I believe she's found true happiness.
Amos: Some day it'll happen for me...
Carver: Sounds like one big excuse to sleep on the job to me.
Milly: We know a thing or two about the “mysteries of the dream world”, don't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: When I'm all groggy in the morning, sometimes I can't tell if I'm in the real world or if I'm still dreaming.
Ashlynn: It happens to everybody, right? ...Right?
Nevan: Dreams are indeed fascinating – a realm where anyone can become whatever they want.
Amos: Why do people dream? Easy – it's because they're asleep!
Carver: Nobody home, aye? Let's shove off.
Milly: Is anyone here?
Milly: ...No, the house seems to be empty.
Ashlynn: On to the next place...
Nevan: Whenever visiting a new town, you should always pay your respects at the local church.
Amos: Maybe we should leave before we get mistaken for burglars.
Carver: That fella looks foul but seems fair, aye?
Milly: Maybe we should move on, Hero?
We don't want to disturb them.
Ashlynn: When you realise Matthew lived here, it kinda hits you deep down, huh?
Nevan: They must have come straight back from church.
Amos: Old Amos is keen on findin' somethin' that will help this couple out.
Carver: So just chip off a piece o' that crag to make a badge of courage, aye? Ain't that interesting!
Milly: Getting a shard of courage ourselves would be faster than tracking down this Tom Foolery.
Ashlynn: I know! How about we make this badge for her?
Ashlynn: If Tom Foolery couldn't do it, then we'll do it for him!
Nevan: It's up to us to leave this badge of courage on Matthew's grave!
Amos: I've never mentioned it before, but I'm actually a dab hand at carvin' rocks.
Amos: I'll show you my skills when we get to the Crag of Courage.
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Carver: Avast! This cliff has a top, aye? You wouldn't know it from here!
Milly: This won't be an easy climb. Let's stay focused.
Ashlynn: Whoa! Looks like we're in for a real cliffhanger!
Nevan: With the Goddess watching over us, we have nothing to fear.
Amos: I-I'm not shakin' with fear! It's just a bit nippy!
Carver: Whoa. They build everything big around here.
Milly: My, it's beautiful in here.
Ashlynn: Hmm? Hey, isn't that a priest and a nun over there?
Nevan: A natural cave... Impressive...
Amos: It's a little less hair-raisin' here.
Carver: Golden pickaxe, aye? Good to know.
Milly: We're lucky to have met such a helpful priest.
Ashlynn: Alright, so it sounds like our first order of business is finding that golden pickaxe. Let's go!
Nevan: Our first task is to procure this golden pickaxe.
Amos: We're not plannin' on expirin' prematurely!
Carver: What? C'mon, Hero, let's hear him out!
Milly: Destiny's Drop certainly seems intimidating, doesn't it?
Ashlynn: We can't just turn back now, Hero!
Nevan: I will offer up a prayer to the Goddess.
Amos: Seems it wasn't monsters that killed folks – it was the drop. (gulp)
Carver: Great! We ready to shove off?
Milly: If we get hurt on the mountain, that nun can treat our wounds.
Ashlynn: Right! Now we're good to go!
Nevan: Knowing that we have such a helpful resource available offers me a great sense of relief.
Amos: It's a shame they don't have an adventure log...
Carver: C'mon! What're we waitin' for? No time to waste!
Carver: Scalin' a cliff or swattin' monsters are kinda fun on their own. Doin' both at once...? Not so much.
Milly: You can feel the gusts of wind blowing in.
Milly: The way up is quite convoluted. Let's make sure we don't get lost.
Ashlynn: Let's go, let's go!
Ashlynn: Pretty simple caves for such a big cliff, huh?
Nevan: A Ghentile should feel no fear... (gulp)
Nevan: The enemies here are formidable.
We must keep our guard up.
Amos: I wonder how much further we've got to go.
Amos: It's good to see a nice, flat path.
Carver: What, they got a doorman 'n everything like that?
Milly: What are we supposed to knock? A wall? A stone?
Ashlynn: Ooh! Do you think the pickaxe is in that treasure chest?
Nevan: So we have but to knock, and the path will open before us...
Amos: So we need to knock? Does that mean knockin' a hole in the wall?
Carver: Let's try givin' this cave a few whacks!
Milly: Hey, Hero, we saw a few rocks that looked breakable, remember?
Ashlynn: Wow! Can that thing break through any rock or just certain kinds? I wonder...
Nevan: Sounds like we can shatter solid rock with the golden pickaxe. Let's get swinging!
Amos: So we need to knock? Does that mean knockin' a hole in the wall?
Carver: The golden pickaxe is so shiny! I almost hate to get it dirty.
Milly: Finally, we've got it. Come on, let's head for the Crag of Courage!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! That shard of courage is as good as ours!
Nevan: So this is the golden pickaxe... The craftsmanship is superlative...
Amos: This pickaxe is a beauty! No merchant could put a price on somethin' like this!
Carver: Not even a wall o' solid rock can stop us now, aye?
Milly: I'm sure there are some rocks the pickaxe cannot smash.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Chip off the old block, huh?
Nevan: What power resides within the golden pickaxe!
Amos: Heave-ho, heave-ho!
Carver: Phew... (pant) Finally...made it... (pant pant)
Milly: My, what a lovely breeze.
Milly: Look, Hero. That big rock must be the Crag of Courage.
Ashlynn: Wow! I feel so alive! I just love climbing high places!
Ashlynn: It's like... It's like it's jogging my memory – like I might start remembering things!
Nevan: We have finally made it to the summit.
Nevan: Let's procure a shard of courage and get back down.
Amos: That was a climb and a half!
Amos: Old Amos doesn't belong at heights like this.
Carver: Alright! That crag's about to shed some shard!
Milly: Look, Hero. That big rock must be the Crag of Courage.
Ashlynn: Well? Let's break out that pickaxe and start swinging!
Nevan: I'd hazard a guess that the large rock there is the Crag of Courage.
Amos: I'm impressed the person who put up that sign made it this far...
Carver: Great! Let's get this shard back to Matt's place on the double!
Milly: Come on, let's hurry back to Clearvale.
Ashlynn: This shard's the secret to making everybody in town happy. I just know it!
Nevan: The Tresses will be overjoyed!
Amos: Let's just be careful we don't take any unplanned short-cuts straight down the cliff.
Carver: I reckon I'll never get used to scaling this cliff.
Milly: I don't think there's anything else here for us, Hero.
Ashlynn: Climbing up cliffs is actually a lot of fun, huh?
Nevan: Destiny's Drop certainly lived up to its grand billing.
Amos: Are we finally headin' back?
Carver: Alright. Time to hand over the shard.
Milly: If only Matt could be here to receive his badge of courage...
Ashlynn: Boy, I bet we're gonna rock the Tresses' world when they see that shard.
Ashlynn: Do you think Mr Tress will cry?
Nevan: Let's head to the Tress family home.
Amos: Now where's that shard of courage...?
Amos: ...There it is! I thought we'd dropped it for a second...
Carver: Uh, Hero, I'd say we DO have some business here...
Milly: This isn't the time to mess around, Hero.
Ashlynn: So funny I forgot to laugh, Hero.
Nevan: Mr Tress seems to be in rather low spirits.
Amos: What're you sayin', Hero!?
Carver: Why don't we stay the night, Hero?
It's better than sleepin' on the ground.
Milly: Matt's bed...? ...Could that be...?
Ashlynn: It'd be rude to say no, wouldn't it, Hero?
Nevan: I think we should accept Mr Tress's kind offer.
Amos: His son's bed might be a wee bit small for us lot.
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Carver: Hardy har! We made our bed and now we fly in it, aye, Hero?
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He was too busy staring at the bed to notice us on top of it.
Nevan: Flying on that bed is a smooth ride indeed.
Amos: I bet his eyes popped right out of his head when we flew past on the bed!
Carver: Aye, and you gotta chase your dreams, right Hero?
Milly: Hee hee. I suppose we've proved that dreams can come true!
Ashlynn: Folks sure love that flying bed, huh?
Nevan: If only everyone followed their dreams, this would be a better world.
Amos: Old Amos's dream is to restore world peace together with Hero and co.
Carver: Hardy har! So we're the “chosen ones”, aye?
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Boy, people's spirits soar when they see that bed fly!
Nevan: Indeed, I believe that Hero was chosen by the Goddess...
Amos: We wouldn't have that bed if we hadn't had the gumption to climb that cliff.
Carver: Hardy har! We know the feelin', aye?
Milly: Hee hee. I'd say he's still got it, too!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Sounds like that man's “living the dream”, huh?
Nevan: That fellow seems ever so pleased with himself.
Amos: So he feels like he's flyin' together with his young sweetheart? Some folk get all the luck!
Carver: I bet he'd flip his lid if we told him it was us ridin' that thing.
Milly: I suppose he didn't see us riding the bed, then.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I so want to tell him that we were the ones riding it!
Nevan: This fellow behaves as if the flying bed were some kind of ghost.
Amos: It seems a flyin' bed makes a fine tourist attraction.
Carver: Huh. I reckon Matt was that fella's owner, aye?
Milly: Matt must have popped down for a quick visit.
Ashlynn: Maybe Matt's keeping an eye on him from up above, huh?
Nevan: The Goddess moves in mysterious ways.
Amos: Crikey!
Carver: An undersea creature, aye...? Maybe we should go cruisin' to bruise 'im...
Milly: You know, I think I've heard that rumour myself...
Milly: Something about the souls of the city's inhabitants still floating around, forlorn to this day...
Ashlynn: ...A legendary city under the sea?
Ashlynn: Weird... That sounds familiar to me for some reason. I wonder why...
Nevan: Let's remember that: the seabed to the west.
Amos: A legendary city? That sounds right up my street!
Carver: Rough seas mean rough times for the local seafarin' folk, you can be sure of that.
Milly: Could it be a monster churning up that western sea?
Ashlynn: How can the fishermen hold down their lunch in seas like that?
Nevan: Hmm... The sea to the west of this continent...
Amos: I wonder who or what is behind those choppy seas.
Carver: That sea monster's gotta be behind all this, aye?
Milly: It seems the western sea requires our attention...
Ashlynn: A legendary city...sent to the seabed by a horrible creature...
Nevan: We must be on guard when we venture to the western sea.
Amos: A choppy sea's no good for fishermen.
Carver: Another job well done, aye, Hero?
Milly: The nun's aura is much brighter, too.
Ashlynn: We've made all the Tresses a lot happier, I'd say... Father, mother, and son, too.
Nevan: Scaling Destiny's Drop was truly worthwhile.
Amos: There's nothin' better than helpin' folks out!
Carver: If nobody knows him, maybe I should start callin' myself Tom Foolery, aye?
Carver: What? I'm just kiddin', Hero!
Milly: Tom Foolery... What a curious man...
Ashlynn: Aww, I hope I can see this guy's show someday!
Nevan: I find this Tom Foolery character most intriguing.
Amos: Alright! I confess! Old Amos is Tom Foolery!
Amos: ...You believed me, didn't you?
Ha ha ha!
Carver: Hardy har! I'd tell him it was us, but “doffin'” sounds like a bad way to ruin a good hat.
Milly: Hee hee. It seems that rumours fly around even faster than that bed!
Ashlynn: Hearing things like that makes all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it, huh?
Nevan: We owe our success to the protection of the Goddess.
Amos: Oh, old Amos is a kindly traveller alright!
Amos: ...Though I don't usually like to blow my own trumpet.
Carver: It's nice to see Mr Tress happy!
Milly: It was great to meet Matt too, wasn't it?
Ashlynn: We couldn't have gotten Matt's flying bed without his father's help. I'd call that a fair trade!
Nevan: I'm just pleased we could be of any assistance.
Amos: It's just a shame Mr and Mrs Tress couldn't see our flyin' bed trip.
Carver: Aww, shucks... I'd forgotten how embarrassin' praise can be.
Milly: Looking at Mrs Tress's bright aura makes it all worthwhile...
Ashlynn: Her feeling is right – Matthew really IS watching them! Wish I could tell her...
Nevan: With a flying bed, we have access to all manner of new locations. Let's make full use of it!
Amos: I wonder how little Matt's gettin' on...
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Carver: Oh, no more bazaar?
Milly: Shall we have a look around, Hero?
Ashlynn: These towns always die down after big shindigs.
Nevan: May the blessings of the Goddess be upon this town.
Amos: When's the next bazaar, I wonder?
Terry: What business do we have in Haggleton? None that I can see...
Lizzie: (slobber) This...Haggleton... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The fella finally means business, aye?
Milly: Perhaps there's no market for his products where he comes from.
Ashlynn: Wow! I guess that's what it takes to make it at the Haggleton bazaar, huh?
Nevan: Staying put would certainly cut down on expenses.
Amos: Sure enough, only the early birds get the worms.
Terry: Is he even certain there's going to be another bazaar?
Lizzie: (snarl) Good luck...shop man... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Makes sense to me. This is a market town, after all.
Milly: There are still plenty of merchants around.
Ashlynn: Why not hold the bazaar all year long?
Nevan: I eagerly await the next bazaar.
Amos: He has a point – this place is pretty empty now.
Terry: No bazaar, no people. That's the way it goes.
Lizzie: (slobber) No people... Sad... (snarl)
Goober: Boing? Boing...?
Carver: Huh. I reckon anything's possible if you work hard enough, aye?
Milly: There's nothing wrong with a little competition, but there's no need for conflict.
Ashlynn: Those are the two brothers, right? Guess their sibling rivalry extends to the stalls, too.
Nevan: Just like I'm destined to one day best the Elder at the Ghentile bi-annual prayer composition competition classic!
Amos: So Bill won in the end?
Terry: This has got nothing to do with me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...no have brother... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing, boi-oing...
Carver: I'm surprised he actually admitted defeat.
Milly: I hope the brothers' rivalry remains friendly.
Ashlynn: He sure has a passion for business.
Nevan: I have no brothers but I can imagine how painful it would be to be outdone by one's younger sibling.
Amos: These brothers need to calm down.
Terry: Whatever you do in life, make sure you're winning.
Lizzie: (snarl) Big brother lose... Little brother win... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: He beat his brother, but he still respects him, aye? I like that.
Milly: Aww, he's bursting with pride.
Ashlynn: Hmm. He doesn't look it, but Bill's a hard worker.
Nevan: Whatever you do, you should give it your all.
Amos: I wonder how much money he beat Buck by.
Terry: As long as you're breathing, you've got to keep fighting.
Lizzie: (snarl) He work hard... He work very hard... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hard to feel peaceful with all the monsters runnin' wild outside of town, aye?
Milly: It seems everyone still feels threatened by the monsters.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Does that mean no more bazaars?
Nevan: We must continue to fight until true peace returns to the world.
Amos: If folks don't feel safe comin' to town, sales are goin' to struggle.
Terry: There's still no land truly at peace.
Lizzie: (snarl) Bazaar...Petered? Who Peter...? (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Hmm... Not like we need it at this point, aye?
Milly: There's no point frittering away ten gold coins on something we don't need.
Ashlynn: Wow! That thief's key is a steal at that price.
Nevan: It may be cheap but it would be wrong to waste money on items we don't need.
Amos: We're not buyin' it? Well, maybe old Amos could get one for personal use... No, never mind...
Terry: Offloading items for ten gold coins? He must have plenty of unsold stuff...
Lizzie: (spit) Hero have ultimate key... No need more... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We don't really need that key, but it's free, so what the heck.
Milly: I don't feel comfortable taking something for nothing like this...
Ashlynn: Yahoo!
Nevan: It seems we are being rewarded for all our virtuous conduct.
Amos: If it's free, let's get all we can!
Terry: He knows a seasoned adventurer when he sees one.
Lizzie: (snarl) Free... Lizzie lucky... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Wait, we already had one? Why'd you wanna buy it again, Hero?
Milly: Don't get greedy, Hero. We already have one...
Ashlynn: You just wanted to buy it because it was a bargain, huh? I've been there...
Nevan: There's no need for more than one.
Amos: Whoops! He saw through our little game!
Terry: You got greedy...
Lizzie: (snarl) Got key! No need key! (splutter)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Some folks're havin' trouble believin' their monster troubles are over. I can't say I blame 'em.
Milly: Indeed, there's still plenty to be scared of...
Ashlynn: He's got a point – especially since we've done a lot more than just beat Murdaw now.
Nevan: Peace and security indeed remains a distant dream.
Amos: That soldier's got it right!
Terry: Well, at least with the feeble monsters round here there's nothing to be afraid of.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not safe... Not safe yet... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing?
Carver: We drop by plenty of churches ourselves, aye? They soothe the ol' soul 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'm sure the Goddess will keep an eye on him.
Ashlynn: What's this – a trustworthy merchant?
They exist!?
Nevan: That man is truly blessed.
Amos: I bet he's prayin' for bumper profits.
Terry: Whatever floats his boat, I suppose.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie pray... Goddess listen... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: You're always welcome here, aye, Hero?
Milly: Cliff's skills must really be in demand.
Ashlynn: Oh, he's sleeping? Shhh... Let's keep quiet, then.
Ashlynn: Wait, can you even hear me whispering over his snoring?
Nevan: It's no wonder he's so busy – ceremonial crowns are the must-have item at festivals everywhere.
Amos: Her old man's made a fair few crowns in his time.
Terry: We're not really going to make ourselves at home, are we?
Lizzie: (snarl) Snoring...loud... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Pays to be persistent, aye?
Milly: I'm glad he's got an apprentice to pass his knowledge on to.
Ashlynn: Wonder how long it takes to go from apprentice to full-fledged crownsmith...
Nevan: Working as an apprentice to a famed crownsmith does not sound like a simple endeavour.
Amos: Sounds like he's brimmin' with enthusiasm!
Terry: That apprentice has passion. For now, at least...
Lizzie: (snarl) Passion good... But talent better... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Ya know, this fella reminds me of someone... I wish I could remember who...
Milly: He's sleeping like a baby.
Ashlynn: There's no waking him up.
Nevan: It looks as if he's catching up on plenty of lost sleep.
Amos: The bed's shakin' just from his snorin'.
Terry: If monsters attack, that guy won't stand a chance.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man snoring...? Or growling...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: He shoulda thought about that before he took the job, aye? Hopefully he'll tough it out.
Milly: With a taskmaster like Cliff, it'll be years before he even touches a crown.
Ashlynn: If it was easy, everyone would be a crownsmith.
Nevan: His efforts will surely be rewarded.
Amos: He could always become a professional wood-chopper and house painter.
Terry: He should be grateful he got this gig in the first place.
Lizzie: (slobber) Less complain... More chop! (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: You're not exactly what they call a “smart shopper”, aye, Hero?
Milly: Only the best merchants remember all their customers' faces.
Ashlynn: You just wanted to buy it because it was a bargain, huh? I've been there...
Nevan: There's no need for it, in any case.
Amos: Whoops! He saw through our little game!
Terry: You got greedy...
Lizzie: (spit) Hero have ultimate key... No need more... (snarl)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: The water looks just as perfect as always, aye?
Milly: Listen to that waterfall – noisy as ever!
Ashlynn: Ah, the air here is so fresh and clean. I feel like I'm getting a facial just walking around!
Nevan: The sound of falling water makes me recall how I used to meditate beneath a waterfall.
Amos: It's hard to believe this beautiful water was ever bright red.
Terry: The Amor water's crystal clear, to be sure.
Lizzie: (snarl) Water...clean... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Wow, she's lookin' good today! Just like yesterday and tomorrow, aye?
Milly: Just looking at the water makes me feel at ease.
Ashlynn: The girls' complexions here are perfect – not a pimple or pore in sight!
Nevan: Since we've come all this way, it would be a shame not to purchase some amor seco essence.
Amos: The air here's as fresh as it gets!
Terry: Have we got business here, Hero?
Lizzie: (slobber) Water sound...relax...Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: An evil presence, aye...? I'd like to give this presence a present: my fists!
Milly: It's up to us to deal with those monsters!
Ashlynn: Well, I can only pray to the Goddess that her prayers make it up to...the Goddess...
Ashlynn: ...Perhaps I'll just pray for world peace as well.
Nevan: Let us join her in prayer.
Amos: I hope the world's one day as pure and wholesome as that nun.
Terry: Purity and wholesomeness can wait – first the world needs peace.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie want...pure world, too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boooing!
Carver: A quick dip should cool them cockles right off, aye?
Milly: What game are they playing, I wonder?
Ashlynn: Aww, I just love children. They're just so innocent and pure.
Nevan: Those two children are staring at the ground.
I wonder what's so interesting.
Amos: They're not playin' hide-and-seek...
Terry: I don't really get kids...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like kids... But kids fear Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Huh? Did she just say “Ilya”?
Milly: I'm sure she just said “Ilya”...
Ashlynn: Hey, he buried something there, didn't he? Ooh! What could it be?
Nevan: These youngsters are full of vim and vigour.
Amos: Nippers tend to forget where they bury their trinkets, don't they?
Terry: So were those the kids from the church?
Lizzie: (snarl) Kids...run... Cute... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Ain't that cute. He was trying to hide them.
Milly: They must be important items to those children.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Kids will be kids, huh?
Nevan: Let us put the trinkets back as they were.
Amos: I'm glad it wasn't strange bones and whatnot.
Terry: Leave the kid stuff to the kids.
Lizzie: (spit) Treasure...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Hey, ain't all kids pure 'n refreshing 'n everything like that? I know I was...
Milly: Just looking at these children makes me feel all warm inside.
Ashlynn: Well my heart's STILL pure and refreshing, thank you very much!
Nevan: I pray those children always remain this pure.
Amos: Those nippers' hearts are pure and bright, alright.
Amos: You might even say their hearts are as pure as the water! Er... Did that old boy say that already!?
Terry: Hearts always change, sooner or later.
Lizzie: (snarl) Pure... Clear... Bright... (slobber)
Goober: B-B-Boing! Boing!
Carver: Looks like our work's never done, aye?
Milly: The monsters probably won't venture into town, but I can see why the locals can't relax.
Ashlynn: How rude of those monsters, keeping her awake at night like that...
Nevan: When will these people finally be able to put their fears to rest?
Amos: Old Amos isn't one of those howling monsters, I swear!
Terry: The monster population might even be growing...
Lizzie: (snarl) Night monsters... Scary... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Whoa, whoa! Let's hear that fella out, Hero!
Milly: Anything called the “ultimate” key must be worth investigating.
Ashlynn: The ultimate key!? Ooh, gimme gimme!
Nevan: I'm not so sure the word is really out.
Amos: Yup, that's news to old Amos!
Terry: Does this ultimate key really live up to its name?
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: Ain't we the know-it-alls, aye?
Milly: You could say that we know about it... Or that we actually have it...
Ashlynn: Now that the word's out, I'm glad the key is safe in our possession.
Nevan: Well, I can't comment on how far word has spread...
Amos: Yup, that's news to old Amos!
Terry: Surely even the ultimate key can't open everything?
Lizzie: (snarl) Ultimate key... We have... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing? Boooing!
Carver: The bottom of the sea, aye...? Even I can't handle that much pressure. We're gonna need help with this one, Hero.
Milly: I can't wait to get my hands on this ultimate key...
Ashlynn: The ultimate key!? Ooh, I wanna try it!
Nevan: A sunken ship? Intriguing...
Amos: Old Amos can't hold his breath long enough to get to the ocean floor.
Terry: Well we can't just go scouring the whole ocean floor...
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! How'd he know we needed an honest-to-Goddess mermaid to get that key?
Milly: Looking back, it really wasn't easy to find, was it?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! What a negative Nelly. We're proof that anything's possible!
Nevan: The rumours of a sunken ship were indeed true.
Amos: We've managed to get our hands on some blindin' stuff, I tell you!
Terry: Where there's a will, there's always a way.
Lizzie: (snarl) Ultimate key... We have... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boiiing!
Carver: “Adopt”, aye? That must be another word for plumpin' ya up.
Milly: Hmm. Food and candy are no replacement for love...
Ashlynn: Wow! Free food and candy? Do you think I'm too old for this adopting business?
Nevan: Hmm... Luring someone with food...
Amos: Free food? Sounds like a fine chap!
Terry: Adoptin' for food? Is he serious?
Lizzie: (snarl) Adopt... Candy... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: He lost me there. I just don't get it.
Milly: These children, Ilya and Evgenya – they're at the church?
Milly: Let's go and have a look, Hero.
Ashlynn: Do you think they could be the dream versions of the real-world Ilya and Evgenya?
Ashlynn: If so, then maybe this is the best thing for them... They get to be happy together as kids.
Nevan: Even when people suddenly materialise in the dream world, they seem to somehow blend in to people's memory.
Amos: One minute they're ancient, then they're kids.
Those folks keep themselves busy!
Terry: I'm not really following all of this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Ilya... Evgenya... Funny...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: It's weird to see 'em as two happy kids, aye?
Milly: Ilya and Evgenya seem really happy as children, don't they?
Ashlynn: This isn't such a bad place for them, is it? They get to live happily together as kids...
Nevan: Even when people suddenly materialise in the dream world, they seem to somehow blend in to people's memory.
Amos: One minute they're ancient, then they're kids.
Those folks keep themselves busy!
Terry: I suppose folks are comfortable with a little mystery here in the dream world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Evgenya and Ilya...friends... (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Look at him go!
Milly: Children can be a real handful...
Ashlynn: Something tells me this isn't the first time that kid's gotten yelled at...
Nevan: Healthy children are a blessing from the Goddess.
Amos: When old Amos was a nipper, I often used to get in trouble for swingin' my club around.
Terry: That kid looks like a naughty one alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Thought man yelling at Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Throw a few wrinkles on that kid's mug and it's him alright!
Milly: Ilya and Evgenya.... This must be their memories.
Ashlynn: Aww, Ilya's such a cute little boy!
Nevan: Only a child, and yet you can already see he is built of stern stuff.
Amos: Ilya looks like he'll break some hearts when he grows up.
Terry: That boy has some fire in his belly.
Lizzie: (snarl) Boy become strong man... Lizzie sure! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing...?
Carver: Funny how we already know the kid's future 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: It seems he's had his nickname since he was a child.
Ashlynn: Aww, Ilya's such a cute little boy!
Nevan: Only a child, and yet you can already see he is built of stern stuff.
Amos: Ilya looks like he'll break some hearts when he grows up.
Terry: So he dreams of becoming a treasure hunter?
Lizzie: (snarl) Boy become strong man... Lizzie sure! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing...?
Carver: Horseplay, aye? Peggy Sue's missin' out!
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! At least they weren't poisonous snakes, right? ...Uh, right?
Nevan: Well, he is a child, after all.
Amos: Ah, this brings back happy memories!
Amos: Old Amos was known to leave horse droppings on folks doorsteps on the odd occasion.
Terry: As long as they don't hurt anyone, kids should be left to run free.
Lizzie: (snarl) Boy will be boy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: She's a little young to be talkin' about gettin' hitched 'n everything like that...
Milly: Hee hee! She's got her whole future all laid out.
Ashlynn: Ooh, she's soooo cute! I bet I was just like her, once upon a time.
Nevan: I pray that these children have a bright future.
Amos: Evgenya's got the face of a girl that's destined to have her heart broken by a real “tempest”!
Terry: So she's going to repay the priest?
Lizzie: (snarl) Walk down aisle...? Lizzie not understand... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! What a classic gag!
Milly: Hee hee. I'm not condoning horse plop pranks, but...
Ashlynn: Oh, that's hardly the meanest prank a kid could pull. Isn't that right, Hero?
Nevan: It's just children being children.
Amos: I was wonderin' what I stepped in on the doorstep...
Terry: Tricks like that stink.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not leave...droppings on porch... (spit)
Goober: Boooing!
Carver: Avast. Did she just say the kids are named Ilya and Evgenya?
Carver: Do you think wee versions of 'em are runnin' around here or something?
Milly: It seems that Ilya and Evgenya are living in the church.
Milly: But everybody talks about them as though they were children, not the old couple that we met...
Ashlynn: Ilya and Evgenya were both old and wrinkly in the other world, right? Hmm, you don't think...?
Nevan: It seems Ilya and Evgenya also reside in the dream world.
Amos: Old Amos was known to hide his granddad's glasses on the odd occasion.
Terry: Have these kids no family?
Lizzie: (snarl) Good kids... Find glasses... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing.
Carver: They do seem like good kids, aye? Deep down, I mean.
Milly: What great children. Even if they can be a little naughty...
Ashlynn: Oh, Ilya and Evgenya are the best, no doubt about it!
Nevan: Children are never really bad.
Amos: Old Amos was known to hide his granddad's glasses on the odd occasion.
Terry: So those kids don't have any family?
Lizzie: (snarl) Ilya and Evgenya good... Find glasses... (spit)
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: Hey, what if we told that fella there's another world down that hole?
Carver: ...Aye, he'd probably think we're bonkers.
Milly: How many holes like that could there be in this world?
Ashlynn: A hole in the ocean...? This I gotta see.
Nevan: We must repair those holes without delay!
Amos: A hole in the ocean? Won't the real world get soaked?
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Hey, what if we told that fella there's another world down that hole?
Carver: ...Aye, he'd probably think we're bonkers.
Milly: I wonder how many holes opened up in total?
Ashlynn: Telling that guy about Sorceria would just open a big can of worms, huh?
Nevan: We cannot allow the forces of evil to continue to sully the world with these chasms.
Amos: Turns out that hole in the ocean didn't mean the real world got soaked after all.
Terry: Once the hole gets fixed, we'll find out what was there before.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hole in sea...but water not drain...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing? Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Ah! So he'd be inheritin' the family trade, aye?
Milly: He's devoted his life to his studies, so he probably didn't have time to find a wife...
Ashlynn: Isn't he a little over the hill to be starting a family?
Nevan: A scholar needs a bright child to continue their work.
Amos: If he's offerin' all the sweets you can eat, he can adopt old Amos!
Terry: All kids can use a strong authority figure.
Lizzie: (spit) Man lonely... Lizzie not lonely! (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) (jiggle)
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Carver: That waterfall is music to my ears.
Milly: The water in this town is so refreshing!
Ashlynn: You think moisturizing with the water here would help my combination skin?
Nevan: That sound of rushing water reminds me of my training, when I'd meditate under a waterfall for hours at a time.
Amos: Amor's water will never let you down!
Terry: Water doesn't get purer than this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Water...clean... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We ain't bad treasure hunters ourselves, aye?
Milly: A little gift from Ilya and Evgenya!
Ashlynn: Ah! I bet this really put a spring in Ilya's step.
Nevan: A gift from the future... Or should I say, from the world of dreams...
Amos: Hmm... Is it better to make a fast person faster or make a slowcoach speedier?
Terry: The meteorite bracer boosts your agility.
But you know that, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Meteorite bracer... Agility up... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-B-Boing boi-oing!
Carver: Am I bonkers, or was that lady a lot younger in the other world? Prettier, too.
Milly: The scenery around here is inspiring.
Ashlynn: You see that lady's skin? It's like buttermilk! Her secret must be the water here.
Nevan: There's no better place to stock up on amor seco essence than right here.
Amos: Clear water, fresh air – it doesn't get better than this!
Terry: This town's not that bad, I've got to admit.
Lizzie: (slobber) Home of amor seco essence... Lizzie remember... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) (jiggle)
Carver: What, me worry? So what if the monsters ain't thinnin' out – fightin' is fun!
Milly: It'd be nice if it did wash away one's concerns...
Ashlynn: I guess even pure water can't wash away everything.
Nevan: Even the healing powers of Ghent cannot cure people of their deepest worries.
Amos: Old Amos has got worries I'd love to wash away.
Terry: Nothing that can cure all your worries.
Lizzie: (snarl) Water...good... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Huh. That fella's pretty bright, aye?
Milly: The locals can't relax just yet. I can still sense their unease.
Ashlynn: You can't blame him for thinking that way, what with all the monsters around here...
Nevan: Even were that the case, we cannot go around announcing it to everyone.
Amos: When you think about the Dread Fiends still out in the world, your heart gets a lot heavier.
Terry: Dread Fiends? Ultra-super Dread Fiends?
Line 'em up – we'll knock them down.
Lizzie: (snarl) Murdaw... Jamirus... Gracos... Dhuran... So many... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: That lady has a point. I'd start worryin'...if I was the worryin' type.
Milly: It's interesting how the sky here seems to reflect the mood of the people.
Ashlynn: Why worry? You can't change the weather. And it's not like every day was sunny before the monsters came...
Nevan: The grey clouds are partly in that woman's heart.
But there is a dark force abroad...
Amos: Hmm... The sky looks the same as it's always done to old Amos.
Terry: We don't have time to worry about what the sky looks like.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sky grey... Sky dark... (spit)
Goober: Boing... (jiggle)
Carver: A group of heroes? That's gotta be us, aye?
Carver: I don't remember Ilya givin' us anything in particular, though. Hmm...
Milly: I wonder if it's in the same spot where Ilya buried those trinkets in the dream world?
Ashlynn: Hmm. Wonder where that story came from...
Nevan: Precious treasure from Ilya? What can it be?
Amos: Old Amos is happy to take any precious treasure that's goin'!
Terry: Treasure? I just hope it's something useful.
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure...or trash...? (slobber)
Goober: B-B-Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Them heroes got their reward, alright.
Milly: The connections between the dream world and the real world never fail to astound me.
Ashlynn: Wasn't that so nice of him, too? A present from the dream world – just what we wanted!
Nevan: The meteorite bracer is a blessing we happily accepted.
Amos: Riddle me this – what's rubbish above but treasure below?
Amos: ...Eh!? Got it already? Well, it was a meteorite bracer after all, so it's only natural you were quick!
Terry: So we're heroes, are we? That's another fine name we've got ourselves.
Lizzie: (spit) Buried treasure... Meteorite bracer... (snarl)
Goober: Boing? Boing boing.
Carver: You think he can't hear us over the waterfall, or did the waterfall just ruin his hearing?
Milly: “Sorcery and enchantment”? That sounds intriguing...
Ashlynn: A lost city of sorcery, huh...? Interesting...
Nevan: I wonder where that gentlemen gets his information.
Amos: I've got a feelin' that old boy only hears what he wants to hear...
Carver: That fella shouts the truth!
Milly: He's talking about Ashlynn's hometown, Sorceria. What a wonderful place that was.
Ashlynn: I'd love to tell him how I learnt Magic Burst from that very city, but why scream myself hoarse?
Nevan: I would dearly like to know how that gentleman comes by his knowledge.
Amos: That old boy only hears what he wants to hear. Old Amos will have to take a leaf out of his book!
Terry: Who is that old guy!?
Lizzie: (snarl) We not hear... (spit)
Carver: Nothin' like a front of stormin' monsters to change your travel plans.
Milly: It's a good job he didn't get stranded out there.
Ashlynn: I wonder how far that guy made it before he was driven back.
Nevan: Profit is indeed important – but not worth risking your life for.
Amos: If only he could sell to the monster market – he'd make a killin'!
Terry: Sure enough, that guy can't hope to deal with monsters the way we do it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Monsters everywhere... Merchant stuck... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I thought we'd at least put a dent in their numbers by now...
Milly: Well, sleeping is not going to help reduce the monster population...
Ashlynn: Who can say for sure if there's more or less monsters... It's not like anyone's taken a census.
Nevan: Just how long has that man slept for?
Amos: If the monster population is growin' while he sleeps, we need to keep him awake!
Terry: Somehow I doubt that's the real reason he's going back to sleep...
Lizzie: (snarl) Monster numbers...not fall... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Aye, they're gettin' along great in the dream world, right Hero?
Milly: He's right. They have indeed regained their lost youth.
Ashlynn: Wow... Did that man see them off? He makes it sound like he was there to the end...
Nevan: I pray the Goddess watches over Ilya and Evgenya.
Amos: Amazin' how old folks like that could regain their youth.
Terry: So they passed on together...
Lizzie: (snarl) Couple stay together... Destiny... Love... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! Boing...
Carver: Bad dog! Don't bark indoors like that!
Milly: No time to play, sorry doggie!
Ashlynn: Aww... That pooch looks sad. Look at those puppy-dog eyes.
Nevan: That poor dog seems to be mourning something.
Amos: Someone should take that dog for walkies every once in a while.
Terry: You're a real animal lover, aren't you Hero? You never miss a chance to say hello.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie no like dogs... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Huh. At least things're workin' out for one of them.
Milly: One day I'd like to get to the bottom of the male fascination with bunny girls...
Ashlynn: Wow! You think confused customers ever wander in for a drink?
Nevan: Were this my home, I fear I would neglect my prayer and meditation...
Amos: Her husband certainly knows what he likes!
Terry: I wonder if he's more into owning his own bar, or having his own bunny girl...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want bunny ears, too... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! I bet his pals are always beggin' to come over.
Milly: Hee hee. I can't help thinking of baby bunnies...
Ashlynn: Poor kid... He must have it pretty rough.
Nevan: Most children would enjoy having a rabbit around the house. But when it's your mother...
Amos: The lad should be proud!
Terry: He shouldn't blab about what happens at home.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want bunny ears, too... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Aye, I'll bet his spirits are high alright.
Milly: Wow, he can barely stand up straight...
Ashlynn: Boy, give that guy a drink and he starts talking a mile a minute. Good for us, I guess.
Nevan: Hmm... A magical city called Sorceria...
Amos: “Once existed”, eh? Whether it's still there now is another story.
Carver: So after turning his whole house into a fancy bar, he spends all day drinkin' in the basement? What a waste.
Milly: Wow, he can barely stand up straight...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He's talking about my hometown!
Ashlynn: I'd tell him, but I doubt he'd remember much in his current state.
Nevan: Sorceria was an extraordinary city.
It lives on in my memories..
Amos: It wasn't down here but it was present and correct in the dream world.
Terry: Let's give him more to drink and see what else he's got to say.
Lizzie: (snarl) Drink...? Lizzie thirsty... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That fella sounds like he might have a screw loose someplace...
Milly: I'm sure that people are naturally sceptical of his dream-world theories.
Ashlynn: Wait, if he thinks the dream world is a totally different realm, what do dream-world residents think this world is?
Ashlynn: ...Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
Nevan: What would he say if he knew that we travel freely between the dream world and this one?
Amos: Hark at him! I've never heard such a load of old tosh!
Amos: Er... What exactly was he sayin again?
Terry: Maybe we shouldn't encourage that guy too much.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie believe that human correct... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Who knows, aye? Maybe people'll be believin' him before long.
Milly: I'm sure that people are naturally sceptical of his dream-world theories.
Ashlynn: Wait, if he thinks the dream world is a totally different realm, what do dream-world residents think this world is?
Ashlynn: ...Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
Nevan: What would he say if he knew that we travel freely between the dream world and this one?
Amos: Do you really think he's not on to somethin', Hero?
Terry: I don't think people could handle the truth.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie believe theory... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Happily ever after 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: They really were inseparable in every way...
Ashlynn: If I ever find my true love, I hope we have the same fairy-tale life!
Nevan: Truly there is no limit to the wisdom of the Goddess.
Amos: Old Amos just hopes they'll let me into heaven!
Terry: Seems there really are happy endings.
Lizzie: (snarl) (sob) (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. You think they ever mentioned us?
Milly: I've no doubt that both Ilya and Evgenya were quite the raconteurs.
Ashlynn: That kid's a real chip off the ol' block, huh?
Nevan: I would have so loved to hear Ilya and Evgenya's tales.
Amos: That little lass looks like she'll be followin' in her old man's footsteps.
Terry: Sounds like she falls somewhere between interested fan and obsessed weirdo.
Lizzie: (snarl) Adventure... Treasure... Excitement... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing b-boing!
Carver: Aye, they're gettin' along great in the dream world, right Hero?
Milly: I don't think their adventures are over yet...
Ashlynn: I'd like to imagine them back on the road now, hungry for adventure, wandering to parts unknown...
Nevan: I pray the Goddess watches over Ilya and Evgenya.
Amos: When he says “back to their true home”, he doesn't mean the dream world, right?
Terry: Evgenya the Cyclone and Ilya the Tempest?
I wish I could have met them.
Lizzie: (snarl) They go away...? Lizzie sad... (spit)
Goober: (slurp slurp)
Carver: This room really brings back the memories, aye?
Milly: It's like I can still see their cheeky grins in this very room.
Ashlynn: I wonder if we'd see Ilya and Evgenya if we went to sleep now?
Nevan: This church's newest employee looks like he's got the muscle for some hard work.
Amos: Old Amos was hopin' to pick up some treasure-huntin' tips from the masters!
Terry: Hopefully that fellow finds the Evgenya to his Ilya.
Lizzie: (snarl) No Ilya... No Evgenya... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Was there somethin' you still wanted to eyeball in here, Hero?
Milly: I'm sure the pass is a hive of activity these days.
Ashlynn: This cave again? Don't we have more interesting places to visit, Hero?
Nevan: I pray that this shall remain a safe pass for travellers.
Amos: You get some chilly breezes in here, I tell you!
Terry: We've no good reason to be here, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) This place... Lizzie remember... (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Maybe he shoulda nursed his after-work drink.
Milly: Oh dear. Idle hands are a Dread Fiend's tools.
Ashlynn: If he's got time to lean, he's got time to clean, right?
Nevan: That fellow should go and look for other gainful employment.
Amos: That lad don't half stink of booze!
Terry: Bored? He doesn't know how lucky he is...
Lizzie: (slobber) Maybe boring, but safe... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey. How many times does he want us to thank him, for Goddess's sake?
Milly: It's nice to see people taking pride in their work.
Ashlynn: Those guys are a little gruff, but we owe 'em one, nonetheless.
Nevan: He really should get off his backside and look for other gainful employment.
Amos: He might have a point, but I'm none too fond of his attitude.
Terry: Did he really do it all on his own?
Lizzie: (spit) ............ (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Aye, a fella could wander for days in that maze.
Milly: He's right. Lesser monsters still appear inside the cave, after all.
Ashlynn: Why don't they just seal the hole and be done with it?
Nevan: It's a relief indeed to have such a diligent fellow standing guard.
Amos: He's still guardin' this place!?
Keep it up, lad!
Terry: I'm sure there's no good reason for us to be here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Guard...no scared of...Lizzie...? (spit)
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: Whatever makes him happy, aye?
Milly: I do worry about the future of that man's business...
Ashlynn: Is that guy, like, allergic to work or something?
Nevan: Some people are just hopelessly fickle.
Amos: So he just rests there all day?
Nice work, if you can get it.
Terry: Why doesn't he just set up shop there?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not understand humans... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! Boing, boing!
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Carver: Huh. I thought things'd be a little spruced up around here by now.
Milly: Is it just me, or is the mood around here just as dark as when Jamirus was still around...
Ashlynn: Well, this is a downer. People sure looked a lot more chipper right after we beat Jamirus.
Nevan: One could hardly say this town is brimming with energy...
Amos: Trampin' round on sand don't half take it out of you!
Terry: No shortage of sand here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hot... Too hot... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Not even sun-dried tomatoes, aye? What could the problem be?
Milly: Is there some evil power affecting plant life as well?
Ashlynn: There must be some evil power at work here – I just know it!
Nevan: Sure enough, it's as dried-up and desolate as ever.
Amos: You don't suppose someone's forcin' the seeds and sprouts to have nightmares...do you?
Terry: Hmm...
Lizzie: (slobber) Evil power...kill plants... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: My thumb ain't particularly green, but even I could grow a bean. Wonder what's up...
Milly: There must be a monster somewhere exerting an evil hold over this town.
Ashlynn: Well, I doubt this problem will solve itself. Someone needs to root out the cause.
Nevan: Perhaps we may discover whatever is behind this in the course of our travels.
Amos: It's bloomin' odd...
Terry: Our first order of business should be to stop whatever monster is behind all this..
Lizzie: (snarl) Plant...water...sun... Should grow... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Ah, more lovey-dovey stuff. Geh.
Milly: I wouldn't say that love is all you need, but it certainly helps.
Ashlynn: I suppose any woman would appreciate a hubby as doting as that guy, right?
Nevan: It must be a fine thing to know true love...
Amos: Sounds like his better half is a real ray of sunshine.
Amos: Not that you'd want for more sunshine around this here desert.
Terry: So that woman beside him's his missus?
Lizzie: (snarl) Big smile... Happy man... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Mermaid meat? She ain't serious, aye?
Milly: These mermaid rumours are everywhere.
Ashlynn: Young forever, huh? That sounds kinda scary, to be honest.
Nevan: It's tragic that anyone could countenance eating mermaid meat.
Amos: So are mermaids eternally young?
Terry: If that rumour spreads, lunatics will be mermaid-hunting in no time.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mermaids... Fish...? Human...? Which...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Legendary equipment, aye...? Sign me up!
Milly: Assuming that story's true, it sounds like collecting all the legendary equipment would be an epic undertaking.
Ashlynn: Oh, great – another Aridean tall tale...
Nevan: The Celestial Castle...?
Amos: Collect 'em all and you get a special prize!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: This is one miserable place for a mutt. Imagine wearin' a fur coat in this heat!
Milly: Oh dear, that poor doggie looks worried.
Ashlynn: Hope the poor pooch isn't starving!
Nevan: Just whom is that dog barking at?
Amos: Woof yourself!
Terry: ......
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie no like dogs... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Ahoy! Water, ho!
Milly: The well is full of water, and yet the town is as dry as it ever was...
Ashlynn: Ahhh... The one place it isn't hot.
Nevan: The water appears to be pure.
Amos: HEL-LO?
Amos: D'you hear old Amos's voice echoin'?
Terry: Well water can't be the problem – there must be some monster behind all the failed crops.
Lizzie: (snarl) Splish...splash... Feel...good... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing! Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Glad to see she's doin' good!
Milly: I hope they're enjoying family life.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! When that old lady smiles, she gets wrinkles on her wrinkles.
Nevan: This house brims with peace and joy.
Amos: Somethin' smells great. She's a dab hand in the kitchen.
Terry: Why are we here again?
Lizzie: (snarl) This house...warm... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's what I like to hear! You should never run out on your folks!
Carver: ...'Course, I ain't one to talk, aye?
Milly: I do hope he treats his parents better from now on.
Ashlynn: Aww, that's so heartwarming...or would be, if my heart wasn't already boiling here along with the rest of me!
Nevan: His parents must be delighted to have their son back under the same roof.
Amos: The best way to please your parents is to give 'em a nice shoulder massage!
Terry: He should appreciate his folks while they're around.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not know...own parents... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Let sleepin' men lie, aye?
Milly: He looks ever so peaceful.
Ashlynn: Aww... He's sleeping like a baby. An old, wrinkly baby, but still...
Nevan: He looks so carefree.
Amos: Sleepin' on a chair's no mean feat.
Terry: Hmph.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man not slide...off chair...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? ...Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! He thinks I'm the cat's meow 'n everything like that.
Milly: Here kitty kitty!
Ashlynn: Oooh, kitty! Even scrawny cats are cute!
Nevan: Perhaps that cat came to the kitchen because it's hungry.
Amos: It would have been so much easier if old Amos had just transformed into a cat.
Terry: You're a real animal lover, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie okay with cats... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hmm... A city of magic, aye? Do you think we'll ever find a city of martial artists?
Milly: I wonder if Sorceria was sunk by monsters...
Ashlynn: Sorceria sure sounds magical to me!
Nevan: I imagine everyone who lives there is a practitioner of magic.
Amos: Even the flyin' bed can't take us to the bottom of the sea.
Carver: That's Ashlynn's hometown, aye? Crikey, that place was somethin'.
Milly: I'll never forget the way the city was bathed in that heavenly light.
Ashlynn: Eldress...
Nevan: It was a truly magical place.
Amos: Nippers in Sorceria were usin' magic!
I'd never seen the like...
Terry: Sorceria? That was the place created by the Sorceress Ashmerelda, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want learn Puff... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: What a nice surprise, aye? She's like a new girl 'n everything like that!
Milly: Her aura is shining bright! I can scarcely believe she was sick.
Ashlynn: Aww,. I've been waiting a while to see her smile!
Nevan: It seems she recovered once her father returned.
Amos: Now she's brimmin' with health, she don't half look pretty!
Terry: Was she really all that sick?
Lizzie: (snarl) Not sick... Got better! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Never doubt the power of a papa, aye?
Milly: There's a long way to go, but I'm seeing signs of recovery here.
Ashlynn: I guess it's up to us to make sure this town – and this whole world – turn around.
Nevan: Who needs the Isle o' Smiles? He appears quite content here.
Amos: Let's just hope next he doesn't fly off to Gleeful Glades or some such!
Terry: There's plenty of smiles right here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand family... But they look happy... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! No way that kid can be talkin' about me.
Milly: I like being called tough!
Ashlynn: I dunno if “tough” is the right word. How about “powerful” or “graceful” or “gorgeous”?
Nevan: I'm blushing at this fulsome praise.
Amos: It's good to have young fans!
Terry: Hey, I'm exactly as tough as I look!
Lizzie: (snarl) Who...Jamirus...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: All we can do is keep fightin' the good fight, aye?
Milly: That day will come, but only if we keep fighting, Hero.
Ashlynn: The only thing I know for sure about the future...is that I don't know anything for sure about the future.
Nevan: Would that I could allay all her fears.
Amos: Them kids will be grown-up before you know it.
Terry: There's no guarantee the world will ever be without fear, but we'll keep fighting.
Lizzie: (snarl) Evil...strong... But we...stronger! (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: “Something-mor”, aye? I can't quite remember...
Milly: It's such a shame we didn't catch what he said.
Ashlynn: All I remember is the racket. You know, all that “Ja-mi-RUS! Ja-mi-RUS!”
Nevan: Now he mentions it, Jamirus did utter something...
Amos: Who could it be?
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Crikey! Talk about gettin' away from it all!
Milly: Thank the Goddess for that flying bed – I can't imagine how we would have made it here without it.
Ashlynn: Whoa! The last thing I expected to find way up here is a village.
Nevan: This makes Howsworth look like a veritable metropolis.
Amos: This is the back end of beyond – are they even goin' to understand us here?
Amos: Make sure you don't tread in anythin' squelchy!
Terry: What a boring village. Let's get out of here.
Lizzie: (sniff) Lizzie smell only tree...and grass...and dirt... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Dullerton, aye? A fella could really catch up on his nappin' in a place like this...
Milly: Well, I rather like this village.
Ashlynn: I bet that lady's family has lived here for a good dozen or so generations... Maybe more!
Nevan: Visitors here must be infrequent indeed.
Amos: She's got quite a tan!
Terry: Can we leave yet?
Lizzie: (snarl) Dullerton... Only mountains and fields... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: These folks don't get out much, aye?
Milly: Such wide-eyed innocence is refreshing to see.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! You'd think the circus was in town or something.
Nevan: That child certainly does not lack for enthusiasm.
Amos: Quite a welcome that lad gave us!
Terry: Are we really such a novelty?
Lizzie: (snarl) Child happy... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) (jiggle)
Carver: He “disappeared”? ...So did monsters get to him, or did he just vanish, or what?
Milly: Hey, we saw a house here with a dog outside it, didn't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wynne's armour, huh? Wonder how tough it is.
Nevan: I pray this Wynne returns soon.
Amos: This Silver doggy sounds like a right heroic pup!
Terry: Sometimes people just get sick of a place and move on...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lose Wynne... Silver protect wife... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: How'd they get cows way up here in the first place?
Milly: Yes, that's a cow alright...
Ashlynn: Yuck. Don't get too close or that cow might lick you.
Nevan: It appears they work their animals here rather thoroughly.
Amos: Don't worry! Old Amos hasn't trodden in anythin' squelchy!
Terry: I don't typically associate with cows.
Lizzie: (snarl) How...now...cow...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: That mutt's got some fight in him, aye?
Milly: He's a good guard dog, but we're not intruders.
Ashlynn: Poor pooch. He's not used to strangers.
Nevan: He's keeping intruders at bay.
Amos: Arf! Arf! Grrrrrr...
...Good boy!
Terry: That dog's got some spirit.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie not like dogs... (snarl)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: That cat's as laid-back as this town.
Milly: That kitty is so at ease with strangers.
Ashlynn: What do you think they feed that cat, way up here in the mountains?
Nevan: That feline has a charming countenance.
Amos: Old Amos once tugged a cat's tail and got scratched on the nose. You can still see the scar!
Terry: I don't mind animals. Most of them, anyway...
Lizzie: (snarl) Cat... No worry... Lizzie friend... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: (yawn) ...Oh, what'd he say? This place is puttin' me to sleep...
Milly: Was he being sarcastic...?
Ashlynn: I'd love to know where this “somewhere else” is – maybe we could go there instead.
Nevan: An official history of Dullerton would be a slim volume indeed.
Amos: I can't wait for the next excitin' event!
Terry: ...That was the worst story I've ever heard.
Lizzie: (snarl) Dullerton...dull... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Sister Grinn? Is she a nun or somethin'?
Milly: Could this Wynne have died from some awful disease?
Ashlynn: Think we'll get a chance to meet this Sister Grinn? I'd like to hear some of her jokes.
Nevan: So this Sister Grinn fulfils a priest's role here.
Amos: I wonder if Sister Grinn uses magic to cure the sick?
Terry: Sister Grinn, eh? Kind of a funny name...
Lizzie: (snarl) Here no priest... Only Sister Grinn... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! I thought I was gonna die laughing...
Milly: He's probably right. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.
Ashlynn: He wasn't joking about Sister Grinn, was he?
Nevan: I've never witnessed such unorthodox healing techniques.
Amos: You don't think she's related to Tom Foolery, do you?
Terry: Her gags were making me gag...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie love...Sister Grinn... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: I bet I could out-plough that fella.
Milly: It certainly looks like strenuous work.
Ashlynn: Gross. That guy is dripping in sweat!
Nevan: His wife sounds like a harsh taskmistress.
Amos: He's strong but he doesn't half take his time.
Terry: In battle, speed is everything.
Lizzie: (slobber) Slow...plough... Wife...scary... (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Sounds like he was a decent armourer, too. Shame.
Milly: That's too bad. I wonder just how mighty his armour really was...
Ashlynn: Wow, they're still talking about him after five years?
Nevan: I hadn't heard any such rumours. Had you, Hero?
Amos: Bloomin' heck! Only five years too late!
Terry: Something smells fishy here...
Terry: I'm not talking about an actual smell – something's strange about this Wynne story.
Lizzie: (slobber) Wynne suddenly lost...? Where he go...? (slurp)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: He just up and disappeared!? Like in a magic trick?
Milly: There must be something more behind all this...
Ashlynn: Maybe a little search-and-rescue mission is in order. What do you think, Hero?
Nevan: Is he truly saying that Wynne vanished before his very eyes!?
Amos: Maybe Wynne fell down a hole...?
Terry: He seems to be telling the truth...
Lizzie: (slurp) Lizzie believe man... Wynne vanish... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing!? Boing!
Carver: Ahoy, Hero! Throw him a line here!
Milly: I do not sense that he is lying...
Ashlynn: You may not believe him, but I do!
Nevan: He seems very worked up.
Amos: You don't think he looks trustworthy, Hero?
Terry: Why not just tell him we'll trust him?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie trust man... Hero trust man, too... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Great, now he's all pouty 'n everything like that.
Milly: This is all we deserve after what we said to him.
Milly: Let's wait and try asking him again later.
Ashlynn: See? This is what happens when you don't trust people, Hero!
Nevan: I would dearly like to know what that man saw.
Amos: Old Amos don't much like this turn of events.
Terry: Mistrust begets mistrust.
Lizzie: (snarl) Best...believe... Best...trust... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! At least she's honest with us.
Milly: Perhaps that was her way of saying we should stop bothering her.
Ashlynn: Wow. Talk about getting the cold shoulder.
Nevan: Well, that woman was certainly blunt.
Amos: That lady doesn't seem to want us around.
Terry: Let's take the hint and leave.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lady rude... Wants us leave...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har har! (snort) Har har hardy har har! (pant) My...my stomach! Hardy har! She's killin' me!
Milly: Hee hee. Sister Grinn is destined to be a household name like Tom Foolery!
Ashlynn: Ooh, ooh – I got one, too!
Ashlynn: So Peggy Sue walks into a bar, and the barman says, “Why the long face?” ...Get it?
Ashlynn: Tee hee hee...eh... Okay, so what if it's basically the same joke. It's still funny!
Nevan: Ha ha! I, I shouldn't laugh but, well...
I must admit, that was quite amusing!
Amos: Har har har! Old Amos is makin' a note of that gag!
Terry: ...That's not funny.
Lizzie: (spit) Gwah hah hah...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Don't be such a killjoy, Hero. Let's hear her routine!
Milly: Let's give her a listen, Hero.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I haven't even heard her yet and I'm already cracking up!
Nevan: Could one so beautiful also be funny?
Amos: Hang on a second! I need to prepare for this!
Terry: She sounds like she's not from around here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want hear... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: (chortle) Hardy har har har har har! (snort) Har har hardy har har! (gasp) I... I can't breathe!
Milly: Hee hee. There's nothing like a good laugh to cheer you up.
Ashlynn: Tee hee hee! I have a few jokes of my own, but my punchlines don't pack the same wallop.
Nevan: The delta between her appearance and her humour is astounding.
Amos: Old Amos is cryin' with laughter!
Terry: Well, I've had enough.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie sides hurt from laugh...! Gwah hah hah...! (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'll take whatever entertainment we can get, too, aye?
Milly: I sense that that little girl is actually rather fond of Sister Grinn.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I just have to hear this!
Nevan: Sister Grinn certainly seems like an interesting character.
Amos: There's nothing old Amos likes more than a good joke!
Terry: I've got no time for jokes.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...hear joke... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boi-oing!
Carver: Are we not entertained? Hardy har har! I know I am... (chortle) Hardy har... I need to lie down...
Milly: It's Sister Grinn's enthusiasm that carries her jokes, don't you think?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Do you think Sister Grinn could use an apprentice? A manager? Someone to get her drinks?
Nevan: Well, I for one was won over!
Amos: Where does she get her material?
Terry: If you think her jokes are funny, I'd hate to hear what you consider dull...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie love...Sister Grinn... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
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Carver: So this legendary equipment'll lead us to the Celestial Castle, aye...?
Milly: We must seek out these legendary items – before they fall into the wrong hands.
Ashlynn: If good things come in threes, legendary things must come in fours.
Nevan: This legendary equipment acts as a kind of key,
it seems.
Amos: Collect all four and win a trip to the Celestial Castle!
Carver: So the phantom realm ain't a secret to this fella, aye?
Milly: Another well, located to the south of Amor. I wonder where this one leads...
Ashlynn: Wells, staircases, big chasms in the ground – what DOESN'T lead to that other world?
Nevan: The blessings of the Goddess be upon this man.
Amos: So we can get to the world below from south of Amor. That would bring us out in...
Amos: ...Nope, no idea. Don't have a clue.
Carver: Turnscote, aye? I'll remember that one!
Milly: I say we head over to Turnscote and pay him a visit.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that swordsmith is one of those rugged types, with a scruff of beard and hair tussled just right... Ahem... Sorry.
Nevan: Turnscote? This is useful information indeed.
Amos: Let's pick up any rusty old sword we find and get it bashed into a brand-new one!
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Carver: “A cave somewhere”... That vague enough for ya?
Milly: Any idea what cave he's talking about, Hero?
Ashlynn: It figures there'd be other relic hunters. We better hustle!
Nevan: With the guidance of the Goddess, I have faith we will locate them.
Amos: But there are mountains of caves in this world...
Amos: Hmm... “mountains of caves” sounds a tad odd, but you know what old Amos means! ...I mean there's lots!
Carver: Hardy har! We collected the set while he was blunderin' around in this cave!
Carver: Well perhaps there's other legendary equipment left to find somewhere else. I hope so, for his sake.
Milly: I can't help but feel sorry for him.
Ashlynn: Wanna tell him the bad news, Hero?
Nevan: Well, we all need to have goals in life.
Amos: He's talking about the cave where we found the Shield of Valora. That place was a bloomin' labyrinth...
Amos: The lad seems to be strugglin' already – he wouldn't last two seconds in there.
Terry: At least he's trying his best, I suppose.
Lizzie: (snarl) No...more...legendary...relics... (splutter)
Goober: (slurrrp)
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Carver: Crikey. This Shield of Valora better be worth all this runnin' around.
Milly: That must be the route to the legendary shield.
We should try and remember it.
Ashlynn: All that “north” and “east” business doesn't help if you don't know where to start, huh?
Nevan: “First, north. At the end, east. North at the first four-way intersection, then south at the four-way intersection to the west.”
Nevan: Have you committed it to memory?
Amos: That lad should just throw in the towel.
Carver: Ya know, we never would've gotten it if we hadn't bumped into that fella...
Milly: I wonder how long that poor man's been looking for the shield...
Ashlynn: That cave was a real conundrum, huh?
Nevan: If he's going to cease his search, I pray he does so sooner rather than later.
Amos: We're all grateful to the lad for his top tips – but we can't tell him that!
Terry: Even if he found the shield, could that guy equip it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Shield...Valora...super... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Nobody's around, aye?
Milly: Let's go, Hero!
Ashlynn: Where to next, huh?
Nevan: Now, where did this well connect to...?
Amos: A well inside a well? Well, well...
Terry: Another well? One's not enough?
Lizzie: (snarl) No...water... (splutter)
Goober: (slurp)
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Carver: Whoa... What is this place...?
Milly: There's a nun, but it doesn't look like a church...
Ashlynn: Ooh, look at that pretty crystal ball!
Nevan: Hmm... I sense a curious power emanating from this house.
Amos: Any chance of gettin' our fortune told for today?
Terry: Let's get out of here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not...believe...fortune-telling... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey. I'm glad I didn't see what she saw...
Milly: Sorceria, fabled city of magic...
We simply must find this place, Hero.
Ashlynn: Ooh... I have the worst headache all of a sudden...
Nevan: Something about our presence here brought about those visions. We should not take this lightly...
Amos: We're just your average travellers!
Carver: Aye, it ain't like we were lost, anyway.
Milly: Shall we take our leave, then?
Ashlynn: That crystal ball is really pretty!
Nevan: A curious force emanates from that nun.
Amos: Them crystal balls distort things, anyway. Just look at the nun's face through it. Yikes!
Terry: If we have no business with her, let's be off..
Lizzie: (snarl) We travel true... Many...thanks... (slobber)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: Avast! A winged horse? Crikey!
Milly: I'd love to see myself gliding around astride a winged horse!
Ashlynn: Well, she was awfully dismissive. I'll bet she couldn't tell an emissary from a hole in the ground!
Nevan: Well, I for one am an emissary of the Goddess.
Amos: Old Amos's been called many things, but emissary of the Goddess is a new one.
Terry: Let's get out of here already.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...no...emissary... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey. What's this joint?
Milly: There's something strange about this place...
Where are we?
Ashlynn: Hey, there's a book on that counter. What do you think it's about?
Nevan: I sense a curious power to this place...
Amos: This isn't one of them haunted houses, right?
Terry: Don't we have more important places to be?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...feel strange here... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing?
Carver: Well we didn't come here for the bright and cheery atmosphere, aye Hero?
Milly: Hee hee. I like sharing my dreams too.
Ashlynn: Ooh, can I make a dreamcard next time, Hero? Can I? Can I?
Nevan: Hero, when you know not the true path, take a step forward with an open heart...
Amos: That old boy's got an odd way of speakin'.
Terry: I don't think now's the time for that.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...share...dreams... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: Sounds like a perfect trip for the flyin' bed. Let's ride!
Milly: It must be a world-connecting well.
Ashlynn: We haven't been to that well before, have we?
Nevan: Another world? This is the upper world, so he must be referring to the lower world...
Amos: Let's head to that well to the far north!
Carver: Huh. Wonder what kinda folks lived in Sorceria...
Milly: Crossing seas, are we? Good thing we've got our flying bed.
Ashlynn: We could just tuck in to the flying bed and be there in no time!
Nevan: The fabled magical city... Just hearing its name sets my heart racing.
Amos: I wonder if that old boy has checked the place out for himself.
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Another realm, aye...? I'd be up for seein' that – as long as it ain't annoying 'n everything like that.
Milly: We'll never allow darkness to consume our souls, will we Hero?
Ashlynn: Sheesh! How many realms are there?
Nevan: With the Goddess in our hearts, there is no darkness that can devour our souls...
Amos: If I'd let my heart get consumed... (shudder) It doesn't bear thinkin' about.
Terry: That sounds just like what happened to me...
Lizzie: (snarl) Not dream... Not reality... Dark land...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Dream what in the who now...?
Milly: Dreamsharing? That sounds different from Madame Luca's dream-seeing.
Ashlynn: Wait, you MEANT to come here, Hero? Could've fooled me!
Nevan: C'mon! What's dreamsharing got in store this time!?
Nevan: ...I-I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me. It seems I've become quite obsessed...
Carver: Aye, I'd love to see what's down those stairs...
Carver: Bein' turned away just makes me all the more curious!
Milly: So we can only pass once there are at least ten dreamcards in the Insomnipedia, Hero...
Nevan: We should endeavour to collect ten dreamcards. We've come all this way, after all.
Ashlynn: C'mon, Hero! We should be able to get ten dreamcards in no time!
Terry: Ten dreamcards? That should be simple.
Amos: Don't suppose old Amos could make a dreamcard and pass it on to you, Hero...
Lizzie: (snarl) Dreamshare...ten times? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Avast! I thought we got the full house after ten dreamcards! A deal's a deal!
Milly: Secret door...? I simply must know what's on the other side!
Nevan: So there are still secrets concealed here...
Ashlynn: Oh, please. We can get ten dreamcards in our sleep.
Terry: And once we've got twenty dreamcards, then the bar gets set even higher?
Amos: Do you reckon there's another secret door behind that secret door?
Amos: That'd be a bit rich, wouldn't it?
Lizzie: (spit) Ten more...dreamcard...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing.
Carver: “Interesting”, aye? Is that good or bad?
Milly: Gathering dreamcards is actually rather enjoyable, isn't it?
Nevan: Interesting indeed. We should collect the full twenty-four!
Ashlynn: We've run across some pretty wild dreamcards, huh, Hero? Yours'll always be my favourite, though.
Terry: I thought we'd find out we need more than twenty-four dreamcards this time.
Amos: Up to twenty-four? We'll have that much in no time!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not good at organising... Leave it...to Hero... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whoa. I bet she filled out a few dreamcards in her time, aye?
Milly: Maybe I'll try making my own dreamcard?
Nevan: Ah, the satisfaction of a job well done. I'm just so proud of us!
Ashlynn: Come on, Hero! Let's go try out that new dreamscape!
Terry: Well that's one thing we can cross off the list.
Amos: Still seems amazin' to see the number of dreamcards in the Insomnipedia growin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) New...dreamscape... Lizzie...happy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'm startin' to feel left out of the fun here.
Milly: Maybe I'll try making my own dreamcard?
Nevan: I would dearly like to see one of her prize creations.
Ashlynn: We better come up with a new dreamcard ourselves. Don't want ours to get stale, after all!
Terry: Right! Enough dreamsharing!
We've got a quest to get on with.
Amos: Still seems amazin' to see the number of dreamcards in the Insomnipedia growin'.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie think...of dreamcard too... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Curie the cureslime, aye? Not the most original name...
Milly: Did you know he was going to join us when you said you were his friend?
Nevan: So his friend is somewhere out at sea? Let's search for her!
Ashlynn: Curie, huh? How does he float like that...?
Terry: You think we can really rely on him?
Amos: I never thought we'd be pickin' up new allies here of all places!
Lizzie: (snarl) Curie...our...friend...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boi-oing!
Carver: I'd be kinda worried if I got mistaken for a cureslime.
Milly: He said he couldn't meet his friend... So is he just planning to stay here forever, then?
Nevan: Well, I have healing powers too, but that doesn't automatically make me a friend...
Ashlynn: A cureslime looking for his sea pal?
Ashlynn: You think maybe it's a man o' war or something?
Terry: Whatever way you slice it, it's not us he's looking for.
Amos: For a minute there, I thought he was lookin' at old Amos when he said “friend”.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...not...cureslime...friend... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's so weird about wantin' to chat to a cureslime in a well? It's human nature 'n everything like that.
Milly: Slurping up random conversations is what we do best!
Nevan: If you have no business with that creature, why speak with it in the first place?
Ashlynn: I'm sure you were just being friendly, right Hero?
Terry: If there's no need to talk, don't talk.
That's my philosophy.
Amos: He's callin' us weird? A cureslime's more out of place here than we are!
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...make...conversation...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whoa. It's like I'm havin' a flashback here...
Carver: Huh. This is just like when we wrangled Peggy Sue, aye, Hero?
Milly: Huh!? What's that over there...?
Milly: This is how you caught Peggy Sue, isn't it, Hero?
Nevan: Who is that standing over there?
Nevan: It's a liquid metal slime – they're quite agile.
Ashlynn: First a secret door and now a secret forest, huh?
Ashlynn: No time to chat, Hero! We gotta chase that guy down!
Terry: This forest's quite large.
Terry: It's pretty skittish alright.
Amos: Old Amos feels carefree in this forest.
Amos: It's not goin' to suddenly cast Sizz is it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like smell...of wood... (slobber)
Lizzie: (spit) Liquid...metal slime... Fast escape... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing, boi-oing...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Darn. Why'd he have to go and name the fella before we could?
Milly: Oh Hero! Getting attached to a liquid metal slime – whatever next!
Nevan: We have the Goddess to thank for this stroke of good luck.
Ashlynn: A liquid metal slime, huh? He's not going to flee every time we start fighting, is he?
Terry: You think we can really rely on him?
Amos: I don't know what your secret is, Hero, but winning over monsters? I'm impressed.
Lizzie: (snarl) Liquid metal slime... Very...strong... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Curie the cureslime, aye? Not the most original name...
Milly: Did you know he was going to join us when you said you were his friend?
Nevan: So his friend is somewhere out at sea? Let's search for her!
Ashlynn: Curie, huh? How does he float like that...?
Terry: You think we can really rely on him?
Amos: I never thought we'd be pickin' up new allies here of all places!
Lizzie: (snarl) Curie...our...friend...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boi-oing!
Carver: I'd be kinda worried if I got mistaken for a cureslime.
Milly: He said he was waiting for his friend, but surely he isn't planning to wait here forever?
Nevan: Well, I have healing powers too, but that doesn't automatically make me a friend...
Ashlynn: A cureslime looking for his pal...in a well?
Ashlynn: You think maybe it's a man o' war or something?
Terry: Whatever way you slice it, it's not us he's looking for.
Amos: For a minute there, I thought he was lookin' at old Amos when he said “friend”.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...not...cureslime...friend... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's so weird about wantin' to chat to a cureslime? It's human nature 'n everything like that.
Milly: Slurping up random conversations is what we do best!
Nevan: If you have no business with that creature, why speak with it in the first place?
Ashlynn: I'm sure you were just being friendly, right Hero?
Terry: If there's no need to talk, don't talk.
That's my philosophy.
Amos: He's callin' us weird? A cureslime's more out of place here than we are!
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...make...conversation...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
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Carver: What's this joint? It's like some kinda ancient temple...
Milly: Look at those symbols on the floor...
What do you think they mean, Hero?
Ashlynn: Wow! I bet this is some kind of mystical puzzle!
Nevan: There is an air of mystery about this place...
Amos: It feels like the sort of place where'd you'd summon a big, scary creature or somethin'...doesn't it?
Carver: Crikey. What's the deal with this joint?
Milly: It seems to be a prison.
Ashlynn: This place is kinda creepy...
Nevan: It seems this place has been abandoned for quite some time.
Amos: Th-There's no one behind us, is there?
Terry: Let's give this place a quick once-over and get out of here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Who make this...? What for...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Nothin' but bones. Looks like he died empty-handed.
Milly: Was he locked up in this prison?
Ashlynn: Did he die of natural causes? I don't see any broken bones or anything.
Nevan: He seems to have passed away quite a long time ago.
Amos: D-Did you just see it move? ...No?
Terry: It's a skeleton. End of story.
Lizzie: (snarl) Why...die...here...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: A magma staff! Someone oughta whip this out next time we're in a scrape.
Milly: This staff has special powers, I can sense it.
Ashlynn: Ah, so that skeleton is the owner of this staff? Er, “was”, I mean...
Nevan: The Goddess has blessed us with this gift. Let us use it wisely.
Amos: It wouldn't be safe to go usin' it in here!
Terry: A magma staff? Doesn't sound like anything I'd have much use for.
Lizzie: (snarl) Magma...come...from staff...? Staff...melt...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
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Carver: This is a heck of a place to build a house!
Milly: There doesn't appear to be any problem with the water down here, at least.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! This what they mean by “well-come home”?
Nevan: Just precisely how large is this well anyway?
Amos: How'd they get a house down a well?
Carver: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that this fella lives by himself, aye?
Milly: So the floodgate key is to be found in Castle Swanstone. That's worth remembering.
Ashlynn: The “mirror princess”, huh...? Sounds like something out of a fairy tale.
Nevan: To Castle Swanstone!
Amos: I wonder what this mirror princess is like.
Amos: If she looks in a mirror herself, does she see an endless line of reflections?
Carver: One of the legendary relics, aye...? Now we're talkin'!
Carver: I'd be untouchable in armour like that! I bet it looks sharp, too!
Milly: I wonder if it was the Archfiend who destroyed the castle? Or was something else responsible...?
Ashlynn: The Armour of Orgo, huh? Sounds heavy.
Nevan: I wonder what became of the Armour of Orgo when that castle was demolished.
Amos: I don't suppose the Archfiend is goin' round wearin' the Armour of Orgo...?
Carver: The armour lives up to the legend, aye? It's just so...legendary 'n everything like that!
Milly: Castle Graceskull... What a strange experience that was...
Ashlynn: Anyone curious what happened to that demon they summoned?
Nevan: Slyde... Captain de Klein...
Amos: Heave-ho, heave-ho!
Amos: Who'd have thought my favourite pickaxe would come in handy again back there?
Terry: I've got nothing to do with this Armour of Orgo.
Lizzie: (snarl) Arch...fiend... (snap)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing! (slurp)
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Carver: I reckon we'd better say ahoy to the King first.
Milly: This castle is rather compact, but still a fine structure.
Ashlynn: Do you think the King of Swanstone is young? And nice? And good-looking? ...And single?
Nevan: The blessings of the Goddess be upon this castle.
Amos: This isn't the biggest castle in the world, but it looks solidly built.
Carver: Guardin' the castle gate is the hardest gig in the soldierin' trade, ya know.
Milly: I do like these polite soldiers.
Ashlynn: The soldiers sure seem nice – not intimidating at all.
Nevan: The castle does not appear to be very heavily guarded.
Amos: It doesn't look like we'll be scrappin' with the soldiers in this here castle.
Carver: Huh. What's that pup doin' up here?
Milly: I hope someone takes him for a walk in this lovely weather.
Ashlynn: Aww... What a cute wittle puppy!
Nevan: Whatever might that dog be barking at?
Amos: I agree with the pooch. Woof!
Carver: The world's just full of mysterious mirrors, aye?
Milly: He seems rather fond of the mirror princess himself.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I bet this is one of those stories with an evil queen and a Prince Charming and a talking frog and...
Nevan: I'm not entirely certain I trust that fellow.
Amos: It takes more than just a pretty face to lure in old Amos!
Carver: If the King gives the go-ahead we can “have a look”?
Carver: Why didn't he just say we can meet her?
Milly: I suppose we should pay the King a visit, then.
Ashlynn: Wow! Now I really want to see what's up with this princess!
Nevan: I'm not entirely certain I trust that fellow.
Amos: Let's see the King!
Carver: Crikey! She went from sweet to sour quick, aye?
Milly: I don't think she was actually looking for an answer, Hero.
Ashlynn: Sheesh, Hero... Haven't you ever heard of thinking out loud?
Nevan: Urgh... That little exchange could have gone better.
Amos: You're not afraid of chancin' your arm, are you, Hero?
Carver: Sounds like King Ludwig is a real ladies' man, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Any girl could understand how she's feeling, I'm sure.
Ashlynn: That girl must be one of those royal-philes.
Nevan: She appears to be quite bashful.
Amos: Is old Amos not worthy of someone's love?
Carver: Crikey. Well ain't that a kick in the teeth.
Milly: We should speak to the King before doing anything else, Hero.
Ashlynn: Bummer! Why isn't the King showing her off any more?
Nevan: So we are not allowed to see her?
Now I'm all the more curious.
Amos: Well old Amos isn't one of the common people so I reckon I can have a peek.
Carver: If it's so famous, how come I ain't heard it?
Milly: A curse... This sounds intriguing.
Ashlynn: Wait, the Princess is cursed? The poor thing...
Nevan: Is there nothing to be done for her?
Amos: Plenty of rumours escape a small-town lad like old Amos.
Carver: Great. So, are we goin' up?
Milly: All the soldiers are ever so kind.
Ashlynn: Let's go, let's go!
Nevan: Up we go!
Amos: That guard has great posture!
Carver: Hmm. No arguin' with him.
Milly: Never mind, Hero. Let's try another way.
Ashlynn: That guy was, like, all business. Would it kill him to just let us through?
Nevan: It would appear we need permission to proceed.
Amos: I don't suppose we can just barge through.
Carver: Hardy har! Now that's what I like to hear!
Milly: What lovely manners.
Ashlynn: Let's go, let's go!
Nevan: Marvellous! Let us proceed!
Amos: The Chancellor's orders travel fast.
Carver: Storage rooms, aye...? Storin' treasure, I hope.
Milly: There shouldn't be any harm in taking a quick look.
Ashlynn: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Nevan: We certainly haven't time to loiter.
Amos: A mirror chamber, eh? I wonder if all the walls are mirrors.
Carver: He thought she was fake? Sounds like he expected a smoke 'n mirrors princess.
Milly: I wonder exactly what he was talking about...
Ashlynn: Mirror princess... Even her name is pretty.
Nevan: That fellow speaks of the Princess as if she were a museum exhibit...
Amos: Is this mirror princess an actual person or some kind of tourist attraction?
Carver: Aye, turning in their graves. ...Wait, why would they be movin' if they were dead 'n buried?
Milly: That gentleman must have been working at the castle since the King was a child.
Ashlynn: You think all that worrying is what made that guy's hair fall out?
Nevan: It seems as though the mirror princess might be a woman reflected in a mirror.
Amos: This old boy looks like a stubborn sort.
Carver: Crikey. All that research for nothin'...
Milly: I wonder who placed the curse that trapped the Princess in the mirror?
Ashlynn: Well, that clinches it! We have to help save the mirror princess!
Ashlynn: So, uh, go ahead and figure out how we do that, okay Hero?
Nevan: It seems we need to pursue another solution.
Amos: So he's tried recitin' a spell in front of the mirror...
Amos: Maybe the Princess saw that crazy beard of his and ran back off?
Carver: Huh. I wonder who takes care of his royal duties 'n everything like that?
Milly: It sounds like the King is obsessed with this mirror princess.
Ashlynn: Since when does staring at something fix anything?
Nevan: I would dearly like to see this princess for myself.
Amos: If the King's not on his throne, maybe old Amos could keep it warm.
Carver: I wonder if there's any way to track down whoever put her in that mirror...
Milly: Such a tragic story. I don't suppose there's any way we could help?
Ashlynn: Well that was a depressing little ditty, huh?
Nevan: Put to verse, her plight seems somehow more tragic than ever.
Amos: The song's nothin' special – but at least it was short!
Carver: World famous, aye? This I gotta eat!
Milly: Perhaps the King's heavy heart is weighing down on his stomach.
Ashlynn: The King is acting more like a lovesick teenager than a monarch.
Nevan: They say nothing kills the appetite like love sickness.
Amos: Maybe if the schnitzel was chopped into little bits he could keep it down.
Carver: Ra's mirror? Aye, we already got one of those.
Milly: If Ra's mirror can be of any assistance here, we should take it to the King right away!
Ashlynn: Hey, why don't we go tell the King that we've got Ra's mirror right here?
Nevan: Ra's mirror reflects only the truth... Sure enough, it may produce some results.
Amos: If you reflect one mirror in another, you'll just end up with endless reflections.
Carver: Great! Well, let's get goin', aye?
Milly: What a pleasant man.
Ashlynn: So he's in the cellar, right? C'mon, let's hurry!
Nevan: Let us make haste to the cellar.
Amos: The Chancellor'll give word to the guard himself? What a nice chap!
Carver: Whoa, hang on, Hero! You plannin' on just bummin' around the castle all day or what?
Milly: Aren't we going to see the King, Hero?
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! We've got nothing but business with him!
Nevan: There is only one place we want to see in this castle.
Amos: So we're just goin' to do a bit of castle sight-seein'?
Carver: He already has a companion, aye? Well, she's locked in a mirror 'n everything like that, but still...
Milly: I'm sure she echoes the sentiments of all the people in the castle.
Ashlynn: Oh, I wish I could do something for the King...
Ashlynn: ...I didn't mean marry him! Let's not get carried away here.
Nevan: I fear the situation will change little as long as the Princess stays imprisoned in that mirror.
Amos: Maybe we could borrow the bed for a quick nap?
Carver: Hmm... Wish I could get a peek in there, at least.
Milly: There's no way we're getting past. What shall we do?
Ashlynn: The Chancellor told us to go down and see the King, right? We should just go on in anyway!
Nevan: I wonder if King Ludwig is in the mirror chamber as we speak.
Amos: We've got the Chancellor's permission!
Let's just saunter in.
Carver: There he goes... I reckon we might as well follow him back upstairs.
Milly: Let's go and properly introduce ourselves to the King.
Ashlynn: The King looked downright depressed.
Nevan: Let's hurry to the King.
Amos: I reckon he thinks we're a rum bunch.
Carver: Hardy har! I'll behave myself, alright.
Milly: He doesn't need to tell us to behave in front of royalty.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! When am I not on my best behaviour?
Nevan: I'm not sure what behaviour would cause offence, but we should tread carefully.
Amos: Don't we look like we're always on our best behaviour?
Carver: Well? Let's do it!
Milly: I do hope Ra's mirror triggers something.
Ashlynn: What a pretty, pretty princess. She sure lived up to the hype!
Nevan: Th-This is extraordinary! There really is someone imprisoned within the mirror.
Amos: It's not just glass with someone in a room behind it, right...?
Carver: Her gums were flappin', but I couldn't hear anything.
Milly: She was trying to say something... Her mouth was moving, but I couldn't read her lips.
Ashlynn: That poor princess, all cooped up like that. Just looking at her makes me sad...
Nevan: Sadly it seems her voice cannot reach us.
Amos: “...I...love...you...Amos...”
Amos: Did anyone else see her mouthin' that?
Carver: Really, Hero. Where ARE ya goin', aye?
Milly: Hero, we need to use Ra's mirror to try and help the Princess in the mirror.
Ashlynn: You sure have a sick sense of humour sometimes, Hero...
Nevan: Let us do the King's bidding.
Amos: You think Ra's mirror is just goin' to reflect more reflections, Hero?
Carver: I reckon it's gonna take more than another mirror to solve this one, aye?
Milly: What was that awful figure that appeared in the mirror...?
Ashlynn: Do you think that sorceror we saw imprisoned the princess?
Nevan: While we couldn't rescue the Princess, we did manage to trigger something within the King.
Nevan: Let's make haste and speak with him..
Amos: Old Amos didn't like the look of that scary sorceror one little bit!
Carver: We ain't got time for explanations right now!
Milly: Hurry, let's go after the King!
Ashlynn: Good question – I'd like to know that, too!
Nevan: We must speak to the King post-haste.
Amos: So we used the mirror, saw that scary figure...
Is that what the King's been lookin' for all this time!?
Carver: You heard the man.
Milly: We should go and consult the King!
Ashlynn: Yep! The King's our man right now!
Nevan: Speaking to the King is our foremost priority.
Amos: We're doin' things in the wrong order. King first, others later!
Carver: Huh. So that was Spiegel the sorcerer, aye?
Carver: Well, let's root him out and take him down.
Milly: What a curious story...
Milly: If we ever want to find out how it ends, we have to defeat this Spiegel!
Ashlynn: This really is a fairy tale come true, with sorcerers and princesses, and everything!
Ashlynn: We have to defeat that mean ol' Spiegel to make sure it has a happy ending.
Nevan: Perhaps the Chancellor can tell us something more.
Amos: I wonder who wrote that old book...
Could it have been Spiegel himself?
Carver: Whoa. That mirror's been around the castle for a while now, aye?
Milly: We've agreed to help the King, so let's hurry and lift that curse.
Ashlynn: The King's got nothing to worry about – if anyone can save that princess, it's us!
Nevan: Let's locate this Spiegel character!
Amos: Havin' a mirror for a conversation partner?
That's tragic.
Carver: The tower is there, except that it ain't? Great, now what?
Milly: Did you get that, Hero? Cast Peep in front of the tower door.
Ashlynn: Sounds like the first step is finding that tower.
Nevan: If the tower is not in this world, perhaps it could be in the upper world?
Amos: What would happen if you cast Sizzle by mistake?
Carver: A fairy tale without an ending, aye...?
Carver: I reckon it's our job to write it.
Milly: Oh my... Condemning her to the mirror for eternity...
That is unspeakable...
Ashlynn: Ooh, love stories with sad endings always make me cry.
Ashlynn: We better beat Spiegel before I bawl my eyes out!
Nevan: This tale's ending is for us to write.
Amos: If we lose to Spiegel, will the book end with our demise?
Carver: Huh... You don't think the story in that book's happenin' right in front of our eyes, do ya?
Milly: If that's true, then it's truly curious...
Ashlynn: I thought the same thing! It's like that book's been predicting the future!
Nevan: Could that really be possible?
Amos: Yeah, he might be readin' too much into this.
Carver: I reckon we'll find out once we get there, aye?
Milly: Let's go and look for that tower, Hero!
Ashlynn: The sooner we start searching for Spiegel's tower, the sooner we'll find it!
Nevan: The tower must exist somewhere. Let's make haste!
Amos: It would be nice if she'd bothered to actually find out where the tower's got to.
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Carver: A tower in the desert, aye...? Does that ring any bells, Hero?
Milly: In his dream...? Do you think this tower is in the dream world?
Ashlynn: A mysterious sorcerer... I wonder what kind of magic we're talking about here?
Nevan: That certainly sounds like useful information.
Amos: So it used to be a tower and now it's a well?
That's quite a difference.
Carver: A tower in the desert, aye...? Do you think it's that one we passed by a few times?
Milly: He's seen it in his dreams – it must be in the dream world!
Ashlynn: That sorcerer's got to be Spiegel!
Nevan: Most likely Spiegel resides in that very tower.
Let's investigate!
Amos: So it used to be a tower and now it's a well?
That's quite a difference.
Carver: He's fast asleep. Let's shove off.
Milly: There's no need for us to wake him. Let's go, Hero.
Ashlynn: Who could sleep in this dank well?
Ashlynn: Say, you think Spiegel was a figment of that guy's dreams the whole time?
Nevan: He should sleep in a proper bed before he catches a cold.
Amos: I bet if you hollered at the top of your lungs here it would echo for ages.
Terry: Do we really need to be here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Sleeping... Snoring... (slobber)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: We can push 'n pull on that door all day – it ain't budgin'.
Milly: I don't think we'll be able to enter.
Ashlynn: How can we open it?
Nevan: No key we possess will open that door.
Amos: Open sesame!
Amos: ...Well, I gave it a shot.
Carver: Oop! No normal key'll open that door, that's for sure.
Milly: Do you remember the spell we need?
Ashlynn: Oh, darn! What're we supposed to do to open this again?
Nevan: Well, Hero, let's use the spell.
Amos: Sizzle isn't goin' to do the trick.
Carver: Alright! Let's go!
Milly: Let's be careful.
Ashlynn: Yahoo!
Nevan: So a spell opened the door... Somehow it makes sense for a sorcerer's tower.
Amos: ...Peep!
Amos: It's a bit late now, I know. Besides, old Amos can't even cast that spell!
Carver: Nice and roomy in here, aye?
Milly: I sense that reaching the top will not be easy...
Ashlynn: Wow, a girl could get lost in here!
Nevan: I get the feeling there are monsters at hand.
Let's be on our guard.
Amos: Maybe if we tip-toe through...
Carver: Uh, which way are we headed?
Milly: Let's not tire ourselves out before the end of our mission.
Ashlynn: You sure this is the right way, Hero...?
Nevan: The monsters in this tower seem powerful.
Amos: One-two, one-two – march!
Carver: This tower's a lot taller than I thought.
Milly: I'm sensing something ahead... Keep your wits about you.
Ashlynn: Be careful, Hero!
Nevan: Be not afraid, Hero. The Goddess watches over us.
Amos: Haah... Haah...
Carver: I reckon we're finally at the top.
Milly: Why, it's a little cabin...
Ashlynn: Oh, wow! What a view!
Nevan: Mind your step – the winds can get quite powerful this high up.
Amos: ...Urgh! That's one heck of a drop!
Old Amos isn't too good with heights...
Carver: “The world's greatest sorcerer”, aye? Says him.
Milly: Spiegel... Just what is he doing up here...?
Ashlynn: That guy's kinda scary! ...You sure we can take him?
Nevan: I do not trust him...but he does not appear to be altogether evil...
Amos: Just maybe not “world's most humble sorcerer”, right?
Carver: Hardy har! That's that!
Milly: We did it, Hero! Now Miralda can escape from the mirror!
Milly: Let's hurry back to Castle Swanstone.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We finally beat that freak!
Ashlynn: That oughta break the curse once and for all!
Nevan: By the grace of the Goddess, we have done it!
Amos: Old Spiegel said he'd had the Princess trapped in the mirror for millennia.
Amos: Just how old would that make her!?
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Carver: C'mon, let's report back to the King!
Milly: I'm sure Miralda can now be freed. Come on, let's tell the King the good news!
Ashlynn: Hurry up, people! We gotta talk to the King!
Nevan: I do so adore having good news to deliver.
Amos: Come to think of it, Spiegel's place high atop that tower seems like a sure-fire earthquake hazard, doesn't it?
Carver: We're back, aye, and with news the King'll want to hear!
Milly: Let's not keep the King waiting any longer!
Ashlynn: To the King! To the King!
Nevan: The King will surely be delighted by the news.
Amos: Hope we get a fanfare when we see the King.
Carver: We might get to finally meet this princess in the flesh, aye?
Milly: Everyone here seems to be familiar with the legend.
Ashlynn: I hope Princess Miralda can escape that mirror now!
Nevan: I can't wait to savour the fruit born of Spiegel's defeat.
Amos: I bet now old Spiegel wishes he had just stayed in that fairy tale.
Carver: C'mon, let's go see the King himself!
Milly: Come on, let's tell the King the good news!
Ashlynn: Hurry up, people! The King's waiting!
Nevan: We should be speaking to the King rather than that gentleman.
Amos: Chattin' to the elderly is all well and good, but we can't keep the King waitin'!
Carver: Hardy har! We always keep our word, aye?
Milly: He looked so grateful and relieved.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Of course we did it! And how!
Nevan: It pleases me that he is pleased.
Amos: We did it alright!
Carver: Uh oh... Hope we haven't kept him waitin' too long.
Milly: I'm sure he's quite anxious to hear from us.
Ashlynn: Is the King in here?
Nevan: Let us make haste and see the King.
Amos: His Highness must be on tenterhooks!
Carver: Let's quit chattin' and inform the King!
Milly: Come on, Hero, it's the King we need to speak to!
Ashlynn: I bet the King's gonna be so surprised!
Nevan: Let's report to the King.
Amos: We should be speakin' to the King first...
Carver: I wouldn't believe it if I ain't seen it myself...
Milly: That was wonderful... Simply wonderful!
Ashlynn: Aww... Wasn't that romantic?
Nevan: It seems that Miralda's curse has been fully lifted.
Amos: So is Miralda goin' to marry him or what!?
Carver: I reckon that takes care of the mirror princess, aye?
Carver: Of course if they wanted to reward us with a giant feast or somethin', I wouldn't turn it down...
Milly: Ludwig and Miralda both looked so happy, didn't they?
Ashlynn: It's a true fairy tale ending, huh? I was bawling like a baby the whole time.
Nevan: The Goddess's will be done.
Amos: I wonder how old Miralda really is...
Carver: Did the King go back to his room or what?
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We did it... We really did it!
Nevan: I bet all the soldiers were shocked to see the princess walking about.
Amos: Are we goin' to see a weddin' right away?
Carver: How long, she asks? Too long, I say...
Milly: It was almost an eternity, wouldn't you say, Hero?
Ashlynn: Spiegel said it was “a few millennia”, right?
I can't even imagine...
Nevan: I suppose time stopped for her while she was imprisoned within the mirror.
Amos: However many years it was, she doesn't look like she's aged one bit.
Carver: I can barely believe it myself, and I was right there!
Milly: After all these years, this news must come as quite a shock to the people here.
Ashlynn: Too bad that guy didn't see her actually come out – I would've loved to see his face!
Nevan: I'll never forget the moment she was finally freed.
Amos: I wonder if there's any more royalty about that need freein' from furniture?
Carver: “Happy” don't quite cover it, aye? He looked fit to cry, I'd say.
Milly: I wouldn't be surprised if it was the happiest the King has ever been in his life.
Ashlynn: Of course he looked happy... Wouldn't you be, Hero?
Nevan: I must admit to being quite pleased myself.
Amos: Old Amos didn't notice the King much, truth be told. But I could certainly tell him how Miralda looked...
Carver: Just thinkin' about it makes me shudder.
Carver: You'd rescue me if I got stuck in a mirror, aye, Hero?
Milly: Goddess, I can hardly bear to think of it...
Ashlynn: I'd go stir crazy after a day!
Nevan: She was trapped like the proverbial bird in a cage.
Amos: I wonder what your reflection looks like when you're inside the mirror?
Carver: Wonder how he'll describe me? Can words even do my pecs justice? I doubt it...
Milly: Could that old gentleman be the one who read King Ludwig the story when he was a child?
Ashlynn: Oh, I totally agree! Happy endings just make me so...happy!
Nevan: It will doubtless make a splendid tale.
Amos: Here's hopin' old Amos gets a happy endin' to his story as well! ...Well, I'm not ready for the endin' just yet, mind you...
Carver: He's got that right!
Milly: He's right, this whole mirror princess affair was nothing if not bizarre.
Ashlynn: Boy, he said it! We run into crazier things with each passing day!
Nevan: In life, one never knows what awaits around the next corner.
Amos: In this case, the fairy tale was real, so the truth was exactly as strange as the fiction!
Carver: That fella must've nearly passed out when she sauntered by, aye?
Milly: Miralda did indeed look fantastic. Her aura was glittering.
Ashlynn: She was so beautiful, even I was a little jealous. There, I said it.
Nevan: I've never seen such a stunning woman...
Er... Perhaps I should pray for a while...
Amos: She might be a few millennia old, but true beauty never ages!
Carver: “Happy” ain't hard to spell. But “chimaera” – that's a toughie!
Milly: I certainly hope he can manage something better than that.
Ashlynn: That guy will never be the king of pop music with lyrics like that.
Nevan: If I had even a modicum of musical ability,
I would compose a song for the King myself.
Amos: I bet if he wrote a sad song now, he'd get the sack!
Carver: Whatever he can't eat, I'd be happy to help out with.
Milly: I hope she realises there's now one more royal mouth to feed!
Ashlynn: I just realised that Princess Miralda hasn't eaten in thousands of years! Her tummy must be roaring!
Nevan: It's time for her to do what she does best!
Amos: Old Amos isn't half peckish, I tell you!
Carver: Not that I care about that lovey-dovey stuff, but they deserve happiness...
Milly: No wonder they look happy – imagine finally being able to embrace someone after staring at them for years!
Ashlynn: I'm more than a bit envious. I'm a LOT envious!
Nevan: There is no need for envy – the Goddess has a plan for us all to find happiness...
Amos: They've only just got together but they seem made for each other. Old Amos is jealous, too...
Carver: Hardy har! Praise from the Chancellor himself, aye?
Milly: Make sure you're gracious when receiving praise, Hero.
Ashlynn: Aww... A little praise sure goes a long way.
Nevan: He should know that we are only too happy to be of assistance.
Amos: The Chancellor's grinnin' from ear to ear.
Carver: Avast! We can use that floodgate key to reach the open sea, Hero!
Milly: Oh my, what a happy ending (sniff) – may the Goddess bless them both! (sniff)
Ashlynn: Oh my Goddess! The King and Miralda are gonna get hitched!
Ashlynn: I'm so, so, so happy for them!
Nevan: We have been truly blessed.
Amos: Gettin' married already!? ...Well, I suppose it's actually been a long time comin'!
Carver: I reckon the lesson here is “never give up”, aye? Things work out sooner or later...
Carver: Course, we ain't waitin' a few thousand years to restore peace to the world!
Milly: Such eternal devotion is something we can all aspire to.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I wish I could find my dream hubby like she did...just, you know, minus that whole “trapped for a few millennia” thing.
Nevan: Now I sense Castle Swanstone is back on the road to prosperity.
Nevan: As for us, we must continue our quest.
Amos: The more I hear, the more I despise this Spiegel.
Amos: I wish we could have stuck him inside a mirror!
Carver: Hardy har! I bet the King will finally get a good night's sleep, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. It's nice to see the servants sharing the joy.
Ashlynn: It looks so soft. And I bet it's bedbug-free!
Nevan: That woman's prayers have finally been answered.
Amos: And there was old Amos hopin' we could borrow that bed!
Carver: Pups can sense good cheer in the air, ya know.
Milly: Even that doggie is delighted that the mirror princess is free.
Ashlynn: That pooch is smiling like the cat that ate the chimaera.
Nevan: Perhaps he's just excited by the prospect of table scraps at the King's marital feast.
Amos: Woof yourself!
Carver: That legend can stay a legend, if ya don't mind.
Milly: It might be a legend, but you know what they say: Where there's smoke, there's often fire...
Milly: The undersea Dread Fiend must be out there somewhere...
Ashlynn: I guess you have to take the bad legends with the good ones.
Nevan: But how might one travel to the ocean floor...?
Amos: Are there any legends where a man who turns into a monster marries a beautiful princess?
Carver: Crikey! She went from sweet to sour quick, aye?
Milly: I don't think she was actually looking for an answer, Hero.
Ashlynn: Honestly, Hero, you were asking for that.
Nevan: Urgh... That little exchange could have gone better.
Amos: You're not afraid of chancin' your arm, are you, Hero?
Carver: Whatever world we're in right now, she ain't livin' in it.
Milly: She shouldn't get her hopes up. This story's ending has already been written...
