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Dragon Quest VII
Class dancer

Aira is a character from Dragon Quest VII. She is a member of the Dejan tribe but shows great discomfort with the tribe's way of life.

This friction between Aira and her parents ends when Aira is allowed to follow the Hero and his friends to the future.

Appearance and Personality

Aira is a very warm and upbeat person, who perfers to look on the brighter side of life. That being said, she is far from naive and will speak her mind regardless of who she is talking to. For example, when the Party has released the Wind spirit from her seal, Aira immediately deems her a 'Slut' after viewing her floozy attitude. Aira's attire remaniscent of both Maya and the female Soldier class, accented with a black sash and silver bracelets around her thighs.


In Battle

Being the ritual Dancer of the Dejan tribe, it isn't surprising that Aira joins the party with the Dancer class already mastered. This, combined with her incredible sowrdmanship, makes her the ideal physical attacker of the group.



Because Aira jins the party with all of the Dancer's abilities and severl levels of Warrior, this makes it very easier for her to learn the SwordDance hybrid skill, regarded by fans as one of the most usefull abilities in the game.