Sage's stone

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Sage's stone is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series. Upon use, it restores HP to all party members.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The Sage's stone is hidden within Zoma's Citadel on the penultimate floor. In the remake versions, a second one can be found in Lozamii when you speak to a man in Cloudsgate Citadel for a third riddle. In all versions of the game, 75~94 HP is restored upon use.

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]

This rock restores some of each party member's HP in battle.[1]

The sage's stone can be found in a secluded treasure chest inside Castle Nadiria, and it will restore 50~60 HP upon use.

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

The sage's stone is received as a gift from Madalena upon first entering Nadiria through the Teleportal Shrine. It restores the same amount of health as in IV, but now heals characters and monsters in the wagon as well as those in battle.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The Sage's Stone is a prize for winning level 7 of the Best Dressed contest at Château de Sass and again restores 50~60 HP. In the original Super Famicom version stone will not heal characters in the wagon, making it inferior to Hustle Dance.

Darkcrawlers can also use it in battle.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Reward for collecting 85 Mini Medals (3DS Remake), and recovers 50~60 HP.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

The stone has received a substantial boost in power, restoring 100~120 HP. It is created by combining a lump of gold, a chunk of orichalcum, and an Yggdrasil dew phial. Additionally, one may be found in the Black Citadel near the end of the game.

  • In the 3DS version, the stone has been nerfed to 60~80 HP.

Being an item, the sage's stone is unaffected by a character's Tension level.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

A sage's stone may be made using Alchemy, combining Orichalcum with a Silver Orb and three birdsong nectars.

Although the prospect of free party healing in battles may seem excellent, players may want to save their valuable Silver Orbs for more ambitious upgrades for the Stardust Sword, Meteorang, or Apprentice's gloves. The reason for this is because the amount of HP healed is 75~95, which is far too little to keep pace with the damage outputs of tougher bosses. A Sage's Stone would be extremely helpful in the early stages of the game, but Silver Orbs can only be obtained by fighting extremely powerful Legacy Bosses or purchasing them in the DQVC during certain times, and by the later portions of the game, the party will have access to the much more powerful Multiheal, which will heal twice as much as the Sage's Stone without factoring in Magical Mending. Thus, players would be well advised to save their Silver Orbs, unless they are going for 100% completion on the items list.

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The sage's stone restores 100~120 HP and is the reward for completing the request of an old man in Gondolia, available from the beginning of the game's third act. After speaking to the man and accepting his request, the party must travel to Nautica and transform the Luminary into a fish. From there, he must ascend as high as possible and swim to the southwestern region of the kingdom and explore the seaweed bed until a bright orange glow is found. Return this to the old man in Gondolia and claim the reward. Another can be found in the Luminary's trial.

Dragon Quest Heroes II[edit]



  1. Nintendo DS and Cell phone Version