Ashlynn: That girl's crazy for the King – emphasis on “crazy”.
Nevan: It may be hopeless, but she still hasn't given up.
Amos: Probably best we don't tell her we're the ones that rescued the mirror princess!
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Carver: Huh? Hang on, did he mutter somethin' about “mermaids”?
Milly: Did he say “mermaids”? What in the world could he have been talking about?
Ashlynn: I believe in mermaids! Well, I want to, anyway. The whole idea is kind of romantic, you know?
Nevan: Salty seadogs have traded rumours of mermaid-sightings since time immemorial.
Amos: Old Amos'd love to meet a mermaid! 'Course, a regular woman would be just fine, too.
Carver: “Used to be”? What, did he fall overboard or somethin'?
Milly: I wonder what happened to this Rod?
Ashlynn: Hmm. Is this Rod guy a troublemaker or something?
Nevan: He must have been a fine fisherman indeed to garner such praise from the locals.
Amos: Is he the second best fisherman now?
Is there an official ranking?
Carver: Oh, was that Rod who flew off the handle earlier? Now I get it.
Milly: So that was Rod earlier, was it? What could be making him so grumpy?
Ashlynn: Hey, you never know! Anyone can fall in love!
Nevan: I wonder why this Rod is so out of sorts.
Amos: Love's supposed to make a man soft and cuddly, not prickly.
Carver: What do you call a young fisherman, aye? “Fisherboy” don't sound right.
Milly: He's a polite little fellow, isn't he!
Ashlynn: Wow. You see the tan on that kid?
Nevan: So this is Pescado.
Amos: Doesn't seem to be much life about this place.
Carver: They're sold out, aye? Tell that to my belly.
Milly: Sea monsters have always been the scourge of any fishing village.
Ashlynn: Aww, the poor old man...
Nevan: I pray that this village's catches become bountiful once more.
Amos: Old Amos prefers a nice steak to fish anyday.
Carver: I take it that cat's hungry, aye? Good thing for us she's not a tiger...
Milly: What's become of the world when a cat can starve in a fishing village...?
Ashlynn: Aww, is the wittle kitty hungry? Poor, poor kitty...
Nevan: That cat looks alarmingly thin.
Amos: Hey there, kitty cat!
Carver: Whoa. Not enough hope here to float a thimble, aye?
Milly: He can't go out fishing because of sea monsters...
I wonder if there's anything we could do?
Ashlynn: Boy, that guy trumps all the grumps we've ever met! I feel for him, though.
Nevan: That man should speak to the Goddess. There's no substitute for a good pray sometimes.
Amos: That lad's thinkin' bloomin' negatively.
Carver: Hardy har! The lady's got the right attitude, at least.
Milly: We should all learn a thing or two about optimism from her!
Ashlynn: It'd be nice if her enthusiasm caught on around here.
Nevan: That woman has the right approach. One must never give in to despair.
Amos: A bit of positive thinkin'! When the fish come, that woman'll be all ready to scoop 'em up!
Carver: Someone's buyin' it all up? I'm gonna pass out if I don't get some protein soon!
Milly: What in the world is going on here?
Ashlynn: Why is someone hoarding all the fish? That's just...stinky!
Nevan: Who could be buying up all the fish?
Amos: I thought that fellow was some kind of peepin' tom!
Carver: It really seems like there's still monsters and trouble everywhere we go, aye?
Milly: If only the nearby sea could be freed of monsters, that would be a start...
Ashlynn: Wow... What can we do about rough seas, Hero...?
Nevan: It's tragic to see a fishing village where fishing is off limits.
Amos: Anyone who tells you the world is at peace is talkin' through their hat.
Carver: Mermaids, aye!? This we gotta see, Hero!
Milly: Disgusting. Only a savage would use a living creature as a tourist attraction.
Ashlynn: Boy, I sure hope that guy doesn't catch any!
Nevan: Exhibiting a mermaid would be an appalling act!
Amos: A mermaid!? Old Amos would love to get an eyeful!
Carver: The rocks by the northern cape, aye? Let's make a mental note 'n everything like that.
Milly: Could mermaids really exist? I wonder....
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, why don't we go track down the mermaid? I really, really, want to see her! Really!
Nevan: I would dearly love to encounter a mermaid...
Amos: Old Amos is keen on meetin' a mermaid but I'm not so fussed about meetin' any mermen.
Carver: Whoa. Now I feel a little sorry for the guy...
Milly: It sounds like Rod is lucky to still be alive.
Ashlynn: Well, that's a real sob story, but it still doesn't give him an excuse to be so mean!
Nevan: It seems we all have our own burdens to shoulder.
Amos: Goin' from the best fisherman in the village to bein' a mangled wreck would make anyone prickly.
Carver: The cave, aye...? Must be somethin' there, I'd bet.
Milly: This cave sounds rather intriguing, don't you think?
Ashlynn: The cave? You think there's really “nothing of interest” in there?
Nevan: I think we need to see this cave for ourselves.
Amos: Old Amos can't wait to see what's in that cave!
Carver: I'm beginning to wonder if there really are more fish in the sea...
Milly: At least this shop seems to have had some fish today.
Ashlynn: Someone must be trying to corner the fish market around here.
Nevan: Was the last customer a local, I wonder?
Amos: Maybe we should reserve in advance for next time?
Carver: Whoa! That fella's quick!
Milly: I'm rather curious as to who's been ordering all these fish.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, why don't we try following him?
Nevan: Let's follow that fellow.
Amos: It's careless to abandon a shop while there's still customers.
Carver: Crikey. Not much of a people person, aye?
Milly: Isn't he the one who approached us when we first arrived here?
Ashlynn: You heard the man. Let's get out of here, Hero!
Nevan: Let's walk around the village a little more.
Amos: Let's go somewhere where we're less of a nuisance.
Carver: Blimey! Is that any way to greet visitors?
Milly: So this is who the fishmonger's been making those deliveries to...
Ashlynn: What a meanie! It's like he's got a fish chip on his shoulder or something.
Nevan: What shall we do? Should we leave?
Amos: Haah... Haah... That fishmonger don't half walk fast...
Carver: Oof. That fella's always on the move, aye...?
Milly: So this is who the fishmonger's been making those deliveries to...
Ashlynn: Oops! He's gone already. Must be pretty busy.
Nevan: What shall we do? Should we leave as well?
Amos: Haah... Haah... That fishmonger don't half walk fast...
Carver: He's up to somethin', alright. Let's get after him – but let's be discreet 'n everything like that.
Milly: Let's tail him – but make sure he doesn't spot us.
Ashlynn: He's definitely hiding something, that's for sure. We better not let him get away!
Nevan: I'm not comfortable with the idea of stalking someone, but clearly we have no choice.
Nevan: If we want to uncover the truth, we must make our way carefully.
Amos: Old Amos's heart's beatin' like a drum!
I hope he can't hear it...
Carver: Blimey. The jig is up.
Milly: That didn't go too well...
Ashlynn: Aww, he went back home!
Nevan: Let's wait until the next opportunity.
Amos: It was a mistake to go up and chat.
Carver: Huh. Even the fishmonger's surprised at how much he's buyin', aye...?
Milly: I always sensed that Rod was hiding something.
Ashlynn: You saw how much fish he was buying... What could he possibly be doing with it all?
Nevan: You don't think he has a fish addiction that's spiralled out of control, do you?
Amos: Old Amos has worked it out! He must have a cat the size of a house in that cave!
Carver: Unda's a pretty sweet fishgal, ain't she? She ought to be back with her crew.
Milly: Let's get Unda back to her friends, Hero!
Ashlynn: Ooh, aren't mermaids so romantic?
Nevan: May the blessings of the Goddess be upon Pescado.
Amos: If someone does bag a mermaid, chances are they'll stick 'em on display.
Carver: Sayin' goodbye ain't easy for anyone, aye?
Milly: Poor Rod. He must be pining for Unda.
Ashlynn: Let's get Unda back to her friends, okay? Rod's probably worried sick right now!
Nevan: Rod's heart must be deeply conflicted. Happiness and loneliness make a far from ideal combination.
Amos: Will Unda make it back to her companions? The suspense is killin' old Amos!
Carver: Hardy har! He just lost his best customer, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Rod's not fed up of fish, is he Hero?
Ashlynn: Wouldn't it be funny if Rod actually hated fish the whole time?
Nevan: I wonder how much fish Unda got through in a day.
Amos: That giant cat in the cave must have moved out!
Carver: ...Rod's a pretty nice fella once you get to know him, aye?
Milly: We'll try our best not to let Rod down, won't we, Hero?
Ashlynn: I sure hope we can help make a happy ending for Rod and Unda.
Nevan: I pray that the Goddess leads Rod to happiness.
Amos: Rod's got a face like a stormy sea, but a truer heart you couldn't hope to find.
Carver: No monsters around here, I can say that much...
Milly: It really smells of the sea in here, doesn't it?
Ashlynn: I don't see anything weird here, anyway.
Nevan: This is a most spacious cave.
Amos: There might be a big monster boss hidin' round here!
...Or not.
Carver: Huh. You think the fish are really bitin' in a dark, stinking cave?
Milly: If he can fish here, that must mean this cave opens out into the sea.
Ashlynn: That guy DOES have bait on his hook, right?
Nevan: Perhaps he's found a secret fishing spot.
Amos: Is it monsters stoppin' that lad catchin' fish or is he just a bit useless?
Carver: Mighty suspicious, aye?
Milly: Make sure he doesn't spot us!
Ashlynn: That guy's hiding something, that's for sure!
Nevan: I can't help but feel like we're doing something wrong...
Amos: ...Shhh! Tip-toes, everyone!
Carver: Here's an idea, Hero: let's not get caught next time.
Milly: We got too close, Hero. That's why he spotted us.
Ashlynn: We'd probably be better off keeping a bit more distance.
Nevan: It's no easy feat to track him without being detected.
Amos: That Rod ain't half cautious!
Carver: Ahoy! Was that a mermaid!?
Milly: So mermaids are real! And here I thought they only existed in fairy tales.
Ashlynn: Wow! A real mermaid! I saw her with my own eyes!
Nevan: Was that...a mermaid...?
Amos: It plunged into the water so fast I barely saw it, but that was a mermaid, right?
Carver: Got away, aye? What a scaredy-cat! Or is that “scaredy-catfish”?
Milly: If only we could reassure her that we won't cause any harm...
Ashlynn: Aww... She was so scared...
Nevan: She seems to be afraid of humans.
Amos: That was a pretty negative reaction...
Old Amos is hurt, I tell you!
Carver: Really, Hero? Nothing happened here...?
Milly: Hero, if we go back now, we won't have accomplished anything.
Ashlynn: You sure that's the best thing for them, Hero?
Nevan: We must pursue the truth...
Amos: Are we just goin' to leave?
Carver: What a tale, aye? You're about to see a grown man cry. (sniff)
Milly: She ran the risk of getting separated from her friends when she came to Rod's rescue...
Ashlynn: Forbidden love between man and mermaid... That's good stuff! Write it down!
Nevan: Unda is a fine figure of a mermaid.
Amos: (sniff) Old Amos seems to have got some seawater in his eyes. (sob)
Carver: C'mon! Let's go and show him our ship!
Milly: Let's hurry back with the ship!
Ashlynn: If it's strength and a ship they need, we oughta give 'em both!
Nevan: There's no time to lose!
Amos: So he doesn't think we look the part? Hmph!
Carver: Hey, Hero, we can do this! Take him up on it, aye?
Milly: We're not going to take Unda back to her friends, Hero?
Ashlynn: Aww! We've just got to take Unda back! Pretty please, Hero!
Nevan: All shall unfold according to the Goddess's plan.
Amos: We've got a ship! We've got courage!
Why not tell him?
Carver: Ahoy! There she is!
Milly: I wonder if Unda will really go along with Rod's plan...
Ashlynn: Alright! Time for the voyage home!
Nevan: It is painful indeed to see Rod and Unda part ways.
Amos: I'm sorry we kept Rod waitin'!
Carver: Whoa. Rod is one heck of a fella, aye?
Milly: I'm so happy for Rod.
Ashlynn: This is so touching...!
Nevan: This is all rather over-exciting.
I must pray more...
Amos: Old Amos has gone bright red, I tell you!
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Carver: Ahoy! Mermaids ho! Hope they won't swim off on us or nothin'.
Milly: All the mermaids seem to be frolicking happily.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Finally here! And look at all of Unda's friends!
Nevan: This is indeed a long way from Pescado. We've done well to arrive in one piece.
Amos: It's just like a dream...
Carver: So we can go into the briny deep with this harp, aye? Let's do it, Hero!
Milly: Lorelei's harp... What a curious instrument this is...
Ashlynn: I'm so happy Unda made it back to her merfolk!
Nevan: Let's give Lorelei's harp a try without delay!
Amos: Are Ova and Unda twins? Old Amos couldn't tell the difference.
Carver: Rod must be goin' nuts waitin' for news about Unda, aye?
Milly: Rod's going to be so happy!
Ashlynn: Come on! We gotta tell Rod all about Unda!
Nevan: I can just picture Rod's face lighting up.
Amos: So this Rod fellow's not hidin' anythin' else in that cave, right?
Carver: Hardy har! Folks wonder about Rod when he's carryin' on OR calmin' down. He doesn't get a break.
Milly: There's nothing Rod can do except wait patiently for the day he can be reunited with Unda.
Ashlynn: Too bad we can't tell her why Rod's so calm, huh?
Nevan: Rod must be rather lonely without Unda around.
Amos: Old Amos is dyin' to tell everyone what we saw! But I'll hold my tongue.
Carver: She was talkin' about Rod, aye? I bet the difference is night 'n day if ya live here.
Milly: That's right. People are sure to change as time goes by.
Ashlynn: She's talking about Rod, right? She sure doesn't have to tell me twice!
Ashlynn: I had no idea ol' hot Rod was such a loverboy!
Nevan: I've been told that I've scarcely changed since I was a child.
Amos: People are also known to transform into monsters!
Carver: A terrifying monster, aye...? Do you think the seas will smooth out if we take him down?
Milly: Visiting the bottom of the sea is no problem for us now that we've got Lorelei's harp.
Ashlynn: That monster sounds like a job for us! Let's get him!
Ashlynn: With the monster out of the picture, maybe Rod can pay a personal visit to Unda!
Nevan: The bottom of the south-eastern sea... Duly noted.
Amos: Is it really worth takin' on a terrifyin' monster just so that lad can do a spot of fishin'?
Carver: Huh. So he's sellin' to people other than Rod now?
Milly: I'm sure all the villagers are delighted by this news.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that's because he lost his number-one customer, Rod.
Nevan: With their most loyal customer no longer buying in bulk, business may be struggling.
Amos: It sounds like business is boomin' now.
Carver: Hardy har! That's music to my ears 'n everything like that!
Milly: It sounds like Rod is truly doing well!
Ashlynn: I hope Rod's journey back to sea can come sooner rather than later.
Nevan: I'm pleased to hear that Rod's in fine fettle.
Amos: Rod's a fine fellow!
Carver: Rod's spirits sure are soarin', aye? Good for him.
Milly: They're so lucky to have each other.
Ashlynn: Wow, what a guy!
Nevan: Rod will doubtless be as good as his word.
Amos: If I was a lady and someone said that, I'd be bowled over, make no mistake.
...What? I said “if”!
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Carver: Looks like them mermaids ain't scared of us any more, aye?
Milly: Everyone must be so relieved that Unda's returned.
Ashlynn: Boy, am I glad we got Unda home safe and sound!
Nevan: It seems the mermaids will speak to us now instead of fleeing.
Amos: Blimey! These mermaids ain't half beautiful!
Carver: Aye, we better keep mum. If word got out about this place, it might attract a bad crowd.
Milly: Of course. We won't say a word, will we?
Ashlynn: She's got nothing to worry about with me! My lips are sealed!
Nevan: I pray that the Goddess may protect all mermaid-kind.
Amos: Old Amos won't tell a soul.
Carver: Mermen, aye...? I ain't in a hurry to see some hairy fish fella.
Milly: Hee hee. I hadn't really thought about that.
Ashlynn: I'd love to meet a merman! I bet he'd be young and handsome and know all the best spots for seafood!
Nevan: So it's a secret... I must confess, I'm intrigued.
Amos: What if mermen look exactly like mermaids!? Blimey...
Carver: I reckon the water's always greener on the other side of the rocks, aye?
Milly: That young mermaid seems to be quite curious.
Ashlynn: Funny that she mentions that. I kinda wonder what it's like to be a mermaid, too.
Nevan: Perhaps the day will come when humans and mermaids may live in harmony.
Amos: Imagine livin' with a mermaid! You'd have to convert half your house into a swimmin' pool!
Carver: I reckon she knows her business, but sleepin' like that sounds like a good way to get conked by a boat keel.
Milly: I'd like to try that – on a clear day!
Ashlynn: Wow! I feel seasick just thinking about it.
Nevan: Sleeping while floating on the waves does sound blissful.
Amos: I would've thought mermaids could take a bit of seawater up their nose...
Carver: Was that a kid mermaid? Shouldn't she be in a school with all the other little fish? Hardy har!
Milly: Hee hee. She's so full of innocence.
Ashlynn: She must've never seen a ship up close before.
Nevan: The Providence is indeed pleasant and sublime.
Amos: The people in the boat are even more amazin'!
Carver: Is she darin' us to kidnap her? Find me a net, on the double!
Carver: ...Whoa, hang on! I'm just kiddin'!
Milly: Hee hee. We must have become good friends if she feels comfortable saying such things.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! What a mean mermaid!
Nevan: I do believe that mermaid enjoys pulling people's legs...err...fins...
Amos: We won't be bullied by any mermaid!
Carver: Crikey. She's already actin' like a perfect fishy wife for Rod, aye?
Milly: Rod will be delighted to hear that Unda's been thinking of him.
Ashlynn: Aw, that's so sweet! I hope Rod can find something besides fish to eat around the village, though.
Nevan: I hope they will be able to live together as man and mermaid soon.
Amos: She's worried about Rod's diet!? Maybe he's over-dosin' on fish.
Carver: Well, have a look at them! Playin' like the best of pals, aye?
Milly: It should be fine for the children to play here now that there's no risk of kidnapping.
Ashlynn: Aw, I just love listening to kids whoop it up like that!
Nevan: Children should always be so carefree.
Amos: Old Amos used to run around like that! Except I fell over more often...
Terry: Did we have some reason for coming here?
Lizzie: (slobber) Children play alone... Not dangerous...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! A bit short for a well wisher, aye?
Milly: I suppose playing “peace” wouldn't make for quite as exciting a game, eh Hero?
Ashlynn: Ah, so that's the famous “well wisher” game. Looks fun!
Nevan: I would've expected children to want to be the hero – not the monster...
Amos: GRRARGH! Old Amos is a monster too!
Terry: If he really was a well wisher, he'd already be dead by my hand.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not...well wisher... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: You'd never catch me playin' with girls when I was a kid...
Milly: Good to see a girl with imagination beyond the dollhouse.
Ashlynn: Aw, they look like they're having so much fun!
Nevan: It's a fine thing to have a trusty playmate.
Amos: Once these kids grow up, those monsters had better watch out!
Terry: If they're happy playing, leave them to it.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie enjoy playing too... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
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Carver: Remember back when the Chief's girl got snatched? Seems like ancient history now, aye?
Milly: Shall we visit the Chief since we've come all this way?
Ashlynn: I hope Cynthia's still doing alright.
Nevan: May the Goddess smile on Wellshire.
Amos: Old Amos never did any adventurin' here.
Terry: You do get around, don't you, Hero?
Lizzie: (spit) Town...beautiful... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! It's good to have the Chief on our side, aye?
Milly: The Chief's aura is absolutely gleaming. His life must be trouble-free these days.
Ashlynn: He must be overjoyed to see Cynthia safe again.
Nevan: Does the Chief really believe us capable of anything? I wonder...
Amos: Yep, there's nowt we can't do!
Terry: That joker's in charge of this place? Hmph.
Lizzie: (slobber) Chief...praise...us...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The Mayor still ain't back, aye?
Milly: It doesn't seem the Mayor's absence is affecting village life very much.
Ashlynn: Sounds like they could really take him or leave him.
Nevan: It appears the townsfolk are all pulling together.
Amos: Not havin' a mayor sounds better than puttin' up with one you can't stand.
Terry: Sounds like they never needed a mayor in the first place.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not know...Mayor... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) (jiggle)
Carver: Well, he came to the right place for that question.
Milly: I'd love to reassure everyone that peace has returned, but it's too early for that...
Ashlynn: Well, we did beat Murdaw. That much is sure.
Nevan: Knowing for certain should put his heart at ease.
Amos: Strike Murdaw off the list of things to worry about!
Terry: Seems we've taken a weight off his mind.
Lizzie: (snarl) Relax too much...dangerous... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: The legendary shield's in Felonia, aye...? I'll make a mental note 'n everything like that.
Milly: Felonia...
Ashlynn: That's a rumour worth following up on!
Nevan: I dearly hope we might locate this legendary shield.
Amos: I wonder where this Felonia place is.
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: I ain't worried. My spirits never sink.
Milly: A dark world... I wonder what we might find there?
Ashlynn: So it's just, like – poof! – and they're gone? I don't like the sound of that.
Nevan: The dark world? Does this mean there's another world aside from the dream world?
Amos: Old Amos knows that sinkin' feelin' when you're out of energy and gettin' sleepy.
Terry: The dark world? Interesting...
Lizzie: (slobber) Dark world...pitch black...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Everyone's got a case of the jitters. I wish we could find a cure for 'em all!
Milly: The fact is, peace has not yet returned... That's what she means, isn't it.
Ashlynn: You can't really call it peace when everyone's so antsy.
Nevan: I would hope we might be able to ease that nun's mind.
Amos: It's no surprise she feels a sense of unease. It's an uneasy peace, after all.
Terry: True peace is still to come.
Lizzie: (snarl) Everyone...hope for...peace... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: More power to her.
Milly: We have a part to play in answering her prayer as well.
Ashlynn: If anyone tries to mess up the peace, they'll have to mess with us, too!
Nevan: I will add my voice to her prayer.
Amos: You don't want peace to be fragile – you want it to be unbreakable!
Terry: I've got no time for prayers.
Lizzie: (snarl) Who...Goddess...? Where...she live...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Johan's really mannin' up, aye?
Milly: People often find inner strength when they have someone to protect.
Ashlynn: Is it me, or does Johan look a lot more grown-up than he used to?
Nevan: Johan has become a splendid young man.
Amos: Sounds like that lad will never run away from anythin'! Not from Dread Fiends, not from loan sharks...
Terry: I sense true strength in him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...protect...Terry... Lizzie...protect...everyone... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Crikey, what a gal! She's still worryin' about the Mayor after all this time!
Milly: She really should stop worrying about what happened... But Ella has such a kind heart.
Ashlynn: Seeing the two of them so happy makes me happy too!
Nevan: Their happiness and joy extends to all around them.
Amos: What could the misunderstandin' have been?
Terry: The Mayor will be back sooner or later. Unless a monster's got hold of him...
Lizzie: (snarl) Girl...very kind... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! She could learn a thing or three from Ella.
Milly: I hope she picks someone unattached this time!
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. Does that girl ever stop thinking about herself?
Nevan: Rather than envying others, she should strive to improve herself.
Amos: I've never been so happy that I'm not a knight in shinin' armour...
Terry: Don't worry about explaining who she is. I really don't care.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie...not understand...love... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Ya know, I bet I coulda been mayor here if I stuck around long enough.
Milly: An election would really inject some life into the village.
Ashlynn: He seems nice enough. Maybe I'd vote for him.
Nevan: Every town needs a leader, after all.
Amos: He can count on old Amos's vote!
Er... 'Cept I don't live here...
Terry: Politics? No thanks.
Lizzie: (snarl) Apply...to be...mayor...? Lizzie...not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: Hardy har! I hope that kid don't give up.
Milly: We'll just have to try and hold the fort until this little fellow is tough enough to take over. Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Being tough is important, but so is having a stout heart!
Nevan: It's a fine thing to see that this young fellow has such grand ambitions.
Amos: When this lad takes down Murdaw, I hope he calls me! I wouldn't want to miss it a second time!
Terry: That kid's still got a way to go yet.
Lizzie: (snarl) Good...luck... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing, b-b-boing!
Carver: Hold on, now. Some monsters are kinda cute, as long as they ain't up to no good.
Milly: I'm sure the world will be peaceful by then.
Ashlynn: Hope that lady stays healthy long enough to see it happen!
Nevan: A grandmother's chief concern is the well-being of her grandchildren.
Amos: Oi, grandma! Not all monsters are bad, you know!
Terry: There's no point thinking that far ahead.
Lizzie: (snarl) ...... (slobber)
Carver: Hardy har! What the heck was she thinkin'!?
Milly: She's blushing...
Ashlynn: She should really find herself a more, you know, decent job...
Nevan: She thought pattycake was a dessert...?
Amos: She just wasn't cut out for the pattycake trade.
Terry: What's she talking about?
Lizzie: (snarl) Patty...cake...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Hardy har! What the heck was she thinkin'!?
Milly: Pattycake, eh...
Ashlynn: She should really find herself a more, you know, decent job...
Nevan: Just what precisely was she asking?
Amos: C'mon Hero! Don't tell old Amos you've never heard of pattycake!
Terry: What's she talking about?
Lizzie: (snarl) Patty...cake...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Ultimate key, aye? We gotta get one of those!
Milly: Let's head under the waves and look for that sunken ship.
Ashlynn: Why don't we do a little deep-sea diving for that key? We got Lorelei's harp right here...
Nevan: Shall we venture forth, now that we're able to explore the seabed?
Amos: With the ultimate key, there'd be no door we couldn't unlock!
Amos: Let's get our hands on it before an enterprisin' burglar beats us to it!
Carver: That key's an honest-to-Goddess treasure, alright.
Milly: We managed to get hold of it thanks to Lorelei's harp, didn't we?
Ashlynn: No door stands in our way any more, huh?
Nevan: The ultimate key certainly lives up to its name!
Amos: If we'd had that ultimate key from the start, life would've been easier.
Terry: Eh? Don't we already have that?
Lizzie: (slobber) Got...ultimate...key... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! Say it, don't spray it, fella!
Milly: Oh dear...
Ashlynn: Ewwww!
Nevan: I believe he's had one too many...
Amos: That old boy needs to settle down.
Terry: Leave him to it...
Lizzie: (slobber) Old man stink...of booze... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: It's not like we came back here to drink.
Milly: I wonder why he drank so much...
Ashlynn: You won't catch me trying to stomach that stuff!
Nevan: Not a single drop of liquor has ever passed my lips.
Nevan: Seeing the state of that old man, I feel I have made the right choice.
Amos: Old Amos has never been that bad!
Terry: We don't need any advice.
Lizzie: (slobber) Drink...taste...good...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Smart girl, aye?
Milly: You need tough friends if you want to travel around this world...
Ashlynn: If a monster gives you the evil eye, you give it right back!
Nevan: Monsters don't discriminate – they threaten men and women alike.
Amos: I reckon that lass could outstare your average monster.
Terry: It's safest for her to keep quiet and stay put.
Lizzie: (snarl) Many monster... Still dangerous... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Crikey. He'd better pull himself together.
Milly: It's never easy to profess one's love... Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Wow. He's making me nervous just watching him.
Nevan: Is that man trying to win the favour of the girl before him?
Amos: Old Amos feels nervous on that lad's behalf.
Terry: Pitiful.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hope...no monster...interrupt... (slobber)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Carver: Hardy har! Check out Mr Popularity over here.
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Milly: Ladies really do like the strong, silent type, don't they?
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Ashlynn: Wow, Terry! Does everyone kiss up to you like this?
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Nevan: It appears that rabbit lady was waiting for Terry.
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Amos: But old Amos is parched...
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Terry: I-I'm not thirsty, thanks all the same...
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: She's talkin' about Terry, aye? Goddess, some fellas get all the luck...
Milly: Ladies really do like the strong, silent type, don't they?
Ashlynn: Wow, Terry's got the girls swooning for him!
Nevan: I must confess to feeling somewhat envious of Terry...
Amos: Why do no lasses take notice of old Amos?
Lizzie: (snarl) Blue swordsman...belong to Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: You can really feel the Goddess's protection in the air here. It must be the temple.
Milly: Do you remember coming here to ask for the Providence and meeting Nevan?
Milly: Why, it feels like a lifetime ago.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I just love Ghent!
Nevan: I always feel at ease in Ghent.
Nevan: If you settled down here, Hero, you'd understand my feelings.
Amos: The shrine in Ghent always bowls old Amos over.
Terry: Ghent, eh? Seems like an idyllic sort of village.
Lizzie: (snarl) Shrine...huge... Lizzie want...live here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We can't start lettin' down our fans now, aye?
Milly: She sounded genuinely grateful.
Ashlynn: Sure is nice to know we've got Ghent on our side, huh?
Nevan: I'm deeply grateful for all the support we've been given.
Amos: There's plenty more sufferin' folks for us to aid!
Terry: We're just doing our job.
Lizzie: (snarl) Save people... Do best... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That really put some pep in my step. Let's do this, folks!
Milly: Let's make sure that we bring about true peace one day.
Ashlynn: Is he saying we'll have another Dread Fiend on our hands soon!?
Nevan: Hero, we must go! We all share the same goal!
Amos: Old Amos is goin' to give it his all – and then some!
Terry: C'mon, let's go!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: How do ya think Miralda fared after all that ruckus?
Milly: I wonder if we'll get to see the happy couple.
Ashlynn: I sure hope Miralda's still happy here.
Nevan: It seems like only yesterday that we defeated Spiegel.
Amos: Let's have a look at that lovestruck monarch's mug!
Terry: So this is Castle Swanstone?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...like...castle... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Simmer down, boy! That pup's got a big mouth, aye?
Milly: That dog's aura is bright and joyful.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Look at that fuzzy face!
Nevan: It's wagging its tail quite a bit!
Amos: I agree with the pooch. Woof!
Terry: Did you expect to learn something from a dog?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not like...dogs... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Watch out, Hero! He's gonna blow!
Milly: Oh my... How much could he have drank?
Ashlynn: Sounds like it was quite a party!
Nevan: It seems people can drink themselves into both happy states and sorry states.
Amos: You've got to have a drink at a wedding!
Terry: There's no hope for him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie no like drink... Feel bad... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: Crikey! She went from sweet to sour quick, aye?
Milly: Oh Hero... You need to be more careful with your responses.
Ashlynn: Sheesh. That lady's not exactly a spring chicken herself.
Nevan: Those who lose in love can bear fearsome grudges.
Amos: That lass really let her mouth run away with her!
Terry: She can't fight fate.
Lizzie: (snarl) Her face...scarier...than monster... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Crikey. She's a little psycho, aye?
Milly: Now's probably not a good time to talk to her...
Ashlynn: Wow... She's got it baaaaad.
Nevan: I must confess that the female heart is a mystery to me.
Amos: His Kingliness did well not to choose that lass.
Terry: I have no sympathy for the likes of her.
Lizzie: (snarl) Her face...scarier...than monster... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: The princess is out of her mirror, aye? Better let all the tourists know to cancel their sightseein' tours.
Milly: Hee hee. That's so romantic...
Ashlynn: Someday my prince will come, too. You watch!
Nevan: I-I'm blushing for some reason. I really must pray...
Amos: Old Amos has a lovin' embrace and all – but there's still no takers!
Terry: I didn't come here because of any rumours.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie's embrace...not loving... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: 'Course we knew! Why else would we be here?
Milly: The mirror princess must have had streams of visitors.
Ashlynn: The “mirror princess” may be missing, but Miralda sure isn't!
Nevan: In the future, Castle Swanstone will be known for Miralda's beauty – not for her mirror-dwelling.
Amos: If she popped back into the mirror, King Ludwig wouldn't be best pleased.
Terry: I'm not interested in rumours.
Lizzie: (snarl) What...rumour...? (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: “Queen”, aye...? Ain't that interesting?
Milly: Miralda must already be “Queen Miralda”, then.
Ashlynn: He said “Queen”! I like the sound of that!
Nevan: Though I'm no expert, the King and Queen seem like the world's best-suited couple.
Amos: I'm not so fussed about the King – but I'm happy to see the Queen!
Terry: ......
Lizzie: (snarl) King...and...Queen...upstairs... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: You heard the man, folks!
Milly: Let's take him up on his kind offer.
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Nevan: Let us proceed.
Amos: Full steam ahead!
Terry: C'mon, let's go.
Lizzie: (snarl) Go...ahead... (spit)
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: So a princess mirror doesn't need an actual princess to be a tourist attraction? Well, well...
Milly: The mirror itself is quite the sight, isn't it?
Ashlynn: Just thinking about being trapped in a mirror all that time... It still blows my mind!
Nevan: There's no need to hide the mirror any longer.
Amos: A mirror without a princess is like a treasure chest without a mimic. Er...does that make sense?
Terry: I don't need a mirror – I know I look good.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mirror...empty...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She was in there for a few thousand years, aye? Better throw a few more “greats” in there.
Milly: Age is nothing but a number!
Ashlynn: Ugh! A woman's age is nobody's business but her own!
Nevan: Well, time was frozen while Miralda was in the mirror.
Amos: Old Amos worries about these things. Too big an age gap isn't good.
Terry: Don't people have better things to think about?
Lizzie: (snarl) How...old...Lizzie...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Avast! What about all the stuff we did, aye?
Milly: It really was a fairy-tale ending.
Ashlynn: Aww... But our happy ending hasn't really ended yet.
Nevan: What a heart-warming tale!
Amos: What? No mention of old Amos!?
Terry: Sounds like any other story to me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Happy...ending...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: It must've been a real classy event, even without me.
Milly: I must say, I'm disappointed that we couldn't attend the wedding.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I wish I could've seen it, too!
Nevan: I pray that the Goddess may grant longevity and happiness to the newlywed couple.
Amos: I wonder if they'd have another weddin' ceremony for our benefit...
Terry: What difference does it make? We can see them whenever we want.
Lizzie: (spit) Hero want...meet...King and Queen...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Huh. I reckon a good man like me is tough to find.
Milly: With all the places we've been, there's no way they could have found us.
Ashlynn: They searched high and low... We must've been in between!
Nevan: If they went so far as to search for us, we must show our gratitude.
Amos: Maybe there were “Wanted!” posters of us doin' the rounds.
Terry: Shame they couldn't track us down.
Lizzie: (slobber) No Hero... King...sad... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! He sounds more hoarse than a horse!
Milly: I wonder if his voice held up throughout the ceremony?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I guess every job has its hazards!
Nevan: I wish we could have heard his performance.
Amos: Poor lad sounds like a monster.
Terry: A balladeer without a voice isn't much good to anyone.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...sound like...Lizzie... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! All that food, and we missed it! What a tragedy!
Milly: What a shame. I would've loved to taste her cooking.
Ashlynn: How many people did she cook for, you think?
Nevan: Now that I think of it, I am rather peckish...
Amos: Are there no leftovers?
Terry: A shame we missed out on the feast.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...wild taste...sensations... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! We missed the social event of the century 'n everything like that!
Milly: I'm sure Queen Miralda looked absolutely stunning.
Ashlynn: Aww! Thinking about what we missed makes me wanna cry, too.
Nevan: Ahh, imagine what she looked like...
Amos: No one seems to care how King Ludwig was dressed.
Terry: C'mon! How good can a bride look?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...never been...to wedding... (snarl)
Goober: Boing. Boing?
Carver: They really tried lookin' for us, aye?
Milly: I don't think we were even in this country at the time.
Ashlynn: Aww... We need to make ourselves easier to find.
Nevan: It's a shame we couldn't attend in spite of the great effort expended to track us down.
Amos: If they'd got in touch, maybe we could've helped choose the date...? Nah, that's wishful thinkin'...
Terry: So we couldn't make it. End of story.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie wanted...go...wedding... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: Miralda was in that mirror for centuries. He couldn't wait a few more weeks?
Milly: His aura beams with joy – and all because we defeated Spiegel.
Ashlynn: Hey, at least the King thinks it's funny.
Nevan: It's a shame about the wedding, but let us celebrate their union now.
Amos: We'll make sure we turn up next time!
Er... Will there be a next time?
Terry: At least they tried to track us down.
Lizzie: (snarl) King...very...happy! (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Let's hit her up again later – a few lessons in ancient history might do us good.
Milly: The Queen should focus on enjoying her newfound happiness.
Ashlynn: Now that I've seen Miralda up close, I gotta say... She's stunning!
Nevan: The Queen must have vast stores of knowledge buried away. If only she could share it all.
Amos: The Queen shouldn't worry. Old Amos has been gettin' more forgetful of late as well.
Carver: An inscription, aye...? Let's have another look at this legendary stuff.
Milly: The Celestial Castle... Could such a place really exist?
Ashlynn: Wow... Queen Miralda could charm the shell off a shell slime.
Nevan: That sounds like valuable information.
Amos: For a limited time only – collect all four and get a free castle!
Carver: It don't matter. We already found the “Celestial Castle” so...
Milly: I'm glad the Queen feels at home in these times.
Ashlynn: If Miralda is happy, then I'm happy, too!
Nevan: From here on, we will have to uncover information for ourselves.
Amos: Old Amos can barely remember what he had for tea yesterday, let alone ancient goings-on.
Terry: Sounds like she's so happy she can forget the past.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...doesn't know...own past... (spit)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: Hardy har! Nothin' wrong with a little romance!
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: Wow! I guess the honeymoon isn't over, huh?
Nevan: Perhaps it's difficult for her to witness their intimacy every day.
Amos: What has that woman seen that allows her to speak with such authority?
Terry: Well I should hope it's love – they ARE married, after all.
Lizzie: (snarl) True...love... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey! It packs 'em in even without the princess, aye?
Milly: Hee hee.
Ashlynn: People will stand in line to see anything, I guess.
Nevan: People will flock to anything that's unusual.
Amos: I wonder how many sight-seers come here on an average day.
Terry: Took the question right out of my mouth: Don't people have anything better to do?
Lizzie: (snarl) Humans...so...curious... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: It sure ain't no wee hand mirror there, aye?
Milly: It's hard to believe that Queen Miralda was once trapped in there, isn't it?
Ashlynn: It's a pretty mirror and all, but I don't think I'd travel here just to see it.
Nevan: To think of Spiegel's curse imprisoning someone here for thousands of years... It chills the blood.
Amos: What good is the mirror over there? It's not goin' to reflect anythin'!
Terry: This must attract a fair few rubber-neckers.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mirror big... Can see whole Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing? Boooing!
Carver: What, he thinks the King's hurtin' for gold?
He's a king, for cryin' out loud!
Milly: I think it's safe to say the King never had any intention of selling it.
Ashlynn: The nerve of that guy! He probably wanted to parade Miralda around like a circus freak!
Nevan: He should be ashamed of himself.
Amos: He's really wasted his time, comin' all the way here.
Terry: I'm not a fan of people whose only concern is profit...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing...
Carver: Spiegel probably wasn't the only kingpin left to knock off, aye...
Milly: I can sense the priest's concern...
Ashlynn: Why won't the forces of evil just quit while we're ahead?
Nevan: Those who serve the Goddess are full of insight...
Amos: That chap shouldn't worry so much! ...Right?
Terry: I'm guessing the real struggle lies ahead.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie sense...dark force... (shudder)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! That fella doesn't know the first thing about the princess and the wizard's curse.
Milly: The appearance of another princess would be a real cause for concern.
Ashlynn: I doubt anyone else'll be popping in there now that Spiegel's out of the picture.
Nevan: What a waste of a short life.
Amos: He should wait at least a thousand years before throwin' in the towel.
Terry: Why doesn't he just climb inside the mirror himself?
Lizzie: (snarl) No one...in mirror...now... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boi-oing!
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Carver: The mermaids must live under them craggy li'l rocks up there, aye?
Milly: It's beautiful... So there are still some worlds out there that we know nothing about...
Nevan: So this is the world the mermaids inhabit.
Ashlynn: I always figured mermaids would be pretty, but...wow! My eyeballs are in shock!
Amos: Wonder where the mermen are hidin' themselves...
Carver: I'd love for this “mage” to meet my fist.
Milly: This “evil mage”... Could it be...?
How curious...
Nevan: So the dark shadow of evil is cast over mermaidkind as well.
Ashlynn: Aren't we, like, really far from Pescado? Rod really bucked the odds running into her.
Amos: We were told not to stray there, but you just know we're goin' to go anyway.
Carver: She ain't so skittish around us now, aye?
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: Mermaids look so carefree when they swim.
Ashlynn: Tee hee...
Amos: These mermaids are lookers alright!
Carver: She's rhymin' the truth. I wonder if the fishes feel the same way...
Milly: The undersea world is still a complete mystery to humans like us.
Nevan: M-Mermaids are rather beautiful...
...Er, as are all of the Goddess's creatures!
Ashlynn: Do I like the ocean? The jury's still out on that one. It's just a whole new world down here.
Amos: You don't think the air in this bubble could run out, do you?
Carver: She ain't so skittish around us now, aye?
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: Mermaids look so carefree when they swim.
Ashlynn: Tee hee...
Amos: These mermaids are lookers alright!
Carver: Crikey... Where are we?
Milly: This place has such a somber atmosphere...
Nevan: I don't sense monsters nearby. But I do sense something else...
Ashlynn: What's the deal with this place? It's like a castle, but...not...
Terry: Hero, are you battle-ready?
Amos: Eh? Is someone home?
Lizzie: (snarl) Atmosphere...strange... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. They're guardin' something good, aye?
Milly: Well, let's go!
Nevan: The only path is to fight – and win.
Ashlynn: Aren't we tough enough to tackle these chumps yet?
Terry: The soldiers protecting the treasure are awfully strong.
Amos: The sea's full of all sorts of strange places.
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure...chests... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whew! That's that!
Milly: Rather tough opponents, weren't they?
Nevan: We must recover our strength without delay.
Ashlynn: This place was a treasury all along? Cha-ching!
Terry: With me on your side, victory was assured.
Amos: My heart was goin' pitter-patter!
Lizzie: (snarl) Those...enemy...strong... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whew! That's that!
Milly: Rather tough opponents, weren't they?
Nevan: We must recover our strength without delay.
Ashlynn: This place was a treasury all along? Cha-ching!
Terry: With me on your side, victory was assured.
Amos: My heart was goin' pitter-patter!
Lizzie: (snarl) Those...enemy...strong... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: What is this place...?
Milly: Who'd have thought there was a place like this under the sea.
Nevan: I detect a strong sense of the divine here.
Ashlynn: Is this some kinda sunken church or something?
Terry: I don't get the feeling there are any enemies around.
Amos: I see a slime... Any other monsters lurking?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: An underwater temple, aye? Are they tryin' to keep their god a secret 'n everything like that?
Milly: Ordinary people would never be able to find a place like this.
Nevan: I confess to being unaware of the existence of a naming god.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Is there anything we can't find?
Terry: There's all manner of gods knocking about, isn't there...
Amos: Well, we only stumbled upon this place by chance.
Lizzie: (snarl) Naming...god...? (spit)
Goober: Boing...boing?
Carver: I bet I'll sleep pretty deep here. Hardy har!
Milly: It's reassuring to know we've got a place to rest underwater as well.
Nevan: If nothing else, this place will serve as an excellent waypoint. It's quite easy to get lost under the sea!
Ashlynn: Aww. I thought this was a mermaid's house.
Terry: Let's get going.
Amos: Blimey! Folks live way down here too?
Lizzie: (snarl) No...monster...here... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: An underwater inn... What'll they think of next?
Milly: I get excited just thinking of spending a night underwater.
Nevan: Shall we stay, Hero? It pays to be prepared for whatever comes next.
Ashlynn: Why is danger always awaiting us? Can't danger get a hobby or something and leave us alone?
Terry: If you fall out of bed, you're going to get quite a soaking.
Amos: Hero, you might have the record for stayin' in the most inns in the world!
Lizzie: (snarl) Damp... Soggy... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: Either I ain't gettin' enough oxygen to my brain down here, or that's a house!
Milly: Oh my, who could live in a place like this?
Nevan: The literal depths people will go to in order to possess their own home is quite amazing.
Ashlynn: Hmm... I'm having some serious déjà vu here...
Terry: Quite a place to build a house.
Amos: It's not half quiet here, I tell you!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: And here I had you pegged for the honest type, Hero.
Milly: Sorceria... I wonder what kind of place it could be...?
Nevan: An enchanted city? Most intriguing...
I wonder what it's like...
Ashlynn: ......
Amos: Sorceria sounds fascinatin' and all, but I'm more interested in findin' out what's inside that giant pot...
Carver: 'Course we know about the place – we were just there!
Milly: There are probably other survivors somewhere in this world.
Nevan: At least this place appears free of the baneful influence of the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: I'm happy to see a few of the Sorcerians survived, at least.
Terry: We should be the ones asking what SHE knows about Sorceria...
Amos: Sorceria sounds fascinatin' and all, but I'm more interested in findin' out what's inside that giant pot...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie know Sorceria... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. I'll believe all that when I see it. We should check it out, aye?
Milly: Sorceria... I wonder what kind of place it could be...?
Nevan: An enchanted city? Most intriguing...
I wonder what it's like...
Ashlynn: Magic Burst... “The most potent spell of them all”...
Amos: Sorceria sounds fascinatin' and all, but I'm more interested in findin' out what's inside that giant pot...
Carver: It's probably best we don't tell her it was all Gracos's doing, aye...?
Milly: Sorceria, Ashlynn's hometown... What a wonderful place that was.
Nevan: Happily, this old woman's dream was true.
Ashlynn: I'm happy to see a few of the Sorcerians survived, at least.
Terry: The Archfiend is behind all of this. He won't get away with it...
Amos: This old dear could become a dream seer!
Lizzie: (snarl) Sorceria resurrected... Not dream... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Huh? You don't wanna know what's in there, Hero? That's not like you at all.
Milly: It must be an important diary. Look how tightly he was grasping it.
Nevan: To die alone here... It pains my soul to think of it...
Ashlynn: Ooh! Read it! Read it! Read it!
Terry: I'm really not interested.
Amos: It feels strange to read another person's diary...
Amos: But we're seekin' the truth after all.
Go on – give it a look!
Lizzie: (snarl) Read...diary...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Oof. Whoever that fella was, he didn't have much of a happy ending, aye?
Milly: His family must still be worried about him...
Nevan: I pray he rests in peace.
Ashlynn: That's what I call some bad luck. Not much hope of rescue from a place like this...
Amos: There must be folk somewhere waitin' for that lad's return...
Goober: Boing...
Carver: “Welda”...? Does that name ring a bell, Hero? I swear I've heard it somewhere before...
Milly: ...! Could it be Welda from Turnscote!?
Nevan: Doubtless he is watching over Welda from heaven.
Ashlynn: That's gotta be the Welda we met! I just know it!
Terry: We should be careful we don't meet a similar fate...
Amos: I'm sure all he wanted was to see his daughter's smilin' face.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
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Carver: Maybe a smack to the head'll knock his memory loose, aye? Hmm. Or not.
Milly: A spot of amnesia, it would seem... I wonder if we could somehow jog his memory...
Nevan: He doesn't appear to be the travelling-merchant type...
Nevan: Just what could the purpose of his journey have been?
Ashlynn: An important promise...? Say, didn't we run into someone who was waiting for someone else to return?
Ashlynn: Oh, shoot... Which town was it? I forget.
Terry: So he's lost his memory. Maybe a monster gave him a bump on the head...?
Amos: I heard that if you lose your memory, a short, sharp shock can bring it back.
Amos: ...Shall I smack him one?
Lizzie: (snarl) Who...that...man... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: He would've been sleepin' with the fishes if the nun hadn't found him, aye?
Carver: Too bad he can't remember nothin' – but that still beats bein' dead!
Milly: He'll no doubt be keen to restore his memory and return to his hometown someday...
Milly: And yet helping the people here may also be part of his destiny.
Nevan: I deeply admire that nun's dedication to others.
Ashlynn: It's nice to hear they landed a cheerful new chum, aye?
Terry: ...Nothing heals the spirit quite like helping others.
Terry: He may have lost his memory, but at least he's found happiness.
Amos: The seabed's a pretty dark place – you need a smilin' face to brighten it up!
Lizzie: (snarl) All people...smile here... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: That fella's got no memory, but at least he's got fans!
Milly: Anyone who's popular with children is a fine gentleman in my eyes.
Nevan: It's as if the three of them are one happy family.
Ashlynn: Sounds like the kid lucked out with this guy.
The world's full of mean people, after all.
Terry: When I was young, I just wanted to be strong. There wasn't much time for laughter...
Amos: But is that fellow as much fun as old Amos?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like...laugh... Grah hah! (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: South, was it? Aye! South it is, then, Hero!
Milly: I can't wait to see this legendary sword with my own eyes.
Nevan: So this Ali holds the secret of unlocking the seal on the sacred sword.
Ashlynn: That guy's been on his own for decades?
Doesn't he, like, get lonely and stuff?
Amos: I didn't expect much from this place, but we just picked up some tip-top information!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Why'd he have to remind me of Mt Snowhere?
My pinky toes are still pretty blue.
Milly: I almost want to tell him all about the Snow Maiden, just to see the look on his face...
Nevan: Thinking back, there were some mysterious things afoot on Mt Snowhere...
Ashlynn: Hey, remember those magic words we needed at Mt Snowhere? ...I already forgot them!
Terry: I wonder if this old boy knows Ali Kazam.
Amos: Did old Amos get this straight...?
Amos: Is he really sayin' he only speaks to people every few decades?
Lizzie: (slobber) Legendary...sword... (snarl)
Goober: Boing...
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Carver: Weapons at the ready, Hero! No tellin' what we might meet in here.
Milly: It seems more likely we'd run into ghosts than monsters in a place like this...
Nevan: Should any ghosts appear, fear not.
I'll deal with them.
Nevan: A blessing from me will allow them to rest in peace.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! You think I'll scream if I see a ghost? Maybe we'll find out!
Terry: Who would've thought there'd be a sunken ship here...
Amos: I wonder what cargo this ship was carryin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not afraid... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Huh. Maybe he drowned, maybe the monsters got him... Either way, what a shame, aye?
Milly: It certainly seems that it's been a while since he passed away.
Ashlynn: Uh...it's really dead, right? Like, it's not a zombie or anything?
Nevan: I pray he may rest in peace.
Amos: Hero, it's probably better not to chat with corpses...
Terry: Can't tell the cause of death from a bunch of bones...
Lizzie: (snarl) Only...bones... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Blimey! We found it, Hero! The ultimate key!
Milly: We got it! Now we'll be able to pass freely through all sorts of doors.
Nevan: Thank the Goddess the ultimate key wasn't located earlier by anyone else.
Ashlynn: Wow! No door'll stand in our way now!
Amos: There've been a bunch of doors we couldn't open, right?
Amos: Should we go round and open them all at once, or should we take them as they come?
Carver: Watching over us, aye? What, like the Goddess 'n everything like that?
Carver: Now that I think about it, could she be that voice we've been hearin' off and on...?
Milly: Rubiss must have been watching over us every step of our journey so far.
Nevan: We have only made it this far with the blessing of Rubiss and the most merciful Goddess.
Ashlynn: Rubiss feels so warm to me... Almost like my own mother.
Terry: Watch over us or not – we're taking down the forces of darkness either way.
Amos: Blimey... Rubiss is a looker alright...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie feel...strange...power... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: She's got that right. We never would've reached that island without the ocarina.
Carver: We owe her big time, aye?
Milly: Indeed. The evil I sensed on that island was anything but ordinary.
Nevan: We shall prevail over the forces of darkness.
Ashlynn: No new monsters'll set up shop on that island while we're around.
Terry: ...An ocarina?
Amos: Old Amos wishes he could've pitched in when you battered Murdaw.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Hey, that evil's as good as gone with us on the job!
Milly: Come on Hero, let's do as Rubiss says and get to exploring this world!
Nevan: Let us shed light on the world's dark mysteries!
Ashlynn: I feel like I could do just about anything with Rubiss on our side.
Terry: Let's show her that we can choose our own path, right, Hero?
Amos: I wish she'd tell us where exactly this breath-drawin' evil force was...
Lizzie: (snarl) Watch...over us... Lucky... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
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Carver: Crikey! That waterfall makes the one in Amor look like a slow drip. Some world we live in, aye?
Milly: That waterfall is quite something. You can feel the spray from over here!
Nevan: This underwater waterfall is breathtaking.
Ashlynn: A waterfall under the water!? ...How is that even possible?
Amos: Even the good old Providence would have trouble stayin' afloat on that waterfall.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We can't let a good king down. Let's go and take out this Gracos guy!
Milly: It seems Gracos lurks to the east of here. Shall we investigate, Hero?
Nevan: King Poseidon seems incandescent with anger.
Nevan: If this Gracos threatens the peace beneath the waves, he must be dealt with.
Ashlynn: Ooh, he's gonna share a secret with us! Let's get this show on the road!
Amos: Listen, Hero – I reckon this Poseidon chappie must be a merman! ...Right?
Goober: Boing? B-Boing?
Carver: Whoa. So this is a palace, aye?
Milly: Oh my, it's such an honour to be able to meet the King of the Sea.
Ashlynn: “Great king” is right, I'd say!
Nevan: Ah, Poseidon – legendary lord of the ocean.
Amos: The ruler of the deep, eh? Now that's a job description and a half!
Terry: So Poseidon rules over the oceans of the world? ...All of them!?
Lizzie: (slobber) Lord of Deep... Archfiend... Who...stronger...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Isaac? And Benjamin? Do those names mean anything to you, Hero?
Milly: Isaac and Benjamin... I've heard those names. They're famous sages, I believe.
Nevan: I pray we are one day fit to rub shoulders with wise men of that calibre.
Ashlynn: Just how old is that princess, anyway?
Amos: That princess is a looker, alright. Unlike her old man...
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! Hearin' that just makes us wanna poke around here all the more, aye?
Milly: I'm ever so curious about what it's like inside.
Nevan: Let us not be discouraged by his words.
Ashlynn: Maybe we could ask the King for the key or something?
Terry: ............
Amos: What kind of treasure's stored here, I wonder?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrarrrgh...! (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: That stuff's gonna come in mighty handy, aye?
Milly: He knew exactly what was going on...
Nevan: Ah, he is kind, but I still feel a bit uneasy about our actions...
Ashlynn: Yow. That floor around the treasure chests really stung!
Terry: ............
Amos: Course we'll use it in the cause of world peace.
We wouldn't flog it for a quick profit!
Lizzie: (snarl) Guard...expect...much...of us... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Bet you didn't think you'd find a big ol' place like this down here, aye?
Milly: There's no way we could have ever made it here without Lorelei's harp.
Nevan: I sense hostile forces all around us. Let us proceed with caution.
Ashlynn: How'd they build a place like this all the way down here? Mermaid construction workers?
Terry: Hmph. What is this place?
Amos: So this is Gracos's pad... Old Amos is gettin' jittery.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Wouldn't be hard to get lost in here, aye?
Milly: There's no way of knowing what lies ahead, so let's proceed with caution, Hero.
Nevan: A most impressive structure.
Nevan: The lord of this castle no doubt possesses considerable power.
Ashlynn: Traipsing around this underwater castle... It's just so...mystical.
Ashlynn: If only all these stupid monsters would stop spoiling the mood.
Terry: ............
Amos: It's a bit nippy down here on the seabed.
Amos: What we need is a good scrap or two to warm us up.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa... Er, sorry. Got distracted there.
Milly: What a fancy device!
Nevan: A fascinating contraption...
Ashlynn: Didn't see that coming.
Amos: Hope it doesn't fill back up right when we're crossin' it.
Carver: What's that thing for?
Milly: A sand urn? I wonder what it could be used for?
Nevan: A sand urn? It sounds like it could disintegrate at any moment.
Ashlynn: You know, I have the oddest feeling I've seen this urn somewhere before...
Amos: Don't know what an item's for? Just give it a try!
Carver: Avast, Hero! Who's that fishy fella up ahead?
Milly: Is this the very bottom of the sea...?
Nevan: That must be Gracos.
Ashlynn: Oh, wow! I can't decide whether to run from that guy...or laugh at him!
Amos: Finally, an honest-to-Goddess merman! ...Right? Right!?
Carver: Hardy har! Too easy, aye, Hero?
Carver: And it looks like we just fixed up a city in the dream world, too!
Milly: That was strange... I just had a vision...
A city was restored...
Milly: Could it have been the Sorceria that Gracos mentioned!?
Nevan: By the Goddess! I sense something made whole once again...
Nevan: An island somewhere in the upper world has been revived...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Guess we won that one, aye?
Ashlynn: Oh, and did you see that town floating back up as well, Hero?
Ashlynn: I think that was Sorceria! We have to go check it out!
Amos: Did you see Gracos's face!? What a mug!
Amos: He had a huge gob and all. I was worried he was goin' to swallow us up.
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Carver: Right. You're next, shield!
Milly: “In the small room of repetition, the true path forward lies at three levels down and two levels up.”...
Milly: What in the world could that mean? Any ideas, Hero?
Nevan: “In the small room of repetition, the true path forward lies at three levels down and two levels up.”...
Nevan: Perhaps we'd best commit that to memory...
Ashlynn: A legendary shield, huh...? Wonder where it is.
Amos: This legendary shield sounds like it'll take some findin'.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Crikey. So there's parts of the sea where even mermaids fear to tread...er, swim. Sounds worth lookin' into.
Milly: Wonderful! I can sense the mermaids' joy!
Nevan: I pray the Goddess watches over all mermaidkind.
Ashlynn: Now Unda and her pals can live in peace for a change.
Terry: So this is where mermaids call home...
Amos: Mermaids beat mermen hands down!
Lizzie: (snarl) Many...mermaid... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Ya know, we've seen some amazing things on our journeys...
Carver: But this place has got 'em all licked, aye?
Milly: Oh my... It's beautiful...
Nevan: Th-This place... It's like a dream...
Ashlynn: Wow... Are you feeling this? The air is practically pulsing with magic!
Amos: What's that shiny stuff all over the place?
Amos: Think I'd get in trouble if I chipped off a bit with a pickaxe?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Sorceria's back in business! It stinks to be you, Gracos!
Milly: So this is the magical city of Sorceria...
Nevan: It seems that our virtuous deeds have revived this city.
Ashlynn: Funny... I feel like I already know my way around the place.
Amos: They've been waitin' for us? Old Amos doesn't like to be the centre of attention...
Goober: Boi-oing, boi-oing...
Carver: A sorceress, aye? What's her story?
Milly: Sorceress Ashmerelda... I vaguely remember reading about her in an old book.
Nevan: If the Sorceress Ashmerelda is still alive, I would dearly like to meet her.
Ashlynn: The great Sorceress Ashmerelda... Now where have I heard that before?
Amos: Now this city's seal's been broken, everything's fresh and sparklin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Did I hear that right? Ashlynn was born here!?
Milly: My word! Sorceria seems to be Ashlynn's hometown!
Nevan: Some light has finally been shed on Ashlynn's background. I'm very happy for her!
Ashlynn: Wait, wh-what...? What's going on here?
Amos: This is a turn-up for the books! We've only gone and stumbled on Ashlynn's hometown!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I hope Ashlynn gets her memory back 'n everything like that soon.
Milly: Ashlynn's magical powers certainly are impressive.
Nevan: Finally some of the mysteries surrounding Ashlynn have been solved.
Ashlynn: ......
Amos: Let's have a chat with everyone we can.
Amos: We're bound to find out more about Ashlynn and this city.
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Calamity ain't gonna come callin' a third time now that we're around.
Milly: So their suffering continued even after they'd escaped to the dream world... That's terrible...
Nevan: A tragic tale. The suffering this city has endured...
Ashlynn: Wow... I was in a good mood until I heard that story.
Terry: Nowhere was safe from the Dread Fiend.
Amos: Slowly but surely, we're uncoverin' the story of Sorceria.
Lizzie: (snarl) Souls...? Flesh...? Lizzie...not...follow... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing.
Carver: I dunno. I'd be pretty ticked if I lost my body after all the work I put into it.
Milly: Our magical powers can't compare with those of the Sorcerians.
Milly: It seems that everyone here is extremely adept at using magic.
Nevan: So Sorcerians exist only in spiritual form... What extraordinary powers of magic...
Ashlynn: So no one in this town has a body? They just exist in some spiritual form...?
Terry: The people of Sorceria are real survivors.
Amos: No physical bodies? Sounds like they're ghosts...
But that's not right, is it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...has physical body... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That makes sense to me. We all gotta do what we all gotta do.
Milly: It takes all sorts to make a city – even a magical one.
Nevan: From the mightiest mage to the lowliest labourer, all have their role to play.
Ashlynn: I...I feel like it's starting to come back to me...
Terry: I bet I could out-dig that guy.
Amos: If only you could use magic to get manual labour done...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...good...digger... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Crikey. That's Sorceria for you, aye? Even the kids spit fireballs around here.
Milly: Hee hee. What a heartwarming scene.
Nevan: Youngsters really shouldn't play with fire – no matter how magically gifted they might be.
Ashlynn: I used to love playing around like that, back when I was a kid.
Ashlynn: Wait...did I? Ohh, I just can't remember!
Terry: It makes me think back to my youth...
Terry: ...No. Nothing. Never mind.
Amos: So that lad already has a girlfriend at his tender age. What's his secret, eh!?
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie's flames... Burn everything! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! I remember collectin' cuts 'n scrapes like that when I was a kid.
Carver: ...I suppose my life hasn't changed all that much, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. What a heartwarming scene.
Nevan: With magic, practice is the only road to mastery.
Nevan: Working spells into playtime seems like a perfect way to further children's studies in magical arts.
Ashlynn: I used to love playing around like that, back when I was a kid.
Ashlynn: Wait...did I? Ohh, I just can't remember!
Amos: So that lad already has a girlfriend at his tender age. What's his secret, eh!?
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie lick wounds... Heal quick... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Not seeing a soul? What'd she mean by that, ya think?
Milly: The Eldress should be able to shed some light on Ashlynn's situation. We simply must meet her.
Nevan: The Eldress is doubtless engaged in the struggle against evil from the privacy of her own home.
Ashlynn: I sure hope I can somehow get in to see her – and soon.
Amos: Old Amos has never met an Eldress before. I wonder what she's like.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: This is over my head. Does the sand help the Eldress sleep better...or what?
Milly: The Eldress's condition is a cause for concern...
Nevan: So the sands of time are responsible for that never-ending illusion...
Ashlynn: The sands of time... Why does that sound so familiar?
Amos: Two centuries old and she survived the assault on the town? Now that's strength!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So Ashlynn's the only one of us folks who's got what it takes to use the urn, aye?
Milly: I'm sure Ashlynn can handle it from here!
Nevan: We must ask Ashlynn to use the sand urn and gather up the sands of time!
Ashlynn: ...I'll give it my best shot!
Amos: So that sand urn turned out to be an important piece of kit.
Amos: To think, old Amos nearly dropped it! I'd never have forgiven myself...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Sounds like some sort of magic trick. I'd like to see that!
Milly: It's a real shame they're not awake. There's so much I wanted to ask them...
Nevan: When might the Eldress be sending this personal request, I wonder?
Ashlynn: I bet it'd be fun making stuff using magic!
Amos: Maybe this gifted old couple could whip us up a magically delicious dinner?
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Whoa! If the Sorens can make carpets fly, they're even bigger magical geniuses than I thought!
Carver: Hardy har! We ain't just familiar with the carpet – we're carrying it!
Milly: The flying carpet... It's still out there somewhere...
Milly: I suppose he didn't notice that we've already got the flying carpet!
Nevan: A flying carpet? Such an item really exists...?
Nevan: I like to think the carpet sensed it was in danger and managed to fly out of harm's way...
Ashlynn: Wow! A real flying carpet? The kind you can ride on and everything?
Ashlynn: I wonder where it got whisked away to!
Ashlynn: This must've been where the flying carpet came from, huh?
Ashlynn: I guess we better give it back once we're done with it.
Amos: Old Amos has always wanted to go on a magic carpet ride!
Amos: That carpet's not goin' to go flyin' off by itself durin' the night, is it!?
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: A “well-to-do gent” has the carpet? Ugh... I hate dealing with rich fancy-pants.
Carver: I wanted to tell him we had the carpet right here...but what's the point.
Milly: Do you have any idea who this “gent” might be, Hero?
Milly: Indeed. The flying carpet was a certain gentleman's family heirloom – until recently.
Nevan: A flying carpet would truly broaden our horizons.
Nevan: Seymour Sass's possession of the carpet was doubtless part of the Goddess's finely-woven plan.
Ashlynn: Ooh, don't the words “flying carpet” just make your heart soar?
Ashlynn: Is that guy blind? We have the flying carpet right here.
Amos: I'd love that carpet – provided it's big enough for us all to have a seat!
Amos: Do you reckon old Seymour Sass knew it was a magic carpet all along?
Amos: It'd be a bit strange to consider any ol' rug your family heirloom, after all.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: A flying carpet? We have somethin' like that?
Milly: A flying carpet? I wonder if he's talking about that plush rug we've got...
Nevan: Just imagine if the carpet in our possession turns out to be the flying carpet!
Nevan: If that's the case, then competing in the Best-Dressed Contest will have proved worthwhile.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I just knew that wasn't any regular old rug!
Amos: Is he really sayin' this rug we've got can fly!?
Amos: Let's have a word with the Sorens and see what they can do for us!
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: We made it this far. We might as well say hello to the Eldress.
Milly: I sense that the Eldress has many interesting tales to tell us.
Nevan: I think it wise to make ourselves known to the Eldress.
Ashlynn: Ooh, waterfront property! Isn't she lucky!
Amos: I wonder how long the Eldress has been alive and kickin' compared to old Amos.
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Was she for real? Ashlynn's got sorceress blood in her 'n everything like that?
Milly: Poor Ashlynn. Comments like that are just confusing.
Milly: If only we could learn a little more about Ashlynn's past.
Nevan: I pray that Ashlynn's memory returns to her.
Ashlynn: ......
Amos: Old Amos can transform into somethin' else!
Amos: But that's got nowt to do with my magical might.
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: You don't see stuff like this in any run-of-the-mill shop. This place must really be magical, aye?
Milly: I sense that these wares would prove useful when our own magical power wanes during battle.
Nevan: It would be interesting to see how these weapons might perform in the heat of battle.
Ashlynn: It's not the weapon that countsⓓ it's how you use it, huh?
Terry: The only thing I rely on in battle is my own strength and determination.
Amos: Inventive ways to use weapons? How about heatin' them up and coolin' them down?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not very...inventive... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Well, ain't Ashlynn little Miss Fancypants?
Custom equipment 'n everything like that!
Milly: Oh my, having your own custom-made armour is rather special.
Milly: It seems that Ashlynn is a kind of princess in this city.
Nevan: The Sorens are clearly an extraordinarily productive couple.
Ashlynn: Armour? For me...?
Terry: What? Tailor-made equipment!?
...I mean, sounds okay, I suppose.
Amos: So I'm guessin' these Sorens are familiar with all Ashlynn's measurements then...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...special armour...too... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: So it fixes up all our wounds? Sign me up.
Milly: An orb of healing... Look how it glows...
Nevan: Extraordinary! I would dearly love to show this orb to my grandfather.
Ashlynn: I guess we just stand in the light and let the orb do its thing.
Terry: Don't suppose there's a portable version?
Amos: There's so many surprises here in Sorceria!
What's next!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange...orb... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! I think the tingling means it worked!
Milly: Even my dry skin has cleared right up.
Nevan: Quite impressive! I'd love to see what my fellow Ghentiles would make of this orb.
Ashlynn: Bright enough for you? My eyes are all bedazzled.
Terry: That thing really works.
Amos: There's no mistakin' that orb's power!
Lizzie: (snap) Lizzie...full of...energy... Lizzie run...skip...jump... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing! Boing!
Carver: They really make things easy for us here, aye?
Milly: I wonder if it replenishes your magical power... Shall we try it?
Nevan: This will prove a real boon for frequent magic users like us...
Ashlynn: Wow! An orb of energy! Let's try it!
Terry: A city of magic, indeed.
Amos: Even the Sorcerian shopkeepers wouldn't stock an item like this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Orb... Glow... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey, I'm seein' spots. They'll go away, right?
Milly: Is everyone's magical power restored? That orb is really something.
Nevan: Incredible!
Nevan: We must come here each time we visit Sorceria.
Ashlynn: Bright enough for you? My eyes are all bedazzled.
Terry: If we had one of these we'd be unstoppable.
Amos: There's no mistakin' that orb's power!
Lizzie: (snarl) Bright light... Lizzie...no...see... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing...?
Carver: Whoa... That's one special statue, aye?
Milly: I can't help wondering when the next hundred-year cycle will begin...
Nevan: I see. That statue of the Goddess acts as the symbol of Sorceria.
Ashlynn: Once every century...?
Terry: The great sorceress of legend, eh?
Amos: Eh!? That statue can give birth!? Bloomin' heck...
Lizzie: (spit) Grrr... (slobber)
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Goober: Boi-oing.
Carver: I'm starvin'. Any place we can conjure up a sandwich around here?
Milly: I'm rather curious about the Sorcerians' way of life.
Milly: Let's keep looking around.
Nevan: Since we've come all this way, we should stock up on all the Sorcerian magical items we can carry.
Ashlynn: Hmm... I just might remember the layout of this place.
Terry: I'm sick of this place. Let's hit the road.
Amos: If Ashlynn recovers even a sliver of her memory, it'll be cause for celebration.
Lizzie: (snarl) This...city... Full of...power... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Magic Burst, aye? That kinda spell could put scrappers like me outta work.
Milly: Magic Burst... I remember reading about that spell.
Milly: I'm amazed there's anyone still alive who can cast it.
Nevan: Magic Burst? I would dearly like to attempt such a powerful spell someday.
Ashlynn: Magic Burst...? And Isnomor can cast it?
Amos: So it's a spell that has to be mastered? Sounds like it'd be a right headache to try and learn it.
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Um... Is he alright?
Milly: My word... Frizzle is a rather fiery spell – too fiery for demonstrations!
Nevan: Magic is simply part of the fabric of everyday life here.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! People need to learn to cast responsibly.
Amos: I'm sure he can heal himself with the wave of a wand.
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hold on... Ashlynn's gonna be the next Eldress!?
Milly: They've been waiting for Ashlynn to grow up...?
Nevan: Ashlynn...?
Ashlynn: Don't look at me – I'm as confused as you. Next leader of what?
Amos: So everyone here's been eagerly awaitin' Ashlynn's arrival?
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: A sand urn? Have we got any of those?
Milly: It seems we need a sand urn to cross the threshold of the Eldress's house.
Nevan: Unless I'm very much mistaken, we obtained the sand urn in Seabed Shrine.
Ashlynn: So the sands of time are what's blocking us from the Eldress, right?
Ashlynn: Well, then let's go scoop 'em up!
Amos: With the sand urn lost, the poor Eldress must have a distinct shortage of visitors.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Every town has its oddballs, I reckon.
Milly: A couple and their child run this inn, it seems. I love family businesses.
Nevan: Are those fresh sheets I spy? I'd dearly love a lie-down...
Terry: Well, I keep to myself too and don't care what people think.
Amos: If that couple met the Sorens, I wonder if they'd get on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Imposters? Who they imposterin'?
Milly: Let's do as the sign says.
Nevan: Huh!? Doesn't that door seem to be peculiarly high?
Ashlynn: Um... I could swear I just saw someone staring at us through that window...
Terry: Only a fool would be fooled by an imposter.
Amos: So are there imposters knockin' about here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Where...imposter... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Avast! Did you see that!? That guy just up 'n disappeared!
Milly: What was that...?
Nevan: Was I dreaming...?
Ashlynn: Who was that...? And how'd he pull off that disappearing act?
Terry: Nothing surprises me here – it is a magic city, after all.
Amos: H-Here it is! An im-imposter!
Lizzie: (snarl) Imposter... Flying... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: The joint's jumpin' with cats, aye?
Milly: Look at these cute kitties!
Nevan: I never tire of gazing at our feline friends.
Ashlynn: What, does some crazy cat lady live here or something?
Terry: So are these magical cats or what?
Amos: Cats are fine, but give old Amos a dog any day!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: The joint's jumpin' with cats, aye?
Milly: Look at these cute kitties!
Nevan: I never tire of gazing at our feline friends.
Ashlynn: What, does some crazy cat lady live here or something?
Terry: So are these magical cats or what?
Amos: Cats are fine, but give old Amos a dog any day!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Geh. I don't like pranks...unless it's me doin' the prankin'.
Milly: I suppose that's just the kind of gentleman you'd find in a magical city. Rather impressive.
Nevan: When even an elderly gentleman can wield such magical power, it spurs me to study harder!
Ashlynn: Wow, Morph is some trick! I hope I can learn that someday!
Terry: That old boy should act his age.
Amos: Morph, eh? Next time we meet a bunny girl, let's be on our guard.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...confused... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Remind me to never get hitched.
Milly: Hee hee. Where, indeed...
Nevan: Do they really pass their days playing around?
Ashlynn: ...Morph!!!
Ashlynn: Aww... I guess I don't have what it takes yet.
Terry: These clowns are too busy messing around to be taken seriously.
Amos: What if he's not really an old man either, but just used Morph...!?
Amos: Old Amos can't tell what's what any more!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not understand... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: So he knew it was Ashlynn all along, aye...?
Milly: The Eldress really knows what's going on around here.
Nevan: It seems that Ashlynn's return was foretold.
Ashlynn: ......
Terry: She'd be back before long? How long is “before long” exactly?
Amos: So the Eldress only gets things right on the odd occasion, eh?
Lizzie: (snarl) Eldress...no...liar... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Oops! Better leave him be.
Milly: Hee hee. That gentleman's face is that of a mischievous child.
Nevan: Just looking at his sleeping face has started me yawning...
Ashlynn: Nap time, I guess.
Terry: Let's get out before we wake him.
Amos: Anyone else want to draw on his face? No?
It's just old Amos then...
Lizzie: (snarl) Sleep...sitting down... No...easy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Geh. Kind of a catty ol' lady, aye?
Milly: My word. She doesn't seem at all bothered by her current condition.
Nevan: She seems to have accepted her fate with a smile.
Ashlynn: Boy, it must be awful when your memory starts slipping like that.
Terry: Was that sorry cat tale really worth hearing?
Amos: In her cat form, you can't tell that old dear's age.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: I'm still a little freaked out by all the cats in this joint.
Milly: Hee hee. What a cute little cat.
Nevan: There's something about that cat's eyes that tells me it is no ordinary feline.
Ashlynn: The old guy here must really like cats, huh?
Terry: How much conversation do you hope to get out of a cat?
Amos: Once you start strokin' a cat, you just can't stop!
Lizzie: (snarl) Cat...cute... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Hmm... I doubt they'll be up any time soon.
Milly: They're both sleeping like logs. Let's not wake them up.
Nevan: It seems they're both fast asleep.
Ashlynn: That's weird... I feel so calm when I look at these people's faces. I wonder why...
Amos: Shhh... Let's keep our voices down!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hmm... I doubt they'll be up any time soon.
Milly: They're both sleeping like logs. Let's not wake them up.
Nevan: It seems they're both fast asleep.
Ashlynn: That's weird... I feel so calm when I look at these people's faces. I wonder why...
Amos: Shhh... Let's keep our voices down!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Whoa! That sand urn sure earned its name!
Milly: The sands of time are gone. In we go!
Nevan: We've done it! The barrier that surrounded this place is no more.
Ashlynn: Wow...! I did it! This sand urn is incredible!
Amos: So only Sorceria residents can use that sand urn...
Amos: I wonder how long you have to live here before you're granted residence?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Oh, no! The Eldress! The Archfiend must've gotten her!
Milly: Where did that attack come from...!?
Nevan: Perhaps the Archfiend was waiting patiently for the magical barrier to come down!
Ashlynn: She was right in front of me, and I couldn't do a thing for her...
Amos: Don't let your guard down, Hero! You never know where the next attack will come from.
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: The most powerful spell in Sorceria, aye...?
Hardy har! The Archfiend ain't gonna like that.
Milly: We won't let her down. I have absolute faith that Ashlynn will master this new spell.
Nevan: We must ensure that the Eldress did not sacrifice her life in vain.
Ashlynn: Isnomor gave her life to put the ultimate magic in my hands...
Ashlynn: Well, this is my job now! I'm going to bring peace to this land as fast as I can!
Amos: So the Eldress passed on her powers to Ashlynn knowin' her life was at risk...
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey. Ashlynn's got a big job on her shoulders now. She'd better start trainin' quick!
Milly: He's right... Let's keep what happened to Isnomor to ourselves for now.
Nevan: We must all pull together and strive every bit as hard as Ashlynn.
Ashlynn: I...I need to get stronger. I have to become the most powerful magician in the land!
Amos: Old Amos isn't too good at keepin' secrets but I'll try to keep my trap shut.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Hey, great timing. Let's say hello to the Sorens, aye?
Milly: Isnomor's spirit probably called out to the two of them.
Nevan: So the hour of the Sorens' awakening has arrived at long last.
Ashlynn: The Sorens... Ugh. I still can't remember a thing about them!
Amos: Let's go and pay them a visit – though they're probably still half-asleep.
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Right. I suppose we'll be keepin' this whole thing between us, then.
Milly: Yes... We should keep what happened here a secret for the time being.
Nevan: So he can speak directly to the hearts and minds of the townsfolk? Only in Sorceria...
Ashlynn: I might not have my memory back yet...but I'll still give everything I've got for the Eldress!
Amos: So let's not get the sand urn out in public!
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Huh. I guess Ashlynn really is the next generation of Sorceress, aye?
Milly: Just as I thought. It was the Eldress's voice that compelled them to wake from their slumber.
Nevan: I have every faith that Ashlynn will become a gifted Sorceress.
Ashlynn: Me? A Sorceress? Wow, no pressure or anything...
Terry: Unless I'm very much mistaken, Ashlynn's got the stuff great Sorceresses are made of.
Amos: Ashlynn's well on her way to Sorceress-dom!
Lizzie: (snarl) Become Sorceress... Amazing... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! How do ya top a flying carpet? A flying broom, maybe?
Milly: I wonder where this flying carpet is now...
Nevan: With the flying carpet, we should be able to visit places as yet unexplored.
Ashlynn: Angel-patterned baby clothes, huh...?
Ashlynn: I don't remember that at all, but it sure sounds cute. Wish I had them back!
Amos: Do you reckon he'd be impressed if we showed off our flyin' bed?
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Hey! I think the carpet's actually a little lighter now!
Milly: The flying carpet... It really feels as though it's brimming over with magical power.
Nevan: We've got a flying carpet – let's take to the skies!
Ashlynn: Wow! Wow! Wow! We can really fly now!
Amos: So this is a flying carpet?
Amos: It won't plummet to the ground if it gets a little ripped, will it?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, the nice thing about this carpet is we can lug it around with us.
Milly: Come on, Hero. Let's take a ride on our flying carpet.
Nevan: Old Man Soren's magical ability really is quite extraordinary.
Ashlynn: Boy, I hope I get to learn some magic from the Sorens next time I visit!
Terry: The Sorens really came through for us.
Amos: Even if we're not ridin' it, the flyin' carpet will make carryin' heavy items a doddle.
Lizzie: (snarl) Even Lizzie...can...ride... Good...carpet... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This carpet is so light and portable. I wonder if it's stain-resistant 'n everything like that, too.
Milly: With this flying carpet we've no excuse not to explore every inch of this world!
Nevan: The Sorens are an incredibly industrious couple with amazing magic powers at their disposal.
Ashlynn: I'd love to travel the world and give people carpet rides once things settle down.
Terry: If only the carpet could fly a bit higher...
Amos: Let's explore every nook and cranny of the world!
Lizzie: (snarl) Carpet can carry everyone... Amazing... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! These folks would be pretty shocked if they knew what we've been doin' with that bed.
Milly: Hee hee. It's a shame we can't tell him all about our bed-based adventures.
Nevan: We may be responsible for Clearvale's struggling tourist industry, but we had to do what was right.
Ashlynn: We better not brag about our flying-bed antics in Clearvale, huh?
Terry: Is a flying bed really that big a deal to tourists?
Amos: I'd love to show everyone how comfortable that flyin' bed is.
Lizzie: (snarl) See...flying bed...? No longer...here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! These folks would be pretty shocked if they knew what we've been doin' with that bed.
Milly: Hee hee. It's a shame we can't tell him all about our bed-based adventures.
Nevan: We can see the bed any time we want – but let's keep that to ourselves.
Ashlynn: We better not brag about our flying-bed antics in Clearvale, huh?
Terry: Is a flying bed really that big a deal to tourists?
Amos: I wonder how many folks we could squeeze onto the flyin' bed?
Lizzie: (slobber) Flying bed... Claim...to...fame...? (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boing!
Carver: That's not a very bold bard, aye? What's so scary about Sorceria gettin' resurrected?
Milly: I can somehow sense that everyone's enjoying some peace of mind at the moment.
Nevan: As more sealed locations are restored, the number of our foes decreases.
Ashlynn: I feel like we're getting closer to real peace with every passing day!
Terry: Why exactly did we come to this town?
Amos: We're closin' in on that Archfiend, I tell you!
Lizzie: (snarl) People...no fear...Lizzie...here... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Buzzin' around in that bed feels great – the wind in your mohawk 'n everything like that...
Milly: Hee hee. How would you say it feels, Hero?
Nevan: I confess I once nodded off aboard the bed and dreamt that I tumbled out.
Ashlynn: Whether you're flying or napping, our bed is the best!
Terry: Well, I suppose it does feel like a dream.
Amos: The trouble with the bed is that the sheets get all messed up when we're flyin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...no...have...dreams... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Just when I think I understand women, they say somethin' like that.
Milly: Is that really true? Perhaps men have more active imaginations than I give them credit for.
Nevan: I suppose that's one way to put it...
Ashlynn: For all we know, they might both be dreamt up!
Terry: Dreams? That has nothing to do with me.
Amos: So he just dreamt up that gorgeous girl? This has to be worth a try...
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie...not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! I hope he doesn't wake up any time soon!
Milly: As long as he's happy, I suppose...
Nevan: Well, I did once hear that love is the secret to a long life.
Ashlynn: I don't get it. In what world are those two compatible?
Terry: I shouldn't say this too loud, but the old boy's dreaming.
Amos: Old Amos would love to have that sort of dream.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Wait, Matt “comes back” for him!? Crikey! That makes ya feel warm inside, doesn't it?
Milly: He'll always be at Matt's side in his heart!
Nevan: The most merciful Goddess has brought the two of them together.
Ashlynn: Wow! If that guy had a tail, it'd be wagging!
Terry: Huh? Just who is that man?
Amos: Seein' a human talkin' about walkies and playin' catch is just a tad odd.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like walk too... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I don't care how many chasms there are. We're not stoppin' until the Archfiend's history.
Milly: Each chasm we seal takes us one step closer to the Archfiend, doesn't it, Hero?
Nevan: No matter how many chasms the Archfiend may rend in the world's surface, we will fill them all.
Ashlynn: Rumours sure do get around, huh? I wonder who's been spreading that gem?
Terry: I wouldn't be here if that fourth chasm hadn't been filled.
Amos: Tearin' open chasms is disgraceful behaviour!
And four of them, no less!
Lizzie: (snarl) No...more...chasms... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Kids should be concentratin' on their education, not girls...
Carver: Hardy har! Almost had ya fooled, aye? Imagine me sayin' something like that!
Milly: Even children are complimenting her...
I'm getting rather jealous of Alicia.
Nevan: Well, I must confess that young fellow isn't wrong...
...Now I'm blushing!
Ashlynn: What am I? Chopped liver? ...Well no, I'm not seriously going to ask a kid that.
Terry: That kid's already chasing the ladies...
Amos: Old Amos agrees with that lad!
Lizzie: (snarl) Pretty...is good... Grrrargh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's always time to get dinner started, if ya ask me.
Milly: Alicia really is beautiful.
Nevan: We shouldn't interrupt while she's chopping or she may have an accident.
Ashlynn: Someday I'll settle down and end up like her. I hope.
Terry: This seems like one happy household.
Amos: Shall I ask her to knock up some dinner for me? ...No, I'd better not.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrraaargh...! (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Huh. So this Zenith fella was the king of the dream world, aye?
Milly: I wonder... Yes... He must have been sealed off by the Archfiend...
Nevan: With Lord Zenith indisposed, Murdaw must have moved in to rule this world.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Sounds like a pretty far-out legend to me.
Amos: If we told him old Amos was Lord Zenith, you think he'd believe us?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Ahoy! Hero, look! Ain't that Rod over there?
Milly: Is that... Rod?
Nevan: Look – it's Rod!
Ashlynn: That...that's really Rod, right?
Ashlynn: Like, I'm not dreaming or anything?
Terry: Eh? Seems it's not just mermaids here.
Amos: For a second, I thought that bloke was a merman!
Lizzie: (snarl) Human...male... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Sounds like a tough relationship 'n everything like that, but I bet that pair can pull it off.
Milly: Surely there's no way of knowing unless you try it out for yourself?
Nevan: While it will doubtless entail much effort, there is no reason why it should be impossible.
Ashlynn: Aww, why's she pooh-poohing their love parade?
Terry: They just have to stay away from other humans.
Amos: Old Amos is waitin' for his weddin' invite!
Lizzie: (snarl) Human... Mermaid... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: (sigh) When am I gonna find true love–
Carver: Oh, er... Forget I just said that. Hey, let's go beat up some monsters!
Milly: I wonder if all mermaids are so passionate?
Nevan: I am truly happy for Unda.
Ashlynn: Girls love this kinda stuff.
Terry: ............
Amos: True love, eh? Old Amos is green with envy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...love...blue...swordsman... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Aye, those two should get a room.
Milly: I'm so glad that Unda's friends are looking after the happy couple.
Nevan: Seeing the two of them together, you can tell their love is true.
Ashlynn: Oh, we won't pester them or anything!
Terry: I've got no stake in this affair.
Amos: It's temptin' to interrupt the lovebirds, but let's leave 'em to it!
Lizzie: (snarl) No...interrupt...couple... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I reckon half their house will have to be flooded 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'm sure that those two will have no problems.
Nevan: It would appear that mermaid is on Rod and Unda's side.
Ashlynn: She's right – all you need is love! Everything else will work itself out.
Terry: If there's a will, there's always a way.
Amos: Old Amos has a fair few flaws, but I'm still hopin' for love one day...
Lizzie: (snarl) What...Lizzie...strengths...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! She can't keep her fins off of him.
Milly: Hee hee. Risking life and limb is what Rod does best.
Nevan: The blessings of the Goddess be upon them...
Nevan: Well, I'll leave the rest for the priest.
Ashlynn: Aww, Unda is practically glowing!
Terry: Is this really any of our business?
Amos: Girls in love are prettier – it holds true for mermaids too!
Lizzie: (snarl) Unda's face...glowing... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Rod really landed one whopper of a fish, aye?
Milly: Rod is such a wonderful person. It's only a matter of time before they're married, I'm sure.
Nevan: It's a blessing to see Rod and Unda so happy.
Ashlynn: Love like theirs is a force of nature. This couple is gonna last!
Terry: Rod keeps his promises. That I can admire...
Amos: True love can cross the deepest ocean, it seems.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...see...married... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Rod's right as rain now, aye? Ain't that dandy!
Milly: It's a great relief to hear that Rod's out fishing again.
Nevan: It's good to hear that Rod is better. Let's pray he doesn't overdo it again.
Ashlynn: Maybe Rod can go see Unda now that he's recovered and everything.
Terry: This is one run-down fishing village...
Amos: So Rod's out on the high seas? Maybe he's gone to meet Unda.
Lizzie: (sniff) Smells...fishy... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Folks around here had Rod all figured out, aye?
Milly: You don't need to be a dream seer to notice when people are in love!
Nevan: I don't think Rod's the type who can keep secrets.
Ashlynn: Say, speaking of girls... How do you think Unda's doing right now?
Terry: No one's happier than a man in love. ...Pah!
Amos: It seems old Rod's well loved by the village folk.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rod...in...love...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Calm seas, aye? That's good to hear.
Milly: Of course, it was Gracos that was preventing people from going fishing.
Nevan: I'm sure the village cats are equally pleased.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! I guess beating Gracos worked!
Terry: Not much of a catch, is it?
Amos: Great to hear the seas are calm once again.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not...eat...fish... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That cat seems chipper enough, aye?
Milly: Looks like the cat's been feasting on fresh fish too!
Nevan: Cats remain a mystery to me, but I sense that one is content.
Ashlynn: Aww, what a cute kitty! Tee hee!
Terry: ............
Amos: That's a fine shiny-coated cat!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: “North of the village”? That still leaves a lot of sea to explore.
Milly: The seabed to the north... I'm getting curious, Hero. Shall we take a look?
Nevan: My prayers are with those lost in that shipwreck.
Ashlynn: Why don't we check that story out? Maybe his “reckoning” will lead to something.
Amos: A sunken ship? That means treasure!
...Doesn't it?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! Three guesses who that “someone” was...
Milly: That's the ship where we found the ultimate key.
Nevan: My prayers are with those who lost their lives in the wreck.
Ashlynn: If we keep this up, the Archfiend'll be mincemeat by breakfast!
Terry: This undersea monster is the one you all beat, right Hero? Wish I could've helped out...
Amos: We were just doin' our job when we battered that monster.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's good to see that ol' granny rarin' to go, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. What a bright and joyous aura!
Nevan: That's a fine net. She's clearly put her heart and soul into it.
Ashlynn: That old lady's no quitter. She kept fixing up those nets no matter how messy the seas got.
Terry: People take nets seriously round here.
Amos: A net with a hole is no use to anyone.
Lizzie: (snarl) Granny...powerful... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It seems like everyone's noticed we haven't reached true peace yet.
Milly: It's our duty to bring peace to the world – and quickly!
Nevan: People can sense that all is not yet well with the world.
Ashlynn: People are still pretty skittish. That's not good.
Terry: If we want peace, we'd better get going.
Amos: There'll be no peace till the Archfiend's been well and truly battered.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Peace...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I get a bad feelin' in my gut when I hear about stuff like that.
Milly: Could it be the work of the Archfiend? Hmm...
Nevan: This is a disturbing rumour. It warrants further investigation.
Ashlynn: Wow... I wonder where all these people went.
Terry: A world of darkness...
Amos: Does an evil hand just pop out of the soil and drag folk down? Crikey...
Lizzie: (snarl) Where...world of...darkness...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Anything with “ultimate” in the name sounds worth trackin' down, if ya ask me.
Milly: The ultimate key? I've definitely heard about this item.
Milly: Apparently it's a rather special key that can open any kind of door.
Nevan: Searching the seabed for a key brings needles and haystacks to mind. We require further detail...
Ashlynn: Wow, an “ultimate key”... I'd love to see that sometime.
Amos: What if someone's already found it and is sellin' it in their shop or somethin'?
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Too bad for that fella that we already found the key, aye? Hardy har!
Milly: We're making good use of that key, aren't we Hero?
Nevan: As I recall, the sunken ship where we found the ultimate key was somewhat intimidating.
Ashlynn: You think anyone else in the world but us could've gotten the key from that shipwreck? I sure don't!
Terry: This information is past its sell-by date...
Amos: Old Amos has got the urge to show off the ultimate key to that chap.
Lizzie: (snarl) Ultimate...key... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Rod ain't the friendliest of fellas, but he's got some serious guts. I can respect that!
Milly: Hee hee. Good old Rod!
Nevan: I feel I could learn much from Rod.
Ashlynn: It makes sense to me. Rod's got something big to live for, after all.
Terry: Rod's got a wild animal's will to survive.
Amos: Willpower's what separates men from boys!
Lizzie: (snarl) Heal...by...willpower...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! (slurp)
Carver: That makes sense. He's got no business in there now.
Milly: Parting with Unda must have been hard for poor Rod...
Nevan: Rod's behaviour must have seemed rather curious to the people of Pescado.
Ashlynn: People sure paid lots of attention to Rod's business around here, huh?
Terry: This is the mermaid stuff, right?
Amos: If Rod started goin' back to the cave, it'd actually be a tad worryin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: A boat delivery, aye? I wonder what that's about.
Milly: I wonder if...?
Nevan: So Rod's ordered in a supply of fish, it would seem.
Ashlynn: Why does Rod need fish delivered to his boat? Can't he just catch them himself?
Terry: No idea what this is about...
Amos: Is old Rod plannin' on sellin' these fish somewhere?
Lizzie: (snarl) That human... Make profit... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Now it makes sense! Them fish must've been a treat for the mermaids.
Milly: Hee hee. I'm sure all the mermaids were delighted with their delivery of fresh fish.
Nevan: That man would be stunned if he discovered the true reason behind Rod's purchase.
Ashlynn: Rod may not look it, but deep down he's a pretty considerate guy, huh?
Terry: I've got no interest in this fish stuff.
Amos: I want to tell him – but I should keep my big gob shut!
Lizzie: (snarl) That human... Make profit... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Remember how Rod kept lookin' over his shoulder in here? Drove ya nuts, aye?
Milly: This cave reminds me of when we first met Unda.
Nevan: The rocks are slippery – let's be careful.
Ashlynn: I wonder where Rod is right now...
Terry: There are no monsters here to relieve the tedium.
Amos: I can't wait to tell old Rod that we battered Gracos.
Lizzie: (sniff) Smells...like...sea... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Remember how Rod kept lookin' over his shoulder in here? Drove ya nuts, aye?
Milly: This cave reminds me of when we first met Unda.
Nevan: The rocks are slippery – let's be careful.
Ashlynn: We probably shouldn't tell people in Pescado about Rod just yet, huh?
Ashlynn: Him and Unda might get hassled otherwise. Let the lovebirds live in peace!
Terry: There are no monsters here to relieve the tedium.
Amos: Rod did well to keep Unda hidden away.
Lizzie: (sniff) Smells...like...sea... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Avast! Looks like he's hooked a whopper, too!
Milly: Gracos is a goner, so hopefully the fish will keep biting from now on.
Nevan: Rod no longer has any reason to come here.
Ashlynn: That guy wouldn't notice Rod unless he reeled him in.
Terry: I haven't got the patience for fishing.
Amos: I've never seen anyone look as happy as that old boy when he's hooked a fish!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...no...need...fish... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Kinda boring in here now that nobody's around, aye?
Milly: It wasn't that long ago we were here, and yet I feel all nostalgic.
Nevan: I keep thinking Unda might emerge from the ocean at any moment.
Ashlynn: This cove seems a lot bigger than the first time we visited, huh?
Terry: A dead end, huh?
Amos: Did Rod make that cave door? It's a nice bit of handiwork.
Lizzie: (snarl) Connect...to...sea...? (slobber)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Hey, didn't we run into that swordsman in the blue getup here?
Milly: It doesn't look like there are any new announcements.
Nevan: It seems that this kingdom is currently free of major worries.
Ashlynn: What do you think that blue man is up to these days, anyway?
Amos: A blank sign? They could at least write “Welcome to Arkbolt!”, couldn't they?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What, I'm not amusing enough to be his muse?
Milly: Terry...
Nevan: The swordsman Terry was indeed strong.
Ashlynn: I bet our flying carpet would inspire this guy if we whipped it out...
Ashlynn: But we're not going to!
Amos: Just rememberin' him saunterin' off with the sunderbolt blade makes my blood boil!
Goober: Boing! Boing! (slurp)
Carver: It's just Terry this 'n Terry that here, aye?
Milly: Terry's popularity just grows and grows.
Nevan: Travellers can now come and go without fear.
Ashlynn: I hate to admit it, but Terry did beat us to the punch, so...
Amos: Terry may have got the better of us, but there's no sense cryin' over spilt milk.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! Good ol' Brutus, aye? I'd kill for a chance to fight him again.
Milly: Commander Brutus must be getting stronger by the day. We should follow his lead.
Nevan: Works by day, trains by night. An impressive regimen indeed.
Ashlynn: Wow! Talk about leading by example. No wonder the soldiers like him so much!
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind takin' a sneaky peek at his trainin' methods.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He must've gotten seriously lost, aye?
Milly: It sounds like journey's end for that gentleman.
Nevan: Hmm... Did we not meet his partner somewhere...?
Ashlynn: He's probably better off. It's practically raining monsters outside.
Amos: I'm sure he just mislaid his partner somewhere round the castle.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: The soldiers here sure love to keep fightin' fit, aye?
Milly: If the soldiers are training that seriously, the castle should be safe from any attack.
Nevan: A steadfast commander is sure to inspire his troops.
Ashlynn: Good for them. I bet this army's more than a match for any invader.
Amos: We don't need trainin' – we get to do plenty of real fightin'.
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: People say the darndest things when they're bored, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Let's pretend we didn't hear that, eh?
Nevan: I'm sure he doesn't truly desire someone to pick a fight with Arkbolt.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! He better be careful what he wishes for.
Amos: He wants us to pay no heed but old Amos tends to repeat everythin' he hears.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Geh. Pardon me while I puke.
Milly: Hee hee. Unrequited love is the fate of all young girls.
Nevan: That was quite a sigh she let out...
Ashlynn: She's really daydreaming on the job, huh.
Amos: If that lady's lookin' for a fella, old Amos is available.
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: We've run into a real rogues' gallery of freaks since then, aye? And it ain't over yet.
Milly: I can't help but think of the name Jamirus cried out when he was defeated...
Nevan: Unless the world becomes safer very soon, people's thoughts will all tend that way.
Ashlynn: Let's see... We've beaten Murdaw, then Jamirus, and then, uh, Gracos, right?
Ashlynn: I bet there's someone even meaner than those guys waiting for us up ahead.
Amos: I'd like to tell her she's thinkin' too much, but I'm not sure she's wrong...
Goober: Boing? ...Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Uh...who was that fella again?
Milly: It's a real shame that we weren't the ones who defeated the monster in the pass.
Nevan: It pains me somewhat to accept praise like that.
Ashlynn: My back hurts just thinking about that coffin we had to lug around.
Amos: Well, perhaps it didn't pan out as planned, but we gave it our best.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I think it's pretty flippin' obvious what they mean. You can't swing a hammer without hitting a monster.
Milly: Everyone's going to start getting uneasy again at this rate...
Nevan: Travellers are always acutely aware of the dangers that surround them.
Ashlynn: We won't have any kind of real peace until we beat the Archfiend, I guess...
