Water blaster

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Water blaster
DQIII Water Blaster.png
Japanese みずでっぽう
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations
Found in Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation

The Water blaster is an item in the NES and Famicom versions of Dragon Quest III. It squirts water on an NPC. The Water blaster is given to you by a child in Muor who knew Ortega, as with the rest of the villagers, by the name of "Papagatero". Ortega had spent some time in the village, made this toy and handed it to the kid.

Human NPCs will simply react to the water being cold when used on them, but when used on animals the response will be "Huh?". Used on an empty tile the standard "But nothing happens!" line will be displayed.

In later remakes of Dragon Quest III, Ortega instead left his helmet behind, and the player obtains it in Muor.