Leafy robe

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Leafy robe
DQT Leafy Robe.png
Japanese 万葉のローブ
Romaji Man'yō no rōbu
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest Tact
Effect Increases paralysis resistance for Nature family monsters.

The Leafy robe is a robe that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact. It is a robe woven entirely from autumn leaves that helps protect monsters of the Nature family.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

The Leafy robe is an A-rank piece of clothing that can be received as a reward for completing the 8th stage of the Stump chump's Battle Road. It has a DEF bonus of +8, a WIS bonus of +5, increases paralysis resistance for Nature monsters, and has three slots for Alchemy Effects. The robe can only be equipped by Magic, Support, and Debuff units. The potential alchemy effects include further boosting paralysis resistance, increasing resistance against Zam-type attacks and spells, and boosting the DEF, WIS, or AGL of Nature family monsters.

Related items[edit]