Amos: Well, at least things have quieted down in Wayfarer's Pass.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Hardy har! Do her folks know what she's up to?
Milly: Ah, youthful curiosity. It's a wonderful thing.
Nevan: Young girls should be interested in flowers and such – not monster cadavers.
Ashlynn: Yuck! What kind of girl would want to peek at a gross monster corpse?
Amos: She's actin' surprised, but young lasses shouldn't be tryin' to see monster corpses.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, standin' guard is a boring job. I'm glad I don't have to do it.
Milly: Sounds like he just needs a bit of fresh air.
Nevan: That fellow should be well satisfied with the relative safety of guarding the castle.
Ashlynn: The grass is always greener, etcetera, etcetera...
Ashlynn: I bet the soldiers out slaying monsters can't wait to get back to guard duty.
Amos: A soldier shouldn't be whingin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I dunno if spreading your army so thin is smart strategery, no...
Milly: Hee hee. That's the spirit!
Nevan: I wonder what the other soldiers would say if they heard him...
Ashlynn: Thinks he's an army of one, does he?
Amos: That lad should give his mouth a rest and focus on his duties.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: That's what ya call a winning attitude right there.
Milly: He's going to smash that armour into pieces at this rate...
Nevan: He certainly wields a sword like he means it...
Ashlynn: Ugh. Could he be any sweatier?
Amos: A good tip is to stick a picture of someone you hate on your practice dummy.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hope he hangs in there. Colds are tough on the old, aye?
Milly: He might have moved inside, but that corner of the castle is rather chilly. I hope he's alright...
Nevan: That fellow should return home and crawl straight into bed.
Ashlynn: Gross! What's that stuff dripping from his nose!?
Amos: Fingers crossed it's nothin' serious...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That's Commander Brutus's kid, aye? He's proud of his ol' man even when he's sleepin'.
Milly: He must really love his father if he dreams about him winning battles.
Nevan: That boy has the makings of a fine soldier.
Ashlynn: Aww... All that pride is making him toss and turn.
Amos: Old Amos would like a son who really admires his old man...
Amos: Well, first things first – I'm goin' to have to find a Mrs Amos...
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: Avast! Pretty spry for a dead monster, aye?
Milly: It could probably get out of the cell if it wanted to. It must be happy where it is...
Nevan: I think it's best to take in the scene without getting too involved...
Ashlynn: Wow... What brought it back to life like that?
Amos: I c-c-can't believe it g-g-got out of the coffin! (shudder)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I reckon it's best he doesn't know the whole story behind this, aye?
Milly: This is one of those times when it's better to say nothing.
Nevan: I pity this poor fellow...
Ashlynn: I don't like where this is going...
Amos: It's not really our place to say anythin'.
Goober: Boi-oing! B-Boing!
Carver: I hope that monster keeps its cool, or Arkbolt's gonna be in big trouble...
Milly: I'm sure it'll be fine to leave the monster as it is... Won't it?
Nevan: If we wade in thoughtlessly, things could get out of hand. Let's just take in the scene.
Ashlynn: So wait... Terry DIDN'T finish the monster off back in the cave...?
Amos: Well, it's not doin' anyone any harm. Leave it be.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “Blue swordsman”...? Terry...maybe?
Milly: Seems it's waiting for that young swordsman. But why...?
Nevan: I'm relieved that it doesn't seem to be expecting reinforcements.
Ashlynn: Why's it asking for the man we all thought killed it?
Ashlynn: Revenge maybe, or...?
Amos: It'd be a bit of a shock if a blue swordsman suddenly appeared.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Did you notice that worried look on the Chancellor's face, Hero?
Milly: There was something gloomy about the Chancellor's aura...
Nevan: At least he appears to remember who we are.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I love the way the Chancellor talks. It's so polite and old-fashioned!
Amos: Old Amos didn't mean to honour anyone with his presence...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I like the Queen here. She's not all haughty 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'm always impressed by the Queen's refined dignity.
Nevan: It's an honour to be addressed directly by the Queen.
Ashlynn: It's good to see the Queen's still in high spirits. I guess I would be too if I had skin like hers.
Amos: Maybe old Amos could live here at the palace for a while... No, it just won't work out!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Is he referrin' to that monster the swordsman whupped in the cave? That's crazy talk.
Milly: Maybe it wasn't properly killed off... Could that be it?
Nevan: A slain monster has been resurrected? Can this really be?
Ashlynn: You don't think that Terry guy messed up the mission, do you?
Amos: So is Brutus sittin' on the monster's chest as we speak?
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: It seems to be keeping its cool for now, but I'm really not comfortable leavin' it be.
Milly: I sensed that it was quite happy to stay in its cell...
Nevan: A slain monster has been resurrected? Can this really be?
Ashlynn: Ooh, I just knew Terry bungled the job! He must've gotten lazy at the end of the battle!
Amos: It's not like we can get old Terry to come back and clobber the monster...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Nothin' for him to do, aye...?
Milly: Hee hee. Sweet dreams, soldier!
Nevan: I appreciate that guard duty can be tedious, but this is inexcusable.
Ashlynn: What a slacker...
Amos: Old Amos got a sudden urge to shout – but I'll keep my big gob shut!
Goober: Boing!
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Carver: This used to be a castle or somethin'? It's seen better days, I'd say.
Milly: This place... Was it a castle?
Milly: What in the world could have happened to it?
Nevan: It looks as though a typhoon has swept through this place.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero... Somewhere in these ruins is a super-strong magical power. I can feel it!
Ashlynn: But that's not the half of it. I'm also sensing the pain of tormented souls...too many to count. Ugh.
Ashlynn: These ruins are pulsing with the pain of many, many people.
Amos: This place is in a terrible state...
Amos: If Murdaw, Jamirus and Gracos all ganged up, they couldn't make more of a mess than this.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Amazin' treasure? I doubt this dump even has amazin' trash.
Milly: What kind of treasure, I wonder?
Nevan: Thankfully there's no trace of dead rats here – or monsters.
Ashlynn: I doubt a tiny ruined castle like this has any treasure worth keeping.
Amos: Treasure, he says? It's got to be worth havin' a nose around.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Avast! A hidden stairway! Here, of all places!
Carver: Crikey, Hero. How'd you know about this?
Milly: I won't ask how you knew there was a stairway here, Hero...
Nevan: How remarkable. It goes to show you should always give things a try.
Ashlynn: Wow! You found that right out of the blue! Are you, like, psychic or something, Hero?
Amos: What a find – even if it was just luck!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Kinda creepy down here, aye...?
Milly: Was this a prison...?
Nevan: I can almost hear the screams of those who breathed their last here.
Ashlynn: Wow... I don't know why, but I just feel so incredibly sad all of a sudden.
Amos: A dungeon buried under a ruin? It ain't half creepy.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa! Hey, Hero! There's another stairway leadin' down!
Milly: I wonder what awaits us down there...
Nevan: Hero, you seem to know exactly what you're doing.
Ashlynn: I sense a powerful magic force down those stairs...
Amos: Well, I'm not surprised you could find this staircase, but the one up there was somethin' else!
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
Carver: This looks like a good place to find monster henchmen 'n everything like that.
Milly: My, this path is rather long.
Nevan: Is this really part of the castle?
Ashlynn: The magic force... It's becoming more intense...
Amos: This place ain't half creepy!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That... That's blood!
Milly: It looks like writing that message was his final act...
Nevan: Doubtless he guarded the legendary armour until the very end.
Ashlynn: The magical force I've been sensing... It must be this armour.
Amos: Who'd have thought we'd find legendary armour down here?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That must be the fella who wrote the message on the wall.
Milly: This is terrible... Dying alone in a place like this...
Nevan: I'll pray for his soul...
Ashlynn: He must've protected the armour by himself until the day he died...
Amos: He doesn't look like he was attacked by monsters.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: ...Uh, do you mind if I hold the armour just for a sec, Hero? Can I touch it, at least?
Milly: Getting the legendary armour wasn't all that tough in the end, was it...
Nevan: How remarkable to find the legendary armour in a place like this.
Ashlynn: Wow! This is incredible! The magical power is so strong you can feel it!
Amos: So this is one of the legendary relics folks keep goin' on about.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Uh... Aren't we right back where we were?
Milly: Where are we, I wonder?
Nevan: So it appears that well connects the upper and lower worlds...
Ashlynn: Wait a minute... Where are we?
Amos: Let's keep it down... I think there's someone up ahead.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Pretty small castle, aye? It's got good bones, though – nice 'n sturdy, ya see.
Milly: That soldier has a nice, bright aura.
Nevan: This castle's guards seem to be well disciplined.
Ashlynn: That soldier seems wound a little tight.
Amos: Let's not bother that guard.
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
Carver: The soldier from earlier was warnin' us too, aye? This ceremony must be a pretty big deal.
Milly: Everyone in the castle must be busy preparing.
Nevan: If an important ceremony is imminent, we certainly don't want to get in the way.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Maybe we should see what's up with this ceremony.
Amos: We might get shouted at if we go traipsin' about.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Eh, did you get all that mumbo jumbo? I only believe what I see, ya see.
Milly: Indeed. It's vitally important to determine one's own fate.
Nevan: I am convinced that, with sufficient effort, one can alter one's fate.
Ashlynn: That guy having a bad week or something? He's acting like he's at a dead end.
Amos: Sometimes fate just can't be escaped.
Crikey, that's a scary thought...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. I don't feel nothin'. You, Hero?
Milly: An evil presence... Yes, I sense it too, but what could it be?
Nevan: An evil presence? Perhaps. I do sense some kind of deeply mysterious force radiating from this castle...
Ashlynn: I've been feeling the same presence, too. I thought it was just my imagination.
Amos: An evil presence on the day of a big ceremony? That can't be good...
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Great, a scaredy-slime. Just what we need.
Milly: Oh my, have we made ourselves a new friend?
Nevan: What kind of ceremony has even slimes fleeing in mortal terror...?
Ashlynn: And just like that we have a new pal.
Amos: He really thought he could dig a hole and escape? With that chubby body!?
Goober: (slurp) Boing! Boing! Boi-oing! B-Boing!
Carver: That slime needs to man up, aye?
Milly: I can sense his terror, poor thing. Shall we give him a ride?
Nevan: What kind of ceremony has even slimes fleeing in mortal terror...?
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Why don't we invite him in? He might be good for a few laughs.
Amos: Well, he's not just dreamin'. Hero just needs to invite him to join.
Goober: B-Boing? Boing...
Carver: Big ceremony, aye? What kinda ceremony?
Milly: This ceremony sounds terribly important.
Nevan: Whatever manner of ceremony it is, let's not make nuisances of ourselves.
Ashlynn: Somehow I don't like the sound of this “ceremony”...
Amos: So are they celebratin' somethin'? We might get a good feed out of it!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: What, so their king is a kook?
Milly: She seems weighed down with worry...
Nevan: That old woman doesn't look well...
Ashlynn: Wow... Poor lady. I think she's actually quivering in fear.
Amos: Well, you can't disobey the King. All she can do is hold tight and pray...
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Oh, so their king's tryin' to one-up the Archfiend, aye?
Milly: Hmm. Defeating the Archfiend won't be easy by any method, that much is for certain.
Nevan: We won't learn the finer details of the ceremony from this old couple.
Nevan: Let's seek out someone who's directly involved.
Ashlynn: Okay, now I'm really feeling uneasy...
Amos: Isn't defeatin' the Archfiend our job?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: A demon-summonin' ceremony...? Of all the harebrained schemes...
Milly: Summoning a demon has the potential to go terribly wrong...
Nevan: No doubt the King has weighed other options before choosing this path, but even so...
Ashlynn: No wonder I've had this sinking feeling in my stomach since the moment we got here...
Amos: Do they have to call a demon? Can't they call somethin' a tad less horrifyin'?
Goober: B-Boing!? Boing!
Carver: Famous last words, aye?
Milly: Having faith in your king is all well and good, but still...
Nevan: Blind faith has its limits. Sometimes you must question your leaders...
Ashlynn: Liking your king is one thing... Following him to your doom without making a peep is another...
Amos: I'd love to find a lass with that kind of faith in old Amos!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So they're pittin' a legendary demon against the Archfiend, aye?
Carver: Demon or not, the idea of “takin' command” of someone just doesn't sit right with me.
Milly: Are mere humans really capable of controlling powerful demons? I wonder...
Nevan: Relying on a demon to defeat the Archfiend? There's something fundamentally wrong here...
Ashlynn: A demon that powerful isn't likely to take orders from a human...
Amos: Archfiend versus demon in the fight of the century! I shouldn't want to see this, but...
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: More power than the Archfiend, aye...? Is this the part where we start gettin' scared?
Milly: I cannot shake off my sense of unease about this summoning...
Nevan: This ceremony absolutely must be stopped.
Ashlynn: This won't end well...
Amos: So after beating the Archfiend is the demon just goin' to quietly skulk back to Demonland...?
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Not much point in tryin' to talk him out of it now, aye?
Milly: I don't think His Majesty has spotted us...
Nevan: I wonder what is going through King Falle's mind...
Ashlynn: The King might believe he's thought this through, but we're talking about a bona-fide demon here!
Ashlynn: These monsters are unpredictable! Anything can happen – most of it bad!
Amos: Maybe he's fast asleep...?
No, he can't be...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Dependin' on a demon to fight your battles is just askin' for trouble, aye?
Milly: If the legendary armour is in the castle, the Archfiend is sure to make his way here eventually...
Nevan: I understand the desire to defend the legendary armour, but at what cost?
Ashlynn: Maybe they're just trying to protect the armour here, but still...
Amos: What if the demon ends up wanting the legendary armour, too? Then what?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: ...Let's go, Hero.
Milly: The legendary armour... Hmm...
Nevan: Let's leave this place.
Ashlynn: There's gotta be a better way to protect the armour...
Amos: You can see how seriously these two take the job of guardin' that armour.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So that's the legendary armour... Think it would fit me?
Milly: So that's the Armour of Orgo. We mustn't let the Archfiend get his claws on it.
Nevan: It's breathtaking... Truly armour fit for a hero.
Ashlynn: Wow... The magic coming off that armour is just incredible.
Amos: It's got all the fine craftsmanship you'd expect from a piece of legendary equipment.
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: That Princess has a point, ya know.
Milly: They wouldn't be calling it a demon if it were a natural ally to humans...
Nevan: I fear the Archfiend cannot be destroyed as easily as they hope.
Ashlynn: How can anyone predict what a demon's going to do?
Amos: If only the demon and the Archfiend would destroy each other at the exact same time – how great would that be?
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: So he only eats monsters' souls?
I dunno if I buy that...
Milly: The Queen seems to have complete faith in her husband.
Nevan: Even scholars are capable of making mistakes. I fear it's too early to relax...
Ashlynn: Nobody here's even seen a real demon. What makes them think they're experts?
Amos: So if the scholar's right, this demon's terrifyin' to monsters but no bother for humans?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Cats have it good, aye? He has no idea what's goin' on.
Milly: I wonder if the cat is worried too...
Nevan: The Princess's cat, perhaps? Its luxuriant coat suggests it lives in the lap of luxury.
Ashlynn: Aww... Even when I'm stressed out, kitties always calm me down.
Amos: No demon would gobble up a cat's soul, right?
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Huh. So this demon's got a thing for folks' hearts just like the Archfiend, aye?
Milly: I've no doubt that this demon has the power to see into the darkest corners of one's heart...
Nevan: The priest's words are not in themselves wrong...
Nevan: Yet I fear that things may be different when a demon is deliberately invoked...
Ashlynn: No offense to the priest, but things here have gotten a little too serious for faith and prayers alone.
Amos: Seems he's relyin' on nothin' but blind faith.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: The man's got a point.
Milly: It seems many of the locals are just as anxious as we are about the King's plan.
Nevan: If the demon did devour the Archfiend... Well, that would indeed be extraordinary...
Ashlynn: He's totally right! It's a stupid move. Stupid!
Amos: I bet eatin' an Archfiend would make for one heck of an upset stomach...
Goober: (slurp) Boing, boing!
Carver: He sure ain't takin' this seriously, aye?
Milly: That gentleman is rather...easy-going...
Nevan: I fear the Goddess will not be impressed by that fellow's lackadaisical attitude...
Ashlynn: That guy'll be easy pickings for the demon.
Amos: ...A ceremonial offerin', eh?
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: I know nothin' about demons, but you can bet we're gonna take care of the Archfiend!
Milly: It really pains me to sense such fear in the heart of one so young...
Nevan: King Falle's subjects certainly have a great deal of faith in their monarch.
Ashlynn: I'm more worried about that demon than the Archfiend at the moment...
Amos: A few words from his Grandma and that lad's mind is at ease.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Call me crazy, but seems to me like summonin' a demon is a lousy way to look after your subjects...
Milly: I suppose he's undertaking this ceremony for the good of all the world's people...
Nevan: It's a fine thing to see such a trusted monarch.
Ashlynn: Wow, she sure loves her homeland...
Amos: “No matter what may befall us...” That sounds a tad worryin'...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That fella makes a lot of sense.
Milly: I don't suppose he could say how he feels to the King's face, no matter how opposed he is.
Nevan: And when you fight fire with fire, someone always gets burned.
Ashlynn: This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.
Amos: And where there's fire, there's usually smoke...
Or wait...how does that go?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's that say? I couldn't read it over my muscles.
Milly: Brute force alone is not enough, I suppose.
Nevan: There is definitely truth to those words...
Ashlynn: The King must think these posters are motivational or something.
Amos: The soldiers in this castle must all take the King's commandments seriously.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: What a lady, helpin' her sick ol' grandpa... And she doesn't seem upset or nothin'.
Milly: He must be suffering, but I'm sure he's happy to be in such good hands.
Nevan: Illness cannot be cured by medicine alone. The milk of human kindness is also essential.
Ashlynn: “Once things settle down”...? So she's bought into this demon-summoning scheme, too?
Amos: What old Amos wouldn't give for a daughter like that...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Oof. He doesn't sound too good.
Milly: I hope he gets better soon...
Nevan: Tending to the ill is tough work – but being looked after has its own hardships as well.
Ashlynn: Aw, he seems so miserable...
Amos: Shouldn't they be holdin' a ceremony to get him fixed up?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Whoa. Those fellas ain't holdin' back. Looks like fun.
Milly: Seeing the soldiers in training must put the locals' minds at ease.
Nevan: These soldiers all seem to be fervent followers of the King's philosophy.
Ashlynn: Eww! This whole room smells like Carver's feet!
Amos: These soldiers know what to do with a sword!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa. Those fellas ain't holdin' back. Looks like fun.
Milly: Seeing the soldiers in training must put the locals' minds at ease.
Nevan: These soldiers all seem to be fervent followers of the King's philosophy.
Ashlynn: Eww! This whole room smells like Carver's feet!
Amos: These soldiers know what to do with a sword!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa. Those fellas ain't holdin' back. Looks like fun.
Milly: Seeing the soldiers in training must put the locals' minds at ease.
Nevan: These soldiers all seem to be fervent followers of the King's philosophy.
Ashlynn: Eww! This whole room smells like Carver's feet!
Amos: These soldiers know what to do with a sword!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa. Those fellas ain't holdin' back. Looks like fun.
Milly: Seeing the soldiers in training must put the locals' minds at ease.
Nevan: These soldiers all seem to be fervent followers of the King's philosophy.
Ashlynn: Eww! This whole room smells like Carver's feet!
Amos: These soldiers know what to do with a sword!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Good thing I don't got any weaknesses, aye? ...Aye?
Milly: I'd say that not knowing your own weaknesses is the greatest fear of all.
Nevan: There is definitely truth to those words...
Ashlynn: The King must think these posters are motivational or something.
Amos: The soldiers in this castle must all take the King's commandments seriously.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: He's got that right, alright.
Milly: Good time or bad, it's not for us to say...
Nevan: He must accept the hand fate has dealt him.
Ashlynn: Wow, some people just never get any breaks, huh?
Amos: If the ceremony goes without a hitch, he'll have nowt to fear...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Snake venom? Frogs? Sounds like an acquired taste 'n everything like that.
Milly: I don't think I can even look at it...
Nevan: So that explains the foul smell wafting around here.
Ashlynn: Are they trying to summon a demon or (glurp) the contents of my stomach...?
Amos: I hope she's not usin' a regular pot to cook this muck...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Geh! Try not to slop any of that on me, aye, Hero?
Milly: Don't bring it anywhere near me, Hero!
Nevan: What malodorous muck this is...
Ashlynn: Demons like that gruel? Gag me with a pitchfork.
Amos: I was goin' to have a little nibble, but thought better of it...
Goober: (slurrrp) Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: The ceremony's in there, aye? I bet that's one wild scene.
Milly: Once the offering is ready, it seems the ceremony can begin.
Nevan: It seems the preparations have gone smoothly, at least...
Ashlynn: That sinking feeling in my stomach? It just hit my heels.
Amos: Stayin' calm and waitin' isn't as easy as it sounds...
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: What's he goin' on about? Does he think we're involved in this mumbo jumbo?
Milly: It sounds like they'd arranged for someone else to bring it up here.
Nevan: The ceremony looks set to begin in spite of any concerns we may harbour.
Ashlynn: Hey, how'd we get suckered into assisting this awful ceremony?
Amos: What're you playin' at, Hero? If you don't have it, don't tell 'em you do.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! My hands are all sticky from that swill!
Milly: The ceremonial chamber...
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Nevan: I still detect the offering's foul odour about my garments...
Ashlynn: Just how big is this demon? This room is huge!
Amos: You could cut the tension with a knife in here.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Well, I doubt it'll have a flower on its head and big puppy-dog eyes...
Milly: It doesn't matter how scary it is – as long as the King can control it, we'll be alright...
Nevan: Having never seen this demon, I'm not qualified to answer...
Ashlynn: Hel-lo!? It's a demon! Of course it'll be scary!
Amos: I've clapped eyes on a fair few folks scarier than demons, so I'm not too fussed.
Goober: Boing!
Carver: If they're worried about this demon goin' after the wrong fella, what makes 'em think it'll attack the Archfiend?
Milly: He seems like a very honourable guard.
Nevan: While I fear that their powers are limited, their determination is deeply admirable.
Ashlynn: Oh, it'll be no “accident” if the demon attacks the King.
Amos: Do they really think they can protect the King from a demon that can defeat the Archfiend...?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, it won't be long now...
Milly: The ceremony will begin when the King arrives...
Nevan: I fear the King will not reconsider his decision at the eleventh hour...
Ashlynn: I've got goosebumps...
Amos: I wonder exactly where around here the demon's goin' to pop up.
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Oh, I see. They're really nice to us when we bring the offering, but now we're just in the way...
Milly: While I am curious, I don't want to be a nuisance. Let's go.
Nevan: We have no choice. Let us exit this room.
Ashlynn: No point sticking around here. Let's go, Hero.
Amos: It could be dangerous? I knew it! This is a tad worryin'...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, follow that king, Hero!
Milly: The ceremony's starting!
Nevan: Let's wait outside the ceremonial chamber.
Ashlynn: And there he goes...
Amos: Let's head up as well!
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Sounds like we oughta start figurin' out a plan B to stop that demon...
Milly: If the King obtains this power, peace is sure to return. If he doesn't...
Nevan: I feel compelled to pray as well...
Ashlynn: Outclass the Archfiend...? Riiight. Somehow I doubt it...
Amos: I'm not sure prayers will help anyone at this stage...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I guess they got the party started, aye?
Milly: It looks like we're locked out.
Nevan: I'm intrigued to know what's happening in there...
Ashlynn: The bad vibes here are badder than ever...
Amos: Fingers crossed all goes accordin' to plan.
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: It's back to square one around here, aye?
Milly: Are these events going to repeat themselves forever?
Nevan: Deliberately invoking a demon is fraught with all manner of perils.
Nevan: I fear this entire castle may now be cursed.
Ashlynn: I guess there's nothing we can do to stop the summoning, huh...?
Amos: Could we have been cast into hell? I hope not...
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: What the? First we're trundled outta the castle, and now we're back here again!?
Milly: Back at this well again...
Nevan: B-But everything we saw...? It surely can't all have been a dream!?
Ashlynn: Where's the demon? ...What happened to everyone?
Amos: So this is Graceskull after it was destroyed by the demon? I'm not wrong, am I?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: What do ya think happened to that fella who holed himself up with that armour?
Milly: The legendary demon destroyed Castle Graceskull in the end...
Nevan: It's hard to believe that the splendid Castle Graceskull has been reduced to this...
Ashlynn: That power I was sensing is as strong now as ever. Why, though?
Amos: Where did that demon get to? You don't think he's still knockin' about in this world, do you?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Wait a minute! The armour! Where do ya think it is now?
Milly: As long as the demon didn't notice those stairs, the armour might still be in the basement...
Nevan: The Armour of Orgo... Could it still be intact?
Ashlynn: The armour might still be around here somewhere...but I'm not so optimistic about the Captain.
Amos: Didn't the Captain say he'd seal the armour away in the treasure chamber underground?
Amos: But with the castle in this state, how would you know where the entrance was?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey, Hero! Jokin' or not, ya don't say “yes” to somethin' like that!
Milly: You shouldn't answer like that if you've got no intention of selling, Hero.
Nevan: I would strongly suggest that we ignore such characters.
Ashlynn: You were just kidding, right, Hero? Right?
Amos: And if he'd stumped up enough money, what would you have done, Hero?
Goober: Boing? Boing!? Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! He couldn't equip it even if he did buy it. He'd just turn around 'n sell it for double, I bet.
Milly: This armour is imbued with the memories of many people. It isn't something that one simply sells...
Nevan: I would strongly suggest that we ignore such characters.
Ashlynn: I don't care if he offered a billion gold coins. It's not for sale.
Amos: Old Amos was terrified you'd actually go and sell it for a second there!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! You hit the nail right on the head, Hero! Not bad!
Milly: I'm impressed, Hero. You remembered exactly where those stairs were.
Nevan: Who'd have thought the golden pickaxe would prove indispensable here?
Ashlynn: How much time do you think has passed since that ceremony?
Ashlynn: The stairway's still there, at least. Let's hope the Captain is, too.
Amos: Is anyone else a little nervous about goin' down there?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Musty enough for ya? That stairway probably hasn't been opened for an age.
Milly: This is more like a prison than a treasure room...
Nevan: I can almost hear the screams of those who perished in this castle during that tragic event...
Ashlynn: I'm feeling about as cheery as the atmosphere down here.
Amos: Seems like no one's around.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. Another hidden stairway, aye?
Milly: We've got to push on.
Nevan: Could it be...? Down there...
Ashlynn: Wow! I just felt the most intense burst of magic when we opened that stairway!
Amos: It's hair-raisin' but let's head down!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Gettin' our walkin' in today, aye...?
Milly: I wonder how far this goes...
Nevan: The Captain must have once passed through these very caverns.
Ashlynn: The magic force... It's becoming more intense...
Amos: Arrgh! You gave old Amos a fright there! It's best not to talk to me down here...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That's the Captain, alright. No doubt about it.
Milly: He gave his life to protect the Armour of Orgo...
Nevan: Doubtless he guarded the legendary armour until the very end.
Ashlynn: Captain... Just think of all the time he spent here... No food, no water, no light... All alone...
Amos: That Captain was a true soldier alright!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That... That's blood!
Milly: Those must be the Captain's last words...
Nevan: The Captain's last words were dedicated to the armour...
Ashlynn: The armour's safe and all, but at what price...? It's just so sad...
Amos: Don't worry, Captain! We're not goin' to let the Armour of Orgo fall into the Archfiend's claws.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: So this is the legendary Armour of Orgo, aye? Sharp work, Hero!
Milly: The Captain guarded the armour up until the very end. We should be grateful to him.
Nevan: Could it be that the will of the Captain led us here...?
Ashlynn: Wow! This is incredible! The magical power is so strong you can feel it!
Amos: Thank the Goddess the armour didn't fall into the Archfiend's claws.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Ain't it funny how your body gets all tingly whenever we go through a well like this?
Carver: Never gets old, aye?
Milly: Are you okay, Hero? Are you tired?
Nevan: Hmm... It seems no monsters lurk in the vicinity of this well.
Ashlynn: Whew! I'm beat. Hope we can take a break soon.
Terry: Huh? I didn't say anything...
Amos: Oh, well wisher, play with us! ♪
Oh, well wisher, stay with us! ♪
Come on now, surprise us! ♪
Amos: Er... Sorry... You just overheard some of old Amos's songwritin' experiments.
Lizzie: (snarl) No...one...around... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
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Carver: It'd be nice to try out some of that legendary junk we've been gatherin'...
Carver: Too bad there ain't a snowball's chance in Aridea of any of it fittin' me.
Milly: I wonder where this well will take us...
Nevan: So tell me, Hero. Which vocation are you planning to change to next?
Nevan: I must confess to being a bit torn...
Ashlynn: So, got any plans for after we finally beat the Archfiend?
Ashlynn: It'll be nice to finally get a little vacation, huh? Tee hee!
Terry: It's far too damp down here.
Amos: This probably isn't the time to mention this, but...
Amos: I was just imaginin' a well wisher or a scarewell poppin' out. (shiver)
Lizzie: (snarl) Well...damp... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Not a soul in sight. Even the mice moved out.
Milly: What's that in the middle of the floor...?
Nevan: A switch of some sort. I expect it has something to do with the floodgate.
Ashlynn: Ooh, a switch! Flip it! Flip it!
Terry: A switch on the floor? It's not a trap, is it?
Amos: What's the bettin' we step on that switch and the whole floor suddenly gives way...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Narrow...room... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Combatants!? This is my kinda place!
Milly: What kind of combatants, I wonder? Has anyone ever heard of this “Sledge”?
Nevan: Where do you suppose one might find this Sledge fellow?
Ashlynn: Great place for a sign. Like, who would ever read it here?
Ashlynn: ...Um, besides us, I mean.
Terry: Sounds like fun – let's give it a shot.
Amos: Some sort of contest, is it? Old Amos doesn't like losin'!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Fight...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Whoa! I bet they heard that all the way over in Somnia!
Milly: So can we go through the floodgate now?
Nevan: Surely that must mean the floodgate is now open.
Ashlynn: Hey, let's go see what that was, Hero!
Terry: C'mon, Hero! Let's go!
Amos: I half expected a big explosion when we stepped on the switch!
Lizzie: (snarl) Floodgate...open...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Sledge's Secret what? This place is weirdin' me out!
Milly: What kind of person goes to all this trouble to set up a secret arena...
Nevan: A “Slimopolis”? Let's investigate...
Ashlynn: Slimopolis? Wow! You think this is where little slimes dream of making it big someday?
Terry: I'm not sure if I should be excited or repulsed...
Amos: We have to register our group? I hope there's not a hefty membership fee...
Lizzie: (snarl) Many...slimes... (slobber)
Carver: Let's check it out, Hero!
Milly: Surely we won't be fighting the slimes ourselves...?
Nevan: The atmosphere is an intriguing mixture of high tension and good clean fun.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! This place looks kinda fun.
Terry: I don't know what they do here, but I'll try anything once.
Amos: That bunny is a looker alright!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...compete...? (slobber)
Carver: I'll take a good time, sure, but hold the goo, please.
Milly: It'll be fun to stop here a while.
Nevan: Since we're here, we may as well enjoy it.
Ashlynn: Wow! I've never seen so many slimes!
Terry: It's wall-to-wall slime round here.
Amos: Old Amos is gettin' excited...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Hardy har! You'd have to be dead not to have fun at this place.
Milly: I must admit, this place does have a certain charm.
Nevan: It's fine to let our hair down on occasion – as long as we don't forget about the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: Wow! She remembered us and everything!
Terry: Personally, I prefer fighting solo.
Amos: There might be breeds of slime here we've never laid eyes on before.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...have...fun... (slobber)
Carver: Huh. I didn't even know slimes had muscles to pump up.
Milly: Could it really be so difficult to train a champion slime?
Nevan: Sadly the vocation of “slime trainer” isn't on offer at Alltrades Abbey.
Ashlynn: Wow! There's such a thing as a professional slime trainer?
Ashlynn: I wonder if you can train slimes to beg and play fetch and stuff.
Terry: “Pro” slimes? Please. I'll show them what a pro looks like...
Amos: Maybe this isn't such a great idea...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: That little fella looks eager to get into the arena.
Milly: That slime is in fine fettle!
Nevan: That is clearly a well-trained slime.
Ashlynn: Aww, he's so cute!
Terry: Is this marching practice or what?
Amos: Hey slime – sit! Good boy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Huh. Who knew slime fightin' was such a big deal, aye?
Milly: A champion slime would be a real cash cow in this place.
Nevan: So the slimes are brought here purely to earn money for their masters...
Ashlynn: Wow... So we can see slimes from all over the world here!?
Terry: There's some seriously dodgy characters here...
Amos: Old Amos has always dreamt of makin' it big...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...already big... (slobber)
Carver: Hardy har! I bet I could bench a hundred slimes!
Milly: It may be the slimes that are fighting, but there are significant demands on the trainers too.
Nevan: There's more to slime-fighting than meets the eye.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I do silly things when I get nervous, too.
Terry: There's no point in that guy getting nervous now.
Amos: Old Amos will stick to liftin' his sword and shield for exercise, thanks very much.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Flexible little fella, aye?
Milly: There really are all sorts of slimes here.
Nevan: Does a slime solidify when it gets nervous? I wonder...
Ashlynn: Wow, look at him jiggle! I just wanna poke him!
Terry: That slime's got no fear of humans.
Amos: That slime isn't goin' to start bitin' is it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Must be tough to be a rookie slime in this place.
Milly: Sounds like Blush has a history of escape attempts...
Nevan: Perhaps there are pacifist slimes?
Ashlynn: You don't think that guy's been abusing his slime or anything, do you?
Terry: What kind of trainer loses his slime?
Amos: If that fellow was my trainer, old Amos would run off too.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Whoa, what a quiverin' pile of goo...
Milly: He seems to be hiding...
Milly: I suppose that little fellow must be Blush.
Nevan: That slime is somewhat short of get-up-and-goo.
Ashlynn: Is he playing hide-and-seek, or what?
Terry: That slime's no fighter – it's written all over its face.
Amos: This slime shouldn't let its guard down.
Lizzie: (snarl) Shivering...scaredy-slime... (spit)
Carver: Hardy har! I can't tell 'em apart, neither.
Milly: I'm glad that others have difficulty telling slimes apart. I thought it was just me...
Nevan: So the champion slime gets a statue created in its likeness?
Ashlynn: Wow! You think the real Hammer's here?
Terry: Even if slimes' faces look the same, they all move differently.
Amos: Maybe we all look the same to slimes.
Lizzie: (snarl) Slime...all...look...same... (slobber)
Carver: That slime's got a real sparkle in her eyes.
Milly: I think that one's my favourite!
Nevan: That slime appears to be somewhat excited.
Ashlynn: How is that slime any different from the ones in the wild again?
Terry: That one looks about as solid as slimes get.
Amos: That slime's got spirit to spare!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Big prizes, aye? Count me in!
Carver: ...Wait. These fights are for slimes only? Ah, well.
Milly: I feel sorry for the slimes who are dragged here to win prizes for their masters...
Nevan: That man speaks a good deal of sense, Hero.
Nevan: What use are prizes if you're incapable of enjoying yourself?
Ashlynn: Poor little guy... He probably just hates slime-on-slime violence...
Terry: If his slime hasn't won a single match, you have to wonder about his training methods.
Amos: Once you lose your will to fight, you might as well hang up your spurs. Right, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...big prizes... (slobber)
Carver: Huh. All the slime eyes I've seen look pretty much the same...
Milly: He's right. I can usually tell if a slime is in a good or bad mood just from looking into its eyes.
Nevan: It's not every day that you run into hot-blooded slimes burning for a fight...
Ashlynn: Speaking of which, have you ever seen a slime blink?
Terry: It's the same with humans. You can tell the winners from the losers just by looking into their eyes.
Amos: But if you stare into a slime's eyes too long wouldn't they attack you?
Lizzie: (snarl) How...Lizzie's eyes...look...? (spit)
Carver: He's really givin' the hard sell, aye? I think it's workin', too.
Milly: He seems to be hooked...
Nevan: When your own slime's in the arena, I'm sure it's quite an adrenaline rush.
Ashlynn: We better not get sucked into this. We have things to do! Monsters to slay!
Terry: I imagine watching a slime you've raised yourself doing battle is pretty gripping.
Amos: Wouldn't a slime melt in the heat of battle?
Lizzie: (snarl) Give...it...shot...? (spit)
Carver: Rank D, aye...? That's a big achievement for a little slime.
Milly: His slime certainly seems strong.
Nevan: Apparently that is no run-of-the-mill slime.
Ashlynn: What kind of name is “Ralph”? “Champ” is more like it!
Terry: That slime isn't drinking, is it?
Amos: That's a man who loves his slime!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: That's one classy slime, aye?
Milly: I don't imagine slimes would have much of a tolerance...
Nevan: That slime certainly seems to be enjoying its victory celebration.
Ashlynn: I bet that slime's forty percent water and sixty percent booze...
Terry: That slime looks like it's having a good time.
Amos: I wonder if slimes turn red when they drink too much. Maybe that's where she-slimes come from!
Lizzie: (snarl) If Lizzie drink...Lizzie breathe fire... (spit)
Carver: Hey, I like to watch. Let's make the most of it.
Milly: I wonder if there are any especially nice items among the prizes?
Nevan: The atmosphere differs somewhat from a casino, but it's still rather jolly.
Ashlynn: I'm more than happy just watching the slimes bounce all over the place.
Terry: Let's take a look around.
Amos: Next time we come, let's bring a slime!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Whoa! Did you hear that, Hero?
Carver: We've got a reputation 'n everything like that!
Ain't that great?
Milly: We like to think of ourselves as friends, not trainers.
Nevan: That bartender knows how to flatter his customers.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Good to see the bartender knows talent when he sees it!
Terry: I don't want to be known as a monster trainer – I want to be a monster master.
Amos: Any slime that travels with us is gonna get stronger regardless of trainin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: I'm as surprised as anyone. I mean, who'd expect to find a huge slime arena on some random island?
Milly: They say you make your own luck, don't they...
Nevan: Even if it was luck, some strange connection drew us here.
Ashlynn: I guess we're just naturally inclined to find places like this, huh?
Terry: To think such a remote island would be overrun by people and slimes...
Terry: Still, I suppose it's likely famous among slime aficionados.
Amos: Maybe these folk all saw this island advertised in the latest issue of “Slime Magazine”.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Thirty years, aye...? The man's committed.
Milly: Oh my, his aura is gleaming with joy.
Nevan: Thirty years dedicated to slimes...?
Nevan: Does the Slimopolis really go back that far?
Ashlynn: Wow, thirty years! He started before I was even born!
Terry: The old boy's got spirit, I'll give him that.
Amos: If you'd devoted thirty years to slimes and NOT won a thing or two, well that'd be a tad worryin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Whoa, he's right! The door's slime-shaped 'n everything like that. Hardy har!
Milly: I don't think we're qualified to enter. What a shame.
Nevan: Wouldn't a king slime get stuck?
Ashlynn: Aww, I wanna see inside!
Terry: Ah, it all makes sense...
Amos: I'd love to know what the scene is like back there.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not...fit through...door... (spit)
Carver: Huh. I wonder why that Sledge fella opened this joint in the first place...
Milly: He seems so unassuming, too... It just goes to show, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
Nevan: Those who excel in any field deserve respect.
Ashlynn: I feel like I should get Sledge's autograph or something.
Terry: Seems like this Sledge is a pretty powerful figure in the slime community.
Amos: Take a look at that! He looks like a champ alright!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Carver: So that's the owner, aye? Crikey, he's got a lotta pep for an old fella.
Milly: So that's Sledge. His passion for slimes is certainly clear...
Nevan: I sense the deep love and respect Sledge has for all slimes.
Ashlynn: Wow! Pretty cool for an old guy, huh?
Terry: I hope I'm still on top of my game at his age.
Amos: Old Amos reckons he could take down the champ...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Geh! That got my heart goin'. Is he really a slime?
Milly: My word... I didn't know slimes could make that kind of sound.
Nevan: I would hate to cross that ferocious slime...
Ashlynn: I don't think even I could take that guy in a fair fight!
Terry: That slime has the aura of a natural-born winner.
Amos: That slime doesn't have fangs does it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Slime...voice... Scarier...than...Lizzie... (slobber)
Carver: Hardy har! They even run in the Slimopolis, aye?
Milly: “A metal slime never changes its shine”, as they say... It must be tough for the trainers.
Nevan: It's gone in the blink of an eye...
Ashlynn: Wow! Those things can move!
Terry: That speed... That sleekness... It could only be a metal slime.
Amos: You'd think havin' a metal body would slow it down...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Too bad they don't have slime races to go along with the fights here.
Milly: That's the result of focusing on speed above all else.
Nevan: He's proud of his slime's strengths, but shouldn't he work on its weaknesses?
Ashlynn: Maybe he should nail that slime to the floor or something...
Terry: Fleeing from battles is nothing to boast about.
Amos: Runnin' away's a sly way to win!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: He doesn't have a leg to stand on, aye? Hardy har!
Milly: He should be supporting his slime, really. The poor thing is trying its best...
Nevan: He looks like he's about to jump in and join the fight himself.
Ashlynn: Boy, people really get into this!
Terry: Shouting at a slime's not going to make it sprout limbs...
Amos: That's no way to support your slime.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: We'd better keep our distance from that girl...
Milly: Ah, the lure of the forbidden fruit. It's human nature.
Nevan: She makes the Slimopolis sound like a fairly insalubrious place.
Ashlynn: She needs to let go and just enjoy it.
Terry: Over-excitement isn't good for your health.
Amos: Imagine bein' married to a lass like that?
It'd be a bloomin' nightmare...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: She had me at “fabulous prize”.
Milly: If we're going to do this, we're in it to win it!
Nevan: Should we allow our heads to be turned by glitzy prizes, victory will remain elusive.
Ashlynn: Sure is a lot riding on these slimes, huh?
Terry: It's all about the battle – not what you can win.
Amos: Can you win a bunny girl...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...prize... (spit)
Carver: Grrr... We'll get 'em next time!
Milly: I suppose more training is required.
Nevan: What a shame.
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! We can do better than that!
Terry: We won't win till our slime pulls its gooey socks up.
Amos: This feels worse than losin' a battle yourself!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh! Lizzie...hate...losing... (spit)
Carver: Crikey! I'm so happy, I could cry!
Milly: Congratulations, (Slime Buddy)! I'm so proud of you!
Nevan: (Slime Buddy), that was extraordinary!
Ashlynn: Wow! (Slime Buddy) kicked some goo in there!
Terry: Well, at this rank, victory was pretty much assured for (Slime Buddy).
Amos: A kiss from a bunny girl!? Old Amos is green with envy...
Amos: Why can't I transform into a slime...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...compete...too... (spit)
Carver: You da slime, (Slime Buddy)! I'm all choked up here!
Milly: Well done, (Slime Buddy)! What an effort!
Milly: Watching you out there – you made me so proud!
Nevan: Brilliant performance, (Slime Buddy)!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! If I was a slime, I'd totally fall for you, (Slime Buddy)!
Terry: Nice work, (Slime Buddy). How does it feel to be the world's toughest slime?
Amos: You really pulled it off...
Amos: Let's all bask in the glory – and share the prize!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie proud... (Slime Buddy) great...ally... (slobber)
Carver: Whoa! They're gonna put up a statue of (Slime Buddy)!?
Milly: What a contest that was. I wonder if there's ever been a battle like it?
Nevan: That truly was a battle for the ages.
Ashlynn: We better get (Slime Buddy)'s autograph before the fame and fortune sets in!
Terry: I must admit, I was impressed.
Amos: A statue, no less? ...What are they goin' to do with the old one?
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie...jealous... (spit)
Carver: I tell ya, I thought my heart was gonna jump outta my throat back there!
Milly: She seems so happy, you'd think it was her that won.
Nevan: (Slime Buddy) is the new Sultan of the Slimopolis!
Ashlynn: I still can't believe it! Like, we really did it! We really beat Hammer!
Terry: I always knew you had it in you, (Slime Buddy).
Amos: It was a great victory, but you shouldn't have hogged all the kissin' for yourself, (Slime Buddy)!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...respect...(Slime Buddy)... (slobber)
Carver: We ain't any ol' tourists. We're on a journey to save the world!
Milly: He wouldn't be calling us tourists if he knew where we were headed...
Nevan: Becoming champion is one thing – defending the title is quite another.
Ashlynn: I guess (Slime Buddy)'s gonna have to defend the title pretty soon, huh?
Terry: (Slime Buddy) showed the former champion what for.
Amos: The world's crazy alright. I'll give him that!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: It's time for the ol' slimers to make way for the new generation, aye?
Milly: It's true, most slimes look the same to me too...
Milly: But I'll make it a point to try and remember (Slime Buddy)'s face!
Nevan: Once (Slime Buddy)'s statue is ready, celebrity status awaits.
Ashlynn: I bet (Slime Buddy)'s statue will be a hot meeting place around here!
Terry: I'll bet (Slime Buddy)'s victory has reignited other slimes' desire to do battle.
Amos: If all slimes look the same, don't all slime statues look the same as well?
Lizzie: (slobber) Every...monster...unique...snowflake... (spit)
Carver: I'm gettin' embarrassed here, and I wasn't even the one fightin'.
Milly: (Slime Buddy) is already quite a famous figure – or should I say famous figoore? Hee hee.
Nevan: Word of (Slime Buddy)'s victory has spread with impressive speed.
Ashlynn: They'll be selling (Slime Buddy) dolls and lunch pails before long, I'll bet.
Terry: It was certainly a fight to remember, that's for sure.
Amos: Thanks to (Slime Buddy), we can stroll round the Slimopolis like we own the place.
Lizzie: (snarl) Everyone...excited... (slobber)
Carver: Hardy har...
Milly: Hammer was tough – I can see why he thought so.
Nevan: Destiny had a hand in that victory.
Ashlynn: All that effort seems worth it now, huh?
Terry: Slime battling's about to get a lot more exciting.
Amos: The era of (Slime Buddy) has arrived!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: He's a champion chugger, at least...
Milly: I never knew slimes could drink so much...
Nevan: I'm not convinced this is in the slime trainer's handbook...
Ashlynn: All that slurping's gone right to his...hips? ...Belly? What would you call that exactly?
Terry: Something tells me he was going to celebrate either way...
Amos: In a drinkin' contest, my money'd be on that slime.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: He shouldn't beat himself up over this.
Milly: I feel bad... He's devoted his life to training slimes...
Nevan: We should encourage him not to throw in the towel just yet.
Ashlynn: He shouldn't quit. It's all about being in the right place with the right slime at the right time!
Ashlynn: ...Although his slime's probably a little past his prime, huh?
Terry: Ending a thirty year career with a shock like that must be hard to handle.
Amos: He shouldn't give up – here's to the next thirty years!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Hardy har! We're just a bunch of tourists, aye?
Milly: I hope we haven't set a bad example by winning with an untrained slime...
Nevan: (Slime Buddy)'s victory has made quite an impact.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Nobody saw this coming!
Terry: We didn't do a thing – it was all (Slime Buddy).
Amos: Seems like we've caused quite a stir.
Lizzie: (snarl) Me...Lizzie... Who...YOU people...? (slobber)
Carver: Uh... That girl's got slime on the brain alright...
Milly: I hope she doesn't start chasing (Slime Buddy) around...
Nevan: Whatever is that girl implying?
Ashlynn: If she likes slimes so much, why doesn't she marry one?
Terry: Let's steer clear of that one.
Amos: If I transformed into a slime would she go for me?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Fightin's the least of that fella's problems, aye?
Milly: I believe I know how that battle would turn out...
Nevan: Fleeing to fight another day is often a sound strategy.
Ashlynn: At least he'd score a tie once time ran out... I think?
Terry: We need to work to be as fast as that metal slime.
Amos: It'd need to be a cage match to keep it from runnin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: Huh. So we can still mix it up in the ranks a little, aye?
Milly: Which ranks are still available for us to enter, then?
Nevan: I'd like to see all our slimes become champions.
Ashlynn: So as long as we pay the entry fees, we can keep on winning prizes? Yippee!
Terry: A champion should keep battling to stay sharp.
Amos: Let's collect all the prizes!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...more prizes... (spit)
Carver: Hammer's a killer name, too – but I've always had a thing for hammers.
Milly: Well, that was nice to hear.
Nevan: (Slime Buddy)'s destiny was set the day (he/she/it) was given that name.
Ashlynn: I like (Slime Buddy)'s name, too!
Terry: You can tell a lot from a name. “(Slime Buddy)” just screams “champion”.
Amos: So if (he/she/it) had a wimpy name, (he/she/it) wouldn't be as strong?
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie...like...(Slime Buddy)...name... (snarl)
Carver: A “bundle of nerves” don't sound like a bundle 'o fun, but maybe it's still worth a shot...
Milly: Sledge wants us to train a slime for him!? What an honour!
Nevan: To think there's a slime that even Sledge has trouble with...
Ashlynn: Sounds like this one's nothing like Hammer, huh?
Terry: What do you think, Hero? Surely you've got what it takes to train up this slime.
Amos: When Sledge offered three million gold coins, old Amos's heart was racin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) This...slime... Scaredy-slime... (spit)
Carver: Hardy har! Well if that ain't the cutest...
Milly: I can't wait to see Sledge's face when we bring Goober back all toughened up!
Nevan: If this slime is willing to join our party, it is surely no coward.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! His name's really Goober, huh? That's so silly!
Terry: It doesn't look that different from Hammer, to be honest...
Amos: Right, let's put this little blob through its paces!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Carver: He'll be putty in our hands, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. I have high hopes for his development.
Nevan: I pray that one day Goober will rise to become champion of the Slimopolis.
Ashlynn: Hey, let's take Goober back to see Sledge once we toughen him up a bit.
Terry: I'll make sure we knock this slime into shape.
Amos: Let's toughen this slime up!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...help train slime... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's not like we've had him for very long...
Milly: He's still got some toughening up to do...
Nevan: The longest journey starts with a single slimy step...
Ashlynn: We don't have much to show Sledge yet, huh?
Terry: He's not battle-hardened yet.
Amos: Well, it's not really my place to comment.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Goober's a quick learner, aye?
Milly: He's fighting well, but he's still not quite ready for the Slimopolis.
Nevan: He's begun to develop his own unique fighting style.
Ashlynn: Goober's getting there, but he's not ready for prime time yet.
Terry: We'll turn Goober into a lean, mean, fighting machine. ...Well, a fighting machine, anyway.
Amos: If he hadn't made some kind of progress, old Amos would be hangin' his head in shame.
Lizzie: (snarl) Getting...stronger... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey! I never thought I'd be jealous of a slime!
Milly: Goober's father must have been a super-strong slime!
Nevan: This is marvellous!
Ashlynn: Wow! Look at Goober! He's practically glowing!
Terry: Hmm... I wonder what I inherited from my parents...
Amos: Old Amos would love to learn that ability.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: We owe Sledge big time, aye? He really beefed up our team!
Milly: That cold breath of his will make Goober a key party member!
Nevan: Goober's face is starting to look different from other slimes!
Ashlynn: So Goober's officially part of the gang starting today, huh?
Terry: It's good to have Goober on board.
Amos: Let's keep trainin' him up!
Lizzie: (snarl) Together...forever... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Goober's officially one of us now!
Milly: Goober and his cold breath will have a big part to play in our future adventures!
Nevan: Goober's face seems to be sparkling.
Ashlynn: All of Goober's on-the-job training really paid off for us, huh?
Terry: If he's willing to fight with us, he's alright by me.
Amos: As final gifts go, this is a fine one!
Lizzie: (snarl) Goober...strong now... Good...ally... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! So that's how slimes congratulate each other 'n everything like that?
Milly: Hammer and Goober must have been good friends.
Nevan: These two slimes' abilities may already be on the same level.
Ashlynn: I'd love to see Goober and Hammer duke it out sometime!
Terry: Looks like even Hammer recognises Goober's ability.
Amos: If someone swapped those two slimes, old Amos wouldn't even notice.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hammer...look...happy... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing! Boing!
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Carver: Nice little town they've got here, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: May the blessings of the Goddess be upon this town...
Ashlynn: Is it my imagination, or does this place feel somehow different from the other towns we've been to?
Amos: Let's give it our all today!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Felonia, aye? Not too shabby. Lots of shops, too.
Milly: ............
Nevan: The townsfolk certainly seem to have a good deal of vim.
Ashlynn: Nothing nicer than a warm welcome, huh?
Amos: He's got a healthy-lookin' tan.
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
Carver: New king, aye? Did they have a cootie tat...
Uh, I mean a coup day toe... Er, an uprisin'?
Milly: ............
Nevan: I'm glad to hear the town's improved.
Ashlynn: It doesn't sound like those Gandino guys were the friendly sorta gang, does it...
Amos: So do you reckon the Gandino gang used to get up to mischief?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What, you knew about 'em all along, Hero?
Milly: ............
Nevan: Perhaps we should further investigate this Gandino gang.
Ashlynn: You think the reason this town seems different is because of that Gandino gang?
Amos: Fraid old Amos doesn't have the first clue about these rumours.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, the Gandino gang are news to me.
Milly: ............
Nevan: Perhaps we should further investigate this Gandino gang.
Ashlynn: You think the reason this town seems different is because of that Gandino gang?
Amos: So the Gandino gang are yesterday's news, are they?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Maybe he'd snap to his senses if he just dove right in, aye?
Milly: That gentleman is certainly fond of a tipple.
Nevan: Is a “proper” drink really that desirable?
Ashlynn: Why do drunks like drinking so much?
Amos: I bet that fellow is sucking up ditch water by nightfall.
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: The castle's no place for kids. They'd get into trouble, aye?
Milly: Oh my... I wonder why that could be?
Nevan: Perhaps the King dislikes children?
Ashlynn: That kid probably put some burning horse plop on the front step or something.
Amos: So the castle has a “no nipper” policy, eh?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: It don't matter how nice that kid is – we can't help him.
Milly: And yet adults are allowed in... I suppose he'll just have to be patient.
Nevan: Perhaps if the King were more discriminating in who he granted an audience, more subjects could be allowed in the castle...
Ashlynn: The weird thing is the castle's wide open to travellers like us.
Amos: I'm sure if that lad met the King directly, he'd be allowed in.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Was that a dare? Let's check out that house!
Milly: ............
Nevan: The townsfolk appear to have a healthy dislike for this Gandino gang.
Ashlynn: Could this Gandino gang really be as bad as they say?
Amos: We're not scared of some two-bit gang!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Is he talkin' to me? I wish I had time to teach him a little respect.
Milly: ............
Nevan: He'd best improve his attitude if he wishes to avoid eternal damnation. The Goddess is taking notes...
Ashlynn: What's with that guy? Ugh.
Amos: What a charmin' greetin'!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That was easy. Let's head inside, Hero!
Milly: ............
Nevan: So the King will grant an audience to even his humblest subject...
Ashlynn: King Benedict sure sounds like a real prince, huh?
Amos: Let's take him up on the offer and go inside!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Crikey. That fella's really beating himself up, aye? Hope things work out.
Milly: ............
Nevan: That fellow just now was filled with regret for some past sin...
Nevan: He need not fear. If he has faith in the Goddess, he will surely be forgiven.
Ashlynn: That old guy didn't look so good...
Amos: So that chap's headin' to see the Gandino gang...
Shall we tail him?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That lady seems concerned for her fella, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: Atoning for his sins? I wonder what he's done.
Ashlynn: Oh, yeah! Have we been to the church yet?
We should pay it a visit!
Amos: Old Amos has never committed a sin that needed confessin'...
Amos: ...I-I'm sorry. That was a lie. I'd better go to church to confess...
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: The King must be a pretty nice fella to get praise like that.
Carver: ...Or maybe the last king was that much of a bum. Or maybe both!
Milly: ............
Nevan: A good king casts a benign glow over his entire kingdom.
Ashlynn: I'm starting to wonder what the last king was like, actually.
Amos: The latest king's a popular lad and no mistake!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This King Benedict sounds like a reasonable ruler, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: A good king casts a benign glow over his entire kingdom.
Ashlynn: If I ever become a king, I want to be just like Felonia's. You know – all nice and sociable...
Ashlynn: Oh, wait! I'd be a queen, not a king! Tee hee!
Amos: A ruler needs to have a big heart.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! It's like I always say – you want the best gossip, ya gotta hit the tavern!
Milly: ............
Nevan: It seems this Gandino gang is in dire straits.
Ashlynn: What kind of work do the Gandinos do, anyway?
Amos: A gang leader, eh? I'm a bit intimidated just imaginin' him...
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Whoa. Every country should have a king like this.
Milly: ............
Nevan: Between taxes and extortion, I'm surprised that fellow was left with enough to live on.
Ashlynn: No wonder the bartender's crazy for the King. Those Gandinos were bleeding this place dry!
Amos: If he wants us to drink to the King's health, he'll need to pour us all somethin' to toast with...
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: An extraordinary shield, aye? Hearin' that gets my juices flowin'!
Milly: ............
Nevan: That reminds me – didn't we hear somewhere that the legendary shield could be found in Felonia?
Ashlynn: Hey, uh, that shield... That's gotta be the legendary shield, right?
Amos: Any travellin' salesman worth his salt wouldn't throw in the towel that easily...
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Oof. Looks like we picked the wrong time to drop by. Let's go.
Milly: ............
Nevan: He appears to be engaged in a heated discussion with that woman.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! He made me jump, turning around all quick like that...
Amos: That lad sounds very...er...persuasive.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Looks like we interrupted somethin', aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: They're clearly discussing a delicate subject.
Ashlynn: I think I know how she feels.
Amos: ...So she's lookin' for a good-lookin' fellow, eh?
Think old Amos should introduce himself?
Amos: You're right... I don't know what I was thinkin'... (sob)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! I wasn't expectin' a full confession 'n everything like that!
Milly: ............
Nevan: The Goddess frowns upon all forms of bribery.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! Was the last King really that crooked?
Amos: Even if you sent me dancin' girls, I wouldn't eat out of anyone's hand. ...Would I?
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey! Either that guy's feedin' us a tall tale, or he's the biggest scoundrel around!
Milly: ............
Nevan: If what he said is true, divine retribution will catch up with him eventually.
Ashlynn: Sounds like he got a real beating. I hope he managed to survive...
Amos: Old Amos can't bear to listen...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: No happy endings for this story, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: O merciful Goddess...
Ashlynn: ......
Amos: ............
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's probably all the old fella can do, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: There's no end to that old gentleman's pent-up frustration.
Ashlynn: The poor, poor man...
Amos: There must have been some reason he felt he had to sell that girl...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She seems like an alright girl, but...
Milly: ............
Nevan: She must possess a cast-iron will...
Ashlynn: She's right! She needs to leave as fast as her feet can carry her!
Amos: Could old Amos be the good-lookin' fella she's been waitin' for...?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: “Ain't in the best shape” is right, by the looks of it...
Milly: ............
Nevan: This boss appears to be rather long in the tooth...
Ashlynn: He looks like he's in agony... I wonder what's wrong.
Amos: It's not like we're here to have a leisurely chat with this boss...
Goober: ............
Carver: Leave him in peace, Hero. He ain't long for this world.
Milly: ............
Nevan: So this was the Gandino gang's leader?
Now he looks like any other elderly man.
Ashlynn: Anyone called “the evil emperor” is no friend of mine.
Amos: The “evil emperor”, eh? I dread to think what kind of empire he ran...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What do ya think they were hiding out from?
Milly: ............
Nevan: Only scoundrels need a secret hide-out...
Ashlynn: Blech. It smells awful in here...
Amos: Old Amos's eyes haven't quite adjusted to the gloom...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'd be keepin' an eye on him if I were her. He's in sorry shape, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: It seems that some youngsters were terribly wronged and the regret still lingers...
Ashlynn: This couple looks like they're at the end of their rope, don't they? How awful...
Amos: It seems that whatever went on here once upon a time, it was no fairy tale...
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Is that fella dreamin' about liftin' weights or somethin'? The sweat's pourin' down his face.
Milly: ............
Nevan: He appears to be having a troubling dream.
Ashlynn: Wow. Must be some nightmare.
Amos: That fellow looks like he's seriously sufferin'.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Now that I see it up close, I can tell this castle is rock solid.
Milly: What a polite soldier.
Nevan: Let's head in.
Ashlynn: My! That soldier certainly looked chipper.
Amos: Greetin' folks properly is the sign of a good guard.
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: I'd like to see 'em just try that with us.
Carver: If the old King was still around, I woulda landed a roundhouse right on his crown!
Milly: ............
Nevan: I presume the current King is the old King's son...? Unlike father, unlike son – or so it would seem...
Ashlynn: Wow! That old king was a royal jerk.
Amos: Is what that soldier said true, d'you reckon?
Amos: If so, that old King sounds like a right bad'un and no mistake!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She must be glad she missed all that junk, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: The Queen's profound love and respect for her husband are clear.
Ashlynn: What a pretty Queen!
Amos: Slave girls!? Did that stuff really go on here!?
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Right up here, aye? Let's go.
Milly: I wonder what kind of person the current King is...
Nevan: We've come all this way – I feel we should speak to the King.
Ashlynn: Come on! I wanna go meet the King!
Amos: If the King's upstairs, we should be upstairs!
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: King Benedict is one shrewd ruler, aye?
Milly: It seems the King is really worried about the fate of the world.
Nevan: He's prepared to lend an ear to anyone. What a fine figure of a King!
Ashlynn: What a wonderful King! People like that make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Amos: Old Amos don't half get nervous when meetin' royal folk...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: A fake, aye...? I reckon most of the rumours leave that bit out.
Milly: ............
Nevan: It seems that the true legendary shield is not to be found in this kingdom.
Ashlynn: Those Gandino people sound rotten to the core.
Amos: So the King got fooled by a fake legendary shield?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Findin' that shield is a job for us, not those Gandino thugs.
Milly: ............
Nevan: A mysterious cave found by following a river upstream from the sea far to the east...
I suggest we take note of this.
Ashlynn: If the cave's at the end of a river, maybe we can just reach it by ship?
Amos: Let's get that shield as quick as we can!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye! No way those Gandino crooks could've gotten their hands on this thing.
Milly: That really was a curious cavern.
Nevan: That soldier's words proved extremely helpful.
Ashlynn: That cave was rough for us. The Gandino gang wouldn't have lasted three minutes!
Amos: It took the likes of us to get that shield!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Slaves, aye? That makes me sick to my stomach.
Milly: ............
Nevan: The Archfiend is sadly not the only source of evil in this world...
Ashlynn: I would've tried to start an uprising or something if I had lived here then.
Amos: I'll bet the old King gobbled up all the good food himself.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Looks like they keep their weapons at the ready even during breaks, aye?
Milly: This room is beautiful.
Nevan: So this is where the guards take their ease.
Ashlynn: How long's an average workday for these guys, do you think?
Amos: They've got surprisingly comfy-lookin' beds.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Good Goddess, he scared me! What kinda dream was he havin', anyway?
Milly: Oh my, he's drenched with sweat. I hope he doesn't catch a cold.
Nevan: The monster he saw in his dream was doubtless terrifying. His whole body is shaking.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! I thought he was talking about us! He got me all worked up over nothing.
Amos: When that lad yelled, it terrified old Amos!
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing!!!
Carver: Pretty fancy, aye? Musta been good to be that king.
Milly: ............
Nevan: A private pleasure chamber? Something about that troubles me...
Ashlynn: I bet the old king took bubble baths in here every day. I would!
Amos: Bloomin' heck! He lived in the lap of luxury and no mistake!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Great! Let's go and say hello!
Milly: ............
Nevan: An audience with the King, at last!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! We're gonna see the King!
Amos: Old Amos is shakin' like a leaf...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: King Benedict is one shrewd ruler, aye?
Milly: It seems the King is really worried about the fate of the world.
Nevan: He's prepared to lend an ear to anyone. What a fine figure of a King!
Ashlynn: What a wonderful King! People like that make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Amos: Old Amos don't half get nervous when meetin' royal folk...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Alright. Forget about the monsters... I wanna beat up that fella.
Milly: ............
Nevan: Thank the Goddess the previous King is only a distant memory!
Ashlynn: Does the poor wittle man have to do his own worky-work now? Jerk.
Amos: You can just imagine the state of this place under the old King's rule.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Geh. Talk about a queen of mean.
Carver: She musta picked up those nasty habits from her ol' hubby.
Milly: ............
Nevan: So the current King is the Queen Mother's son.
Ashlynn: “Too beautiful”? What'll happen when she lays eyes on me?
Amos: I'm guessin' this Queen Mother isn't too beautiful...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: ...You pickin' up what he's puttin' down? I'm lost.
Milly: We'd do well to remember what he just said.
Nevan: Shall we make a note of that, Hero?
Nevan: “South of the golden dragon. Circle the wall, then examine the grass to open the path...”
Nevan: What could it be referring to, I wonder?
Ashlynn: Sounds like an old legend, huh? Still worth keeping in mind, though.
Amos: A golden dragon? Is it real? Fake? I'm intrigued...
Goober: Boing? Boing...
Carver: There's no way anybody but us coulda figured out that cave, aye?
Milly: We never would've found the Shield of Valora without that information.
Nevan: He furnished us with invaluable information.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Too bad for him that we already found the shield, huh?
Amos: Thinkin' back, that was a bloomin' odd cave.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Nice fella, aye? He has trustworthy eyes 'n everything like that.
Milly: ............
Nevan: I can see now why the townsfolk are so enamoured with their ruler.
Ashlynn: Not a bad-looking king, huh?
Amos: This King's a straight-shooter and no mistake.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It seems like the King 'n Queen have quite a fan club around these parts, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: The current King and Queen enjoy a fine reputation.
Ashlynn: I'm sure in no rush to meet the old King and Queen...
Amos: Well, I don't know exactly what the old ones were like, but they sound bloomin' awful.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Your move, Hero.
Milly: ............
Nevan: The chamber of the Queen Mother...
How shall we proceed?
Ashlynn: I wonder what the Queen Mother's like...
Amos: So we're not allowed to poke our noses in there?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We got the go-ahead from the Queen Mother herself, aye? Crazy!
Milly: ............
Nevan: Well, then. Let us pay the Queen Mother a visit.
Ashlynn: Us? Cause trouble? Never!
Amos: It's good we persevered.
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Evil fiends, aye? What's that about?
Milly: ............
Nevan: But hasn't the previous King passed away...?
Ashlynn: That lady's, like, making me a little antsy.
Amos: Now we've said hello, could we say goodbye and scarper?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Poor fella... Workin' in servitude must've scrambled his wits a bit.
Milly: ............
Nevan: The more I learn about the previous King's wrong-doings, the harder it is to control my anger.
Ashlynn: I'd leave this dump and never look back if I were him.
Amos: For an old person to be stuck here sounds like a fate worse than death.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: A slave chamber, aye...? The more I hear about this place, the more I wanna punch somethin'.
Milly: ............
Nevan: No being is a slave in the eyes of the Goddess.
Ashlynn: If I lived here, I bet I'd get sent to the slave room so fast my pretty head would spin.
Amos: How could they do this!?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey! Better days my foot! Thank Goddess things have changed 'n everything like that.
Milly: ............
Nevan: If we could turn back time, I'd dearly love to teach the previous King a lesson.
Ashlynn: Oh, ew, ew, ew! What a creep!
Amos: Praisin' someone for kidnappin' a young girl?
It makes your blood boil!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: A “mysterious power”, aye...? Was she a slave too, or...?
Milly: ............
Nevan: I wonder if that girl ever found her brother...
Ashlynn: Is he alright? He looked kinda wobbly.
Amos: Just what did that old boy entrust to this girl?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The poor fella can't see...?
Milly: ............
Nevan: I wonder how much that old man can see now...
Ashlynn: Hey... Hey, is he okay!?
Amos: ...Legends? ...An ocarina?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He looks like he could use the rest, aye?
Milly: ............
Nevan: I pray he is having pleasant dreams.
Ashlynn: Whew... He's just asleep. For a second I thought...
Amos: I hope all that old boy's dreams come true.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: I hope he ain't countin' on me for an answer...
Milly: What kind of place could this Celestial Castle be?
Nevan: It seems to be some kind of code. We should take note of it.
Nevan: “Head to head. Right hand to right hand. Body to body. Arrange the symbols and I shall appear.”
Ashlynn: That sounded important! We better, like, write it down or something.
Amos: The Celestial Castle? Sounds like it's worth a visit.
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: We made short work of that riddle, aye? Well, you did. I supervised 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'm sure he'd be shocked if he knew we'd visited the castle.
Nevan: Where shall we head next, Hero?
Ashlynn: He might never know it, but that man's research really helped us.
Terry: So he's been stuck out here doing research?
Amos: Let's get going!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrr... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: I don't like the looks of this place. Watch your back, aye?
Milly: We could easily get lost in a sprawling cave like this. Let's take care.
Nevan: I sense there are monsters nearby. Let us be on our guard.
Ashlynn: Great. I'm already lost.
Amos: Don't leave old Amos behind, d'you hear?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey, this cave is twisty. Blink and you're lost.
Milly: Something's just occurred to me, Hero.
Do you recall what that fellow in the cave east of Clearvale told us?
Milly: “First, north. At the end, east. North at the first four-way intersection, then south at the four-way intersection to the west.”
Milly: That is what he said, isn't it?
Nevan: “First, north. At the end, east. North at the first four-way intersection, then south at the four-way intersection to the west.”
Nevan: Perhaps that information refers to this place.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Which way next...? I'm losing track here.
Amos: No matter where we go, it seems like we're back to the same place.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: No tricks or traps in this bit, it looks like...
Milly: We had some hints for the floor above, but we've got nothing to help us down here, have we?
Nevan: I think it best we stick closely together.
Ashlynn: This floor seems normal enough. ...Maybe too normal?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: No tricks or traps in this bit, it looks like...
Milly: Do you remember what that scholar told us, Hero?
Milly: “South of the golden dragon. Circle the wall, then examine the grass to open the path...”
Milly: ...I have a feeling his words may come in handy here...
Nevan: “South of the golden dragon. Circle the wall, then examine the grass to open the path...”
Nevan: Hero, do you remember that advice?
Ashlynn: This floor seems normal enough. ...Maybe too normal?
Amos: South of the golden dragon. Circle the wall, then... Er... What came next...?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ahoy! A stairway, aye? Just as I thought!
Milly: It seems to be a hidden staircase.
Nevan: A hidden staircase! Let's head down...
Ashlynn: Yippee! That staircase is prettier than gold right now!
Amos: Why'd they feel the need to hide it like this? Old Amos is gettin' nervous...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Something ain't right about this, Hero.
Milly: My word... How far down do we need to go?
Nevan: The room just seems to repeat...
Ashlynn: I'm starting to think persistence is futile here. Why don't we backtrack a little?
Amos: This dungeon might have a hundred levels under the ground. (gulp)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Something ain't right about this, Hero.
Carver: Hey, I just got to thinkin'... Remember that thing King Poseidon said? Maybe he was talkin' about this place.
Carver: Uh, what was it again...? Three steps forward, two steps back? Somethin' like that...
Milly: “In the small room of repetition, the true path forward lies at three levels down and two levels up.”...
Milly: Do you remember that hint, Hero? I'm sure it refers to this place, don't you think?
Nevan: “In the small room of repetition, the true path forward lies at three levels down and two levels up.” ...This is it!
Ashlynn: We're just chasing our tails here. I know we are!
Ashlynn: Hey, do you think this is that “small room of repetition” King Poseidon told us about?
Amos: Could this be what old Poseidon was talkin' about?
Amos: Wouldn't you know – old Amos has completely forgotten! Any idea, Hero?
Goober: Boing, boing, boing... Boi-oing, boi-oing?
Carver: Whoa! Now where are we?
Milly: We made it through!
Nevan: Have we made it to the next room?
Ashlynn: It's tough to tell these rooms apart unless you look reeeeally close at them, huh?
Amos: I thought we were goin' to spend the rest of our natural lives wanderin' in circles.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Does anyone even know how many levels down we are?
Milly: We can't relax yet. Let's push on.
Nevan: There is a distinct chill in the air. We must be extremely deep underground.
Ashlynn: Is the Shield of Valora even in this stupid place? I'm starting to get worried...
Amos: This level looks like a big one. Old Amos's feet are achin'...
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey! We did it, Hero!
Carver: The legendary shield is all ours! Well, all yours.
Milly: Finally, we did it! The legendary shield!
Milly: We're on a roll now – let's use this momentum to get our hands on the rest of the legendary equipment!
Nevan: The legendary shield... Look how it shimmers!
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Sure would be nice if nabbing the rest of the legendary equipment was this easy!
Amos: Now, where's the next legendary relic? Old Amos can't wait to get his paws on it.
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: That's that for number two, aye? Now, on to the rest!
Milly: So this is the legendary shield... I can sense its awesome power.
Nevan: We have two of the legendary relics in our possession. Now for the third...
Ashlynn: Great job, Hero! That's two down!
Amos: The legendary shield, eh? Let's equip it and show off right away!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We've got three out of four! Crikey, that shield's a sight, aye?
Milly: ...And now for the legendary sword. Let's go!
Nevan: All that remains is the legendary sword.
Ashlynn: Try the shield out, Hero!
Amos: This legendary shield is a beauty!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing? Boooing!
Carver: That's that for this place, aye? Time to shove off.
Milly: Is there anything else we can find here?
Nevan: We now have the Shield of Valora in our possession.
Nevan: Where to next?
Ashlynn: This place was such a headache!
Terry: We've got nothing more to do here, right?
Amos: This dungeon's chock-full of mysteries.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: The “Celestial Castle”, aye? Where can we get tickets to see that?
Milly: I hope that we'll have defeated the Archfiend by the next time we meet King Poseidon.
Nevan: Findin' the Shield of Valora was no simple task.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We're really on a roll, huh? Nothing can stop us!
Amos: The Celestial Castle, eh? That's quite a name!
Goober: Boing!?
Carver: The King really flipped his crown there, aye?
Milly: I hope that we'll have defeated the Archfiend by the next time we meet King Poseidon.
Nevan: Findin' the Shield of Valora was no simple task.
Ashlynn: Okay, Hero, where to next?
Amos: We lived up to Poseidon's expectations!?
Er, I mean... Of course we did!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A coupla wise guys, aye? Didn't we hear a rumour about these fellas somewhere...?
Milly: Isaac and Benjamin... I sense we'd do well to remember those names.
Nevan: Two wise men? I'd very much like to meet them.
Ashlynn: Isaac and Benjamin? Hmm... Nope, doesn't ring a bell.
Amos: I bet those wise men know a thing or two.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: That joint seemed a little rough for a princess...
Milly: Hey, don't encourage her, Hero.
Nevan: If I was her father, I'd put my foot down too.
Ashlynn: The castle looks nice on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that'll kill you.
Amos: I wonder why Poseidon's so irritable? Maybe he got out of the wrong side of the seabed!
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Well, the whole world's full of monsters, so...
Milly: We really must do something about those monsters...
Nevan: Indeed, it vexes us as well.
Ashlynn: I guess the monsters just went and made themselves at home, huh?
Amos: The Celestial Castle? More like the Monster Manor!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, I reckon it's okay for her to go there now.
Milly: I'm ever so glad we were able to recapture the castle from Dhuran.
Nevan: It is indeed a marvellous castle.
Ashlynn: It's not your average castle, that's for sure.
Terry: That princess should stick with her daydreams...
Amos: Old Amos would be happy to be the Princess's tour guide.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That castle was really somethin', but I don't think it ever took my breath any place.
Milly: The ones who first invited us weren't the best hosts, but the castle's current inhabitants are simply wonderful people.
Nevan: Eh? Hero, was there still some problem at the castle?
Ashlynn: That castle wasn't much for first impressions, but now – wow! It's stunning!
Terry: Sometimes fiction is better than truth.
Amos: Reality can be pretty tough.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boi-oing!
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Carver: That's a Somnian soldier, alright.
Milly: I wonder who this so-called “weakling” could be...
Nevan: There's a saying that every face is shared by three people in the world.
Ashlynn: A village up north? I wanna see it, Hero!
Amos: A cowardly weakling? There's no way he's talkin' about Hero.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That old fella's dream town sounds a lot like Haggleton, aye? Ya know, with that bazaar 'n all.
Milly: Hee hee. His dream certainly seemed true enough to me!
Nevan: A town where merchants all gather? There'd be no shortage of hustle and bustle.
Ashlynn: I wish we could cheer him up. It's never too late to chase your dreams!
Amos: A place where you could buy whatever you wanted, from any part of the world?
Sounds like a dream...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I know this path...
Milly: Onwards we go!
Nevan: What a stunning view.
Ashlynn: This'd be a great place to hike...if it wasn't for the monsters...
Amos: Let's take a deep breath and get climbin'!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Ehhh...? Uhhh...?
Milly: “Tania”...? “Buddy”...?
Nevan: It sounds like you're getting mixed up with someone else, Hero...
Nevan: But she did use your name... What could this all mean?
Ashlynn: That girl a friend of yours, Hero?
Amos: Want to introduce me to your friend there?
She's quite a looker...
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Avast! Is there another Hero, Hero!?
Milly: Could that have been...? Come on, let's go after this other Hero.
Nevan: ...Another Hero? Could we have finally found what we've been searching for...?
Ashlynn: I don't like that Buddy guy at all!
He's, like, a total jerk!
Amos: Seems we interrupted a blazin' row.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Pretty dark in here, aye?
Milly: Let's be careful.
Nevan: It seems that people often make use of these caves.
Ashlynn: It'd be easy to get lost in here.
Amos: Are we goin' up or down? Old Amos has lost track.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm. So nobody's home in this world, aye?
Milly: There's no one here, and yet... Isn't it just spick and span?
Nevan: Is this where people ascending the mountain trail stop to rest?
Ashlynn: This seems to be a monster-free zone, at least.
Amos: Beds in a place like this!?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
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Carver: Quiet li'l country village, aye? Just like the dream-world Weaver's Peak.
Milly: What do you think, Hero? It seems just like Weaver's Peak in the dream world, doesn't it?
Nevan: The air seems so thin here. It must be because of the altitude.
Ashlynn: Aww... This village is so cute and quiet.
Amos: Take a nice deep breath of that country air!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'll smash that wall if it's botherin' ya, Hero?
Milly: Oh my... Who'd write such a thing?
Nevan: I cannot approve of graffiti.
Ashlynn: Wow, Hero! You're famous!
Amos: Seems you're a popular chap, Hero!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I guessed some big-shot lived up in that house.
Milly: The Mayor will be able to tell us more about the village.
Nevan: I wonder what the Mayor of this town is like.
Ashlynn: Why do the high-and-mighty always like to live high up?
Amos: Anythin' scribbled on the back of that sign?
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Huh. So this's Weaver's Peak, aye? The “real” one, I mean.
Milly: I wonder how this Weaver's Peak is different from your home in the dream world, Hero?
Nevan: I assume he's referring to those two we saw outside the town.
Ashlynn: Keep your eyes peeled – that other Hero's gotta be close by!
Amos: No wonder the kid's surprised, what with two Heros appearin' in quick succession.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Tania? Ain't that your sister's name, Hero? That bit's the same, at least.
Milly: She seems to have our Hero confused with that other Hero.
Nevan: Mistaken identity notwithstanding, we can still learn a lot from talking to the townsfolk.
Ashlynn: That lady's got your back, Hero.
Amos: Old dears seem to like you, Hero!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Wait, so Tania ain't your real sister, Hero?
Milly: Brother and sister...
Nevan: Were Tania's parents killed by monsters, I wonder...? I will pray for their souls...
Ashlynn: Aww! Those two seem so close.
Amos: Seems this Tania's been through a lot.
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Everyone here thinks you're the other Hero, Hero.
Milly: The other Hero seems to be a newcomer in the village.
Nevan: It is a lovely little village indeed.
Ashlynn: He's right. This village is just so soothing.
Amos: I wonder what this spirit of the mountain looks like.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Did that fella get lost on the way to a fight or somethin'?
Milly: He must not have heard the rumours about the Archfiend.
Nevan: May the Goddess watch over that wandering warrior.
Ashlynn: We can vouch for the rumours. We've gone toe-to-claw with those monsters.
Amos: I hope he finds somewhere to use his talents.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Nice joint, aye? Up on a hill 'n everything.
Milly: Oh my, this house is especially impressive.
Nevan: This spot enjoys the best view in the town.
Ashlynn: Was he the Mayor's assistant or something? He's sure working hard.
Amos: Old Amos would give his right arm to live in a place like this!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Spit over the edge, Hero. It's fun.
Milly: What a stunning view...
Nevan: The view is indeed splendid.
Ashlynn: Wow! Someone paint a picture!
Amos: Ah, I could gaze at this view all day!
Er... Is anyone else gettin' a tad bored?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “Stayin' with Tania”, aye? So you're just a freeloader in this world?
Milly: I'm amazed he could tell the difference in his condition.
Nevan: Drunk at this hour? The Goddess would not approve...
Ashlynn: Oh, gross. I could smell that guy's breath from over here.
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind joinin' him for a drink but we've got work to do.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: We're never around for these big parties, Hero.
Milly: I wonder if the village festival is the same in both worlds.
Nevan: The festival of Ghent is also an impressive sight.
Ashlynn: Hey, I can be pretty dazzling too, when I doll myself up. I mean it!
Amos: I don't suppose they'd do the festival again for our benefit?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. So Tania saved the other Hero's bacon, aye?
Milly: Passed out...? I wonder what could have happened?
Nevan: So that's how Tania and Hero met...
Ashlynn: Our Hero would've never gotten munched. He would've been the one doing the munching!
Amos: Old Amos would rather munch a monster than be munched by one!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's kinda hard to comment without seein' the ceremony, so...
Milly: The priest seems to have well-attuned senses.
Nevan: I pray the priest's concerns prove unfounded.
Ashlynn: People around here are such worrywarts.
Amos: I wonder what was so strange about the festival.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Shiny armour, dirty armour – all I care is whether it protects my tender parts...
Milly: Those who keep promising to do something are always the least likely to do it, in my experience.
Nevan: I confess, when I see something that's dirty,
I have an overwhelming urge to polish it.
Ashlynn: That armour's crying out for a cleaning!
Amos: Old Amos is a diamond in the rough – all I need is a good polish!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What a hunk o' junk.
Milly: It's in terrible shape...
Nevan: I have an overwhelming urge to polish that armour.
Ashlynn: I bet I could trace my name in the grime.
Amos: I wonder if the shopkeeper used to dress up in that armour.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: It sure stinks to be you in this world, Hero.
Milly: He seems to have taken against the other Hero from the very beginning...
Nevan: Do not rise to his provocations, Hero.
Ashlynn: I'm really starting to hate this Buddy guy.
Amos: Listen, Hero, if you want old Amos to batter him for you... No, that'd be wrong.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I could use a power nap myself.
Milly: He's fast asleep. Let's make sure we don't wake him.
Nevan: Well, we all have to rest sometime.
Ashlynn: Sleeping like an angel.
Amos: Is he snorin' or is that his tummy rumblin'?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: These hands were made for punchin', not weavin'.
Milly: I'm sure finding an apprentice is no simple task.
Nevan: That weaving is of the highest quality.
Ashlynn: Hope she keeps on weaving!
Amos: Weavin' is a wee bit beyond old Amos.
I can barely tie my laces!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The dream-world Weaver's Peak had the same problem, aye?
Milly: I suppose there aren't many young people willing to try a tough trade like weaving.
Nevan: Surely weaving of this calibre will always be in demand.
Ashlynn: It's good to know I have career options for after we beat the Archfiend.
Amos: I hope these old folks can bag themselves an apprentice before long.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Folks here really love Tania, aye?
Milly: I sense that his concern for Tania's happiness is quite genuine.
Nevan: While marriage is not the be all and end all, remaining alone is an unenviable fate.
Ashlynn: What, is that guy the local matchmaker or something?
Amos: He ain't plannin' to pop the question, he says?
I ain't sure I believe him.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: That cow's got it better than a lotta folks I know!
Milly: There's no lack of love in that cow's rearing, that's for sure.
Nevan: That cow seems to live together with its master.
Ashlynn: If you kept a cow long enough, you could probably read her mood from her moos.
Amos: Moo! Moo!
Amos: What d'you reckon? Old Amos has got a fair few barnyard noises up his sleeve.
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Sounds like Buddy ain't exactly your best pal in this world, aye, Hero?
Milly: Tania seems truly concerned for Hero.
Nevan: She really believes our Hero to be her Hero.
Ashlynn: Why, Tania might be even nicer than me!
Amos: That Tania lass is overflowin' with kindness.
Why'd you get all the luck, Hero?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Blimey, Hero! That Tania's the nicest girl in this or any world!
Milly: You know, we haven't seen the other Hero since we saw him on the mountain...
Nevan: So the other Hero is at the Mayor's house? We must have missed him.
Ashlynn: If you ask me, she's almost too good for you, Hero.
Amos: So if we go to the Mayor's house, we'll have a Hero versus Hero showdown!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: So she was all alone before Hero came along, aye...?
Milly: Meeting the other Hero must have brought Tania so much happiness.
Nevan: The Goddess really does answer prayers.
Ashlynn: Took you in, huh...
Amos: Livin' alone can't be any fun. Old Amos prefers a wagon full of his mates!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey. Does that mean the other Hero's here?
Milly: Sounds like the other Hero is in that room.
Nevan: Could it be the other Hero who's sitting with the Mayor in the next room?
Ashlynn: He's here! This is your big chance to meet yourself, Hero!
Amos: I just stole a glance into the neighbourin' room and he's the bloomin' spittin' image, I tell you!
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boooooing!!!
Carver: Huh. Sounds like the other you has had a rough ride here, Hero.
Milly: Sounds like a case of amnesia...
Nevan: It sounds as if the other Hero sustained grave injuries.
Ashlynn: Tania must be tough to drag someone your size back to the village, eh Hero?
Amos: So if you lose your memory, can you not remember what you had for breakfast?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! This town ain't big enough for the two of you, Hero.
Milly: The scene here would give anyone a real shock if they didn't know what was going on.
Nevan: I understand what is happening and yet still I doubt my eyes. They are so eerily similar...
Ashlynn: You're both exactly the same! Amazing!
Amos: It's probably no bad thing to let the Mayor think he's dreamin'.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Huh. He musta had a late night or somethin'.
Milly: He doesn't look to be sleeping very comfortably...
Nevan: It's not ideal, but let's leave the Mayor as he is.
Ashlynn: We should probably leave the Mayor alone.
Amos: Is he alright? He's sweatin' buckets...
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Whoa! Where's he think he's goin'?
Milly: He sure seemed apprehensive about touching you, Hero.
Milly: I wonder why... Why would he refuse to become one with you?
Nevan: Just when I thought it was going to finally happen...
Nevan: I don't know why, but he appears to have a strong resistance to merging with his other self.
Ashlynn: He bolted! We gotta chase him down!
Amos: We're in trouble if we lose sight of him.
Let's follow him, sharpish!
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: You're blowin' people's minds, Hero.
Milly: Let's get after him, he can't have gone far!
Nevan: We must keep up. We can't afford to lose him!
Ashlynn: If I saw Hero twins in front of me, I'd probably freak out, too.
Amos: C'mon! Look lively!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey! Hero! Ain't no time to waste, aye?
Milly: I can't believe he's refusing to become one with you, Hero...
Nevan: Hero, let's track down the other Hero without delay!
Ashlynn: Sheesh! Where'd the other Hero go!?
Amos: Hello!? Other Hero!? Come out wherever you are!
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: He's left the village!
Milly: Perhaps he headed for the cliffs?
Nevan: So he's outside the village. Let us hurry.
Ashlynn: He's fast!
Amos: Let's get goin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Right! After him!
Milly: Surely he's not planning to throw himself off a cliff!?
Nevan: We have no time to chat with townsfolk!
Ashlynn: He must've gone back to the cliffs. Let's go!
Amos: C'mon! C'mon! No time to lose!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We gotta move, Hero!
Milly: If we don't stop him quickly...
Nevan: This is no time to dilly-dally!
Ashlynn: He's gotta be on the path we took up here!
Amos: We can't let him get away!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Move! We gotta leave the village!
Milly: Hurry! Let's get after him!
Nevan: Let us be on our way.
Ashlynn: We need to hurry, Hero!
Amos: You're not here – you're over there! Let's go!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We gotta track you down, Hero! The other you, I mean.
Milly: Hurry up!
Nevan: Let us hurry after him!
Ashlynn: Ugh! Come on, Hero! Why're we wasting time here?
Amos: C'mon! Look lively!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm... Where'd that other Hero run off to?
Milly: Where could he have gone? I hope he's not too far...
Nevan: We have no choice but to search every nook and cranny of this mountain.
Ashlynn: Sheesh! Why's this other Hero gotta be so difficult!?
Amos: Let's get searchin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ahoy! Hero! We're goin', too!
Milly: Monsters in the village? We'd better hurry!
Nevan: Let's head back to the village!
Ashlynn: Hurry, Hero!
Amos: So the monsters have got this far? Let's get 'em!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! Good luck with that.
Milly: She's alright as she is. We need to get a move on!
Nevan: Let us make haste!
Ashlynn: Hurry, Hero!
Amos: I reckon it's probably less hassle to let her sleep.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Shove off, Hero! We gotta get back to the village!
Milly: Move it, Hero!
Nevan: C'mon Hero – no time to lose!
Ashlynn: I'm worried about the villagers! Let's hurry back, Hero!
Amos: Hero, we haven't time for idle chit-chat!
Goober: Boing?
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Carver: The monsters are goin' to town here! We gotta stop 'em!
Milly: Oh my... This is terrible...
Nevan: How has the Goddess allowed this to happen?
Ashlynn: Weaver's Peak... It's in flames...
Amos: So the monsters have made it this far at last?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Whew... Those monsters fight dirty. How dare they attack us outta the blue like that!
Milly: They were stronger than I expected... Are you okay, Hero?
Nevan: Some formidable monsters appear to have been sent here... We can't let our guards down!
Ashlynn: Yahoo!
Amos: I thought old Amos was finally goin' to buy the farm just now!
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: The monster-slayin' business is boomin' now, aye?
Milly: Now's not a time for thinking, it's a time for action!
Nevan: Our first task is to defend the village.
Ashlynn: We better take care of this chaos, and fast!
Amos: Let's join forces with that lad! We all want peace to return to the village!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Alright! Who's next?
Milly: I can't believe that so many monsters are attacking such a quiet little village...
Nevan: Just how many monsters have been sent here?
Ashlynn: You see any more monsters? We gotta lick 'em before they attack any villagers!
Amos: These monsters are no push over.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh? But I was rarin' to go, Hero!
Milly: Rethinking your strategy, Hero?
Nevan: Is it alright to leave that monster alone?
Ashlynn: Why aren't we fighting, Hero!? You have a trick up your sleeve or something?
Amos: If we don't get them first, they'll get us!
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: How can we forget about him? He's way out of his league here!
Milly: The only way to help Tania is by taking out these monsters!
Nevan: We must do all we can!
Ashlynn: C'mon! We'll take 'em out one by one by one...
Amos: Are we goin' to just leave him to it?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Buddy ain't so wimpy, aye?
Milly: He's right. Let's check in on Tania...
Nevan: Let's hurry to Tania!
Ashlynn: And here I thought Buddy was a selfish creep.
Amos: He says he's fine but I'm not so sure.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! That's that for them!
Milly: These monsters aren't messing around. We'd better get serious too!
Nevan: We were victorious but we can't afford to rest on our laurels.
Ashlynn: Pace yourself, Hero! We don't know how many are left!
Amos: These here monsters are goin' to need some gentle persuasion to clear off.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. We were only here to help the fella.
Milly: His hiding place has no escape route. That's not very wise...
Nevan: Does he really expect to remain concealed there?
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. If we were monsters, he woulda been dead before he opened his mouth.
Amos: I thought he was relievin' himself or somethin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Folks're freakin' out here, aye? Can't blame 'em.
Milly: She seems to be in a real panic...
Nevan: Rather than trying to escort the villagers to safety, we must focus on defeating the monsters.
Ashlynn: These people had no warning at all...
Amos: If that girl keeps yellin' at the top of her lungs, she'll give herself away.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whew! At least the church is safe.
Milly: The other villagers would probably be safe if they could just make their way in here.
Nevan: Here at least, the Goddess watches over us.
Ashlynn: All clear here! I figured the church would be okay.
Amos: With all these people, I hope there's enough air to go round.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Blimey! I could take on an army of monsters now!
Milly: Right, time to go!
Nevan: Thank the Goddess!
Ashlynn: Wasn't that nice of him? I feel like a new girl now!
Amos: If ever our strength is flaggin', let's head straight to the church!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'd better fight now and ask questions later, aye?
Milly: The monsters probably have a single target in mind...
Nevan: Fear is rife among the villagers. We must do all we can to aid them.
Ashlynn: Little or not, those monsters would have come here sooner or later.
Amos: Well, the monsters can't have come here on holiday. There's bound to be some reason.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Too late for prayers, aye? It's up to us to clear out all the monsters!
Milly: The church seems safe, so let's try and get all the villagers in here!
Nevan: The spirit of the mountain must be watching over the villagers.
Ashlynn: A little extra help from the spirit couldn't hurt, huh?
Amos: I hope that old dear doesn't collapse from shock.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What!? Tania's still in her house! We gotta save her!
Milly: Tania doesn't stand a chance on her own!
Hurry, let's get to her house!
Nevan: Let us be on our way.
Ashlynn: Let's go! We can't let Tania down!
Amos: Is Tania alright, I wonder?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey. He's more worried about his stuff than his own life!
Milly: I'd be worried about that as well...
Nevan: One's life is more precious than any worldly possessions.
Ashlynn: This attack's got everyone anxious, huh?
Amos: He shouldn't fret – his merchandise will be fine!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Good Goddess, how many more are there?
Milly: This area's clear.
Nevan: Where to next?
Ashlynn: You think Tania's still okay?
Amos: Hmm...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I reckon the weapons merchant can hold his own.
Milly: More monsters for us to take down!
Nevan: He looks like he can handle himself, but let's assist him nonetheless.
Ashlynn: Let's get that monster! Charge!
Amos: That merchant's not goin' to take this lyin' down. More power to his elbow!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: All in a day's work, aye?
Milly: Let's move on!
Nevan: Our services are no longer required here.
Ashlynn: There's still more monsters, I think.
Amos: How many monsters are left, I wonder?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Oh, for Goddess's sake! He needs to man up and fight!
Milly: Not everyone's as battle-hardened as us, I suppose...
Nevan: At least he appears to be unscathed.
Ashlynn: Good thing we don't need his help, huh?
Amos: Here's hopin' old Amos doesn't get mistaken for a maraudin' monster...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whew... Seems like there's monsters lurkin' around every corner of this place.
Milly: Is that man alright?
Nevan: That was quite a challenge!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Put us on the job, and your monster problems are history!
Amos: Was that lad lyin' in bed attacked by monsters!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That guy could sleep through the end of the world!
Milly: I wonder if we should wake him...
Nevan: Now that the monsters in here have been beaten, we should leave that fellow in peace.
Ashlynn: Wow! Does he even have a pulse?
Amos: That lad knows to keep his cool.
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: Right! Anyone hurt in here?
Milly: This area seems safe now.
Nevan: It seems a fair number of monsters have invaded the villagers' homes.
Ashlynn: Is the couple in here okay?
Amos: Hmm...
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! These Weaver's Peak folks're made of tough stuff!
Milly: He's not going down without a fight!
Nevan: That's the spirit!
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's help him out!
Amos: We shouldn't leave that lad to it, should we?
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: That fella's no slouch himself.
Milly: The villagers here won't be pushed around so easily.
Nevan: Well, the monsters are pretty tough too.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! So we're “tough”, are we?
Amos: Let's batter every last one of those monsters!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey, she's a stubborn one.
Milly: I hope she gives those monsters what for!
Nevan: That woman's spirit is admirable.
Ashlynn: Good Goddess, if the fires had reached the looms...
Amos: That old dear's never-say-die attitude has given old Amos a boost!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! It'd take a lot to kill that old fella, I'll bet...
Milly: I sense that this couple value their looms more than their lives.
Nevan: Is that old gentlemen alright? His legs are trembling terribly.
Ashlynn: I'm glad the looms are still in one piece!
Amos: That old boy's never-say-die attitude has given old Amos a boost!
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Bam! Another one bites the dirt!
Milly: Thank goodness, the cow seems unharmed.
Nevan: The monsters are attacking indiscriminately.
Ashlynn: Is Tania okay? I'm worried about her!
Amos: Surely these monsters didn't come in here huntin' for cows.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Let's do our thing!
Milly: We'll beat that beast, quick-sharp!
Nevan: Let's teach this monster a much-needed lesson!
Ashlynn: We gotta save the cow! We gotta save the cow!
Amos: That's one model farmer!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's what I call an animal lover.
Milly: He risked his life to save his cow. How inspiring!
Nevan: To that fellow, it's not just a cow – it's a member of his family.
Ashlynn: Whew... These monsters are wearing me out.
Amos: If we hadn't come along, this lad would've been gobbled up alongside his beloved cow.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: She shouldn't cry over spilt milk. She's got a good owner there.
Milly: She's never wanted for love, that's for sure.
Nevan: She's drooling with excitement!
Ashlynn: Hah! She looks ready for some payback!
Amos: That cow's fine – it's time for us too moo-ve on!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Alright! That's that!
Milly: Phew... We did it!
Nevan: We really did it!
Ashlynn: We weren't about to lose in here!
Amos: That was a scary scrap and no mistake!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Avast! He's better with a sickle than most folks are with a sword!
Milly: Let's give him a hand, Hero!
Nevan: Come, Hero. There are monsters that need to be defeated.
Ashlynn: Wow! That guy might not even need our help!
Amos: That lad's treatin' those monsters like root vegetables! Old Amos heartily approves...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Aye, remind me never to mess with that fella.
Milly: Weaver's Peak is lucky to have folk like him around.
Nevan: That farmer certainly had some smooth moves.
Ashlynn: Never judge a fighter by his overalls, huh?
Amos: Maybe ploughin's the way to train for battle?
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Hey... That monster knew you by name...
Carver: You think they're sackin' Weaver's Peak just to root ya out?
Milly: So that's why they're here... Of course...
Nevan: Why do these monsters know you, Hero?
