Magic vestment

The magic vestment is a recurring robe in the series. It can be worn by priests and other spellcasters and reduces damage from magic spells.

Magic vestment
DQVIII Magic Vestment.png
Japanese まほうのほうい
まほうの法衣 (VII onward)
Romaji Mahō no hōi
Old localizations Sacred robe
Magic robe
Found in Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Effect Reduces damage taken from magic spells.

Localization historyEdit

まほうのほうい and まほうの法衣 have been translated into English as the magic vestment in most appearances, though in III, IX, & Treasures it has been translated as the magical robes instead.


The design of the magic vestment has changed little over the years. It is a long, trailing robe similar to those worn by real life clergy, with a high collar and white fur lining, clasps in the front, and gold crosses embroidered on the sleeves. In most of the art, the robe appears to be either a red or magenta colour, but it is depicted as mint green in IV. The length of the robe has changed depending on the game as well, as the end trails on the ground behind the wearer in III and IV, but in later games, the robe ends at the ankles. The robe's name in Japanese, Mahō no hōi, refers to a ceremonial garment worn by either a Buddhist or Taoist priest.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the ChosenEdit

The magic vestment has a Defence bonus of +35 (+38 in the NES Version), reduces non-Zap spell damage by 33%, and can only be worn by Kiryl and Meena. It can be purchased from Dunplundrin, Canalot, Rosehill, Riverton, and the Azimuth for 4,400 gold and sold for 3,300 gold.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten PastEdit

The magic vestment has a Defence bonus of +30, a Style bonus of +20, and reduces non-Zap spell damage by 25 points. It may only be equipped by Maribel, Ruff, and Sir Mervyn. It can be purchased from Alltrades Abbey in the present and El Ciclo in the past for 4,000 gold and sold for 2,000 gold. Magic vestments can also be purchased at the Casino at Pilgrim's Rest for 1,000 tokens.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed KingEdit

An enchanted garment that reduces damage from spells by 2/3.[1]

The magic vestment has a Defence bonus of +39 and reduces damage taken by non-Zap spells by 33%. The vestment's in-game description erroneously states that it reduces damage by 2/3 rather than to 2/3rds. It can only be worn by Jessica and Angelo, as well as Morrie and Red in the Nintendo 3DS version. Magic vestments can be purchased from Savella Cathedral and Argonia for 4,400 gold and sold for 2,200 gold or dropped by Fallen priests and Wight priests. The vestment can be upgraded into a Sage's robe in the Alchemy Pot, as well.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Sage's robe
Magic vestment
Scholar's cap

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Magic vestment  
A conjurer's cloak that can lessen the effects of incoming offensive magic.
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +39/41/43/45
Magical Might +15/16/17/19
Magical Mending +15/16/17/19
Elemental damage taken reduced by 18%.
Requires 10 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
4,400/2,200 Sold at the armour shop and the roving emporium* at Sniflheim, the roving emporium in the Snærfelt*, and the item shop at Arboria*.
1128 chance of being dropped by Leger-de-men and Vicious leger-de-men.
Forging difficulty
  x3 +   x3 +  

The recipe book That's Magic contains the recipe for the magic vestment. It is received as a reward for completing Quest #26: A Cold Crush.

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's BondsEdit

The magic vestment is a 3★ outfit that can be equipped by Mages, Priests, and Sages. When equipped, it would temporarily lower the target's Fire Resistance by 20% after performing a Boss Break. In this game, the vestment included trousers and boots that are worn underneath. It could be acquired commonly from limited Treasure Hunts.

In Other LanguagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolAbrigo mágico
Túnica mágica (IX)
Spanish for "magic overcoat".
Spanish for "magical tunic".
  FrançaisManteau magiqueFrench for "magic cloak".
  DeutschZauberrobeGerman for "magic robe".
  ItalianoAbito della magiaItalian for "garment/habit of magic".



  1. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions.