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Dragon Quest IV
DQIV KirylDS.png
Sprite(s) Dq4cristo-sprite-NES.gif DQ4-NDS-KIRYL.PNG
Kiryl mimic transparent.png
Japanese name クリフト
Romaji Kurifuto
Old localization Cristo
Title Chancellor
Shinkan (Japanese)
Most Holiest Priest (IX)
The Advanced Lancer (Heroes)
Class Priest
Race Human
Age 18
Voice actor Daiki Nakamura (CD Theater)
Hikaru Midorikawa (Heroes & Heroes II)
Alec Newman (Heroes & Heroes II, English)

"Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! ...Argh! Be gone away!"

—Kiryl, performing his High Tension attack in Dragon Quest Heroes.

Kiryl (クリフト, Kurifuto) is a character in the Dragon Quest series that appears as a playable party member in Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. He is an apprentice Priest in the castle of Zamoksva, and a close friend and retainer of Tsarevna Alena. When the latter escapes from the confines of her room to explore the world, he elects to accompany her along with the court magician Borya in Chapter 2.

He has gone on to make regular appearances in the Itadaki Street series and is one of the thirteen playable characters in Dragon Quest Heroes, as well as returning in Dragon Quest Heroes II. Kiryl also appears as a special hero character in Dragon Quest Tact.

Appearance and personality[edit]

Kiryl wears a green and white Kalimavkion resembling the traditional hat of a priest, along with a green overcoat and a white long-sleeved undershirt. He carries a long and narrow sword on his back, and keeps a muted orange scarf around his neck. From the Nintendo DS version onwards, the cross on Kiryl's hat has been altered to a more generic shield emblem in order to avoid any resemblance to real world religious imagery. The same emblem appears on his belt as a buckle and also appears on Alena and Borya's outfits, as well.

Like many of the other characters, his appearance in the Heroes series of games has been embellished slightly. He now wears metal gauntlets over a pair of black gloves and greaves over his boots. His overcoat has more buttons on the front and there is ornate blue and gold designs near the hem. He also carries a spear on his back, which is his weapon of choice. Kiryl has gone on to use spears in other spinoffs, such as Tact.

He is very loyal to Tsarevna Alena, as evidenced by how he immediately rushes after her when she escapes. It is also made apparent that he has a crush on the princess as well. Aside from his not-so-subtle remarks regarding his feelings for Alena (which somehow always elude her), signs include him keeping a drawing of her hidden in his room. Beyond his relationship with Alena, Kiryl is a very studious and dedicated young man with a deep sense of faith; he has been training for some time to take over as the resident priest of Zamoksva and his room is filled with religious texts.

Starting with the localization of the DS remake, Kiryl now speaks with a Slavic dialect. The remakes also revealed that he is scared of heights if you use the Party Chat in certain areas, most notably El Forado.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]

Warning: Spoilers!
Click expand to view content

Base stats[edit]

Attribute Starting stats Maximum stats
Level 1 99
HP 18 618
MP 7 565
Strength 3 109
Agility 5 208
Resilience 9 144
Wisdom 7 238
Luck 2 190
Initial gear Oaken club, Wayfarer's clothes


Kiryl corresponds to the Priest Vocation, and as such he learns strong healing and defensive spells, but is fairly limited in the weapons and armor he can equip.

The NES Version of Kiryl is infamous for his poorly-programmed AI, which would continuously cast the Whack and Thwack spells above all others, even when healing is necessary and the enemy is immune to them. While this problem was eliminated since the remakes permit manual control, it has become a running gag related to the character, such as his special appearance in Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road.

Level Learned Original Japanese NES Version DS Version Spanish version
1 Hoimi Heal Heal Minicuración
4 Scara Upper Buff Fortalecimiento
6 Manusa Surround Dazzle Engaño Ilusorio
8 Kiari Antidote Squelch Antitoxinas
12 Mahoton Stopspell Fizzle Negación mágica
14 Sukuruto Increase Kabuff Multifortalecimiento
16 Behoimi Healmore Midheal Semicuración
18 Zaki Beat Whack Muerte
21 Zaoraru Vivify Zing Semirresurrección
24 Zaraki Defeat Thwhack Multimuerte
27 Behoma Healall Fullheal Maxicuración
30 Behomara Healus Multiheal Multicuración
33 Zaoriku Revive Kazing Resurrección plena


A.I. Agony[edit]

Kiryl is infamous in the original 8-bit Version of IV for continuously casting Whack and Thwack during boss battles, wasting his MP and time when he should be keeping the party alive. The reason for this is how the A.I. is programmed in the NES Version: instead of fully comprehending a monsters' resistances and vulnerabilities at the start of battle as in later titles, characters "learn" these aspects as the battle continues. It will take up to three turns to fully understand what will work against a given foe for any character regardless of their wisdom stat. This issue is further compounded by the fact that the game reads each mode switch or transformation an enemy undertakes as an entirely new for A.I. processing, and made even worse by the fact that the final boss has no less than seven "forms".

Thankfully this bad behavior was sorted out in the PSX remake and all subsequent versions, wherein the A.I. logic processing has been improved to give characters a full understanding of foes at the beginning of battle.

Selected quotes[edit]

Main article: Dragon Quest IV Transcript

"Indeed, starlit night make me think also of my hometown. My hometown, and face of Tsarevna- Oplya! Erm... Beautiful stars, nyet?"

Kiryl, in Desert Bazaar (Cell phone)


"He has problem with clever talk? I will therefore refrain from utilising my intimidating vocabulary."

Kiryl, in Woodcutter's cabin (Cell phone)


"Tree is so much large it is capable to be seen clearly from faraway distance. It is too much ostentatious, I mind...

It is my opinion that things are more prettier when they are being done to moderation, furthermore- Oplya, why do you glare so much fiercely?"

Kiryl, in El Forado (Cell phone)


"Are we scaling tower without clear purpose? I, I must protest at this decision!

...Wh-What!? Nyet! I resent very much your implication! My opposition is not due to overwhelming fear of high places. Not slightly...! (gulp)"

Kiryl, in Birdsong Tower (Cell phone)

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Kiryl is present in the near-future version of Reaper's Peak, trying to prevent Alena from climbing down the well to confront Nokturnus.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

On September 3, 2010, Kiryl began appearing as a special guest at the Quester's Rest in Stornway. This could be downloaded through the DQVC using Nintendo's Wi-Fi channel when it was still available. When spoken to, he will give the Hero different pieces of his outfit is certain conditions are fulfilled.

The player will receive the Accolade Most Holiest Priest if the Hero wears all of the parts of Kiryl's costume.

Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special[edit]

Along with Alena, Ragnar McRyan and Torneko, Kiryl appears as a playable character in Itadaki Street Special.

Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road[edit]

Kiryl can be summoned to perform a special attack. After leaping from the wagon, Kiryl tries and fails to cast Thwack multiple times, before finally stomping on the text windows in disgust and (successfully) unleashing a magnified version of Kathwack in the form of angry spirits. Though these ghosts cannot inflict instant death, they deal colossal damage to all enemies.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below and Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

Just as in Monster Battle Road, Kiryl's Coup de Grâce is trying and failing multiple times to cast Thwack before casting Kathwack. He appears alongside his Tsarevna, meeting up with Luceus and Aurora as a rampaging Gigantes is attacking the city of Arba. The two of them are the first of the offworld characters that the heroes meet up with and are pursuing a thief, who turns out to be Robbin' 'Ood. In order to differentiate him from other playable characters, Kiryl uses Spears as his weapon of choice in the game, being able to attacks such as Multithrust. Although he does not possess any healing magic in the first game, he is able to cast Kabuff and Whack. In Heroes II, Kiryl and Alena are among the few returning characters that take part in the story mode, as well. He also gains healing magic in the form of Reheal.

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Kiryl debuted at the beginning of the game, appearing on a three-star rarity card exclusive for Priest characters, casting Thwack. He eventually appeared on another card exclusive for Alena in the seventh card pack, "Strange Tale of Light and Darkness".

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Kiryl appears as an S-rank character of the Hero family as part of the limited Dragon Quest IV event, appearing on his own banner along with Bodkin bowyer. He can participate in Rashaverak's Battle Road as a party member. Kiryl also appears as a boss in the special Three Heroes boss battle along with Alena and Ragnar.

Kiryl (クリフト Kurifuto)Tactlogo.png

DQT Kiryl.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon Hero.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact SupportType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,148 387 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
503 323 340 385 60
Basic Skills
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Goddess's Blessing / Stats Up Bang Res +25 / Stats Up Multiheal Effect +5% / Stats Up
][Über Maulstrom]] Potency +5% / Ability MP Cost -5%
Fourth Fifth
Frizz Res +25 / Stats Up Multiheal Effect +5% / Stats Up
Über Maulstrom Potency +5% / Ability MP Cost -5%
Leader Perks
Lowers enemy ATK by 10% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Max HP +30
Max MP +15
Defender of Zamoksva: Restores MP and greatly raises DEF for 3 turns at the start of turn 3. Multiheal Effect +2%
Über Maulstrom Potency +2%
Perk Details
Goddess's Blessing: Reduces damage by 10% for 5 turns.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Half Res Normal Normal Very Weak
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Half Res Normal Very Weak Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Half Res Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Normal Immune Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Half Res Super Weak Normal Normal


Kiryl is the Slavic derivative of the Greek Cyril. It means "Lordly". His original English name Cristo is the Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese form of the name Christo, itself a short form of the male names Christopher or Christian.


  • In the Japanese games, Kiryl's title is shinkan (神官), a Shinto priest or a person working as a government official at a place of worship, such as a shrine.

See also[edit]