Ashlynn: That monster just now... I could've sworn he said your name before he attacked, Hero.
Amos: We took that monster to the cleaners!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: He's in dire straits. Let's lend a hand!
Milly: Hero! We've got to help him!
Nevan: Hero, we really must intervene.
Ashlynn: Oh, no! That guy's gonna get skewered!
Amos: From the sound of his screams, that lad's on his last legs.
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: He seems no worse for wear 'n everything like that.
Milly: Is the Mayor alright?
Nevan: Whew... Let me get my breath back...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! That was easy!
Amos: That lad's screams really shook old Amos up.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Aye, I bet the monsters have got their reasons...and I'm sure they ain't good ones.
Milly: Of course... They wanted to prevent the two Heros from becoming one.
Milly: Now it all makes sense...
Nevan: Our priority is to save the village. We can ask questions later.
Ashlynn: Is it really the Mayor's job to cower in the corner while his village gets attacked? Sheesh.
Amos: You don't reckon they came here to steal the village goods, do you?
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: We'll do something, alright. Let's get to work!
Milly: Hee hee. This Hero sounds like a real hero!
Nevan: Let's come back once we've beaten the monsters.
Ashlynn: So this world's Hero actually does have a backbone, huh? That's great!
Amos: I'm a little worried about leavin' him to hold the fort, but he should be fine.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Tania seems safe enough with the other you.
Let's go and do our job.
Milly: Poor Tania must be terribly confused...
Nevan: It seems that the other Hero is fully aware of the situation.
Ashlynn: I guess now wasn't the best time to drop by with another Hero, but really – when is?
Amos: If you switched the two Heros around, old Amos wouldn't know which was which.
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: Right! Let's join in!
Milly: It's too risky to leave it to the other Hero. Let's step in!
Nevan: We must keep Tania out of harm's way.
Ashlynn: That sneaky monster must've slipped in while we were out fighting!
Amos: Let's show that monster what for!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hero! Your alter ego's gonna get murdered if we don't lend a hand here!
Milly: Hero! If you miss this chance now, who knows if you'll ever get another one?
Nevan: This is hardly the time for petty arguments!
Ashlynn: Hero! Not now, of all times!
Amos: Hero, you need to become one with your other self!
Goober: Boing! Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! You're twice the man you used to be, Hero!
Milly: Looks like you're whole again, Hero. How does it feel?
Nevan: This is extraordinary. I feel an incredible amount of energy emanating from Hero.
Ashlynn: Wow! I'm liking this new you, Hero!
Amos: Old Amos is normally aura-blind but I'm seein' yours loud and clear, Hero!
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Maybe you can be a new brother to her, aye?
Milly: You simply must come and visit her from time to time, Hero.
Nevan: It pains me to see Tania's sorrow-stricken face...
Ashlynn: Poor Tania... She'll probably be sorting through her feelings for a while.
Amos: Hero, you may be here, but you're not the brother Tania had before.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Maybe you can be a new brother to her, aye?
Milly: You simply must come and visit her from time to time, Hero.
Nevan: It pains me to see Tania's sorrow-stricken face...
Ashlynn: Poor Tania... It's gonna take her a while to process all of this...
Amos: Hero, you may be here, but you're not the brother Tania had before.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Crikey! It's like the monsters never attacked at all, aye?
Milly: I really thought the whole village would go up in flames there... What a relief.
Nevan: It seems the villagers escaped the monster onslaught unscathed.
Ashlynn: Weaver's Peak's back to its ol' tranquil self...
This place cleans up quick!
Amos: Old Amos was worried about the future of this village for a moment there.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Maybe they'll give us the key to the village 'n everything like that.
Milly: You should be proud of yourself, Hero!
Nevan: Thank the Goddess no children or animals were hurt during this monstrous invasion.
Ashlynn: I bet we blew their minds. The other Hero wasn't exactly the monster-slaying type, after all.
Amos: Hero, you're the village hero now and no mistake!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Her feminine charms? What, like her earrings?
Milly: Indeed. Tania could turn the toughest monster into a soppy romantic.
Nevan: It's good to see that the villagers feel able to joke about it all now.
Ashlynn: Tania's pretty enough for a small-town girl.
Me, I got worldly beauty!
Amos: I wonder what kind of woman monsters do fancy...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It sounds like seein' another Hero is hard to swallow for these folks, aye?
Milly: I'm sure nobody expects their own village to become a target for monsters.
Nevan: Tania's the only one here who knows the full story.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I thought most of the people kept their cool, actually.
Amos: A second Hero!? They must have been seein' things! Ha ha ha!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hmm. I guess it's the little things for some folks, aye?
Milly: Those pots do sound important...
Nevan: That fellow can relax now that the monsters are gone.
Ashlynn: Who cares about pots at a time like this?
Amos: Is there somethin' good in those pots or what?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! I bet monsters'll be fearin' “the reaper” now!
Milly: Hee hee. That's a fitting nickname.
Nevan: The villagers put their heart and soul into the battle.
Ashlynn: Hmm... I think “hoe hero” has a better ring to it, no?
Amos: If I was a monster – which I occasionally am – I'd want to be defeated by somethin' fancier than a rusty scythe.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: No comment 'n everything like that.
Milly: Hero...
Nevan: ............
Ashlynn: Um...
Amos: ............
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: At the rate he's drinkin', he might not make it till tomorrow...
Milly: My word, that man certainly likes his drink.
Nevan: And so the villagers drown their sorrows once more...
Ashlynn: He should ease off the drinking – or he won't be able to drink at all soon!
Amos: That lad couldn't spare a drop for old Amos, could he?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Looks like this village is in good hands if those monsters come back, aye?
Milly: We'll all be praying that the monsters never return.
Nevan: The villagers fought courageously to defend their homes.
Ashlynn: You know, I'm just so impressed with how we drove off that monster horde. Go us!
Amos: I can't work out if that lad's bein' brave or not.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Glad she's safe now, aye?
Milly: Everyone seems to be fine. What a relief.
Nevan: I can well imagine the terror the villagers felt when the monsters marched in.
Ashlynn: That was a rough ride for everyone, I bet.
Amos: One sure-fire way to flummox maraudin' monsters is to play dead!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's always good to have the Goddess on our side during a fight, aye?
Milly: The priest's calming presence must work wonders for the villagers' peace of mind.
Nevan: May the Goddess watch over all in this village...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Pretty high-and-mighty praise, huh?
Amos: That priest's a well-spoken chap.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, you wouldn't catch me dead in that.
Milly: The armour is in even worse condition after the monsters' attack.
Nevan: That armour just needs a little bit of a polish...
Ashlynn: Yuck. It smells like a sweat lodge!
Amos: Some folks like dressin' up in old-fashioned gear...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey. Talk about out of the loop.
Milly: It's always the laid-back types that survive the longest.
Nevan: Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
Ashlynn: He's lucky those monsters didn't stop by for breakfast in bed!
Amos: That lad's got nerves of steel. Maybe he could lend us a few?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He held his own, aye?
Milly: Everyone fought hard to drive the monsters away.
Nevan: The monsters are gone now so we should let him rest.
Ashlynn: I get sore just looking at him. I hope he's on his feet again soon.
Amos: He doesn't look wounded – maybe his muscles are just achin'.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I think I will thank the Goddess. Thanks, Goddess.
Milly: So the looms survived. Thank the Goddess.
Nevan: The Goddess watches over us all.
Ashlynn: I'm glad that turned out okay.
Amos: Looks like these looms are back in business!
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Blimey! Weavin' looks dangerous!
Milly: Oh dear... Is he alright?
Nevan: One should avoid overworking at all costs.
Ashlynn: Weaving's gotta be hard for an old man's hands.
Amos: He hasn't put his back out, has he?
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: He really did his village proud, aye? His cow, too!
Milly: The cow really is a part of his family. It was nice to see him risk his life for her.
Nevan: Living in harmonious bliss with a farmyard animal is no bad fate.
Ashlynn: The farmers around here sure are feisty!
Amos: When that lad was doin' battle, the love he had for his cow really shone through.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Good to see her up and mooin', aye?
Milly: Her aura seems joyous.
Nevan: That's a truly contented-looking cow.
Ashlynn: She seems happy enough.
Amos: That cow was very nearly burgermeat!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's easy for her to say. I bet everyone else wishes they missed the attack.
Milly: I suspect she would probably have fainted as soon as she spotted one.
Nevan: You can bet if she'd actually seen monsters, she would have been the most hysterical of all.
Ashlynn: Her name's Judith, right? I'm not so sure I like that girl...
Amos: Maybe old Amos should turn into a monster and give her a treat? No, not just now...
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: I bet the whole town's still in shock, aye?
Can't blame 'em, either.
Milly: Having said that... The monster attack did allow you to get your powers back, Hero.
Nevan: Happily, the village did not suffer undue damage.
Ashlynn: I doubt anyone here saw that coming...
Amos: I'm afraid this looks like proof that there are still Dread Fiends out there.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I can see where the Mayor's comin' from...
Milly: I do sense that the Mayor would rather not have to discuss this with you, Hero...
Nevan: This is no easy choice, I'm sure.
Ashlynn: I hope we can work this out in a way that doesn't hurt Tania...
Amos: In any case, Hero, we can't stick round here. There's only one answer...
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: That Tania's a keeper, alright!
Milly: What a lovely sister, Hero!
Nevan: I pray that peace will soon return to the world and the two of you can meet whenever you like.
Ashlynn: Could I be your sister, too, Hero?
Ashlynn: ...Tee hee! Kidding, kidding...
Amos: Hero, you're like a brother to old Amos and all!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey, Hero! At least give her that much!
Milly: Hero...
Nevan: Hero...
Ashlynn: Hero! Why're you being mean to Tania?
Amos: Poor Tania only made a teeny request...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm... You look different, Hero – more rugged or somethin'.
Milly: So, what's our next destination Hero?
Milly: Shall we head back to Somnia Castle for now?
Nevan: King Somnus may well be waiting for us.
Shall we head to Somnia?
Ashlynn: Hey, let's head back to Somnia Castle, Hero!
Ashlynn: King Somnus and Queen Apnea will wanna see you now that you're back to your old self!
Amos: So Hero, you're back to your old self!
Who's the first person you want to tell?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Maybe Buddy ain't such a bad fella after all, aye?
Milly: He doesn't seem to mind you being with Tania now.
Nevan: May the Goddess watch over him...
Ashlynn: Buddy isn't so bad... He's just got a big mouth,
is all.
Amos: Ah, good old-fashioned camaraderie!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! That ol' pitch, aye?
Milly: We shouldn't wake him up.
Nevan: He seems to be selling in his sleep.
Ashlynn: I'd sooner dream about shopping than selling.
Amos: Let's head off without wakin' him.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: That old fella's dream town sounds a lot like Haggleton, aye? Ya know, with that bazaar 'n all.
Milly: Hee hee. His dream certainly seemed true enough to me!
Nevan: A town where merchants all gather? There'd be no shortage of hustle and bustle.
Ashlynn: I wish we could cheer him up. It's never too late to chase your dreams!
Amos: A place where you could buy whatever you wanted, from any part of the world?
Sounds like a dream...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Laid-back as always around here, aye?
Milly: Looking at just this village, you'd think the world was at peace...
Nevan: May the blessings of the Goddess be upon this village.
Ashlynn: Ahh, I never get sick of seeing Weaver's Peak!
Amos: So Hero, is it odd to be back in Weaver's Peak in the dream world as your real self?
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: It sounds like our reputation precedes us 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: I hope he'll be able to explore the world when he grows up as well.
Nevan: It wouldn't be Weaver's Peak if we weren't greeted by that child.
Ashlynn: Aww, that kid practically worships us. You can see it in his eyes!
Amos: A sense of adventure is good for young lads.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! “All grown up”, aye? Maybe by an inch!
Milly: This is the real Hero, that's why.
Nevan: The villagers here notice the smallest change in you, Hero.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Hard to imagine you “all grown up” any time soon, Hero.
Amos: Grown up? I reckon you're powered up, Hero.
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: The folks around here spotted the changes to Hero right off, aye?
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: We always get a warm welcome here.
Ashlynn: All these villagers sure seem to care about Hero. Isn't that nice?
Amos: Everyone's talkin' about Hero. Why doesn't old Amos get any attention?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: No pressure or nothin', aye, Hero? Hardy har!
Milly: Of course you'll keep them safe, won't you Hero?
Nevan: Naturally, we'll strive to protect Weaver's Peak in this world, too.
Ashlynn: I hope no monsters show up, but this village is in good hands if they do.
Amos: Old Amos has had it up to here with bein' attacked by monsters.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Not many folks in a travellin' mood yet, I s'pose.
Milly: Monsters will keep appearing unless we cut off their source.
Nevan: Even being a tour guide is no picnic these days.
Ashlynn: No matter how many monsters we beat, they keep multiplying like bunnies!
Amos: Sounds like we might need to thin out the monster ranks round here.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's the spirit! Just what Weaver's Peak needs now, too!
Milly: I'm terribly impressed with the villagers' bravery.
Nevan: I pray that peace remains forever in this world's Weaver's Peak.
Ashlynn: I like what I'm hearing here!
Amos: This lad looks like he's waitin' to bust out some fightin' moves.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I'll take water, straight up. Stirred, not shaken. Two olives. Oh, and one of them little umbrellas.
Milly: Let's come back when we've got time to relax.
Nevan: So what are we going to do now, Hero?
Ashlynn: Why not grab a bite while we're here?
Amos: Weaver's Peak down below may have been attacked by monsters, but all's well up here.
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hmm... The monsters are startin' to invade folks' dreams, too...
Milly: The dream world reflects events in the real world as well.
Nevan: I pray Weaver's Peak in this world is spared from assault by monsters.
Ashlynn: Huh. That's like a premonition in reverse. His dreams predict reality's past!
Amos: In a way, that wasn't a nightmare – Weaver's Peak really was clobbered by monsters.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, the skies don't look friendly.
Milly: It feels like some kind of omen...
Nevan: Indeed, the sky does appear to be more brooding. Could this be the Archfiend's baneful influence?
Ashlynn: Everyone's seeing evil everywhere lately. Good thing we're on the job!
Amos: Never mind the sky, let's get goin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Remember when this fella was protecting his cow? He's like a farmyard bodyguard.
Milly: The villagers should be proud of themselves.
Nevan: The relationship between dream and reality is fascinating and complex.
Ashlynn: That was no dream...
Amos: Umm... That dream was real...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Do you think the cow had the same dream?
Milly: Her aura is nice and calm.
Nevan: I have heard that animals dream too, but how would one hope to prove that?
Ashlynn: Holy cow! Look at the size of her head!
Amos: Ack! That cow's droolin'!
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Weavin' ain't exactly manly work. I'll stick with carpentry, thanks.
Milly: I understand their consternation about the future.
Nevan: I pray this old couple can weave a bright future for themselves.
Ashlynn: I don't think my hands are fast enough for weaving.
Amos: Old Amos would love someone to carry on his trade. But first things first – a wife!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Both them rumours turned out true in the end, aye? Not that we should tell him that...
Milly: Rumours can be dangerous things...
Nevan: The vast majority of rumours are best disregarded.
Ashlynn: The whole truth's even more shocking than the rumours!
Amos: D'you reckon there's rumours doin' the rounds about us lot?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Don't that get ya right here, aye? (sniff)
Milly: It's nice to have a place to call home, isn't it?
Nevan: Indeed, this is the Hero's real hometown.
Ashlynn: Hometown, huh...
Amos: Old Amos is back! ...Hang on – this isn't my hometown.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Ain't it funny how real-world stuff is showin' up around here?
Milly: Poor Buddy's not a bad person at heart...
But he can be a bit...you know...
Nevan: Being a tour guide sounds like difficult work.
Ashlynn: That sure came out of nowhere.
Amos: Maybe we should tell him what's really goin' on.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'm itchin' to kick some monster butt now!
Milly: Let's show those monsters what the real Hero is really made of!
Nevan: ...A vast power? ...A great darkness? This sounds ominous indeed.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We'll have that Archfiend bagged before breakfast!
Amos: Old Amos has got vast power, too! I'm rarin' to go!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Real-world events really are affectin' things around here, aye?
Milly: The Mayor really is kindness personified.
Nevan: I am deeply grateful for the Mayor's kindness.
Ashlynn: Aww, the Mayor didn't have to say that.
That was so nice of him!
Amos: It seems he's bothered by the things his lower-world counterpart said to you, Hero.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Glad the Mayor's holdin' down the fort, aye?
Milly: Let's make sure we take down that Archfiend – for the Mayor's sake!
Nevan: He's a fine figure of a Mayor.
Ashlynn: Well, good luck to him, I say!
Amos: Well, he's told us not to worry, so old Amos will stay worry-free.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! You got the heave-ho, Hero!
Milly: Poor Hero. Looks like she had you wrapped around her little finger all along.
Nevan: It seems it just wasn't meant to be.
Ashlynn: Wow... She washed you right outta her hair.
Amos: Must be nice to be a hit with the ladies, eh Hero?
Amos: ...Hang on! She just dumped you! Seems you're losin' your touch!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: It's crazy how much that cat looks like its owner, aye?
Milly: That kitty's used to us now.
Nevan: That cat seems to be happy relaxing indoors.
Ashlynn: What a good little kitty.
Amos: That's a cute-lookin' kitty-cat!
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Huh. Was that the real-world Tania talkin' through her or somethin'?
Milly: You're ever so lucky to have Tania, Hero. Her love for you transcends both worlds.
Nevan: Just how are the upper and lower worlds connected...?
Ashlynn: Too bad we can't just tell her about what's happening in the real world.
Amos: Seein' poor Tania so confused is makin' me feel a tad down.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Tania's just the sweetest thing, aye?
Milly: I can sense her heartfelt belief in you, Hero.
Nevan: Tania will be just fine.
Ashlynn: She really is too good to you, isn't she, Hero?
Amos: I wonder if Tania's more lonely than she's lettin' on.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ahh, every muscle in my body feels recharged!
Milly: I feel totally refreshed this morning.
Nevan: That was a most refreshing sleep.
Ashlynn: Morning, everyone!
Amos: Hero's bed is bloomin' comfy!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Avast! What's this about Buddy, Hero?
Are you sure he's the best thing for her?
Milly: She seems determined not to make you worry, Hero...
Nevan: She is courageous indeed...
Ashlynn: Aww... I wish I had a sister like Tania!
Amos: What a fine lady! I'm a tad jealous of you, Hero.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Avast! What's this about Buddy, Hero?
Are you sure he's the best thing for her?
Milly: She seems determined not to make you worry, Hero...
Nevan: She is courageous indeed...
Ashlynn: Aww... I wish I had a sister like Tania!
Amos: What a fine lady! I'm a tad jealous of you, Hero.
Goober: (slurrrp)
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Carver: I almost feel sorry for any monster that picks a fight around here. Almost.
Milly: We should take a little break and take in the glorious view.
Nevan: The fresh air here really is second to none.
Ashlynn: This trail's a lot rougher than it looks, huh?
My legs are really cramping up.
Terry: Doing battle round here won't even make a good workout.
Amos: Surely there can't be any unopened chests left round here, can there?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We've gotta be the only guests this fella ever sees, aye?
Milly: I wonder if it's safe for him to be out here on his own all the time...?
Nevan: It's a tad chilly here, whether you're in bed or not.
Ashlynn: How is he even still in business?
Terry: Staying here's a waste of time.
Amos: You can't tell whether it's mornin', afternoon or evenin' round here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Ceiling low... Lizzie hit head... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Blimey! He remembers us?
Milly: He looks in good shape too.
Nevan: So that's the soldier who guards the church.
He's doing sterling work.
Ashlynn: That's the soldier from Somnia, right?
Terry: Anything we need to do here? If not, let's make tracks.
Amos: Didn't you used to be a Somnian soldier, Hero?
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! The old bag's not so bad, aye?
Let's give that new Zoom a shot!
Milly: Travelling around just became a lot easier thanks to Madame Luca.
Nevan: Now we can come and go between worlds as we please!
Ashlynn: Wow! That lady's got some amazing powers!
Carver: D'ya think Madame Luca could really solve that mystery for us? It would save us a lot of hassle...
Milly: Is this young king who I think it is...?
Nevan: We cannot solve the mystery just by pondering.
We need to take action!
Ashlynn: Sounds like Somnia Castle's our next stop, huh? Let's go!
Amos: The young King of Somnia, eh?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: If ol' Madame Luca lived with me, we'd be at each other's throats day 'n night.
Milly: Seeing Madame Luca in the castle was a bit of a shock, eh?
Nevan: It sounds like the Queen recognised Madame Luca's mastery of the dream-seer's craft.
Ashlynn: That lady's in demand, huh? She must be the best in the dream-seeing business.
Terry: I don't have any interest where this old girl spends her time.
Amos: If old Luca moved to the castle, she could rent this place out for a pretty penny!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie likes having Terry around... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Do you remember what Luca told us yesterday?
I kinda forgot once we hit the sack.
Milly: An item of great importance in Mt Snowhere...
I wonder what Madame Luca was talking about...
Nevan: So we need to head west from Pescado.
Come – there's no sense in delaying!
Ashlynn: Right! Everyone bundle up – we're off to the winter wonderland!
Amos: So Mt Snowhere's a winter wonderland, is it?
Let's wrap up warm!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What kinda creature would shimmer? Someone with a torch or somethin'?
Carver: Well, we'll find out soon enough. Let's shove off, Hero.
Milly: I sense that we've yet to encounter this tower...
Milly: Let's come back here once we know more about it!
Nevan: This is a disturbing dream indeed. It seems there are things even Madame Luca doesn't understand.
Ashlynn: Towers? Shimmering creatures? She can't give us a little more to work with here?
Amos: ...Shimmerin' towers! ...Tall creatures!
Or was it the other way round...?
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: That woman makes my head hurt.
Milly: That frozen village... I wonder if there's anything we can do...
Nevan: So according to Madame Luca, we must go exactly where we shouldn't...
Ashlynn: Guess we better go back to Mt Snowhere and snoop around a little more, huh?
Amos: Maybe we should find out more from the folks nearby Mt Snowhere.
Goober: Boing? Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Luca said Turnscote was east of here yesterday, aye?
Carver: We've just gotta figure out the fastest way there.
Milly: I wonder who we're supposed to meet in Turnscote...?
Nevan: Turnscote? I have heard the name.
Nevan: I believe it has an unenviable reputation as a rather rough and ready locale...
Ashlynn: (yawn) I slept hard! Everyone ready for the trip to Turnscote?
Amos: So who d'you reckon this person in Turnscote that Madame Luca wants us to meet is?
Amos: Could it be old Amos's dream woman?
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: I see a hole in a wall, I wanna patch it – not pass through it!
Milly: Shall we head back to Turnscote today, Hero?
Nevan: According to Madame Luca's words, there's a part of that town that remains undiscovered by us.
Nevan: I vote that we return to Turnscote and take a look around.
Ashlynn: Luca was her usual cryptic self yesterday. What was all that talk about walls and stuff?
Amos: There must be some useful gossip we failed to pick up in Turnscote.
Amos: Let's have a chinwag with everyone we can find!
Goober: Boing... Boing... Boi-oing...
Carver: What was Luca sayin' about a contest or somethin' yesterday?
Carver: If it's a one-armed push-up tournament, sign me up!
Milly: So the level 3 contest prize has some magical powers...
Milly: Madame Luca sounded impressed. It must be something special.
Nevan: I'm recalling Madame Luca's words from last night.
Nevan: She mentioned the mansion of a man named Seymour Sass located south-west of Turnscote.
Ashlynn: That contest Luca was talking about yesterday... Sounded like it had something to do with style.
Ashlynn: Well, I'm your girl for that! No one's more fashion forward than me!
Ashlynn: If I don't win the contest, it's rigged!
Amos: I wonder what this level 3 contest prize that old Luca mentioned is.
Amos: The surest way to find out is to win the contest at this Seymour Sass fella's mansion.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: That “fiend” Madame Luca mentioned last night...
Carver: We probably shouldn't rush right out and fight it, aye? I get the impression it ain't your average monster.
Milly: Good morning, Hero? Did you sleep well?
Milly: If we're dealing with that underwater Dread Fiend today, we need to head south of Castle Swanstone.
Nevan: A Dread Fiend dwells in the sea to the south of Castle Swanstone who once destroyed a city...
Nevan: Now that Madame Luca has shared this with us, we cannot simply ignore it.
Ashlynn: Remember that deep-sea Dread Fiend Luca told us about?
Ashlynn: I say we throw caution to the wind and go get him! No matter how tough he is, we're tougher!
Amos: Old Luca told us not to confront that Dread Fiend until we were sure we'd win.
Amos: Well, all old Amos knows is that we're goin' to show that beastie what for!
Goober: Boing? B-Boing?
Carver: I tossed 'n turned all night, thinkin' about what Luca told us...
Carver: What's some fancy rug got to do with Sorceria...?
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Are you ready to visit Sorceria, the city that Madame Luca mentioned?
Nevan: I'm just pondering what Madame Luca told us about a magnificent carpet. What could it all mean?
Ashlynn: What was I doing in Luca's crystal ball!? I'm dying to know!
Amos: Mornin' all! Old Amos slept like a log!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: For once I remember everything Luca told us yesterday. Go ahead and quiz me!
Carver: Let's see... We can reach Felonia if we travel south-east of here! I'm right, aye?
Milly: Rise and shine, Hero! What's your plan for today?
Nevan: Madame Luca told us to go to Felonia where mysteries were waiting to be solved.
Nevan: It's apparently located south-east of here.
Shall we go?
Ashlynn: Next stop: Felonia! Let's go!
Amos: I'd like to have heard a little more from old Luca about this Felonia place.
Goober: Boing, boing, boiiiing!
Carver: That ol' bag sure did drone on about the legendary shield yesterday. I was fallin' asleep!
Milly: Two more useful clues from Madame Luca – Poseidon's Castle on the seabed, and a cave near Clearvale in the dream world...
Milly: Let's investigate them both.
Nevan: Good morning, Hero.
Nevan: Shall we go to the underwater castle of Poseidon, ruler of the sea?
Nevan: Or shall we search for the cave located near to Clearvale in the upper world?
Ashlynn: Madame Luca sure had a lot to say yesterday, huh?
Ashlynn: I kinda zoned out in the middle of it.
Where to next? Tee hee!
Amos: Let's take heed of what old Luca told us and make today the day we find that legendary shield!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What was Luca goin' on about yesterday? Somethin' about some awful castle?
Carver: I've really gotta start payin' attention to that ol' bag.
Milly: Morning, Hero. Shall we visit the old castle that Madame Luca mentioned today?
Milly: She said it was to the south of Pescado, I believe.
Nevan: I wonder if anyone resides in the weathered, old castle Madame Luca spoke of.
Nevan: Well, there's only one surefire way to find out!
Ashlynn: What kind of awful events do you think Luca was talking about yesterday?
Ashlynn: Just thinking about it gives me the shivers. I've just got to see for myself!
Amos: Mornin' all! Old Amos had a dream where we found that legendary armour.
Amos: Have a peek in the bag. You never know – it could be there!
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Madame Luca told us she forgot part of her dream last night.
Carver: Who's she kiddin'? That ol' bag's such a tease!
Milly: Good morning, Hero. Let's say our goodbyes to Madame Luca and be on our way.
Nevan: So there's a holy altar south of Madame Luca's house...
Nevan: Let's head there and see it for ourselves.
Ashlynn: You ready yet, Hero? Let's look into Madame Luca's dream!
Amos: What d'you reckon could be waitin' for us at that sacred shrine old Luca told us about?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whew! I feel fan-freakin'-tastic!
Carver: Now let's finish up here and shove off!
Milly: A shimmering creature, galloping up a tower...
Oh my, I can scarcely imagine such a sight.
Nevan: Just where could the tower in Madame Luca's dream be located?
Ashlynn: Morning, Hero!
Ashlynn: Boy, I sure hope we get to see Madame Luca's shimmering creature today!
Terry: Let's be on our way.
Amos: That was a great night's kip, I tell you!
Amos: Let's hear what more old Luca's got to tell us.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie no shimmer... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A new world, aye? I can barely keep track of the old worlds.
Milly: A new world... Come on, let's all visit it together!
Nevan: This creature Madame Luca spoke of...
Nevan: Just what kind of form will it take? And just how will it lead us to this new world?
Ashlynn: Wow! So many worlds, so little time!
Terry: Heh. I'm getting a tiny bit excited.
Amos: Old Amos doesn't like the sound of powerful dark forces.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie go...new world... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing!
Carver: I've gotta hand it to the ol' bag – nothin' gets past her.
Milly: Madame Luca may know our future...
Milly: But it's up to us to ensure that defeating the Archfiend is a part of it!
Nevan: Let us go, Hero.
Ashlynn: Morning, Hero! Let's, like, seize the day!
Terry: It's a beautiful day. Perfect weather for a showdown with the Archfiend.
Amos: W-We're r-really goin' to t-t-take on the Archfiend?
Amos: Old Amos isn't s-s-scared! I'm tr-tremblin' with excitement!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie ready...to fight...! (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Any stew she makes is probably full o' spiders 'n newts 'n everything like that.
Milly: Let's come back for dinner soon, okay?
Nevan: Let us proceed. We must overthrow the Archfiend and bring peace to the world without delay.
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go!
Terry: We'll have time for stew once the Archfiend's been diced and fried.
Amos: Good old Luca always comes through for us!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: We've really gotta take out that Archfiend...
Milly: We've got work to do as well! Defeating the Archfiend!
Nevan: These guards do sterling work.
Ashlynn: Sheesh, I'd totally forgotten about Murdaw...
Terry: Why are we cooling our heels here?
Amos: I get it! Guards owe their jobs to monsters!
It makes perfect sense...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Well, we didn't see any passed-out pilgrims on the way here, so that's good, aye?
Milly: Pilgrimages to Ghent seem to be as popular as ever.
Nevan: I'm sure it must still be perilous for travellers.
I too am nervous.
Ashlynn: You're really rolling the dice if you travel alone these days...
Terry: C'mon, let's finish off the Archfiend and wrap things up.
Amos: If a pilgrim does get bitten by a monster, they'd best head straight for the sacred village of Ghent.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Crikey! Talk about a hero's welcome, aye?
Milly: Oh my, what's this...? Did they know you were coming, Hero?
Nevan: It seems that everyone in the castle was waiting with bated breath for your return, Hero!
Ashlynn: Why're they all lined up? Some big-shot bringing up the rear?
Amos: They're not plannin' to jump us, right?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, well... They're all waitin' for you, Hero.
Milly: My word, Hero. A guard of honour, especially for you.
Nevan: Happiness is etched on every face!
Ashlynn: Boy, everyone's so happy to see you!
Amos: This is treatment fit for a prince!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: You're the fella of the hour, Hero.
Milly: My word, Hero. A guard of honour, especially for you.
Nevan: Happiness is etched on every face!
Ashlynn: Boy, everyone's so happy to see you!
Amos: This is treatment fit for a prince!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: You're the fella of the hour, Hero.
Milly: My word, Hero. A guard of honour, especially for you.
Nevan: Happiness is etched on every face!
Ashlynn: Boy, everyone's so happy to see you!
Amos: This is treatment fit for a prince!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Ahh, so Madame Luca tipped 'em off, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Of course! Madame Luca must have known we were coming.
Nevan: ...Dream seer? So it was Madame Luca!
Ashlynn: Oh! Now I get it!
Amos: Good old Luca! We should've known!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: You're the fella of the hour, Hero.
Milly: My word, Hero. A guard of honour, especially for you.
Nevan: Happiness is etched on every face!
Ashlynn: Boy, everyone's so happy to see you!
Amos: This is treatment fit for a prince!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: You're the fella of the hour, Hero.
Milly: My word, Hero. A guard of honour, especially for you.
Nevan: Happiness is etched on every face!
Ashlynn: Boy, everyone's so happy to see you!
Amos: This is treatment fit for a prince!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
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Carver: So that helmet's got special powers 'n everything like that? Sounds like we hit the jackpot!
Milly: Let's go, Hero. We must fight for peace!
Nevan: So the helmet we received is engraved with some sort of symbol... We must discover its meaning.
Ashlynn: Wow! That helmet looks sooo cool!
Amos: The Helm of Sebath, no less! It isn't half sparkly!
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Listen to your old man, Hero!
Milly: There's no time to waste. Peace must be restored!
Nevan: Hero, I have absolute faith you will return peace to the world.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! On to our next adventure, right? Let's go!
Amos: Hero, you're a popular chap!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What if that mark on the helmet is just some dirt or somethin'?
Milly: This mark on the Helm of Sebath... What could it possibly mean?
Nevan: We'll discover the mystery of that mark – er...
mark my words!
Ashlynn: Right! Onward! Next stop: world peace!
Amos: It's the Archfiend's fault peace hasn't returned to the world. Let's track him down!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Fate can be funny...if ya believe in that sorta thing.
Milly: It looks like we need to head for this Celestial Castle!
Nevan: He is correct – it is destiny.
Ashlynn: So fate's on our side? The Archfiend is so going down!
Amos: I reckon King Somnus might have known it was the legendary helmet all along.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The King really has a lot of faith in us, aye?
Milly: Even as we speak, countless people are suffering at the hands of monsters. We must hurry...
Nevan: We will do everything that's within our power.
Ashlynn: Right! Let's do this!
Terry: C'mon, let's go.
Amos: We'll batter Mortamor – then the King can catch up with Hero.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrr... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Your mum's almost as great as my mum, Hero!
Milly: I can sense her love for you, Hero.
Nevan: Come – we must face our destiny.
Ashlynn: Let's hurry up and track down the Archfiend so your mother can have her son back!
Terry: I guess Mummy'll have to save the hugs until the Archfiend's history.
Amos: Let's head off!
Lizzie: (snarl) Mother and son... Beautiful thing... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Aye, you've really packed on the muscle, Hero. I'm proud of ya!
Milly: Captain Franco's right. Now you're reunited with yourself, you really are a force to be reckoned with, Hero.
Nevan: When I first encountered you, Hero, you were already bursting with strength.
Ashlynn: You've come a long way since Weaver's Peak, that's for sure.
Terry: I'm always happy to dish out a good trouncing.
Amos: Why don't you try battlin' Captain Franco, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A little flighty, aye? I gotta say, I had the same first impression, too.
Milly: Aren't you the popular one, Hero?
Nevan: What's your secret, Hero?
Ashlynn: She'd probably marry you on the spot if you proposed, Hero!
Terry: ............
Amos: Everyone loves a Prince!
Lizzie: (snarl) Girl...like Hero...? (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hey, let's go and say hello to that old hag later, aye?
Milly: Oh, Madame Luca left before us?
Nevan: Perhaps we should pay Madame Luca a visit.
Ashlynn: Well, I say we all go visit her place after this!
Ashlynn: Maybe her crystal ball's got some news for us.
Amos: Aw, would've been nice to say hello to old Luca.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Three cheers for Prince Hero!
Milly: That's good to know!
Nevan: The frowns in Somnia have been turned upside down!
Ashlynn: If folks are this happy now, just wait'll we win real peace!
Terry: Glad folks are smiling again.
Amos: All that's left is to batter the Archfiend!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: A song for Hero, aye? I wonder if we can dance to it.
Milly: Can I have an autograph, Prince Hero? Hee hee.
Nevan: I wonder if we, too, shall be making an appearance in this epic.
Ashlynn: Hey, I wanted to write one, too! I better finish mine first!
Terry: I hope he pulls his finger out and writes something worth hearing.
Amos: Once he's composed his little ditty, let's all have a sing-song!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrarrgh... Song...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, ain't that nice of them.
Milly: We'll make sure that peace is restored before the castle defences are ever tested!
Nevan: The guards seem to be reinvigorated as well.
Ashlynn: Everyone sure is going the distance for you, huh?
Terry: If the castle's in danger, we'll ride to the rescue.
Amos: With these soldiers lookin' after the King and Queen, we can focus on the fightin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Triple...security...? Lizzie not understand... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Captain Rusty saw a lot more than folks gave him credit for, aye?
Milly: Everyone was dancing to Chancellor Keating's tune back then, weren't they?
Nevan: You were treated as an impostor, weren't you, Hero?
Ashlynn: Boy, Keating sure put us through the wringer back then, didn't he?
Terry: I wonder what kind of captain this Rusty guy was.
Amos: Well, you weren't quite the real Prince back then. It's a bit tricky to explain...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! If it weren't for us, Murdaw would still be alive 'n kickin', so...
Milly: We were right to keep quiet. Revealing our true intentions would only have caused concern.
Nevan: He should be grateful he didn't have to face Murdaw.
Ashlynn: These soldiers against Murdaw? Yeah...no.
Terry: Some battles aren't about just deploying as many troops as possible.
Amos: Old Amos wanted to fight Murdaw and all!
Lizzie: (snarl) Murdaw... Grrarrrgh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Folks just love ya to death here, Hero. Must be nice.
Milly: We should get going!
Nevan: We cannot linger here. Our destiny awaits us.
Ashlynn: It's best to move on when you're still on top, I say.
Terry: Let's hit that Archfiend – hard.
Amos: Old Amos misses Scrimsley somethin' rotten – but there's work to do!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. It's nice to see Franco's got some guts.
Milly: I'm just glad that Captain Franco returned to the castle.
Nevan: I see. So this Franco has been around a while.
Ashlynn: Boy, do I hate Keating!
Terry: I couldn't care less about all this.
Amos: If only Keating had left the castle instead of Franco.
Lizzie: (snarl) Keating...? Lizzie not like name... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Captain Rusty saw what other folks didn't, aye?
Milly: Captain Rusty... His faith in us was not misplaced...
Nevan: We can defeat the Archfiend and dedicate the victory to Captain Rusty.
Ashlynn: “Poor Captain Rusty” is right...
Terry: ............
Amos: The more I think about Keatin', the angrier I get!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: We're on the job, aye? Big 'n small, we'll wallop 'em all!
Milly: Knowing that there's an enemy more powerful than Murdaw out there is putting everyone on edge.
Nevan: It seems people are becoming dimly aware of the Archfiend's existence...
Ashlynn: Nothing left for us to do but beat the Archfiend, huh?
Terry: Heh. Line up as many Archfiends as you like. We'll take 'em all down.
Amos: Does the Prince get all the divine protection?
Any left for us?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Dreams about doughnuts sound like sweet dreams to me.
Milly: He must've wanted to research the relationship between the real and dream worlds.
Nevan: ...What do dreams about tapioca mean? He's piqued my interest.
Ashlynn: The poor, poor man...
Terry: That old boy needs to calm down.
Amos: What do dreams about bunny girls mean?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie dream of doughnuts... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Folks've really perked up around here, aye?
Milly: His culinary chops are second to none!
Nevan: That man takes his food seriously. No doubt the results will be delicious.
Ashlynn: Everyone seems back to normal here now that you're back, Hero.
Terry: Smells like sautéed foie gras, if I'm not mistaken. Umm... Not that I care about that sort of thing.
Amos: (sniff) Good...smell... (slobber)
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hmph. I could take him...
Milly: I wonder if he really poses a threat...
Nevan: We can doubtless hold our own against even the most hardened prisoner.
Ashlynn: If we ever find that Keating, I'll chuck him in this cell personally!
Terry: If this prisoner kicks off, we'll calm him down.
Amos: If Keatin' really was banged up here, I bet he'd never shut up.
Lizzie: (snarl) Cell dark... Narrow... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Losin' your muscles is almost as bad as losin' your freedom.
Milly: My word, his stomach is certainly rather...flabby.
Nevan: He even boasts about being an infamous robber! What a shameless blowhard...
Ashlynn: If he really was famous, he wouldn't have gotten caught, right?
Terry: It's a disgrace alright...
Amos: Old Amos is startin' to get a washboard stomach and all!
Lizzie: (snarl) Prisoner...flabby... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Even the cats are happy to see ya, Hero.
Milly: I never tire of kitties!
Nevan: What a thoroughly charming cat!
Ashlynn: Ooh! Kitty out for a walk, hmm?
Terry: ............
Amos: I reckon it's huntin' for mice.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey... I hope we can make it safe to play outside again soon.
Milly: I wonder if she's the one who looks after these beautiful flowers?
Nevan: These flowers are indeed soothing.
Ashlynn: Ooh! Look at the pretty flowers!
Terry: I've got nothing against flowers.
Amos: If only all the world's monsters turned into flowers!
Lizzie: (spit) Urggh... Flowers taste bitter... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Right. Where to next, Hero?
Milly: We should be grateful for everyone's concern.
Nevan: It's a glorious day! Just right for a glorious adventure.
Ashlynn: It's gotta be tough for these guards, huh?
Terry: C'mon, let's get moving.
Amos: Let's take care. The going's about to get tougher.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Music to your ears, aye?
Milly: Let's go and have a word with the King.
Nevan: The soldiers of Somnia are never anything less than perfectly disciplined.
Ashlynn: Pretty nice for a gate guard, huh?
Terry: So we're going in?
Amos: Does coming here feel like home to you, Hero? Or does Weaver's Peak fit that bill better?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We're just part of the entourage to these folks.
Milly: Yet another fan of yours, Hero.
Nevan: I'd get the same kind of treatment back in Ghent.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Quite the ladies' man, huh, Hero?
Terry: Hero, you're a star.
Amos: Old Amos is kind, too!
Lizzie: (snarl) Seems...excited... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hmm? Has he got a bone to pick or somethin'?
Milly: I sense that the dog's a fan, too, Hero!
Nevan: That's a rather friendly dog.
Ashlynn: He's barking at you and not me, right, Hero?
Terry: ............
Amos: Doggies love the smell of Hero!
Lizzie: (snarl) Dog...barked at Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: I don't care what world those monsters run to. They can't hide from us!
Milly: Well, Murdaw was able to control King Somnus, after all – they were right to be scared of him.
Nevan: It is alarming to think Murdaw's dark influence could extend into the realm of dreams.
Ashlynn: Ahh, I remember when Murdaw was the only menace. Good times...
Terry: Murdaw? I'll have to plead ignorance...
Amos: Old Amos sometimes gets the dream world and the real world mixed up...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! That kid's got some pipes!
Milly: It's great to see him so happy!
Nevan: What an excitable young man.
Ashlynn: You gotta love hearing that, huh, Prince?
Amos: Yippee! Old Amos is over the moon and all!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, that's just human nature 'n everything like that, aye, Hero?
Milly: Expressing your heartfelt happiness is a wonderful thing.
Nevan: Well, he's certainly enjoying his youth!
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, let's hear you holler like that.
Terry: ............
Amos: Old Amos has to let the world know when somethin' good happens – or somethin' bad...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Of course he's tough enough! Right, Hero?
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: Our Hero's as tough as they come!
Ashlynn: Every kid in town adores you, Hero!
Terry: Well, if I was there, I'd have done it myself.
Amos: Hero's only goin' to get tougher.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...tough enough...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hmm... Or maybe a lantern, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. A child's mind is ever so amusing.
Nevan: ...Ha! Er, I found that gag rather amusing...
Ashlynn: If anyone can light up a room, it's Hero.
Terry: ...Was that a joke? He'll need better material if he plans to go pro...
Amos: Ha! Let's give that kid a standin' ovation!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! You're the old fella's pride and joy, aye?
Milly: You were terribly lucky to have received so much love whilst growing up, Hero.
Nevan: Shall we visit her grandfather?
Ashlynn: At his age, that guy probably had a lot of good old days.
Terry: Well, why not?
Amos: Sounds like her grandfather loved you like his own son, Hero.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie...proud to be with Terry... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Better, stronger, and faster, aye? Sounds like Somnia's soldiers'll be superhuman before long.
Milly: Monsters are never to be underestimated, eh Hero?
Nevan: A soldier must always be prepared.
Ashlynn: It wouldn't hurt that lady to move around a little herself...
Terry: Real soldiers don't have to be told...
Amos: If everyone knew how to stand up to monsters, the world would be in better shape.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...no need training... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: See what happens when ya think too much?
Milly: It's at times like this that I start believing that ignorance is bliss...
Nevan: We must fight to lift the cloud of fear and dread that hovers over the land.
Ashlynn: Does he sense the Archfiend's presence?
Maybe he's sensitive to that sort of thing...
Terry: If I was the King, I'd spill the beans about the Archfiend.
Amos: Look! Over there!
It's the Archfiend!!!
Amos: ...Just joshin' with you!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie hope...too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: You told him that? Crikey! I was all excited about a free shoppin' spree!
Milly: Good old Hero – even as a child you did things the right way.
Nevan: Hero, it's equally admirable that you didn't play around here and get in his way.
Ashlynn: That's a pretty grown-up thing for a kid to say, Hero!
Terry: What's so impressive about that?
Amos: If old Amos'd been the Prince, I'd have got free sweets from every corner of the kingdom!
Lizzie: (snarl) Fine thing... Fine Prince... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Folks are really workin' hard in town, aye?
Milly: Making money is always a merchant's priority, I suppose.
Nevan: She has his job to do – as we have ours.
Ashlynn: It's nice to see everyone looking chipper again!
Terry: I'm wearing my game face too.
Amos: Does she not offer some kind of “Prince Discount”?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie ready for work... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's nice to know folks're thinkin' about ya, aye, Hero?
Milly: The Prince will settle down once peace is restored!
Nevan: Hero, truly you are blessed to be in everyone's hearts and minds.
Ashlynn: I don't think Hero is really the relax-in-his-castle type of prince.
Terry: This kingdom will get its Prince back once I've trounced the Archfiend.
Amos: Well, if the Archfiend showed his face, it'd speed things up a lot.
Lizzie: (snarl) Poor Hero... No peace... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We gotta protect the world, and that's that.
Milly: It's up to us to ease that nun's anxieties.
Let's do our best, Hero.
Nevan: She's sensitive to the encroaching darkness.
Her unease is well-founded...
Ashlynn: I'm still training too, aren't I? I need to build up more willpower!
Terry: Now's not the time to be discussing Murdaw.
Amos: If we don't do somethin' soon, every inch of the world will end up covered in monsters!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...never see...Murdaw... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
Carver: She's huntin' for that legendary stuff just like us, aye? Well, this is awkward...
Milly: I can sense her desire to visit the Celestial Castle.
Nevan: It appears that many still seek the legendary relics.
Ashlynn: No way she'll get that gear before us.
Terry: ...The Celestial Castle?
Amos: Don't tell her how many legendary relics we've got up our sleeve.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...can't equip... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Catchin' up with your “old” friends, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Oh Hero, you're always so kind.
Nevan: Nothing could make that man happier than the sight of your face, Hero.
Ashlynn: Wow! It's wrinkle city when that guy smiles!
Terry: ............
Amos: Hero's a kind one – and a tough one too.
Lizzie: (snarl) Terry kind too... (slobber)
Goober: Boiiing...
Carver: Hardy har! Hero? Bright? Hardy har har! That's rich!
Milly: That man must've been like a father to you, Hero. Make sure you thank him properly.
Nevan: Hero, you were really spoilt with such a wonderful companion.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I bet I was a brat who played hooky to go beat up the neighbourhood boys!
Terry: Are we good, then? Let's go.
Amos: I'd love to see a wood-carvin' of you when you were young, Hero!
Lizzie: (spit) Hero bright and generous... (snarl)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Let's leave her be, aye?
Milly: Quietly does it.
Nevan: ............
Ashlynn: Keep quiet, people...
Terry: ............
Amos: ...Shh! Tread softly!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Uh... I think he'd better stick with the monster masterin'.
Milly: I wonder whether we've met him up at Alltrades Abbey in the dream world...
Nevan: What does he plan to do as a pattycake princess?
Ashlynn: A pattycake princess? Riiight.
Terry: He's letting his imagination run wild...
Amos: He don't look like princess material to old Amos.
Lizzie: (snarl) Pattycake...princess...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: Whoa! These tales are travellin' faster than us.
Milly: No matter which world we're in, rumours about us continue to persist.
Nevan: I'm happy to hear these seem to be good tales.
Ashlynn: Wow! We're, like, famous or something!
Terry: It's only natural everyone's talking about us.
Amos: It's true – there's not much we haven't done.
Lizzie: (snarl) What tales...? Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I won't tell her about the Archfiend if you don't.
Milly: So monster numbers are increasing in this area... We'd better stay alert.
Nevan: People's anxiety shows no signs of abating.
Ashlynn: Boy, how should we explain it to her...?
Terry: Just goes to show that Murdaw wasn't the last word in evil.
Amos: Maybe we should thin out the monsters' ranks round here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: He's aimin' high, but his motives are in the gutter.
Milly: Hee hee. What a precocious child.
Nevan: There must be easier routes to success with girls than becoming king. Not that I could name any...
Ashlynn: No way I'd want that kid leading my homeland.
Terry: ............
Amos: Becomin' king to get girls? Now, that's not actually a bad idea...
Lizzie: (snarl) Become king...? Grrr... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm? Did that mutt lose his master or somethin'?
Milly: The dog's dark aura shows that he shares the Somnians' anxiety.
Nevan: The general anxiety afflicts even dogs.
Ashlynn: Aww, poor little pup.
Terry: Do we really have time to be talking to dogs?
Amos: Maybe the doggy's whinin' to work up an appetite.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We did pretty much the opposite when we ran into our twins, aye?
Milly: I wish we could just tell her the truth. But the people of this world wouldn't understand...
Nevan: Perhaps I too have a doppelganger. I pray I meet him one day.
Ashlynn: Meeting your twin is easy! Just cast Morph, and presto! Instant twin!
Terry: Imagine if there was a whole legion of mes out there.
Amos: Believe me, old Amos is one of a kind!
Lizzie: (snarl) Monster...look like Lizzie? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'd like to find that out myself.
Milly: Those three chasms were all in places that the Archfiend feared. The fourth is surely the same...
Nevan: We need to fill in the final chasm and face the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: He's got a point. What do you think's gonna happen when we fill that fourth chasm?
Amos: Rumours about those chasms are spreadin' fast. Hope the chasms don't start spreadin' too...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We knew that before anyone, aye?
Milly: We finally filled in all the chasms in the upper world, didn't we?
Nevan: Those chasms are happily a thing of the past.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! The Archfiend's four worst fears are back in action!
Terry: The chasms are gone – that's why I'm here.
Amos: Leavin' those chasms unfilled would've been bloomin' dangerous.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Chasms...gone... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa. So much for blind faith in the King up here...
Milly: This country's aura is certainly brighter than before.
Nevan: I have faith that no king is indifferent to the fate of his kingdom.
Ashlynn: Yeah... This world's King does have a few, uh, quirks...
Terry: Sorry, but this has got nothing to do with me.
Amos: Maybe the King's preoccupied with other things.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hmm... No comment, aye?
Milly: Are the dream world and the real world gradually becoming entwined? I just don't know any more...
Nevan: Everyone should decide for themselves whether they are real or a dream.
Ashlynn: What can we say to her? When she's right, she's right...
Terry: If she was a bit more tough-minded, she wouldn't get so confused.
Amos: Folk in the upper world dream too, right? So I suppose there's yet another world for that...
Lizzie: (snarl) If don't...defeat Archfiend...Lizzie become loopy too... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har... Wait, huh?
Milly: We should try and find some happiness out there as well!
Nevan: These are words to carry in your heart.
Ashlynn: Shouldn't the King stop worrying about being happy and just run his country?
Terry: ...Those are wise words?
Amos: There won't be much happiness happenin' till we batter that Archfiend!
Lizzie: (snarl) Happiness... Make happen... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: No point in proclaimin' that Hero's the Prince, aye? It'd just confuse folks.
Milly: Yet more proof that the dream world and real world are inextricably linked.
Nevan: The dream world and the real world...
The upper and lower realms...
I'm fascinated by how they influence each other.
Ashlynn: What's so strange about that? It's just a dream, right? Anything goes!
Terry: A dream's a dream. Just forget it.
Amos: Anyone want to hear what old Amos dreamt last night?
Amos: Umm... I forgot!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hmm... We don't really have all the facts either, aye?
Milly: I can sense his anxiety...
Nevan: Let's pray he's still alive.
Ashlynn: Captain Blade's still alive in that guy's heart, at least.
Terry: If we happen to find him, we'll help him.
Amos: I hope it's not just that old boy's wishful thinkin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That fella was Keating's helper or somethin', aye?
Milly: Master Keating... He was a man of great means in this world, wasn't he?
Nevan: So Keating's staying under lock and key.
Ashlynn: I certainly won't cry if I never see Keating again.
Terry: Who's Keating?
Amos: Keatin'... Keatin'...
I've as good as forgotten him...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Keating...behind bars... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: What's he expect? He's really an old man, so...
Milly: We can't tell him the truth, Hero.
Nevan: People here may well be on the verge of waking up.
Ashlynn: Maybe the guy dreaming him up needs a stiffer mattress...
Terry: He looks young, but he acts like an old man.
Amos: Lately, old Amos's back has been sore, too...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Maybe we should show him Ra's mirror, aye?
Milly: She could be a little more sympathetic...
Nevan: It's natural to want to hold on to your memories.
Ashlynn: That girl's an old lady in the real world, right?
Terry: You can't always cling to the past.
Amos: Old Amos had somethin' to say!
...Nope, I've forgotten.
Lizzie: (snarl) Husband...look...young... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Well, the King's a new man now, so...
Milly: We'd best keep our mouths shut...
Nevan: I don't think the King should be running wild, even if it is all a dream.
Ashlynn: All toil and no play makes for a dull king.
Terry: Lovely king they've got here...
Amos: What a bloomin' terrible King!
...Oh, who am I kiddin'!?
Old Amos is just green around the gills.
Lizzie: (snarl) Girls run...from King...? (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: The monsters must be givin' the merchants a rough time, aye?
Milly: I suppose Murdaw's defeat must have caused a temporary decline in monster numbers.
Nevan: If the monster population could be reduced, more supplies could come in...
Ashlynn: Food shortages? Wow, this is getting serious.
Terry: Take out the monsters and the food supplies will start flooding in.
Amos: If we thinned out the monster ranks, would it let food supplies in?
Lizzie: (snarl) No food... No good... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Right! Onward!
Milly: The gate guard is as alert as ever.
Nevan: This is the very model of a fine castle.
Ashlynn: We're, like, best pals with the gate guard by now, huh?
Terry: That guard looks like he's born for that job.
Amos: He remembered us! What an honour!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! These folks can count on us!
Milly: Well, let's go!
Nevan: May the Goddess be with us all.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We'll do our best!
Terry: Let's head to the Archfiend's lair.
Amos: We'll keep soldierin' on!
Lizzie: (snarl) Goddess...with us...? (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Uh-oh. Somnus is busted, aye?
Milly: Queen Apnea... She's been watching from there the whole time...
Nevan: I wonder how much longer she can put up with this.
Ashlynn: She stands out like a sore thumb in that outfit!
Terry: Who's that?
Amos: They can't tell it's the Queen, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hmm... Scary, aye?
Milly: There's no sign of laughter in her eyes...
Nevan: I sensed a slight sense of fear...
Ashlynn: I can't blame her for being miffed. You saw how the King's behaving these days.
Terry: Who is she?
Amos: She's a looker, alright!
Lizzie: (snarl) Heh...heh... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! We really owe that fella, aye?
Milly: We should be ever so grateful to that old gentleman.
Nevan: It's the wagon that lets us travel around together like this.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Seeing him so proud makes me feel...well, proud!
Terry: It's a fine wagon, I'll give him that.
Amos: The old boy doesn't look all that proud to me.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie want...pull wagon... (snarl)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Captain Carver, aye? Has a nice ring to it.
Milly: Hmm. I'm not sure if Hero and Carver are really captain material...
Nevan: Becoming captain would be a heavy burden of responsibility.
Ashlynn: Wow! Does that mean I can become, like, a captainette or something?
Terry: We're trying to save the world – not looking for career opportunities.
Amos: We'd be in a spot of bother if Hero stayed here and became captain!
Lizzie: (snarl) Make captain...? Not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Far-fetched or not, that's what happened, aye?
Milly: I suppose it's hard for people to believe.
Nevan: Well, truth is stranger than fiction.
Ashlynn: I guess he had to be there.
Terry: That guy probably thinks it's all a dream.
Amos: I still can't believe the Archfiend had the nerve to dig those things.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, remember that fella we met who'd been haulin' stones for thirty years?
Milly: The very existence of this dream world is probably the main mystery, eh?
Nevan: Solve one mystery and you'll reveal another one. That's the nature of mysteries.
Ashlynn: Who knows how many mysteries are left out there? That's a mystery in itself, huh?
Terry: Mysteries keep life interesting.
Amos: I wonder what age that brainy chap was when he started his research.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie can't...solve mysteries... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: I'll bet she's never seen an appetite like mine.
Milly: Preparing meals for all these soldiers must be quite a challenge.
Nevan: I wonder how many soldiers' rations she prepares at once.
Ashlynn: Don't look at me. I can barely boil water.
Terry: It'd be rude if the soldiers left any scraps, after all.
Amos: If it'll make her feel proud, old Amos will eat her grub too!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie hungry... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Huh. She mean the girl over there?
Milly: It's too bad there aren't any soldiers around to help out with the heavy lifting.
Nevan: We must show gratitude to the Goddess whenever we eat.
Ashlynn: Boy, that girl's sweating up a storm. Hope it doesn't drip into any of the soup pots. Yuck!
Terry: You have to work hard if you learn responsibility.
Amos: Old Amos's tummy's rumblin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So that gal in the kitchen has a thing for men in uniform, aye?
Milly: The Restless Heart seems to have an infinite variety of uses...
Nevan: He seems to have a kind heart – in addition to his Restless Heart.
Ashlynn: Aww, that's sweet!
Terry: Can you just break up the Restless Heart like that? I had no idea...
Amos: Old Amos has got a Fearless Heart!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: The dream world's startin' to get all mixed up with the real one, aye?
Milly: I'm starting to feel sorry for him, I must admit.
Nevan: With the real world and dream world so entangled, it gives birth to all sorts of strange distortions.
Ashlynn: Hey, I'm just happy Keating's doing time somewhere.
Terry: It's clear that guy's no good.
Amos: Events in the world below influence things up here...
Amos: The folks up here don't know how it all fits together, so they must get confused.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! We're the pride of the Somnian military, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. We do what we can, eh?
Nevan: It's nice that the guards are so supportive.
Ashlynn: That's what we're here for!
Terry: Let's try to make them even prouder.
Amos: Old Amos is doin' his level best!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That fella must not get out much. Too bad for him.
Milly: Right, let's go.
Nevan: He's not wrong. Multitudes of monsters remain.
Ashlynn: You'd think a soldier stuck in the castle all the time would get all flabby.
Terry: A guard's job sounds way too dull for me.
Amos: We keep batterin' monsters and they keep comin' back for more. We need to go after the Archfiend!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Looks to me like the “sleepless sire” still puts in a lot of late nights!
Milly: Just as long as it doesn't affect his royal decision-making...
Nevan: The King may be carefree but I'm sure he'd be good in a crisis.
Ashlynn: Boy, King Somnus sure is living the good life over here, huh?
Terry: A country's ruler should put his heart and soul into his work – and his play.
Amos: He's right – he's not the same sire!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I didn't know kings could go “off duty”...
Milly: The King seems to be on everyone's minds.
Nevan: We all have our part to play.
Ashlynn: Well, that's reassuring, I guess.
Terry: Let's leave this kingdom to the Somnians – we've got an Archfiend to take down.
Amos: It's good to see soldiers serious about their duties.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Wow! Good for him!
Milly: That soldier's unbridled joy is inspiring.
Nevan: That's good to hear.
Ashlynn: Aww, that's wonderful!
Terry: ............
Amos: Sounds like a dream come true. Now when will mine come true...?
Lizzie: (snarl) When people happy...Lizzie happy too... Strange... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'll rest my bones when I'm dead. We've got too much to do in the meantime, aye?
Milly: What a nice thing to say.
Nevan: We appreciate that woman's concern.
Ashlynn: That sure was nice of her.
Terry: ............
Amos: That old dear shouldn't fret. Old Amos gets plenty of kip!
Lizzie: (snarl) Rest...bones? Which bones...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He's got that right!
Milly: It's all this travelling we've been doing, isn't it?
Nevan: Life's quest has bulked us up, to be sure.
Ashlynn: You're certainly looking a lot more rugged these days, Hero!
Terry: Is he saying we've put on weight?
Amos: That important-lookin' fellow's not wrong!
We're lookin' stout and sturdy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, when do we get our holiday?
Milly: Hee hee. King Somnus's senses are pretty sharp, aren't they?
Nevan: We should keep what we know about Queen Apnea to ourselves.
Ashlynn: This is more than just a “vacation”, I'd say...
Terry: Hey, if you've got a chance to take it easy, you should take it.
Amos: That pretty Apnea lady is keepin' an eye on him alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That must be what they call the royal treatment.
Milly: Hardly a ringing endorsement of your father, Hero...
Nevan: Oh dear me...
Ashlynn: She sure is full of herself!
Terry: They both seem equally guilty...
Amos: Old Amos is green with...w-with disapproval! That's it! What terrible behaviour!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie magnetic personality too... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Where'd King Somnus find these girls, anyway?
Milly: I think King Somnus has got a problem...
Nevan: ...Pattycake!? I...I must pray...
Ashlynn: “Old” habits, huh...?
Terry: She looks like she's more than just a maid...
Amos: Old Amos's heart started racin' for a second there.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh...! Patty...cake...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
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Carver: Hardy har! We've been travellin' the worlds quite a bit since our last visit, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Weaver's Peak has a very youthful gatekeeper.
Nevan: Something about this village puts me at ease.
Ashlynn: I hope that kid hasn't been drawing graffiti all over the place.
Terry: Is that kid related to you, Hero?
Amos: That kid's full of beans!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Folks're disappearin' now, too...? Things are just gettin' crazier 'n crazier...
Milly: The world has no hope for respite while the Archfiend is still at large, eh?
Nevan: The thought of people disappearing is most troubling.
Ashlynn: Well, I doubt any of the monsters will be targeting her, at least...
Terry: People are just disappearing?
Amos: First maraudin' monsters, now disappearances...
Whatever's next?
Lizzie: (snarl) People...disappearing...? Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I dunno about clouds, but she's got the “nasty beast” part right, aye?
Milly: The world throbs with a malevolent energy. Everyone can sense the Archfiend's existence...
Nevan: We must locate the Archfiend. We haven't a moment to lose.
Ashlynn: No one'll feel safe until we beat the Archfiend...
Terry: Let's find that nasty beast and take him down!
Amos: If we don't defeat the Archfiend, those ominous clouds'll take up permanent residence.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. Wonder who said that.
Milly: The villagers would be quite surprised if they knew the truth about you, Hero.
Nevan: Apparently, the villagers here have some trouble believing you're a prince, Hero.
Ashlynn: Well, the joke's on him, huh, Hero?
Terry: Why not just tell him you're really a prince?
Amos: Ha ha ha!
Amos: ...Old Amos just decided to laugh along!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hey, ya think that little fella remembers us?
Milly: There's no sound more soothing than a cat's meow.
Nevan: That cat is always busy patrolling the village.
Ashlynn: Kitty!
Terry: I'd prefer a monster to a cat – so I could take it down.
Amos: There's nowt cuter than a cat!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hey! Are you gonna just stand by 'n let that happen, Hero?
Milly: She doesn't seem to mind, eh... What'll you do, Hero?
Nevan: As her older brother, you must be worried about Tania, Hero.
Ashlynn: Buddy, huh? Well, the Buddy down here isn't all that bad, really.
Terry: ............
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't mind a brother like Hero too!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Even I'd get rattled if I saw someone blink out of existence right before my eyes.
Milly: I fear that he's right. This must have been the work of monsters.
Nevan: Where could his companion have disappeared to?
Ashlynn: He just disappeared, huh? He wasn't, like, gobbled up by monsters or anything?
Terry: There's a simple solution to all this – defeating the Archfiend ASAP.
Amos: D'you think a new chasm opened up and his mate fell down it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Let's start a rumour that the world's run out of ale. That's bound to surprise him!
Milly: Honestly, there's a rumour about everything these days.
Nevan: Well, we know beds can fly in the upper world.
But castles...?
Ashlynn: I know what'll surprise him. You bend down behind him and I'll push him over.
Terry: So the rumour about the flying castle was true.
Amos: That lad probably wouldn't bat an eyelid if old Amos transformed into a monster.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Flying...castle... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I'll drink to that!
Milly: She just needs to stay strong for a little while longer.
Nevan: Anxiety has replaced happiness, it seems.
Ashlynn: You can't blame her for thinking that, huh?
Terry: They can relax with their pints once the Archfiend's bitten the dust.
Amos: It's come to somethin' when a pint won't banish the blues.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Her senses are right on target, aye?
Milly: She's right. The forces of evil are gradually getting stronger...
Nevan: Her unease is coming across loud and clear.
Ashlynn: “Growing in power”? We better beat that Archfiend quick!
Terry: The bigger the enemy, the harder they fall.
Amos: Let's bash the Archfiend before her unease grows any bigger!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: If that's the Armour of Orgo, I'll eat it!
Milly: Hmm. Armour shouldn't be judged on its appearance any more than a person should.
Nevan: That gentleman is more knowledgeable than his appearance would suggest.
Ashlynn: Armour of Orgo, huh...?
Terry: Maybe we should show off the real Armour of Orgo.
Amos: That armour's seen better days and no mistake!
Lizzie: (spit) This armour...not legendary... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Sounds like Buddy's been peekin' in on Tania a lot, aye?
Milly: He appears to be quite genuine.
Nevan: You have a rather concerned expression, Hero...
Ashlynn: Oh, no doubt about that! Tania's a real catch!
Terry: ............
Amos: If Tania's happy, then old Amos is happy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Whoa! And I thought learnin' martial arts was tough.
Milly: A weaver's training is just as relentless as I thought it would be.
Nevan: Weaving looks like back-breaking work.
Ashlynn: Judith's learning the hard way, huh?
Terry: ............
Amos: The old girl's a hard taskmistress!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Good to hear, aye?
Milly: I'm so happy for them.
Nevan: Long may Weaver's Peak continue to weave!
Ashlynn: Working a loom looks a lot tougher than I thought!
Terry: ............
Amos: So that's how you use a loom!
You learn somethin' every day!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hey, looks like Judith was a little worried about ya, aye?
Milly: Now Hero, don't “loom” over her like that.
Hee hee.
Nevan: Her weaving technique looks rough and ready to me...
Ashlynn: That's the girl they're counting on to keep up the weaving tradition? Oh, brother...
Terry: That girl's got some guts. Is she your lady, Hero?
Amos: She looks bloomin' good behind a loom!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey Hero, do you really think Buddy and Tania are a good match?
Milly: Who's best for Tania is not a matter for others to decide.
Nevan: This can't be easy for you, Hero.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Well, Tania sees Hero more like a brother than anything else, so...
Terry: You're not planning on challenging this Buddy character to a duel, are you?
Amos: Well, old Amos is clearly the best match!
...Hang on! I don't mean for Buddy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Cow's peppy as always, aye?
Milly: That cow seems in good shape again today.
Nevan: It seems you feel compelled to greet your bovine brethren, Hero.
Ashlynn: Gross! I wish she'd chew with her mouth closed!
Terry: So you've even got cow pals...? You're a popular chap, Hero.
Amos: That cow seems as happy as can be.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrr... Moo...? Moooooo... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Huh. Well, not like it's Hero's fault, aye...?
Milly: The Mayor's only doing what he thinks is right.
We can't fault him for that.
Nevan: Fate is at work...
Ashlynn: Please! As if the Mayor could ever forget about him!
Terry: Sounds like you've had your share of troubles, Hero.
Amos: I don't reckon the Mayor really wants her to forget...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Well, now the Mayor's got an ironclad excuse for why Hero's gone, aye? He must like that...
Milly: The Mayor seems to have gotten to grips with a few facts, eh?
Nevan: It seems word that you're the Prince of Somnia has reached the Mayor.
Ashlynn: Aww! The Mayor's worried for you...in his own way.
Terry: I take it you're not settling down here, Hero.
Amos: The poor Mayor can't breathe a word of the truth to the villagers.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Oops! We dropped by just when it was gettin' good, aye?
Milly: Oh Tania...
Nevan: Buddy seems to be at a loss for words.
Ashlynn: I guess Hero really is like a brother to her, huh?
Terry: Should we be hearing this?
Amos: I hope us showin' up hasn't caused any trouble.
Lizzie: (snarl) This room...very hot... Graaargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She really does look happy to see you, aye, Hero?
Milly: Tania seems determined to see you as her brother, Hero.
Nevan: Tania looks thrilled to see you, Hero. Be sure to look after her.
Ashlynn: I guess she can't really welcome you “home” any longer, huh...?
Terry: I don't think we've got the kind of stories we'd want her to hear.
Amos: If we started gassin' on about our adventures, we'd be here for a week!
Lizzie: (snarl) Time to relax... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Hey, Hero, defend yourself here!
Milly: Oh Hero... That isn't how you really feel, is it?
Nevan: I think it's best to express your true feelings.
Ashlynn: “Yes”!? Are you kidding me!? Ugh!
Terry: Why did you say that...?
Amos: You said “Yes”!? No good'll come of this...
Lizzie: (spit) Hero... Lying... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well...at least we know Buddy's serious now, aye?
Milly: It must be hard for you, Hero, having no choice but to continue this journey...
Nevan: Tania will always fight in your corner, Hero.
Ashlynn: Buddy seems committed enough, at least.
I sure hope it works out...
Terry: Is this Buddy really reliable?
Amos: Can we count on Buddy? Depends what exactly we're talkin' about...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: C'mon! Let's keep it goin'!
Milly: Let's keep up our pace, Hero.
Nevan: There doesn't appear to be anyone around.
Ashlynn: Anyone know a good travellin' tune?
Terry: Puny monsters are a nuisance. Let's hope they stay hidden.
Amos: Look at the ground – there's loads of little monster footprints.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Talk about dullsville, aye?
Milly: I'm fond of Howsworth too – there's just so much natural beauty.
Nevan: You can take things at your own pace here.
Ashlynn: Do you think Prince Howard still hides out here sometimes?
Terry: Is there a reason to be here?
Amos: Mind you don't tread in anythin' squelchy.
Lizzie: (snarl) Howsworth... Very...rural... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I'm more of a carpentry man, myself.
Milly: It might not help with the monsters but it's certainly good for one's health.
Nevan: Ploughing is indeed an important activity.
Ashlynn: Yuck. Why would I want hairs on my chest?
Terry: Let's save the ploughin' till the Archfiend's pushing up daisies.
Amos: Soldiers should do a spot of ploughin' as part of their trainin'.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie want try ploughing... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: The “ultimate key”, aye? We gotta get one of those!
Milly: The ultimate key? I'm sure someone already mentioned it to us...
Nevan: I seem to remember hearing something about this key having sunk with a ship...
Ashlynn: Boy, just hearing the name “ultimate key” gets my pulse pounding!
Amos: It's in the ocean, right? Someone said somethin' about an ultimate key sunk in the sea.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The ultimate key really lives up to its name, aye?
Milly: With the ultimate key, we have access to troves of treasure.
Nevan: Unlocking a door and seeing what lies within always gets my heart racing.
Ashlynn: Good thing we found that sunken ship!
Terry: With this key, locks don't stand a chance.
Amos: We're goin' round the place openin' doors left, right and centre!
Lizzie: (snarl) Open...more...doors... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, I've never seen so many monsters around these parts.
Milly: I sense that monster numbers are set to grow yet further... It's quite a concern...
Nevan: We'll do our bit to stem the monster population.
Ashlynn: The innkeeper's fallen on hard times, huh? Maybe we should throw her some business.
Terry: A traveller would need serious sword skills before thinking of going anywhere.
Amos: Shall we duff up a few of the local monsters?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, we saw the ceremony 'n everything like that.
Milly: That man's aura is glowing with relief.
Nevan: That old man once looked after the Prince, right? He must be overjoyed.
Ashlynn: Boy, what a pain in the butt that rite was.
Terry: When did this all happen?
Amos: The Prince seems to give that old boy his sole reason for livin'.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It'd be nice if Howard could shape up and help us out, too, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. The Prince of Somnia's popularity knows no bounds!
Nevan: So Prince Howard is knuckling down to his studies? Marvellous...
Ashlynn: “Studying”? That spoilt brat?
Terry: What's so special about a prince studying?
Amos: I just worry about the kind of things Howie's studyin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie know...how Prince getting on... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Huh. Maybe Howie really is growin' up, aye?
Milly: The Prince is probably consumed by his studies at the moment.
Nevan: Fortunately, it seems that Prince Howard has developed interests outside of hide-and-seek...
Ashlynn: Things might be looking up for Howcastle if Howard's really stopped goofing off!
Terry: So the Prince used to come here to play, huh?
Amos: Old Amos would be happy to stand in for the Prince and play with that lad.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! The Prince must've put this fella through the wringer, aye?
Milly: Those who knew the Prince of old can scarcely believe the change in his behaviour.
Nevan: I have faith that a bright future awaits the kingdom of Howcastle.
Ashlynn: If you ask me, the Prince needed a good spanking ages ago.
Terry: That guy should stop whinging about his Prince.
Amos: Prince Howie was a wrong'un back then, wasn't he!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Huh. Was the cave really that special?
Milly: It wasn't the cave that transformed Howard – the change came from within himself.
Nevan: Prince Howard is a coward no more.
Ashlynn: I'd say getting Howard into the Hollow was a lot more memorable than the Hollow itself!
Terry: They can keep their rites and rituals...
Amos: Old Amos is already a perfect paragon of purity. I've no need to hang round here!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
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Carver: Whoa! Sounds like the Prince has gotten serious 'n everything like that.
Milly: It's good to hear that he's taking his studies seriously.
Nevan: I'm sure there's nothing Prince Howard can't do if he puts his mind to it.
Ashlynn: I dunno. Knowing Prince Howard, I bet those books all have big pictures.
Terry: A little fresh air now and then will do him good.
Amos: I just wonder what kind of books Howie's readin'...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...can't read... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: He doesn't really look like the fightin' type...
Milly: Is this the same Prince Howard? What a transformation.
Nevan: Prince Howard has a fine future ahead of him.
Ashlynn: Prince Howard? Attending training sessions?
Has the world gone mad!?
Terry: No prince worthy of the name can spend his life avoiding fights.
Amos: And there was me thinkin' Howie was no fan of fightin' or studyin'...
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie love fighting... Hate studying... (snarl)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Just what we need – another weirdo in our party. Ain't we a motley crew?
Milly: Even my wildest predictions never saw me befriending a slime knight.
Nevan: We've gained both a knight and a slime. That's quite a bargain!
Ashlynn: I feel bad for the guy, you know? He's just another casualty of that prince's ridiculous behaviour.
Terry: The more the merrier, I suppose...
Amos: Let's hope this slimy knight pulls his weight!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Party...growing... (spit)
Goober: Boiiing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey! You're cold as ice, Hero...
Milly: Poor thing... Everyone wants to feel needed,
you know – not just humans.
Nevan: So Prince Howard had no use for this slightly downhearted slime knight...
Ashlynn: That slime knight picked the wrong prince to idolize, huh?
Terry: Are we just going to leave him here?
Terry: When we next encounter him, he could be fighting for our enemies.
Amos: Who knows how strong that slime knight is?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie not like slime knights... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I'd sooner fight Murdaw again than baby-sit the Prince.
Milly: Our “baby-sitting duties” were rather arduous as well, eh Hero?
Nevan: Prince Howard's old antics meant the soldiers had little time for actually guarding the castle.
Ashlynn: I bet everyone in the castle had to put up with the Prince's nonsense at some point.
Terry: The more I hear about this Prince, the worse he sounds.
Amos: In a way, the Prince was more of a handful than any monsters...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Blimey! Who knew the rite of purification was such a big deal to these folks?
Milly: It's great to see everyone's auras looking so bright.
Nevan: The kingdom's future is in Prince Howard's hands now.
Ashlynn: Wouldn't it be crazy if Prince Howard grew up to be this dashing nobleman?
Terry: You really managed to save the kingdom?
Amos: The kingdom's future is bright thanks to us?
All in a day's work!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hey, remember when we found him here that one time?
Milly: This used to be Prince Howard's private escape passage, didn't it?
Nevan: To think, Prince Howard is now engrossed in his studies...
Ashlynn: Prince Howard was probably the only person in the castle who ever used this exit.
Terry: It's deathly silent down here.
Amos: ...Hello? ...HELLO!
Amos: It's nice and echoey in here!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! He really has changed, aye?
Milly: He's talking the kingly talk already.
Ashlynn: At least he seems to realise all the trouble he caused us.
Nevan: I was wrong to ever doubt Prince Howard.
Nevan: I pray we will hear much about his enlightened reign in the future.
Amos: He's got his head screwed on alright! He knew we were flatterin' him right away!
Terry: He reminds me a little of me when I was a kid...
Lizzie: (slobber) That...Prince Howard...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa – he ain't angry at all... Are we sure this is the same Prince Howard?
Carver: Well, we've all gotta grow up sometime.
Milly: It's amazing what a bit of self-confidence can do for someone.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He's developing a sense of humor, too. That rite really did him right!
Nevan: The Prince truly has become a man.
Amos: You're a straight-talker, aren't you, Hero?
Terry: I can't imagine that guy as a king yet. He's still too green.
Lizzie: (slobber) That...Prince Howard...? (snarl)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: He was a stubborn one, aye. But I bet he can do some great things if he really puts his mind to it.
Milly: “Dedication” is right...
Ashlynn: He has a point. It was a real test of wills, but we won.
Nevan: It seems there was always a fine, upstanding young man inside Prince Howard, struggling to get out.
Nevan: It just goes to show that you should never give up on someone.
Amos: It was a bit of a slog, but our determination paid off in the end.
Terry: Dedication, duty, AND hide-and-seek skills? I salute you.
Lizzie: (slobber) That Prince Howard... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's nice that we made King Howell happy in the end, aye?
Milly: The King must be ever so relieved!
Nevan: I would very much like to return to see what kind of king Prince Howard becomes.
Ashlynn: So they're really gonna let Prince Howard become King someday, huh? Oookay...
Terry: Hero, if you really get the urge to visit Prince Howard, I can tag along.
Amos: When the world's at peace, it'll be your turn to take the throne too, Hero!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Fifty years? What's he mean by that?
Milly: Did he say “legendary sword”!? Let's see if we can gather more information.
Nevan: The legendary sword... Could it be located around here?
Ashlynn: I'm glad we found a lead for that sword and all...but fifty years? Sheesh!
Amos: Does he mean the legendary sword broke fifty years ago or somethin'!?
Goober: Boing!?
Carver: Fifty years too late, aye...? Not that we're lookin' for this Ali Kazam fella, but still...
Milly: Fifty years ago... None of us were even born back then.
Nevan: Perhaps everyone who comes here is looking for this Ali gentleman.
Ashlynn: Who knows? Maybe Ali Kazam came from a family of people who live a really, REALLY long time!
Amos: So we came here to see Ali Kazam, did we?
That's news to old Amos...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Geh. Not too friendly, aye?
Milly: If there's a village up ahead, it'd be a shame not to visit.
Nevan: Just what sort of person is this Ali Kazam?
Ashlynn: A sleepy village? Let's check it out! Maybe we'll find out more about this Ali Kazam guy, too.
Amos: We'd better go and find out what that nameless village is called!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What!? We need magic words 'n everything like that? We'd better figure 'em out, aye?
Milly: So Ali Kazam has already passed on...
Nevan: I would have liked to have met this Ali.
Ashlynn: Our first clue, and it's a dead end!? Oh, brother. There's gotta be some way to find those words!
Amos: Magic words for liftin' the seal on the legendary sword... And no one but Ali Kazam knows 'em?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Whoa, this p-place is c-c-cold! Let's seek sh-shelter on the d-d-double!
Milly: My word, look at this snow!
Huh? That child...
Nevan: M-May the bl-blessings of the Goddess be upon this v-village. Ah...Ah-CHOO!
Ashlynn: Hey, who's that over there? Is that a kid?
Amos: This village has a bloomin' great blanket of snow.
Goober: B-B-B-Boi-oi-oi-oing...
Carver: Brrrr...
Milly: We're going to become icicles at this rate.
Nevan: This kind of cold could freeze your soul.
Ashlynn: Anyone have an extra fur coat or three I can borrow?
Amos: This isn't your normal run-of-the-mill cold...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey... Stiff as a...stiff.
Milly: Oh my... The poor thing...
Nevan: Just what happened here?
Ashlynn: Wow... How could this have happened?
Amos: That's a real human bein'. ...Isn't it?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Frozen to the core...
Milly: I wonder how long they've been frozen like this...
Nevan: A terrible way to meet one's end...
Ashlynn: Do you think they know we're here? Their eyes are open...
Amos: They look like they've been carved in ice.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Frozen to the core...
Carver: Is this a nightmare, or what...?
Carver: Whoever did this to 'em is one bad, bad character...
Milly: To freeze someone into solid ice... This is no ordinary mischief...
Milly: I wonder how long they've been frozen like this...
Milly: It seems they were frozen on the spot, right in the middle of whatever they were doing.
Nevan: A terrible way to meet one's end...
Nevan: If a monster is behind this mischief, they may still be lurking nearby. Let's be on our guard.
Nevan: It appears that no one had the chance to flee.
Ashlynn: Are these people alive or dead or...?
Ashlynn: Do you think they know we're here? Their eyes are open...
Ashlynn: For all we know, the folks here might not have realised what was happening to them.
Amos: They look like they've been carved in ice.
Amos: How can we defrost this village?
Amos: If we heated up the village would it return to normal?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Goober: Boing...
Goober: Boing...!
Carver: Hey, where's he get off takin' our gold?
Milly: We just went along with what he said...
Nevan: Hmm... Did that chap really have the right to charge us for the beds?
Ashlynn: First thing I'm gonna do when we thaw everyone out is tell the innkeeper to get her money from this guy!
Amos: Umm... How much did we pay that lad last night?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whatever.
Milly: That does make sense...
Nevan: We weren't intending to stay for free!
Ashlynn: Isn't it kinda nippy to be sleeping in here anyway?
Amos: It's a harsh world, alright...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hey, how come that fella ain't frozen?
Milly: That conversation seemed to be entirely on his terms...
Nevan: That man may also be seeking the legendary sword.
Ashlynn: You're not too keen on handing gold over to that guy, huh? I can't blame you.
Amos: We don't need to stay here right this moment anyway.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: It's a good thing the adventurer's log was still lyin' around, aye?
Milly: Even the nun's frozen...
Nevan: The blessings of the Goddess be upon her...
Ashlynn: Doesn't it feel a little like we're up to no good here?
Amos: She may be a bit stiff but she's still a beauty!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Is this a nightmare, or what...?
Milly: To freeze someone into solid ice... This is no ordinary mischief...
Nevan: It appears that no one had the chance to flee.
Ashlynn: For all we know, the folks here might not have realised what was happening to them.
Amos: How can we defrost this village?
Goober: Boing...!
Carver: Frozen to the core...
Carver: Is this a nightmare, or what...?
Carver: Whoever did this to 'em is one bad, bad character...
Milly: To freeze someone into solid ice... This is no ordinary mischief...
Milly: I wonder how long they've been frozen like this...
Milly: It seems they were frozen on the spot, right in the middle of whatever they were doing.
Nevan: A terrible way to meet one's end...
Nevan: If a monster is behind this mischief, they may still be lurking nearby. Let's be on our guard.
Nevan: It appears that no one had the chance to flee.
Ashlynn: Are these people alive or dead or...?
Ashlynn: Do you think they know we're here? Their eyes are open...
Ashlynn: For all we know, the folks here might not have realised what was happening to them.
Amos: They look like they've been carved in ice.
Amos: How can we defrost this village?
Amos: If we heated up the village would it return to normal?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Goober: Boing...
Goober: Boing...!
Carver: Frozen to the core...
Carver: Is this a nightmare, or what...?
Carver: Whoever did this to 'em is one bad, bad character...
Milly: To freeze someone into solid ice... This is no ordinary mischief...
Milly: I wonder how long they've been frozen like this...
Milly: It seems they were frozen on the spot, right in the middle of whatever they were doing.
Nevan: A terrible way to meet one's end...
Nevan: If a monster is behind this mischief, they may still be lurking nearby. Let's be on our guard.
Nevan: It appears that no one had the chance to flee.
Ashlynn: Are these people alive or dead or...?
Ashlynn: Do you think they know we're here? Their eyes are open...
Ashlynn: For all we know, the folks here might not have realised what was happening to them.
Amos: They look like they've been carved in ice.
Amos: How can we defrost this village?
Amos: If we heated up the village would it return to normal?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Goober: Boing...
Goober: Boing...!
Carver: Whoa! That fella ain't frozen!
Milly: Here, that gentleman's not frozen.
Nevan: Let's speak to that old man!
Ashlynn: Is...is he a monster!?
Amos: We should be on our guard!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Did you hear that, Hero? That fella's practically beggin' us to check out the shrine to the north-east.
Milly: I sense that this gentleman knows exactly what caused the big freeze in this village...
Nevan: Speaking to the old man again seems like a dead end. What shall we do?
Ashlynn: Well, to the north-east shrine we go!
Amos: That old boy's hidin' somethin' from us...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Great. Him again!
Milly: ............
Nevan: Tales of the legendary sword have doubtless brought that swordsman here.
Ashlynn: The trail's gone cold, huh? Really?
Amos: ...OUCH! That swordsman went and trod on old Amos's toes!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That fella's Colburn? He doesn't match the lady in the cave's description at all!
Milly: So the lady in the shrine was talking about Colburn from fifty years ago...?
Nevan: There's more to this than meets the eyes.
Ashlynn: Fifty years ago...? This is making my head hurt...
Amos: Colburn? Poor fellow's got such sad eyes...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Watch yourself, Hero. No tellin' what might fly out at us!
Milly: It's bitingly cold... I can't feel my legs...
Nevan: I wonder if there's anyone in this place.
Ashlynn: I think it's too cold for monsters here.
Amos: It's bloomin' slippery round here. Mind your step!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Someone's here...
Milly: It's rather like an igloo...
Nevan: No human could survive this perishing cold.
Ashlynn: I doubt there's any monsters around, but...
Amos: Mind your step or you'll slip up and land on your backside!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Col-who? In the south-west village?
Milly: The only villager who wasn't frozen stiff was that elderly gent. He doesn't match her description...
Nevan: Something tells me this woman has some sort of connection to the frozen village.
Ashlynn: How can we tell who Colburn is when everyone's frozen stiff?
Amos: So we have to call on this Colburn lad, eh?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: This whole joint's one big ice cube, aye?
Milly: Let's watch our step in here.
Nevan: I've never been colder...
Ashlynn: Haah... Haaaaaah...
Look! I can see my breath!
Amos: The tips of my poor toes are frozen solid!
...Ouch! ...Ouch!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: No keyhole or anything, aye?
Milly: It won't budge. Someone must know how to open it... We'll have to go and ask around.
Nevan: What can we achieve here beyond getting hypothermia?
Ashlynn: Dead end...
Amos: That door's goin' to take more than us pushin' it to open it.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: We should figure out which way we're gonna slide before traipsin' on the ice, aye?
Milly: We need to speak to that woman again.
Nevan: Ah...Ah-CHOO!
Nevan: Oh, to be back in Ghent...
Ashlynn: Who was that lady, anyway? And how can she live here without getting all frostbitten and everything?
Amos: I'm sorely tempted to have a bit of fun slidin' around...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa! I can't wait to tell everyone we saw a Snow Maiden!
Milly: Let's hurry back to the village!
Nevan: It's like a witch's curse in a fairy tale...
Ashlynn: Let's get back to the village! We gotta make sure she's telling the truth!
Amos: Our lips are sealed!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: We can't even tell our folks back at home? Boo!
Milly: See, Hero? You should never break a promise...
Nevan: This person doesn't seem to have a bad heart...
Ashlynn: I know I'll never talk, but I wonder... Who in our party would be the first to spill the beans?
Amos: We won't breathe a word!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey! Look! Folks're movin' around 'n everything like that!
Milly: It looks like everyone's thawed out!
Nevan: The ice has melted! It seems the Snow Maiden spoke the truth.
Ashlynn: People are walking, talking, and breathing!
Guess we resurrected the village, huh?
Amos: I wonder how ol' Colburn is doin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It all melted in an instant, aye? Crikey, why do we always miss seein' the cool stuff!?
Milly: It seems the ice melted as soon as the curse was lifted.
Nevan: Things have returned to the way they were.
Ashlynn: Was he really paying for his room? Somehow I doubt it.
Amos: It's just like she said! That Snow...
Amos: Snow... (gulp) ...Snowman, anyone? Old Amos is a dab hand at makin' snowmen.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. So this town does have a name, aye?
Milly: I wonder if anyone has any recollection of being trapped in the ice?
Nevan: Someone in this village may hold vital information about the legendary sword.
Ashlynn: Let's go talk to the villagers now that they're not on ice!
Amos: That lad's actually in his sixties...
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: (yawn) Ever notice how yawns catch on?
Milly: He doesn't seem to remember being frozen...
Nevan: So people feel like they've awoken from a lengthy slumber...
Ashlynn: Fifty years out in the cold... Just thinking about it makes me shiver!
Amos: Sleep for too long and you can end up feelin' sleepier!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Folks around here don't seem too fazed...
Milly: It's like time itself just stopped...
Nevan: It's as if nothing ever happened...
Ashlynn: I doubt that lady would know much about the legendary sword.
Amos: Have none of these folks got a touch of frostbite?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: She must be used to the cold, aye?
Milly: She probably wouldn't believe us if we told her she was frozen solid until a little while ago...
Nevan: She's very nimble considering she's only just thawed out.
Ashlynn: Oops! Guess she was playing with the dog, huh?
Amos: That kid's so full of beans she can't feel the cold.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Not even the dog noticed he'd been frozen, aye?
Milly: I hope the doggie enjoys his long-awaited walk!
Nevan: That dog's enjoying a new lease of life.
Ashlynn: Aww, look who's thawed out and ready to run!
Amos: That must be the first dog to live a half a century!
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, it worked! My cockles do feel warmer!
Milly: It's not just the tea that's toasty in here – the people are ever so warm-hearted as well.
Nevan: This is perfect hospitality for cold weather!
Ashlynn: Mmm... That smells good! Must be the herbs and spices.
Amos: Nice that we can drop by whenever we want!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'll be back for a swig of that stuff later...once my innards cool a bit.
Milly: That tea really hit the spot.
Nevan: Herbal tea's a particular favourite of mine.
Ashlynn: That guy's hospitality is so warm, who needs tea?
Amos: Old Amos is overwhelmed by the kindness of these folks!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ah-ha! That musta been where he talked about the Snow Mai– uh, I mean, that lady we met! Ahem.
Milly: He must feel like Colburn just disappeared in front of his very eyes.
Nevan: To everyone except Colburn, this all happened just a moment ago.
Ashlynn: He sure is calm considering his friend just vanished. I'll have what he's having!
Amos: Half a century in the blink of an eye...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Colburn, aye...? More like Oldburn these days.
Milly: Colburn's sudden disappearance must be something of a surprise for her, but imagine her shock if he were still sitting there.
Nevan: The Colburn she knew won't be coming back...
Ashlynn: At least someone's missing Colburn around here...
Amos: Gettin' that girl to grasp the true story would be a right hassle.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Huh. Is that priest new in town or what?
Milly: It sounds like that priest got here at just the right time.
Nevan: To visit a grave and find the person alive...
No wonder he was shocked!
Ashlynn: Wow... That priest and Ali must be almost the same age. Not in years, but...you know, physically...
Amos: Old Ali's lived fifty years longer than a normal person.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! Who can remember all that?
Carver: Well, this one's all on you, Hero. Good thing you've got a perfect memory, aye?
Milly: So the legendary sword is in a frozen grotto to the north – that's simple enough. Those phrases, on the other hand...
Nevan: Being a trustworthy fellow... Bearing arms...
A chap being out of his depth in cold water...
Nevan: I've remembered the key phrases. Let's head to the cave to the north!
Ashlynn: Is that really the password? It sounds like he just made it up on the spot!
Amos: So sayin' “Frizzam!” will get the door's attention?
Amos: ...Whoever heard of a door payin' attention?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey. He's got a short fuse for a wise guy, aye?
Milly: Come on Hero, surely you want him to tell us?
Nevan: Surely there's nothing to be lost from asking him?
Ashlynn: Why'd you say “no” to him, Hero?
Amos: We can't just head off!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aaand she's gone...
Milly: She's just finishing her chores after a fifty-year break.
Nevan: A half century old chore... You can feel the history.
Ashlynn: Now that I think about it, I guess nobody's had anything to eat or drink for half a century, huh?
Amos: Fifty years have passed and she still knows she needs water. What a memory!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. Is she asleep?
Milly: Look at that runny nose! She must have a cold.
Nevan: Sleep is a sure way to avoid getting involved in all these goings-on.
Ashlynn: Creepy. She's sleeping with her eyes open...
Amos: I wonder if she's dreamin' of eatin' somethin'.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whoa there! Watch yourself, Hero...
Milly: It wasn't us that mentioned her, but that was still rather risky, Hero...
Nevan: Seems word has spread without us saying a thing.
Ashlynn: Do you think Gerda's watching us right now?
Amos: Old Amos hasn't heard a thing about it!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I, uh... Ah-choo!
Carver: Oh, great – now I've got it, too!
Milly: He looks freezing – as you'd expect of someone who was trapped in ice for fifty years.
Nevan: He looks frozen to the core.
Ashlynn: I guess you'd expect to catch a cold after being frozen for fifty years...
Amos: He's stocked up fifty years worth of cold, eh?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! That soup's fifty years in the makin', aye?
Milly: She might just have invented a new method of food preservation...
Nevan: She believes it really froze up in an instant...
Ashlynn: Scary, isn't it? They're all completely oblivious to what happened.
Amos: Fifty-year old soup, eh? Old Amos wouldn't mind givin' it a taste...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She was just about to walk her dog when the big chill came, aye?
Milly: They should go for a nice long walk. They haven't had much exercise lately, after all.
Nevan: It's as if the last fifty years never happened.
Ashlynn: Boy, I hope I look as young as she does in fifty years!
Amos: That lass is well into middle age.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Bet his nose must be dry by now, aye?
Milly: The poor dog has no idea what happened either.
Nevan: This dog has a sparkling coat.
Ashlynn: He must be, like, three centuries old in dog years.
Amos: Hey! Doggy! You've been a dogcicle for the last fifty years!
Amos: Ah, there's no point tellin' this to a dog.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He'll never guess that “old fogey” is Colburn, aye?
Milly: Colburn has aged fifty years while everyone else looks the same. No wonder they don't recognise him.
Nevan: It's frustrating not to be able to explain why only Colburn has aged.
Ashlynn: Oh, it's so sad. No one'll ever figure out who he is.
Amos: Poor old Colburn!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Poor fella...
Carver: Maybe he'd have been better if he'd frozen up with the rest, aye?
Milly: Poor Colburn paid a terrible price for his indiscretion...
Milly: I don't think I could have survived being on my own for fifty years...
Nevan: Gerda finally lifted the curse on the village after forgiving Colburn.
Nevan: But they'll never get the lost time back.
Ashlynn: The village might be back to normal, but what's Colburn gonna do now...?
Amos: Deary me! Did he just say somethin' he shouldn't have again...?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: Hey, you remember that password Ali gave us, right?
Carver: ...'Cause I sure don't.
Milly: I sense that we're approaching the legendary sword at last.
Nevan: At last, the legendary sword is within our grasp.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Isn't this exciting? We're just moments away from that sword!
Amos: This cold would freeze a runny nose rock hard!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hmm? What's up? Did you forget the password or somethin'?
Milly: The password was Frizzam, I believe.
Nevan: What's the matter? Now let me think...
Nevan: Being a trustworthy fellow... Bearing arms...
A chap being out of his depth in cold water...
Nevan: Yes, that was it. Why not try reciting it?
Ashlynn: Aww, just say the password! Do it!
Amos: We've come this far and forgotten the password!? Bloomin' heck...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa, whoa, whoa! That wasn't it!?
Milly: Oh dear, looks like we got it wrong... Let's try again.
Nevan: Hm? Where did we go wrong?
Ashlynn: Oops! Guess we got it wrong, huh?
Ashlynn: Maybe we better hustle back to the village for a quick reminder from Ali.
Amos: Hmm... A trustworthy chap bearin' arms bein' in hot water? No, that's not right...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That's that! Easy, aye?
Milly: We did it!
Nevan: Ali Kazam's words proved to be correct!
Ashlynn: Whew! Now we can forget all that gibberish!
Amos: Sometimes a bit of inspired guesswork can go a long way.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'll just have to slip 'n slide our way through, aye?
Milly: Everybody watch your step around here.
Nevan: Some sliding will be impossible to avoid.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! This looks like fun.
Amos: Once you start slidin', you can't stop, so think carefully.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Brrr... The deeper we go in, the colder it gets, aye?
Milly: We're going to end up frozen too if we don't hurry up and get the legendary sword.
Nevan: It's a relief to find no ice under your feet.
Ashlynn: Is it possible for your bones to freeze? I'm pretty sure mine are.
Amos: Old Amos is gettin' a little weary.
Amos: But this is no place for a nap!
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: North, west, east, south... That's a lightning bolt, aye?
Carver: Let's give it a shot, Hero!
Milly: Look how thin the ice is. We'd better be careful not to break it.
Nevan: Hmm... I'd imagine that we have to follow these instructions to the letter.
Ashlynn: It must be talking about those switch thingies on the floor, huh?
Amos: So that's east... Or was it west!?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Blimey! Nice work, Hero! It's open!
Milly: We should get going!
Nevan: The time to lay claim to the legendary sword is finally at hand.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! The legendary sword's gotta be waiting in there!
Amos: Mind we keep our feet right to the end.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Is...is that it?
Milly: Is that the legendary sword!?
Nevan: There can be no doubt that's the legendary sword.
Ashlynn: There's the sword! We did it, Hero!
Amos: The legendary sword! All that slippin' and slidin' was well worth it!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's that freak's problem, aye? Why's he keep houndin' us like that?
Milly: ............
Nevan: If he'd decided to take the sword, I wonder if we would have ended up doing battle with him...
Ashlynn: It's a shame a guy so good-looking has such a rotten personality.
Amos: He didn't so much as look twice at that sword. Can it really be the legendary sword?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: This is the legendary sword? Watch you don't cut yourself on all that rust!
Milly: So this is the Sword of Ramias...
