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Brey (or Borya in the DS remake) is a member of the hero's party in Dragon Warrior IV. He first appears with Alena in chapter 2. He learns mostly ice-based attack spells and traveling spells, but learns a few battle support spells like Bikill. He can only equip light weapons and armor. He and Cristo join Alena when they discover she has escaped the castle to head out on a journey to prove her strength.

Later in chapter 5, Brey joins the hero's party to help find a cure for Cristo's ailment.

Brey's Spells

Lvl Learned Japanese Name DW IV DQ IV DS Spanish Name
1 Hyado Icebolt Minihelada
3 Sap Debilitacion
7 Riremito Outside Telehuida
8 Bounce Rebote
9 Rura Return Zoom Teleregreso
11 Hyadoruko Snowstorm Helada
14 Speedup Accelerate
17 Day-Night
19 Bikill Oomph
21 Defense
23 X-Ray
25 Robmagic
27 Hyadain Icespears
30 Chaos
32 Mahyado Blizzard