Dragon Quest IV Prologue

From Dragon Quest Wiki
DQ IV Android Prologue Card.jpg

The Prologue of Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen sets up the story of Hero. The Prologue itself was introduced in the Sony PlayStation Version, and used in all later remakes.


The Talking Frog[edit]

Official art of Hidden Valley

The Prologue opens in Hidden Valley with evening coming, and The Hero having a daily training of swordfighting in the town cellar. He/She doesn't fare so well, but the teacher feels it time to retire for the day, insisting they should both go home.

As The Hero began to head home, a talking frog hops out of the river. She claims that she's really a princess who was cursed by a wicked witch, but that she's happy to live a carefree life, but before making a request, she hops into the cellar as it sounded like someone else was coming. The Hero follows her into the cellar, only to see that his/her friend Eliza is there instead. Eliza's about to deny having seen a frog, but reveals that she turned into it with the Morph spell. She stated that she can turn into anything with it, and demonstrates by turning into a rabbit and hops out, but not before informing her friend that his/her mother finished preparing supper.

The Hero walks around town and visits the teacher, as well as his/her tutor who plans to teach him/her how to use the Sizzle spell soon. The Hero makes it home for dinner with his/her parents arguing whether he/she will have to leave the village someday or not.