It's terribly rusty...
Nevan: If this is the real legendary sword, we'll need to get the rust removed.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. All that work for this useless thing?
Amos: ...Is this really the legendary sword!? It's definitely not a legendary fake?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: I didn't like the look of that Ali fella at first, but I reckon he came through for us on the password 'n pendant, aye?
Milly: If these swordsmiths are as mythical as Ali says, they should have no problem fixing this sword!
Nevan: In this sorry state, the legendary sword is no use to anyone. We have urgent need of a swordsmith.
Ashlynn: Guess our next stop is Turnscote, huh?
Amos: With this, we can get into Turnscote. Let's hop to it!
Goober: Boing. Boi-oing!
Carver: South of which Alltrades, though...? Ah, we'll find out soon enough, aye?
Milly: I wonder if these swordsmiths are still in Turnscote? There's only one way to find out...
Nevan: A famous family of swordsmiths? I look forward to finding out more!
Ashlynn: Are we sure Ali's leading us on the right track?
His information's fifty years old now, after all.
Amos: So these swordsmiths aren't dodgy, right?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ali's much more reliable than I would've guessed, that's for sure.
Milly: Hee hee. It seems he wasn't always this wise...
Nevan: I'm taken aback...
Ashlynn: Wow! Some sage this guy is, huh?
Amos: Who called him a VIP, I wonder?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: We owe Ali big for gettin' us into Turnscote, aye?
Milly: You know, if Mt Snowhere hadn't been frozen solid for fifty years, we might never have met Ali Kazam.
Milly: Fate works in mysterious ways, I suppose.
Nevan: It's hard to believe this village was frozen for five decades.
Ashlynn: Same old, cold place, huh?
Terry: What business do we have in a place like this?
Amos: It doesn't get any warmer here, does it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie cold... Lizzie sleepy... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Ali's much more reliable than I would've guessed, that's for sure.
Milly: Hee hee. It seems he wasn't always this wise...
Nevan: I'm taken aback...
Ashlynn: Wow! Some sage this guy is, huh?
Terry: A VIP? What kind of VIP?
Amos: Who called him a VIP, I wonder?
Lizzie: (snarl) V...I...P...? Lizzie not understand... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: That's great, but where on the southern continent? We've gotta do some investigatin'!
Milly: It seems any item will do for that gentleman, as long as it's “legendary”...
Nevan: Was there a castle on the southern continent?
Ashlynn: I wish he'd call it quits on the armour, too.
What if he finds it first?
Amos: Let's head to that castle before he beats us to it!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He had the right idea, aye?
Milly: I feel a little sorry for him. There's no way he could collect the full set now.
Nevan: It seems there are no shortage of adventurers searching for the legendary relics.
Ashlynn: Boy, wouldn't he be broken up if he saw the shape the sword's in right now?
Terry: There's no point in him searching any longer.
Amos: Some people don't know when to quit!
Lizzie: (snarl) Use legendary sword... Kill Archfiend... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Ali doesn't look like he'll be keelin' over any time soon.
Milly: Remember not to mention Gerda, Hero.
Nevan: He certainly deserves to be called a sage.
Ashlynn: Well, he was definitely different, I'd say...
Terry: Do wise folk really live longer?
Amos: Probably better to change the subject...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Aye, the truth is better left unsaid.
Milly: That lie was white as Mt Snowhere.
Nevan: That gentleman should take a trip to Mt Snowhere.
Ashlynn: Wait... Ali is human, right? I mean, what else would he be?
Terry: The life expectancy of sages has got nothing to do with me.
Amos: Ali hasn't given up the ghost just yet.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: It's best to keep the whole tale a secret from him, aye?
Milly: This is a rather high-stakes conversation...
Nevan: We know which parts of the story not to mention.
Ashlynn: Pssst. You think Gerda's watching us right now?
Terry: If only she'd have frozen the Archfiend.
Amos: With the village thawed out, this area's changed a wee bit too.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Don't look at me. I know nothin' about sages.
Milly: Surely the Archfiend hasn't got hold of them...?
Nevan: Ali Kazam, Benjamin, Isaac. All of them are famed sages.
Ashlynn: Benjamin and Isaac, huh...? Haven't we heard a few stories about them?
Terry: I'm pondering the Archfiend and nothing else.
Amos: Seems like sayin' “sage” is all the rage.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Ali... Benjamin... Isaac... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: Crikey! Get a load of this fancy joint!
What's it for, aye?
Milly: Is that a...flashing bunny-girl sign?
Nevan: An alluring fragrance hangs in the air...
Ashlynn: Is this...a shop? Or someone's house? Or...what?
Amos: So there's a casino here!? Let's pay it a visit!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Mr Sass, aye...? I dunno who this fella is, but he must pay a fortune in housecleanin' bills.
Milly: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay a little while, seeing as we've come all this way.
Nevan: This Mr Sass sounds like an intriguing character.
Ashlynn: This Sass guy sure likes entertaining people, huh?
Terry: This isn't my idea of fun...
Amos: Let's meet this kind-hearted impresario!
Er... What's an impresario...?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, if I were rich, I'd fill my cellar with...
Carver: Wait, I don't even have a cellar! These folks have more money than sense.
Milly: This Sass fellow must be quite the high-roller.
Nevan: Wealth can make a man come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful ideas.
Ashlynn: Wow! Sounds fancy-schmancy!
Ashlynn: A flying theatre, though... That'd be really something!
Terry: Who knows what goes on in rich folks' heads?
Amos: Maybe they built the catwalk first, then the house on top of it!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...like...underground... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What good's a carpet? We're tryin' to save the world, not decorate it.
Milly: I'm not one for contests... But these prizes do sound interesting, I must say.
Nevan: There may be even more exotic prizes on offer.
Ashlynn: I don't need a carpet! Can't they give away some pretty outfits or something?
Amos: ...A carpet!? Old Amos was hopin' to win a woman's love – not interior decoration!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Of course we know about the carpet! We earned it, aye?
Milly: The prizes were delightful, but just the glory of winning would have been reward enough.
Nevan: I wonder if everyone who wins the level 3 contest gets a carpet?
Ashlynn: He wasn't kidding, was he? It's fabulous and then some!
Terry: A carpet to die for? Does he mean the flying carpet?
Amos: I bet he'd be surprised if he knew we'd got the flyin' carpet.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...more prizes... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Protection is way more important than fashion when it comes to picking outfits, aye?
Milly: It's good for men to pay attention to their appearance too.
Nevan: My Ghentile garments are rather natty, wouldn't you agree?
Ashlynn: Something tells me that guy's fashion sense will always be outta style.
Terry: I'm not interested in other people's ideas of style. You've just got to be yourself.
Amos: Sadly, style doesn't come for free!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie...not know style... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! A private bar! This is more like it!
Milly: How the other half live, eh...
Nevan: Let's rest here for a while.
Ashlynn: Hey, didn't we run into some other guy who built a bar in his house, too?
Terry: We've got no time to be hanging round places like this.
Amos: A private bar? Bunny girls? Can old Amos stay here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want...milk... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Seymour Sass, aye...? Funny name for a funny fella, aye?
Milly: I'm not sensing any conceit in him.
Nevan: One shouldn't judge purely from appearance, but it is important to have a sense of style.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Maybe there's such a thing as being too sassy...
Terry: There's some strange folk in the world alright...
Amos: That lad looks like he's drippin' with wealth.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not understand...style... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Uh...were you really “admiring” ol' ton o' fun there?
Milly: It's not every day that a king slime gives you a compliment...
Nevan: Where does a king slime's style lie? In its choice of crown?
Ashlynn: Are you off your rocker, Hero? That big blob of goo doesn't have an ounce of style on him!
Amos: That chair's not goin' to break, is it?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! The nerve of that king slime!
Milly: He's all swollen up...
Nevan: How does one judge a monster's sense of style?
Ashlynn: He might win a Flabbiest Slime of the Century contest, but that's all!
Amos: We're havin' the mickey taken out of us by a drippin' ball of goo!?
Amos: We'll show that cheeky king slime - let's win the contest!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I gotta say, I ain't too keen on bein' judged by a king slime...
Milly: Shall we have another go at the contest?
Nevan: Naturally, we must set our sights on winning the higher levels.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Even a slime can see we'll go far in the fashion world, huh?
Ashlynn: Just wait! I'll be queen of the catwalk someday!
Amos: What's a ball of goo doin' teachin' us about style!?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The more we talk to this slime, the more I wanna use him for a punchin' bag.
Milly: Is that slimy pot calling our kettle black?
Nevan: Who does that slime think he is...?
Ashlynn: That king slime sure knows how to get under our skin, huh?
Amos: We're sure to win the next contest!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ugh! Just the sound of his voice makes me want to strangle him! Eh, but can ya even strangle a slime?
Milly: What exactly does one do on a quest of stylish self-discovery?
Nevan: Our voyage has higher aims than a search for style.
Ashlynn: I'm not so sure I could stomach travelling on any quest with this guy...
Terry: A quest for style? Count me out...
Amos: Let's win a few more of these contests.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand... But voyage of style sound good... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Blimey. I think we actually hurt his feelings a little, aye?
Milly: I'm sensing that the king slime wanted to be our friend, Hero...
Nevan: Well, our voyage has more elevated aims than a search for style.
Ashlynn: Style isn't exactly high on our list of needs from a travel partner, anyway.
Terry: He obviously wants to ooze his way into our party.
Amos: That king slime looks like he's a bit sore at bein' rejected.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Why, that little...! I'd sooner swim in a cesspool than go on a journey with that slime!
Milly: His passion for fashion does seem quite genuine.
Nevan: Let's try to continue our winning streak!
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He remembered our names, at least.
Terry: Is that king slime trying to make fools of us?
Amos: I wonder what prize we'll get for winnin' every contest.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's he goin' on about now?
Milly: What a sore loser...
Nevan: He's not going to lose without a struggle.
Ashlynn: If you ask me, Hero, I think that king slime really wants to join us.
Terry: When a king slime swells up, it means it's either angry or embarrassed.
Amos: Just what does that slimey lad want?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! There ain't gonna be any room left in the wagon with him aboard...
Milly: We're going to need a bigger wagon...
Nevan: It's rather curious to meet a monster so preoccupied with style...
Ashlynn: Well, Kingsley better not be all show and no go... He'll need to fight for us, too!
Terry: So he's a king slime called Kingsley, is he? That's original.
Amos: Let's see what Kingsley can bring to the team!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Party...growing... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: What's this slime after, anyway?
Milly: You know Hero, I think he just wants to be our friend...
Nevan: If that slime were to join us, would he prove remotely useful in battle?
Ashlynn: First he compliments us, then he dumps on us... Sheesh!
Terry: That king slime seems to want to join us.
Amos: So he's seekin' a quest of stylish self-discovery. Whatever that means...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hero! You're on board for this funny business?
Carver: I mean, which of us is even gonna enter the contest? Not me! Real men don't do catwalks. Uh-uh. No way.
Milly: Are you entering the contest, Hero?
Nevan: I confess, I'm rather lacking in confidence about this...
Ashlynn: Ooh, ooh! I wanna be in the contest!
Terry: Whatever you say.
Amos: Erm... This is a bit awkward, but old Amos wouldn't mind takin' part!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want to try...! (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hero! You're on board for this funny business?
Carver: I mean, which of us is even gonna enter the contest? Not me! Real men don't do catwalks. Uh-uh. No way.
Milly: Are you entering the contest, Hero?
Nevan: So women cannot participate in this contest...
Ashlynn: Don't even think about suggesting me!
Terry: Whatever you say.
Amos: Men don't get any more stylish than old Amos. Leave it to me!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want to try...! (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Ladies only this time, aye? That leaves Milly or Ashlynn.
Milly: So it's got to be Ashlynn or me? Oh my...
Nevan: Well, I certainly cannot participate.
Ashlynn: Ooh, ooh! I wanna be in the contest!
Terry: Whatever you say.
Amos: Well, old Amos is obviously a stunner but I won't be able to strut my stuff this time.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want to try...! (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: They've even got a monster round, aye? I might actually watch this one.
Milly: I wonder who our most stylish monster is?
Nevan: Well, I certainly cannot participate.
Ashlynn: Don't even think about suggesting me!
Terry: Whatever you say.
Amos: Eh? ...Was he lookin' at old Amos just now!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want to try...! (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Right. I reckon we'll just be watchin', aye?
Milly: It wouldn't do any harm to check out the competition.
Nevan: I wonder what mavens of modishness will be competing...
Ashlynn: Ooh, I can't wait to see this!
Terry: Is watching other people competing really anyone's idea of fun?
Amos: I hope some pretty lasses will strut their stuff!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...want to try...! (spit)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Right. Let's go.
Milly: Our seats are on the left.
Nevan: Let's head to our seats.
Ashlynn: Isn't this exciting!
Terry: Hey, what's the rush!?
Amos: This'll be fun!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Oh, oops...
Milly: Of course... This stage is where the contestants strut their stuff.
Nevan: I have this funny feeling you wanted to compete, Hero...
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go sit down!
Terry: Seems our seats are waiting...
Amos: Hurry up or the good seats'll go!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie...wanted to compete... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The dressin' room, aye? Let's go.
Milly: We have to get ready.
Nevan: If we're taking part, let's set our sights on victory!
Ashlynn: To the dressing room!
Terry: Let's do this thing.
Amos: I can't wait!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! She's got a bigger mouth than Murdaw, aye?
Milly: Looks like she's in charge of the judges.
Nevan: The head judge seems rather severe.
Ashlynn: Boy. I bet you have to get on her good side to win around here.
Terry: I hope she's fair-minded.
Amos: I can't wait for the contest!
Lizzie: (snarl) Judge...scary... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: It's what's inside that counts? What, will he be checkin' our pockets?
Milly: Wonderful. A contest based on looks alone would have been terribly dull.
Nevan: Indeed, a man must always be judged on what's inside.
Ashlynn: Hey, even your soul can shine if you polish it enough, right?
Terry: Hmm... I'd be impressed if he could judge what's inside me.
Amos: My heart's goin' pitter-patter!
Lizzie: (snarl) Old man...see inside Lizzie...? Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: Combinations, aye? I ain't your man for that.
Milly: Mixing and matching items sounds like fun.
Nevan: Perfecting a sense of style sounds rather similar to mastering magic.
Ashlynn: Folks all have their own sense of style, you know? That's what makes this so interesting!
Terry: We're not going to pick up any tips by studying that guy's style.
Amos: How do I even know if I have a lick of fashion sense?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie lick fashion...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Excitable fella, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. I'm looking forward to it as well.
Nevan: They have quite a selection of judges here...
Ashlynn: Going on adventures makes my knees buckle! Tee hee!
Terry: I dread to think what you'd have to do to appeal to that judge.
Amos: Did he just wink at old Amos?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He can say that again.
Milly: Hey look, the contest is about to begin.
Nevan: Just how does one determine a monster's style?
Ashlynn: I wonder what they look for from the monsters?
Terry: ............
Amos: I've got a feelin' this contest is goin' to be a little out of the ordinary.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh...! Grrrrrrarrrgh...! (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! That fella's gonna have a heart attack!
Milly: Hmph. Some men...
Nevan: At least he seems to be in rude health.
Ashlynn: He didn't even notice me! Sheesh.
Terry: That old guy needs to settle down.
Amos: I suppose wrinkly old ladies need not apply.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie pretty...young... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: I bet boxer shorts and a bow tie wouldn't be too fashionable, aye?
Milly: A shimmering dress with a golden tiara...that's a nice combination.
Nevan: I imagine that equipping an accessory with a similar theme would be a stylish choice.
Ashlynn: Ooh, I wanna try out a bunch of different outfits, too!
Terry: As long as I've peak attack and defence powers, that's enough for me.
Amos: How about a nice bunny suit and bunny ears combo?
Lizzie: (snarl) Style... Not easy... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Geh. He can have it.
Milly: Let's go over there.
Nevan: Everyone seems absorbed in the contest.
Ashlynn: We better go take our seats, too.
Terry: We shouldn't cause trouble here. Let's let this one go.
Amos: Even if he moved aside, I wouldn't want to sit in that lad's old seat.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, I doubt street clothes would be a big hit with the judges.
Milly: I wonder if all the contestants are complete fashion obsessives?
Nevan: That negative attitude won't win any awards.
Ashlynn: You never know until you try, I say!
Terry: You can't give up before the battle even begins...
Amos: That lad should swallow his fears and give it a go!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! I got inner beauty comin' out my ears!
Milly: An inner-beauty contest would be a wonderful thing.
Nevan: Those who are attuned to inner beauty can spot it instantly.
Ashlynn: Oh, don't hate me because I'm extremely inner-beautiful!
Terry: Should she be blowing her own trumpet like that?
Amos: I'd like to show her old Amos's inner beauty!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie beautiful...on inside... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Level 8!? I'd be lucky to pass level zilch.
Milly: Sass Assassin? I'd love to meet someone who's been awarded such an honour.
Nevan: We should work our way slowly and steadily through each level in turn.
Ashlynn: Wow! A Sass Assassin! Think of all the fashion hopefuls you'd inspire!
Terry: I'm taking it a Sass Assassin isn't a trained killer?
Amos: I wonder what you have to wear to be a Sass Assassin.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Level 8, aye...? Maybe if we really soup up our style 'n everything like that...
Milly: It clearly takes more than expensive clothes and powerful swords to become a Sass Assassin...
Nevan: Let's take aim at the top and try to become Sass Assassins!
Ashlynn: Wow! A Sass Assassin? Even the name sounds stylish!
Terry: “Assassin”, eh? It's got a good ring to it...
Amos: We might have to bribe the judges with some tea and biscuits.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: These folks've been waitin' for a while now, aye?
Milly: I can sense how excited everyone is.
Nevan: That is a rather sizeable stage.
Ashlynn: Looks like the audience is getting antsy.
Terry: Folks are getting restless.
Amos: Looks like they're all tired of waiting.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! That fella's only got eyes for the stage.
Milly: He probably comes to see every contest.
Nevan: Now I'm all worked up too!
Ashlynn: Wow... This is, like, the most important thing in the world to him.
Terry: What is there to get that excited about?
Amos: That lad's eyes are shinin' with excitement!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Right. No boxers. Good to know.
Milly: I'd give him a point just for going up there in his underwear...
Nevan: Entering the contest in one's underwear is courageous indeed.
Ashlynn: If I were the judge, I'd fail him, too!
Terry: Maybe he needs some bunny ears to set off his boxers.
Amos: Anyone object if old Amos enters the contest in his boxer shorts?
Lizzie: (snarl) Box...ers...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! If they had a contest for bitter ol' grumps, he'd win hands down!
Milly: Poor thing. He'd be sure to win a seniors' competition!
Nevan: It's good to have participants of advanced years.
Ashlynn: I don't know... I think he's got potential. He just needs to work it!
Terry: First prize, he says? Has he really got through to level 7?
Amos: I don't think it's his age that's denying him victory.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hold on... Why's that sound so familiar?
Milly: ............
Nevan: I wouldn't have expected him to show interest in this kind of thing...
Ashlynn: The most powerful sword in the world? ...Oh, no way! Him!?
Terry: There must be tons of people seeking the world's most powerful sword...
Amos: Wait! C-Could that be...!?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...!?
Carver: Huh? The fella next to her? Hmm... She's right, aye?
Milly: Ah, woman's intuition...
Nevan: Now that she mentions it, her neighbour does have alarmingly bloodshot eyes.
Ashlynn: She's not kidding! He looks kinda lecherous!
Terry: Let him look shifty, as long as he sits still.
Amos: I doubt that lad's got any interest in her...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's probably best not to tell her what's on that fella's mind right now, aye?
Milly: A woman's intuition is never wrong...
Nevan: Well, we have a good idea why he's got such bloodshot eyes...
Ashlynn: That man's...a little dangerous, isn't he?
Terry: Let him look shifty, as long as he sits still.
Amos: That posh lady doesn't have anythin' to fear!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I dunno... Maybe he just enjoys a good contest, ya know?
Milly: Always trust a woman's intuition. He's shifty, alright.
Nevan: He did seem a trifle suspicious...
Ashlynn: I gotta say, he still sets off some alarms in my mind...
Terry: Let him look shifty, as long as he sits still.
Amos: Doesn't seem like that lad's got any interest in this posh lady.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh...? What's so special about that fella's chai– ...Oh! Now I see...
Milly: I'm beginning to wonder if all men are like this...
Nevan: He can see everything...? Surely he's not clairvoyant!?
Ashlynn: Gross! Does this place have a bouncer?
Terry: Sounds like he's staying glued to his chair.
Amos: If he's tellin' the truth, I'm jealous... Erm...I mean, appalled! Absolutely appalled!
Lizzie: (snarl) See...everything...? What...mean...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Don't these folks have better stuff to do?
Milly: There's dedication for you.
Nevan: It does seem like a well-situated seat.
Ashlynn: Now there's a man with passion, huh?
Terry: There must be some reason he set his sights on that seat...
Amos: I wonder what time the contest starts?
Lizzie: (snarl) Early bird...get worm... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Oh... So only one of us can go up, aye?
Carver: Well, it ain't gonna be me, that's for sure.
Milly: You should probably enter yourself, Hero.
Nevan: I confess I have little interest in style.
Ashlynn: Me! Me, me! I'm all ready!
Terry: It's your call, Hero...
Amos: How about we all take turns so we can each have a strut?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie enter... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! Now that's what I call a fashion expert!
Milly: Surely having both would be even better?
Nevan: All brawn and no brain's no good to anyone.
Ashlynn: Ugh... I'd like a little more than just muscles, thanks.
Terry: That guy's got muscles where his brain should be.
Amos: I'd still prefer that he wore some clothes.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie strong...like tree trunk... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So ya can't get on the stage unless ya join in, aye?
Milly: She's been practising that smile.
Nevan: That lady clearly has an elevated sense of style.
Ashlynn: Boy, that bunny girl's style is impeccable! I'm kinda jealous!
Terry: Just how long are we going to hang round here?
Amos: That bunny's makin' old Amos's heart race!
Lizzie: (snarl) Ⓟ...? (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Crikey. Why can't he just let us through?
It'd be a lot quicker.
Milly: Come on, let's go round.
Nevan: The contest must be almost ready to begin...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! This is getting really exciting.
Terry: Are we planning to sign up?
Amos: Blimey! So this is what it looks like behind the scenes.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: All set here. Dang, I look good!
Milly: Looks have never been so important!
Nevan: We must give this contest our all, as though we were facing a terrifying monster.
Ashlynn: Whew! Took me a while – my hair was a total mess!
Terry: There's a whole lot of preening going on...
Amos: What do you know!? Old Amos had his shirt buttoned in the wrong holes! Whoops...
Lizzie: (snarl) Over there... Another Lizzie... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Alright! Level 8! I never thought I'd get so worked up about this style stuff!
Milly: Even if we don't win this time, we can always try again.
Nevan: Unsurprisingly, I am somewhat nervous.
Ashlynn: Let's triple-check our equipment, okay?
Then we'll be all set!
Terry: Level 8? No problem – let's just get it done.
Amos: Now it's all in the laps of the judges.
Lizzie: (snarl) Level 8... Grrrargh...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. I reckon not many folks make it to the level 8 contest, aye?
Milly: I don't suppose there are many contestants who can make it past level 7.
Nevan: Next time, let's pick up the level 8 gauntlet.
Ashlynn: Aww, why don't we give it a shot?
Terry: What's the matter, Hero? Suffering a crisis of confidence?
Amos: Well, this contest isn't goin' anywhere. Let's give it a shot next time.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie wanted to enter... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Let's go!
Milly: Let's sit down before the contest starts.
Nevan: I wonder who's taking part in this contest.
Ashlynn: Might as well take the chance to scope out the competition, huh?
Terry: Let's not rush and trip over ourselves.
Amos: Quick! All the seats'll be taken!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Move...faster... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Oops. Dead end.
Milly: Let's head back to the catwalk and take our seats.
Nevan: Shall we head back?
Ashlynn: See, maybe we should've joined up after all...
Terry: Let's move.
Amos: Can't be long before the contest.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, what kingdom's that princess from, aye?
Milly: I can sense her will to win...
Nevan: She is clearly devoted to beauty.
Ashlynn: Boy, she's really into this!
Terry: She's taking this seriously...
Amos: Ah-CHOO!!!
Sorry, the air's full of talc–
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: See any contenders here? I've got no eye for this stuff.
Milly: My heart is pounding too...
Nevan: Her nervousness is palpable.
Ashlynn: I'm nervous just watching her...
Terry: Lose your calm and you've lost the battle.
Amos: Her heart's beatin' like a drum!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Heart...beating... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, I've been there before – the panic thing, I mean... Not the collar thing.
Milly: Everyone's taking it so seriously...
Nevan: You can really sense the contestants' dedication and drive.
Ashlynn: Wow! Everyone's really sweating the details!
Terry: He can't decide how to wear his collar?
He's a lost cause...
Amos: Old Amos's heart's racing!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What's he so worked up about? His mum's probably leagues away.
Milly: He's playing for even higher stakes than the rest...
Nevan: Each participant has their own story.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Who would you pick to win here?
Terry: What self-respecting soldier sets foot on a catwalk? He needs a sword-fighting contest...
Amos: I can understand how the lad feels.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Uh... That thing ain't really in the contest, aye?
Milly: Is this a fashion contest or a wrestling match?
Nevan: The atmosphere in the dressing room has changed somewhat...
Ashlynn: That thing's not going to, like, attack us, right?
Terry: He's got a face that means business.
Amos: This lot wouldn't know what style was if it hit 'em on the head.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Why they compete...?
Lizzie jealous... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So what makes a slime “stylish”, exactly?
Milly: I wonder how points are awarded in the monster contests?
Nevan: That slime doesn't really seem to be fired-up and ready for the contest.
Ashlynn: Aww, he's so cute...for a slime.
Terry: Is it shaking with nerves, or is it just wobbling?
Amos: So this is level 7...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie want enter too... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He'd better not start cuttin' a rug 'n everything like that.
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Milly: I really don't want to get any closer...
Nevan: How exactly did these monsters enter the contest?
Ashlynn: How do you judge a mud mannequin, anyway? Do you look at the pose or...?
Terry: That mud mannequin's a smooth mover.
Amos: Do you reckon he's speechless with nerves or is he just a mannequin of few words?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Looks like...good dancer... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Uh... Should I be crackin' my knuckles?
Milly: I know he's not going to attack us, but still... (shudder)
Nevan: I wonder if this contest is well-known among monsterkind.
Ashlynn: Boy, even the monsters are into this contest!
Terry: That monster's glare says he's serious.
Amos: They're not goin' to do battle on stage are they!?
Lizzie: (spit) Monster...look...strong... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Geh! As if that fella's the final word on fashion!
Milly: It's just hard to get the right balance between style and practicality.
Nevan: Which of us isn't sassy enough for the refined taste of Seymour Sass?
Ashlynn: The nerve of him! Doesn't he realise we're Sass Assassins!
Terry: I couldn't care less about sass or style.
Amos: Well, bein' Sass Assassins isn't our full-time job.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Great. We got pressed into the judging gig, aye?
Milly: It seems Sass Assassins have responsibilities too.
Nevan: Let's get judging!
Ashlynn: Being a judge might be as exciting as competing!
Terry: The number of pointless tasks is piling up...
Amos: Is it really alright for us to make the final judgement?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie...rather enter contest... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey! And to think I doubted this fashion malarkey!
Milly: You know, it's rather sad that we'll never be able to stride down that catwalk again.
Nevan: I confess, I don't feel much like a Sass Assassin.
Ashlynn: The “Sass Assassins”... Tee hee! Sure has a good ring to it!
Terry: Well, a little fame is never a bad thing.
Amos: If we work our way up again from level 1, can we get prizes again?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...Sass Assassin...too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! We really are stars 'n everything like that!
Milly: I wonder if the head judge is a Sass Assassin?
Nevan: It's rather pleasant to be known as Sass Assassins.
Ashlynn: Getting the star treatment is a pretty good payoff for all that work, huh?
Terry: We're real Sass Assassins alright.
Amos: Up close, you can see how thick Cherie's make-up really is.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Head judge...scary... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: This is the life, aye? Soon it'll be nothin' but stretch wagons and an entourage of butt-kissers!
Milly: Looks like you don't mind having girls swoon over you, Hero...
Nevan: I confess, I'm beginning to enjoy this Sass Assassin business...
Ashlynn: Sass Assassins are the idols of every would-be style maven in the world, you know.
Terry: As long as I've peak attack and defence powers, that's enough for me.
Amos: Hero, you've got even more fans now.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh... Contest was fun... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Lucky for me, my heart's as pure as the driven snow 'n everything like that.
Milly: He's right. We must remember to stay modest.
Nevan: We must never rest on our laurels.
Ashlynn: We need to watch our style pretty carefully now, huh? We have a reputation to uphold!
Terry: Hmph. Who said we were better than anyone else?
Amos: Sass Assassin's a title money can't buy – though money helps you get kitted out in fancy gear.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie heart pure... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! This is kinda ridiculous!
Milly: Yet more proof of the significance of the title we hold.
Nevan: It would be rather awkward if she really fainted.
Ashlynn: What, should we give her an autograph or something?
Terry: If she faints, she faints.
Amos: She's overwhelmed by our sense of style!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Why...she...faint...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: “Stunning”, aye? You don't hear that every day!
Milly: I can scarcely believe the reverence in which Sass Assassins are held...
Nevan: I'm worried that we'll become intoxicated by celebrity.
Ashlynn: That bunny girl's pretty stunning herself, huh?
Terry: Hmph.
Amos: That bunny's a beauty, but we have to be on our best behaviour...
Lizzie: (snarl) Stunning... Genuine...praise...? (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! Who'd be silly enough to open up shop down here?
Milly: They can probably trade in peace knowing that the bigger monsters could never come down here.
Nevan: The shops down here must get frightfully damp.
Ashlynn: Where do the shopkeepers go when it's quitting time?
Terry: Quite a line-up of shops down here.
Amos: I wonder if these shops make much profit. Maybe they're frequented by those in the know.
Lizzie: (snarl) Remember...this place... Useful... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Huh. So you can boost the style of some stuff, aye?
Carver: We oughta start thinkin' about what we want to forge, then!
Milly: What a cute frog!
Nevan: So legendary items can have their effectiveness boosted? This is useful information indeed.
Ashlynn: Wow! A talking frog! You don't see that every day!
Ashlynn: I bet he's some prince who got cursed by an evil wizard or something. Go kiss him!
Terry: That's no ordinary frog. Could it be a monster in disguise?
Amos: How can that frog be fashionable when it's not wearin' a stitch of clothing?
Amos: Wait! It couldn't be a man in a frog costume, right!?
Lizzie: (slobber) First time...Lizzie see frog... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Avast! I can't believe he even remembers ol' Ali Kazam!
Milly: We must remember to thank Ali Kazam.
Nevan: I just wonder why Ali Kazam would hold the key to entering such a down-at-heel town.
Ashlynn: Yippee! Now let's get down to finding that master swordsmith!
Amos: Old Ali really was a big shot in this here town!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. Rough joint, aye?
Milly: A rogue town like this is going to be full of danger. Let's be careful.
Nevan: The way that man spoke made me rather nervous...
Ashlynn: Why'd he tell us that? Do we look like murderers?
Amos: So as long as you stay clear of murder, you can do anythin' here?
Goober: Boing!?
Carver: Blimey! Nothin' here but thugs 'n criminals 'n everything like that.
Milly: I think it'd be better to err on the side of caution in this town.
Nevan: We can't afford to let our guard down here.
Ashlynn: Ugh! Why do people keep thinking we're criminals? Do I look like a crook?
Amos: Mind no one goes helpin' themselves to our possessions.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Anything, aye...?
Milly: I wonder what kind of thing she's referring to...
Nevan: A town where anything goes doesn't sound like my kind of place.
Ashlynn: I guess there's such a thing as too much freedom, huh?
Amos: Old Amos has always done just as he pleased!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! I had to sniff around pretty hard to find my past, aye? The real one, I mean.
Milly: That's sound advice. Let's not raise the hackles of the locals.
Nevan: We'll need to use all our cunning to prise information from the townsfolk.
Ashlynn: No sniffing around? How else are we gonna find that swordsmith?
Amos: Old Ali had a past alright!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What? That was stupid.
Milly: That's not the way he talks when he's doing business...
Nevan: I'm unimpressed by his sales technique, but at least his prices aren't extortionate.
Ashlynn: I was a little worried for a minute there.
Amos: I thought we were in trouble there, but it turned out alright.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: And there he goes...
Milly: He didn't seem to me like he'd just arrived here...
Nevan: This Mo claims to know the goings-on in town, but there's something a touch suspicious about him.
Ashlynn: Oh, wouldn't it be nice if he really came through for us?
Amos: So he's just come to this town... D'you reckon he was in the clink?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “Mo the Mole”? Did his parents hate him or somethin'?
Milly: Shouldn't we ask Mo if he has any information about that swordsmith?
Nevan: There's something suspicious about him...
Ashlynn: Hey, maybe he'll help us track down that swordsmith if we ask him!
Amos: Looks like he enjoys his afternoon naps.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Well's runnin' dry, aye? Ya think something's muckin' up the works down there?
Milly: Could there be something at the bottom?
Nevan: Perhaps we should investigate inside the well.
Ashlynn: Hey, you ever get that funny feeling in your belly when you look down a well?
Amos: You don't reckon a well wisher's drunk all the water, do you?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hmm... Lack of water ain't the problem, aye?
Milly: That's no ordinary well.
Nevan: The well is inhabited but that shouldn't affect the water supply.
Ashlynn: You think she knows about the guy living down there?
Amos: There were no well wishers lurkin' in there, at least.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh? What was that all about?
Milly: He must have a reason for holding out on us...
Nevan: It seems that one shouldn't pry too deeply here.
Ashlynn: Boy, what's that guy hiding? He sure is acting weird around us.
Amos: So he forgot, just like that?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Paradise, aye? Does he know what that word means?
Milly: I suppose people really can adjust to living anywhere.
Nevan: Sadly, my image of paradise differs somewhat from that gentleman's.
Ashlynn: I sure wouldn't live here. Uh-uh. No way.
Amos: And until you're used to its quirks, it's hell...
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Mo the Mole, aye? Do we really want to rely on such a shady-soundin' fella?
Milly: Let's make sure we don't get swindled.
Nevan: As long as we approach him with caution, we should be fine.
Ashlynn: Mo the Mole could be our key to tracking down that master smith.
Amos: Old Amos doesn't like payin' through the nose OR gettin' wool in his eyes.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. It's tough to tell whether we shoulda said “yes” or “no” to that one, aye?
Milly: Information is hard to come by in this town...
Nevan: The people in this town are rather brusque.
Ashlynn: Hmm. I would've asked him about that master swordsmith, but...
Amos: D'you think they know we're huntin' for somethin'?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey! He surprised me more than we did him!
Milly: I wonder what it was that he did...
Nevan: Anyone who has committed a crime will be forever haunted by guilt.
Ashlynn: Guess being on the lam makes you jumpy.
Amos: That lad even scared me, and old Amos has never done anythin' wrong!
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: You don't think it really IS blood, aye? That'd be nasty!
Milly: It's a nice crimson colour...
Nevan: A blood-stained moon seems a fitting symbol for this town.
Ashlynn: Ooh! What a pretty colour! I'd be afraid to taste it, though...
Amos: Old Amos feels like he's turned into a vampire.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. I reckon lots of folks come in here snoopin' for leads, aye?
Milly: Let's not waste our breath on him. We'll just have to get used to the way things are in this town.
Nevan: I'd have imagined a bar would be the best place to pick up information...
Ashlynn: That guy's lips are locked.
Amos: Gettin' information in this town's like pullin' teeth.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So much for that idea.
Milly: I know his type. We'll never get anything out of him.
Nevan: Bars are ideal places for gathering information. Just who should we ask?
Ashlynn: Boy, he never lets his guard down!
Amos: Maybe if we all tickled him, he'd spill the beans.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Gettin' info from these folks ain't easy, aye?
Milly: We're searching for the same person, evidently.
Nevan: If we don't track down that legendary swordsmith soon, someone may beat us to it.
Ashlynn: What do you think this swordsmith looks like, anyway? I bet he has, like, big, bulging biceps and a hairy chest and...
Amos: So there IS a legendary swordsmith here!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! I'd better watch myself, aye?
No one's tougher than me!
Milly: There's certainly a moral to that story...
Nevan: Brute force is indeed not the answer to all life's problems.
Ashlynn: Doesn't pay to be rowdy around here, huh? Sounds like a good way to get hurt.
Amos: Startin' tomorrow, I'm goin' to make sure I lose every fight!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. He's freeloadin', aye?
Milly: My word...
Nevan: What an awkward fellow.
Ashlynn: I wonder whose place this really is.
Amos: Is that lad squattin' illegally?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: A master of disguise? Crikey, he could look like anybody!
Milly: If this man trades in information, then perhaps we could ask him about the legendary swordsmith of this town?
Nevan: Mo the Mole? Hmm...
Ashlynn: Great! Mo sounds like the perfect guy to root out the swordsmith!
Amos: What if that lad's Mo in disguise!?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Man, that must be a pain in the rear, aye?
Milly: Anything really does go in this town, eh?
Nevan: Possession is nine tenths of the law, or so they say...
Ashlynn: Aww. Poor lady!
Amos: Sounds like they're runnin' rings round that old lass.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Some kinda carpentry song, maybe? It ain't one I've ever heard...
Milly: What a catchy tune! It must be the “swinging” tempo. Hee hee.
Nevan: That song leaves a strangely deep impression.
Ashlynn: Bish! Bash! Hear it crash! ♪
Great, now I have it stuck in my head!
Amos: Clink! Clank! Swing the hammer! ♪
...I've got this tune down pat!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Oops. We rubbed her the wrong way, aye?
Milly: Well, we did come in without permission. Let's go.
Nevan: That woman is not to be trifled with.
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Ashlynn: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...
Amos: We haven't got a leg to stand on...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. I suppose folks around here don't like us just bargin' in...
Milly: Well, we did come in without permission. Let's go.
Nevan: She's rather fierce, but I sense she's an astute judge of character.
Ashlynn: We must've caught her at a bad time or something.
Amos: Seems there are no legendary swordsmiths knockin' about here. Let's look somewhere else.
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Maybe there's a secret safe 'n everything like that inside, aye?
Milly: That sounds interesting...
Nevan: Well, one can't always get the measure of things by their outside appearance.
Ashlynn: It's not like this place is so fancy...
Oops – better keep that to myself!
Amos: Maybe they're big show-offs who built it so it'd look huge from the outside.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The Bunny Theatre...? Hey, are those dancers up there?
Milly: My word, it looks rather lively in there.
Nevan: So this is considered true paradise in this world...
Ashlynn: Aww. I love bunnies! You think we can pet 'em?
Amos: B-Bunny Theatre!? Erm... Old Amos isn't interested, but you want to go in, right Hero?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Blimey! We ain't even got a hundred gold coins to our name!?
Milly: Oh my, that was rather embarrassing...
Nevan: We clearly weren't meant to enter.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. We'll come back later, right?
Amos: A hundred gold coins? Hang on, maybe old Amos has got– No, we've only got one purse...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Oof. Ain't exactly service with a smile, aye?
Milly: What's up, Hero?
Nevan: I confess to having been rather intrigued to see this worldly paradise, but let's go elsewhere.
Ashlynn: Hero, hello? Bunnies?
Amos: B-But what about paradise...?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Huh. This joint is the Bunny Theatre, aye?
Milly: That was cheaper than I expected.
Nevan: I wonder what sort of place this “paradise” is...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! My pulse is pounding here!
Amos: Let's get an eyeful!
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Whoa! Better watch our step, aye? Don't wanna pay twice!
Milly: Oh my, that's harsh.
Nevan: It's lucky he told us when he did.
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! Is he trying to rip us off here?
Amos: Be careful no one takes a step outside!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey. Is that fella havin' a fit?
Milly: What a sorry sight...
Nevan: So he's retreated to this table to recover from his over-excitement...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He must not get out much, huh?
Amos: What a waste of money!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: That fella's into it, alright...
Milly: He seems truly entranced...
Nevan: He seems oblivious to all around him.
Ashlynn: Wow! I didn't know bodies could bend like that.
Amos: Blimey! That's bloomin' brillia– Er, I mean bad!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! Loud enough for ya?
Carver: That whistlin' made me jump a little.
Milly: This must be the Lady Seductra fan club section.
Nevan: They're enjoying themselves with a childlike fervour.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! Work it, girl! Tee hee!
Amos: So this Lady Seductra's the star of the show...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Him and everyone else in the room, aye?
Milly: Men's delusions are actually rather endearing.
Nevan: It's fascinating to see a fan's infatuation...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Riiight. Sure she does.
Amos: Lady Seductra was eyein' up old Amos! ...Wasn't she!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa. I think I actually heard his heart break.
Milly: I think we should have humoured him, Hero.
Nevan: It seems his imagination ran away with him.
Ashlynn: He needs to cheer up and enjoy himself!
Amos: Lady Seductra was eyein' up old Amos! ...Wasn't she!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! Old age ain't slowin' him down.
Milly: Really? At his age?
Nevan: I fear for his blood pressure.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! It'd take an army to drag him out of here.
Amos: Hope I'm as energetic as that old boy when I get to his age.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Maybe I'll take up dancin'!
Milly: Hee hee. These bunnies are ever so cute.
Nevan: It's rather embarrassing to be up on stage...
Ashlynn: Wow! Look at her go! One, two, one, two, up and down!
Amos: I can't pick my favourite bunny – they're all blindin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Ain't some rules made to be broken?
Milly: I suppose that rule goes for girls as well.
Nevan: I, I have no intention of touching any goods!
Ashlynn: I guess some guys get a little too frisky around these bunny girls.
Amos: Old Amos's heart is poundin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Avast! I'm feelin' urges I never knew I had. I just wanna dance!
Milly: Such graceful movements!
Nevan: I, I tragically possess two left feet...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Left, step. Right, step. Cha-cha-cha! Hey, this is easy!
Amos: All eyes are glued to her!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Felonia Castle, aye? The old king there was pretty rough on folks, I reckon.
Milly: ............
Nevan: I fear she suffered unimaginable hardship.
Ashlynn: Wow! That girl used to be in Felonia, huh?
Amos: A wakin' nightmare? I hope she can forget it.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Alright! Time to bet big or go home!
Milly: This town's got everything!
Nevan: Gambling is a risky business. Let's keep our heads.
Ashlynn: I don't know about you, but I'm in a winning mood!
Amos: This place is goin' to be brimmin' with bunnies!
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Maybe his luck'll rub off on us, aye?
Milly: The trick is to quit while you're ahead.
Nevan: Perhaps that man could share his fortune with us...
Ashlynn: Wow! I hope we nab some prizes, too!
Amos: I dream of sayin' somethin' like that!
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Real men act first and think later!
Milly: At least pontificating won't lose him any money.
Nevan: What that man needs is a good night's sleep.
Ashlynn: I don't think that guy's got the guts for gambling.
Amos: Old Amos is havin' a harder time knowin' which bunny to choose!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: She seems like trouble, aye? We'd better keep our distance.
Milly: It must be tough for a single woman in this town...
Nevan: What kind of advances is that woman speaking of?
Ashlynn: Why's that lady even here in the first place? She seems a little overdressed.
Amos: Old Amos is a true gent so she's got nowt to fear.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Why not skip the big loss and go right to the big victory, aye?
Milly: Looks like he's completed the “big loss” part of his plan...
Nevan: Simply waiting for victory is a true gamble.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I guess all those years of experience aren't paying off.
Amos: I hope victory arrives before that old boy reaches his expiry date.
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Ain't that the truth? Nothin' like a big meal to take the edge off.
Milly: She's right, but overindulging brings about a whole new world of woes...
Nevan: Binge eating is deeply unhealthy.
Ashlynn: Yum! Time to take a day off my diet!
Amos: It's been easy to forget the importance of a good feed recently.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Why are all barmen so darn wise?
Milly: That's sound professional advice.
Nevan: People with the proper sense to take breaks are normally too smart to lose all their money.
Ashlynn: He's got a point. Why risk losing everything in one go?
Amos: Whenever I'm on a losin' streak, I'm always convinced my luck's about to turn.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, I guessed this place was hush-hush by how they set up the entrance.
Milly: Profit doesn't seem to be his priority.
Nevan: I pray we can gather useful information in here.
Ashlynn: Hmm. This is definitely no place for kids.
Amos: Maybe if they advertised a bit more, they'd get more custom.
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey! How'd we wind up in the poor house!?
Milly: How sloppy of us...
Nevan: We are rather lacking in gold.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! Can't we hock some of our old junk or something?
Amos: Has anyone seen fifty gold coins lyin' on the floor?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa, Hero! That coulda been important!
Milly: We can't afford to miss out on valuable information, though I do wonder...
Nevan: Fifty gold coins? For that price, I have my doubts that this information is all that vital...
Ashlynn: Hmm... Do we really need to waste good gold to hear his drunken ramblings?
Amos: He looks pretty dodgy to me, but juicy information sounds intriguing...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. I thought that was common knowledge 'n everything like that.
Milly: He saw us coming...
Nevan: We've been bamboozled...
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. I coulda told you that for free.
Amos: Ha ha ha! Sometimes you just have to laugh!
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Great. He'll be drinkin' for days, thanks to us.
Milly: Let's just put that one down to inexperience.
Nevan: Let's think of this as the fee for a valuable lesson about Turnscote.
Ashlynn: Tee hee... Ah, well.
Amos: I'm so annoyed I feel like sellin' this information on to someone else.
Goober: B-Boing.
Carver: Mo? Mo who?
Milly: Let's head up and have a look.
Nevan: Perhaps he believes we are associates of Mo's.
Ashlynn: Mo the Mole? What, they have a petting zoo up there?
Amos: No use dawdlin' – let's head upstairs.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Mo? Oh, right, Mo the Mole! We found him, aye?
Milly: Looks like we've found Mo. Let's go and have a word with him.
Nevan: Ah, the famed Mo. I wonder what he's like.
Ashlynn: Oh, there he is! Now let's turn him loose on that master swordsmith's trail!
Amos: This Mo the Mole lives in quite a shady town, so let's be on our guard.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Pattycake, aye? Huh.
Milly: A ghost that says “pattycake”?
Nevan: That is indeed a strange noise.
Ashlynn: Pattycake, huh? Oookay.
Amos: I wonder what those noises are.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: That wasn't exactly what we thought it'd be, aye?
Milly: That was no ghost...
Nevan: Thinking back, I feel rather flustered.
I must pray...
Ashlynn: I guess she's worked her styling magic on other people, too, huh?
Amos: We can't let on what the noise is without givin' the game away.
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Any idea what that pattycake business is all about?
Milly: It does sound rather dubious. That's why you turned her down, eh, Hero?
Nevan: That pattycake purveyor was rather forward...
Ashlynn: “Pattycake”?
Amos: Just what do they do to you in a pattycake!?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: It's just a stupid makeup session? I was hopin it was...ya know, somethin' else.
Milly: Pattycake certainly seems to improve one's style.
Nevan: So it was a way of getting a whole new look.
Ashlynn: I wouldn't mind polishing up my cosmetic skills.
Amos: Is that really all there is to pattycake?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: The bar, aye? Got it!
Milly: I'm sure we've seen a bar in this town...
Nevan: Bars are always ideal locations for gathering information. Let's have a look!
Ashlynn: The bar “as usual”? Well, great, but where's this bar?
Amos: Let's find this mole before he digs himself into a drunken hole.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We probably shoulda asked that gal for directions, aye? Woulda saved a lot of time.
Milly: It wasn't the easiest bar to find.
Nevan: A bar is the best place to find information. That must be why Mo the Mole frequents it.
Ashlynn: Wasn't that a weird bar? It was, like, a secret men's club or something.
Amos: We've met Mo the Mole already!
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Wait, what? We did? When?
Milly: I wonder where he could be...
Nevan: Hero...
Ashlynn: What're you talking about, Hero!? We still need to find him, you weirdo!
Amos: What are you playin' at, Hero!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What'd she say?
Milly: That's not very nice...
Nevan: I haven't walked into any walls as of yet...
Ashlynn: Hey! I don't like her tone of voice!
Amos: Eh!? How come she knows so much about old Amos!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: ......?
Milly: What's going on?
Nevan: Did that bunny girl just laugh at me?
Ashlynn: Well, “tee hee” right back at her!
Amos: Th-That bunny girl's a right tease...
Old Amos's heart is racin'...!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whoa! Hey, Hero, we need this Mo fella's help!
Milly: It's going to cost us, but how about getting some professional assistance?
Nevan: Fifty thousand gold coins is rather steep. Let's do our best to get the price down to two thousand.
Ashlynn: Let's take him up on his offer. It's not like we have any other leads.
Amos: Let's not mess around – we've got no choice but to go to the pro!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! Hey, Hero, we need this Mo fella's help!
Milly: It's going to cost us, but how about getting some professional assistance?
Nevan: Fifty thousand gold coins is rather steep. Let's do our best to get the price down to two thousand.
Ashlynn: Let's take him up on his offer. It's not like we have any other leads.
Amos: Let's not mess around – we've got no choice but to go to the pro!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! It's like I blinked and he was gone!
Carver: Well, let's get to findin' him!
Milly: I'm rather concerned about this deal we've made...
Nevan: Fifty thousand gold coins slashed to a mere two thousand? He must really be confident...
Nevan: Let's be wary not to fall for Mo the Mole's disguises.
Ashlynn: Isn't this fun? It's like a big game of hide-'n-seek!
Amos: So if we find him three times, we'll save forty eight thousand gold coins...
Amos: If we find him once, does that mean we get a sixteen thousand coin discount?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He moves faster than a real mole, aye?
Milly: Come on, let's look for him!
Nevan: We can't afford not to find him three times. Let's get going!
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go! Picking out his disguises can't be that hard!
Amos: That old boy isn't Mo, right?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'd better ferret out that Mo fella fast, aye?
Milly: I wonder where he's gone?
Nevan: All we know is that Mo the Mole is in this town.
Ashlynn: I wonder what he disguised himself as...
Amos: If we talk to everyone and their mother, we're bound to find him!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This town's rough around the edges, aye, but that's part of its charm.
Milly: I haven't succumbed to its charms just yet...
Nevan: I confess I have no fondness for this town.
Ashlynn: Wow... You actually like this dump, Hero?
Amos: It's not as bad as I thought at first.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Heat? This place doesn't seem so hot to me.
Milly: They say one can get used to living anywhere, but...
Nevan: He's treating us like we're his partners in crime.
Ashlynn: What's he mean by “heat”?
Amos: We're not villains! We don't need to hide out!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Maybe he's right under our noses...?
Milly: Let's try somewhere else.
Nevan: Let's keep asking around.
Ashlynn: Hmm... If I were a mole, where would I go?
Amos: That fellow isn't Mo the Mole, right?
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: That fella can't be Mo, aye?
Milly: Mo should be gathering information on the legendary swordsmith as we speak.
Nevan: When everyone starts to resemble Mo, you know you're in trouble...
Ashlynn: C'mon! We better find Mo fast or we'll be out fifty thousand big ones!
Amos: Mo the Mole's playin' hide-'n-seek.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “Master of disguise”, aye? He got that right!
Milly: I'm sure he's capable of disguising himself as a woman too...
Nevan: Where can Mo the Mole have burrowed away to?
Ashlynn: If Mo's as good as they say, he probably knows all about that swordsmith! He is legendary, after all!
Amos: What if that lad's Mo in disguise!?
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: A priest...? That's gotta be him!
Milly: I sense we've found our man...
Nevan: The place to find a priest is in the church. Let's follow this lead.
Ashlynn: Who doesn't trust a man of the cloth? It's the perfect disguise!
Amos: Bingo! Could this be it!?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Priest, ho!
Milly: Let's go and have a word with the priest.
Nevan: That man seems to be discussing his worries with the priest.
Ashlynn: If that priest is Mo, then wow! He is good!
Amos: There's nothin' suspicious about a priest in a church.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Holy horse flop! We messed with real priestly business 'n everything like that!
Milly: Oh my... We shouldn't have interrupted him.
Nevan: We really shouldn't interrupt a private confession to a priest.
Ashlynn: Did we just commit, like, a big sin? Oh, Goddess, we didn't mean it!
Amos: Whoops. We made a bit of a boo-boo...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Strike one? Strike one what?
Milly: We did it! We found Mo the Mole!
Nevan: We found him! How marvellous!
Ashlynn: I knew there was something fishy about that priest!
Amos: We can't rest on our laurels. Let's track Mo down again!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “All that”? All what? Was he talkin' about the stuff with that Welda girl?
Milly: Mo's disguise would have fooled anyone. It was rather impressive.
Nevan: This deception seems to have affected him badly.
Ashlynn: Boy, you just can't trust anyone in this town, can you? Anyone can be a mole!
Amos: So just who is this poor Welda...?
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Hmm... Dead end, aye?
Milly: Let's try looking elsewhere.
Nevan: So how will Mo follow up that phoney priest?
Ashlynn: Maybe Mo's hiding under the table. Maybe Mo IS the table!
Amos: ...Hang on! Is she really a woman!?
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Blimey. Sorry we asked.
Milly: Let's try talking to someone else.
Nevan: There's no point asking him.
Ashlynn: Forget it. All he cares about are those girls!
Amos: Blimey – this really is a good bit!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Ignore her. Mo the Mole could be anywhere – and anyone!
Milly: It looks like he isn't up on stage.
Nevan: We've roused a bunny to anger...
Ashlynn: Yippee! One, two! One, two! Cha-cha-cha!
This is great for the calves!
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Amos: ...Hang on! She isn't old Mo, is she!?
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: Hardy har! No way we're losing this bet!
Milly: His last disguise certainly was impressive...
Nevan: Everyone we meet has started to resemble Mo.
Ashlynn: Well lucky for us, we never give up!
Amos: Maybe we should disguise ourselves and all!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Not here, aye?
Milly: He doesn't seem to be here. Let's keep looking.
Nevan: I thought he might have returned here...
Ashlynn: C'mon! Where IS he?
Amos: Bloomin' heck...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Right! Where's he off to this time, aye?
Milly: Mo's main objective is gathering information, so he won't be going to the same place twice.
Nevan: Let's leave no stone unturned!
Ashlynn: Mo wouldn't disguise himself as any of us...would he? Would he!?
Amos: Just how long do we have to traipse around this bloomin' town?
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: All that? He talkin' about that Welda girl he mentioned?
Milly: Mo's disguise could have fooled anyone.
Nevan: He still seems to be reeling from Mo's deception.
Ashlynn: Oh, yeah! Didn't he talk about Welda losing her father or something?
Amos: What if that bloke was Mo all along!? Ummm...
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Ugh... I did NOT need to see that.
Milly: Oh my. Mo looked quite good in that get-up.
Nevan: I did indeed hear a scratching noise just now...
Ashlynn: Wow! Mole the Mo's got nice legs! Hairy, but nice.
Amos: He became a bloomin' bunny!? There's nowt that could surprise old Amos now...
Goober: Boing? Boing, boing!
Carver: First a priest, then a bunny girl... What's next? A seaslime?
Milly: This is the last time we've got to find him. Let's try our best!
Nevan: I can't get that scratching sound out of my head...
Ashlynn: One more disguise and we'll finally score that forty-eight-thousand-gold discount!
Amos: All I ask is that old Mo doesn't turn into any more lasses...
Goober: Boing, boing!
Carver: Moles like Mo ain't exactly well-liked in Turnscote, aye?
Milly: I wonder how much information he's gathered so far?
Nevan: We have no choice but to seek Mo.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! We're not sniffing a thing – Mo's doing all the dirty work for us!
Amos: Bloomin' heck...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Part-time help, aye? Very interesting...
Milly: Oh? I wonder what kind of work he does?
Nevan: Locating Mo is our priority – not discussing part-time help.
Ashlynn: Where have I seen that guy before? Was it the weapon shop? The item shop? Hmm...
Amos: He couldn't have taken on Mo as a part-timer...could he?
Goober: Boing! B-Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! That man's liver is gonna abandon ship if he keeps chug-a-luggin' like that.
Milly: Oh dear... I think he's already had his fill.
Nevan: We're clearly in his way. Let's beat a retreat.
Ashlynn: The nerve of him! Most barflies would kill to have a cute girl like me next to them!
Amos: That old boy's got more wrinkles than manners.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He's gonna grow into that barstool, aye?
Milly: What could have happened to drive him to the bottle?
Nevan: I pray he doesn't drink like that on a daily basis.
Ashlynn: He's got that right. I can smell the booze on his breath from here.
Amos: First a man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man.
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Blurry Moon, aye? Can't a man get a plain ol' ale around here?
Milly: Blurry Moon, eh... It doesn't sound particularly appetising, I must say.
Nevan: I, I really shouldn't indulge.
Ashlynn: That sounds like one of those drinks you'd enjoy now but regret in the morning.
Amos: So which bit's blurry and which bit's moony?
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Bloody Mucho? Who came up with that name?
Milly: That colour...and that name... They're just not very appetising...
Nevan: Are the folks at the counter drinking Bloody Muchos?
Ashlynn: Yuck. My tummy's doing somersaults just thinking about it.
Amos: A Bloody Mucho!? I can't imagine how it'd taste.
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hmm... I dunno... My gut tells me that fella's hidin' something from us.
Milly: ...I have a very strong sense that he's concealing the truth from us.
Nevan: Why not come out and ask about Mo directly?
Ashlynn: You think maybe he's hiding Mo under the bar?
Amos: Bloomin' heck...
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: I ain't exactly in a “take it easy” mood right now...
Milly: What would happen if we told him straight what we're here for?
Nevan: Surely we have business here...?
Ashlynn: Why not just come out and say it?
Like, “Gotcha, Mo the Mole!”
Amos: Are we just goin' to take it easy?
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Some “good stuff”, aye? This I gotta hear.
Milly: Once we've got the money, we'll be able to get our information on the swordsmith!
Nevan: We did it! Now we'll only need to pay two-thousand gold coins.
Ashlynn: You heard the Mole, Hero. Let's go stand where he told us to.
Amos: If Mo's a master of disguise, we're masters of seein' through disguises!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Cole? That's the swordsmith's name, aye?
Carver: He picked a lousy time to go on a quest.
Now what do we do?
Milly: So Cole went out looking for the legendary sword...
Milly: But we've got the legendary sword right here... Where's Cole, then? And what is he up to?
Nevan: Without a legendary swordsmith, it may well be impossible to repair the legendary sword.
Ashlynn: Oh! So Welda was Cole the swordsmith's daughter, huh? Wonder where she is now...
Amos: Maybe old Amos could shake up a Bloody Mucho or two!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Better let him be.
Milly: It'd be a terrible shame to wake him, seeing as he's sleeping so peacefully.
Nevan: The drink has got the better of him.
Ashlynn: Keep quiet, people...
Amos: He's sleepin' like a baby.
Goober: Boiiing...
Carver: Crikey. Hasn't he had enough?
Milly: He's going to regret this in the morning...
Nevan: We can't do anything for that gentleman.
Ashlynn: I think I'd rather face Murdaw again than tend bar here.
Amos: Maybe old Amos could shake up a Blurry Moon or two!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: We gotta hand it to Mo, aye? He even had all the customers fooled.
Milly: Mo the Mole really is a master of disguise.
Nevan: Shall we repair to Mo's molehole?
Ashlynn: How's this bar gonna get by without their part-time help?
Amos: Old Amos has been inspired by Mo's antics. I fancy playin' dress-up too!
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whew, I'm beat. Trackin' down those three disguises was a real workout.
Milly: Hey Hero, we've got the money we need, don't we?
Nevan: Let's head to Mo's home and find out what he knows.
Ashlynn: Hey, wasn't that kind of fun? I mean, searching for Mo and everything.
Amos: Let's hope old Mo hasn't put on another disguise.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh? He ain't back here!?
Milly: But Mo told us to come to his house...
Where could he have got to?
Nevan: What shall we do? Without that information, we'll be stuck.
Ashlynn: You don't think he, like, skipped out on us, do you?
Amos: So yet again we're lookin' for Mo the Mole.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: He ain't here because he's in the well, aye?
Milly: Let's head for his house in the well, hurry!
Nevan: It seems he has gone back to his home.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go to Mo's place!
Amos: I don't think he's lyin'.
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Grrr! I oughta reach down his gullet and get my fifty coins back!
Milly: Hmph. I almost hope he chokes on it.
Nevan: That man has gifted us profound wisdom.
Ashlynn: Tee hee. Something tells me we're not the first to fall for his “information” scheme.
Amos: Boozin' with money swindled from honest folks...
It makes my blood boil!
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Drinkin' in the middle of the day, aye? Must be nice!
Milly: Some generous type must have given him a few coins.
Nevan: It seems he's busy pickling himself from sunrise to sunset.
Ashlynn: Hey, wasn't that guy trying to sell some juicy info to people? The same way Mo does?
Ashlynn: I wonder if it was any good...
Amos: I wonder which he prefers – takin' other people's money or drinkin' it?
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: I take it “home” ain't on the roof of this place.
Milly: If this isn't Mo's home, then...
Nevan: Did Mo the Mole have a home?
Ashlynn: Where could Mo's home be...?
Amos: Let's hire a rival muck-raker and get him to track down Mo.
Goober: Boooing!
Carver: Right! Let's pay him a visit!
Milly: Let's head over there.
Nevan: Let's go to Mo's home and see what he found out.
Ashlynn: Say, remember that pretty lady in his house?
Do you think that was his wife?
Amos: Let's get goin'!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Geh! Come ON, folks! Shouldn't one of us be watchin' our finances!?
Milly: There's nothing for it – we'll just have to gather the money and come back later.
Nevan: We can't say we didn't know the fee.
Ashlynn: Guess we'll be back later.
Amos: Comin' all this way without two thousand gold coins is a bit embarrassin'.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: (sob) I, I ain't cryin'. I've just got somethin' in my eye...
Milly: We can only hope that her father, Cole, is alive somewhere as well...
Nevan: North of the hidden bar?
Nevan: If Welda's not there, let's investigate the shrine to the north.
Ashlynn: Wow! The daughter of the legendary swordsmith, huh? I wonder if she's all burly.
Ashlynn: Say, didn't we speak with a lady up in that house? You think that was Welda?
Amos: Sounds like this Welda's been through the ringer.
Amos: This is a darn sight better than the information you get for fifty gold coins.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Does anybody NOT know Mo around here?
Milly: He certainly is elusive...
Nevan: She seems to have a soft spot for Mo.
Ashlynn: I gotta say, Mo's more trustworthy than I would've figured.
Amos: Mo's scratchy stubble was pretty alarmin'.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'd better head over to Welda's house, aye?
Milly: Let's go to that house, north of the bar!
Milly: So Welda wasn't home...
Milly: Could this mean that she's at the shrine to the north of town?
Nevan: With Cole missing, it may prove difficult to get the legendary sword restored.
Ashlynn: Clink! Clank! ♪ Swing the hammer! ♪
Bish! Bash! ♪ Hear it crash! ♪
Ashlynn: ...Wait, why'd that pop into my head? I don't even remember where I heard it.
Amos: Is that legendary sword goin' to get reworked?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I reckon I haven't been home in donkey's years, either. Wait... What's a donkey's year?
Milly: Paying your respects to departed loved ones is important.
Nevan: It's important to always carry those we have lost in our hearts.
Ashlynn: I guess Welda, like, visits her mom's grave pretty often, huh?
Amos: Let's head to the shrine up north where Ethyl's grave is located.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I sure ain't plannin' on moving here.
Milly: I'm sure it's simply heavenly if you become accustomed to it...but I just don't think I ever could.
Nevan: We cannot afford to settle down until we've brought peace back to the world.
Ashlynn: Yeah, I'll pass on this place.
Amos: Anyone who thinks this place is paradise could probably never be a friend of ours.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: This is kinda our fault a little, aye?
Milly: Mo was in disguise, so that man probably doesn't even know who he actually hired.
Nevan: It seems Mo has left this bar in the lurch.
Ashlynn: Hmm... We'd probably better not tell him the truth, huh?
Amos: Maybe we could tell him where Mo is – for two thousand gold coins! Or maybe not...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. What a friendly fellow...
Milly: This kind of behaviour is exactly what you'd expect in a town like this.
Nevan: There's no use arguing with that man.
Ashlynn: I bet someone else'll start squatting here the moment that guy leaves, too.
Amos: We could send him packin', but what's the point?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Nobody's home, aye...?
Milly: Welda doesn't seem to be here.
Nevan: Mo told us that if Welda wasn't here, we should check at the shrine to the north.
Ashlynn: Wow, look at all these tools!
Ashlynn: So this is what a swordsmith's forge looks like? Neat.
Amos: This looks like a real man's workplace and no mistake!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Him and everyone else in the room, aye?
Milly: Men's delusions are actually rather endearing.
Nevan: It's fascinating to see a fan's infatuation...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Riiight. Sure she does.
Amos: Lady Seductra was eyein' up old Amos! ...Wasn't she!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa. I think I actually heard his heart break.
Milly: I think we should have humoured him, Hero.
Nevan: It seems his imagination ran away with him.
Ashlynn: He needs to cheer up and enjoy himself!
Amos: Lady Seductra was eyein' up old Amos! ...Wasn't she!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Felonia Castle, aye? The old king there was pretty rough on folks, I reckon.
Milly: ............
Nevan: I fear she suffered unimaginable hardship.
Ashlynn: Wow! That girl used to be in Felonia, huh?
Amos: A wakin' nightmare? I hope she can forget it.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Huh. A graveyard, aye?
Milly: It seems that there's nobody here.
Nevan: I can sense all the departed souls who rest in this cemetery.
Ashlynn: This place is kinda creepy. It's, like, too quiet.
Amos: Th-This is a graveyard. There's no one here, right?
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Uh...hmm. I dunno what to say to that, Hero. Do you?
Milly: The legendary sword seems to have changed that swordsmith's life.
Nevan: So this must be where Welda's mother rests.
Ashlynn: Wow. Sounds like there's some bad blood between Welda and her dad, huh?
Amos: So Welda's old man did pass on his swordsmith skills to his daughter...
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: So, uh, maybe we oughta just show the thing to her?
Milly: Poor Welda, her emotions seem to be getting the better of her...
Nevan: Welda's not a woman to be lied to.
Ashlynn: For crying out loud – show her the sword!
Amos: This is no time for tellin' fibs!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: She's gone, Hero. Now what?
Milly: Poor Welda... She probably never wants to see that sword again. Unless...
Nevan: Perhaps it was hoping for too much to think that Welda would agree to fix the sword.
Ashlynn: She's not exactly a fan of that sword, either, huh?
Amos: I propose we follow Welda and let her give us an earful if she must.
Goober: Boi-oing!
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Carver: Let's shove off to Welda's place! No gettin' sidetracked now, aye?
Milly: Seeing the legendary sword right in front of her like that must have been tough for Welda...
Nevan: Can there be a way to resolve this without injuring Welda's feelings?
Ashlynn: Look, I get that we need our sword fixed, but can we try not to hurt Welda's feelings too much in the process?
Amos: What if Welda's waitin' to bash us with a hammer back at her place? (gulp)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Avast, Hero! What kind of blockhead says “no” like that!?
Milly: Hero...
Nevan: Hero, just why are you trying to enrage Welda?
Nevan: The legendary sword will be indispensable if we hope to defeat the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: What is your problem, Hero!? Like, are you nuts?
Amos: We need to win Welda over and swear we'll only use the sword for the cause of good.
Amos: Are you listenin', Hero?
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing!!!
Carver: Hero! Did you wake up on the insane side o' the bed this mornin', or what!?
Milly: Welda's never going to help us if you keep on angering her like this, Hero.
Nevan: Dear me...
Ashlynn: Ugh! I give up! You're hopeless!
Amos: But this was bloomin' important...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Whew! I thought she was gonna give us the brush-off for a sec there.
Carver: She must've sensed we mean business.
Milly: Welda's desire to follow in her father's footsteps was probably a factor in her helping us.
Nevan: I cannot wait to see that rusty, battered sword gleaming once again.
Ashlynn: Did you see Welda's eyes? They were, like, sparkling with excitement!
Amos: I'm so relieved, my knees are nearly bucklin'.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Sounds like a plan to me! Let's go and nab the legendary stuff, aye?
Milly: We can breathe easy – the legendary sword is safe in Welda's hands!
Nevan: Let's search for those other legendary relics without delay.
Ashlynn: Wow, look at Welda go! She's hammering away like a pro!
Amos: It's a good plan – we shouldn't waste time just waitin' around.
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Like father, like daughter, aye?
Listen to her sing!
Milly: Welda seems to have brightened up considerably. How wonderful!
Nevan: Let's search for the remaining legendary relics.
Ashlynn: Hey! That's the swordsmith's song! From the swordsmith herself, too!
Ashlynn: “Crash! Smash! Hit the iron!” It'll be in my head for a week now!
Amos: Clink! Clank! ♪ Swing the hammer! ♪
Old Amos has learnt the words!
Goober: Boing? B-Boing?
Carver: I'm already gettin' impatient. When's she gonna be done hammerin' that sword?
Milly: While Welda's taking care of our sword, how about we look for the other legendary items?
Nevan: It's a race! Will Welda finish repairing the legendary sword first?
Nevan: Or will we gather the remaining relics before that?
Ashlynn: Clink! Clank! ♪ Swing the hammer! ♪
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I'm sorry – I can't help it!
Amos: I think we should leave this town for a while.
Amos: We've got no time to lose in trackin' down the rest of those legendary items.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! I hope I hear that well when I'm her age.
Milly: Cole's smithy songs must have been big hits in this town.
Nevan: Welda no doubt grew up listening to her father singing that song.
Ashlynn: I bet folks here heard that song all day long back in Cole's heyday.
Amos: Crash! Smash! ♪ Hit the iron! ♪
Amos: ...What a tune!
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boi-oing! Boing!
Carver: So folks around here were waitin' for Welda to take up the family trade, aye?
Milly: There is a genuine happiness among all who knew Cole.
Nevan: I imagine that Ethyl is gazing down on her daughter happily from heaven.
Ashlynn: Can't you just feel the love that Turnscote had for Welda and her dad?
Amos: Now we just need her old man, Cole, to come back safe and sound.
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Do ya think the Archfiend hears rumours about us comin' to whup him?
Milly: The rumour is out there now, there's nothing we can do to stop it from spreading. A lot of people are going to be anxious...
Nevan: We must dispense with the Archfiend as soon as possible.
Ashlynn: Let's get those four legendary relics first, then we'll finish off the Archfiend.
Amos: Well, us lot are more powerful than Murdaw!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What do ya think would happen if they found out we're the folks, aye?
Carver: We'd probably get swarmed for autographs 'n everything like that.
Milly: How could he possibly know?
Nevan: Nothing travels faster than a rumour.
Ashlynn: He's telling everyone that for free? He could fetch a fortune for that info in a town like Turnscote!
Amos: Let's pretend this is news to us...
Amos: A legendary sword!? Really!? Where? Where!?
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: He really picked the wrong fella for the job, aye?
Milly: Hopefully he was able to take a little break while he had the help.
Nevan: I'm sure he will never lay eyes on his erstwhile barman again.
Ashlynn: Everyone in this town fell for Mo the Mole's disguises, huh? He's the best!
Amos: I wonder if Mo got paid before he scarpered.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! Finders keepers, aye?
Milly: I hope he keeps an eye out for monsters on his way home.
Nevan: I wonder what he wanted the legendary smith to do for him.
Ashlynn: Good thing we got to Mo before he did, huh?
Amos: Seems like there's no one left who believes that peace has returned to the world.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: I'd better keep a lid on my temper, aye? I'd hate to wind up as another statistic here.
Milly: Sometimes being tough just gets you into more trouble, eh?
Nevan: Brawling is always wrong.
Ashlynn: Yeah, violence just leads to more violence.
Amos: At least that old boy's still got life in him.
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Uh... Dunno what to say to that, aye?
Milly: What could be the matter?
Nevan: Has she no friends or family?
Ashlynn: Sounds like someone could use a trip to the Bunny Theatre, if you ask me!
Amos: Old Amos will keep her company!
Amos: But it'll have to wait till the world's at peace.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Uh-oh. That fella's on the same track as we are, aye? Good thing he's one step behind us.
Milly: We were lucky to find Mo in that hidden bar, weren't we?
Nevan: Mo the Mole's fame has spread far and wide.
Ashlynn: That Mo the Mole's really a master of disguise, huh?
Ashlynn: I'd love to learn some of his tricks!
Amos: Track Mo down and he'll have his scratchy stubble to deal with...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: It's best not to say “yes”, aye? No point in gettin' folks nervous.
Milly: I get the feeling we won't be able to hide it from people for much longer...
Nevan: We have no hope of stopping these rumours.
Ashlynn: The rumours are spreading like wildfire among the ladies around here, huh?
Amos: How about we start spreadin' another rumour instead?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Huh. And here I thought Welda was just unfriendly 'n everything like that.
Milly: I had sensed that Welda was fond of children.
Nevan: It's a catchy song...
Ashlynn: Bish! Bash! Hear it crash! ♪
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Gets in my head every time!
Amos: D'you reckon a bunny girl would teach old Amos how to dance?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A little patience? Hardy har!
Milly: Well, he's certainly determined, I'll give him that...
Nevan: Love takes many forms, it seems...
Ashlynn: I dunno. It doesn't seem like Lady Seductra's star'll fade any time soon.
Amos: Ten years? Someone else will surely sweep her off her feet by then!
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Who knows, aye? He might've waited if he'd known.
Milly: He was so fascinated by the sword that he left his family to go and search for it. Who knows how far he would have gone?
Nevan: I pray Cole returns soon.
Ashlynn: I sure couldn't have waited ten years if I were Cole...
Amos: How do folks know we got the legendary sword!?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Whoa! Way past his limit, aye?
Milly: He's going to do himself some permanent damage...
Nevan: That fellow clearly puts drinking before an honest day's work.
Ashlynn: Hope he has someplace to sleep it off...
Amos: From where that lad's sittin', all's well in the world.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Our business with Mo's pretty much done, aye?
Milly: That's right, Mo's back in his own house.
Nevan: We're actually fresh from meeting Mo.
Ashlynn: Mo sure helped us out back there, huh?
Amos: ...Hang on! Could that be Mo the Mole in disguise!?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That wasn't exactly helpful, but at least the price was right.
Milly: My word. Mo's information-gathering abilities are truly exceptional.
Nevan: Mo really does his homework. I'm impressed.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Tell us something we don't know!
Amos: ...Hang on! That chap could be Mo the Mole in disguise...
Amos: What am I sayin'!? Old Amos has picked up some bad habits and no mistake.
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: I dunno if I trust someone who's been rifling through our stuff...
Milly: Let's be more careful from now on...
Nevan: When did she see our inventory? We can't let our guard down!
Ashlynn: Hmm... Nothing we can do but hope she's telling the truth, huh?
Amos: I don't believe that lass can keep a secret.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Avast! The Sword of Ramias is back in business!
Milly: So this is the Sword of Ramias...
Milly: It really is breathtakingly beautiful.
Nevan: Let's put the sword beside the other legendary relics and deduce the meaning of the symbols.
Ashlynn: I dunno what's better – that the sword looks so good or that there's more verses to that song!
Amos: Remember, Hero! That sword's no use if you're just luggin' it around. Be sure to equip it!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We just have to find Cole, aye? He needs to hear about his daughter!
Milly: It would seem that Welda bears no grudge against her father after all...
Nevan: I pray that wherever Cole is, he is happy and healthy.
Ashlynn: Wouldn't it be nice if we could get Cole back to Turnscote?
Amos: I hope we do bump into him somewhere out there.
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Ugh... I, I can't tell her. Sorry.
Milly: What we saw in that underwater cave shall remain sealed within our hearts.
Nevan: I pray that the man we found on the seabed is someone else and that Cole returns here one day...
Ashlynn: I can't even look Welda in the eye.
Terry: ............
Amos: I'm sure that the Welda mentioned in that diary was a different Welda entirely!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: I wonder if Colburn appreciates Gerda savin' his hide 'n everything like that.
Carver: He has to live with regret for breakin' his promise, but at least he's alive...
Milly: No one can bring back the time that has already passed...
Milly: We can only hope that Colburn lives in happiness for the rest of his days.
Nevan: I have faith that Gerda's words do not reflect her true feelings.
Ashlynn: I hope she doesn't really mean that.
Ashlynn: Her saving Colburn had nothing to do with him breaking his promise!
Terry: Nature's way is harsh...
Amos: If Colburn takes another tumble halfway up the mountain, he could be in trouble.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
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Carver: Nothin' like a natural spring for a weary traveller, aye?
Milly: It really does have the power to rejuvenate.
Nevan: Nature has gifted us this delightful spring.
Ashlynn: Oooh, it's so clear!
Terry: Wonder if monsters come to drink from this spring.
Amos: I don't know about rejuvenatin' my soul – I'm just thirsty.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A floating castle, aye...? I'd like to see one of those.
Milly: A floating castle would make a magnificent subject for a painting, don't you think?
Nevan: How could something as big as a castle possibly float? This is most mysterious...
Ashlynn: Wow! You think it's on top of a giant flying carpet or something?
Amos: Nowadays even castles are floatin', are they?
Old Amos really is out of touch...
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! We believe it now, aye?
Milly: The battle with the castle was a terrible shock to us all, wasn't it?
Nevan: How could something as big as a castle possibly float? I still find it most mysterious...
Ashlynn: Oh, drat! I forgot to check if there was a big flying carpet under the castle!
Terry: He's talking about Cloudsgate Citadel, right?
Amos: Nowadays even castles are attackin' folks...
Lizzie: (slobber) That man was...telling truth... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! That hit the spot!
Milly: That liquid is so potent, I'm sure it cleanses the heart itself.
Nevan: All fatigue has left my body.
Ashlynn: Ahhh... Smooth!
Terry: My body's as good as new!
Amos: How about we call that stuff “Healixir” and flog it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...love water... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
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Carver: She discovered the truth about the dream world, aye? It's an eye-opener, alright.
Milly: Not being able to tell anyone must have been a terrible burden for her.
Nevan: Whether this is real life or a dream, the important thing is that we're still alive.
Ashlynn: The Archfiend's trying to destroy everything – even people's dreams... He's gonna pay!
Terry: We're going to put an end to the Archfiend's antics.
Amos: Dream world? Real world? We'll save all the worlds we can find!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh? Does that nun wanna tell us her story or not?
Milly: The “workings of the world”? Let's ask her to tell us what she knows, Hero.
Nevan: She seems relieved.
Ashlynn: Do you think she knows what we know?
Terry: I guess she's alone so she was never tempted to spill the beans to anyone else.
Amos: The innermost workings of the world? What does that mean?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Alright! Time to find out what's up with this place, once 'n for all!
Milly: The legendary relics should now lead us to the Celestial Castle.
Nevan: We've gathered the legendary relics, but how can we gain access to the Celestial Castle?
Ashlynn: Say, what about those symbols on the legendary equipment...?
Amos: The symbols on the legendary items must relate to somethin' here!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. So the symbols on the floor change every time you step on them, aye?
Milly: Let's try and think how the symbols on the legendary items match up with those on the floor.
Nevan: So if the symbol on the helmet stands for the sun and the armour is the heart...
Ashlynn: The helmet goes on the head, right? So that means the sword goes on either the left or the right...
Amos: Let's try linin' up those symbols!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Bleh. Gettin' sucked up by that light turns my stomach inside out.
Milly: We can use this to travel to Cloudsgate Citadel whenever we like.
Nevan: To think, the relics' symbols and the signs on the floor flummoxed us when we first came here.
Ashlynn: Wow, how about that view when we ride up the light?
Terry: Are we planning a trip to Cloudsgate Citadel?
Amos: When the light was carryin' us up, was old Amos the only one worryin' about someone switchin' the light off?
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie...can't fly... Scared... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Crikey, that Stormsgate thing was a big boy, aye? ...Wait, where are we?
Milly: Huh? How did we get in here...? Wait, is this the Celestial Castle?
Nevan: Wh-What is this...?
Nevan: It's as if Stormsgate Citadel itself had become an enormous monster...?
Ashlynn: Whew... Glad that's over.
Ashlynn: ...Hang on a minute. What're we doing here?
What's going on?
Amos: Even the castles attack you nowadays. Blimey...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I don't remember gettin' any invitations from this Dhuran fella.
Milly: Could the Celestial Castle have fallen into the hands of monsters?
Nevan: This seems to be an enemy castle. We must be on our guard.
Ashlynn: So it's alright if we go in, or...?
Amos: If we're his guests, then we have nothing to worry about.
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I wouldn't believe it, either.
Milly: Guests, eh... Let's keep our guard up.
Nevan: Is this Dhuran the lord of this castle?
Ashlynn: Would it be asking too much to get a little respect from these monsters?
Amos: We could put up a fight, but I reckon we should keep our swords sheathed for now.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: You don't have to tell me twice.
Milly: The inside of the castle is probably full of monsters as well...
Nevan: Let us proceed.
Ashlynn: Let's go! Let's go!
Amos: Right, let's get goin'!
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hold on. You don't think Dhuran's the Archfiend, do ya!?
Milly: Dhuran certainly seems to enjoy tremendous support amongst the monsters.
Nevan: D-Dear G-Goddess...
Nevan: N-No, I'm not afraid. It's just a little ch-chilly...
Ashlynn: Dhuran, huh...? Wonder what he's like.
Amos: He reckons he's goin' to rule the world? He's got another thing comin'.
Goober: Boing?
Carver: What's he mean, “supposed to have been sealed off”?
Milly: This must be the castle from where the fourth chasm now exists.
Nevan: What lies behind Dhuran's decision to invite us into the castle?
Ashlynn: Aww! And here I thought the castle was on top of a big flying carpet!
Amos: So this Dhuran fellow's plottin' to rule the real world from a dream-world castle?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Lord Zenith? That must be the real lord of this joint, aye?
Milly: So this castle actually belongs to Lord Zenith, ruler of the dream world...
Nevan: He's gone... We must take up the challenge so that he may rest in peace.
Ashlynn: Oh... So this castle must've been destroyed like Sorceria was...
Amos: Bloomin' heck! So we just saw a vision of this poor skeleton when it was alive?
Amos: Don't fret, ghostie! We'll break the seal on Cloudsgate Citadel if it's the last thing we do!
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Lord Zenith's probably being held somewhere in the castle. Let's bust him out, aye?
Milly: We simply must break the seal on Cloudsgate Citadel!
Nevan: We shall carry out his final request, Goddess help us.
Ashlynn: Sending that message to us must've taken some serious willpower, huh?
Amos: We won't get a response from him now.
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Oh, I'll serve him, alright – I'll serve him a fist to the face!
Milly: I don't think we'll be doing anything of the sort...
Nevan: I serve none but the Goddess.
Ashlynn: Serve Dhuran? Yeah, I'll get right on that.
Amos: That beastie mustn't have been informed that we're guests here!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Useful? Who?
Milly: Who was he talking about, I wonder?
Nevan: So a human aside from us has gained access to this castle...
Ashlynn: I can't get used to this – having a monster right in front of us and not fighting it. It's not right!
Amos: Old Amos doesn't like the sound of bein' “useful”...
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Maybe he doesn't know we're the ones doin' the restoring, aye?
Milly: Could Dhuran have been watching us all this time?
Nevan: We must unlock the seal on this castle.
Ashlynn: Dhuran's enjoying this, huh? Well, let's wipe that smile off his mug!
Amos: Our power's not growin' daily – it's growin' by the minute!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! All I hear from that monster is blah, blah, blah!
Milly: Hmm... I wonder which way the world will go?
Nevan: That monster is sorely mistaken. The Goddess walks beside us.
Ashlynn: These monsters won't grasp squat on our watch!
Amos: So do monsters pray to a Goddess of their own?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: We'd best not upset him, aye?
Milly: He doesn't look like he'll attack us – though I certainly wouldn't relish a battle against him.
Nevan: Though it's of the same monstrous species, it doesn't seem blessed with the brains to speak.
Ashlynn: Grrrrrr... Tee hee!
Amos: Look at that monster's ugly mug! I wouldn't like to meet it in a dark alley!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Humans, joinin' the monsters' camp? That'll be the day!
Milly: We heard about those people suddenly vanishing... Were their hearts consumed by darkness?
Nevan: Desire can indeed be overwhelming...
Ashlynn: Do you think some of these “allies” are in the castle right now?
Amos: Old Amos has been known to turn into a monster, but I'd never go across to their side!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Well, here we are! And with the legendary gear 'n everything like that!
Milly: Has Dhuran been silently watching us collect all the legendary equipment?
Nevan: It seems Dhuran underestimates us. Well, he'll see what we're capable of soon enough.
Ashlynn: Yep! We're here, and we're itching for a fight!
Amos: “I wonder what exactly he could be planning...?”
Amos: How was that? D'you like old Amos's monster impressions?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Forget about that fella. Let's shove off.
Milly: Let's head inside.
Nevan: Let's be on our way.
Ashlynn: Quit wasting your time with these small fry.
Amos: Let's find this Dhuran fellow!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Terry is an awful rival but a great ally, aye?
Nevan: Milly, it is clear that Terry has always been in your heart.
Nevan: Now you are back in each other's lives, as a brother and sister should be.
Ashlynn: Wow... All those years apart from each other, wandering the world...
Ashlynn: But that's all in the past, isn't it? Now they're together again...forever! It's...It's so beautiful!
Amos: (sniff) That's so sweet! Old Amos wishes he had a sister and all!
Goober: Boiiing! Boi-oing!
Carver: We'll get 'em this time!
Milly: Let's take care of Dhuran!
Nevan: This time we'll deal with Dhuran once and for all!
Ashlynn: Let's do this, guys! No way we'll lose the same battle twice, right?
Amos: Let's get it right this time!
Amos: Dhuran's goin' to be joinin' the ever-expandin' ranks of ex-Dread Fiends.
Goober: (slurp) Boing boing boing!
Carver: Good thing we don't have to fight the whole way up to Dhuran, aye?
Milly: Let's head on in without kicking up a fuss.
Nevan: Let's head to the chamber where Dhuran waits.
Ashlynn: Wow! They're still treating us as guests? That's a lucky break!
Amos: Let's go see Dhuran, then! Skree!
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Stormsgate Citadel my behind! It'll be back to Cloudsgate Citadel soon enough and that's that!
Milly: Let's make sure we deal with Dhuran this time.
Nevan: Let's wrest Cloudsgate Citadel from Dhuran's clutches!
Ashlynn: Dhuran's castle? Whatever! This is Lord Zenith's house!
Amos: Let's worry about Dhuran, not these little wimps!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, and the fourth one's about to join 'em!
Milly: That's right... So there's one more left. Come on, Hero, let's lift the final seal!
Nevan: However many chasms there are, rest assured that we'll fill them all.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Hearing it laid out like that makes it all seem worth it, huh?
Amos: Murdaw...check! Jamirus...check! Gracos...check! Looks like Dhuran's next on the list!
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Huh. So this is the real Cloudsgate Citadel, aye? It's like a whole different place!
Milly: Thank the Goddess that we were able to lift the seal on Cloudsgate Citadel.
Nevan: Though it's the same castle, it feels very different. There is majesty and grandeur to it now.
Ashlynn: Wow! Now THIS is a castle!
Terry: Replace the storm with some nice clouds and it's a totally different castle.
Amos: Old Amos can't wait to meet Lord Zenith!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Nice joint, aye?
Milly: A suitably dreamy castle for the world of dreams.
Nevan: With this, the entire dream world has been revived!
Ashlynn: Ooh, the soldiers here dress so fancy! Kinda what you'd expect from the “keeper of dreams”...
Terry: Lord Zenith, eh? I hope he can lend us a hand.
Amos: The folks in this castle aren't your regular, run-of-the-mill castle dwellers.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Ah, I get it! The skeleton by the garden in Stormsgate Citadel!
Carver: He must be pleased we heard his plea, aye?
Ain't that great news!
Milly: He's the spirit of that skeleton who told us all about Cloudsgate Citadel and Lord Zenith, isn't he?
Nevan: So that man was the skeleton that lay in Stormsgate Citadel.
Nevan: No wonder he had such a passionate desire to share the truth with us.
Ashlynn: Oh, I remember! That skeleton who talked about things being “too much to bear”, right?
Terry: What? You've all met him before?
Amos: I've worked it out! That lad is the fleshed-out version of that skeleton!
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie not know...that person... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Huh? Don't ya remember, Hero?
Milly: Huh? That's not like you, Hero. Don't you recognise him?
Nevan: Ah, I remember! It must be from that time...
Ashlynn: Do we know anyone up here? I didn't think so...
Terry: Do you really not recognise him?
Amos: Hmm... I've a funny feelin' I might've met that lad somewhere...
Lizzie: (snarl) Man look...down-hearted... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! Is my face red?
Milly: Hearing people's gratitude makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?
Nevan: We simply did what we had to.
Ashlynn: Tee hee... We're famous all the way up here, too?
Terry: Hero, you and your allies saved me. I share that soldier's gratitude.
Amos: Blimey! He knew all about us without us havin' to say a thing!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not...involved... But happy...to hear thanks... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We'd better not keep this fella waitin'. Let's go.
Carver: Runnin' the dream world must be a rough job, aye?
Milly: The king of the dream world... It sounds terribly romantic, doesn't it? I can't wait to meet him!
Milly: The king of the dream world... How romantic!
Nevan: I was surprised to learn of this dream world, but now I see it's as real as our own.
Ashlynn: This world's in good hands now that Lord Zenith's back.
Terry: So could this Lord Zenith be someone else's dream?
Amos: With Lord Zenith back on the case, the dream world will be sorted out in no time!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie awake... But this...dream world... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hold on.... Didn't we run into a slime once who wanted to be human?
Milly: Hee hee. Good on him!
Nevan: In this world, I'm sure all sorts of dreams can be realised.
Ashlynn: If he's a human “now”, what was he before?
Terry: Who's that? Someone a monster's dreaming?
Amos: Good to hear Lord Zenith's no dummy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Lizzie maybe try...being human... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Yggdrasil dew, aye? Blimey, what a score!
Milly: One of those little saplings will one day grow into the Great World Tree.
Nevan: Does that boy tend to the Great World Tree?
Ashlynn: Ooh, tending to the flowers of the World Tree...
It's like something out of a fairy tale!
Terry: Yggdrasil dew will come in handy in a pinch.
Amos: We can really take it for free, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie happy... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Aww... One more phial ain't gonna hurt anyone!
Milly: We mustn't be greedy, Hero.
Nevan: It's a precious commodity indeed.
Ashlynn: I guess we can run back here once we down the dew, huh?
Terry: We can always come back when it runs out.
Amos: We got told off for bein' greedy!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Don't be...greedy... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What a score! Another phial of the good stuff!
Milly: This should give us some peace of mind, even when fighting the toughest enemies.
Nevan: Yggdrasil dew yields impressive results.
Ashlynn: How does he harvest the dew to begin with?
Terry: Even a single drop of Yggdrasil dew is extraordinarily potent.
Amos: I feel bad about always gettin' it for free!
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie grateful... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! She saw me and assumed all the fellas down there are handsome!
Milly: It would seem that young ladies have the same concerns no matter what world we visit.
Nevan: Once the world's at peace, she'd be more than welcome to visit us.
Ashlynn: The two worlds aren't that different after all, right? I even get 'em mixed up sometimes.
Terry: Someone in the dream world who dreams of the real world...
Amos: Maybe she has a real self down in the real world?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Why...take soul...to court...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Crikey, Hero. What a way to crush her dreams 'n everything like that.
Milly: I can sense that her interest in the world below is rather profound.
Nevan: I pray she gets a chance to see the world below with her own eyes.
Ashlynn: Hero! What's gotten into you?
Terry: Perhaps the less she knows of the real world, the better.
Amos: Well, both worlds are full of monsters!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lady look...sad... (slobber)
Goober: Boing... (slurp)
Carver: What's the big deal? It's just a well?
Milly: It's probably one of those wells that leads to somewhere else.
Nevan: A well that requires royal permission to enter? Intriguing...
Ashlynn: Forget about the well. We have business with Lord Zenith!
Terry: Let's go and find this Lord Zenith.
Amos: Maybe there's an extra-nasty well wisher lurkin' down there.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: If Lord Zenith needs our help, he's got it.
Milly: Why, the very purpose of our journey is to save the world. Of course we'll help.
Nevan: I'm confident we can meet Lord Zenith's expectations.
Ashlynn: We can, like, totally handle this!
Terry: I think Lord Zenith has the same goal as us.
Amos: So Lord Zenith has the power of hearts... Wouldn't he be happier with the power of fire or wind?
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie has...lots of power... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: I bet that egg would make one big omelette!
Milly: That egg holds the future? How wonderful!
Nevan: I pray a bright future is born.
Ashlynn: Aww. I bet whatever's in there is cute!
Terry: This egg holds the future? Not a dragon?
Or a chicken?
Amos: Look! That egg's movin'! Movin', I tell you!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Lizzie also born...from egg... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What do ya think it's doin' in there?
Milly: It's certainly active, that's for sure.
Nevan: That's a curious noise. Perhaps it is trying to communicate?
Ashlynn: Won't be long until it cracks!
Terry: I can feel a real energy coming from that egg.
Amos: That egg! It's sayin' somethin'!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp...slurp)
Carver: Wailing? Wailin' where?
Milly: I wonder what could have happened to sadden Pegasus?
Nevan: Is this some manner of verse about Pegasus?
Ashlynn: “Pegasus is wailing”? Poor horsey!
Terry: The legendary horse, Pegasus... I'd love to see it just once.
Amos: Pegasus really exists!?
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie not make...Pegasus wail... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: If the Archfiend swiped my powers, I'd be wailin', too.
Milly: Let's go and get Pegasus so that Lord Zenith can return her powers.
Nevan: Is this some manner of verse about Pegasus?
Ashlynn: “Pegasus is wailing”? Poor horsey!
Terry: That's Pegasus, the legendary horse? Let's rescue her and see if she'll team up with us.
Amos: We've got to help that winged horse!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie not make...Pegasus wail... (snarl)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Waiting? Waitin' for what?
Milly: Where could Pegasus be?
Nevan: Is this some manner of verse about Pegasus?
Ashlynn: “Pegasus is waiting”? For us, maybe?
Terry: The legendary horse, Pegasus... I'd love to see it just once.
Amos: Pegasus really exists!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie never...seen Pegasus... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Waitin' for us, aye?
Milly: Hurry, let's go down and rescue Pegasus.
Nevan: Is this some manner of verse about Pegasus?
Ashlynn: You heard her! We need to help Pegasus, and fast!
Terry: That's Pegasus, the legendary horse? Let's rescue her and see if she'll team up with us.
Amos: We've got to help that winged horse!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie never...seen Pegasus... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Hmm... Whatever that means...
Milly: Pegasus is no mere legend.
Nevan: Does that mean Pegasus is in this castle?
Ashlynn: Wow! I want a ride!
Terry: The legendary horse, Pegasus... I'd love to see it just once.
Amos: It seems like poor Pegasus has to carry a lot in that saddle!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie never...rode Pegasus... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: We'll have to hop aboard her to reach Mortamor's world, aye?
Milly: We should put our faith in Pegasus as well!
Nevan: We must save Pegasus and trust in her to crash through the border to the dread realm.
Ashlynn: Wow! I want a ride!
Terry: That's Pegasus, the legendary horse? Let's rescue her and see if she'll team up with us.
Amos: It seems like poor Pegasus has to carry a lot in that saddle!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie never...rode Pegasus... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: It's scary when ya think about it – that Dhuran was just one of Mortamor's cronies...
Milly: It would appear that time is running out...
Nevan: That tale chills the blood...
Ashlynn: We'll see how much he likes this “world of his own” when we're through with it!
Terry: Mortamor... Our business is derailing his plans.
Amos: If all those folks have already been swept into that realm, we can't let our guard down.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Lizzie...not know Mortamor... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: A world of darkness, aye...? That don't sound fun.
Milly: So Pegasus is the only one that can enter the dread realm? That could be a problem...
Nevan: A dread realm which constitutes another world, neither dream nor reality...
Nevan: That is where the Archfiend plots to swallow up the other worlds.
Ashlynn: We've got no choice but to find Pegasus and hop a ride over there, huh?
Terry: Our top priority is to track down Pegasus.
Amos: So to get to the Archfiend, we need to first find Pegasus.
Amos: That's right, isn't it?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Where is Pegasus...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, first things first – let's wrangle Pegasus back to Cloudsgate!
Milly: So if we rescue Pegasus, we can go and confront the Archfiend? Let's hurry!
Nevan: A dread realm which constitutes another world, neither dream nor reality...
Nevan: That is where the Archfiend plans to swallow up the other worlds.
Ashlynn: Nothing for it but to save Pegasus and hop a ride over there, huh?
Terry: Without Pegasus, this is the end of the road.
Amos: So to get to the Archfiend, we need to first find Pegasus.
Amos: Let's head back to the surface!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Where is Pegasus...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye... Makes sense that Mortamor wouldn't want folks seein' Pegasus.
Milly: If we head over to the Pillar of Pegasus we should be able to meet the legendary beast.
Nevan: The Pillar of Pegasus? Let us hurry there!
Ashlynn: Let's go! This could be our chance to free Pegasus!
Terry: I wonder if we can still find Pegasus at the pillar.
Amos: A horse livin' up a pillar? It could only be Pegasus!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie lived in cave... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye... Makes sense that Mortamor wouldn't want folks seein' Pegasus.
Milly: We must hurry to the Pillar so that we can meet Pegasus.
Nevan: So the path to the Pillar of Pegasus lies in that castle well...
Ashlynn: Mortamor's, like, the meanest of the mean, huh?
Terry: I wonder what Pegasus is doing at that tower.
Amos: A horse livin' up a pillar? It could only be Pegasus!
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie lived in cave... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aw, he don't have to thank us.
Milly: Everyone in the castle has such a bright aura.
Nevan: I'm sure we owe our victory over the opposition to the support of all the souls here.
Ashlynn: I'm glad it all worked out!
Terry: I'm grateful to all of you too.
Amos: Dhuran was no pushover. I dread to think what would've happened if we hadn't beaten him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Soldier grateful...to us... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: That's Lord Zenith, aye...?
Milly: So we're finally going to meet Lord Zenith.
