Mucho macho

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 20:02, 19 September 2010 by Shinitenshi (talk | contribs)

The mucho macho (originally DumbiKing) is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series. Introduced in Dragon Quest VII, it is a stronger, gray and blue variant of the notso macho.


As indicated by their names, mucho machos are stronger versions of notso machos, sporting superior stats and a gray and blue color scheme to differentiate them from their lesser brethren.

This aside, mucho machos aren't that far from notso machos. They boast the same abilities in most cases but are made stronger to trouble players that can easily deal with notso machos.


Dragon Quest VII

#109 - DumbiKing
HP MP Experience Gold
160 12 74 62
Attack Defense Speed
95 84 75
Dropped Item Leather Kilt
Locations Labres
Skills Ramming
Spells Healmore
Twin Hits
Family Beast
Capture Rate Moderate
Bestiary # 109
Game Dragon Quest VII
Console PSX

The DumbiKing can be found in Mount Tor.

Dragon Quest VIII


'Mucho' is Spanish for 'much' where 'macho' is Spanish for 'male', Americanized into meaning 'manly'. While they are still as blubbery as notso machos, mucho machos are 'much manlier' than the yellow monsters in terms of statistics, so the name at least points them out as the superior creature.

Related Monsters


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