Nevan: The ruler of the dream world... I'm a trifle nervous.
Ashlynn: Not to sound shallow, but I figured the keeper of dreams would be, well, dreamier.
Terry: We shouldn't keep Lord Zenith waiting.
Amos: Sorry, Lord Zenith! We're on our way!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Let's give it all we've got, aye?
Milly: Finally, we'll be able to meet Pegasus.
Nevan: Let's rescue Pegasus before the Archfiend plots some new mischief.
Ashlynn: Next stop, the Pillar of Pegasus!
Terry: Let's get Pegasus – everything else can wait.
Amos: To the well!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: So we've gotta find Pegasus first, aye? Let's do it!
Milly: Our number one priority is to bring Pegasus back here.
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Nevan: I sense we are close to finally reaching the lair of the Archfiend.
Nevan: Let's help Pegasus and fly straight to the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: What's Pegasus doing up in that tower, anyway?
Ashlynn: Maybe the poor thing is trapped.
Terry: We've got no time to relax – let's go, Hero.
Amos: Let's give it our all!
Lizzie: (snarl) Wait for us...Pegasus... Coming soon... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Aye! Let's go!
Milly: The thought of finally being able to meet Pegasus makes me ever so excited.
Nevan: At the end of that well, Pegasus awaits.
Ashlynn: Wait, why's the Pillar connected to a well?
Not that it matters, but...
Terry: There could be powerful foes waiting in that tower. Be prepared!
Amos: Watch out for well wishers!
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh... Let's go... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm? Hey, it's all lit up down here.
Milly: This is curious... There's nothing here...
Nevan: This is rather odd. Shall we speak to Lord Zenith again and ask him how to get to the tower?
Ashlynn: Wow! Pretty... I don't see anywhere to go, though.
Terry: What's going on? There's no way through.
Amos: This well looks like a dead end.
Amos: Don't tell me the Archfiend managed to block it up!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Well dry... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Where in the worlds are we...?
Milly: We've come out somewhere completely different...
Nevan: I see. So the well empties out here...
Ashlynn: Ooh, isn't this exciting!?
Terry: I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm sure we'll figure it out once we get moving.
Amos: So we're not at the pillar yet, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Where...are we...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This place almost looks like a shrine, aye?
Milly: It seems this was once a beautiful garden built in Pegasus' honour, but it's gone to ruin.
Nevan: Pegasus is to be found somewhere in this tower. Let's get searching!
Ashlynn: So this is where Pegasus lives, huh?
Terry: So this is the Pillar of Pegasus that Lord Zenith spoke of?
Amos: D'you reckon Pegasus built this tower with her own four hooves?
Lizzie: (spit) Many enemies...here... Be careful... (snarl)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Right. So where's Pegasus?
Milly: I sense that there are monsters planning a special reception for us somewhere around here.
We mustn't let our guard down.
Nevan: What a splendid structure.
Ashlynn: Let's watch ourselves, okay? Goddess knows what's crawling around in here.
Terry: Let's bash every last one of those monsters.
Amos: Hello! Anybody home!?
Apparently not...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie sense...weakened power... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! We came all this way for a petrified Pegasus!?
Milly: We can't give up now. Let's at least have a look at Pegasus first.
Milly: We may well discover some clue as to how to proceed.
Nevan: For some reason, Peggy Sue piqued that gentleman's interest.
Ashlynn: Oh, the poor thing... How sad...
Ashlynn: Isn't there anything we can do for her?
Terry: Stone or not, we need to bring Pegasus back to Lord Zenith.
Amos: Mortamor's curses are petrifyin' and no mistake.
Amos: And to think, we needed Pegasus on our side to stand a chance against that evil Archfiend.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie still sense...Pegasus power...from somewhere... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This whole tower's like one big shrine to Pegasus, aye?
Milly: There's no way of knowing when the enemy will attack. Be careful.
Nevan: For the time being, let's keep moving upward.
Ashlynn: Whew...
Terry: Let's see if we can find any clues to Pegasus's whereabouts.
Amos: Take care no one tumbles down the pillar.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Pillar very large... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Avast! All this time we never had a clue that Peggy Sue was Pegasus!
Carver: I mean, would it've killed her to give us a hint?
Milly: So Peggy Sue was Pegasus... Of course...
Nevan: What an extraordinary turn of events. Destiny is clearly at work.
Ashlynn: Unbelievable! The key to reaching the Archfiend is, like, right in front of us!
Ashlynn: Maybe Peggy Sue was guiding our journey this whole time, huh?
Terry: Pegasus is just as impressive as I'd imagined...
Amos: I can't believe Peggy Sue didn't tell us she was Pegasus all along! What a rotter!
Amos: ...Hang on! The poor horse can't speak! Well, she could have neighed meaningfully.
Lizzie: (snarl) Peggy Sue... Pegasus all along... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boi-oing!
Carver: Oh! Good idea! I was just thinkin' we oughta see that man about our horse.
Milly: Pegasus looks beautiful in all her restored glory.
Nevan: Peggy Sue has never looked so powerful.
Ashlynn: Of course we've freed her. She's one of our best friends!
Terry: We should be grateful to that old guy for watching over the statue of Pegasus all alone.
Amos: We owe that old boy one. Now let's not keep Lord Zenith in suspenders.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Of course she likes us! She's one of the first friends we picked up on this trip!
Milly: Peggy Sue will probably return here once we've defeated Mortamor.
Nevan: Pegasus faces the great task of breaking through the barrier leading to the dread realm.
Nevan: Once the Archfiend has been defeated, she will be reunited with her guardian.
Ashlynn: Peggy Sue likes us. We like Peggy Sue. Everyone's happy.
Terry: That old boy can't wait to have Pegasus back.
Amos: Seein' that old boy's smilin' face, Peggy Sue looks like she's smilin' too.
Lizzie: (snarl) Peggy Sue...precious ally... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: That rotten Mortamor... He won't stop until his dread realm's the only world out there!
Milly: He's bringing the worlds together so that they'll be easier for him to control...
Nevan: Just what will remain of the world if all is subsumed into the dread realm?
Ashlynn: So he wants to swallow up our world, huh? Not if we choke him first!
Terry: We'll destroy any world Mortamor tries to create.
Amos: If that realm consumes the other worlds, won't it get indigestion?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Must stop...Mortamor... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: This must've been fated from the get-go, aye? Ya know, us saving Pegasus 'n everything like that...
Milly: It was touch and go during that battle at the top of the Pillar of Pegasus, mind you...
Nevan: It never crossed my mind that Peggy Sue could be the legendary Pegasus.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Happy new era, everybody!
Terry: There's still work to do before any new era can begin.
Amos: Eh!? Pegasus isn't even here, but he's up-to-date with the news!
Lizzie: (snarl) Soldier grateful...to us... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Folks shouldn't ponder the dread realm.
Worryin' ain't good for ya.
Milly: The dread realm... I can scarcely imagine it.
Nevan: The dread realm sounds like a world of darkness, where no dreams or hope resides.
Ashlynn: Of course it's terrible! It's not like the Archfiend would fill it with pretty flowers!
Terry: We won't really know what it's like till we go there.
Amos: We need to rescue all those poor folks who've been sucked into that dread realm.
Lizzie: (snarl) Going to...dread realm... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Avast! The world's our oyster now, aye?
Milly: Now that Peggy Sue can fly, there's nowhere she can't take us.
Nevan: The fate of creation rests in our hands.
Ashlynn: That Peggy Sue sure is one amazing horse, of course!
Ashlynn: ...Wait, is she still a horse with her wings and stuff?
Terry: So we're another step closer to the showdown with the Archfiend.
Amos: Poor Peggy Sue had a right tough time haulin' round the whole party and our stuff.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...wings too... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, I'm glad we could make our horse happy!
Milly: They might call her Pegasus, but she'll always be Peggy Sue to us.
Nevan: Peggy Sue proved to be an indispensable ally.
Ashlynn: Yippee! Hooray for Pegasus! Hooray for Peggy Sue!
Terry: Pegasus really is out of this world.
Amos: So we'll be callin' her Pegasus from now on – not Peggy Sue?
Lizzie: (snarl) Everybody...love Pegasus... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmph. I'd like to enfeeble Mortamor...right where the sun don't shine.
Milly: Let's go investigate this dread realm!
Nevan: We must help all those poor people trapped by the Archfiend's dark designs.
Ashlynn: It'd be nice if we could find someone helpful like Mo the Mole over in the dread realm...
Terry: What should we do? ...Hmph. We're not going to achieve anything sitting round here.
Terry: C'mon, Hero. Let's do this!
Amos: I just hope WE don't get enfeebled once we arrive in the dread realm.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not feeble... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: As if that's news to us, aye?
Carver: Let's get this done, Hero!
Milly: More people are being dragged off to the dread realm even as we speak...
Milly: Let's go, Hero. We have to defeat the Archfiend!
Nevan: Let us hurry to the dread realm before the Archfiend's power grows.
Ashlynn: Thank the Goddess we have Peggy Sue to break us into the dread realm, huh?
Terry: We can't give the Archfiend any more time. All we've got to give him is a good beating.
Amos: Less haste, more speed! We need to prepare properly before we set out.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I wish he'd relax. We're on the job, after all!
Milly: Maybe that was the Archfiend's intention all along...
Nevan: The Archfiend's powers are already formidable. We simply cannot allow him to gain any more strength.
Ashlynn: We'll have to strike Mortamor before we all get swallowed up, huh?
Terry: All we have to do is defeat the Archfiend.
There's nothing else to worry about.
Amos: Are there no handy guides to not gettin' devoured round here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Archfiend growing...stronger... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Pegasus in flight sure is a sight, aye?
Carver: ...Or so I figure. It's hard to tell when you're holdin' on for dear life.
Milly: Pegasus must be happier than anyone that she's able to fly again.
Nevan: I pray all the world's people have a chance to see Pegasus in full flight.
Ashlynn: Isn't it just the best thing ever? I mean, soaring with Pegasus and everything?
Terry: Pegasus on the wing is a magnificent sight.
Amos: If I'd seen Pegasus flyin' as a lad, I'd have thrown a right tantrum and demanded a ride.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie want...to gallop in sky...too... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Let's get this done, Hero!
Milly: It's time to go.
Nevan: We will do our very best!
Ashlynn: Aww, I'm sure glad to hear that!
Terry: It's time for the main event.
Amos: Old Amos might not be lucky in love – but I'm lucky in battle!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Alright! We owe Lord Zenith big-time, aye, Hero?
Milly: Now we'll finally be able to go the dread realm.
Nevan: Let us make use of the powers of Pegasus! But first, we should prepare ourselves for the dread realm.
Ashlynn: Yahoo! I bet Pegasus is rarin' to go now!
Terry: The Archfiend's created the dread realm – it's our job to demolish it.
Amos: Blimey! There really is a button attached to the celestial reins!
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie go...anywhere blue swordsman go... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! He can read our thoughts? I hope I don't think of anything embarrassin'!
Milly: If we don't hurry up and free those people from the dread realm...
Nevan: Even if times look bleak, light will come again.
Ashlynn: Lose heart? ME? That'll be the day!
Terry: They've got faith in us, and we're going to live up to it.
Amos: Erm... So whatever we think of, Lord Zenith's goin' to see it? Old Amos needs to be careful...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lord Zenith have faith... Lizzie happy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hey, ain't I good for a verse or two?
Milly: You're our hero, aren't you, Hero?
Nevan: I don't think a real poet would fixate so much on macho heroes.
Ashlynn: I'd be fine with lending my name to his next work. Hint, hint...
Amos: Every age has a hero who will emerge when called.
Amos: What's that!? Did someone call for old Amos?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie sing about...blue swordsman... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey... You get this kind of big-shot treatment everywhere you go, Terry?
Terry: Hmph. Hardly...
Milly: I must say, I'm rather excited to hear tales of my little brother set to verse.
Terry: ............
Nevan: It appears this is one of your long-term fans, Terry.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Maybe I should try writing a little ditty about Terry, too!
Terry: Give me a break.
Terry: There's nothing poetic about me.
Amos: Maybe he could come up with a poem about old Amos. As long as he makes it a good one...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie sing about...blue swordsman too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Somebody's in L-O-V-E love!
Milly: Ah, young love...
Nevan: I wonder if it's in women's nature to swoon at heroes' feet?
Ashlynn: Too bad for her that Terry's not interested, huh?
Terry: ............
Amos: Why's she not swoonin' over old Amos!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie love...blue swordsman... Grrarrgh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: “Blue swordsman”? Is this another one of Terry's fans?
Milly: I wonder if....
Nevan: If we're talking about blue swordsmen...
Ashlynn: Why's that monster waiting for a “blue swordsman”?
Ashlynn: Maybe it's, like, thirsting for vengeance or something!
Amos: So is that a normal fella with a blue sword or a blue fella with a normal sword?
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: What now, aye? That monster ain't takin' no for an answer.
Milly: I'd feel terrible about just leaving her here like this...
Nevan: So that monster is waiting to join forces with Terry.
Ashlynn: I don't think that's your run-of-the-mill evil monster...
Terry: No matter what it says, by rights, this should be an enemy of ours. It's up to you, Hero.
Amos: Hero, you don't mess around, do you?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: I can't complain about gettin' another strong fighter in our crew, but still... Kinda weird, aye?
Milly: Is she going to listen to what we have to say, I wonder?
Milly: You're the one who'll have to take care of her otherwise, Terry.
Nevan: So there are monsters with pure and earnest hearts out there...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Sounds like that monster's got a crush on Terry!
Terry: Erm... You're sure this is alright?
Amos: We've got another trusty pair of hands in the party. Er...well, a trusty pair of claws, anyway.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hey, don't look at us! We didn't do nothin'.
Milly: Hee hee. I suppose it is rather unusual.
Nevan: Doubtless, it's Terry's charm that won her over.
Ashlynn: Wow, Terry! Even the monsters go gaga over you!
Terry: I didn't invite her – she just forced her way into the party...
Amos: I bet the prisoner next door's relieved!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Special power? Well, I've got this mean roundhouse move, but...
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: Destiny may well have been at work.
Ashlynn: Well, I'm pretty charming. Is that a power?
Terry: So now we'll be fighting alongside that beast...
Amos: That monster's taken a heck of a shine to us!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Life really is funny 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: She's absolutely right...
Nevan: The Queen speaks the truth. Fate is indeed deeply mysterious.
Ashlynn: Ooh, do you think we were all destined to meet from the start? I bet we were!
Terry: I'm grateful for that mysterious fate right now.
Amos: It's fate that allowed old Amos to join you all on this rip-roarin' adventure.
Lizzie: (snarl) Fate bring...Lizzie and Terry together... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: What's so baffling? We'll just nip on down and wallop it one more time!
Milly: I wonder what kind of strange powers this monster could have?
Nevan: It sounds like Commander Brutus has a lot on his plate. Let's hurry to the cells!
Ashlynn: Did someone, like, cast Kazing on it?
Terry: Disgusting monster...? That's the one I defeated, right? What's going on here...?
Amos: D'you reckon old Brutus is squattin' on that monster's chest!?
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Uh... I dunno if I'd call it “befriending”, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. The King had a real shock there.
Nevan: We're all amazed by Terry's charms.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Even monsters can't get enough of Terry!
Terry: More like she invited herself into the party...
Amos: There's no predictin' how things will turn out, eh?
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! It's good to see that fella ain't so uptight any more.
Milly: Lizzie must have seemed terrifying.
Nevan: If Lizzie had been out of control, that prisoner wouldn't have stood a chance.
Nevan: Fortunately, Lizzie is a peaceable monster.
Ashlynn: Who wouldn't be scared if they heard something growling in the next room?
Terry: No one could relax with Lizzie next door.
Amos: I wonder how much longer that prisoner's got to serve.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not noisy... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! It's like we're role models 'n everything like that.
Milly: Oh my, I think I'm blushing...
Nevan: We are merely following the path towards our final showdown with the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: You heard him! We gotta keep our spirits high, people!
Terry: My only goal is to topple the Archfiend.
Amos: We're pretty cool, apparently!
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... We will...be careful... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We didn't exactly make her docile so much as she just fell head over tail in love with Terry...
Milly: Hee hee.
Nevan: Perhaps Commander Brutus needs to train his charm muscles.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Hope he doesn't give up!
Terry: I'm telling you, she forced her way into the party!
Amos: Blimey! Terry's quite a chap to have old Brutus runnin' scared.
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: I'd love to kick back 'n relax, but we've got work to do.
Carver: We'll just have to take an IOU on this one.
Milly: It's always an honour to hear such warm words from the King.
Nevan: It is truly gratifying to hear such praise.
Ashlynn: Let's come back for some R&R once we take care of the Archfiend, okay?
Terry: I'm happy for his gratitude – but I've done nothing to earn it yet.
Amos: The King's offer sounds temptin' alright! It'd be nice to put our feet up for a while.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Lizzie...make herself...at home...? (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Carver: Hardy har! That pup's got some spirit!
Milly: Huh? Where did that doggy come from?
Nevan: There, there! Doesn't he know he's got nothing to fear from us?
Ashlynn: Aww. I hope that pooch has a home to go back to...
Terry: Is it looking for scraps in this rubble?
Amos: Is it barkin' at a demon!? Please tell me it's not...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: It's too bad we couldn't do anything about that demon, aye?
Milly: I suppose the demon's current location is the real question...
Nevan: By summoning a demon, they went where even the Goddess fears to tread. And look at the results...
Ashlynn: Oh, my... So people from Graceskull are trapped in that endless inferno? Like, endlessly?
Terry: In a way, it's even more frightening than the Archfiend.
Amos: Just goes to show, humans can never hope to control a demon.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrragh... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What is this place?
Milly: That smell... Is it sulphur?
Ashlynn: Yuck! Smells like rotten eggs!
Nevan: Could this really be some kind of hot spring resort? In a place like this!?
Amos: The air's bloomin' hot and heavy round here.
Terry: Ugh! This place stinks.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rotten...dino egg smell... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing...
Carver: A hot-spring resort? In Mortamor's dread realm? Somethin' ain't right with this picture.
Milly: The dread realm... This whole world is under the Archfiend's command...
Milly: I wonder how this place works into his scheme...
Ashlynn: Popular place, huh?
Nevan: Judging from their expressions, the people here seem content. But still...
Nevan: There's something about them...like they're puppets, just going through the motions.
Amos: Let's take a dip! Erm... I mean, let's investigate the pool at the back.
Terry: Are you thinking of taking a soak, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like...warm water... Prefer...hot water... Lava is best...! (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Huh. A resort? In this world?
Milly: Lotus Lagoon... What a curious name.
Are lotuses poisonous?
Ashlynn: Ooh, a soak would feel super!
Nevan: Just being in this realm has completely sapped our energy.
Nevan: I wonder if a relaxing soak here would give us our strength back.
Amos: Old Amos likes a good long soak!
Terry: Let's take a look.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sign...for resort...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Huh. Takin' a load off would be nice, aye?
Milly: Floating away? I wonder...
Ashlynn: Ooh, floating away would feel so good right now!
Ashlynn: I feel like I've put on a ton of weight since we got to this realm.
Nevan: Judging by his expression, the water must be extremely relaxing.
Amos: He reckons it's like he's floatin'. Anyone else fancy joinin' him?
Terry: Hmph. Well, as long as he's enjoying himself...
Lizzie: (snarl) Water feel...good...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: His body's steamin'. He must've just got out.
Milly: His aura has a satisfied glow.
Ashlynn: He looks relaxed to the max!
Nevan: There's a smile still on his lips.
Amos: That might be the happiest sleepin' face we've seen since we got here.
Terry: Well, at least he's not dead.
Lizzie: (snarl) Water feel...good...? (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Huh. That fella ain't like the other lagoon regulars, aye?
Milly: Let's see if I've got this right...
Milly: If the people of Despairia get their hopes and dreams back, then our strength will be restored?
Milly: Hmm... I'm really not sure that I understand what's going on...
Ashlynn: I guess every resort has a party-pooper, huh?
Nevan: So even entering the waters won't give us back the powers we've lost?
Nevan: If this is true, it is most alarming.
Amos: It seems there's some backstory here, but he's not goin' into detail.
Terry: Let's see if we can do something about restoring Despairia's hopes and dreams.
Lizzie: (snarl) Did Hero...get hint...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! I suppose bunny girls need to relax, too.
Milly: Careful, Hero. You've had a few bad experiences with bunny girls already...
Ashlynn: Is this place, like, free? I mean, we didn't pay to get in...
Nevan: There's even a bar here.
Amos: Is that bunny girl goin' to take a little dip with us?
Terry: I didn't come here for a swim. I'm here to find out what's going on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lagoon really...best thing ever...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Crikey! The drinks're free, too!?
Milly: Wasn't there something...strange...about that gentleman?
Ashlynn: Whoa! He's chugging way too much!
Nevan: His strength's been draining away? It sounds similar to our experience. Hmm...
Amos: A nice drink after a hot bath. That's the life!
Terry: I'm getting tired of all this random blabbering.
Lizzie: (snarl) No energy... Just drunk... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Funny. I don't see anyone old enough to be his wife around here...
Milly: So that's what happens if you have a drink here...
Milly: Make sure you don't touch a drop, Hero!
Ashlynn: I don't like the way that guy's leering at me.
Nevan: Is he hallucinating?
Amos: His departed wife? He's not talkin' about old Amos, is he?
Terry: If she's truly dead, she won't be here...
Lizzie: (snarl) Sees wife...even though dead...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...?
Carver: Let's agree to disagree 'n everything like that.
Milly: Respect for the Archfiend!? Could his life here really be that comfortable?
Milly: I can't understand his point of view.
Ashlynn: That's crazy talk! How could anyone even think that?
Nevan: Hmm... I wonder...
Nevan: Is it possible the liquor here is making people think like that man?
Amos: So he reckons this realm is a happy place!?
Amos: If you're stuck here for good, maybe you start to see things that way.
Terry: Well, he can respect whoever he wants.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie respect...Archfiend before... Now respect...Terry... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: We came here to solve problems, not forget 'em.
Milly: What's he up to...? It doesn't feel right that he's asking people to forget...
Ashlynn: I really don't trust that barkeep. It sounds like he's serving up the easy way out...
Nevan: I fear drinking that draught will make us forget more than just our worries and regrets.
Amos: Only the bartender seems to have a little life in him.
Terry: Worries? Regrets? Nope, not a one.
Lizzie: (snarl) Humans drink...when worried...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: Ahh, he's probably just in a daze from soaking in the lagoon too long.
Milly: He doesn't seem to be hypnotised or anything...
Ashlynn: Hmm... His money pouch, maybe? His house key? What'd that lagoon make him forget?
Nevan: Well, if he's forgotten it, perhaps it wasn't all that important in the first place.
Amos: Old Amos has been known to forget a thing or two.
Amos: When I really need to remember somethin', I scribble it down. Then I forget where I put the note...
Terry: Isn't that always the way? Remember what you want to forget and forget what you want to remember...
Lizzie: (snarl) Something...important...? Like who...he is...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Ahh, great. Later then, aye?
Milly: I would like to investigate the lagoon, but if it's full up, there's nothing we can do.
Ashlynn: How much later, do you think? The line doesn't seem to be moving...
Nevan: Perhaps he's suspicious of us and that's why he won't let us bathe.
Amos: We can't just dive in!? What a bloomin' shame!
Terry: Well then, why don't we head out to the plains for a wander?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lagoon...swamped...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing, boing!
Carver: Hasn't he had enough? His brain seems overcooked, aye?
Milly: Maybe it's my imagination, but that man's eyes looked completely blank...
Milly: It's like he was just a puppet on a string...
Ashlynn: This lagoon sure is popular, huh? Like, is it really worth the wait?
Nevan: Just what is so appealing about the waters here?
Nevan: I suppose the only way to find out is to try it ourselves.
Amos: Wow! Is the water really that special? I can't wait!
Terry: I don't queue for anything. Let's get going.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie prefer...lava bath... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey! This is a real town, aye? Talk about gloomsville...
Milly: I'm glad we found a town, but this one has such a dark aura...
Ashlynn: Is it me, Hero, or does this world just suck the life right out of you?
Nevan: This does appear to be a town, but one lacking any real sense of vitality.
Amos: Well, at least they have towns in this world.
Terry: I wonder what this place is called.
Lizzie: (snarl) Never seen...this town... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: This town's gettin' me down. It's just so desolate 'n everything like that.
Milly: This place just feels so stagnant. It's like the air is filled with people's sighs.
Ashlynn: Ugh... Um, Hero? I'm not feeling too good.
Ashlynn: What about everyone else? You all okay?
Nevan: Ever since we came to this world, I've felt curiously drained of energy.
Amos: It'd be drainin' to have to live here all the time.
Terry: Hmph. Just walking round this place is depressing.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not want...stay here long... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Despairia, aye...? Sounds fun.
Milly: Sucked out of the blue... So no one in this town was born and raised here...
Ashlynn: Me, lose hope? He doesn't know me very well, does he?
Ashlynn: Sure, I've had better days, but still...
Nevan: Whose idea was it to name this place Despairia?
Amos: Did you see that empty look in his eyes? (shudder)
Terry: Despairia? Seems like it's living up to its name.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not want...lose hope... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Huh. I thought he'd need every customer he could get in this town.
Milly: Does no one in this town ever want to buy anything? Is such a thing possible?
Milly: That comforting lagoon he mentioned does sound interesting, though.
Ashlynn: The lagoon, huh...? Boy, he's either lazy or crazy.
Nevan: He seems to have little desire to do business.
Nevan: But the lagoon to the west sounds intriguing. We should investigate further.
Amos: We don't know what's up ahead, so it might be a nice time to take a trip to the lagoon.
Terry: Not exactly the most effective sales pitch.
Lizzie: (snarl) Is shop...closed...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Sap my strength? Oh, heck no!
Carver: My muscles are all I've got! Take 'em away and I'd be nothin' but a featherweight weakling!
Milly: Even though he's still capable of responding to us, it's like all the strength has left his body.
Ashlynn: Boy, could he sound any less enthusiastic?
Nevan: His words made me very uneasy.
Amos: If that lad's speakin' the truth, we might all end up in the same state as him.
Terry: Don't forget, the Archfiend created this world. We need to be ready for anything.
Lizzie: (snarl) Swordsman lose...strength...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Mayor, aye? There's somethin' familiar about that fella...
Carver: Still, we've met lots of braggarts. Maybe I'm thinkin' of someone else.
Milly: The Archfiend has been spiriting people to this world from all over the place, hasn't he?
Ashlynn: Why's he asking us? Like we know!
Nevan: So it seems the people here simply vanished from their hometowns.
Amos: At least he's got fire in his belly. That's more than you can say for other folks here.
Terry: He may have been a big cheese back home – here he's just another nobody.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...was pillar? Lizzie...not understand... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boing!
Carver: If that martial artist tried to break a board now, it'd probably break him.
Carver: Why's everyone in town turnin' into weaklings, anyway?
Milly: Oh dear... He won't find happiness at the bottom of that glass – only more problems.
Ashlynn: Where's he get the money for his drinks? He seems too weak to work...
Nevan: Drinking in the daytime... Wait, is it daytime? It's impossible to tell here...
Amos: He smacked a harmour with his bare hands!? I bet his knuckles are still feelin' that...
Terry: Who cares about his boasting.
Lizzie: (snarl) This world...weaken him... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: I can't believe I'm sayin' this, but let's steer clear of food 'n drink for now, Hero.
Carver: I don't like the evil look in that lady's eye.
Milly: To die for, eh...? Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be making some of these people a bit loopy...
Ashlynn: Something isn't right about all the folks drinking here. They're just, like, creepy.
Nevan: It seems anyone here can drink to their heart's content. Just who is allowing this? And why...?
Amos: If we drank all the booze here, it might keep the locals sober...
Terry: If this ale's really so good, why's she giving it away for free?
Lizzie: (snarl) Ale...to die for...? Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: I wonder where he got snatched from... Poor kid probably couldn't even tell us, aye?
Milly: Separating a child that young from his parents... Why would anyone do such a thing?
Ashlynn: Aww... We have to get that kid back to his parents!
Nevan: It sounds like that boy has just arrived here.
Nevan: Or perhaps time is frozen in this world?
Amos: Seems the Archfiend makes no distinction between young and old. He won't get away with this!
Terry: So that kid's alone...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie had...no friends... Now have... Terry...Hero... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: I reckon this is kinda like a nightmare... Not that her plan'll get her outta here.
Milly: I wonder if we'll be able to return all these people to their homes...
Ashlynn: You can't blame her for thinking that way. She's probably out of options...
Nevan: I wish I could grant her wish.
Amos: If she sleeps another fifty times or so, we'll have it all sorted out.
Amos: Or we would if we had any energy left...
Terry: Well, at least she hasn't given up all hope.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie have dream... Meet blue swordsman... Dream can...come true... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Crikey! Folks can't even get a break here when they sleep!
Milly: The poor thing... Someone seems to be bullying him in his dreams...
Ashlynn: Ugh! Can't we do anything to help these people?
Ashlynn: Like, I wish we could at least give them sweet dreams or something!
Nevan: Their dreams sound bad, but the reality here may be worse...
Nevan: This place is tough enough on the grown-ups – for children, it must be especially harsh.
Amos: That lad needs to stick up for himself, even in his dreams!
Amos: ...But I haven't got the energy to pep anyone up.
Terry: So even when you're asleep here, you get no relief.
Lizzie: (snarl) People...asleep... Now night-time...? (spit)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: A smithy who lost his fire, aye?
Carver: What a waste of good talent.
Milly: So he came from somewhere called Greedmore Valley...
Milly: Shall we head there once we've finished investigating this town?
Ashlynn: He came from “Greedmore” Valley? I'll bet he runs a dirty business...
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Nevan: If only we could get that armourer to regain his spirit!
Nevan: He could well aid us in facing our formidable foes.
Amos: So that armourer's lost his spirit, has he?
Amos: Well, I hope he finds it – it's always in the last place you look!
Terry: Hero, I think we'd better take note of what he told us.
Lizzie: (snarl) Came from...Greedmore Valley...? Going back...now...? (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Pathetic! He's a disgrace to martial artists everywhere!
Milly: He seems exhausted just standing up.
Ashlynn: You were in the military, Hero. Motivate that man!
Ashlynn: Call him to attention. Make him do push-ups. Something!
Nevan: He appears to have given up on life itself.
Amos: Just looks like a lazy old bloke to me!
Terry: If he wants to do nothing, let's leave him to it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand...people who...do nothing... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Let's check out that lagoon. It can't be worse than this pit.
Milly: We should probably go and have a look at this lagoon.
Ashlynn: Boy, that guy could write the book on laziness!
Nevan: So there's a lagoon to the west.
Nevan: I'm sure we won't lose our enthusiasm – but just in case, let's head there while we're still alert.
Amos: Old Amos always dreamt of havin' his own personal lagoon to soak in.
Amos: ...What? Everyone's allowed dreams, aren't they?
Terry: Why doesn't he dig himself a ditch to bathe in?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not like...water bath... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: He's talkin' about Lotus Lagoon, aye?
Milly: He must have been a big fan of the lagoon, but now he's lost the desire to even go back.
Milly: There must be something in those waters that saps away people's enthusiasm.
Ashlynn: It's not that guy's fault he's so pathetic. I say we go drain that lagoon right now!
Ashlynn: ...Once we get some strength back. Whew... Got a little dizzy there...
Nevan: If the lagoon has caused his pitiful state, this is serious indeed.
Amos: Maybe he just overdosed on the lagoon.
Terry: There's something about that lagoon...
Lizzie: (snarl) We went...lagoon already... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Who does she think she's talkin' to? No way Mortamor's gonna be the boss o' me!
Carver: Sure, I feel a little run down now, but I'm sure it's just a bug or somethin'.
Milly: If we lose the motivation that got us this far, it's all over for us.
Milly: We have to do whatever it takes to escape from this world.
Ashlynn: So we're gonna be slaves to Mortamor soon if things don't change?
Ashlynn: Ugh! That can't happen! We gotta do something, Hero!
Amos: Just listenin' to her could make us lose hope of ever returnin' home.
Terry: Surely if people don't give up and keep searching, they'll find a way to return...right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not want...lose hope... Not want...die here... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing...
Carver: Well, at least the priest believes us...
Carver: We're gonna need some solid evidence to convince the rest of these sad sacks, though.
Carver: Findin' a way outta this world oughta do it, I suppose.
Milly: I'll believe that we're able to come and go from this world once we manage to make it out of here!
Ashlynn: Good thing we talked to that priest, huh, Hero? He reminded us there's always hope!
Nevan: Just hearing our words was enough to bring life back to the priest's face.
Nevan: But until we find the way back, we're in the same boat as everyone else in this town.
Amos: We just arrived – are we really plannin' on goin' so soon?
Terry: If we can't find any clues in this town for escaping this world, we need to look elsewhere.
Terry: Our priority is finding a way back to our world. Everything else can wait.
Lizzie: (slobber) We bring...hope to town... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Well, we found a way back to our world...
Carver: Now we've just gotta prove it to all the townspeople, aye?
Milly: It seems we're the only ones whose minds aren't affected by the lagoon...
Milly: Which is all the more reason for us to stop talking and take action!
Ashlynn: How can we convince all these hopeless folks that we're the real thing, huh?
Nevan: Just hearing our words was enough to bring life back to the priest's face.
Nevan: Now we just need to convince the townsfolk that there really is hope.
Amos: We know there's a way back, but how can we get folks to believe that it's true?
Terry: The problem with people deep in despair is they don't believe what anyone tells them.
Lizzie: (snarl) Want bring...hope to town... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Crikey, imagine spendin' your whole day tryin' not to live...
Milly: I've never sensed so much pessimism in one town before...
Ashlynn: Wow... That's so, like, dark.
Nevan: There simply must be a way out of this town – out of this world.
Nevan: Once we find it, that man should finally find relief.
Nevan: It's best not to mention the path at the lagoon to that guy.
Nevan: It's not somewhere normal people can reach, so I doubt he'd even believe it was real.
Amos: The folks here don't have the energy for anythin'.
I doubt they even have the energy to die.
Terry: Dying in this town? You can count me out.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...no energy... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: They're all perfect strangers, aye? Huh. Makes sense...
Carver: They were all plucked at random by the Archfiend, after all.
Milly: Forming family bonds...
Milly: It's good to see people still have the spirit to support each other in times of need.
Ashlynn: You know, I think I just realised something...
Ashlynn: Despite their rotten lot in life, the people here are still clinging to hope, you know?
Nevan: That old woman needs to eat, before she wastes away.
Amos: Adversity always brings people together.
Terry: At least the people here have each other.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie have no family... But Lizzie...have friends... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Hmm... She's lost her will to live, aye?
Milly: It's like the weight of her despair is making it hard for her to breathe...
Ashlynn: She's alive, right? Why won't she respond to us?
Nevan: She is neither unconscious nor ill, yet something is very wrong...
Amos: Her eyes aren't blinkin'... She's just starin' off into the distance.
Terry: It seems like all she can do is lie here...
Lizzie: (snarl) Not dead...but not living... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Nothin' against the innkeeper, but what a dump, aye?
Milly: The floor is covered in dust...
Ashlynn: Wow! One strong breeze could knock this whole place over.
Nevan: A most insalubrious place...and yet it seems popular.
Nevan: Perhaps there are no other places to go.
Amos: Chattin' with townsfolk is startin' to wear me out.
Amos: I just feel like I can't be bothered with anythin' any more... (sigh)
Terry: This inn's in a bad state.
Lizzie: (snarl) Inn...shabby... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: She ain't exactly givin' us the hard sell, aye?
I sure ain't pinin' to stay here...
Milly: That woman... Is she the landlady here? She didn't seem very keen on making a sale.
Ashlynn: You'd have to pay me to sleep here!
Nevan: Well, staying here would certainly be an experience.
Amos: Stayin' here might just make us more tired. Not to mention gettin' attacked in our sleep.
Terry: Everything's free here? You'd think it would be more crowded.
Lizzie: (snarl) We...stay here...? (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Crikey. Even for free, this is a ripoff!
Milly: I barely slept a wink, to be honest...
Ashlynn: Ugh. The floor's murder on my back... I wish I had a little more meat on my bones!
Nevan: I know I slept, but I feel every bit as tired now as I did before.
Amos: I've got a nice straw mat pattern on my cheek!
Terry: Erm, good morning? Who knows what time of day it is in this world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Woke up...but still no energy... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: You sure we don't need some shut-eye Hero? This might be our last chance for a while.
Milly: He seemed to be saying that things were a little better over in Greedmore Valley.
Milly: Shall we head over there when we're feeling a bit stronger?
Ashlynn: I hear you there, Hero! I'd sooner sleep on my feet.
Nevan: I had a feeling you wouldn't want to stay here, Hero.
Nevan: To be honest, I feel the same way.
Amos: They expect you to bed down on straw mats? Blimey...
Terry: I'd be worried about creepy-crawlies sharing those mats.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not need...sleep... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing?
Carver: Huh. So the sadder they get, the mightier Mortamor becomes...
Carver: We'd better hang on to our hopes 'n dreams 'n everything like that.
Milly: If what he said is true, then keeping hold of your hopes and dreams should weaken the Archfiend.
Milly: Let's make sure that the people of this town don't lose all hope!
Ashlynn: Well, we made it this far... We're not about to quit now!
Nevan: If only there was some way to bring hope back to the people here!
Amos: The more they lose hope, the stronger Mortamor becomes!? He's a wrong'un and no mistake!
Terry: The Archfiend is scum. Simple as that.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...kill Archfiend...someday... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: If folks had any hope of gettin' outta here, they might perk up a little, aye?
Milly: So the desire to find the escape route is lost and replaced with an even deeper despair...
Ashlynn: A secret path, huh? Well, every rumour starts with a bit of truth.
Ashlynn: This path story might lead us somewhere.
Nevan: If only there were someone who could tell us more about this secret path.
Amos: What if the secret path turns out to be just a false rumour?
Amos: I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Archfiend who started it, to make folks despair even more.
Terry: People who give up without finishing the job have lost the right to feel hope.
Lizzie: (snarl) No hope...no happiness... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: That was no rumour, aye? We'd better keep our lips zipped for a bit longer, though.
Milly: No wonder no one could use the escape path –
as soon as they entered the lagoon, all strength left their bodies.
Ashlynn: We probably would've been getting pretty desperate too if we didn't find that exit, huh?
Nevan: Let's not mention the exit to anyone until we've got some way to prove it exists.
Amos: I bet they were really close to findin' it!
Terry: When you can't find something you think exists,
it really knocks the stuffing out of you.
Lizzie: (snarl) Never...give up... Keep trying... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Blimey. Another floor, aye?
Milly: What could this place be...?
Ashlynn: Small room, huh?
Nevan: I sense something... Above us...
Amos: You don't reckon the Archfiend's lair is right above our heads, do you? No?
Terry: Mind your heads here.
Lizzie: (slobber) More steps... Go up... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Whoa! That ain't no townsperson!
Milly: Watch out – it's a monster!
Ashlynn: Wh-What's that monster doing in here!?
Nevan: Could that monster be keeping an eye on the townsfolk from here?
Amos: I'll bet that monster's makin' the folks down in Despairia miserable. Let's get it!
Terry: Let's see what it's got.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie have...bad feeling... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Whew... That was a close one, aye?
Milly: I must admit, I'm proud of our victory under those circumstances...
Ashlynn: Well, we beat him...but fat lotta good it did.
Ashlynn: It's not like we're any closer to getting our strength back...
Nevan: Fortunately, we didn't prove as weak as that monster hoped we were.
Nevan: Nonetheless, we must find a way to restore our energy.
Amos: We won! It's a bloomin' miracle!
Terry: Beating one monster doesn't solve our problem.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...still alive...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Crikey, my pride's takin' a lickin' here.
Milly: It's a shame, but you made the right decision, Hero.
Milly: We'd never be able to win in our current condition...
Ashlynn: Ugh! I hate this! We're gonna make that monster pay later, right?
Nevan: Hero, don't rise to its provocation!
Amos: Ha ha ha!
Amos: Old Amos wanted to laugh it up too, but his heart's not in it...
Terry: That darn monster... But this isn't the time...
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh! (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Does someone live here or what?
Milly: I can sense someone's presence inside.
Ashlynn: Is this a jail cell...? I guess not, huh?
Nevan: This place has a mouldy odour.
Amos: Anybody home?
Terry: What a dirty little room.
Lizzie: (snarl) Underground...room... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Alright! So, we just bring that pipe back to Dullerton, aye? Simple!
Carver: Well, once we figure out how to get outta this world, that is...
Milly: We simply must get out of here and deliver this old pipe back to his wife in Dullerton!
Ashlynn: Yuck! This pipe smells all smoky and gross!
Nevan: The village of Dullerton lies surrounded by imposing mountains, yet there we must go.
Amos: So old Max Wynne's dog is called Silver, is it? That's a spiffin' name!
Terry: First things first – we need to get out of the dread realm.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must...bring back...Wynne's tools... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Whoa. It's easy to forget we're near a bustlin' town, aye?
Milly: This mine is really showing its age.
Ashlynn: This mine must burrow pretty deep into the cliff...
Nevan: I sense a sizable monster presence. Let's be on our guard.
Amos: If we can't strike gold in this mine, let's strike some monsters!
Terry: I don't know what lies ahead, but I'm ready to find out.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Strong monster smell... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Hey, this is the first cave we've seen in the dread realm, ain't it?
Milly: I wonder how long this mine's been out of commission.
Ashlynn: There must've been dozens of people working in here once. Maybe hundreds!
Nevan: There's a certain excitement to not knowing what's up ahead.
Amos: If we do a bit of diggin', will we strike gold?
Terry: Somehow this place is filled with echoes of people's sadness and rage.
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's go...deeper... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Cave-ins are just another on-the-job hazard for miners, aye? I'll stick with fightin', thanks.
Milly: Oh my... His father must have passed away here. That's terrible...
Ashlynn: What good's all that gold if you die trying to get it?
Nevan: I fear this old mine may still be prone to collapse.
Nevan: We must take care not to end up like that man's father.
Amos: I thought there might be some gold around here, but it's safer not to go diggin' around.
Terry: I'm sure many others have met the same fate.
Lizzie: (snarl) People who died...from cave-in...? (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boiiing.
Carver: Not exactly easy-goin', aye? All these little rocks...
Milly: There's no sign of an end to this tunnel yet.
Ashlynn: I'm, like, so lost.
Nevan: It feels as if the roof could give way at any time.
Amos: Are we two levels down? Or was it three?
Terry: Even if it was for gold, they've really dug deep.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mine...keeps going...and going... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing?
Carver: Gallows Moor, aye...? Sounds like our next stop...
Milly: I wonder if they were killed by a cave-in or by monsters...
Milly: Either way, a tragedy...
Ashlynn: There were a lot of graves back in town...
Ashlynn: But it looks like some victims are still here, right where they died.
Nevan: The Supreme Sage is imprisoned in Gallows Moor?
Nevan: If it's true, how might we come to his aid?
Amos: You've got to put everythin' into findin' treasure. Old Amos doesn't have the heart now...
Terry: The folks here lived only for gold.
Lizzie: (snarl) This...dead end...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Blimey! Does this tunnel have an end?
Milly: It's hard to breathe after spending a while in a cramped place, isn't it?
Ashlynn: Sure is empty in here. Think we'll find anything?
Nevan: Is the treasure we seek even located in this cave?
Amos: If it's a dead end ahead, this'll all have been one big waste of time.
Terry: I don't know if it's the humidity, but the air's getting heavier, the deeper we go.
Lizzie: (snarl) Tunnel...keep going...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boi-oing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aww, great! All that work for a lousy piece of paper!
Carver: Ah, well. Let's hit up this Gainmore fella, aye?
Milly: What a waste of time... He could have just told us himself.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. If this is a joke, I'm not laughing!
Nevan: We thought we'd finally found it, but all we got is a single sheet of paper.
Nevan: Just what could the Supreme Sage's treasure be?
Amos: I've got no idea what this is supposed to be.
The handwritin's a bloomin' mess.
Terry: It feels like Morgan's giving us the runaround.
Lizzie: (spit) Grrrargh... Only...paper...? (slobber)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: All that trampin' around...for nothin'!
Milly: I suddenly feel awfully tired, for some reason...
Ashlynn: Let's head for the exit. I need some rest!
Nevan: I'm covered in a most unappealing mix of dust and sweat.
Amos: This'd be a nice time to use Evac.
Terry: Curse that Gainmore!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...go outside... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing? Boing?
Carver: Avast! Big place, aye?
Milly: Let's not forget this is the dread realm, Hero.
Milly: There must be more to this town than meets the eye.
Ashlynn: Things seem chipper around here, huh? It's a nice break from Despairia.
Nevan: This seems like a lively place.
Amos: The town's full of hustle and bustle, but the expression on folks' faces is a tad unnervin'.
Terry: This town has a strange buzz to it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Never seen...this town... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Now I see where the town's name came from. Goddess, folks here sure look shifty!
Milly: Everyone we pass seems to be glaring at us...
Milly: I feel like a piece of meat in a tiger cage...
Ashlynn: We'll lose the shirts off our backs here if we're not careful.
Nevan: There's a rather decadent, debauched atmosphere to this town...
Amos: It's more of a proper town than Despairia – but that don't mean I like it!
Terry: I hope we're not planning on staying long.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...smell monster...in town... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Greedmore Valley, aye? Are they tryin' to scare folks away?
Milly: Greedmore Valley... A name only an outlaw could love, don't you think?
Ashlynn: The dread realm's living up to its reputation with all these weird town names.
Nevan: The folks here can sniff out gold? ...That's rather alarming.
Amos: Old Amos has a funny feelin' we're goin' to get wrapped up in some messy goings-on.
Terry: A town that caters to the greediest members of society...
Terry: Sounds more likely to be full of human ne'er-do-wells than monsters.
Lizzie: (slobber) This place called...Greedmore Valley...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Crikey! Even the kids're greedy around here.
Milly: Even the children seem desperate to part people from their money...
Ashlynn: Forget that little monster. Let's keep moving, Hero!
Nevan: I suppose hustling may be the only way to survive in this town.
Amos: I've got a feelin' we won't get in without coughin' up the gold.
Terry: That kid's got a bright future ahead of him in Greedmore Valley.
Lizzie: (snarl) Fifty gold coin... Is this...bargain...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing! Boing, boing!
Carver: Hey, that's that kid's father, aye?
Carver: He saws logs while his kid works all day? Whatta town!
Milly: What else but money would someone dream of in Greedmore Valley?
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. I guess that's what qualifies as a sweet dream around here.
Nevan: The desire for gold seems constant whether the people here are sleeping or awake.
Amos: If we rattle some coins by his lughole, I bet he'll wake up in a hurry!
Terry: He doesn't look like he's got two gold coins to rub together.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not need money... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! For that price, it must be one super-duper herb!
Milly: Aren't medicinal herbs usually about eight gold coins each?
Milly: I wonder if this one is ten times more effective than usual?
Ashlynn: What'd you buy, Hero? Lemme see, lemme see!
Nevan: You seemed to snap that up, Hero...
Nevan: Eighty gold coins for a medicinal herb seems rather steep...
Amos: That herb you just bought looks like it'll work a treat, Hero.
Amos: Next time old Amos takes a beatin', go ahead and use it on me!
Terry: Trust isn't always the right choice, you know.
Lizzie: (snarl) Amazingly...mighty herb...? Lizzie...never heard of before... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing? (slurp)
Carver: Just as well. Who needs “amazingly mighty” herbs when you've got me to protect ya, anyway?
Milly: We don't really need such expensive medicinal herbs, do we?
Ashlynn: What's he mean by “only” eighty gold coins, anyway? Since when do herbs cost that much?
Nevan: In this town, the more polished the sales-patter, the more cautious we should be.
Amos: So you didn't buy any?
Amos: The thought of amazingly mighty herbs did get old Amos interested.
Terry: I wonder if this town's full of chancers like him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not cheap...at all... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! Even the scammers get scammed around here!
Milly: That's what happens when two greedy people want the same thing...
Ashlynn: (sigh) The atmosphere in this town is so seedy!
Nevan: Everyone in this town seems troubled in one way or another...
Amos: Folks shouldn't be squabblin' in the town centre.
Terry: A pointless argument if ever I saw one.
Lizzie: (snarl) What...regulations mean...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: That's what I call an angry face.
Milly: Oh my... Their faces are contorted with rage.
I can't bear to watch.
Ashlynn: Do any folks here actually like each other?
Nevan: Relations between the townsfolk seem strained...
Amos: That old boy won't let himself be pushed around.
Terry: Everyone's out for themselves here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...seem worked up... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing.
Carver: The mansion up north, aye? I'd love to live in a big house someday... Just not here.
Milly: So the mansion in the north of town is what people here aspire to?
Ashlynn: He might actually have some of that “shiny stuff” if he worked more and daydreamed less.
Nevan: The problem with focusing your life on money is you always want more, more, more...
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't want a whole mansion to himself – just think of the cleanin' bill!
Terry: Well, there are worse investments than real estate...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not need money... Not need house... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing. Boing!
Carver: They died lookin' for treasure...? That's downright sad!
Milly: Every one of these graves belongs to a treasure-hunter!?
Ashlynn: What!? No treasure is worth dying for!
Nevan: Look at the number of people who have sacrificed their lives in pursuit of this treasure.
Nevan: It must be extremely valuable...but nothing is of more value than life itself.
Amos: A grand sage's treasure? We need to look into this.
Terry: Treasure? If it's out there, we'll find it.
Lizzie: (snarl) These people...all foolish... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Might as well pay a visit, aye?
Milly: We didn't come here to enjoy ourselves...
Milly: But we could probably gather some useful information in the casino. Shall we go in?
Ashlynn: Oh, please. If winning big was really easy, the casino would be outta business!
Nevan: A casino... Exactly the sort of establishment you'd expect to find here.
Amos: A casino, no less! Fancy tryin' your luck, Hero?
Terry: Is she trying to say these “great new games” just started today? Sounds fishy...
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Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...play poker today...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Ahh... So this used to be a gold-mining town, aye? That makes sense.
Milly: So a gold mine was the source of this town's prosperity...
Milly: I bet some people here struck it rich back in the day.
Ashlynn: They struck gold here!? Ooh, think of the accessory potential!
Nevan: So he missed the gold rush...
Amos: Gold, he says!? Maybe there's still a few nuggets lyin' around somewhere.
Amos: Let's have a look!
Terry: Seems this town's always revolved around greed.
Lizzie: (slobber) This cave...nearby...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Huh. His old man struck gold, aye? That house really is somethin', alright.
Milly: That man appears to be the heir to Greedmore Valley's fortune...
Ashlynn: What's with his attitude? It's not like he struck gold himself.
Nevan: I'm sure there are some folks here who boast more than one mansion.
Amos: Money isn't everythin'!
Amos: Old Amos doesn't envy these toffee-nosed folks one little bit.
Terry: So that guy's set to inherit that mansion?
I wouldn't bank on him holding it for long.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rich people...always laughing... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: Is that fella a servant in the mansion or somethin'? He seems disgruntled 'n everything like that.
Milly: Strict AND greedy... Working for someone like that must be a nightmare...
Ashlynn: Just because he hates his boss doesn't mean he can play hooky. Does he wanna get fired?
Nevan: Hmm... Many people here harbour some resentment towards this Gainmore character. Intriguing...
Amos: Folks here have nowhere to go apart from Despairia.
Terry: If the people here are so miserable, why don't they skip town?
Lizzie: (snarl) Gainmore...sound like...monster... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boing. Boing.
Carver: Wait, so Greedmore wasn't always this shady?
Carver: I feel bad for the folks who remember the good ol' days.
Milly: Have you ever heard of this Supreme Sage Isaac, Hero?
Milly: I wonder what became of him after the Archfiend whisked him away?
Ashlynn: Hmm... Do you think that sage he mentioned is still alive?
Ashlynn: If so, I sure hope we can rescue him sometime.
Nevan: That Supreme Sage may have been viewed as a threat by the Archfiend.
Nevan: If we could meet him, we could glean vital information about Mortamor.
Amos: I wonder how this Isaac lad managed to anger the Archfiend...
Amos: Maybe he stepped on his toes. Or forgot his birthday?
Terry: So there was someone in this town before us who disobeyed the Archfiend?
Lizzie: (snarl) Supreme Sage Isaac... Good person...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hey, Hero. Why don't you take the lead on this one?
Carver: Huh? You want me to? Uh...I dunno... I'm lousy at this kinda stuff.
Milly: There's something suspicious about an establishment that doesn't allow ladies...
Ashlynn: Well, fine! I didn't wanna go in there anyway!
Ashlynn: I'll just twiddle my thumbs out here while you go have a great ol' time. Don't mind me! ...Hmph!
Nevan: Whyever should women be barred from entry?
I simply cannot imagine.
Amos: Seems like us men can go in. Old Amos's heart is racin'.
Terry: You're interested in checking this place out., Hero?
Terry: If so, then you'd better lead the way.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not interested... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing? Boing?
Carver: Hey, Hero, you don't have to say no on my account.
Carver: We have to check every nook 'n cranny of this town, after all – for clues 'n everything like that.
Milly: I can sense that you want to have a look, Hero. Why don't you head inside?
Milly: You can tell us all about it later.
Ashlynn: Wait, you turned him down?
Ashlynn: Now I'm dying to know what's in there! Maybe I should put on men's clothes and a phony beard...
Nevan: Hero, if you really want to enter, I shan't object.
Nevan: Though I do have strong doubts it will be worth two hundred gold coins...
Amos: What if we cough up two hundred gold coins and the girls look like horses' backsides!?
Terry: C'mon, Hero – let's go.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not going in...? Really...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Milly: Good to have ya back, Hero. It doesn't look like you found paradise in there, though.
Ashlynn: What happened in there? You look exhausted.
Goober: Boing, boing, boing?
Carver: “Come again”? No thanks.
Milly: I've never heard such insincere gratitude...
Ashlynn: So, what happened in there? Lay it on me!
Nevan: ......
Amos: What'd we just see...!?
Terry: Hmph...
Lizzie: (snarl) Now Lizzie...want to see... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing?
Carver: Just your typical house, aye?
Milly: A humble abode, but it seems nice and warm.
Ashlynn: This place isn't all gaudy like the rest of town, huh?
Nevan: A small but welcoming home.
Amos: That lady looks terribly sad.
Terry: For the dread realm, this house looks oddly...normal.
Lizzie: (snarl) Woman...alone...? (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing. Boing.
Carver: That was downright refreshin' to hear – especially in this town!
Milly: I honestly wonder if men are capable of knowing what women really want.
Ashlynn: What kind of stupid jerk would leave such a nice wife to go digging for gold all day?
Nevan: So that woman must dwell alone while her husband dances to the Archfiend's tune...
Amos: That woman's got her head screwed on right!
Amos: If she didn't have a fellow, old Amos might well pop the question.
Terry: That woman's husband hasn't noticed that the real treasure lies in his home.
Lizzie: (snarl) That woman...crying inside... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: The sage's treasure? The plot thickens 'n everything like that.
Milly: It seems this Gainmore fellow is somehow connected with the sage's treasure, eh?
Ashlynn: Why's he worried about us ratting him out?
We don't even know what he's talking about!
Nevan: So Gainmore is manipulating the people here to search for the sage's treasure...
Nevan: Just how is he bending people to his will?
Amos: Understood! Old Amos won't breathe a word!
Amos: But if I accidentally do let it slip, I'll pretend I haven't said a thing!
Terry: This town's got more than its fair share of scurvy little spiders.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie already forget...what man said... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: A casino, aye? Might as well see if Lady Luck's in a givin' mood today...
Milly: A casino is quite an appropriate symbol for a town like this.
Ashlynn: Ooh! That bunny girl's pretty cute, huh?
Ashlynn: Of course, I'd be cute in that outfit, too! Right? RIGHT!?
Nevan: Goodness me. It's much more spacious down here.
Amos: It's full of folk. Maybe we can pick up some useful information...
Amos: Y'know, tips on findin' treasure, beatin' the Archfiend – and winnin' big at the casino!
Terry: Is gambling in a town like Greedmore Valley really a good idea?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand...why casino is fun... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: “Drowned in the lake”, aye? That's a new one.
Carver: What's a lake got to do with treasure-chasin', though? I'm gettin' kinda curious.
Milly: Drowned in a lake? I wonder if this happened recently...
Ashlynn: Wow. Poor guy.
Nevan: Who could that poor fellow have been?
Amos: So the treasure's in the lake? Old Amos had better be careful.
Amos: I can swim, you know! A bit...
Terry: So he drowned searching the lake for treasure.
Terry: This barman is dropping some useful hints.
Lizzie: (snarl) Someone drown...in lake...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing, boing.
Carver: Is anyone in this town not a treasure hunter?
Milly: He seems to be in high spirits...
Ashlynn: With all he's drinking, he'll be lucky to climb out of bed tomorrow, much less hunt for treasure!
Nevan: Just what is this treasure that everyone's searching for?
Amos: That lad should moderate his intake.
Terry: We don't need to drink for luck.
Lizzie: (snarl) Can Lizzie...drink too...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing! Boing!
Carver: She's got a point. Money makes this town go round, that's for sure.
Milly: That was nice of her to say.
Milly: She was right, too – we must remember to stay sharp.
Ashlynn: I'm more worried about you than me, Hero. You trust people way too much.
Nevan: Despite appearances, I believe we would do well to heed her advice...
Amos: D'you reckon she's one of those who'll try to part us from our money?
Terry: If I get parted from my money, I'll take it straight back.
Lizzie: (snarl) Put money...in bank... Safest way... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boing. Boing?
Carver: You gotta know when to walk away, aye?
Milly: Gambling is most curious – the more someone loses, the more they seem to want to keep playing.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. It's called “gambling” for a reason.
Nevan: They say gambling brings out one's true nature.
Amos: We'd best steer clear of that lad, lest he decide to take it out on us.
Terry: Lose your cool and you're always going to lose.
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange...vending machine... Put money in...but nothing come out... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That his idea of a joke? I ain't laughin'.
Milly: A sage's robe? It must be an amazing piece of clothing.
Ashlynn: If the robe's really that nice, why not put it to use instead of just showing it off?
Nevan: I would love just once to wear the robe of a great sage.
Amos: How do we know that ain't just some old boy's bathrobe?
Terry: Let's not waste any more time talking to him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Robe has...powerful presence... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: I ain't much of a magic man, but even I can feel the power comin' off that cloth.
Milly: That robe... I can sense some mysterious power drawing me towards it...
Ashlynn: ...Wow. This is seriously, like, wow!
Ashlynn: What a waste of a good garment, just hanging here like this...
Nevan: How could such a magnificent robe be here in the dread realm?
Amos: That robe isn't quite old Amos's style.
Terry: Hmm...
Lizzie: (snarl) Feel strong...energy... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Havin' all the money in the world don't mean squat when that world's the dread realm, aye?
Milly: I've no idea what this Gallows Moor could be like...
Milly: But it's plain to see that everyone here is simply terrified of the place.
Ashlynn: I guess a dull life in this world is better than no life at all...
Nevan: Wealth is no defence against the Archfiend.
Amos: Gallows Moor means certain death, does it? Blimey!
Terry: Rich folks make me sick – no matter what world they're in.
Lizzie: (snarl) Gallows Moor... Sounds scary... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: The wealthiest man in town, aye? Hmm...
How rich are we talkin' here, do ya think?
Milly: I wonder how he became rich? Anyone who makes money in a town like this must be a little dubious...
Ashlynn: The wealthiest? In this greedy town? Something tells me he didn't do it honestly.
Nevan: This place is not as glitzy as I expected.
Amos: I wonder if he's got stacks of gold gatherin' dust in there.
Terry: He may be the wealthiest man in town, but I'll bet he's not the most popular.
Lizzie: (snarl) Morgan Gainmore...live here...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: That fella gets right to the point, aye? I could do with a bit of treasure chasin', though.
Milly: It doesn't seem we'll get any help here.
Ashlynn: I get the feeling this Gainmore guy isn't exactly the charitable type.
Nevan: I'll warrant we're probably not the first treasure hunters to visit him here...
Nevan: Well, you heard his words, Hero. Let's search for that treasure ourselves.
Amos: Maybe he just didn't like our faces...?
Terry: Let's get going. We don't have time to waste on guys like this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...hunt for treasure...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey. What a grump.
Milly: He wouldn't even give us the time of day.
Ashlynn: How rude! We don't need this. Let's go!
Nevan: Do we really look like riff-raff?
Amos: What – does he think we're bleedin' beggars?
Amos: ...Not to say I'd refuse any stuff he was givin' away...
Terry: Let's get going. We don't have time to waste on guys like this.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh...! (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: What got into that mutt?
Milly: Don't get too close, Hero.
Ashlynn: Aww... Do you think that puppy's sick or something?
Nevan: Perhaps his owner is responsible for that attitude...
Amos: Old Amos loves dogs. But I have to draw the line somewhere...
Terry: That dog should think twice before picking a fight with me.
Lizzie: (snarl) That dog think...stronger than Lizzie...!? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: What is this place?
Milly: That smell... Is it sulphur?
Ashlynn: Yuck! Smells like rotten eggs!
Nevan: Could this really be some kind of hot spring resort? In a place like this!?
Amos: The air's bloomin' hot and heavy round here.
Terry: Ugh! This place stinks.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rotten...dino egg smell... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing...
Carver: A hot-spring resort? In Mortamor's dread realm? Somethin' ain't right with this picture.
Milly: The dread realm... This whole world is under the Archfiend's command...
Milly: I wonder how this place works into his scheme...
Ashlynn: Popular place, huh?
Nevan: Judging from their expressions, the people here seem content. But still...
Nevan: There's something about them...like they're puppets, just going through the motions.
Amos: Let's take a dip! Erm... I mean, let's investigate the pool at the back.
Terry: Are you thinking of taking a soak, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like...warm water... Prefer...hot water... Lava is best...! (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hey! This is the joint we heard about, aye?
Milly: Lotus Lagoon... What a curious name.
Are lotuses poisonous?
Ashlynn: Ooh, a soak would feel super!
Nevan: Just being in this realm has completely sapped our energy.
Nevan: I wonder if a relaxing soak here would give us our strength back.
Amos: Old Amos likes a good long soak!
Terry: Let's take a look.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sign...for resort...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Ahh... My muscles feel all warm 'n fuzzy...
Milly: It's difficult to move in the direction you want to when you're floating like this.
Ashlynn: Wow! I can't even touch the bottom!
Nevan: It seems there's something in the centre...
Amos: This feels great, I tell you!
Terry: This spring is larger than it looks.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like...hot places... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Alright, let's move! Hup, two, three, four!
Milly: Looks like we've become rather adept at moving around in this water.
Ashlynn: We need to keep moving!
Nevan: No matter how often we come here, it's still a challenge to push through.
Amos: We need to go that way, not this way! But it's not as easy as all that!
Terry: We shouldn't stay in this lousy lagoon any longer than we have to.
Lizzie: (snarl) Even Lizzie...float here... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boi-oi-oing.
Carver: Huh. Takin' a load off would be nice, aye?
Milly: Floating away? I wonder...
Ashlynn: Ooh, floating away would feel so good right now!
Ashlynn: I feel like I've put on a ton of weight since we got to this realm.
Nevan: Judging by his expression, the water must be extremely relaxing.
Amos: He reckons it's like he's floatin'. Anyone else fancy joinin' him?
Terry: Hmph. Well, as long as he's enjoying himself...
Lizzie: (snarl) Water feel...good...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: His body's steamin'. He must've just got out.
Milly: His face was positively beaming contentment...
Ashlynn: He looks relaxed to the max!
Nevan: There's a smile on his lips.
Amos: That might be the happiest sleepin' face we've seen since we got here.
Terry: Well, at least he's not dead.
Lizzie: (snarl) Water feel...good...? (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: A bunny-girl getup in a hot spring? Wouldn't that chafe 'n everything like that?
Milly: Careful, Hero. You've had a few bad experiences with bunny girls already...
Ashlynn: Is this place, like, free? I mean, we didn't pay to get in...
Nevan: There's even a bar here.
Amos: Is that bunny girl goin' to take a little dip with us?
Terry: I didn't come here for a swim. I'm here to find out what's going on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lagoon really...best thing ever...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Crikey! The drinks're free, too!?
Milly: Wasn't there something...strange...about that gentleman?
Ashlynn: Whoa! He's chugging way too much!
Nevan: His strength's been draining away? It sounds similar to our experience. Hmm...
Amos: A nice drink after a hot bath. That's the life!
Terry: I'm getting tired of all this random blabbering.
Lizzie: (snarl) No energy... Just drunk... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Funny. I don't see anyone old enough to be his wife around here...
Milly: So that's what happens if you have a drink here...
Milly: Make sure you don't touch a drop, Hero!
Ashlynn: I don't like the way that guy's leering at me.
Nevan: Is he hallucinating?
Amos: His departed wife? He's not talkin' about old Amos, is he?
Terry: If she's truly dead, she won't be here...
Lizzie: (snarl) Sees wife...even though dead...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...?
Carver: Let's agree to disagree 'n everything like that.
Milly: Respect for the Archfiend!? Could his life here really be that comfortable?
Milly: I can't understand his point of view.
Ashlynn: That's crazy talk! How could anyone even think that?
Nevan: Hmm... I wonder...
Nevan: Is it possible the liquor here is making people think like that man?
Amos: So he reckons this realm is a happy place!?
Amos: If you're stuck here for good, maybe you start to see things that way.
Terry: Well, he can respect whoever he wants.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie respect...Archfiend before... Now respect...Terry... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: We came here to solve problems, not forget 'em.
Milly: What's he up to...? It doesn't feel right that he's asking people to forget...
Ashlynn: I really don't trust that barkeep. It sounds like he's serving up the easy way out...
Nevan: I fear drinking that draught will make us forget more than just our worries and regrets.
Amos: Only the bartender seems to have a little life in him.
Terry: Worries? Regrets? Nope, not a one.
Lizzie: (snarl) Humans drink...when worried...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: Ahh, he's probably just in a daze from soaking in the lagoon too long.
Milly: He doesn't seem to be hypnotised or anything...
Ashlynn: Hmm... His money pouch, maybe? His house key? What'd that lagoon make him forget?
Nevan: Well, if he's forgotten it, perhaps it wasn't all that important in the first place.
Amos: Old Amos has been known to forget a thing or two.
Amos: When I really need to remember somethin', I scribble it down. Then I forget where I put the note...
Terry: Isn't that always the way? Remember what you want to forget and forget what you want to remember...
Lizzie: (snarl) Something...important...? Like who...he is...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Great! So we just line up and get in, aye?
Milly: I always sensed that there was something deeply suspicious about this lagoon...
Milly: Let's see if we can't find out what goes on inside.
Ashlynn: I wish they had a sign showing how long the wait is.
Nevan: It may be worth entering the lagoon to investigate it further. But let's keep our wits about us.
Amos: Old Amos's heart is goin' pitter-patter!
Terry: Are we going in, Hero? Do I have to get wet too?
Terry: I'm just worried about my sword rusting.
Lizzie: (snarl) We going...in lagoon...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing, boing!
Carver: Hasn't he had enough? His brain seems overcooked, aye?
Milly: Maybe it's my imagination, but that man's eyes looked completely blank...
Milly: It's like he was just a puppet on a string...
Ashlynn: This lagoon sure is popular, huh? Like, is it really worth the wait?
Nevan: Just what is so appealing about the waters here?
Nevan: I suppose the only way to find out is to try it ourselves.
Amos: Wow! Is the water really that special? I can't wait!
Terry: I don't usually do queues. But I'll make an exception...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie prefer...lava bath... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Looks like he's in pure bliss, aye?
Milly: He's just floating along effortlessly...
Ashlynn: Wow. If he were any more relaxed, he'd be in a coma.
Nevan: The water certainly feels pleasant.
Nevan: However, it's strange that it's so hard to move against the current.
Amos: Old Amos is in seventh heaven, I tell you!
Terry: You're looking relaxed, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not...hot enough...for Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Huh. Sounds like that fella can't get enough of the lagoon, aye?
Carver: We'd better soak responsibly or we'll get addicted, too!
Milly: It seems that dips in the lagoon are all that fellow's capable of thinking about.
Ashlynn: Whoa! He wants to dive back in again?
Ashlynn: He's already, like, wrinkly as a prune!
Nevan: It's never good to spend too much time soaking in water, even in a hot spring.
Amos: Resistin' the urge for a while then goin' in sounds like a bloomin' great idea!
Terry: I wonder how many times this guy's going in and out on an average day.
Lizzie: (snarl) First soak...after dry spell...always nice... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! Everybody outta the pool!
Milly: This is awful, I can really feel the strength leaving my body.
Milly: I don't think we should stay in here too long, Hero...
Ashlynn: Ahh... I feel like my body's melting right into the water...
Ashlynn: It's relaxing and all, but it's a little scary, too.
Nevan: This water may well contain some special mineral...
Amos: It is amazin' how lethargic it makes you.
Amos: If I didn't have work to do, I can imagine whilin' away the whole day in here.
Terry: So it's sapping his energy?
Terry: If we don't want to end up like him, we'd better not stay in too long.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie feel...muscles melting... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! That merchant's grinnin' like a fool!
Milly: He's enjoying himself too much to realise the danger he's in...
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. That guy is out of it!
Nevan: Talking to people in the lagoon hardly yields much information of use.
Nevan: I'm simply fascinated by how vast the lagoon is.
Amos: Should I walk like this? Or like that? I can't get the hang of it!
Terry: So we go out of our way to speak to him and that's all he tells us?
Lizzie: (snarl) Man look...comfortable... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boing.
Carver: There's nothin' “blessed” about the Archfiend's dread realm, aye?
Milly: He shouldn't even be thinking about dying here...
Milly: There must be something in the lagoon that makes people feel that way...
Ashlynn: Wow. I've heard that ignorance is bliss, but he's taking it way too far!
Nevan: Surely no one would really want to keep soaking until they die...
Amos: It's nice to be relaxed – but to the point of dying!?
Terry: Folks here seem happy, but their energy is being drained from them drop by drop.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man will...die here? (slobber)
Goober: Boing. Boing.
Carver: Huh. That fella ain't like the other lagoon regulars, aye?
Milly: Let's see if I've got this right...
Milly: If the people of Despairia get their hopes and dreams back, then our strength will be restored?
Milly: Hmm... I'm really not sure that I understand what's going on...
Ashlynn: I guess every resort has a party-pooper, huh?
Nevan: So even entering the waters won't give us back the powers we've lost?
Nevan: If this is true, it is most alarming.
Amos: It seems there's some backstory here, but he's not goin' into detail.
Terry: Let's see if we can do something about restoring Despairia's hopes and dreams.
Lizzie: (snarl) Did Hero...get hint...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! This is it – our ticket outta here!
Milly: Is this underground tunnel the way out of this world?
Ashlynn: Looks deserted, doesn't it?
Nevan: A place like this in the middle of the lagoon!?
Where can it lead?
Amos: Haah... Haah...
So all that scramblin' finally got us here... (wheeze)
Terry: We made it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange...place... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: So, uh... Where do ya think this leads, aye?
Milly: Let's carry onwards – a new path is sure to present itself!
Ashlynn: Crazy, isn't it? Like, a portal between worlds right smack in the middle of a hot spring!
Nevan: This is somewhere you could never reach without going against the current.
Nevan: It's a perfect place if you want a path hidden from prying eyes.
Amos: Things have gotten interestin' all of a sudden.
Terry: Let's press on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Where...path lead...? (spit)
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Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Talk about gettin' away from it all!
Milly: A tiny little village nestled in the mountains...
Could this be...?
Ashlynn: What's the name of this place? We should ask somebody.
Nevan: I never would have guessed we'd find a village so deep in the mountains.
Amos: This is the back end of beyond – are they even goin' to understand us here?
Terry: Hey, Hero – isn't this Max Wynne's village?
Lizzie: (snarl) What name...of village...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: (sniff sniff) Ahh... Nothin' like the fresh air of a farmin' village, aye?
Carver: Especially after that muck we were breathin' in the dread realm.
Milly: Max Wynne is probably waiting for us to get back to Despairia...
Ashlynn: Sure is peaceful, isn't it?
Nevan: Since we've come all this way, let's take a look around the village.
Amos: I know we shouldn't waste time, but it's temptin' to dawdle in this village.
Terry: If our work here is done, let's hit the road.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must bring tools...to dread realm... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whoa! It's Wynne's village! How 'bout that!?
Milly: Let's hurry to Max Wynne's house!
Ashlynn: C'mon, we gotta find Wynne's house!
Nevan: The house where Max Wynne's wife and his dog Silver live should be nearby.
Amos: We weren't lost – we meant to come here!
Terry: So we need to bring Max Wynne back his tools.
Lizzie: (snarl) We made it...to Dullerton... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boing?
Carver: I wouldn't mind livin' in a place like this once we've finished off the Archfiend.
Milly: It really is a wonderful village!
Ashlynn: Well, we've got Wynne's stuff. Guess we better head back to the dread realm.
Nevan: I can't wait to see the look of astonishment on Max Wynne's face!
Amos: That lass has got a healthy tan from standin' out there all day.
Terry: Let's get Max Wynne's tools to him ASAP.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie happy...we come to Dullerton... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: These folks don't get out much, aye?
Milly: Such wide-eyed innocence is refreshing to see.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! You'd think the circus was in town or something.
Nevan: That child certainly does not lack for enthusiasm.
Amos: Quite a welcome that lad gave us!
Terry: Are we really such a novelty?
Lizzie: (snarl) Child happy... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa. Sounds like Wynne was bringin' home the bacon for the whole town, aye?
Milly: We have to hurry and make sure that Wynne returns to this village!
Ashlynn: Oh, I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when we get Wynne back here!
Nevan: I wonder if it's better to tell them about Wynne's current plight or to keep it to ourselves?
Amos: I reckon that lad used to flog old Wynne's armour and make a tidy profit.
Terry: Such a gifted armourer would surely be seen as a threat by the Archfiend.
Lizzie: (snarl) Silver...good doggy... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Nice udders, aye?
Milly: What a nice-looking cow!
Ashlynn: Wow! That's some cow!
Nevan: Seeing that cow brings me back to the bucolic bliss of my Ghent childhood.
Amos: Moo!
Terry: It's...a cow...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie love milk... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing! Boing!
Carver: That cat's as laid-back as this town.
Milly: That kitty is so at ease with strangers.
Ashlynn: What do you think they feed that cat, way up here in the mountains?
Nevan: That feline has a charming countenance.
Amos: Old Amos once tugged a cat's tail and got scratched on the nose. You can still see the scar!
Terry: I don't mind animals. Most of them, anyway...
Lizzie: (snarl) Cat... No worry... Lizzie friend... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: “Dullerton” is right, aye?
Milly: Oh dear, he seems desperate for some excitement.
Ashlynn: This town's about as exciting as watching corn grow.
Nevan: It doesn't seem like the most exciting place in the world.
Amos: Old Amos is bored just listenin' to that lad.
Terry: At least it's peaceful here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Ⓠ (yawn)
Goober: Zzzz...
Carver: I doubt he'd believe us if we told 'em where Wynne went, aye?
Milly: He seems to think that Wynne has passed away.
Ashlynn: Sister Grinn or no Sister Grinn, Wynne would've been helpless if the Archfiend wanted him.
Nevan: It sounds like Sister Grinn has really cheered the place up.
Amos: This Sister Grinn sounds like a heroic lass and no mistake.
Terry: In any case, we need to hurry up and defeat the Archfiend.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sister Grinn... Good person... (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boing. Boing.
Carver: Hardy har! It's clear who wears the overalls in that family, aye?
Milly: He's working diligently despite his wife's complaints.
He must be a truly dedicated husband.
Ashlynn: Yuck. That guy's practically bathing in sweat!
Nevan: His wife sounds like a harsh taskmistress.
Amos: Everyone has their own field to plough.
Terry: I can't stand men who spend their time whining.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man busy...complaining... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Wynne's been stuck in the dread realm for five years? Blimey!
Milly: So he's been separated from his family for five long years...
Ashlynn: Poor Wynne! I hope we can get him back here soon!
Nevan: It seems the villagers haven't the faintest idea what really happened to Wynne.
Amos: I bet they'd be surprised if we told 'em that we'd heard about old Wynne from the horse's mouth.
Terry: We need to get Max Wynne's tools to the dread realm ASAP.
Lizzie: (snarl) Wynne made...mighty armour... But no more... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing! Boing!
Carver: That fella witnessed Wynne gettin' zapped to the dread realm, aye?
Milly: Seeing Wynne disappear into thin air like that must have been a terrible shock...
Ashlynn: You think Wynne'll reappear right in front of him once we beat the Archfiend?
Nevan: So Wynne was deeply troubled before he was dragged to the dread realm...
Amos: Max Wynne sounds like a serious sort...
Just like old Amos!
Terry: I can see why no one else believed his tale.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...saw everything... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: He didn't need to get all snappy.
Milly: We must learn to be a bit more trusting, Hero.
Ashlynn: Um, maybe we better apologise?
Nevan: Well, people always want to be believed.
Amos: He's in a right huff!
Terry: Hmph. I wanted to hear what he had to say.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man angry...? Or sad...? (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Alright! Wynne's gonna get quite a surprise, aye?
Milly: She brought us Wynne's tools before we could even ask for them!
Milly: Even after all this time, they share a strong connection.
Ashlynn: Aww, what a great wife! She keeps the home fires burning – that's important for a smithy!
Nevan: So if we deliver his tools, Max Wynne will regain his strength?
Amos: Take a look at these tools! They're gleamin'!
Amos: Old Wynne's wife's most likely been polishin' them since her old man went away.
Terry: It's time to return to the dread realm.
Terry: These tools should liven the place up, at least.
Lizzie: (snarl) We got...Wynne's tools... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Watch over the lady like a good dog, aye, Silver?
Milly: We can be sure that she'll be safe with her faithful dog at her side.
Ashlynn: I bet Silver's even more worried about Wynne and his wife than we are!
Nevan: I pray we might restore Mrs Wynne and Silver's spirits soon.
Amos: It'd be great to see Mrs Wynne and Silver smilin'.
Amos: ...Umm ...Can dogs smile?
Terry: Silver seems concerned about his master.
That's one smart pup.
Lizzie: (snarl) Silver...like Lizzie...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! At least she's honest with us.
Milly: Perhaps that was her way of saying we should stop bothering her.
Ashlynn: Wow. Talk about getting the cold shoulder.
Nevan: Well, that woman was certainly blunt.
Amos: That lady doesn't seem to want us around.
Terry: Let's take the hint and leave.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lady rude... Wants us leave...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har har har! “Why so blue?” It's funny 'cause it's true!
Milly: Hee hee. The Sister's witty wordplay would put even the legendary Tom Foolery to shame.
Ashlynn: Tee hee hee hee! She's making my sides hurt!
Nevan: Ha ha! Ha ha ha! I, I cannot contain my laughter...
Amos: Th-This is too much! Old Amos will be in tears in a minute.
Terry: ............
Lizzie: (slobber) Of course...slime blue...
Lizzie...not get it... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Aw, come on, Hero! Give her a listen!
Milly: Hee hee. Sister Grinn is certainly unique...
Ashlynn: Where do you think Sister Grinn's from, anyway?
Nevan: Even without hearing her jokes, there's something amusing about that nun.
Amos: If every village in the world had a Sister Grinn, the world would be a brighter place.
Terry: Heh.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not interested...in joke...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: That nun's the best thing about this borin' burg, aye?
Milly: Not everyone might share Sister Grinn's sense of humour, but they should respect her for trying.
Ashlynn: Maybe I should learn a few jokes for the road!
Nevan: I'd love to emulate Sister Grinn – but I'm afraid I don't know any jokes.
Amos: That Sister Grinn is a serious sort of lady – just like old Amos.
Terry: Is she acting funny to cheer people up or was she really born that way?
Lizzie: (snarl) Nun's humour...cure people... Just like herb... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: What's it gonna be, Hero?
Milly: Seeing the joy on Wynne's face made me ever so happy!
Milly: I'm sure he's going to pull out all the stops and craft us some wonderful equipment!
Ashlynn: Oh, just pick one already!
Nevan: It is indeed difficult to settle on just one.
Amos: Helmet... Armour... Shield... Could he not just knock together one of each?
Terry: I'd ask for weapons but that's not Wynne's field.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero...take your time... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Avast! That's some top-o'-the-line craftsmanship!
Milly: Wynne's not here. He must have been working late into the night...
Ashlynn: (yawwwn) Wynne was hammering away all night, huh?
Nevan: Look! That could only have been created by Max Wynne!
Amos: Ah, that was a great night's sleep! Must be a reward for the good deed we did.
Terry: That craftsmanship... It has Wynne written all over it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Wynne's equipment... Size fit Lizzie...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boi-oing!
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Carver: Hope, aye? That's a change for this place!
Milly: This town and all of its people seem much brighter than before!
Ashlynn: Wow! It's like we lifted the Archfiend's curse from this whole town or something!
Nevan: It seems that Wynne has told the townsfolk all about us.
Amos: This is what a bit of hope will do to people!
Terry: The town really turned a corner while we were sleeping.
Lizzie: (snarl) Townspeople...happy... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing boing!
Carver: About time she stopped givin' us the silent treatment.
Milly: That old lady didn't have the energy to eat or even speak, but look at her now...
Milly: I hope everyone else in town is enjoying a new lease of life.
Ashlynn: She can sense the hope in the air, huh? I sure can!
Nevan: She looks like she's in rude health, Goddess be praised!
Amos: (sniff) Just hearin' the old girl speak is enough to get old Amos sobbin'...
Terry: Well, that's some good news at least.
Lizzie: (snarl) Old woman...healthy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: He lost his lady, aye? No wonder he was so depressed.
Milly: It sounds like he's started to think positively about life – that's a relief.
Ashlynn: I'm glad he's feeling better. Maybe he'll see his dearly departed again someday...
Nevan: I'm very glad he has moved on.
Amos: That lad doesn't need words of encouragement any more!
Terry: He's back on his feet.
Lizzie: (snarl) Before...gave up...on life... Now...happy... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Kids have got big appetites in any world.
Milly: I hope they'll be able to enjoy sweet dreams and restful nights from now on.
Ashlynn: So that's why everyone's happier now – they all know they're going home soon!
Nevan: Let's fight so that everyone here can regain all their lost happiness.
Amos: (grumble grumble)
Amos: ...Sorry! That mention of food got old Amos's tummy rumblin'.
Terry: People need hope just as much as they need food.
Lizzie: (snarl) Woman has...good attitude... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing!
Carver: Oops! Better move it before we get run over.
Milly: He's become rather sturdy, hasn't he? Changing his mentality has worked wonders for his whole body.
Ashlynn: Wow! Look who's a little ball of energy all of a sudden! Good to see, huh?
Nevan: The future seems bright!
Amos: To think, these nippers were full of fear not so long ago.
Terry: This is the way kids should be.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sleeping children...now running around... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Nothin' wrong with dreamin' big, aye?
Milly: If everyone were that full of beans, the Archfiend would indeed be in trouble.
Ashlynn: Too bad we can't wait for this kid to grow up before beating Mortamor. He's just so cute!
Nevan: We need to take a leaf out of that boy's book and train to face Mortamor.
Amos: It's good to see nippers with some fight in them.
Terry: Sorry, kid. Mortamor's all mine.
Lizzie: (snarl) Before...child cry... Now...child laugh... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Makes sense to me. Nobody's down in the dumps here any more.
Milly: The thought of being able to return home has given them the hope they need to live.
Ashlynn: A little hope goes a long way, huh? Especially here!
Nevan: And we've regained our strength thanks to the light of hope that emanates from everyone in this town.
Amos: There's no despair to be seen in Despairia!
Terry: Today's the last day this place will be called “Despairia”.
Lizzie: (snarl) Town...changing name...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! That was the fella who was flounderin' around on the ground before, aye?
Milly: I wonder if he really doesn't remember what happened...?
Ashlynn: I think the lagoon was just a convenient excuse for that lazy bum.
Nevan: Lotus Lagoon was a truly dangerous place.
Amos: That lad shouldn't worry too much... If he forgot it, it's forgotten!
Terry: That guy hasn't got a care in the world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sleeping man...back on feet... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: What, did Mortamor brainwash her into workin' the bar 'n everything like that?
Milly: That sounds terrifying... She was being controlled and had no idea what was happening.
Ashlynn: I wonder how many people got brainwashed like that without even knowing it?
Nevan: Perhaps it's better that she doesn't remember anything since coming to this world...
Amos: It must've taken her aback to just wake up here!
Terry: Curse Mortamor!
Lizzie: (snarl) Memory...gone...? Must feel...strange... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boing?
Carver: He must've heard about us from Wynne, aye?
Milly: I'm ever so glad that hearing about us is making people happy.
Ashlynn: Won't it be neat when the people here start taking our path home?
Nevan: He has chosen the path of hope – and the change in his life is obvious.
Amos: Hopefully that lad can now take a dip in the lagoon without wantin' to lose himself completely.
Terry: Glad to see he's got some get-up-and-go.
Lizzie: (snarl) Weak soldier...get strong again... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: The exit, aye...? How 'bout we go and check up on him over there?
Milly: I'd be concerned about the lagoon's energy-sapping properties, too.
Ashlynn: Wow! That mayor didn't linger a second longer than he had to!
Nevan: That man was a heavy drinker. I worry about him entering the lagoon in that inebriated state...
Amos: I don't see why that lad can't follow the Mayor's example.
Terry: I've got a feeling he might be a long way from alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Can...normal people...reach exit...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! Wynne really got his mojo back, aye?
Milly: Wynne looks absolutely delighted to be back to work after so long.
Ashlynn: Looks like Wynne's breathing a little life back into this town!
Nevan: Wynne's armour will doubtless prove invaluable.
Amos: It'd be nice if old Wynne bashed some new equipment for all of us.
Terry: Oh, we'll whip Mortamor alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Famous armourer Wynne...back to work... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Sheesh. Sleepin' the day away, aye?
Milly: Everyone else is full of life and he's...having a nap?
Ashlynn: You know, I don't think I've ever seen that guy with his eyes open.
Nevan: I wonder if that fellow's shop is closed again today.
Amos: Dozin' off in the mornin' – it's shameful behaviour.
Terry: He should wake up now that he might actually get some customers...
Lizzie: (slobber) Man seems...to be asleep... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! He's a decent fella when he ain't sleepin' on the job.
Milly: I hope he remembers his patter!
Ashlynn: Wow! He actually had some nice stuff for sale, huh?
Nevan: One word from Wynne and that salesman snapped to attention.
Amos: For a lazy loafer, he turned out to have one heck of a range of tip-top items for sale.
Terry: Hmph. He's like a new man.
Lizzie: (snarl) Armour shop...back in business... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Whoa! Maybe he has too much energy now, aye?
Milly: I know that he's happy, but that was still quite a shock...
Ashlynn: Yikes! I thought he was attacking us for a second there!
Nevan: That fellow reminds me of our very own Amos.
Amos: Blimey! I thought real monsters had attacked!
Terry: I was this close to knocking that guy out.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie got...energy back too... (slobber)
Lizzie: Grrrarrrrrrgghh!!!
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Greedmore Valley, aye? Sounds like a shady joint, but we've got nowhere else to go.
Milly: So Greedmore Valley is north-east of here... Don't forget that, Hero!
Ashlynn: I guess there's still a little despair in the air, huh?
Nevan: Isaac the Sage's treasure? Intriguing...
Amos: I feel like takin' a dip in the lagoon before we head on to Greedmore Valley.
Terry: We've got a new destination to check out.
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure hunt...next...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Aye, great idea! I was gonna suggest “Happyland”, but Hopeton's good, too.
Milly: What a lovely name!
Ashlynn: Wow! That's, like, the perfect name for this town!
Nevan: It's a very positive sign that the townspeople can all discuss things together.
Amos: I knew it! A brand new name!
Terry: Hopeton? ...That sounds alright, I suppose.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hope good... Despair bad... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Uh... Do ya think he'll make it out okay?
Milly: I'd like to check up on the lagoon again at some point.
Ashlynn: Knowing about the exit is one thing...
Actually reaching it is another.
Nevan: It seems word of the lagoon exit has spread throughout the town.
Amos: That lad doesn't waste any time!
Terry: He'll find out it isn't that easy soon enough...
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...strong enough...for lagoon...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Isaac, aye...? What's his story?
Milly: Greedmore Valley... That name's just as uninspiring as Despairia.
Ashlynn: Wait... So there's, like, a cave inside that town?
Ashlynn: That doesn't sound right. I guess we'll just have to go see for ourselves.
Nevan: We should take careful note of those words.
Amos: Isaac's lost treasure, eh? What d'you reckon it could be?
Terry: Let's take a trip to Greedmore Valley.
Lizzie: (slobber) Sage called Isaac...powerful...? (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Drat! I was lookin' forward to finishin' him off, too!
Milly: He's gone – this town's no longer in the monsters' clutches.
Ashlynn: Pretty smart for a monster, huh? He knew he wouldn't stand a chance against us.
Nevan: He beat a swift retreat.
Amos: Darn! We let him slip away!
Terry: I guess not all monsters are as dumb as they look...
Lizzie: (snarl) Monster saw us... Ran off... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hmm... Regular folks can't take the heat, aye?
Milly: Perhaps it's because we came here by ourselves in the first place that we're able to pass through.
Ashlynn: So it's the water that keeps people here from escaping the Archfiend's grasp, huh?
Nevan: So the only way to rescue the people trapped in this world really is to topple the Archfiend.
Amos: We're pretty strong inside, alright! Old Amos has insides of steel!
Terry: If you can't get to the exit, there might as well be no path at all.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...strong inside... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Good thing we didn't wet our whistles here, aye? We would've been too wimpy for that current.
Milly: It seems he's finally realised...
Ashlynn: You think he can really quit drinking? I could still smell it on his breath...
Nevan: Water that drains the spirit and liquor that inspires hallucinations.
Nevan: It is this dastardly combination that has caused people to lose all hope.
Amos: We're really somethin' alright!
Terry: It's good that folk here are starting to get wise.
Lizzie: (snarl) Drink before bath...always bad idea... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: I wonder what kinda stuff I'd be seein' if I drank that strange brew.
Milly: Strange drinks or not, it's the love he had for his wife that truly allowed him to see her again.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Boy, was I worried earlier! I thought he had me confused with his dearly departed!
Nevan: It's best if all that liquor is poured away so no one else falls victim to its power.
Amos: If you're startin' to hallucinate, you know you've had enough.
Terry: Well, at least he got to spend some time with his wife. Kind of...
Lizzie: (snarl) Wife...inside heart? Wife must be small... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Everyone here's a victim, aye?
Milly: It sounds like he was controlled by the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: Poor guy... Imagine realising you were just one of Mortamor's pawns.
Nevan: There's very little point holding the bartender responsible now.
Amos: You don't think the other folks are goin' to give this bartender a pummellin', do you?
Terry: Whether they were serving the drinks or drinking them, they were all the Archfiend's puppets.
Lizzie: (snarl) Archfiend...behind everything... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Lots of folks like him still starin' off into space, aye?
Milly: I doubt he even has enough strength to stand up...
Ashlynn: Well, the town might be full of hope, but this place is still full of lazy bums.
Nevan: So there are still people speaking positively of the lagoon.
Amos: He doesn't look like the smartest knife in the sky...
Terry: He loves it here? He needs to get out more.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... Man drained... No energy... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing.
Carver: I reckon average Joes just can't get outta here, aye? No matter how hard they try.
Milly: The portal is in full sight... Not being able to make it there must be terrible...
Ashlynn: They should really close this place down. It's a total health hazard!
Nevan: If the Archfiend is defeated, the dread realm itself should disappear.
Nevan: Once that happens, everyone trapped here will be released.
Amos: So that bunny girl was havin' her strings pulled by the Archfiend too, eh?
Terry: One thing's clear – we need to take care of the Archfiend.
Terry: If anyone manages to escape now, I bet they'll be dragged straight back to the dread realm.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must...defeat...Archfiend... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing? Boooing!
Carver: Looks like he's the mayor of Lotus Lagoon now, aye?
Milly: Not even the Mayor can resist the allure of Lotus Lagoon...
Ashlynn: I can't believe he was a mayor once. I bet he can't even tie his shoes now!
Nevan: His timing is poor. To come here just as the town regains its spirit...
Amos: He may feel good, but layin' eyes on him makes me feel bad.
Terry: It seems he got bogged down in the lagoon before he could get to the exit.
Lizzie: (snarl) Pitiful...man... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Looks like he's in pure bliss, aye?
Milly: He's just floating along effortlessly...
Ashlynn: Wow. If he were any more relaxed, he'd be in a coma.
Nevan: Doubtless it feels good here. But still...
Amos: Even if you know it's bad, it's still hard to resist takin' a dip.
Terry: Let's not worry about what these people are doing. Our job's to take down the Archfiend.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie prefer...hotter place... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: He's been stewin' here this whole time?
Milly: I can't help but feel sorry for him...
Ashlynn: He's a lost cause by now, huh?
Nevan: He got so close to the exit from this world.
Amos: He just needs to watch he doesn't get all puffy and bloated.
Terry: He won't pay any notice of anything we say.
Lizzie: (snarl) Nothing...better? Really...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: There's nothin' “blessed” about the Archfiend's dread realm, aye?
Milly: He shouldn't even joke about dying here...
Ashlynn: He must feel pretty good to be saying things like that!
Nevan: Surely no one would really want to keep soaking until they die...
Amos: It's nice to be relaxed – but to the point of dying!?
Terry: Let's just leave him to his blissful bath.
Lizzie: (snarl) This place...not bliss... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Sounds like we've still got our work cut out for us here, aye?
Milly: There are still people suffering all over this dread realm, Hero.
Milly: We can't rest until we've rescued them all!
Ashlynn: Until now, we couldn't do very much in that state we were in...
Ashlynn: Now we can start our real adventure in the dread realm!
Nevan: So there are three towns in the dread realm...
Nevan: It's a minor but valuable piece of information.
Amos: Let's get goin'! Just don't tread in anythin' squelchy or fall down any holes.
Terry: Let's go and check out these other towns.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie think...we should go... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
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Carver: Whoa. So this is the dread realm? Fittin' name, aye?
Milly: What's happening...? It's like all the strength has left my body...
Ashlynn: Hey, there's a town right over there. Let's go!
Nevan: So this is it – the dread realm, ruled over by the Archfiend.
Amos: So we made it to the dread realm! Seems old Mortamor isn't here to greet us, though.
Terry: The place has a soul-sapping atmosphere. I've got a bad feeling about this...
Lizzie: (snarl) This place...dark... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Where to now? Are we gonna deliver that pipe or what?
Milly: The sea and sky in this world are very curious. It's like we could get sucked in at any point...
Ashlynn: We need to find a way out of this world, huh?
Nevan: Does anyone else smell something strange on the western wind?
Amos: I hope all the despair round here isn't catchin'. I'm not feelin' too full of energy...
Terry: From top to bottom, this place is the pits.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie no energy...for fighting... (spit)
Goober: Boiiing...
Carver: Where to now? Are we gonna deliver that pipe or what?
Carver: We might as well try hittin' Lotus Lagoon again, aye?
Milly: The sea and sky in this world are very curious. It's like we could get sucked in at any point...
Ashlynn: Hey, what was that spring? Lotus Lagoon?
Ashlynn: Maybe it's emptied out by now.
Nevan: Dullerton... But just how can we get there?
Amos: I hope all the despair round here isn't catchin'. I'm not feelin' too full of energy...
Terry: From top to bottom, this place is the pits.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie no energy...for fighting... (spit)
Goober: Boiiing...
Carver: Crikey! What a load of lazy toe-rags over in the lagoon, aye?
Milly: Right, how about visiting that other town?
Ashlynn: Well, that was a waste of time.
Ashlynn: I guess we should've started with that town. We were practically right next to it, after all!
Nevan: I imagine that the Archfiend is keeping a close eye on us here in his realm...
Amos: I've just got no get up and go! I wouldn't want a monster to attack us now...
Terry: The folks in Lotus Lagoon didn't seem to have a care in the world.
Terry: I'm confused. I thought the Archfiend created the dread realm to make humans suffer.
Lizzie: (snarl) Feet feel...heavy... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: And there was me thinkin' that lagoon was our ticket outta this world.
Milly: We just visited the lagoon and came back again. Are you sure we're on the right track, Hero?
Ashlynn: Whew... Steady as she goes... That water left me a little woozy...
Ashlynn: Sure felt good, though, huh?
Nevan: I feel certain that Lotus Lagoon hides some secret.
Amos: Old Amos's muscles are achin'. Can't we take another dip in that Lotus Lagoon?
Terry: Hey, Hero! Don't you think we should nose round Lotus Lagoon again?
Terry: A nice natural hot spring resort just shouldn't exist in a world like this...
Lizzie: (snarl) What we...do now...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: A little name change goes a long way, aye?
Folks are a lot more cheerful.
Milly: My strength has returned, let's push on to the next town!
Ashlynn: Boy, Despairia sure was the pits. I'm glad it's all better now.
Ashlynn: Good thing, too. We probably would've been all down in the dumps by now.
Nevan: We were lucky to be blessed with Max Wynne's fine craftsmanship.
Amos: There's a spring in old Amos's step!
Terry: We will crush every last monster that crosses our path.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...feel good... Grrrargh...! (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing! Boing, boing, boing! (slurp)
Carver: Right! The north-west forest! Let's keep movin'.
Milly: We don't yet know where this north-west forest is, so proceed carefully.
Ashlynn: I dunno... Like, do you trust Gainmore?
Ashlynn: I'm just worried we paid him five-thousand gold coins for a dead-end lead.
Nevan: I'm looking forward to finding the sage's treasure.
Amos: If the sage's treasure is at the bottom of the lake, I hope you're ready for a swim, Hero!
Terry: That Gainmore guy... Should we really have shelled out all that money?
Lizzie: (spit) Sage's treasure...really in...forest lake...? Grrrargh... (snarl)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: How 'bout we wander around a bit? We've got nothin' better to do.
Milly: The monsters in this area are not to be underestimated. Let's take care.
Ashlynn: Well, we didn't get anything from Gainmore...but we'll figure something out. We always do.
Nevan: That town revolves around money.
Nevan: Thinking ahead, it may well be best to stock up on gold coins.
Amos: Let's get that sage's treasure!
Amos: We're not about to ask that Gainmore lad, so let's find it by ourselves!
Terry: For now, we'd best explore as much of this world as we can.
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's explore...dread realm... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Well, that was painful, aye? And I ain't just talkin' about the missing treasure, either.
Milly: What in the world was up with that lake?
Ashlynn: Ugh! People make me sick sometimes!
Nevan: And here I was thinking the sage's treasure would really be in that chest...
Nevan: I just can't believe it was empty.
Amos: Why would anyone hide an empty treasure chest in a lake?
Amos: Old Amos just can't hope to understand what goes on in the mind of a Supreme Sage.
Terry: It was too elaborate to just be a prank. Mark my words – there's more to this than meets the eye.
Lizzie: (snarl) Empty... Why chest...empty...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Whew! That's that! We're on the other side now, aye?
Milly: So that cave was the way out.
Ashlynn: Good thing the Archfiend wasn't in that cave, huh?
Nevan: There is still much to explore in the dread realm.
Amos: I'm sure there's still some weird and wonderful towns waitin' for us.
Terry: We need to find somewhere to rest up.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrr... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: We just meet the most interesting folks, aye?
Milly: I'm sure that well would make a good base for exploring the surrounding area.
Ashlynn: What does the priest and that other guy do in there all day? Don't they get bored?
Nevan: So a prison town lies ahead.
Nevan: We should take care we don't become permanent residents.
Amos: D'you reckon there's some really nasty criminals locked up in that prison town?
Amos: I wonder what's worse – hardened criminals or monsters?
Terry: That priest in the well mentioned something about a prison town, didn't he?
Terry: Is there even a single normal town in this dread realm?
Lizzie: (snarl) Inside well... Paradise... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: To heck with Mortamor! Folks are nothin' but vermin to that creep!
Carver: I'm gonna crack his jaw and set things right if it's the last thing I do!
Milly: Let's head for Death's Cape.
Ashlynn: I can't believe this! He turned everyone in town into statues and pets and stuff!
Ashlynn: We're gonna use that orb of truth and go teach Mortamor a thing or two! Mark my words!
Nevan: According to Benjamin, Isaac is imprisoned in the Archfiend's castle.
Nevan: We must rescue him before any harm befalls him.
Amos: So just where is this Death's Cape?
Terry: The Archfiend's going to regret the day he ever riled me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Archfiend...must pay... We will...defeat him... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Benjamin's still with us, aye?
Carver: I gotta say, he's in a lot better shape than I expected.
Milly: Isaac's mind is being attacked by monsters as we speak...
Milly: There's is simply no time to waste. We must go and rescue him!
Ashlynn: Boy... I sure hope Isaac's okay.
Nevan: To think he was imprisoned for so long, yet he managed to recover so rapidly.
Nevan: There's no mistaking a Supreme Sage. I must watch and learn!
Amos: Thank goodness the Benjamin that was facin' the chop was just an illusion.
Terry: Hmph. I don't see the Archfiend's lair anywhere around here.
Terry: Either he's concealing it with some trickery, or it's somewhere else entirely.
Lizzie: (snarl) Benjamin okay... Thank Goddess... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Where are we...? Where's Mortamor's castle?
Milly: There's a mountain over there, but it's so tall I can't even see the top.
Ashlynn: Are we near the Archfiend yet?
Nevan: I feel a profound evil in this place.
Nevan: Wherever he is, I'm sure the Archfiend is keeping a close eye on our movements.
Amos: What's that? It looks a bit like a shrine.
Terry: I'm getting impatient. It would help if the Archfiend just came out of his own accord.
Lizzie: (slobber) Where...Archfiend's castle...? (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Let's head back to Gallows Moor, aye? We need to talk to Benjamin again.
Milly: Two monsters controlling Isaac's mind...
Milly: I wonder if there's any way we can drive them out of his head?
Ashlynn: There's gotta be something we can do for poor Isaac!
Nevan: For both sages to have been imprisoned is heartrending.
Nevan: We must liberate Isaac so they can stand shoulder to shoulder once more!
Amos: We just saw old Benjamin gettin' the chop, right?
Amos: That must've been some sort of magical jiggery-pokery. Old Amos is a tad worried...
Terry: Damn the Archfiend for separating those two brothers.
Terry: Hero, let's organise a family reunion as soon as we can.
Lizzie: (snarl) Poor Isaac... Mind imprisoned... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Well, this is it. The moment of truth, aye?
Carver: Let's do this, Hero. It's time to settle things on OUR terms!
Milly: We've no way of knowing what the Archfiend has in store for us.
Milly: Whatever happens, though, we must believe in ourselves and fight to the end!
Ashlynn: We're almost there! I'll do whatever it takes, guys!
Nevan: O Goddess, hear my prayer! Give us the strength to overcome all challenges ahead!
Amos: That's it! The Archfiend's castle's come down to earth with a bump. Let's get goin'!
Terry: Listen up, Mortamor! We're coming to read you your last rites!
Lizzie: (snarl) Sages...incredible... Castle dropped...from sky... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Sounds like Gainmore put him through the wringer 'n everything like that.
Milly: I sense that we'll need to be careful of this Gainmore fellow.
Ashlynn: Why's he worried about us telling anyone? I don't have a clue what he's talking about!
Nevan: I feel sure that Gainmore is only seeking the sage's treasure for his own personal gain.
Nevan: We should bear this in mind when we speak with him.
Amos: I've had this naggin' feelin' that Gainmore's been makin' use of us, too.
Terry: Hmph. Is Gainmore really any worse than the other people in this town?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie already forget...what man said... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Valuable, aye? I'd give him an earful for a few gold coins.
Milly: There are soldiers in this world...? Does this mean that they're the Archfiend's minions?
Ashlynn: “Gallows Moor”? Yikes! And I thought Greedmore Valley sounded bad!
Nevan: It seems that this Gainmore has ears and eyes everywhere.
Amos: So this Gainmore shells out bribes in order to make more money.
Amos: He sounds like he knows how this world works alright.
Terry: He sounds like the kind of guy who'd cosy up to the Archfiend if there was money in it.
Lizzie: (snarl) If Gainmore bad...Lizzie eat Gainmore... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I'd love to ask that Gainmore fella how much money he's got.
Milly: I wonder how he became so rich.
Ashlynn: The wealthiest? In this greedy town? Something tells me he didn't do it honestly.
Nevan: I'd warrant he's manipulated the townsfolk in order to gather his wealth.
Amos: Let's go and ask what that note in the cave meant.
Terry: Alright, let's make sure we don't fall for any of Gainmore's sweet-talking.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie...not trust...Gainmore... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! I'd like to riff his raff!
Carver: But we'd better ask about that note in the treasure chest, aye, Hero?
Milly: Come on, Hero. Let's ask him about the note in the treasure chest.
Ashlynn: Wow! He should buy some manners!
Ashlynn: But the treasure chest led us to this guy, so...
Nevan: Hero, perhaps we need to be more persistent.
Amos: What – does he think we're bleedin' beggars?
Amos: We can't just leave like this.
Terry: Don't you think it's best to ask about the note in the treasure chest?
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh...! (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Five-thousand gold coins? Sounds like a good deal! No, wait... It sounds like a scam!
Carver: Ah, you make the call, Hero. Finances ain't my strong suit.
Milly: He must have made millions, selling information about the treasure like this...
Milly: Still, I sense that going along with his demands would save us some time.
Ashlynn: Good job, Hero! Like that guy needs more money!
Ashlynn: We won't learn anything new about the sage's treasure, but it's the principle!
Nevan: Don't you think we can seek clues without needing to spend any money?
Nevan: If we keep drawing blanks, we can always come back here.
Amos: So you decided not to pay up, Hero?
Amos: Well, knowin' Gainmore, all you might get for five-thousand gold coins is a pack of lies.
Terry: Yeah, we can always leave him here and take a look around ourselves.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero have...no savings...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing... Boing...
Carver: If we're short on coin, we could always go do somethin' else for a bit.
Carver: You know, like explorin' where we can 'n everything like that. We'll see the world AND scare up some coinage.
Milly: Oh my, Hero... We're short of money...
Milly: Shall we head outside of town and shake down some monsters for their gold?
Ashlynn: Ugh! It's not like we're a charity case!
Ashlynn: Let's go, people. I'm totally sick of this!
Nevan: Don't you think we can seek clues without needing to spend any money?
Nevan: If we keep drawing blanks, we can always come back here.
Amos: So you didn't have the necessary funds?
Amos: Well, knowin' Gainmore, all you might get for five-thousand gold coins is a pack of lies.
Terry: Yeah, we can always leave him here and take a look around ourselves.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero have...no savings...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing... Boing...
Carver: The north-west forest, aye...? I dunno if I trust this Gainmore fella...
Carver: Well, after droppin' all that gold, we might as well at least check, aye?
Milly: We might not be his first customers, you know.
Milly: Mind you, we haven't heard anyone mention that they'd found the treasure...
Ashlynn: If he's lying to us, you better believe I'm going to demand a refund!
Nevan: At least we know the location. But how can we get the treasure if it's at the bottom of a lake...?
Amos: It cost us five-thousand gold coins to learn that!?
Terry: A hidden lake in the forest to the north-west of here?
Terry: I've got a feeling we could have found that without the hint.
Terry: Still, there's no use crying over spilt milk.
C'mon Hero – let's go!
Lizzie: (snarl) Bottom of lake... North-west forest... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whoa. Busy place.
Milly: What's this crowd of people...?
Ashlynn: Everyone here seems so surly. Well, except us.
Nevan: The tension in the air is palpable.
Amos: D'you reckon there's all sorts of rare fish swimmin' in that lake?
Terry: I've got a bad feeling about this place...
Lizzie: (snarl) Many people here... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Huh. So everyone here learnt about this place from Gainmore, aye?
Milly: Looks like Gainmore sold the very same information to all these people.
Ashlynn: Ugh! I knew Gainmore's deal was dirty! I hate that guy!
Nevan: By the looks of things here, no one has yet found that treasure.
Amos: So multiply five-thousand gold coins by...
Let's see... One...two...three...
Amos: By old Amos's calculations, Gainmore's made one heck of a profit!
Terry: This treasure hunt's turned into quite an event.
Lizzie: (snarl) Gainmore sell everyone...same story...? (spit)
Goober: Boing. Boing. Boing.
Carver: That lake looks deep. And cold.
Milly: Finding this lake was all very well, but our progress seems to have stalled here.
Ashlynn: So the treasure's somewhere on the lake's bottom?
Ashlynn: Too bad we can't get to it.
Nevan: That lake looks terribly deep. Just gazing into it leaves me trembling.
Amos: It might be best if everyone quit huntin' for treasure and did a spot of fishin' instead.
Terry: Anyone sensible wouldn't even think of trying to get to the bottom of a lake like this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Maybe Lizzie...drink lake dry... (spit)
Lizzie: (slobber) No... Lizzie not...that thirsty... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Sheesh. Goddess forbid she should lift a finger to help or anythin', aye?
Milly: I suppose trying to talk to these people is all we can do at the moment.
Ashlynn: That lake won't sap our strength like the lagoon did, will it?
Nevan: Simply plunging in would be madness. There must be another way...
Amos: If you jumped in here, a few bubbles on the surface would be all that was left of you.
Terry: With a wife like that, you wouldn't live long...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie can swim... But can't dive... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Hmm... Ya think Gainmore even knows what it is?
Milly: People were brought here by rumours of the treasure, but no one seems to know what it contains...
Ashlynn: Ooh, maybe it's a chest full of fancy outfits! Or, um, maybe not.
Nevan: It's all rather odd when you think about it...
Nevan: People falling over themselves to hunt for treasure when they don't have the faintest idea what it is.
Amos: What if the Supreme Sage's treasure was a magic item that'd grant you any wish?
Amos: If old Amos had it right now, he'd wish that all this water would drain away! Umm...
Terry: No one's going to know what the treasure is till someone finds it.
Terry: And finding it's going to be tricky if no one knows what it looks like...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie want...treasure to...make her smarter... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing?
Carver: So the lake has claimed at least one would-be treasure hunter, aye?
Milly: That must be why no one can muster the courage to dive in.
Ashlynn: No treasure is worth dying for, if you ask me.
Ashlynn: I guess some people believe otherwise, huh?
Nevan: As long as the water lies in our way, searching for that treasure is going to be tough.
Amos: Hmm... Let me see... Treasure or life...
Treasure or life...
Amos: Old Amos was a bit torn, but there's no point havin' treasure if you're not alive to enjoy it. I vote life!
Terry: If the treasure was just sitting there, someone would have nabbed it long ago.
Terry: If you think about it, it's only natural that the treasure should be somewhere tricky to get to.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...jump in for treasure...and drown...? Lizzie not understand humans... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Looks like the sage's treasure is attractin' young 'n old alike.
Milly: Oh my... His face is bright red...
Ashlynn: This treasure isn't, like, bringing out the best in people.
Nevan: So that old man doesn't want to share the treasure with anyone?
Nevan: I'm sure the other folks here would have something to say about that if he were to find it.
Amos: If that old boy gets any more worked up, he's goin' to kick the bucket before he finds any treasure.
Terry: Even if he found that treasure, someone younger and fitter would be straight in to snatch it away.
Lizzie: (snarl) Old man... Pure greed... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: This treasure ain't exactly bringin' folks together.
Milly: I sense he'd be willing to take the treasure by force if necessary...
Ashlynn: Let's keep our distance from that guy. He seems wound pretty tight.
Nevan: Just what can Isaac's treasure be that it should cause people to act like this?
Amos: Watch out, Hero! He looks like he could take a swing at you if you get any closer.
Terry: Everyone's trying to get one over on everyone else.
Terry: I bet this is just what the Archfiend had planned.
Lizzie: (spit) Lizzie not want...fight that man... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: I gotta say... I'm curious what would happen if the lake got drained, too.
Milly: I'm sure he was only joking, but this is the dread realm...
Milly: I'm sure there are plenty of fiends who'd come and buy your soul if you were willing to sell it.
Ashlynn: Wow. Do you think he'd really sell his soul? Like, if the Archfiend asked him?
Nevan: I don't know why, but I just felt a chill down my spine...
Nevan: I got the sense that someone somewhere just pricked up their ears...
Amos: D'you think an evildoer would buy old Amos's soul? I doubt I could give it away for free!
Terry: If the water did drain away, I wonder just what it'd reveal.
Terry: If we had a chance to see, I'd take it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie have...bad feeling... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing...
Carver: ...Well, this ain't gonna end well.
Carver: This's a lost cause, aye...?
Milly: Things are getting a little out of hand...
Milly: This is terrible... I can almost envisage the Archfiend smiling down upon this scene...
Ashlynn: Stop it! Stop fighting, people!
Ashlynn: That treasure's corrupted everyone's minds!
Nevan: Everyone is acting as if they're possessed.
Nevan: It's truly terrifying what greed can do to people.
Amos: If Supreme Sage Isaac could witness this, I bet it'd break his heart.
Amos: I'm just worried that if we try to talk to anyone, they'll turn on us.
Terry: What a pitiful sight...
Terry: All we can do is leave them to blow off steam.
Lizzie: (snarl) Humans fighting... Horrible sight... (slobber)
Lizzie: (snarl) Can we...make this stop...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boooing! Boi-oing!
Goober: B-Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey... They're behind all this, aye?
Milly: Monsters – I knew it!
Ashlynn: They're working for the Archfiend! They've got to be!
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Nevan: So they reveal themselves at last...
Amos: Do they think we're goin' to let them do as they please!?
Terry: Tch...
Lizzie: (snarl) Monsters...here... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Oh the humanity 'n everything like that.
Why'd this have to happen?
Milly: This is an atrocity...
Ashlynn: Oh no... Another dead one!?
Nevan: What an appalling waste...
Amos: Th-This isn't just some illusion the Archfiend's tryin' to deceive us with, is it?
Terry: It's just like a nightmare...
Lizzie: (snarl) Th-They're...dead... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Wh-What the...!? Was this all a dream?
Milly: What in the world were we being shown there...?
Ashlynn: Whoa! What's going on here? This is madness!
Nevan: What is this!? Have we gone back in time!?
Amos: I must be tired – I'm seein' things!
Terry: What the...? What's going on here!?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...hallucinate...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing...?
Carver: They're all gone, aye...? Well, that's that.
Milly: I'm glad that everyone's stopped fighting – yet something still doesn't feel right...
Ashlynn: Ugh, this is all so stupid! There wasn't any treasure at all! There never was!
Ashlynn: (sigh) So, now what? Back to Greedmore Valley?
Nevan: The uproar has at least subsided.
Nevan: But just what has happened here today?
Amos: Things have calmed down at least.
...And about bloomin' time, too!
Amos: There's precious little else to feel happy about...
Terry: When the folks back in Greedmore Valley find out, there's going to be trouble.
Terry: I'll bet that Gainmore'll have hell to pay.
Lizzie: (snarl) Everyone gone... We leave too...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: That chest ain't gonna be any less empty now, aye?
Carver: Or...what? Ya see somethin' else in there?
Milly: Something doesn't feel right here...
Milly: I can't help but get the sense that we've overlooked something important...
Ashlynn: Re-examining the chest, Hero? You just can't let this go, huh?
Nevan: Is there something about that treasure chest that's attracted your attention?
Amos: If you keep lookin' and a mimic jumps out, don't say old Amos didn't warn you.
Terry: Well, if you want to keep examining the treasure chest, more power to you...
Lizzie: (snarl) Checking treasure chest again...? (slobber)
Goober: B...Boing?
Carver: Whoa! Good thing ya looked again!
Milly: It looks like a cave entrance. Shall we go in?
Ashlynn: Wow, Hero! Let's go in!
Ashlynn: Maybe the Supreme Sage's treasure is under there!
Nevan: So there was a staircase concealed beneath the treasure chest?
Amos: You've taught old Amos somethin', Hero – never give up!
Terry: Nice work, Hero! Your persistence paid off in a major way.
Lizzie: (snarl) What lies...below...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: I can't shake the feeling we've got some unfinished business here...
Carver: Maybe I'm just overthinkin' things, but...
Milly: Isaac's treasure... I wonder if it really was all a lie...
Milly: I find it hard to believe that he'd spread such a rumour just to show us an empty box...
Ashlynn: Um... Do we need to check out anything else before we go?
Ashlynn: I guess that treasure chest is the only thing around, huh?
Nevan: To have expended all that effort and energy on concealing an empty treasure chest seems odd...
Amos: What if the lake fills back up with water!? Then we'd be in a pretty pickle!
Terry: I find it hard to believe there's nothing here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Still something...to do here...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing...
Carver: Huh. The lake is sittin' over a whole cave, aye?
Milly: There are patches of poisonous swamp all over the place – watch your step!
Ashlynn: Um... You don't think we'll find the Archfiend or anything in here, right?
Nevan: It's as damp and sticky as you'd imagine a tunnel under a lake would be.
Amos: Let's be sure we get out before the lake's refilled!
Terry: Just what lies up ahead, I wonder...
Lizzie: (snarl) Sage's treasure...down here...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Crikey! Is it me, or are things lookin' up around here?
Milly: Why, it feels like a bright, fresh breeze is blowing through town.
Ashlynn: Wow! Did Greedmore Valley get an attitude adjustment or something?
Nevan: I say! For a moment, I thought we'd arrived in a different town entirely.
Amos: Eh? This is Greedmore Valley? There's somethin' totally different about the place.
Terry: Wouldn't it have been better to go on ahead instead of dropping in here?
Lizzie: (snarl) This...same Greedmore Valley...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: It's good to see Greedmore full of life 'n everything like that, aye?
Milly: First Despairia became Hopeton...
Milly: And it looks like the people of this town have come to an important realisation as well.
Ashlynn: It's a lot more fun to walk around this town now than before, huh?
Nevan: It wasn't just my imagination – there's a real energy in this town.
Nevan: A town is a living thing and it changes in line with the emotions of its people.
Amos: It's become a really cheerful, bustlin' town!
Terry: I don't mind dropping by here, but let's not hang round longer than we have to.
Lizzie: (snarl) This town...changed... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: If folks around here really have changed, then good for them.
Milly: The town has a completely different aura now, I must say.
Ashlynn: They all “snapped to their senses”, huh? Well, let's walk around town and see if it's true!
Nevan: We've managed to help turn this town around!
Amos: At least they didn't all sink into despair when they found out there was no treasure.
Terry: They owe it all to us? I don't feel like we did anything special.
Lizzie: (slobber) This town...changed...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Lucky break for that kid, aye? His old man was a lousy influence.
Milly: It's time for him to do some honest studying too!
Ashlynn: Oh, so his dad was the one making him shake people down, huh?
Nevan: For a child that small to have been taught the low arts of cunning and trickery was terrible.
Amos: That's great news! Now that lad won't be relievin' us of any more gold coins.
Terry: There's nothing wrong with making money – as long as it's an honest trade.
Lizzie: (snarl) Little boy...changed... (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: I reckon that fake treasure led a lot of folks here off the straight 'n narrow, aye?
Milly: He should consider it a form of punishment for making his child do his dirty work while he slept.
Ashlynn: It's like we just reached the moral at the end of a fairy tale or something.
Nevan: Working hard is always the best way – whether or not the sage's treasure exists.
Amos: Did he really earn a livin' by making his lad hassle folks like that?
Terry: He should have done honest work from the start.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...changed... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! It took guts to confess all that to our faces.
Milly: He must have made a fortune, swindling customers with his underhand ways.
Milly: I hope you didn't fall for any of his scams, Hero.
Ashlynn: We probably shouldn't ask for details about his “playing dirty” days, huh?
Nevan: Strictly speaking, I'd say he owes the people he's swindled some compensation.
Amos: You don't think he tried to swindle us and all!?
Terry: At least he's admitting he played dirty...
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...honest now...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Whoa. So the only thing mighty about them herbs was the mark-up, aye?
Milly: He does seem repentant, and yet...
Ashlynn: I'll bet that guy'll start fleecing people again once this wave of goodwill fades away.
Nevan: I pray he turns his smooth salesmanship to more honest ends in the future.
Amos: Eh? Does that mean he's all out of those amazingly mighty medicinal herbs!?
Terry: Let's leave this lousy swindler and get going.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not happy either... (slobber)
Goober: Boooing!
Carver: Sure is nice to see some high spirits in this town, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. There's nothing quite like peacetime.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that guy's been sitting in the sun napping his life away since the day he was born.
Nevan: That man's free to lead a life of leisure now.
Amos: I hope that old boy doesn't take it too easy and slip away in his sleep.
Terry: Seems our work here is done.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man's heart...seem peaceful... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! That's the lady who got in that argument at the lake, aye?
Milly: Oh my... Her son is the one who drowned...
Ashlynn: Her son was a victim of the greed for that treasure...
Nevan: Suffering has visited everyone in this town in one form or another.
Amos: Their son wasn't the only one who fell victim to the madness surroundin' the sage's treasure.
Amos: The folks who spread those false rumours will pay for this, let me tell you!
Terry: Hopefully this will bring some relief to their son.
Lizzie: (snarl) That woman...terribly sad... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Whoa. The hunt for that treasure nearly wiped the whole family out, aye?
Milly: I feel so sorry for him...
Ashlynn: That must be so painful, outliving your own child...
Nevan: We must defeat the Archfiend before the number of victims grows any further.
Amos: If you let greed blind you, you won't see what's really important.
Terry: It's painful just listening to this...
Lizzie: (snarl) His grief...deeper than lake... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Folks here have finally woken up, aye? They won't throw away their lives lookin' for junk any longer.
Milly: Those who have passed on can't be brought back...
Milly: But it's the responsibility of the survivors to ensure nothing like this happens again.
Ashlynn: I'll bet that old man's a little bit relieved now, huh?
Nevan: All we can do for those who've lost their lives is pray their souls find rest.
Nevan: At least now we can be confident that no one else will share their tragic fate.
Amos: If that epidemic of greed hadn't been cured, the whole town might've been overrun with graves.
Terry: Greed is a terrifyingly powerful emotion.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man sad...but relieved... (spit)
Goober: Boing? B-Boing?
Carver: It's business as usual in the casino, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. There's something about her patter that reminds me of a fishmonger.
Ashlynn: The casino was the only place in this town that was fair and square before, huh?
Nevan: It's good to hear a cheerful voice – even if it is tempting us into a casino.
Amos: Want to pop in, Hero?
Terry: Pride of the town? I've got my doubts...
Lizzie: (snarl) Greed maybe good...in casino... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Aye, I don't wanna dwell on what happened at the lake, either.
Milly: Just thinking about how often that scene may have been repeated sends a shiver down my spine.
Ashlynn: Rumours can be scary, huh? One mention of the word “treasure” was enough to cause a riot.
Nevan: The Archfiend loves to delve into the darkest depths of men's souls and toy with their fates.
Nevan: We must not forget how he operates and vow never to fall into one of his traps again.
Amos: Folks need to help each other out, not fight each other to the death.
Terry: Just the thought of humans trying to kill each other turns my stomach.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...have much regret... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Using it for the townspeople, aye? Well, ain't that good news!
Milly: This town would have nothing to worry about if everyone thought like his father!
Ashlynn: Where'd it come from? It's called doing the right thing!
Nevan: If his father uses his wealth wisely, this town's fortunes could really change.
Amos: Hmm... I wonder what the best way to splash the cash and help out the townspeople is...?
Amos: ...I know! Dole out five-hundred gold coins each and let 'em spend it as they please!
Terry: Sounds like his old man's finally worked out that money isn't everything.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...sound disappointed... (slobber)
Goober: Boiiing!
Carver: “Had it coming”, aye...? I ain't disagreein'.
Milly: Morgan Gainmore... If he was being controlled by the Archfiend then I feel terribly sorry for him...
Milly: If he's made some kind of deal with Mortamor off his own bat, however, I don't have an ounce of sympathy for him.
Ashlynn: Doesn't sound like that man's losing any sleep over Gainmore, huh?
Nevan: I thought Gainmore might have taken his chance to escape the town.
Nevan: If he stays here, he may face retribution from the townsfolk.
Amos: The bad things you do will always come back to bite you in the end.
Terry: Could all the people he caused to lose their lives have come back to haunt him?
Lizzie: (snarl) Man seem happy...about Gainmore... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! I knew there was somethin' else to that treasure chest!
Milly: After listening to that, I feel like we've solved a puzzle!
Milly: I knew that we should have checked things more thoroughly down there! Let's head back to the lake, Hero!
Ashlynn: I can't believe it! A message from the Supreme Sage himself!
Nevan: This old man has waited patiently for the right time to deliver this message.
Nevan: Now let us seek Isaac, the Supreme Sage. Let's head to the lake to search for the secret pathway!
Amos: A message for us from someone who disappeared from this town long ago...!?
Amos: Old Amos is havin' trouble gettin' his head round this!
Terry: So that means it was Isaac himself who hid the treasure chest at the bottom of the lake?
Terry: Did the Archfiend know this and make use of that knowledge? Hmph. I can't work it out.
Lizzie: (snarl) Secret passage...under chest...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Hardy har! Good thing we can make heads 'n tails of it, aye?
Milly: Isaac had known that this day was coming, it would seem.
Ashlynn: I can't believe it! A message from the Supreme Sage himself!
Nevan: This old man has waited patiently for the right time to deliver this message.
Nevan: But I wonder – what could have become of the Supreme Sage?
Amos: Trust us to keep searchin' till we found that secret pathway!
Terry: You'd never find that secret pathway without some serious persistence.
Lizzie: (snarl) Treasure chest...hiding path... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing...
Carver: Oh, don't lie to him, Hero!
Milly: Huh? I thought we did open that treasure chest?
Ashlynn: Here we go again! You really love joking around, don't you, Hero?
Nevan: Hero, is there a reason you want to hide the fact that you opened the treasure chest?
Amos: C'mon, Hero – you shouldn't be tryin' to fool your elders.
Terry: There's no reason to hide the fact we opened the treasure chest, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Hero like giving...wrong answer... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Hmm. She's makin' a lot of sense, aye?
Milly: So the Archfiend was pulling the strings all along... And Gainmore was just his puppet!
Ashlynn: I think I could hear those monsters laughing at us, too, at the bottom of that lake...
Nevan: I believe it was the Supreme Sage himself who hid the treasure chest at the bottom of the lake.
Nevan: As for what occurred after that, that lady is most likely correct.
Amos: Curse that evil Archfiend ...Wait! I bet he loves folks cursin' him, the rotter!
Terry: So we were all just playing a part in the Archfiend's little game?
Terry: The thought of it makes me see red.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lady's story...make sense... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Hmm... Imagine the carnage if there really was some priceless treasure in that chest when we opened it!
Carver: (shiver) Gives me the creeps just thinkin' about it.
Milly: Was there ever any treasure in the chest?
That one's still a bit of a mystery.
Ashlynn: What, does he think someone just stole the treasure and put it on their mantle or something?
Nevan: I confess, I have little interest in the contents of the treasure chest.
Nevan: But at least the fact it was empty served to bring everyone back to their senses.
Amos: It's bloomin' frustratin' to think there might have been treasure in that chest.
Terry: It doesn't matter much whether there was anything in the chest or not.
Lizzie: (snarl) No one know truth...about treasure... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: Huh. It took a while for word to reach Greedmore, aye?
Milly: Despairia's another town that's really changed – just like this one.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Funny to think that “someone” was us, huh?
Nevan: Now they've turned their backs on greed, everyone here has perked up as well.
Amos: They'll have to think of a brand new name for Greedmore Valley and all.
Terry: This is supposed to be news...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Hopeton now...full of hope... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Our work seems done here. How 'bout we tend to Despairia next?
Milly: It sounds like Despairia is in dire need of our help...
Ashlynn: Despairia, huh...? Let's pay it a visit!
Nevan: It's heartening to see that concern for one's neighbours has returned to this town.
Amos: If somethin' needs to be done, we're the ones for the job.
Terry: Sounds like this is our next job.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must go...to Despairia... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Ahh, I wouldn't worry. The fella looks pretty sturdy to me.
Milly: I hope they have a long and happy married life together!
Ashlynn: If he'd only been more like her, he wouldn't have become overcome with greed in the first place.
Nevan: It's good to see that such a kind-hearted woman can be found even in a town like this.
Amos: Sounds like her fella's goin' to work till he drops.
Terry: I'm just glad we got her husband to kick his addiction to the shiny stuff.
Lizzie: (snarl) She look happy... Lizzie happy too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Tuckered out from work, I'll bet.
Milly: He's fast asleep.
Ashlynn: Shhh! You'll wake him up!
Nevan: He seems to be enjoying a worry-free sleep.
Amos: Are you sure it's alright for him to be fast asleep in the daytime?
Terry: That's what I call snoring...
Lizzie: (snarl) Man sleeping...soundly... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: I'd like to know that myself.
Milly: I wonder if he intended to leave behind an empty chest, or whether somebody made off with its contents...
Milly: Neither possibility can be discounted.
Ashlynn: Yeah... It would've been nice if something was in there. Like, anything!
Nevan: I confess I have much more interest in Supreme Sage Isaac than his treasure.
Nevan: I pray we can meet the man himself before long.
Amos: It would've been nice if old Isaac had at least hidden a few medicinal herbs in there.
Terry: Us normal folks can't hope to comprehend anyone who's earned the title of “Supreme Sage”.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not understand... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing...boing?
Carver: Hey, is he callin' us crazy? 'Cause we are! Let's hit up Gallows Moor!
Milly: The Supreme Sage is locked up in Gallows Moor...
Milly: We'd better head over there and see what's going on for ourselves.
Ashlynn: Gallows Moor, huh? I bet we'll be there soon enough, huh, Hero?
Nevan: I pray the Supreme Sage is fit and well.
Amos: Despairia, Greedmore Valley, Gallows Moor...
All of these names spell trouble.
Terry: This Gallows Moor place sounds interesting.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must save...Supreme Sage... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: Uh...I thought I was in a pretty good mood. Was I frownin'?
Carver: I mean, do I look that ticked off to you, Hero?
Milly: Games are all well and good in moderation, Hero.
Ashlynn: That barkeep's sure into his job, huh?
Nevan: I wonder if that fellow has to get a certain number of people in the casino every day.
Amos: He's a smooth-talker alright! Old Amos is in the mood for a gamble.
Terry: I don't think we should hang round here too long.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...born salesman... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Crikey! How much has that fella poured down his hatch?
Milly: Treasure or no treasure, I sense that he'll always be happy as long as he's got a pint in front of him.
Ashlynn: He'd better batten down that hatch before he sinks himself.
Nevan: It seems that man doesn't let life get him down.
Amos: The secret of that old boy's long life looks like it's high-quality drink!
Terry: Sounds like that guy drinks first and thinks later.
Lizzie: (snarl) Old man...drink a lot... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: We could use a bit of a breather, aye? We've been awfully busy lately, goin' to 'n fro.
Milly: I doubt many men would turn down the offer of a “good time” from a cute bunny girl like that...
Ashlynn: That smile's practically glued to her face, huh?
Nevan: Let's endeavour to do as she suggests.
Amos: This casino's got nowt but top-notch bunny girls.
Terry: Well, Hero – do you want to have a good time here or not?
Lizzie: (snarl) Why human...dress like rabbit...? (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: You gotta know when to walk away, aye?
Milly: And yet he keeps playing... There must be some kind of magic at work at these casinos.
Ashlynn: It's people like that who keep casinos in business...
Nevan: The deeper someone gets into gambling, the less chance the results will be good.
Amos: Seein' a lad like that could make anyone snap to their senses.
Terry: If you don't keep a cool head in life, you don't stand a chance.
Lizzie: (snarl) Flamin' impossible...? Lizzie make flame possible... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whoa! He's givin' it to us? How 'bout that!
Milly: That robe probably belonged to Isaac!
Ashlynn: Oh, wow! This must be, like, our lucky day or something!
Nevan: This is extraordinary!
Amos: He's givin' us that for free!? He's definitely not goin' to present us with the bill!?
Terry: Let's take it before he changes his mind.
Lizzie: (snarl) We can...take robe...? (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: This is one fancy robe we got, aye, Hero?
Milly: It's a truly wonderful robe he's given us – it'd be a shame not to make use of it!
Ashlynn: That man's just as generous as he looks, isn't he?
Nevan: Perhaps the dragon robe was inside the sage's treasure chest?
Nevan: No, no. We must take that man's words at face value.
Amos: I never thought he'd let us have that robe.
Terry: Just leaving a robe like that hanging on display would have been a real waste.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie like sound...of “dragon robe”... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Whoa... Fine piece o' work there, aye?
Milly: That robe... I can sense some mysterious power drawing me towards it...
Ashlynn: It's like the robe has some sort of power lying dormant inside it.
Nevan: Who'd have thought we'd find an incredible item like this in this town?
Amos: That robe isn't quite old Amos's style.
Terry: Just one touch and you can feel this robe's incredible power.
Lizzie: (snarl) Feel strong power...from robe... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Only one way we'll find that out, aye?
Milly: I really think they could go back. It's all about having faith!
Ashlynn: Wait, won't the dread realm disappear with the Archfiend if we beat him?
Ashlynn: If these people can't get back to their own world...then, like, what's gonna happen to them?
Nevan: I have faith they'll be able to return to their original world.
Amos: If we defeated the Archfiend and everyone was still stuck here... No, it doesn't bear thinkin' about.
Terry: There's no “ifs” about it – the Archfiend's going down.
Lizzie: (snarl) If Archfiend defeated...everything turn out okay... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Monsters!? Aha! I knew Gainmore was in cahoots with those goons!
Milly: Perhaps he's outlived his usefulness to the monsters and now they're forsaking him...
Ashlynn: He should consider himself lucky he's still alive!
Nevan: Once a man has been consumed by greed, his soul will be discarded like so much carrion.
Nevan: If Gainmore has indeed met that fate, then I truly pity him.
Amos: If it's not the townsfolk, it'll be monsters. Gainmore's not got much to look forward to...
Terry: Just what did those monsters want with Gainmore?
Lizzie: (snarl) Sell soul to Archfiend... Bad idea... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Nothin' we could do is worse than what the Archfiend's got in store for him!
Milly: Let's leave the locals to decide Gainmore's fate.
Ashlynn: Gainmore'll be cowering in fear for a long, long time, huh?
Nevan: As I thought, Gainmore has made a deal with the Archfiend.
Amos: He should be beggin' the townsfolk for forgiveness, not the Archfiend.
Terry: I bet the Archfiend's enjoying Gainmore's plight.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey! Even his dog's scared witless.
Milly: That dog is probably Gainmore's only friend in the world.
Ashlynn: Like master, like dog, huh?
Nevan: That dog is on the ball. It seems to know just what's happened to its master.
Amos: I can't help feelin' sorry for that dog now.
Terry: Even with a master like that, it's natural for a dog to be concerned.
Lizzie: (snarl) Dog look sad... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Nothin' to do up here, aye?
Milly: No sign of life here.
Ashlynn: Everyone in here's downstairs, so...
Nevan: There's no one here.
Amos: Let's head back, shall we?
Terry: Let's go!
Lizzie: (snarl) No one...here...? (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
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Carver: Whoa! How 'bout that? I feel like a new man now!
Milly: That man's existence is a real ray of light in this dark, dark world.
Ashlynn: Whew! It's like I just woke up from the best night's sleep of my life!
Nevan: Ahhh... I feel like I've been reborn.
Amos: We're all lookin' bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this mornin'!
Terry: I'm in prime fighting condition!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...feel good...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Huh. So that priest's hidin' out here from the Archfiend's goons, aye?
Carver: We oughta be the ones helpin' him out, not the other way around!
Milly: Let's try our best to make sure that these two can return to a world of light!
Ashlynn: What a nice priest! I can't wait to beat the Archfiend so we can get him out of this place!
Nevan: The Goddess watches over us no matter where we are. We are truly blessed.
Amos: I feel sorry for that poor priest, havin' to hang round here.
Terry: Let's get going, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) This...good place to relax... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing boing!
Carver: What's up with this joint? It's like a fortress 'n everything like that.
Milly: This is a rather imposing structure.
Ashlynn: Is this... Is this Gallows Moor...?
Nevan: There appears to be an enormous figure standing guard at the entrance.
Amos: The smell of fear's in the air round here.
Terry: So is this whole place a kind of prison?
Lizzie: (snarl) This place solid...like armour... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: This is more like a castle than a town, aye?
Milly: The door behind the giant guard seems to be the only way in.
Ashlynn: They built this place like an island, huh? To keep the prisoners inside, I suppose.
Nevan: The guards at the entrance are no regular sentries...
Amos: There's somethin' really dauntin' about this place.
Terry: Let's steel ourselves and get going, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Gallows Moor... Not sound like...nice place... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! Now we're gettin' a little respect, aye?
Milly: Brother...? He must mean that other gatekeeper over there.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! If that was his idea of “hell”, then I guess it's not such a bad place, huh?
Nevan: Although we beat him, he seems to be well-disposed to us now.
Amos: His brother's been waiting for us!? Is he an old friend of yours, Hero?
Terry: There's another giant like this up ahead. Is he going to be our next opponent?
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's climb stairs... (snarl)
Goober: Boing boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! And here I was all pumped to bust some heads!
Milly: Wonderful! Now we've got the jailor's key, we'll be able to move around freely!
Ashlynn: Well, isn't this getting interesting...
Nevan: So rather than put up a fight, we'll act as if we've been captured. Got it.
Amos: Pretend to be prisoners, he reckons!? This had better not be some kind of trap!
Terry: So Blackmar's the big boss round here...
Lizzie: (snarl) At last...we go in... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: We're in, aye? Well, we're in deeper than I would've liked, but beggars can't be choosers 'n everything like that.
Carver: Anyway, let's get down to business!
Milly: There doesn't seem to be anyone keeping watch...
Milly: We've got the key, so let's go and take a look around.
Ashlynn: Hmm... Lots of twisty halls down here, huh?
Ashlynn: Getting out might be tougher than getting in.
Nevan: There's no sense in just sitting here. Some action is required!
Amos: Is there anythin' worse than bein' locked up in a dingy cell?
Amos: You can't help gettin' the feelin' you've done somethin' wrong.
Terry: Looks like this place is crawling with guards.
Terry: We're going to have to pick our fights carefully if we want to get out of here alive.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie tired of cell... Time to get out... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! They sure ain't sleepin' on the job, aye?
Carver: At least they didn't swipe our jailor's key.
Milly: Even if the guards find us escaping, it doesn't seem like they'll do anything...
Ashlynn: Boy, those guards are real dummies, huh? Like, they didn't even bother to figure out how we escaped.
Ashlynn: Let's try to keep outta their sight next time, okay?
Nevan: That was a bit unnerving, I confess.
Amos: Playin' hide-and-seek for real really gets your heart racin'.
Terry: We could take a single guard down without breaking a sweat.
Terry: But we need to think of a smart way to do this that won't aggravate the situation.
Lizzie: (snarl) Caught...again... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Huh. What's this place all about, aye? It ain't nothin' like the jail cells upstairs.
Milly: This is no ordinary prison...
Ashlynn: I think there's someone in there...
Nevan: That door is glimmering.
Amos: Old Amos's heart is racin'! We could get slung back in that cell.
Terry: Hero, we need to be prepared to do battle at a moment's notice.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie sense...human inside... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Yeowch! That's the first time a door's ever slammed me!
Milly: There did seem to be someone on the other side of that door...
Ashlynn: Ouch, ouch, ouch! It's like my whole body's tingling!
Nevan: I-I'm sh-sh-shaking... P-Please don't t-touch me...
Amos: That took me aback, I tell you!
Terry: There's some special kind of set-up here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sh-Sh-Shock... Sh-Sh-Shaking... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Blimey! Who would've thought we'd find Captain Blade here, of all places?
Milly: Captain Blade seems to be doing rather well... What a relief!
Ashlynn: Hmm... Don't these uniforms seem kinda big for little ol' me?
Nevan: Guard uniforms! With these, we'll be able to walk around without arousing any suspicion.
Amos: Good ol' Captain Blade! He was alive all along!
Terry: So to summarise – we destroy Blackmar, problem solved.
Lizzie: (snarl) First time...Lizzie meet...Captain Blade... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: This disguise seems pretty foolproof, huh? So let's hope the guards here are fools.
Milly: Hee hee. They actually feel rather good.
Ashlynn: Ugh, this outfit is practically falling off my body!
Nevan: Does this uniform really suit me?
Amos: Hey, Hero – see if you can spot old Amos!
Amos: Here I am! Ha ha ha!
Terry: This uniform isn't my style, but if it fools the guards, it's all worthwhile.
Lizzie: (snarl) Uniform tight... Might rip... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: How 'bout that Blade, aye? Of all the people to find here... I still can't believe it!
Milly: I can't wait to tell everyone in Somnia that Captain Blade is alive and well – they'll be delighted!
Ashlynn: You'd tell me if my butt looks big in that uniform, right?
Nevan: If we were wearing the guard uniforms, we'd be able to walk around Gallows Moor freely.
Amos: Blimey. It might be a struggle pullin' these guard uniforms on over our armour.
Terry: So you and Carver used to be under the command of Captain Blade...
Terry: I'll bet you're happy to be able to show him how much stronger you've grown.
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's wear...guard uniform... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: Good thing the Captain came through for us, aye? Now we can stomp around like we own the place...
Milly: I must admit, my heart is pounding under this uniform.
Ashlynn: Oh, yikes! I better keep my head down, huh? It'd be bad news if anyone got a look at my face.
Ashlynn: I mean, I'm way too cute to be a soldier. Our cover would be blown!
Nevan: ...This top button is rather tight. I pray it doesn't stop the blood supply to my brain.
Amos: Left, right! Left, right! ...Bloomin' heck! This marchin' lark's harder than it looks!
Terry: Let's keep our voices down. The other guards might smell a rat.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie really...look like guard...? Hmm... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: I'm feelin' a little exposed here. Maybe we should put on those guard uniforms, aye?
Milly: Let's put the guard uniforms back on. We don't want to get caught again.
Ashlynn: My uniform's, like, six sizes too big for me. I need both hands to keep my pants up!
Nevan: I remove my glasses when I'm wearing the guard uniform, so it can be rather tricky to see my way.
Amos: I think we'd better practise changin' into those guard uniforms at a moment's notice.
Terry: Hero, I get the feeling we'd better wear the guard uniforms here.
Lizzie: (snarl) If uniform split...Lizzie in trouble... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing?
Carver: I knew that was gonna happen! Of course they'll spot us lookin' like this...
Milly: Back to square one again...
Ashlynn: We have a complete set of guard uniforms! Like, why aren't we using them?
Nevan: Perhaps our strategy requires a rethink?
Amos: Seems these guards are sharper than we thought.
Terry: How have we ended up back here?
Lizzie: (snarl) Back in cell...again... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Outstandin'! He doesn't suspect a thing!
Milly: Let's try and avoid chatting too much...
Ashlynn: Oh, shoot, what do we say back? Ahem. Uh, keep up the good work and stuff, too, comrade!
Amos: Simple as that!
Terry: Shhh...
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Looks like prison life hasn't sunk the nun's spirits yet. Thank the Goddess for that.
Milly: She clearly thinks we're prison guards – that's why she's so cagey.
Ashlynn: Oh, right! She thinks we're prison guards, huh?
Nevan: That admirable nun will dispense advice about the road of life even to her captors.
Amos: Shall we try chattin' to her without these guard uniforms on?
Terry: It can't be right to put someone so pure-hearted in solitary confinement.
Terry: Or maybe it's precisely her pure heart that landed her in here to begin with.
Lizzie: (snarl) That lady... Spirit very strong... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: We'd better listen to the nun and run, aye?
Carver: We'll come back and see her after we've finished casin' the joint.
Milly: Well, now the nun knows that we're on her side.
Milly: Let's come back when we've found a way of getting her out of here.
Ashlynn: Ugh... Could this uniform be any harder to deal with? It's so baggy!
Nevan: There is much I would like to ask that nun, but there simply isn't time.
Amos: Puttin' such a pure soul in a place like this is a cryin' shame!
Amos: All the bad sorts in this town would be locked up if old Amos had anythin' to do with it.
Terry: If we speak to her any longer, the guards will get suspicious. We need to get going.
Lizzie: (snarl) Changing into uniform...tough for Lizzie... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: The guards must be keepin' a close eye on that nun, aye?
Milly: I could sense the warmth in that nun's heart. She really is an inspirational person.
Ashlynn: The poor lady... I sure hope we can bust her out of here soon.
Nevan: No matter how many sermons she gives, they have little chance of getting through to these guards.
Amos: Ha ha! They think we're their mates!
Terry: She's one heck of a nun, that's for sure.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hope nun...freed soon... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Our disguises must be doin' the job, aye?
Carver: Hope our luck holds out. I'd like to get some more leads while we're down here.
Milly: Hee hee. He clearly had no idea he was talking to an impostor.
Ashlynn: Whoa! My heart was racing there! I thought for sure he'd gotten a look at my face!
Nevan: It seems they can't see through our ruse.
Nevan: Shall we steel ourselves and try going upstairs?
Amos: Hero, maybe we shouldn't be chattin' to these guards.
Amos: If they see through our disguises, we'll be straight back in the cell.
Terry: These guard uniforms are working great.
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange they think...Lizzie is guard... (spit)
Goober: Boing. B-Boing...
Carver: Crikey, he ain't happy...
Milly: It doesn't look like he's realised who we really are.
Ashlynn: We're lucky nobody's tried to attack us in these outfits yet, huh?
Nevan: Perhaps we should revert to our original dress.
Amos: That lad looks like he could put up a fight.
Terry: He's not going to listen to a word we say.
Lizzie: (slobber) That man...very worked up... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Crikey! I didn't expect that. He's a lot nicer than he looks, aye?
Milly: We'd love to go and help her, but it's out of the question at the moment.
Milly: We're going to get caught if we don't get out of here as soon as we're done investigating.
Ashlynn: Sister Anne must mean a lot to people down here.
Nevan: We must rescue that man along with Sister Anne.
Amos: If that lad keeps speakin' at the top of his voice, we're all goin' to get rumbled.
Terry: We'll need to take our leave for now.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sister...Anne... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing...
Carver: This must be the “town” part of Gallows Moor, aye? A town within a prison...
Milly: It seems there are a lot of people living here.
Ashlynn: These guard uniforms aren't making us any friends around here...
Ashlynn: We should probably take them off if we want to learn anything useful.
Nevan: Wearing the guard uniforms, we can get a sense of the suffering inflicted on the town's people.
Amos: This place is bloomin' big.
Amos: It's goin' to take us a fair while to explore the place. Let's take our time.
Terry: I reckon it would be okay to take off the guard uniforms while we're walking round here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Pretending to be guard...tough... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: We better remember to put those uniforms on when we go back down, aye?
Milly: If we're dressed like this, people should tell us what they really think.
Ashlynn: People here must think we're a new batch of prisoners or something.
Nevan: Hero, let's make sure we don't forget to wear the uniforms when we head out.
Amos: Ah, it's nice to get out of those uniforms.
Terry: People here seem to be living in grinding poverty.
Lizzie: (snarl) Many people...imprisoned... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: His brother must be that burly fella down there, aye?
Milly: He seems to be the brother of that fellow who's alone in the cell downstairs.
Milly: I wonder why his brother's the only one in solitary...?
Ashlynn: You might be dressed as a bad guy, Hero, but you're sure not acting like one.
Nevan: If we speak to him without the uniforms, we may learn more.
Amos: It's bloomin' hard to keep up this fierce expression.
Terry: Actually., we're on his side. But in these uniforms, we've got no choice but to play the part.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like...pretending... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: I know we can't be nice to folks if we wanna protect our cover...
Carver: But crikey! Did ya have to take it that far?
Milly: We already look like the Archfiend's henchmen – surely we don't have to act like them too?
Ashlynn: Sheesh. Maybe we're getting too into this “evil henchmen” stuff.
Nevan: I know we should get into character while wearing these uniforms, but that's rather harsh...
Amos: Are you sure you did the right thing by lyin' to him, Hero?
Terry: You're really inhabiting the role, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man below...seemed fine... (slobber)
Goober: Boing!?
Carver: The guillotine!? They'd sentence him to death for that?
Carver: We should help the fella, Hero!
Milly: It doesn't seem his brother's fate is sealed just yet...
Ashlynn: He must be worried sick about his brother...
Nevan: We can't stand idly by while his brother faces the guillotine.
Amos: Is horrible stuff like that really goin' on here!?
Terry: Now we're here, they can't do as they please any more. Right, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Guillotine...dangerous... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Blimey! The guards really strike fear into folks around here, aye?
Milly: That merchant must have been in the weapons trade.
Ashlynn: Did you see how wide his eyes got when he caught site of us?
Nevan: The people here are truly terrified of the guards.
Amos: Pullin' this scary guard face is makin' old Amos's muscles ache.
Terry: Super-strong weapons...?
Lizzie: (slobber) That man...afraid... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: That's a weapon-seller, alright! Likely a good one, too.
Milly: So he was suddenly brought here from the outside world?
Milly: I don't know what he invented, but it doesn't seem the Archfiend was too happy about it...
Ashlynn: Imagine, your life's perfect one day and you're in prison the next. What a shock!
Nevan: If the Archfiend turns his dread gaze on our arms now, it's all over.
Amos: I wonder how much our weapons are worth. Just out of interest, you know.
Terry: He seems pretty interested in our armoury.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...weapon seller...? (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: I couldn't agree with her more, but...
Milly: The Archfiend, a common killer... She's not wrong, but he's much more than that.
Ashlynn: Boy, she'd be in BIG trouble if we were real guards.
Nevan: That woman isn't so much courageous as she is simply at the end of her tether.
Amos: That merchant looks like he'd risk his life to protect that woman.
Terry: He shouldn't worry – we pose no threat to them.
Lizzie: (snarl) Being fake guard...difficult work... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Takin' it hard, ain't she? Poor gal.
Milly: She must be fit to burst with emotional frustration.
Ashlynn: I hope this experience doesn't, like, scar her for life or anything...
Nevan: She looks to be at her wit's end. It's painful to behold.
Amos: Let's get these folks out of here and livin' in peace!
Terry: All these people want is the quiet life.
Lizzie: (snarl) Everyone hate...Archfiend... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Sheesh. We're bad guys from the get-go with him, aye?
Milly: I wonder who his father could be?
Ashlynn: Ugh, I hate walking around in these uniforms!
Nevan: That boy is fortunate we aren't real guards. If we were, his words would not go unpunished.
Amos: I just hope the guards here don't teach his dad a lesson.
Terry: I wonder who this kid's dad is.
Lizzie: (snarl) We'll teach...them lesson... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!?
Carver: So he's the leader, but he's keepin' it a secret from the guards, aye?
Carver: Why does he have to do that? Would something bad happen if he didn't?
Milly: I do wonder who his father could be – he doesn't seem to be anywhere around here.
Ashlynn: “Leader”? What, like, the mayor or something? And why the secrecy?
Nevan: So the town's people have a clandestine leader.
Nevan: There may well be things afoot under the surface in Gallows Moor.
Amos: If the soldiers find out what his dad's up to, that lad's goin' to be in hot water and no mistake.
Terry: If that kid's right, there could be some interesting developments on the cards.
Lizzie: (snarl) Town leader...? Lizzie not tell anyone... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Crikey. Even kids got thrown into Gallows Moor?
Milly: It would seem that that child is a new arrival here.
Milly: She'd be better off not knowing anything about this place, but there's no chance of that happening...
Ashlynn: What would the Archfiend even want with kids that young?
Nevan: Doubtless, that child's father is beside himself with worry about his daughter.
Nevan: Anyone who takes pleasure in the misery of others cannot be forgiven. The Archfiend will pay...
Amos: I bet any lake in this miserable world would be bone dry anyway.
Terry: So the kids aren't even allowed to play outside...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie have no tears...but crying inside... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: I ain't about to do anythin' to anyone here...not that she'd believe me.
Milly: Now we know how much misery the guards put these people through on a daily basis.
Ashlynn: Hold on... Do the guards really beat up kids around here!?
Nevan: I never thought such a tragic plea would ever be directed at us.
Amos: Does old Amos really look that terrifyin' when he's dressed as a guard?
Terry: Tch... The guards here are beneath contempt.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like...being fake guard... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing.
Carver: That's kids for you, aye? Even in a pit like this, they can find ways to have fun.
Carver: We gotta get 'em back to their world while they're still innocent 'n everything like that.
Milly: We've got to do something about Gallows Moor – for the sake of these children!
Ashlynn: I must have a childish spirit, too. I can have fun anywhere!
Nevan: In those children's eyes, even I probably look old.
Amos: If we all reverted to bein' children, we wouldn't be fit to take on Blackmar.
Terry: That woman thinks too much. We need action, not words.
Terry: Defeat Blackmar. Defeat the Archfiend. That's it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie look old...but actually young... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Ain't no way we'll get the truth in these getups.
Carver: We'd better drop the guard act if we want any solid info.
Milly: He was genuinely terrified of us...
Ashlynn: Isn't it sad how you have to grovel to the guards around here just to survive?
Nevan: Just imagining the whole world in this state gives me a chill.
Amos: That poor lad's smile looks a tad forced.
Terry: We can't encourage him in these uniforms.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie tired...being fake guard... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: The whole point of this place is to torment its citizens...
Carver: That really drives home what makes Mortamor tick, aye?
Milly: We need to find a way of defeating Blackmar before we're swallowed up by this prison as well.
Ashlynn: Sounds like he's pretty much resigned to his fate here, huh?
Nevan: Listening to that man's words makes my blood boil.
Amos: That fellow's assessment of the situation couldn't be clearer.
Terry: Nowhere else we've been touches this town in terms of pure misery.
Lizzie: (snarl) Whole town...big prison... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing!
Carver: A power-packed seed, aye? We gotta get one of those!
Milly: What we need right now is a seed of hope, not a seed of power.
Ashlynn: I hope he can finish that seed and then give one to everyone in town!
Nevan: A power-packed seed? If that fell into the monsters' claws, all hell might break loose.
Amos: He doesn't look much like he's conductin' important research.
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Terry: So the Archfiend's forced that man to continue his research...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like seed... Lizzie like meat... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: That fella makes a lot of sense, aye?
Milly: I sensed that there was a deeper meaning to what he said. What do you think, Hero?
Ashlynn: He seems like just a simple farmer...until you look into his eyes. He's, like, sharp!
Ashlynn: What's his story, I wonder...?
Nevan: Keep our traps shut, he says? That man must have arrived at this wisdom through painful experience.
Amos: It's not really a place where they'd throw a welcome party for newcomers...
Terry: So he's basically telling us not to do anything out of the ordinary, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) What that...man making...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: So this is where they ship off the wine for the guardsmen, aye?
Milly: It would seem that they work for the guards' benefit from morning 'till night.
Ashlynn: Wine? Oh, brother. You mean the townsfolk make wine for the guards?
Nevan: So even on the verge of starvation, they are forced to work. It's too tragic to contemplate.
Amos: If you were drinkin' your own wine supply, it'd be hard to hide.
Terry: That man seems to be on decent terms with the guards.
Lizzie: (snarl) What happen...if Lizzie drink wine...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: What does this place even sell? Looks like a food distributor to me, but...
Milly: They're being worked as hard as they can and then their produce is taken away from them...
Ashlynn: This town gets more horrible by the minute...
Nevan: The people of this town don't have the spirit to resist or even get angry.
Amos: Now he mentions it, old Amos is a tad peckish.
Amos: I suppose we'll be on a diet while we're stayin' in this town.
Terry: I wonder what the barrels behind him are full of. Is that wine as well?
Lizzie: (snarl) No food... Nothing here... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: So, uh, where's the bar at?
Milly: Behind the bar, eh? Let's go and have a look.
Ashlynn: Ooh! Now we're getting somewhere!
Nevan: This sounds like something to be kept quiet.
Let's go round the back.
Amos: Magnus, he says? That sounds like a warrior's name.
Terry: Let's not hang around.
Lizzie: (snarl) Magnus...behind bar... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Uh, I didn't come here to go wine tasting 'n everything like that.
Milly: I'd be interested in hearing what he intends to do with his special vintage...
Ashlynn: ...So, like, that's it? He's done talking to us?
Nevan: The woman in the bar... The food distributor...
And now, this Magnus character...
Nevan: It seems there is some kind of underground resistance movement active in this town.
Amos: That barrel on the right sounds intriguing... A very special vintage, no less!
Terry: There's more to this than meets the eye.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing. Boing?
Carver: He ain't kissin' up to the guards round here, aye? Brave man.
Milly: I can sense his passion. A few more people like that would make the world of difference to this town.
Ashlynn: What's that guy doing here...?
Nevan: He doesn't seem to want guards to go any further.
Nevan: If there's a reason for this, I want to know it.
Amos: Since we first got dressed up, old Amos has been busy perfectin' his scary guard face.
Amos: But that lad didn't even flinch when I glared at him.
Terry: So there are still people here who are willing to put up a fight...
Terry: There's still hope for this place.
Lizzie: (snarl) Uniform button...flew off... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Fella's got guts, aye?
Milly: Look at his eyes, they're full of mistrust for the guards.
Ashlynn: That man sure makes a strong impression, huh?
Nevan: There's pure hatred in his voice.
Amos: That lad's like a bomb waitin' to explode.
Terry: There's something about that guy...
Lizzie: (snarl) Man hate...soldiers... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing? Boing.
Carver: Alright! We've got an in with these fellas! Let's go inside, aye?
Milly: This road seems to lead to the back of the food distributor's shop.
Ashlynn: Something good to drink? In this town? I'll believe it when I taste it.
Nevan: Has he thought of a way to rescue Sister Anne?
Amos: He didn't ask for our help, did he? I hope he's got things under control.
Terry: Seems they're not planning on simply doing nothing...
Lizzie: (snarl) Something good... What could it be...? (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Uh, Hero...
Milly: Hero, I'm begging you, please ask him again.
Ashlynn: Of course we've got business with him!
Nevan: The food distributor bothered to direct us here. Surely we can't just leave.
Amos: So that was the fellow called Magnus, was it?
Terry: Shouldn't you tell him about Sister Anne?
Lizzie: (snarl) We need...speak to that man... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Even if she makes it out, it's not like there's anywhere to go.
Milly: She can't be the only one that's come to feel this way.
Ashlynn: She must be too lost in her thoughts to hear us, huh?
Nevan: She seems desperate to escape.
Amos: She might want to focus on findin' a shovel first.
Terry: You can't blame her for wanting to get out of here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not like...digging... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: An empty belly must be a fact o' life in this town, aye?
Milly: They've been submitted to such terrible treatment...
Ashlynn: I don't know how much longer I can stomach pretending to be one of these evil guards.
Nevan: The old and infirm need to be fed properly.
Amos: The guards here have just abandoned the town's people to their fate.
Terry: That man has a heavy burden to shoulder.
Lizzie: (snarl) Being fake guard...make Lizzie feel sad... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: The guards looked pretty well fed to me. I reckon these folks ain't so lucky.
Milly: A dining hall that can't even produce a meal? This is a truly sorry state...
Ashlynn: If this is a dining hall, where's the food to, like, dine on?
Nevan: It's terrible that we can't do anything to aid these people in their immediate plight.
Amos: When old Amos hears all this, he just gets hungrier... Er, angrier! I mean angrier!
Terry: The townspeople have had their spirits broken.
Lizzie: (snarl) No food... No energy... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: That fella shouldn't be gettin' worked up in his condition. He's liable to pass out.
Milly: The guards must seem like absolute monsters to the people down here...
Ashlynn: That man's skin and bones...
Nevan: The sun can't hope to reach the people entombed alive under the ground.
Amos: I'd like to show Blackmar what for right now!
Terry: The people here are barely holding on...
Lizzie: (snarl) Everyone...suffering... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: The more people suffer around here, the happier the Archfiend and his minions get, aye?
Milly: Garbage, eh...
Ashlynn: How do these poor people stand the stale air in here?
Nevan: No relief can come to these poor people while Blackmar draws breath.
Amos: He's right – this is no way to treat a human bein'.
Terry: That old guy looks to be on his last legs.
Lizzie: (snarl) Voice painful...to hear... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: She's a goner for sure unless she gets some grub, aye?
Milly: With no food or medicine, there's nothing anyone can do...
Ashlynn: Wow... She doesn't look too good.
Nevan: She's clearly feverish. We need to do something for her – and soon.
Amos: She's clearly in pain.
Terry: We can do nothing bar taking Blackmar down.
Lizzie: (snarl) Painful voice... Hard to listen... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Hmm... No drinkin' allowed either, aye?
Carver: Just as well, I reckon. You shouldn't drink on an empty stomach.
Milly: Never mind wine, there's nothing at all in here – it's completely empty.
Ashlynn: These poor people... It's like every comfort has been stripped away.
Nevan: Even without wine, this still appears to be the place the townspeople come for respite.
Amos: A bar without booze ain't much of a bar.
Terry: Not a lot of atmosphere in here...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not...drink wine... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing, boing.
Carver: Thank Goddess for ladies as brave as this one, or this town would have nothin' goin' for it.
Milly: The guards seem to just do as they please.
Ashlynn: I'm rooting for her, that's for sure. Here's hoping she can spread that cheer around town!
Nevan: It's gruelling to be spoken to as if we were guards.
Amos: C'mon Hero! Let's change out of these uniforms or head somewhere else.
Terry: The people here have been reduced to slaves.
Lizzie: (snarl) People here...have no food... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Hardy har! I ain't got time to be tired!
Milly: I can understand her concern for Sister Anne.
Milly: It's a crying shame, but there's nothing we can do for her right now.
Ashlynn: Yeah... I've been a little beat lately.
Ashlynn: If this keeps up, my face will turn into a pimple patch. Ugh!
Nevan: We've got no right to complain about being tired with the hardships everyone is enduring.
Amos: She seems to know Sister Anne well.
Terry: We need to find out more before we can even think of rescuing Sister Anne or aiding the town's folk.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lady worried...about Sister Anne...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: The man who distributes the food, aye?
Let's get movin'!
Milly: Could this mean that the local people are secretly planning something as well!?
Ashlynn: Yippee! Guess he knows we're on his side, huh?
Nevan: I'm intrigued to see what information the man who distributes the food can furnish us with.
Amos: Hopefully the man who distributes the food will have somethin' good for us.
Terry: Things are moving forward – at last.
Lizzie: (snarl) Talk to...man who...distributes food... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: You ain't serious, are ya, Hero?
Milly: ...Nothing we say will make a difference in this situation.
Ashlynn: Smooth move, Hero! She called us “devils”!
Nevan: I appreciate it's hard to be kind when wearing these uniforms, but this is too much...
Amos: Hero, you've gone and got people callin' us devils now!
Terry: (sigh)
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...not devil... (spit)
Carver: Sister Anne's the one hope folks have left around here, aye?
Milly: If we manage to save Sister Anne, then the people of the town are sure to be filled with hope!
Ashlynn: That's not the first time she's tried pleading with the guards, I'll bet...
Ashlynn: Sister Anne's a great woman and all, but this lady's pretty amazing, too.
Nevan: Sister Anne's example may be all that's giving this woman the will to live.
Amos: We'll have to pray she keeps hangin' on to those shreds of hope.
Terry: I hope she doesn't despair just yet.
Lizzie: (snarl) People need hope... Never despair... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Her voice had a “strange power”, aye...? I hope I get to hear one of her speeches someday.
Milly: Sister Anne is bringing hope back to the people of this town – which means she's getting in the Archfiend's way...
Ashlynn: Sister Anne's a real pillar of the Gallows Moor community, huh?
Nevan: I can hazard a guess as to why Blackmar locked up Sister Anne.
Nevan: She was so well-loved by everyone that her imprisonment pushed the town deeper into despair.
Amos: Blackmar sounds like a nasty piece of work and no mistake!
Terry: Sister Anne must have some Goddess-given ability to give people hope.
Lizzie: (snarl) Blackmar hate...Sister Anne...? Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: ...That fella must get roughed up a lot, aye?
Milly: That poor fellow's completely lost his nerve. It's a pitiful sight...
Ashlynn: I bet the guards punch him even harder when he begs like that.
Nevan: So that's how much the guards here are feared. It makes me feel terribly empty...
Amos: D'you reckon he'd really obey our every command?
Terry: Poor guy's just trying to save himself. I can't blame him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Soldiers here...that terrifying...? (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: He shouldn't be so hard on himself. It's not like he could've done anything.
Milly: He seems to blame himself for the fact that Sister Anne was taken away...
Ashlynn: Wow, he's a mess... I guess Sister Anne really means the world to people here, huh?
Nevan: I well understand that poor man's frustration at his own powerlessness.
Amos: A pathetic excuse for a man? What rot! He sounds like a good egg to old Amos!
Terry: He shouldn't cry over spilt milk. There's always a chance for redemption.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man want...rescue Sister Anne...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp...slurp)
Carver: Sounds like this prison's hazardous to his health, aye?
Milly: That sounded terribly painful...
Ashlynn: No one here can do a thing to help him...
Nevan: At this rate, that man's condition can only deteriorate.
Amos: How can anyone hope to get over an illness in this dingy, airless hellhole?
Terry: It's best to leave him be.
Lizzie: (snarl) His illness...look serious... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing?
Carver: Folks here're half-crazed with fear, aye...?
Milly: I wonder how the guards usually treat people down here?
Ashlynn: Half the people here start begging for their lives the second they see us...
Nevan: Masquerading as guards weighs heavy on the soul.
Amos: The only person we'll be punishin' is Blackmar!
Terry: She'll do anything to protect her husband.
Lizzie: (spit) Do not worry... We no punish... (snarl)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: So he got tossed in here for fightin' monsters, aye?
Milly: It seems they were brought here as a couple.
Ashlynn: That nun's practically the only hope this town has left, huh?
Nevan: The despondency in this town rivals that in Despairia.
Amos: Everyone's hope's fadin' fast here in Gallows Moor.
Terry: Did he fall ill here and end up in this state, or did he get on the wrong side of the guards?
Terry: Either way, seeing a hardened monster-mangler reduced to this sorry state must be unbearable.
Lizzie: (snarl) Husband sound...like true warrior... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: I can't blame him for thinkin' that way. I'd lose hope here, too.
Milly: He's right, this town has no sources of hope right now...
Ashlynn: He'll attract the attention of some real guards if he keeps hollering like that...
Nevan: This town has stripped that man of all his strength, dignity and hope. It's almost too much to bear...
Amos: What can we do for him? If only there was such thing as a seed of hope...
Terry: There's nothing I can say to encourage him.
Lizzie: (snarl) When he improve...he fight again...
Shouldn't give up... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing boing.
Carver: That lady's husband is really givin' his all for that research, aye...?
Carver: He's liable to keel over if he doesn't take a break soon. That won't help anyone.
Milly: All-night research...? Is he really doing all that on behalf of the monsters? I wonder...
Ashlynn: What's driving him to work so hard? Is it fear of the Archfiend, or...?
Nevan: Hmm... It's curious... That woman seems worried about her husband outside...
Nevan: Yet I can sense formidable energy and determination pumping through him.
Amos: ...Eh!? There was old Amos thinkin' she was that bloke's daughter – and she's his wife! Blimey!
Terry: What's driving her husband to work so hard?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not need sleep... But humans do... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: ...Must've thrown themselves down here, aye?
Milly: These people had completely lost hope and decided to end it here...
Ashlynn: It's so sad... So horrible...
Nevan: What a terrible way to end a life.
Amos: All we can do is pray for their souls.
Terry: Damn it...
Lizzie: (snarl) These people...died long ago... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: What's that fella doin' down here, anyway?
Milly: Isn't he hiding down here himself...?
Ashlynn: Does he just, like, live here or what?
Nevan: Perhaps he knew people who were caught trying to hide down here...
Amos: That fellow's got it absolutely spot on!
Terry: He may try, but he can't hide the fear in his eyes.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man live...in well...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Uh-oh! Guards! Better turn back, aye?
Milly: There are stairs that connect to the upper level, but we can't go up them like this.
Ashlynn: Yikes! We're not exactly dressed for success here, huh?
Nevan: Hero, don't forget the guards' garb!
Amos: Careful or we'll get nabbed again!
Terry: ...Hm?
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Let's press on.
Milly: Let's go...
Ashlynn: Hero! Don't talk to them!
Nevan: ......
Amos: All this guardin' is tirin' work alright! Ha ha ha!
Terry: Shhh...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Let's cut the chatter in here, aye?
Milly: I'm concerned that we're not walking like soldiers...
Ashlynn: This helmet's way too big for me. I have to practically balance it on my noggin!
Nevan: I can hear my heart pounding...
Amos: You can't help glancin' round nervously, can you?
Terry: Let's keep our voices down as low as they'll go...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: ...Let's go.
Ashlynn: ...Was he talking about us?
Nevan: Those giant brothers guarding the gates have done right by us.
Amos: We're sniffin' out hot leads and top tips.
Terry: Let's get going.
Carver: Let's press on.
Milly: Let's go...
Ashlynn: Hero! Don't talk to them!
Nevan: ......
Amos: All this guardin' is tirin' work alright! Ha ha ha!
Terry: Shhh...
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle)
Carver: Why I oughta...!
...Ahem! Nearly lost it there.
Milly: His words fill me with dread...
Ashlynn: Don't let his blah, blah, blah get to you.
Nevan: Let's leave him here, Hero.
Amos: I don't want to hear the filth comin' out of that lad's gob.
Terry: Eradicate the threat? It's him and his pals who should be watching out.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Huh. Do ya think that power's been protectin' us or something?
Milly: He didn't seem to notice that we were here before, did he?
Ashlynn: At least we know they're looking for us now.
Nevan: Let's plough on.
Amos: He'd get a bit of a shock if we stripped off these guard uniforms!
Terry: Pah! His clairvoyant powers don't sound like much to write home about.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man talking...about us... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Whoa. That's some serious bad news, aye?
Milly: The dark spirit of monsterkind? Inhabiting Sister Anne? That sounds terrifying...
Ashlynn: Did he say “tomorrow”? That doesn't give us much time!
Nevan: We must inform the townspeople below of this disturbing development!
Amos: Sister Anne's goin' to tie the knot with Blackmar!?
Terry: This lot are bad to the bone and rotten to the core.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sister Anne...in trouble... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Why's he plannin' to polish the guillotine's blade? That can't be good.
Milly: Oh dear... Are they planning to execute someone?
Ashlynn: People like that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near sharp objects, if you ask me...
Nevan: With a blade that sharp, he needs to be careful he doesn't slice his own hand off while he polishes it.
Amos: That lad's got an ugly mug only a short-sighted mother could love.
Terry: This isn't good...
Lizzie: (slobber) When use...guillotine...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Who's he mean by “slaves”? The folks in town, maybe?
Milly: Now he mentions it, there is that guillotine in the centre of town...
Ashlynn: That guillotine in the centre of town isn't just for show? Yikes...
Nevan: So Blackmar's willing to execute his own guards just like that...
Amos: If Blackmar's that bad, imagine gettin' on the wrong side of the Archfiend!
Terry: I've heard enough.
Lizzie: (snarl) Guillotine...very sharp... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Watch your backs, folks. Just 'cause we're outside doesn't mean we're safe.
Carver: Try to keep the chatter down, too, got it?
Milly: It's alright for us, breathing fresh air like this...
Milly: The people locked down there can't enjoy such freedom...
Ashlynn: Where could that Blackmar be...?
Nevan: This place boasts impressive fortifications.
Amos: We've got to do somethin' to help Sister Anne – and everyone stuck in this wretched town.
Terry: There's a lot to Gallows Moor. Sadly...
Lizzie: (snarl) Fresh air...at last... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: These uniforms'll save us the hassle of a lot of unnecessary battles, aye?
Milly: Blackmar... He sounds formidable, but I'm prepared.
Ashlynn: We'd better keep our health up, huh? We're dead meat if we get caught weak.
Nevan: Let's steel ourselves so we're ready to face Blackmar at any moment.
Amos: Old Amos's heart is goin' pitter-patter... Listen to that!
Terry: Let's be ready to fight in full force at any time.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie avoid...unnecessary battle... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Right! Time to sneak into Gallows Moor all over again!
Milly: We'll soon get captured again if we don't change into the guards' uniforms.
Ashlynn: Off we go! Next stop, Blackmar himself!
Nevan: It's time for the main event.
Amos: Old Amos is becomin' a dab hand at slippin' in and out of that guard uniform.
Terry: Once we're changed, it's time for an all-out assault.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh! (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Right! Time to sneak into Gallows Moor all over again!
Milly: We'll soon get captured again if we don't change into the guards' uniforms.
Ashlynn: Off we go! Next stop, Blackmar himself!
Nevan: It's time for the main event.
Amos: Old Amos is becomin' a dab hand at slippin' in and out of that guard uniform.
Terry: Once we're changed, it's time for an all-out assault.
Lizzie: (slobber) Grrrargh! (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: ...This's the chamber, aye?
Milly: Blackmar... What kind of monster could he be?
Ashlynn: There's no getting in with that guard on the job.
Nevan: Before we fight Blackmar, we should continue to prioritise gathering information.
Amos: I'm itchin' to get out of this uniform, but I don't suppose it's the appropriate time or place.
Terry: We've done pretty well just findin' out where Blackmar's based.
Lizzie: (snarl) Blackmar...inside...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: He accuses us of missin' some marbles, yet he can't even tell we're phonies. Hardy har!
Carver: Ah, well. He'll be eating his words soon enough anyway.
Milly: Arranging a meeting with an enemy like Blackmar was never going to be easy.
Ashlynn: Bit of a wine connoisseur, isn't he? I'd like to give him something to whine about...
Nevan: Should we cause any trouble, swarms of guards will be here in no time.
Amos: Maybe if we bribed him with some fine wine, he'd let us slip on through.
Terry: It seems low-ranking soldiers can't just visit Blackmar as they please.
Lizzie: (snarl) We have...no wine... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Huh. The soldiers here are real wine snobs, aye?
Milly: He must be a real wine-lover if he can't stop thinking about it at work.
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! I wish I could just throw him right off the side!
Nevan: The poor people trapped below really have been put through a tremendous ordeal.
Amos: It's takin' all the strength in my left hand to stop my right hand from clenchin' into a fist.
Terry: Curse these people...
Lizzie: (snarl) This area...small... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
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Carver: Oof. I feel like I've been run over by a wagon.
Milly: Oh, Hero, you're awake...
Milly: Our outlook is rather bleak this morning, I have to say...
Ashlynn: Ugh... This has to be the worst morning ever.
Ashlynn: We have no key, no uniforms, and no hope of getting out of here now...
Nevan: Blackmar's underlings were far more powerful than I had foreseen.
Amos: Bits of my body are achin' that I didn't even know I had.
Terry: Still breathing... Barely...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie still alive... Somehow... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whoa! Things are gettin' pretty crazy, aye?
Milly: We don't want to be left behind if there's a coup going on! Let's go!
Ashlynn: Wow! The townspeople are finally rising up! Let's go join them!
Nevan: So they're the ones who put the guards to sleep!
Amos: Blimey! Who'd have guessed the townsfolk had this much get-up-and-go!
Terry: What do you know. They're fighting the good fight.
Lizzie: (snarl) People waiting above... Let's hurry... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boing!
Carver: Forget these fellas, Hero! Let's go upstairs!
Milly: The sleeping potion they put in the wine is doing its job with distinction.
Ashlynn: They're just lucky we didn't beat the stuffing out of 'em!
Nevan: There's no sign of Sister Anne. We must hurry...
Amos: I gave that sleepin' fellow a poke, but he's out for the count.
Terry: If he stays fast asleep, it might just save his life.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...fast asleep... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Forget these fellas, Hero! Let's go upstairs!
Milly: The sleeping potion they put in the wine is doing its job with distinction.
Ashlynn: They're just lucky we didn't beat the stuffing out of 'em!
Nevan: There's no sign of Sister Anne. We must hurry...
Amos: I gave that sleepin' fellow a poke, but he's out for the count.
Terry: If he stays fast asleep, it might just save his life.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man...fast asleep... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Huh. No sign of Captain Blade.
Carver: No way a man o' action like him would run 'n hide. He's probably joined the revolt.
Milly: There's no one down here. Let's head upstairs.
Ashlynn: Didn't he say everyone was waiting upstairs for us, Hero?
Nevan: Captain Blade is nowhere to be seen.
Nevan: We can come back here later. For now, let's hurry upstairs.
Amos: That door's horrible and no mistake.
Terry: C'mon, Hero. Now's the time to get Blackmar.
Lizzie: (snarl) No one...around... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: She's a goner for sure unless she gets some grub, aye?
Milly: With no food or medicine, there's nothing anyone can do...
Ashlynn: Wow... She doesn't look too good.
Nevan: She's clearly feverish. We need to do something for her – and soon.
Amos: She's clearly in pain.
Terry: We can do nothing bar taking Blackmar down.
Lizzie: (snarl) Painful voice... Hard to listen... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Alright! They want freedom, let's help 'em get it!
Milly: That's right, he won't have to wait much longer!
Ashlynn: Wow! It's, like, an honest-to-Goddess freedom fight, huh?
Nevan: Let's do all we can to prove that old man correct.
Amos: Our enemies yesterday thought they were strong, but they're no match for us today!
Amos: We're goin' to win and set these folks free – mark old Amos's words!
Terry: It's good that old boy's still alive and kicking. He'll be free before long.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie will do...all she can...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Aye, this is all a bit much for a kid her age to take in.
Milly: It probably would be better for young children not to go outside for the time being.
Milly: I'm sure she'll be allowed out to play later as a reward for behaving herself now.
Ashlynn: Let's make this day one she'll never forget!
Nevan: The heat of battle is no place for children.
Nevan: Let's make sure no enemy infiltrates this place.
Amos: Lookin' after nippers at times like this isn't easy. Old Amos would rather be doin' battle!
Terry: Her mother's right – she can explain what's going on to the kid later.
Lizzie: (snarl) Children should...stay home today... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I can't blame these folks for abandonin' all hope like they did...
Carver: But that's in the past, aye? Now they need all the motivation they can get!
Milly: We have no idea how strong Blackmar could be, so taking him on now may be reckless...
Milly: But if we miss this opportunity we might not get another one.
Ashlynn: People can overcome any obstacle if they just work together and hold on to hope!
Nevan: There is a miraculous revolution of hearts and minds sweeping through Gallows Moor.
Nevan: I pray it leads to the glorious rebirth of this town.
Amos: It's news like that that'll really help spur folks on!
Terry: We don't yet know Blackmar's true power.
Terry: But if the people of Gallows Moor pull together, he won't stand a chance.
Lizzie: (snarl) People found...will to fight... Next is victory... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like a sweet dream to me!
Milly: I hope that next time we see him we'll be bearing good news.
Ashlynn: Let's make that old man's dream come true, guys!
Nevan: That man, too, has seen a brighter future.
Amos: I wonder if he sees old Amos landin' the killer blow!
Terry: Hah. It seems that old boy can see the future.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man's body weak... But spirit strong... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing!
Carver: She's got nothin' to worry about! We'll teach those monsters a lesson soon enough!
Carver: The monsters probably won't live through the lesson, but still...
Milly: There's no way we'll let that happen!
Ashlynn: I'm amazed the monsters could even consider something like that. It's just horrible!
Nevan: It seems that Sister Anne has already been taken to Blackmar.
Nevan: We haven't time to dawdle. We must take the fight to Blackmar immediately.
Amos: Old Amos's body may be part monster – but his spirit's all human!
Terry: Sister Anne would choose death before she let herself be possessed by that monstrous spirit.
Terry: We need to rescue her before she's forced to make that choice.
Lizzie: (snarl) Nun work...for Goddess... Dark spirit has...no place in her... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Oh... Somethin' wrong with his leg?
Carver: Well, I'll deliver that extra wallop for him. Maybe two.
Milly: I can't wait to see his face when we bring back the good news!
Ashlynn: Ooh, ooh! Lemme give Blackmar the extra wallop! Me, me!
Nevan: The atmosphere in the town is really turning round!
Amos: It'd be easy if old Blackmar would be kind enough to take a swig of that wine and have a nap.
Terry: Gallows Moor is ready for victory.
Lizzie: (snarl) We wallop Blackmar...on man's behalf... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: I guess the fella workin' on the strength seeds has joined the revolt, too.
Milly: The man of the house must be part of the resistance.
Ashlynn: Well, I'm gonna pray that her prayers reach the Goddess.
Nevan: That woman has my sympathy. It must be terribly hard to watch your husband join the resistance.
Amos: With a fine wife like that prayin' for him, I bet her husband'll be fine!
Terry: Ideally, no one will have to lay down their life.
Lizzie: (snarl) That woman...praying...? Lizzie pray too... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing!
Carver: Whoa! That kid's dad is headin' up the revolt?
Milly: He did ever so well to keep it a secret until now. I'm impressed!
Ashlynn: I bet his dad's all scruffy and handsome. I mean, what else would a rebel leader look like?
Nevan: It's a fine thing to see a son who can keep his father's secrets.
Amos: That lad's head doesn't look that big to me...
Terry: I didn't suspect a thing...
Lizzie: (snarl) Shouldn't judge...from appearance... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hey, wasn't that fella goin' on about forgin' super-strong weapons before?
Carver: You'd think he was makin' 'em for the rebellion, but I suppose not...
Milly: If he's that concerned, why doesn't he join the fight?
Ashlynn: He makes it sound like this revolt is everyone else's problem. Why isn't he joining in?
Nevan: For a weapon salesman, he doesn't seem to have too much stomach for a fight.
Amos: There's no point thinkin' about what'll happen if we're defeated!
Terry: So is he going to do something to help or what?
Lizzie: (snarl) Man sound...like coward... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: We'll make sure she has a lot more to remember than just that!
Milly: If she's to remember this day forever, she's going to have to survive it first!
Ashlynn: We can't lose this battle, people! Let's win this for the people!
Nevan: Failure is not an option.
Amos: That lass needs to stop frettin'. Let's win this fight and have some fun!
Terry: Failure? We don't know the meaning of the word.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie feel...comradeship too... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! No pressure on us or anything...
Milly: The future of everyone here is in our hands.
Milly: Let's make sure it's going to be a bright one!
Ashlynn: If we lose this, then digging through a well might not seem so bad...
Nevan: Has anyone informed that woman that there's hardly any water in that well?
Amos: Maybe she could dig up some weapons and help us finish the fight!
Terry: She shouldn't worry – we're not going to lose.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must win...so everyone...can be free... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Good thing Magnus has our back, aye? No way Blackmar's gonna beat us now!
Milly: With these people's support, we'll be able to give Blackmar a real run for his money.
Ashlynn: Magnus looks like he can handle himself to me.
The others...not so much.
Nevan: Magnus burns with desire to fight for the cause of justice.
Nevan: With him committed to the cause, we have gained a valuable ally.
Amos: So we'll support Magnus while he throws everythin' he's got at Blackmar...
Amos: ...Hang on! That's not it! Trust old Amos to get things mixed up!
Terry: Oh, we'll throw all we have at him alright.
Lizzie: (snarl) Magnus...seem strong... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: That fella's not exactly holdin' it together. Is he gonna be alright?
Milly: I've scarcely seen anyone less suited to the cut and thrust of battle...
Milly: But his willingness to fight is a testament to this rebellion!
Ashlynn: Butterflies before the big event, huh? We've all been there...
Nevan: His nervousness is almost palpable.
Amos: His n-n-nerves are c-c-contagious.
Terry: Nerves are part and parcel of doing battle.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man seem very...nervous... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing, b-b-b-boing!
Carver: Crikey! We almost got put to sleep there!
Milly: Hee hee. Let's stay off the sleeping potion until we've defeated Blackmar.
Ashlynn: Oh, that must be one of the guys who slipped that wine to the guards!
Nevan: We owe our freedom to that wine.
Amos: How about pourin' a glass for old Blackmar? ...No, he wouldn't fall for that.
Terry: He needs to watch what he's pouring...
Lizzie: (snarl) That wine...put guards to sleep... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boing?
Carver: We didn't exactly do this town proud yesterday, gettin' roughed up like we did...
Carver: Let's do it right today, aye? I don't wanna go down in history here as a legendary loser!
Milly: If Blackmar proves to be even stronger than the two we fought yesterday then it'll be an epic battle...
Milly: But with reliable people like him at our side, I'm certain that we'll win the day!
Ashlynn: If we all support each other here, we can't lose!
Nevan: Divided, we may be weak; but united, victory will be ours!
Amos: Well, we can't promise victory...
Hang on – maybe we should!
Amos: Old Amos promises we'll be victorious!
...How's that?
Terry: The Archfiend gains strength from people's fear and misery.
Terry: We gain strength from people's faith and good will.
Lizzie: (snarl) We will...defeat Blackmar... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boing!
Carver: Hardy har! He's got a good head on his shoulders!
Milly: I had hoped that he'd value his life a little more highly after such a narrow escape...
Milly: But today is a special case. We need him to fight for this town and everyone in it!
Ashlynn: That guy sure made a good first impression, huh?
Ashlynn: Like, he practically threw himself in front of Sister Anne to block the monsters' blades.
Nevan: We got captured after that – we were lucky we didn't lose our own heads.
Nevan: Maybe that man's good fortune extended to us.
Amos: It's a relief to see his head's still attached to his shoulders!
Terry: He's going to fight like there's no tomorrow? There will be a tomorrow – and we'll make it ours.
Lizzie: (snarl) All fight...like no tomorrow...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: This guy's all vim 'n vinegar 'n everything like that.
Carver: He's goin' up against professional soldiers, though... I hope he knows what he's gettin' into.
Milly: These people aren't experienced soldiers, so we shouldn't expose them to too much fighting.
Milly: Let's try and ensure we take care of Blackmar quickly.
Ashlynn: These townspeople haven't had a decent meal in ages...
Ashlynn: They're weak as kittens. The only thing keeping them going is pure willpower!
Nevan: It feels like the whole town is fighting as one.
Amos: If only the townsfolk would mop up old Blackmar while they're at it.
Terry: Hmm... They're assuming they can mop up those guards. I hope they're right...
Terry: In any case, our job's clear – to take out Blackmar ASAP.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rebels take guards... We take Blackmar... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Hey, whatever keeps 'em motivated, aye?
Milly: No matter what you wish for, you can get it if you want it badly enough.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! These people are hungry for more than just freedom!
Nevan: I pray he can indeed eat his fill after the battle.
Amos: If he starts stuffin' himself with grub he's not used to, his stomach might revolt...
Terry: Heh. Let's feed him so much good food, he'll never need to eat again.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie getting...hungry... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Time to get into the fight! I'm gonna enjoy this!
Milly: It's time to go face-to-face with Blackmar!
Ashlynn: Wow, these people are pumped! We'd better go catch up, guys!
Nevan: Who'd have thought he was the leader of the rebel army?
Nevan: In any case, those seeds of strength are sure to come in useful!
Amos: The townsfolk are brimmin' with revolutionary zeal!
Amos: Maybe they've all taken a seed of strength or two.
Terry: C'mon, Hero. We don't have time to waste.
Lizzie: (snarl) Time to fight... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: What? You've got somethin' better to do, Hero?
Carver: Well, hurry up, aye? We've got people waitin' on us!
Milly: Preparation is all very well, but it's not like we can leave this place...
Milly: There's only one path left open to us.
Ashlynn: What's left to do? It's not like this place has an inn or a weapon shop.
Nevan: Let's prepare for battle before everyone's revolutionary fervour ebbs away.
Amos: Sister Anne needs rescuin' right now!
Terry: Are you thinking of changing your equipment, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie ready...to fight... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: ...Must've thrown themselves down here, aye?
Milly: These people had completely lost hope and decided to end it here...
Ashlynn: It's so sad... So horrible...
Nevan: What a terrible way to end a life.
Amos: All we can do is pray for their souls.
Terry: Damn it...
Lizzie: (snarl) These people...died long ago... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Not much fazes this fella, aye?
Milly: Upstairs is a hive of activity but it's all quiet down here.
Ashlynn: That guy lives in his own little world, huh?
Nevan: There is indeed a commotion going on, but there seems little point in offering him an explanation.
Amos: It feels like time's flowin' at a different speed down here.
Terry: We've got no business here, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Head...back up...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Hardy har! The guards are sleepin' like babies.
Milly: Let's push on!
Ashlynn: They're in for a rude awakening, huh?
Nevan: That wine delivered a knock-out blow.
Amos: They're sleepin' so peacefully. Old Amos is tempted to have a swig or two.
Terry: Hmph.
Lizzie: (spit) Everyone sleeping soundly... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing boing.
Carver: Everyone's gone, aye?
Milly: Listen to the noise from upstairs, Hero. The fighting must have already begun.
Ashlynn: Let's hurry!
Nevan: The time has come. Let's give it all we have.
Amos: It sounds like there's a scrap kickin' off upstairs!
Terry: It seems there's no one on this floor.
Lizzie: (snarl) Rebel army...fighting above... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Focus, Hero! We gotta find Blackmar here!
Milly: Let the rebels take care of this area – we need to get moving!
Ashlynn: Quick, we need to get to Blackmar while everyone is keeping the soldiers busy!
Nevan: In terms of sheer spirit, that soldier's already lost.
Amos: It seems the speed of the revolt's taken everyone by surprise!
Terry: The enemy won't give up without a fight.
Lizzie: (snarl) Come on...rebel army... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hang tough, Magnus! One more clean strike oughta put him away.
Milly: Magnus has this place under control. We need to move it!
Ashlynn: Magnus can handle this!
Nevan: Trust Magnus to take the fight to his enemies.
Amos: It don't look like the first time Magnus's been in a fight!
Terry: Who'd have thought Magnus was such a scrapper?
Lizzie: (snarl) Go Magnus... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Hardy har! What a born leader, aye? He ain't a trained fighter, but he's still kickin' butt!
Milly: Erdrick is putting up the fight of his life! Let's take our chance and head on up!
Ashlynn: C'mon! Let's head upstairs!
Nevan: Let's head to the upper level while the guards are being kept occupied.
Amos: Old Erdrick's face is an alarmin' shade of red.
I hope he's alright.
Terry: This rag-tag rebel army's a real force to be reckoned with. We can't let them down.
Lizzie: (slobber) Erdrick...fighting hard... (spit)
Goober: Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: We can do better than this, guys! We gotta beat Blackmar while they're all fightin' for us here!
Milly: We won't be defeated this time!
Ashlynn: Wow... They're still going! We're gonna owe Erdrick big for this!
Nevan: Erdrick and his allies are doing their bit. Now we need to do ours. Let's head up!
Amos: Erdrick's got more than his fair share of guts.
Terry: The time for talk's over. Let's do this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Erdrick...still going strong... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Some folks're all talk and no action, aye?
Milly: The guards are obviously rattled – they clearly didn't expect to be attacked.
Ashlynn: I can't believe how well Erdrick's doing here! You'd never guess he's a complete amateur at fighting!
Nevan: They seem taken aback by the level of resistance Erdrick and his cohorts are putting up.
Amos: That guard looks worried. Things are goin' Erdrick's way.
Terry: That guard just can't land the killer blow. Erdrick's gaining the upper hand.
Lizzie: (snarl) Erdrick can do it... Lizzie have faith... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Crikey! Look at that game face! That's the Captain Blade I know, alright!
Milly: Let's leave Captain Blade in charge here while we push on!
Ashlynn: No better man for this job than the Captain, huh? Let's leave this fight to him, guys!
Nevan: We owe Captain Blade a lot.
Nevan: Let's repay him – by defeating Blackmar!
Amos: A real live Captain gettin' involved in the battle. My palms are sweatin' with excitement!
Terry: We're short of time. Let's do as Captain Blade suggested and go on ahead.
Lizzie: (snarl) Captain Blade...join later... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Blimey, I'm almost ashamed to look him in the eye. Let's move! We've gotta beat Blackmar this time!
Milly: We'll give it everything we've got!
Ashlynn: Blackmar's SO going down!
Nevan: We can't let Sister Anne fall into the monsters' claws. Let's get Blackmar!
Amos: Let's all do our level best.
Terry: We can't keep losing.
Lizzie: (snarl) Captain Blade...having trouble... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: He's actually holdin' his own – but he still ain't in Captain Blade's league.
Milly: Our job is to rescue Sister Anne, so let's get to it!
Ashlynn: Give me a B! Give me an L! Give me an A...!
Nevan: Captain Blade's peerless battle prowess is keeping the enemy at bay.
Amos: That soldier's within a hair's breadth of bein' on the wrong end of Captain Blade's sword.
Terry: That soldier's no slouch, but he's no match for Captain Blade.
Lizzie: (slobber) Soldier stubborn...but cannot win... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing, boing!
Carver: I hate to just leave him here, but Sister Anne's our priority 'n everything like that!
Milly: Some people just aren't cut out for fighting... I only hope everyone else is coping.
Ashlynn: Oh, that guy'll be alright! He's got Captain Blade right next to him!
Nevan: Let us go, Hero. We must live up to the hopes of the town's people.
Amos: He's barely got a scratch on him. Maybe he just fell.
Terry: We don't have to be told twice. Let's get going.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man not...badly injured... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: Keep movin'! He's not worth our time!
Milly: Let's just leave him if he doesn't want to fight.
Ashlynn: He better swear to the Goddess that he'll never work for the Archfiend again!
Nevan: Let's leave him to the rebel army.
Amos: So he was forced to do that research? Maybe we should force him to take on Blackmar.
Terry: If the Archfiend hears him squealing, he's liable to get zapped.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...not important... Let's get Blackmar... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing boing!
Carver: He's right. Let's go, Hero!
Milly: There don't seem to be any enemies awake around here – let's leave it to the rebels and move on!
Ashlynn: Go, Hero! Things are under control here, I think.
Nevan: Let's go, Hero. Blackmar awaits.
Amos: With this many folks lendin' their support, we've got nowt to worry about.
Terry: Get ready, Blackmar. We're on our way!
Lizzie: (snarl) We will...defeat Blackmar... Grrrargh! (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing?
Carver: Someone oughta hide that scythe of his somewhere, aye? He'll be in a bad mood if he wakes up.
Milly: It's fine – he's being closely watched.
Let's hurry on up!
Ashlynn: You don't think he can, like, cast a spell in his sleep or anything?
Nevan: There'll be trouble if he wakes up. Let's get Blackmar while he's out for the count.
Amos: Maybe he's pretendin' to be asleep – it might be safer to tie him up.
Terry: It'd be a big help if he didn't bother waking up.
Lizzie: (snarl) Guards doing...good job... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Hardy har! No worries there, aye? We're gonna knock Blackmar into the next dimension!
Milly: I'm terribly concerned about Sister Anne. Let's hurry to Blackmar's chamber!
Ashlynn: Let's go, Hero! Blackmar's not the boss of us any more!
Nevan: It's time for the final showdown with Blackmar.
Amos: Why not pour that wine from yesterday down his throat while he sleeps?
Terry: Thanks for the prayers – not that we need them.
Lizzie: (snarl) If he wake up...big problem... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Hardy har! Even when he's sloshed, he's still his captain's man!
Milly: He seems happy, at least...
Ashlynn: He must've come up here for a drink of water or something.
Nevan: Speaking of Zozagel, where is he?
Nevan: Could he be waiting somewhere to attack us?
Amos: There's no point listenin' to folks chatterin' in their sleep. Let's get goin'!
Terry: That cocktail of wine and sleeping potion really worked a treat.
Lizzie: (snarl) Zozagel...drank wine too...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp) Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Sleepin' with his eyes open, aye? Creepy.
Milly: He seems to be out for the count.
Ashlynn: Yuck! His snore sounds so gross!
Nevan: If he wakes up, he'll be quite a handful. Let's head to Blackmar without delay.
Amos: Sounds like he's got a blocked nose.
Terry: Let sleeping Dogmus's lie. Come on...
Lizzie: (snarl) Wine work better...than Snooze... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Folks're countin' on us, aye? We really need to settle the score with Blackmar!
Milly: Let's keep the gate guards' words in mind when we do battle with Blackmar.
Ashlynn: These gate guards have been praying for the day when the Archfiend's finally overthrown.
Ashlynn: If we're going to answer their prayers, we need to be strong enough to swat Blackmar like a fly!
Nevan: The Archfiend wiped out their noble race of giants. It's our job to avenge them.
Amos: It's only thanks to this giant that we got this far. Let's do him proud!
Terry: Next time we speak to him, I hope we can report on Blackmar's demise.
Lizzie: (snarl) Giant is...on our side... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Huh. He must've drunk that wine, aye?
Milly: Oh my... The rebels must have given him some wine, not knowing he was on their side...
Ashlynn: Must be, like, a wine connoisseur, huh?
Nevan: Let's leave him to his slumber.
Amos: Do giants dream of giant sheep? I wonder...
Terry: He's asleep at a time like this...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Giant...fast asleep... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing...?
Carver: Well, that was easy. He must be pretty helpless without his partner in crime, aye?
Milly: We've only got Blackmar left to defeat! Brace yourselves, everybody!
Ashlynn: Wow! He's, like, totally pathetic without Dogmus at his side, huh?
Ashlynn: I guess two heads are deadlier than one.
Nevan: That battle cost us time we can ill afford. Let's head on in.
Amos: Blimey! I got the shock of my life when he woke up!
Terry: I wish we hadn't spoken to him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Blackmar next... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Ah, leave him be.
Milly: You can see for miles from here... I wonder if Mortamor's castle is visible...?
Ashlynn: That's the problem with an army of lackeys – pea-brained guys like him are your most faithful.
Nevan: Currying favour with the Archfiend in his sleep. Pitiful...
Amos: For a second there, I thought he was awake!
Terry: He's not waking up any time soon.
Lizzie: (snarl) Guard sleeping...on the job... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
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Carver: We...we did it, aye? We finally beat Blackmar!
Carver: Oh, hold on! We've still gotta find the Supreme Sage, aye?
Milly: Phew... Looks like we managed to beat Blackmar, somehow.
Milly: Sister Anne is safe!
Milly: Now we need to head down to where the Supreme Sage is being kept. Let's go!
Ashlynn: Boy, was he ever tough! No wonder he was running the place!
Ashlynn: Ugh... I feel like I've used up every last drop of energy in my body...
Ashlynn: I can't wait to just sit down and stuff my stomach!
Nevan: We did it...
Nevan: At long last, the people of Gallows Moor can taste freedom.
Amos: Haah... Haah...
Old Amos is knackered... (wheeze)
Amos: That door shouldn't be so shockin' any more. Let's get goin'!
Terry: Heh... Well, Blackmar put up a decent fight, at least.
Terry: Shall we get going?
Lizzie: (snarl) It's over... Grrrargh... (spit)
Lizzie: (slobber) Blackmar defeated... Now rescue Supreme Sage... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Crikey! Now that the soldiers ain't around, it's like we're in a whole different place.
Milly: Ahh, such a pleasant breeze...
Ashlynn: Yippee! Blackmar's beat! What a feat! Now let's go get something tasty to eat! ♪
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I'm so happy, I can't help but break out in song!
Nevan: Perhaps the Supreme Sage can give us some pointers on how best to tackle the Archfiend.
Nevan: In any case, let's hurry to the underground cells.
Amos: Now we can shout as loud as we like! Listen to what old Amos has to say...
Amos: Blackmar's a useless excuse for a Dread Fiend! And...um...his mother's...er...a horse! You heard!
Amos: ...Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Terry: This town has finally grasped freedom.
Terry: The only thing now is to come up with a more cheerful name than Gallows Moor.
Lizzie: (snarl) Blackmar finished... Prison closing... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing!
Carver: I bet this must be paradise 'n everything like that after years of breathin' the filthy air down there...
Carver: Why, the air up here must smell like daisies to those folks, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. Nothing tastes as good as fresh air, even when you're starving.
Ashlynn: This must be his first glimpse of the great outdoors in ages. Good for him!
Nevan: It's heartening to see such joyful faces here in Gallows Moor.
Amos: We don't fight to earn folks' gratitude – but it's always appreciated.
Terry: He should save the praise till we take down Mortamor.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man grateful... Lizzie happy... (spit)
Goober: Boi...oing?
Carver: Off to the north, aye...? Can we get there from here?
Milly: The Supreme Sage should be able to tell us more.
Ashlynn: He can't hide forever. We'll find him sooner or later!
Nevan: The Archfiend is doubtless out there somewhere in the dread realm, watching our every move...
Nevan: But for now, our priority is to speak to the Supreme Sage and ponder our next move.
Amos: If Mortamor had the common decency to come to us, it'd save us a lot of bother...㈢
...Hey, I'm just kiddin'!
Terry: That huge mountain to the north...
Terry: Mortamor's there. I feel it in my bones.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mortamor's lair...over there...? (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: That fella really came through for us, aye? No wonder they made him head of the revolt!
Carver: He deserves some “quality time” 'n everything like that!
Milly: Let's go, Hero. We don't want to get in their way.
Ashlynn: “Quality time”, huh? Hubba-hubba.
Nevan: It sounds like the townspeople are already tucking into the victory feast.
Nevan: Let's join the festivities – once we've freed the Supreme Sage.
Amos: We wouldn't want to miss out on all that glorious grub...
Terry: We'll save the feasting until after we've checked out the underground cells.
Lizzie: (snarl) What does...“quality time” mean...? (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Erdrick's wife was worried sick about him since even before the rebellion took off, aye?
Carver: I wish I had a little lady like that back home.
Milly: Hee hee. Let's leave them to it, Hero.
Ashlynn: No wonder Erdrick fought so hard – he's got that sweetheart waiting at home!
Nevan: Erdrick gave his heart and soul to the revolution. He's certainly earned a break.
Nevan: Or maybe preparing for his new life of domestic bliss is going to keep him busier than ever?
Amos: Old Erdrick held the fort all alone. It was a show-stoppin' performance!
Terry: Erdrick proved there's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it.
Lizzie: (snarl) Erdrick's wife...happy... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing?
Carver: We never would've knocked out Blackmar without all these folks helpin' us, aye?
Carver: Takin' out the Archfiend is the only thing left on our to-do list!
Milly: He seems intent on staying here...
Milly: We should tell the townspeople the truth about the gate guards – they'd be sure to give them a warm welcome.
Ashlynn: So they're gonna stay here in the dread realm until the very end?
Ashlynn: Is that, like, smart? What if this whole world vanishes once we beat Mortamor?
Nevan: Now we have to work out how to get to the Archfiend.
Nevan: Perhaps the Supreme Sage can point us in the right direction.
Amos: Watch us from here!? Those giant boys are very welcome to come along and meet the Archfiend too.
Terry: There's no “perhaps” about it. We're taking the Archfiend down.
Lizzie: (snarl) Next stop...Archfiend... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: B-B-Boiiing!
Carver: Hardy har! At least he had a good time during the rebellion, aye?
Milly: Hee hee. I knew he'd been drinking that special wine!
Ashlynn: Good thing all it did was put him to sleep, huh? What if it had been poison instead?
Nevan: It sounds like he may have overindulged...
Amos: I reckon his head'll be a bit fragile today.
Terry: The giants' strategy of infiltrating the enemy ranks really paid off.
Lizzie: (snarl) Giant man...smells like wine... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Crikey! This place used to be soldier central.
Now, nothin'.
Milly: It's too quiet in here. It doesn't feel right.
Ashlynn: Empty as Carver's head, huh? Just kidding!
Nevan: You could hear a pin drop...
Amos: It's almost scarier when no one's around.
Terry: I sense no threat to us here. Makes a nice change...
Lizzie: (snarl) Nobody...here... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Erdrick did us proud up here, aye? And Magnus and Captain Blade, too – can't forget them.
Milly: Watching children play never fails to put me at ease.
Ashlynn: It's hard to believe this was all one giant prison.
Nevan: It seems most people are still on the floor below.
Amos: This peace and harmony is just like a dream.
Let's hope we don't wake up!
Terry: From a prison to a children's playground...
It's a change for the better.
Lizzie: (snarl) Glad no more...soldier here... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: Oh, hey, it's Erdrick's kid! Look at him go!
Milly: Hee hee. He does bear a certain resemblance to his father, I must say.
Ashlynn: Aww! I love seeing little kids with big smiles!
Nevan: It's a long time since we've witnessed such a carefree scene.
Amos: Long live the rebel army! Huzzah!
Terry: That kid can barely keep his happiness in.
Lizzie: (snarl) Look fun... Lizzie want to play too... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Crikey, a kid could play hide-'n-seek forever in here, aye?
Milly: I'm so happy for her. I just hope she doesn't wander outside town just yet.
Ashlynn: I hope nobody gets lost in this place...
Nevan: The freedom to play is the greatest gift these children could ever have.
Amos: I think it's best to avoid playin' around the guillotine.
Terry: Running round this building from top to bottom is bound to tire those kids out.
Lizzie: (snarl) Kids have big area...to play... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Oh, we're taking him down, alright! It's a foregone conclusion 'n everything like that.
Milly: The children are lucky to have someone like her to look after them.
Ashlynn: First Blackmar, then the Archfiend, huh? That's going to be the battle of the century...
Nevan: Once the people of Gallows Moor were terrified to offer even the least resistance to Blackmar.
Nevan: Now they speak openly about the Archfiend's defeat. This is progress indeed.
Amos: Old Amos is always in prime condition!
Terry: Whatever condition we're in, we'll make the Archfiend regret ever being born.
Lizzie: (snarl) Defeat Archfiend... Free everyone... (spit)
Goober: Boing? (slurp)
Carver: How're we supposed to get from Death's Cape to the Archfiend's castle, though?
Milly: If he speaks the truth, then we may be nearing the end of our long journey!
Ashlynn: Death's Cape...? Do we, like, take a ship or something from there, or what?
Nevan: He spoke of Mortamor unleashing all manner of illusions. We must be on our guard.
Amos: So the Archfiend's castle was nearby all along.
Old Amos's heart's beatin' like a drum...
Terry: The Archfiend's illusions and trickery will be no match for our raw power.
Lizzie: (snarl) That man...seem to be...telling truth... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: These folks're gonna have to keep the faith until we can get 'em back home, aye?
Milly: I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Ashlynn: At least the people here have a lot of room to spread out, huh?
Nevan: I have faith that better times await Gallows Moor.
Amos: If they want to brighten up the place, why don't they let the kids repaint the walls?
Terry: There are worse places to wait until they can return to the real world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Gallows Moor...can be happy town... (spit)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: The whole town's in a festive mood, aye?
Milly: This gloomy underground town is a real bright light city now!
Ashlynn: Boy, do people ever look happy around here!
Nevan: Just seeing people's happy faces makes the struggle seem worthwhile.
Amos: Folks here will always remember this day.
Terry: Just a gentle reminder – after speaking to the people here, we should head underground.
Lizzie: (snarl) People celebrating victory... Lizzie happy... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: He'd better be jokin' – unless he wants his hand bitten.
Milly: This banquet isn't about us – the people of the town are the special guests here.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, let's go find the Supreme Sage already!
Ashlynn: If we waste too much time, Magnus'll eat everything in town before we get back!
Nevan: Magnus really gave his all in the big battle.
Amos: Fightin' like that, he must've really worked up an appetite.
Terry: The people of Gallows Moor are free to eat whatever they like.
Lizzie: (snarl) Victory banquet...look tasty... (drool)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Oh, right! We'd better join him, aye?
Milly: I really am worried about the Supreme Sage.
Let's go, Hero!
Ashlynn: Captain Blade sure works fast, huh? It's hard to keep up with the guy!
Nevan: We should check on Supreme Sage Isaac as soon as possible.
Amos: I just hope Captain Blade doesn't trip and fall down the stairs!
Terry: Now that Blackmar's history, the door to Isaac's cell should be open.
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's go...underground... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: Crikey! That much food, aye? Those lousy soldiers...
Milly: There's enough here to ensure these people never go hungry again.
Ashlynn: Just when I thought those soldiers couldn't be bigger jerks!
Nevan: If they eat too much too soon, they'll end up making themselves sick.
Amos: Old Amos is startin' to get peckish...
Terry: The rebel army did well to beat such well-nourished opponents.
Lizzie: (snarl) Soldiers hid food...? Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boi-oing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Of course we can do it! That Archfiend's goin' down, down, down!
Milly: The townspeople's support means so much, doesn't it?
Ashlynn: Guess it's time for us to start thinking about the final push against the Archfiend, huh?
Nevan: Well, we'd better prove her right!
Amos: Maybe that lady can see into the future.
Terry: Oh, we'll do it alright. Mortamor's going down.
Lizzie: (spit) If we...fight together...we will beat Archfiend... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Speakin' of which, let's go and check up on him.
Milly: Let's wrap up the festivities and head underground!
Ashlynn: Let's go! We gotta find out how the Supreme Sage is holding up!
Nevan: Shall we finish up talking to people and head down to the cells?
Amos: I almost forgot! We've got to go to the underground cells and rescue that prisoner!
Terry: The big question is whether the Supreme Sage survived or not...
Lizzie: (snarl) Must help...prisoner underground... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Who knows? Maybe we'll really hit it off with the fella.
Milly: We'll have to bring him back here to rest up after we've rescued him.
Ashlynn: I bet Captain Blade's busy helping out that sage even as we speak.
Nevan: First things first – we need to rescue the Supreme Sage.
Amos: Is that lad hopin' to have a good chat with the Supreme Sage?
Terry: We can worry about how to speak to a sage afterwards. First we need to rescue him.
Lizzie: (slobber) Sage underground...still imprisoned... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: She might've missed the celebration!
Milly: I'm glad she didn't have to dirty her hands.
Ashlynn: Just think: if she had started making her escape, she would've missed out on this amazing moment!
Nevan: If she didn't make it out, she would only have handed another small victory to the Archfiend.
Amos: I'm glad she held off until we took care of business.
Terry: Losing was never an option for us.
Lizzie: (snarl) Now...young woman...will be free... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: Sheesh. I'm sure he'd be more than welcome at the party, too...
Milly: I'm sure it's enough for him to do what he can to rebuild the town.
Ashlynn: Well, who knows. He might've wound up hurt – or worse – if he had fought.
Nevan: Some people are more cut out for battle than others.
Nevan: Now peace has arrived, there's bound to be plenty of ways that man can contribute to the town.
Amos: The way for this lad to show his gratitude is to just get involved in the general merry-makin'.
Terry: I'm sure his chance to do something for the good of others will come round in the end.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man seem lonely... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Nobody can say how this'll all play out, but...
Ahh, who am I kiddin'? Of course we'll win!
Milly: I'm full of admiration for her grace and composure.
Ashlynn: Like, I really hope we can get everyone here back to where they should be...
Ashlynn: But I dunno what'll happen to the people who died...
Nevan: Yes. Once the Archfiend is defeated, all of our dreams can be realised.
Amos: So it'd be just like when Alltrades Abbey or Medford's Manor were restored...
Amos: Here's hopin' all the folks who've lost their lives here can return home one day.
Terry: Well, some things are just outside of our control. But I hope that dream comes true.
Lizzie: (snarl) That person...kind-hearted... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? (jiggle)
Carver: Oh, the nun's here, aye? Well, great!
Milly: The things she must have been through...
It's no wonder she's tired.
Milly: I hope she'll be able to relax for a while and recuperate.
Ashlynn: I sure hope she gets well soon! She's got an entire town to lead!
Nevan: Sometimes sleep really is the best medicine.
Amos: So she's borrowed old Erdrick's bed.
Terry: I'm just glad we weren't too late.
Lizzie: (snarl) Humans...need sleep... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: She looks so peaceful, aye? We'd better let her be.
Milly: I hope we'll be able to have a proper conversation with her sometime.
Ashlynn: Wonder what she's dreaming about...
Nevan: Seeing her peaceful face puts my heart at ease.
Amos: She's a real beauty.
Terry: Let's leave her to sleep.
Lizzie: (slobber) Sister...sleeping soundly... (snarl)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Her husband's leg's on the mend, aye? Ain't that great!
Milly: She must be tremendously relieved as well.
Ashlynn: Boy, conversations are a lot cheerier here now that the hard times are over.
Nevan: There is more to life than trials and tribulations.
I pray this couple live in peace from now on.
Amos: Some good hearty home-cookin' and he'll be as right as rain!
Terry: That's the spirit. Positive thinking is the way forward.
Lizzie: (snarl) Hope man...heal soon... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing.
Carver: He just would've been in the way with that bad leg, but it's the thought that counts.
Milly: Oh my... He shouldn't be getting wound up like that.
Ashlynn: I'll bet it was frustrating being laid up like that. But it all worked out in the end.
Nevan: That fellow is still very shouty – but at least he's sounding more positive.
Amos: Old Amos wouldn't want to fight that lad. ...What's that!? Am I gettin' confused again!?
Terry: With that sort of fighting spirit, I bet his wounds heal in no time.
Lizzie: (snarl) Injured man...very loud... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing.
Carver: Ahh, don't worry about him. Some decent grub and a bit of rest'll have him rarin' to go in no time!
Milly: Hee hee. Is he trying to say that he's got a flying bed as well?
Ashlynn: He sure has a lot of spirit for an old guy, huh? He'll be back on his feet before you know it.
Nevan: That gentleman has cheered up considerably.
Amos: He may be stuck in bed but his spirit's not goin' to be tied down!
Terry: He's got nothing but sweet dreams ahead of him.
Lizzie: (snarl) Man stuck in bed...but heart is free... (snarl)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: The Supreme Sage is just as valuable to us as he was to the Archfiend, aye?
Milly: There's so much that we might be able to learn from the Supreme Sage.
Ashlynn: How long do you think Isaac's been holed up down there, anyway?
Nevan: Let's rescue the Supreme Sage and see what he has to say.
Amos: Let's hurry to the cells before the Archfiend throws any more spanners in the works.
Terry: We've done all we have to do up here. Let's head underground.
Lizzie: (snarl) Supreme Sage...know about many things... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Folks really seem a lot more relaxed now, aye?
Milly: Her breathing suggests that she's in a very deep sleep...
Ashlynn: Shhh! You'll wake her up.
Nevan: Her sleeping face looks like it's had all traces of hardship wiped from it.
Amos: Seein' that old girl's peaceful face has cured old Amos of all his aches and pains.
Terry: She looks like she hasn't a care in the world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Woman was in pain... Now resting... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: I really hope these folks find out about Blackmar's demise... Wherever they are.
Milly: If only they were alive, I'm sure they would welcome this day...
Ashlynn: I hope news of the revolution here reaches them in the afterlife.
Nevan: Now these tragic souls can be given a proper burial at last.
Amos: All we can do is pray that they rest in peace...
Lizzie: (snarl) Wonder...when they died... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey! Nothing fazes this fella, huh?
Milly: I wonder how “good” it would have to be for him to get interested?
Ashlynn: He probably wouldn't come up even if he knew the town was free now, huh?
Nevan: Does anyone have the faintest idea why that man is here in the first place?
Amos: I don't reckon anyone even knows that lad is livin' down here.
Terry: If he's happy here, he shouldn't worry about what's going on in the world outside.
Lizzie: (snarl) Not well wisher... Well dweller... (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boing.
Carver: Right! Let's open it up!
Milly: We should be able to open it with the jailor's key now!
Ashlynn: The door's not electrified any more. We can touch it all we want!
Nevan: Let's hurry and check if the Supreme Sage is alright.
Amos: You can't make head nor tail of things from out here. Let's head on in.
Terry: Getting here's been a longer journey than I expected. Anyway, let's push on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Locked door...open now... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: The jailor's key oughta do the trick. Give it a shot!
Milly: Let's take off those chains, hurry!
Ashlynn: Try using the jailor's key!
Nevan: Just how long has the Supreme Sage been locked up down here?
Amos: The Supreme Sage is in a bad way...
Terry: Hey, Hero – it sounds like you can use the jailor's key to unlock those chains.
Lizzie: (spit) Jailor's key...open chains...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? Boi-oing? Boing!
Carver: Crikey! Good thing he's still strong enough to talk, aye?
Milly: Thank the Goddess! His faculties seem to be intact.
Ashlynn: Um...shoot. Where's the keyhole?
Nevan: That poor man is covered from head to toe in cuts and bruises...
Amos: Blimey! I didn't expect him to start talkin'!
Terry: Hurry up, Hero. With the state he's in, he might not be conscious for long.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sage alive...and talking...! (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Sleepin' like the dead, aye? For a moment I thought he really was dead.
Milly: He was tied upright like that for such a long time...
Milly: Even the cold, hard floor must seem like a comfortable bed to him right now.
Ashlynn: This must've been exhausting for him...
Nevan: He used his last remaining strength to speak to us.
Amos: I wonder why this Benjamin fellow was locked up in this dingy cell.
Amos: He must have some amazin' powers at his disposal.
Terry: It's best to let him rest.
Lizzie: (snarl) Benjamin...in deep sleep... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: I'd say our work is just about done here, aye?
Carver: We're ready to storm the Archfiend's castle!
Well, after a quick rest first.
Carver: You sure he'll be okay like this?
Milly: Captain Blade is waiting for us upstairs.
Let's go and join him.
Milly: So if we use the orb of truth, we'll be able to see the real state of this world...?
Ashlynn: Boy, Captain Blade sure likes zooming out of rooms like that, doesn't he? C'mon, let's chase him down!
Ashlynn: That orb of truth ought to be just the ticket to reach the Archfiend!
Nevan: Shall we head back upstairs?
Nevan: So must we really stand on the cape and hold this orb aloft over the sea...!?
Amos: Captain Blade must have gone to join in the festivities.
Amos: Let's bid everyone farewell, then be on our way.
Amos: What can this world's true form be...?
Amos: Imagine if the whole world was inside a giant monster's belly! Blimey...
Terry: Once his work's done, he makes himself scarce...
Terry: Captain Blade doesn't waste any time.
Terry: So Supreme Sage Isaac is close to the Archfiend's castle?
Terry: Should we bust him out before taking down the Archfiend?
Lizzie: (snarl) Head upstairs...? (slobber)
Lizzie: (spit) Hold orb...on Death's Cape... Supreme Sage Isaac...near Archfiend's castle... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boi-oing...
Carver: ...Like talkin' to a stone wall.
Carver: ...Solid as a rock.
Milly: This is terrible...
Milly: Are they...conscious?
Ashlynn: They're so...lifelike...
Ashlynn: ...No response, huh?
Nevan: Just when everyone was at their happiest.
The Archfiend really picks his moments...
Nevan: Hear me, O Goddess! In your infinite mercy, please save the innocent people of this town.
Amos: It's cold, hard stone...
Amos: If we tickle 'em, they're not goin' to laugh, right?
Terry: This is too much...
Terry: It has to be the Archfiend. No human would be capable of this cruelty.
Lizzie: (snarl) That person...not move... (slobber)
Lizzie: (snarl) That person...eyes wide open... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing... Boi-oing, boi-oing?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: What a disaster...
Milly: That thunder... It was the Archfiend...
Ashlynn: So...like...all that work was for nothing...?
Nevan: I can scarcely believe what I'm seeing...
Amos: Just what's goin' on here!? Old Amos can't make head nor tail of it all.
Terry: Curse Mortamor. Does he think humans are no better than animals or lumps of stone?
Lizzie: (snarl) Archfiend's magic...terrifying... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: ...Like talkin' to a stone wall.
Carver: ...Solid as a rock.
Milly: This is terrible...
Milly: Are they...conscious?
Ashlynn: They're so...lifelike...
Ashlynn: ...No response, huh?
Nevan: Just when everyone was at their happiest.
The Archfiend really picks his moments...
Nevan: Hear me, O Goddess! In your infinite mercy, please save the innocent people of this town.
Amos: It's cold, hard stone...
Amos: If we tickle 'em, they're not goin' to laugh, right?
Terry: This is too much...
Terry: It has to be the Archfiend. No human would be capable of this cruelty.
Lizzie: (snarl) That person...not move... (slobber)
Lizzie: (snarl) That person...eyes wide open... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing... Boi-oing, boi-oing?
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Who do ya think this could be, aye?
Carver: This is so sad. Cute, but sad...
Carver: That one reminds me of someone in town...
I dunno who, but someone...
Milly: It seems like just a second ago that everyone was so happy...
Milly: Mortamor... We can't let him get away with this...
Milly: ............
Ashlynn: Turning people to stone is one thing, but these animals need food or they'll starve!
Ashlynn: Poor thing... Do you think it recognises us?
Ashlynn: These poor things are helpless! We have to do something for them!
Nevan: To see people transformed so easily into animals is a stark reminder of the Archfiend's power.
Nevan: I pray they retain some memory of when they were human.
Nevan: I have faith that once Mortamor is defeated, they will revert to their original state.
Amos: Does no one have any ideas for turnin' these poor animals back into human beings?
Amos: They've all got innocent expressions like they don't have the first clue what's happened.
Amos: Poor little furry blighters...
Terry: I didn't see this one coming...
Terry: Is there no depth the Archfiend won't sink to?
Terry: So this is the power the Archfiend's wielding...
Lizzie: (snarl) People transformed...into animals... (spit)
Lizzie: (snarl) Many people...now animals... Grrrargh... (spit)
Lizzie: (snarl) Can't tell...who is who... (slobber)
Goober: Boing...
Goober: Boing, boing, boing... Boi-oing, boi-oing?
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: I've got a good idea who this dog was, at least...
Milly: There's no escape from the Archfiend, even down in this well...
Ashlynn: The skeletons were obliterated, huh...?
Nevan: I'm sure that man hasn't the faintest idea why he's become a dog.
Amos: They say pets look like their masters. Well, that dog's face does look a lot like that dwarf...
Terry: Well, he's a lot easier on the eyes than he was before, at least.
Lizzie: (snarl) Can dog...escape well...? (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: These giants saved our hide a time or two, aye? And now look at 'em – petrified like everyone else.
Milly: Mortamor was never going to forgive their betrayal...
Ashlynn: They're just as imposing as statues as they were in real life. This is so tragic...
Nevan: It's clear the only solution is to defeat the Archfiend. We must head for the cape!
Amos: I'm just worried these guards'll crack if they topple over.
Terry: They look like statues outside a temple. In any case, Mortamor will pay for this...
Lizzie: (snarl) Brothers...turned to stone... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: The monsters're gone, the soldiers're gone...and now the folks're gone, too.
Milly: I'm not sensing anything at all down here...
Ashlynn: Is anybody here? Friends? Foes? Anyone!?
Nevan: It's quiet. Almost too quiet...
Amos: If someone sneaked up behind us, I reckon old Amos would squeal like a girl...
Terry: This place is full of nothing...
Lizzie: (snarl) No one...here now... (spit)
Goober: Boing...
Carver: Crikey! Look at Benjamin!
Milly: Look at Benjamin! He's glowing!
Ashlynn: Oh, no! The Archfiend must've done something to him again!
Nevan: What's happened to Benjamin!?
Amos: Is Benjamin trapped inside the light?
Terry: What the...?
Lizzie: (snarl) Is sage...okay...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing!?
Carver: Well, I'm glad Benjamin's still around, at least!
Carver: I reckon all we can do is take that orb of truth and storm the Archfiend's castle, aye?
Milly: Benjamin is alive – for that at least we can be grateful...
Milly: All that remains now is for us to head to Death's Cape and take down the Archfiend!
Ashlynn: Oh, thank the Goddess! I don't know what we'd do if Benjamin got petrified, too!
Nevan: Thank the Goddess he managed to protect himself.
Nevan: Right now, he's the most trustworthy counsellor we could have.
Amos: When I saw that light, I thought the Archfiend had some other dastardly trick up his sleeve.
Terry: Benjamin is safe. Our task now is to steel ourselves and bring the fight to the Archfiend.
Lizzie: (snarl) Benjamin safe... Thank Goddess... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Right! So we're takin' the orb of truth to Death's Cape, aye?
Carver: And the first order o' business is to find that fella's brother, Isaac!
Milly: Come on, let's head for the Sea of Nothingness.
Milly: What awaits us there is a mystery, but I have faith that we'll cope with anything thrown at us!
Ashlynn: Oh, please let Supreme Sage Isaac be okay!
Nevan: We have no choice but to leave Benjamin to rest here and regain his strength.
Nevan: Just having him alive and well makes me feel ready for the trials ahead.
Amos: So Mortamor is waitin' for us across the Sea of Nothingness.
Amos: Well, we've come a long way and been through a lot. I hope he's ready for the fight of his life.
Terry: Let's push on before the Archfiend tries to attack Benjamin again.
Lizzie: (snarl) Use orb of truth... Go over...Sea of Nothingness... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
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Carver: What's up with this place? It's small, whatever it is.
Milly: Shhh... There's someone here...
Ashlynn: That's a cell door, right? Is there a dungeon down there?
Nevan: This is a cheerless place indeed.
Amos: So this is Mortamor's castle!
...Hang on! What am I on about!?
Terry: Stay alert – there's a monster here.
Lizzie: (snarl) Mouldy smell...in here... (spit)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: Whew! It's dead, aye? That got my heart goin' for a sec.
Milly: This place hasn't had any visitors in a long old while...
Ashlynn: If this was a jail, maybe that monster was its guard.
Nevan: It seems there's nothing of note here.
Shall we head downstairs?
Amos: Mind that corpse – it could be a zombie! Or is old Amos's imagination runnin' away with him again?
Terry: I wouldn't choose to die like that, even if I was a monster.
Lizzie: (snarl) Died...long time ago... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hmm? Who's that...?
Milly: It looks like there's somebody chained up over there. Could it be...?
Ashlynn: What? Hey, Hero! There's somebody in here!
Ashlynn: If it's the Supreme Sage, we better help him out!
Nevan: There may be some nasty surprises waiting for us. Let us proceed with caution.
Amos: If this world's evil, then they must only lock up good folks, right?
Terry: Is that even a person? It isn't moving a muscle.
Lizzie: (slobber) Lizzie sense...great power... But very faint... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: No lock, aye? How're we supposed to get those chains off?
Milly: It doesn't matter which key we've got if there's no lock to put it in.
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! How are we supposed to get those off?
Nevan: Those are no ordinary chains.
Amos: Don't tell me those chains are locked by a curse?
I bloomin' hope not...
Terry: First things first – why not speak to him to check if he's even alive?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie could...bite through chains... But would also...bite through arm... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Well, at least now we know this is the Supreme Sage.
Milly: That man... They called him Isaac in the dream we just saw...
Milly: This must mean that we've already met the Supreme Sage!
Ashlynn: Supreme Sage or not, how we're going to save him?
Nevan: Shall we attempt to speak to him once more?
Amos: It really felt like those monsters were goin' to get the better of him.
Terry: Was that some kind of scene from the Supreme Sage's mind? Was he trying to tell us something?
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange scene... Lizzie not understand... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing?
Carver: Hmm... I don't reckon we're gettin' an encore.
Milly: You saw it too, right, Hero? It wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me?
Ashlynn: He's alive, alright, but it's like his soul is an empty shell.
Nevan: Supreme Sage Isaac is alive! We must inform Benjamin at once!
Amos: Is it worth tryin' to speak to him one more time? Maybe not...
Terry: We need to let Benjamin know that his brother's alive ASAP.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand...strange vision... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Benjamin's probably still sleepin' downstairs.
Milly: We must speak to Benjamin as soon as we can and tell him that Isaac is alive!
Ashlynn: Remember how happy everyone in town was, even if just for a moment?
Ashlynn: We've just got to beat Mortamor now. We need to win back their freedom!
Nevan: This silence is oppressive.
Amos: Once we tell Benjamin about Isaac, I'll bet things will develop further.
Terry: I hope Benjamin's condition hasn't deteriorated.
Lizzie: (snarl) This town sad... Covered by...shadow of Archfiend... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing.
Carver: How's Benjamin lookin'? Is he awake?
Milly: Let's go and tell Benjamin that Isaac is still alive!
Ashlynn: Wow! Benjamin's awake!?
Nevan: I think it's best to tell Benjamin about that strange vision we saw.
Nevan: Let's pray it contains a clue as to how to rescue Isaac.
Amos: Benjamin really is the spittin' image of his brother!
Terry: We can't hope to understand just what we saw in that prison.
Terry: But Benjamin stands a better chance of grasping its meaning. The sages are brothers after all.
Lizzie: (snarl) Maybe...Supreme Sage's brother...will sense something... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Just tell him the truth, Hero. Crikey! What do ya think we came back here for!?
Milly: I can sense that you're having difficulty telling Benjamin in his current condition...
Milly: But I really think you should tell him the truth.
Ashlynn: This is no time for your stupid “no” stuff, Hero!
Nevan: Hero, I'm not sure hiding the truth from Benjamin is the best approach.
Amos: We need a bit more than prayers right now.
Terry: Sometimes I really can't work you out, Hero...
Lizzie: (snarl) Not tell...Benjamin...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Alright! Time to rescue the Supreme Sage!
Milly: His aura is much brighter than before. I'm sure he'll be just fine!
Ashlynn: Wow! Benjamin's back in shape! That's, like, totally amazing!
Nevan: I never imagined Benjamin would join us. Now we're ready for anything!
Amos: I get it! That light was like his own personal inn!
Terry: C'mon – we've got no time to lose.
Lizzie: (snarl) Benjamin joined...our party...! (spit)
Goober: B-Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: Whew! We made it!
Milly: Looks like we're here.
Ashlynn: Hope Isaac's still okay.
Nevan: Let us hurry to the cell.
Amos: I'm impressed old Benjamin managed to keep up with us.
Terry: Let's get going.
Lizzie: (snarl) We're here... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Right! Down the stairs!
Milly: Let's slow down a bit – remember that Benjamin is having difficulty seeing.
Ashlynn: Nowhere to go but down, huh?
Nevan: Let's escort Benjamin to the lower level.
Amos: It's almost time for the brothers' reunion.
Terry: C'mon, Hero, let's head to where the Supreme Sage awaits.
Lizzie: (snarl) Isaac...waiting below... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing! Boing!
Carver: Well, we're here! Let's get Benjamin over to his brother!
Milly: Finally, we made it!
Ashlynn: How long have these two brothers been separated from each other, do you think?
Nevan: We've arrived. Now let's head inside.
Amos: If old Benjamin can't unravel the mystery of that vision, then no one can.
Terry: I just hope we hit on a way to rescue Isaac.
Lizzie: (snarl) Benjamin...arrived safely... (slobber)
Goober: Boing. Boing boing.
Carver: They're both still fightin' inside the Supreme Sage's mind, aye?
Carver: They deserve to return to their world...
Let's make it happen!
Milly: Let's do this, Hero – before their souls give out!
Ashlynn: This is it, people! Give it all you've got!
Nevan: We must save the sages – we haven't a moment to spare!
Amos: We've got to take the plunge and head into that strange zone between the two sages.
Terry: Let's go, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Battle for...Supreme Sage's soul...continues... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing! B-Boing!
Carver: The two sages, together again! Ain't that a sight!?
Milly: Right, let's go and talk to the sages.
Ashlynn: Wow! It's like I'm seeing double!
Nevan: The two sages are more hale and hearty than I'd dared to hope.
Amos: So let me get this straight – that's Benjamin on the right...erm...or was it the left...?
Terry: It seems they're waiting for us, Hero.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sages...look like twins... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing! Boing?
Carver: It hardly seems like we're worthy of these fellas' gratitude, aye?
Milly: I must admit, I was terribly worried when we first met the sages...
Milly: It's such a relief to see them alive and well like this.
Ashlynn: Isaac and Benjamin are a lot more than just a couple of brothers, right?
Ashlynn: I mean, when those two team up...wow! Such power!
Nevan: The more you look, the more striking the sages' resemblance becomes.
Nevan: I imagine their parents often got them confused when they were children.
Amos: So that one's Benjamin, which would make that one...erm... Isaac!
Terry: They'll be able to live together from now on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie can't tell...which sage is which... (spit)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: Whoa... Uh... Whoa...
Milly: I only wish our powers were so “limited”...
Ashlynn: They were THIS close to obliterating the Archfiend in one fell swoop...
Nevan: Goodness me... I'm at a loss for words...
Amos: That was quite a show...
Terry: Well I'll be...
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie speechless... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: B-Boing...!
Carver: Whoa! We can get back to our world whenever we want through here, aye? Ain't that convenient...
Milly: Now we'll be able to come and go between the worlds even faster than before!
Ashlynn: These sages sure don't mess around, huh?
Nevan: To think, the sages can do this in the Archfiend's backyard.
Nevan: No doubt he is feeling an acute sense of danger right about now.
Amos: The rest is up to us, eh? Comin' from a couple of legendary sages, that's a fair bit of pressure.
Terry: From here on in, it's all up to us. Let's do this!
Lizzie: (snarl) Portal opened...in dread realm... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: Boing. (slurp)
Carver: That's a lotta bonds, aye...?
Carver: Well, it sounds good to me. There ain't nothin' we can't do if we combine our strength.
Milly: The bonds between us are the source of all our power.
Milly: Let's keep our faith in those bonds and fight to the very end!
Ashlynn: I never really gave much thought to the power of bonds and stuff.
Ashlynn: But I guess we're a pretty tight crew now, huh? Oh, we have our little tiffs, but still...
Nevan: What cannot be achieved alone can be achieved by combining our power.
Nevan: The deeper our common bond, the more energy we can unleash.
Amos: That talk of bonds was very touchin'. He's got a way with words, old Benjamin. Erm...I mean, Isaac.
Terry: Let's put those indissoluble bonds to the test.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie feel...true bond... Will give everything...to fight... (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Well, we're finally here... Mortamor country...
Milly: Watch out, Hero. I'm already sensing a strong monster presence.
Ashlynn: This castle tips the scale for creepiness, that's for sure.
Nevan: This castle seems to be almost outlandishly vast.
Amos: It must've been no easy task buildin' a place like this at the top of a mountain.
Terry: We should avoid plunging in too deeply too quickly.
Lizzie: (snarl) We're here...at last... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing!
Carver: I'm glad we could fit the wagon in here.
Carver: If anyone gets tired, speak up and switch with someone fresh, aye?
Milly: Anything could happen here – let's keep our wits about us.
Ashlynn: The monsters... You can almost smell them...
Ashlynn: They're watching us...waiting for the right moment to strike.
Nevan: There's an eerie haze enveloping this castle...
Amos: ...Urgh! ...Argh!
Amos: Oops! Sorry for alarmin' you. Old Amos was just practicin' his battle cries.
Terry: The castle's built on an epic scale, but the design's pretty simple.
Lizzie: (snarl) Huge castle... Can't let guard down... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Pretty big room, aye?
Milly: Are we set on our battle tactics, Hero?
Ashlynn: Straight ahead or bust, huh?
Nevan: The monsters in this castle appear to be even stronger than I had foreseen.
Nevan: Let's not exert ourselves unduly, and make sure we heal ourselves after each battle.
Amos: So d'you reckon all we have to do is keep on ploughin' straight ahead?
Terry: I'm guessing things get serious from here on in.
Lizzie: (snarl) Inside castle...also huge... (spit)
Goober: Boing!
Carver: Mortamor really ain't makin' this easy for us, aye?
Carver: The Archfiend's watchin' us struggle through here, I'll bet. He's probably lovin' every minute of it, too.
Milly: Every battle that doesn't kill us just makes us stronger.
Milly: As long as we believe in each other, the rest'll be easy!
Milly: Every move we make requires another decision – it's all rather draining...
Ashlynn: Boy, what a slog! It's, like, a test of our brawn AND our brains, huh?
Ashlynn: I guess I have a habit of forgetting to use my abilities in battle sometimes, huh?
Ashlynn: Just tell me if you notice me doing that again, okay, Hero?
Nevan: The Archfiend's castle was never going to be straightforward.
Nevan: If we focus our attention solely on the floor, monsters may attack us when we don't expect it.
Amos: D'you reckon the Archfiend's goin' to pop out and thank us for comin'?
Amos: It'd be nice if someone had thought of buildin' an express elevator to the Archfiend's chamber.
Terry: Hero, I'm impressed. Your tactics and attack skills in the last battle were sharp.
Terry: We're getting into the swing of this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Long road ahead... (spit)
Lizzie: (snarl) Many powerful enemies here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Goober: Boi-oing!
Carver: Hmm... How're we gonna reach the north side, aye?
Milly: That switch in the ground... To step or not to step, that is the question...
Ashlynn: This floor is giving me a headache.
Nevan: This floor was no doubt created with the intention of hindering intruders' progress.
Nevan: But if we study it closely, I know we'll be able to figure out how it works.
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Amos: Just who came up with this bloomin' floor and what were they hopin' to achieve!?
Terry: What's with this floor...? If Mortamor thinks this is going to throw us, he's got another thing coming.
Lizzie: (snarl) If we...don't stop floor...we stuck here... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing? Boing?
Carver: Whoa! The sliding floor's gone!
Milly: Aha! It was the switch that changed the sliding floor into a normal one.
Ashlynn: Wow! Like, I blinked and the floor was back to normal!
Nevan: Praise be to the Goddess. We can be on our way once more.
Amos: Once you work it out, it seems like a piece of cake.
Terry: No doubt the Archfiend has more tricks up his sleeve.
Lizzie: (snarl) Sliding floor...disappeared... (spit)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: We know how the floor works now, but that still doesn't make things any easier...
Milly: There's no way of knowing what lies ahead.
Let's stay sharp.
Ashlynn: If only we could find a place to take a quick breather here...
Nevan: I sense we still have some way to go before we encounter Mortamor.
Amos: Be careful when you're slidin' or you'll get a nasty crick in your neck.
Terry: As we go further, the chambers get more vast.
Lizzie: (snarl) Keep...moving... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing.
Carver: That works just like the first switch, aye?
Milly: We should be able to proceed now.
Ashlynn: The floor'll go back to before if we step on that again, right?
Nevan: That switch works just like the one down below on the south side.
Amos: The Archfiend's clearly got some gifted craftsmen to come up with his tricks and traps.
Terry: We know the score with these switches now.
Lizzie: (snarl) Flick switch...floor changes... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Whoa! Look at this place.
Milly: Look at that poisonous swamp, bubbling away...
Ashlynn: Wow. Sure is a mess down here, huh?
Nevan: It's vital that we watch our step.
Amos: This room doesn't half pong, I tell you!
Terry: I doubt the Archfiend's here but let's take a look around all the same.
Lizzie: (snarl) Smells bad... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: Oof! Crikey, what've we fallen into?
Carver: Let's watch our step next time, aye?
Milly: We got careless there, Hero...
Ashlynn: Sliding around up there was all fun and games...
Ashlynn: ...Until we got thrown down a hole. What a buzzkill!
Nevan: We've no other choice but to go back up and give it another try.
Nevan: I feel certain there must be a route that avoids this pitfall.
Amos: Ouch! Old Amos attempted a graceful landin' and ended up bruisin' his backside.
Terry: If we let little setbacks like this throw us, we don't deserve to ever meet the Archfiend.
Lizzie: (snarl) Let's go...back up... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing!
Carver: Alright! I'm in tip-top shape again!
Milly: Oh my... I'm all tingly...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Guess we're ready to roll again, huh?
Nevan: That may have been designed for use by monsters, but it's certainly proved useful for us.
Amos: Is the Archfiend so confident that he can afford to let us recharge our batteries like this?
Terry: Remember where this room is. I've got a feeling we'll be back.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...fighting fit again... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: Crikey! Does anyone have any idea what the Archfiend's up to with this area?
Milly: Let's try not to fall off, whatever happens.
Ashlynn: This doesn't look so scary, does it? It looks kind of fun, actually!
Nevan: We need to work out how those panels are put together or we don't stand a chance.
Amos: This isn't goin' to be a walk in the park...
Terry: We're not here to play around – let's push on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Try not...to fall... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: What happened...? The sound stopped.
Milly: Every area we enter feels a little higher than the last one.
Ashlynn: It stopped moving. Let's see where it took us!
Nevan: The room itself appeared to move. This warrants further investigation.
Amos: It feels like we've done some travellin'.
Amos: I reckon we'll step outside and see the Archfiend waitin' to greet us. ...Just kiddin'!
Terry: It felt like the room was in motion. Let's go upstairs and see what we find.
Lizzie: (snarl) We've arrived... But where...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing?
Carver: We must be in another section of the castle now.
Milly: There's nothing here...
Ashlynn: Sure is quiet here, huh? Watch out for monsters, people!
Nevan: Let's continue our climb.
Amos: I reckon we're pretty high up – old Amos's ears have just popped.
Terry: The size of this place is pretty epic.
Lizzie: (snarl) Can we...go higher...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing boing!
Carver: We've still got a long haul ahead of us, aye?
Milly: Are you alright, Hero? Not flagging?
Ashlynn: We've got to be pretty deep in the bowels of Mortamor's castle by now, huh?
Nevan: It's hardly unexpected, but the monsters here are built of strong stuff.
Nevan: Do we show no mercy or do we play it safe? Picking the right tactic is of the utmost importance.
Amos: Yoo-hoo! Is Mortamor comin' out to play?
Amos: ...Hey! I'm not really expectin' him to pop out!
That'd be more trouble than it's worth.
Terry: I'm itching to see what monsters lie up ahead.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must keep going...until we find...Mortamor... Grrrargh... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Wha? Right back where we came from...
Milly: How in the world are those doors connected...?
Ashlynn: Oh, brother. We gotta do that over again?
Nevan: It seems we chose the wrong door...
Amos: Eh!? How'd we end up here?
Terry: What kind of place is this...?
Lizzie: (snarl) This room...familiar... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Another classic Archfiend trick, aye?
Milly: I really don't know whether we're coming or going any more...
Ashlynn: Oh, come on! What's going on here?
Nevan: Somehow space itself has been warped to make these places connect.
Amos: There's no shortage of doors that look just like each other.
Terry: I wouldn't expect anything less from Mortamor.
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie not understand...this place... (spit)
Goober: Boing...?
Carver: It's a good thing the doors don't close behind us, aye? Lets us know where we've been before...
Milly: If we keep trying different doors, we're bound to find the way forward eventually.
Ashlynn: Boy, this place is huuuge!
Nevan: This was no doubt designed to wear us down and make us despair of ever progressing.
Amos: We've walked a heck of a lot further than I thought we would.
Terry: Don't worry, Hero. We'll get through this.
If at first you don't succeed...
Lizzie: (snarl) Huge room... Many doors... (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: What the heck!? No walls, no floor, no nothin'!
Milly: Not being able to see the floor makes you feel like you're floating...
Ashlynn: This is, like, really scary... I feel like we could just fall forever!
Nevan: I'm feeling rather giddy, I confess...
Amos: Blimey! It's like there's a thunderstorm ragin' inside the room!
Terry: If we just plunge blindly on, we may not even be able to return to this point.
Lizzie: (slobber) Difficult...to see... (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: I can't see a thing in here!
Milly: The lightning flashes illuminate the walls around us.
Milly: Let's keep calm and proceed with caution.
Ashlynn: Ouch! My toe! I hate these invisible walls!
Nevan: I think it's going to take some time to negotiate this.
Amos: Old Amos doesn't want to end up here all alone. Let's not lose sight of each other.
Terry: Keep watching and we can make out where the walls are. Let's learn the route and press on.
Lizzie: (snarl) Can't...make out path... (slobber)
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: Whew... We're finally out of that stupid room.
Milly: We made it outside, finally. Now it should be much easier to proceed.
Ashlynn: Wow, look at this view! It's not exactly breathtaking, but at least it's something!
Nevan: Goodness... We've reached dizzying heights.
Amos: From here, you can look down on the whole of the dread realm.
Terry: If I had to guess, I'd say we're not far from the Archfiend now.
Lizzie: (snarl) Strange atmosphere here... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Whoa! Great, more of this malarkey!
Milly: I'm sensing a great evil presence... Could the Archfiend be close at hand?
Ashlynn: I can feel an intense power coming from below...
Nevan: What is this? Could this place be another of the Archfiend's tricks?
Amos: ...Wh-Where are we!?
Amos: I've never seen anythin' like this before!
Terry: At last. We've arrived.
Lizzie: (snarl) Grrr... (spit)
Goober: (jiggle) Boing.
Carver: Crikey! Does the Archfiend actually live here?
Milly: The Archfiend must have been waiting here for us this whole time.
Ashlynn: Mortamor, our greatest foe! Like, right before our eyes!
Nevan: Let us proceed. For ourselves – and for all the people of the world.
Amos: I wonder if the Archfiend's to blame for...er...a slightly sticky problem.
Amos: Old Amos has sweated clean through his favourite jerkin...
Terry: So this is the very spot from where the Archfiend plotted to conquer the world.
Lizzie: (snarl) Final showdown...close... Grrrargh... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing! B-Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Come on! Let's be sure to finish him off this time!
Milly: We can't give up, no matter what happens.
Believe in our bond!
Ashlynn: We were just caught off guard last time, that's all! It's not gonna happen again!
Nevan: O Goddess, hear my prayer! May You watch over us and protect us in our darkest hour!
Amos: We'll win this – even if it kills us!
Terry: Hero, being able to fight alongside you is the greatest honour I can imagine. Let's do this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Final showdown... Grrrarrrrrrgh! (spit)
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing! B-Boing! B-B-Boing!
Carver: Terry ain't exactly the friendliest fella in the worlds, is he?
Carver: It's fun to see Milly play the bossy big sister with him, though.
Nevan: I think all that praise rather embarrassed Terry.
Ashlynn: Ugh! Sometimes I just don't understand that Terry!
Ashlynn: I mean, who just walks out on the ruler of the entire dream world like that?
Carver: It may be the “way of this world” to fade away, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Carver: Talk about your sad news!
Nevan: Is there no way for the real and dream worlds to coexist? Perhaps that is hoping for too much...
Ashlynn: I guess the dream world won't be visible from the real world for much longer, huh...
Carver: Just like a sage, aye? Always gotta know everything...
Nevan: I too would dearly love to stay and learn more from Lord Zenith about his extraordinary castle.
Ashlynn: Did you see Isaac's eyes? They're practically tearing up, he's so excited.
Carver: Hardy har! The high-'n-mighty sages of legend thankin' us personally! Imagine that!
Nevan: Only by joining forces were we able to bring peace back to the world.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! He didn't have to thank us!
We were just doing our jobs!
Carver: Hmm... He makes it sound like we'll never see each other again. Wouldn't that be sad...?
Nevan: I think it's high time we took our leave.
Ashlynn: We better hurry up. Don't want to keep Milly and Terry waiting!
Carver: He sounded a bit flustered, aye? He must be too nervous to say much else to ya, Hero.
Nevan: Let's bid farewell to the castle's other residents.
Ashlynn: Come on, guys! Or Terry's gonna to be all grumpy!
Carver: Can't sneak anything past Lord Zenith, aye?
Nevan: It matters little who actually defeated Mortamor, as long as the world is truly at peace.
Ashlynn: We actually did something a heck of a lot tougher than beating Mortamor!
Carver: The “sound of life”? From an egg?
What's that about?
Nevan: Whatever nature of egg that may be, new life stirs within.
Ashlynn: The egg's making noises? This I gotta hear!
Carver: Huh. I didn't know new eras hatched from eggs.
Nevan: I wonder what kind of future is about to be born?
Ashlynn: Let's hope this new era hatches sunny side up!
Tee hee!
Carver: Huh. Is any of this making sense to you, Hero?
Nevan: It sounds like the future is bright!
Ashlynn: Maybe she just means the future's bright now that Mortamor's gone...?
Carver: I heard it alright! There's life in there, believe you me!
Nevan: Whatever nature of egg that may be, new life stirs within.
Ashlynn: Yep! We sure heard it!
Carver: Hope she's right. It'd be a real letdown if it was just a plain ol' lizard in there, aye?
Nevan: I have faith a bright future is about to be born.
Ashlynn: You hear it shuffling in there? That thing's gonna crack any time now!
Carver: This is all over my head, but I'm sure it'll make sense once it hatches.
Nevan: It sounds like the future is bright!
Ashlynn: The future's bright for all of us now that Mortamor's gone, huh?
Carver: They'd better not falter, aye? I've had my fill of savin' the world for one lifetime.
Carver: Next time we go on a journey together, it'd better be for a holiday!
Nevan: I have faith Lord Zenith's research will succeed in stymieing evil.
Ashlynn: We'll just have to pray that Mortamor is the last of these diabolical destroyer types, huh?
Carver: Aye, maybe I should write a chapter on how amazin' we are.
Nevan: This quest has taught me that there is so much out there that cannot be learnt from books alone.
Ashlynn: Somebody's bound to write a book about us now, huh?
Carver: Well, my carpentry will serve the good of all behinds...with comfy chairs 'n everything like that.
Nevan: We will do whatever we can for the good of all.
Ashlynn: Boy, I'd love it if we could keep putting our talents to good use!
Carver: Might as well give the castle one final look-see, aye? I doubt we'll be back any time soon.
Nevan: Milly and Terry have already headed outside, I believe.
Ashlynn: Boy... It still hasn't really sunk in that we've beaten the Archfiend, huh? It's like a dream...
Carver: I'm afraid I don't know squat about keepin' Yggdrasil healthy...
Carver: I mean, I can barely pronounce the word. Iggydrazzle? Iggdrowsy? Ah, close enough.
Nevan: Yggdrasil's dew was indispensable!
Ashlynn: I guess only one World Tree can grow at a time, huh?
Ashlynn: That's a shame. Imagine walking through a whole forest of them!
Carver: Aye... Sometimes ya just have to see things for yourself.
Nevan: I did wonder where we could possibly start in explaining the nature of our world...
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Maybe she'll find a nice man down there and start a family.
Carver: It's really gonna fade away soon, huh...?
Carver: Well, even if it disappeared right before my eyes, I'd never forget any of the folks here!
Nevan: We couldn't forget if we tried.
Ashlynn: ......
Carver: It's not like we were asking for payment anyway, aye?
Carver: It's the thought that counts 'n everything like that.
Nevan: I find the priest's words deeply moving...
Ashlynn: Boy, I'll just never get used to being thanked so much.
Carver: The world's in safe hands with Lord Zenith watchin' over it, I'd say.
Carver: And if some new evil fella shows up, we can always take our team out of retirement!
Nevan: We shall never forget Lord Zenith and all the denizens of the dream world.
Ashlynn: It'd be so sad if everyone were forgotten...
Carver: How's he tendin' to that thing, anyway? What, does he sit on it when we're not around?
Nevan: That egg contains the future? I have faith it will be a bright one.
Ashlynn: Wow! It'll pop any minute, he said! This is exciting!
Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like someone's ready for their own birthday party!
Nevan: Even the sounds it makes resonate with hope.
Ashlynn: Ooh, you hear that shuffling? It must be itching to hatch!
Carver: Same to him, aye?
Nevan: I pray for long life and happiness for everyone who resides here.
Ashlynn: I'll bet Milly and Terry are getting a little tired of waiting about now...
Carver: This castle looks huge from the outside, aye?
Nevan: We should all take a good last look at the castle.
Ashlynn: You think this castle'll ever soar across the horizon again?
Carver: So what she's sayin' is don't stop believin', aye? Got it.
Nevan: I have faith that we shall continue to see this realm in our dreams.
Ashlynn: Yes... We need to hang on to our dreams...like, forever and ever.
Carver: Right! We've got a date with Peggy Sue right about now, aye?
Nevan: Let's be on our way.
Ashlynn: I can't wait to see how the world looks from the sky now that the Archfiend's gone.
Carver: Well, I reckon it's about that time.
Nevan: I pray that we will meet again. Now, we must bid farewell to all who are here.
Ashlynn: Milly and Terry should be waiting for us in the wagon.
Carver: Oh, did we forget to do somethin'?
Nevan: So we're going to tarry here a while longer?
Ashlynn: I know how you feel, Hero. I hate goodbyes, too.
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Carver: We're back! Feels like the good ol' days!
Carver: Kings don't like to be kept waitin'. Let's move!
Carver: You heard him, Hero! Let's head inside!
Carver: Say what!? He heard about it from Captain Blade? Blade's here!?
Carver: Crikey... So Captain Blade's been spreadin' the word, aye?
Carver: Let's go see him, already!
Carver: What!? He ain't kiddin'? Blade's really back?
Carver: C'mon, Hero! Let's go say hello!
Carver: So Captain Blade's back in Somnia, aye? That's the best news I've heard in ages!
Carver: Crikey... Someone needs to catch up on current events.
Carver: Oooh, that smells good... Oops! Didn't mean to drool on ya...
Carver: So they're throwin' a feast tonight, aye?
Carver: Hardy har! I hope they're ready for my belly!
Carver: Huh? The guard on break or somethin'?
Carver: Heh. It'd take weeks to tell him everything he missed while he was locked up down here.
Carver: Remember how we couldn't get that door open? It took nothin' less than the ultimate key in the end!
Carver: And here's the room where Captain Blade briefed us on Gardsbane Tower... Ahh, memories.
Carver: Nice view, aye? You can see the whole town from here.
Carver: Well, I hope she doesn't scream too much.
That might freak out the guards.
Carver: They're filling back up, aye? Now that's what I call breakin' news! Hardy har!
Carver: Hearin' that really brings home how much we accomplished on this trip, aye, Hero?
Carver: Oh, right! Enough lollygaggin' – we gotta go see the Captain!
Carver: The castle guards're pretty cheery, aye?
Carver: Let's go upstairs! I bet the King's excited to see Captain Blade back.
Carver: Well, seein' the King goofin' off like that would make anyone nervous, aye?
Carver: Hardy har! Secrets don't stay secret for very long around here, aye, Hero?
Carver: It's not like we were standin' in his way, aye?
Carver: We beat the Archfiend... He impresses his father... Everyone wins!
Carver: Hardy har! That sure is one slippery king, aye Hero?
Carver: Ah, well. We'll see him soon enough, I'm sure.
Carver: Mm? You forget somethin'? Well, just make it quick.
Ashlynn: Let's get going. We got a lot of people to see off...
Ashlynn: It'd be neat to learn all that new magic and stuff...
Ashlynn: But I dunno... Is that really what I wanna do with my life?
Ashlynn: He has nothing to worry about there, that's for sure!
Ashlynn: I mean, you'll be working to preserve world peace and stuff in Somnia, right Hero?
Ashlynn: I know that better than anybody!
Ashlynn: Uh, yeah... I'm not nearly old enough to be called “Eldress” yet.
Ashlynn: What about “Youngdress”? Hmm...
I guess that sounds a little silly...
Ashlynn: Oh, I know! How about “Superstar of Sorceria”? You could call me S.O.S. for short! I like that one!
Ashlynn: Oh? Something wrong, Hero?
Everyone's waiting in the wagon.
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Carver: Who wouldn't want to celebrate? The village son's become a hero of the world 'n everything like that!
Nevan: That fellow seems to have already drunk plenty.
Ashlynn: Wow! People here sure love you, Hero!
Carver: Seein' everyone so happy really puts a smile on your face, aye, Hero?
Nevan: How good it is to see everyone in such high spirits.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! These village people know how to party!
Carver: They really put you on a pedestal here, aye, Hero? Must be nice!
Nevan: I sense that no work will get done in Weaver's Peak today.
Ashlynn: He's right, you know! You're big-time now!
Three cheers for Hero!
Carver: Watch yourself, Hero. You don't wanna wake up married to that.
Nevan: ............
Ashlynn: Oh, brother! She ever think about anything except landing a husband?
Carver: ...Speaking of Tania, what are ya gonna say to her, Hero?
Nevan: I just recalled Lord Zenith's words about the dream world disappearing...
Ashlynn: Oh, yeah... I bet Tania's been looking forward to that, too...
Carver: Huh. Between the Goddess and the mountain spirit, we had plenty of divine help, aye?
Nevan: The Goddess was also watching over us all.
Ashlynn: We should thank the spirit for helping us too, huh?
Carver: Aw, c'mon, we're at peace now! The old man should just sit back and enjoy it.
Nevan: That old man seems in rather low spirits. Perhaps he simply needs to...drink more spirits?
Ashlynn: Aww. We'll need wise old-timers like him to help us make the most of this new peace!
Carver: Hey, parties like this don't happen every day. Live it up!
Nevan: Just when did everyone start drinking...?
Ashlynn: It's party time! Revel in it now and pay for it in the morning, I say!
Carver: You're the village hero now, aye, Hero?
Carver: That reminds me: I'd better go and check up on my parents soon.
Nevan: More and more people everywhere will no doubt start travelling once again.
Ashlynn: Aww... All this partying must've pooped him out.
Carver: Some folks still haven't joined in yet, aye?
This party might last all night...
Nevan: It would be hard to do business while everyone else is wassailing.
Ashlynn: He better hurry. Everyone's gonna be passed out by the time he joins in!
Carver: Hardy har! Tryin' to ward off Buddy, huh?
Nevan: I believe Buddy peeking inside the house angered that cat.
Ashlynn: Whew! I thought that cat was ticked at us for a second. Poor Buddy, though!
Carver: Tania openin' her heart to Buddy?
Sounds like he's dreamin' to me...
Nevan: It doesn't sound like Buddy's ready to abandon his dreams just yet.
Ashlynn: I'd take Hero over Buddy in a heartbeat myself, but...
Carver: Hold your horses, Hero! We can't come to Weaver's Peak and snub Tania!
Nevan: Wouldn't you regret leaving the village without seeing Tania, Hero?
Ashlynn: Huh? Where're we going? We haven't seen Tania yet!
Carver: Oh, Buddy's waitin' for us, too? Great.
Nevan: I'll warrant Tania has been waiting for your return all this time, Hero.
Ashlynn: C'mon, let's go to Tania's place!
Carver: Well, Hero was a natural born hero, after all.
Carver: I might be able to learn from him, but there's no way Buddy could ever follow in his footsteps.
Nevan: I do hope Buddy will be able to live up to your example, Hero.
Ashlynn: Comparing Hero to Buddy is kinda like comparing apples to onions...
Carver: I bet that lady's excited to have an honest-to-Goddess successor now!
Nevan: Ah! So that girl was her granddaughter?
Ashlynn: Boy, that must be a load off her shoulders...and fingers!
Carver: Crikey! She's like a machine!
Nevan: I find myself mesmerised by her highly-skilled hands.
Ashlynn: So that's how crafts get passed down from one generation to the next, huh?
Ashlynn: I suppose it's the same thing with magic, actually.
Carver: Do ya think the cow knows we're at peace now?
Nevan: That cow somehow seems rather out of sorts.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I bet that heifer's mad she didn't get invited to the party.
Carver: It'd be nice if the peace lasted that long, but I dunno...
Nevan: We too pray that the Goddess will grant us peace.
Ashlynn: If I had my way, peace would last forever and ever!
Carver: The priest looks asleep on his feet, aye?
Nevan: Of course the priest can't join in the general wassailing and merrymaking.
Nevan: But the poor man still seems exhausted...
Ashlynn: Is he just tired or what? He looks a little strange to me.
Carver: What in the...?
Nevan: It seems Lord Zenith spoke the truth – the dream world is getting set to disappear.
Ashlynn: Tania's fading away...
Ashlynn: Can't...can't we do anything about it!?
Carver: So...so there's nothing we can do, aye?
Nevan: Tania...
Ashlynn: Tania! Tania, don't fall asleep! Tania!
Carver: Oh, great. Everyone else in town's gone see-through, too.
Nevan: It seems that the dream world is starting to fade...
Ashlynn: No...! We can't let this happen! I don't want to say goodbye!
Carver: Do what ya gotta do. Do ya wanna walk around a bit more?
Nevan: It feels too soon to be leaving Weaver's Peak.
Ashlynn: Stay here as long as you need, Hero.
Milly: I'm ever so glad that Carver got his father's forgiveness!
Nevan: So Carver is taking his leave... Parting really is such sweet sorrow...
Nevan: I pray that Carver becomes the world's very finest – and toughest – carpenter!
Milly: Hee hee. Carver's father is my kind of man, I must say.
Milly: I can certainly see where Carver gets his rough edges from!
Nevan: Whether or not Carver is a no-good son, I cannot say. But he has given his all to our quest.
Nevan: I hope that his father will feel welcome to visit Ghent any time he pleases.
Milly: Nothing must give a mother greater pleasure than seeing her son return home...
Nevan: It seems like Carver can now devote himself to looking after his parents.
Milly: Carver...
Milly: I'll never forget the time we spent together on our journey, or what we accomplished...
Nevan: It isn't as if we can never hope to meet Carver again.
Nevan: This is most certainly not goodbye.
Milly: Huh, we're not leaving? Don't you think we should let them have some long-awaited family time?
Nevan: Come, Hero. Let's not overstay our welcome.
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Milly: It's time to say goodbye to the Providence, too.
Milly: She was a faithful servant to us on the high seas. I've got only good memories of sailing with her.
Ashlynn: Wow! The ship came back here all by itself? Crazy!
Ashlynn: Thank you, HMS Sparkleheart...
You were the finest ship I ever sailed upon... when I wasn't sick over your rail.
Milly: What's that name you used? Did you come up with it yourself?
Ashlynn: Oh, don't worry about it. I didn't, like, actually call her that out loud.
Ashlynn: It's just the name I gave her in my heart...before I got my sea legs.
Milly: Nevan must fulfil his destiny and become the next Elder of Ghent.
Milly: I'm sure he'll be a simply wonderful leader – let's give him all the support that we can.
Ashlynn: I'm gonna come back if I so much as catch a cold. And he better not charge us!
Milly: I do believe the Elder is right.
Milly: Now that we've achieved peace, let's be sure to make the most of it.
Ashlynn: The “real journey”, huh? I guess we're all embarking on our own paths to the future...
Milly: What's wrong, Hero? Was there something you wanted to say to Nevan?
Ashlynn: Oh, did you wanna gaze at the Sparkleheart some more?
Ashlynn: Milly is such a great woman...and so forgiving, too.
Ashlynn: She was like our big sister throughout the journey, wasn't she?
Ashlynn: I'm so sad to see her go. I just hope she can work things out with her family and find happiness.
Ashlynn: I hope he's right. We'll need to build a world where everyone can enjoy this new peace.
Ashlynn: Milly's family sure has been through a lot...
Ashlynn: But you know, I think they have what it takes to live together happily now.
Ashlynn: Aww... Isn't that great? I'm, like, so happy for her.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! Terry's still Terry, even after all this...
Ashlynn: Still, I think he'll make a good family man from now on.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero, let's get out of here!
Ashlynn: Can't you see these people, like, need their space right now?
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Ashlynn: Where is everyone?
Ashlynn: This isn't the dream world – they couldn't have just disappeared.
Ashlynn: Oh! Now I get it! Everyone went to the party in Somnia!
Ashlynn: Let's go join 'em! I wanna see Tania while we're there, too!
Ashlynn: Oh, the Mayor doesn't need to worry about pomp and circumstance with you, Hero!
Ashlynn: I mean, wouldn't you feel like a total outcast if he was all, like, “yes sire” and “my liege” around you?
Ashlynn: Let's go, Hero! We're gonna miss the party!
Ashlynn: Nobody in here...
Ashlynn: No one here, either.
Ashlynn: Hellooo! Anybody home?
Carver: Hey, a door just opened, Hero! Let's give it a look-see!
Milly: That voice...
Milly: It seemed to be imploring us to do battle with the creatures that are sealed in there...
Ashlynn: Wow! What's with that door? Is this place, like, a haunted house or something?
Nevan: Extraordinary. To think that Alltrades Abbey still concealed secrets like this...
Amos: This is givin' old Amos the jitters, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Won't it...?
Terry: Heh... Looks like things are about to get interesting. About time, too.
Lizzie: (snarl) Door opened... Go in...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing? B-Boing!
Carver: Ahoy! A staircase, aye? Let's head on down!
Milly: I wonder what awaits us under the Abbey...?
Ashlynn: Ooh, isn't this exciting? Scary, but exciting.
Nevan: This room may be small, but who knows what kinds of secrets await us beneath it...
Amos: Old Amos's heart is racin', I tell you! D'you reckon there's amazin' treasure down there?
Terry: Given how well-protected this place was, I doubt it's just any old cellar.
Lizzie: (slobber) We head down...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Huh. Is this some kinda big cave or somethin'?
Milly: Who'd have thought there'd be a cave like this right under Alltrades Abbey...?
Ashlynn: Could this place have more monsters? They're crawling from the walls!
Nevan: Just where does this lead, I wonder.
Amos: Let's take it slow and steady.
Terry: Let's brace ourselves. This place could spell trouble.
Lizzie: (snarl) Why cave...under Abbey...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurp) Boing!
Carver: I'm gettin' a serious sense of...uh, what's it called? Déjà view...?
Milly: I'm sensing something unusual down here...
Stay sharp, Hero.
Ashlynn: Brrr! This is one cold cave.
Nevan: This cave extends further than I had imagined.
Nevan: Should we head back first or plunge further in?
Amos: We've come all this way, so let's keep our eyes peeled for any treasure that's lyin' about.
Terry: Heh. The monsters down here know how to put up a fight.
Lizzie: (snarl) Down here...different from above... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: It's almost like we've wound up on the seabed, aye?
Milly: I wonder if the people in Alltrades Abbey know about this cave...
Ashlynn: Ooh, look at all the water! Isn't it soothing?
Nevan: Visibility may be good down here, but I suspect it would still be easy to lose our way.
Amos: Blimey! That's a powerful stream. I wonder if there's any fish in there.
Terry: I wonder how long this cave goes on for. Only one way to find out...
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...keep going...? (slobber)
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Crikey. This cave does have an end, I hope?
Milly: It's an underground river... I wonder where it flows to?
Ashlynn: Not to rain on our parade here, but I feel like my legs are about to fall off.
Nevan: Every time we descend another staircase we seem to be in a different cave entirely...
Amos: I wonder how far back Alltrades Abbey is...
Terry: I could walk all day, but you must be getting tired, Hero. We can rest if you want.
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...still going... (slobber)
Goober: Boing boing. Boing.
Carver: No monsters in here, aye?
Milly: Let's go further in.
Ashlynn: Something tells me we're in for one serious fight ahead...
Nevan: This appears to be a hidden passageway disguised as a well.
Amos: It seems like it's been a fair while since anyone passed this way.
Terry: So the cave keeps going even beyond this.
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...still going...? (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boing!
Carver: Hmm... This cave looks natural enough.
Milly: You can almost smell the monsters down here...
Ashlynn: I can't wait to see what's up ahead.
Nevan: Do you remember the words spoken back at the Abbey, Hero?
Nevan: We were told to summon all our might and dispose of the wriggling wretches sealed within.
Nevan: To be sure, we have encountered more than a few monsters thus far...
Nevan: Yet still, I have the strangest feeling that the real challenge is yet to come.
Amos: Old Amos has got this sinkin' feelin' that we've wandered into deep trouble...
Terry: This is getting interesting...
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...goes deep... (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing?
Carver: Blimey, that lava's hot! My muscles're gonna melt.
Carver: I'm startin' to wonder if this cave goes on forever...
Milly: This is reminding me of Murdaw's Keep...
Milly: I was still so weak back then...
Milly: This cave layout is rather complex.
Ashlynn: Tee hee! I actually don't mind the heat. Crazy, huh?
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero. You sure we aren't just going in circles?
Nevan: These monsters are immensely powerful.
Nevan: One after another, the monsters just keep coming.
Amos: This floor's burnin' through my boots!
Amos: Blimey! This is tough goin'...
Terry: I'm feeling fighting fit and ready for anything!
Terry: What's the matter, Hero? Don't you want to keep fighting?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lava here...even burns Lizzie... (spit)
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...very, very deep... (slobber)
Goober: Boing. Boing. Boing.
Goober: Boing, boing.
Carver: Whoa! A graveyard? What the..?
Milly: Is this a dead end? I wonder...
Ashlynn: Hard to believe anyone could rest in peace way down here...
Ashlynn: Or maybe this is a graveyard for monsters?
Nevan: We've gotten ourselves lost in a rather peculiar place.
Amos: You don't think it would be wise to head back the way we came, Hero?
Terry: Hmph. Seems like a dead end to me.
Lizzie: (snarl) Many flowers blooming... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: It might look all clear, Hero, but watch your back, aye?
Milly: Ah, nice and cool...
Ashlynn: I just hope we're going the right way...
Nevan: I sense that formidable foes await us still. We must be on our guard.
Amos: (wheeze) Old Amos might just be on his last legs...
Terry: This area's pretty unspectacular as caves go.
Lizzie: (snarl) Cave...really keep going...!? (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing.
Carver: This is startin' to look a bit more man-made here, aye?
Milly: I'm getting the feeling that there's some kind of structure up ahead.
Ashlynn: Not much of a path, huh?
Nevan: Hero, we must be sure to stay aware of everyone's physical conditions.
Amos: Old Amos has had his fill of explorin' this cave.
Terry: We've come this far, Hero. You're not even thinking of heading back, right?
Lizzie: (snarl) Underground...passageway... (spit)
Goober: Boing? Boing?
Carver: Avast! I didn't expect this.
Milly: This place feels deeply portentous... Where could we be, I wonder?
Ashlynn: Oh... I guess we're done spelunking, huh?
Nevan: That door... Just what could lie behind it?
Amos: Well, at least we've landed up in a place that seems a little less dangerous.
Terry: Well, I think the monsters have made themselves scarce. But there's something about this place...
Lizzie: (snarl) This place...some castle's cellar...? (spit)
Goober: (slurp) Boing boing?
Carver: Ain't that an altar? What's it for, ya think?
Milly: It seems we've reached our destination...
Ashlynn: Why do I get the feeling this isn't gonna end well?
Nevan: The air hangs heavy with the unmistakable presence of evil. We must be on our guard...
Amos: I can't put my finger on it, but this place definitely isn't normal.
Terry: Is this place our final destination, I wonder?
Lizzie: (snarl) That altar... Lizzie worried... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing? B-Boing!
Carver: Right! We're here!
Carver: Mortamor's no slouch, but we gotta take out this Nokturnus fella, believe you me!
Milly: Nokturnus... We'll get him this time!
Ashlynn: Do you really think we can get him this time, Hero?
Ashlynn: If we're not powerful enough, we could always try again later. Just saying...
Nevan: Well, we've arrived. What do we do now?
Amos: Listen, Hero – I'm not too interested in gettin' wiped out again.
Terry: This time, let's knock Nokturnus's lights out.
Lizzie: (snarl) We will...not lose... (spit)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing! Boing!
Carver: Right. Time for a rematch, aye?
Carver: Let's see if we can't whup Nokturnus faster this time. Concentrate, folks!
Milly: You're our leader, Hero!
Milly: You've got to think about how we need to fight and give the necessary orders.
Milly: Nokturnus has no intention of surrendering – we've got to take him down as soon as we can!
Ashlynn: We're gonna make Nokturnus raise the white flag for good this time. Mark my words!
Nevan: Hero, any instructions during battle are always gratefully received.
Nevan: We must dispense with Nokturnus as fast as we possibly can.
Amos: Let's get goin' Hero! Old Amos is ready to give it his best.
Terry: If we want to defeat Nokturnus quicker, we're going to need someone calling the shots.
Terry: You know what I'm saying, right, Hero?
Don't just leave it to others – get involved in switching up the strategy.
Lizzie: (snarl) Must defeat Nokturnus...fast as possible... (spit)
Goober: Boing! Boi-oing!
Carver: Let's face it, Hero: we still ain't strong enough.
Milly: The deity of death and destruction...
Reducing all to nothing...
Milly: It sounds terrifying... But we've got to stand up to him. We'll stop him next time!
Ashlynn: Just fighting him to the finish isn't enough? Ugh! This is never gonna end!
Nevan: Nokturnus is a formidable opponent indeed.
Amos: Blimey! I was startin' to think that battle was never goin' to end...
Terry: It feels like Nokturnus has been calling the shots all along. But we'll be back, right, Hero?
Lizzie: (snarl) Next time...beat him faster... (slobber)
Goober: Boing, boing, boing!
Carver: Ahoy! A treasure chest!
Milly: A treasure chest, eh... I wonder if it's really treasure that's inside...
Ashlynn: Haven't seen a chest in a while, huh?
Nevan: I almost failed to spot that one.
Amos: I wonder what kind of treasure someone would hide this far underground.
Terry: Let's get that treasure chest open.
Lizzie: (snarl) New treasure...! (spit)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Well, uh... That's...nice...
Milly: I think it suits Ashlynn better than me...
Ashlynn: This is more Milly's style, I think...
Nevan: That is no ordinary item...
Amos: I bet somethin' like that'd cost you an arm and a leg in the shops.
Terry: Hmph. So that's what it was.
Lizzie: (snarl) Nothing to do...with Lizzie... (spit)
Goober: B-Boing?
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Carver: It's been one adventure after another, aye?
Who knew the world was so big.
Milly: We're now able to explore both the surface of the land and the bottom of the sea.
Milly: There's still a long way to go, however. Let's stay focused.
Nevan: Exploring the ocean is no easy task, but I feel we should spend some time beneath the waves.
Ashlynn: For something that makes me so sick sometimes, the sea sure is nice to watch. It's just so...calming.
Ashlynn: Maybe I was a mermaid in a former life.
Amos: Usin' Lorelei's harp on the floatin' island will let us dive under the ocean here in the upper world.
Amos: But if we go underwater here, will we fall through to the lower world!?
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: Hmm... Now where's that island we brought back from the dead?
Milly: Hey, Sorceria is the city on that restored island, isn't it? Let's go and have a look!
Nevan: We should make haste to the island released from Gracos's seal.
Ashlynn: I can't wait to see Sorceria!
Amos: I'm relieved to see that giant leak in the upper world's been plugged up!
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: Ahoy, Hero, let's put that fancy flying carpet of ours to good use.
Milly: I wonder if the flying carpet can take the weight of us all and still fly?
Nevan: With the flying carpet at our disposal, perhaps we can travel to previously unreachable locations.
Ashlynn: We owe the Sorens more than they know, huh?
Amos: Who'd have thought that plush rug would turn out to be a flying carpet?
Amos: If Seymour Sass had known that, he might not have been willin' to give it away as a prize.
Goober: (slurp) Boi-oi-oing!
Carver: Hey, Hero – why don't we go and say hello to the folks back in Somnia?
Carver: Let's show 'em the real you! Oh, and we oughta head to Weaver's Peak while we're at it!
Milly: It might be my imagination, but you somehow look more impressive when you walk now, Hero.
Nevan: Hero, do you not find that the world looks somewhat different now?
Ashlynn: Why not another trip to Somnia, now that you're back to your old self and all?
Ashlynn: I bet Queen Apnea can't wait to see the real Hero, too. Let's go!
Amos: You know, Hero, there's somethin' a tad awkward about your movements.
Amos: Maybe you're not used to bein' a different you?
I mean, you look the same and all...
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Just great. We go through all that trouble to grab this legendary equipment, and only you can use it.
Carver: How come you get all the breaks, Hero?
Milly: If we're ever in doubt as to what to do next, we should pay Madame Luca a visit.
Milly: She's sure to put us on the right track.
Nevan: A cloud of anxiety appears to be spreading over every town and village.
Nevan: What can we do to help put people's minds at rest?
Ashlynn: I'm feeling sassy. Maybe it's time to change vocations and get a new outlook on life.
Ashlynn: But which vocation should I try next?
Amos: Old Amos is tryin' to remember how many monsters we bashed yesterday...
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: Bah... So you're the only one of us who can equip this legendary junk, aye, Hero?
Carver: How's that fair?
Milly: We must gather the legendary items as soon as possible.
Milly: Where could the rest of them be?
Nevan: Hero, do you recall the inscriptions on the legendary equipment?
Nevan: I am convinced that a profound mystery is concealed within those inscriptions.
Ashlynn: Hey, how about we let our hair down and hit up a casino?
Ashlynn: I feel so lucky today! Just don't blame me if we lose.
Amos: Poppin' between the upper and lower worlds ain't half confusin'!
Amos: Hero – give me a thumbs up if we're in the upper world and a thumbs down... Never mind!
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: So the only piece o' legendary gear left to grab is the sword, aye? I can't wait to swing that thing!
Carver: Ah, I know only you can equip it, Hero. But could I just hold it for a bit? Could I?
Milly: It'd be nice if the Archfiend behaved himself until we've gathered the legendary items...
Nevan: I feel truly blessed to have been granted the opportunity to travel the world with all of you.
Nevan: I have seen more than I ever dreamt existed.
Ashlynn: Whew... I'm beat. Anyone mind carrying me on their back?
Amos: Anyone else feelin' we're a little squeezed for space in the wagon these days?
Amos: ...No? So it's just old Amos then...
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: That's that – we got all the legendary stuff... Now what?
Milly: One great chasm remains somewhere in the world. Let's seal it up, quickly.
Nevan: During our quest, the dreaded grasp of the Archfiend has spread further and further.
Nevan: Now we have all the legendary equipment, the fate of this world rests in our hands.
Ashlynn: Why can't I equip any of that legendary gear?
It's a few sizes too big, sure, but still...
Amos: Listen! Old Amos had a dream last night!
Amos: Umm... I've forgotten the details...but it was a dream alright!
Goober: (slurp) B-Boing!
Carver: Keep movin', keep movin'. If we can just wrangle Pegasus, we'll fly all the way to Mortamor in a flash!
Milly: We have to find Pegasus before the Archfiend causes her any more harm.
Nevan: I can't wait to see Pegasus in all her glory!
Ashlynn: I sure hope Pegasus is alright. We better find that horsey fast!
Terry: Once Pegasus is restored to full power, we'll be one step closer to stopping the Archfiend.
Amos: When Lord Zenith spoke to us at Cloudsgate Citadel, it was like a dream...
Amos: ...Wh-What!? It wasn't a dream, was it?
Lizzie: (snarl) We...find...Pegasus...? (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: So Peggy Sue was Pegasus all along... Just when I thought things couldn't get any crazier!
Milly: Peggy Sue is more powerful than ever. I can sense it...
Nevan: With Peggy Sue on our side, it feels like there's nowhere we can't go.
Ashlynn: I can't believe Pegasus is still pulling our wagon. What a humble horse.
Terry: I fear the Archfiend will attack Peggy Sue now that she's become Pegasus once more.
Terry: But we'll defend her with everything we've got until we deliver her to Lord Zenith.
Amos: Did you see the size of Peggy Sue's wingspan!? Like THIS, it was! Like THIS!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...love...Peggy Sue... (slobber)
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: No monsters can stand in our way now that Terry's on our team!
Milly: Eh? I've been beaming ever since we met Terry again!?
Milly: Stop teasing me, Hero!
Nevan: Now all of the great chasms have been filled.
Nevan: All that remains is to defeat the Archfiend.
Ashlynn: Boy, I bet we could defeat two or three Mortamors at this point!
Terry: It still feels odd to be surrounded by others.
I've been alone for so long...
Amos: Whenever a new member joins the party, things get more lively. The more, the merrier!
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: We owe Lord Zenith big time, aye? We never woulda made it to the dread realm on our own.
Milly: Come on, let's head to the dread realm!
Nevan: Just what is the dread realm's true nature...?
Ashlynn: What're we waiting for? To the dread realm!
Terry: Let's go!
Amos: Let's be careful not to push the wrong button!
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh! (slobber)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Carver: I hope Unda and the other mermaids live happily ever after 'n everything like that.
Milly: If we're ever in doubt as to what to do next, we should pay Madame Luca a visit.
Milly: She's sure to put us on the right track.
Nevan: Surely there must be some places in this wide world that we've yet to explore.
Ashlynn: Hey, where to next, Hero?
Ashlynn: I'll follow you anywhere. Lead the way!
Amos: The sea's so huge... Where do you start!?
Amos: Old Amos is never sure what to do at times like these.
Goober: (slurp)
Carver: That flying carpet gets around just fine in the real world, too, Hero.
Carver: It seems a shame to keep it rolled up, aye? Let's ride that rug!
Milly: Let's try using the flying carpet that Old Man Soren restored for us.
Nevan: A new means of transport broadens your horizons. I believe the flying carpet will prove invaluable.
Ashlynn: The flying carpet's a lot more practical than the flying bed. You can't roll up the bed and put it in your bag!
Amos: I wonder if there's places in this world you can only get to usin' that flyin' rug.
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: So, uh, how ya holdin' up, Hero? If you wanna talk or anything...
Milly: So how does it feel to be your real self again, Hero?
Nevan: What shall we do now? Perhaps we should visit Somnia Castle...?
Ashlynn: Hey, uh, Hero...? What's gonna happen to the two sets of memories knocking around your brain?
Ashlynn: Are they all gonna mash together, or...?
Amos: Is your body feelin' heavier now, Hero?
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Follow me! We've got to find all the legendary gear already!
Carver: So...uh, where to next...?
Milly: I think we should try diving underwater in a few different places, Hero.
Milly: I sense many new discoveries await us under the waves.
Nevan: What shall we do next?
Nevan: Whenever we're at a loss, visiting Madame Luca is always a sound option.
Ashlynn: I think something ripped during that last battle.
I hope my clothes don't fall apart or anything...
Amos: Don't slacken the pace! Let's get the full collection of legendary equipment!
Goober: (slurrrp)
Carver: What would happen if you slapped on all the legendary gear? Would ya become a livin' legend 'n everything like that?
Milly: The things you search for are often in the most unexpected places.
Milly: Gathering information from all over is the key to finding them.
Nevan: The legendary equipment is steeped in myth and mystery.
Nevan: By carefully examining each item, we should be able to unlock the puzzles that lie within.
Ashlynn: That legendary equipment sure looks comfortable. It's just so YOU, Hero!
Amos: Old Amos has the distinct feelin' he's got tougher of late. Anyone care to disagree?
Goober: Boing! (slurp)
Carver: Hmm...What's missin' from this picture?
Carver: Ah! The legendary sword, aye?
Milly: It's easy to forget the past when you're enjoying travelling around with your friends like this...
Nevan: Next, the legendary sword!
I cannot wait to behold it.
Ashlynn: Tracking down each piece of legendary gear is kinda fun, huh? I never pegged myself as a collector, either.
Amos: Sometimes I gaze at the sky and wonder to myself...
Amos: Is old Amos a resident of the real world or a denizen of the dream world?
Goober: Boing! Boing! Boing!
Carver: Ya know, I think we should do somethin' about that frozen village...
Milly: The people of Mt Snowhere are all frozen solid...
Milly: I wonder if there's anything we could do to warm their hearts...
Nevan: I do hope we might be of some service to the inhabitants of Mt Snowhere.
Ashlynn: Wow... Mt Snowhere is unbelievable, isn't it?
Ashlynn: I think that's the most snow I've ever seen in one place!
Amos: Old Amos isn't feelin' the cold at all...
Amos: ...Ah-Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Goober: (slurp) Boing...
Carver: Turnscote, aye...? Sounds like it's worth a trip.
Carver: It's...uh...south of Alltrades, aye?
Milly: Turnscote... I'm not looking forward to visiting, but it must be done if we're to get the legendary sword...
Nevan: With this pendant, we may freely enter Turnscote.
Ashlynn: The town was south of Alltrades Abbey and east of Port Haven, right?
Amos: Lady Luck's smilin' on us, alright! We saved the folks of Mt Snowhere, Ali Kazam was still alive...
Amos: Let's keep it up and grab that legendary sword!
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Hey, Hero, ain't we supposed to be trackin' down Mo the Mole back in Turnscote?
Carver: I don't think he skipped town or nothin', so...
Milly: Turnscote... The very name turns my stomach...
Nevan: We've little choice but to rely on our informant, Mo. Let's seek him out once again.
Ashlynn: Hey, Hero! Let's go find that man with the plan!
Amos: Umm... What were we doin' again?
Amos: ...That's it! We were on the tail of that Mo fellow in Turnscote.
Goober: B-Boing, b-boing.
Carver: Remember Welda back there? No way you're gonna find a better swordsmith than her.
Milly: Let's take this rusted sword to Welda and see what she can do with it.
Nevan: Welda's sure to be back in Turnscote by now.
Shall we journey to visit her again?
Ashlynn: If only we could find some way to make Welda let go of her grief...
Amos: This legendary sword's not much use to us in this rusty state.
Goober: Boing! Boing boing!
Carver: Well, only one chasm left to fill up!
Carver: Let's take care o' business, aye?
Carver: That's that for the legendary equipment, aye?
We completed the set!
Milly: The one who collects all four legendary items can enter the Celestial Castle...
Milly: The time to solve this mystery has finally come, Hero.
Milly: Recently, I've felt the connection between this world and the dream world grow stronger.
Milly: My senses are probably becoming more acute.
Nevan: Hero, do you recall the inscriptions on the legendary equipment?
Nevan: They will doubtless direct us to our true path.
Ashlynn: Who knows how long it'll take me to find myself...
Ashlynn: But for now, my home is with you guys.
Ashlynn: We sure have a lot to thank Welda for, don't we?
Ashlynn: If we ever do find her dad, we oughta tell her, post-haste! Right, Hero?
Ashlynn: We sure have a lot to thank Welda for, don't we?
Ashlynn: We'd probably better not tell her what happened to her dad, though.
Amos: Hero, when you're all dressed up in that legendary get-up, you look spiffin'!
Amos: Well, we've got all the legendary gear...
Amos: Now we just have to see where it'll lead us.
Goober: (slurp) Boi-oing!
Goober: Boing.
Carver: Alright! Let's hurry up 'n wrangle Pegasus!
Milly: Let's hurry, before the Archfiend gets in our way!
Nevan: We learnt much from Lord Zenith, though no shortage of mysteries yet remain.
Ashlynn: I hope Pegasus is okay...
Terry: The Archfiend thinks he's got Pegasus safely sealed away. Let's give him a nasty surprise!
Amos: Can't wait to meet old Pegasus!
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...fight...hard...! (spit)
Goober: Boing.
Carver: We better get Pegasus back to Lord Zenith on the double, aye?
Carver: Peggy Sue? OUR Peggy Sue...? Avast!
Milly: Peggy Sue is always looking after us.
Milly: Thank you, Peggy Sue.
Milly: I wonder if she can start flying immediately?
Nevan: All that remains is to enter the realm of the Archfiend.
Nevan: I must confess to being a touch jittery...
Nevan: Now we're able to break through into the realm of the Archfiend!
Ashlynn: Is it me, or is Peggy Sue a lot shinier than she used to be?
Ashlynn: Wow...! Peggy Sue looks beautiful!
Terry: So this is the real Pegasus...
Terry: I always knew Peggy Sue was a magnificent steed...
Terry: But I never imagined for a second she'd be Pegasus herself!
Amos: Once Pegasus is back to full power, we can head to the Archfiend's world!
Amos: Before we take off, could old Amos take a quick trip to the little warrior's room...?
Lizzie: (spit) Grrragh... (slobber)
Goober: (jiggle) Boi-oi-oing!
Goober: B-Boing!
Carver: Hey, Hero? Uh...how long do ya think this air bubble's gonna hold up?
Carver: It's just that I don't plan on drownin' today, ya see.
Carver: Hey, Hero? Uh...this bubble is tooth-proof, aye? It ain't gonna pop or nothin'?
Carver: It's just that I don't plan on drownin' today, ya see.
Milly: The sea's even bigger than I thought...
Milly: We should keep an eye on our map.
Milly: Where are we now, Hero?
Nevan: As expected, it's rather chilly down here.
Nevan: Are you not cold, Hero?
Nevan: It just occurred to me – do you think we're the only people wandering the ocean floor?
Nevan: ...No, no. That can't be. There is no shortage of folks down here.
Ashlynn: The Pescado villagers were right, huh? There's nary a fish scale or tail anywhere down here.
Ashlynn: We know so little about what's just under the surface of the sea. It blows your mind, doesn't it?
Amos: The beasties on the ocean bed are no pushover.
Amos: We let our guard down for a second and they could clobber us.
Amos: Old Amos is feelin' a tad seasick, even down here.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: Whew! Cross off another chasm in the upper world.
Carver: I hear all this poppin' in my ears when we go back to the surface.
Carver: Does that sound normal, Hero?
Milly: Am I imagining this, or has the sea itself brightened up since Gracos was defeated?
Milly: By the way... We haven't seen any other ships sailing underwater, have we...
Milly: Lorelei's harp must be an extremely rare item.
Nevan: There are no doubt places under the ocean we have not discovered.
Nevan: But then, it's not as if we have time for a leisurely cruise.
Nevan: The world beneath the ocean waves is a vital part of our world.
Ashlynn: So that's why we never saw any fish down here. Gracos must've scared them away.
Ashlynn: But peek overboard, Hero! They're swimming all over the place, now!
Ashlynn: You kinda feel like a fish down here, huh?
Ashlynn: Now we know what it's like to be Unda.
Amos: Lookin' up at the surface through the bubble makes you feel a little...
Amos: A-A little...breathless... (wheeze)
Amos: Travellin' under the ocean makes old Amos feel a tad uneasy.
Amos: Dark, narrow places have never been my forte.
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
Goober: Boi-oing! (slurp)
Carver: We know the seabed pretty well now, aye?
Carver: I'm sure there's a thing or two we haven't spotted yet, but still...
Milly: Peace will return to the oceans when the Archfiend is defeated – and to the land as well!
Nevan: All of the giant chasms in the upper world have been filled in.
Nevan: Now we just have to defeat the Archfiend!
Ashlynn: Is it me, or does the sea seem a lot livelier lately?
Ashlynn: Too bad the monsters are just as lively, too.
Terry: Those monsters under the sea are a piece of cake.
Amos: There's a lot of ocean, isn't there?
Lizzie: (snarl) Lizzie...feel like...fish... (spit)
Goober: Boing! (jiggle)
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Spot: I'd g-give all my spots to goo b-back to the wagon! (squelch)
Spot: Let's goo dig some holes! (squelch)
Spot: G-Gooness gracious... I'm j-jigglin' with f-fear! (squelch)
Spot: The m-monsters are p-pretty strong around here... (squelch)
Goowain: My gloopy steed and I are ready to ride into battle!
Goowain: Whenever you require it, I will lend you my not insubstantial supplies of valour.
Goowain: Whoa there! Patience, my gloopy steed...
Goowain: By all means avail yourself of my courage and downright dashing demeanour!
Goober: Ching, ching! (bloop)
Goober: Ching!?
Goober: Chiiing! (bloop)
Goober: Chi-ching! Ching!
Healie: Once upon a time, I was an ordinary slime, you know. (slurp)
Healie: By goolly, I wish I could float higher than this!
Healie: Goo-whiz, I'm thirsty... (slurp)
Healie: Whooze in need of some healing?
Curie: If you get hurt, I cast Fullheal. Just say word.
Curie: Shelley protect. I heal. Also, slurp.
Ultimate buddy team.
Curie: Careful. (slurp) Something here.
Curie: I like fighting. Gets blood pumping. (slurrrp)
Wait...slimes no have blood. Or do they?
Shelley: I'm such a bad seaslime. All I can see are people's feet because of this big old shell...
Shelley: (scuttle scuttle) I'll protect you if anything goos wrong. Aren't I a good seaslime?
Shelley: I wonder if I'd make a good weapon if you threw me. My shell's pretty hard, you know.
Shelley: My shell's in bad, bad shape. (scuttle) I'd better goo trade for a new one soon.
Kingsley: This is a stylish place indeed. Fit for a king slime, you might say! Goo ha ha! (glurp)
Kingsley: I dare say your fighting style could use a touch more...panache. (glurp)
Kingsley: The monsters here are naturally stylish, but I sense very little interest in matters of fashion... (glurp)
Kingsley: I have always believed that one needs stylish weapons in order to fight the goo fight. (glurp)
Spot: It's v-very nice here... (squelch)
Spot: Let's goo dig some holes! (squelch)
Spot: Horsing around with Peggy Sue is goo clean fun! (squelch)
Spot: (squelch) It's a s-scary world outside the w-wagon...
Goowain: My gloopy steed and I are ready to ride into battle!
Goowain: I must constantly strive to slurpass myself!
Goowain: Strong weapons are wasted without a strong heart. I must train harder!
Goowain: It is a fine thing indeed to have companions on the road of life!
Goober: Ching, ching! (bloop)
Goober: Chi-ching!
Goober: Chiiing! (bloop)
Goober: Chi-ching! Ching!
Healie: Goo-whiz, I'd love to take a ride on that bed!
Healie: If you're ever in trouble, I'm goo to go with Heal. (slurp)
Healie: Just slurpin' around...
Healie: Whooze in need of some healing?
Curie: I want try dreamsharing too. Next time.
Curie: Shelley nice. She goo friend.
You seem like goo friend, too.
Curie: Me and Shelley always missing each other. Maybe need better aim.
Curie: I like fighting. Also, slurping.
Not so much like losing.
Shelley: How exactly do I goo about becoming a good seaslime, I wonder?
Shelley: (scuttle scuttle) Pretty fast for a seaslime, aren't I?
Shelley: I'm not very fond of stairs, you know... (scuttle scuttle)
Shelley: You really don't mind talking to me? If you were a seaslime, you'd definitely be a good one.
Kingsley: I deem your wagon to be worthy of carrying my stately frame. It is quite stylish indeed! (glurp)
Kingsley: That last commoner we met was dressed in a most shabby way... Have they no shame? (glurp)
Kingsley: My precious crown has slipped! Such a fashion faux pas is unbefitting of a king... (glurp)
Kingsley: My lifelong quest for style, elegance and distinction continues! Ahh, what fun... (glurp)
(Super Famicom version only)
- Alltrades Abbey
- Amor
- Aridea
- Arkbolt
- Castle Graceskull
- Castle Swanstone
- Château de Sass
- Clearvale
- Cloudsgate Citadel
- Despairia
- Dullerton
- Fashion Forge
- Felonia
- Ghent
- Greedmore Valley
- Haggleton
- Houses North of Arkbolt
- Howcastle
- Howsworth
- Lotus Lagoon
- Madame Luca's House
- Medford's Manor
- Mermaids' Reef
- Mt. Snowhere
- Pescado
- Port Haven
- Poseidon's Palace
- Reaper's Peak
- Rubiss' Palace
- Scrimsley
- Seabed Vault
- Slimopolis
- Somnia
- Sorceria
- Suite Dreams
- Turnscote
- Underwater Inn
- Weaver's Peak
- Wellshire
- Well shop south of Alltrades Abbey
- Amor's Northern Cave
- Cavern Under the Lake
- Cryptic Catacombs
- Desert Underpass
- Destiny's Drop
- Everfrost Grotto
- Fungeon
- Gallows Moor
- Gardsbane Tower
- Hallowed Hollow
- Hazy Heights
- Isle o' Smiles
- Isle of Murdaw
- Lucid Grotto
- Mortamor's Dreadlair
- Moonmirror Tower
- Mountain Pass
- Murdaw's Keep
- Old Coal Mine
- Pillar of Pegasus
- Prison of Sorrow
- Seabed Shrine
- Somnia Well
- Sunken Ship
- Stormsgate Citadel
- The Spiegelspire
- Underkeep
- Underwater Tunnel
- Wayfarer's Pass
- Well south of Alltrades Abbey