Elevating shoes

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Elevating shoes
DQVIII Elevating Shoes.png
Japanese しあわせのくつ
Romaji Shiawase no kutsu
Old localizations Shoes of happiness
Luck shoes
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV (remakes only)
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Dragon Quest Treasures
Effect Increases the wearer's Luck or Agility.
Grants one EXP point to the wearer for each step taken where monsters can be encountered.
Increases the amount of EXP gained by the wearer. (IX and Heroes series)

The elevating shoes are a recurring accessory and footwear in the Dragon Quest series. In most games in the series, they grant one point of experience for each step the wearer takes on fields with monsters can be encountered. In some games they simply increase the amount of experience gained by the wearer.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The Elevating shoes have a Luck bonus of +50 and can be equipped by all vocations. The shoes grant its wearer one experience point per step taken on the world map. They can be dropped by Liquid metal slimes and can be sold for 75 gold.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Elevating shoes III HD icon.png Elevating shoes DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Footwear that enhances experience with every single step
Stats Vocations
Luck +50 Gadabout iconHD2D.pngHero iconHD2D.pngMage iconHD2D.pngMartial artist iconHD2D.pngMerchant iconHD2D.png Monster wrangler iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.pngThief iconHD2D.pngWarrior iconHD2D.png
1 exp every 5 steps
Price Location
NA/75 Found in:
Plateau west of Aliahan
Cloudsgate Citadel
Dropped by:
Liquid metal slime 1/64
Metal chimaera 1/128

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen[edit]

Footwear that enhances experience with every single step.[1]

The elevating shoes have a Luck bonus of +50 and can be equipped by all characters. Once again, they will grant one point of experience for each step taken in areas where monsters can be encountered. The shoes only appear in remake versions of the game and can be found in a treasure chest in the Fungeon.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

Appearing exclusively in the smartphone version of the game, the elevating shoes have a +10 Style bonus and can be equipped by all characters. As in previous games, they will grant one point of experience to the wearer for each step taken in areas where monsters can be encountered. The shoes could only be acquired in the Japanese version of the game by entering a code from the Dragon Quest Portal App distributed from June 11th to July 1st, 2015 and is no longer available.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

The elevating shoes have a +5 Style bonus, can be equipped by all characters, and grant one experience point for each step taken in areas where monsters can be encountered. They can be dropped rarely by both liquid metal slimes and metal king slimes or can be received as a prize rarely from the Lucky Panel at the Casino at both Buccanham and the Grand Slum evolution of the the Haven. The shoes can be sold for 50 gold.

  • In the Nintendo 3DS version, there is an upgraded version known as the extra elevating shoes which grant two experience points per step taken.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

Wear them for a happily elevating experience![2]

The elevating shoes have a +5 Agility bonus, can be equipped by all characters, and grant one experience point for each step taken in areas where monsters can be encountered. They can be dropped rarely by liquid metal slimes and hell hoppers or made in the Alchemy Pot. The shoes can also be used to make a happy hat, as well.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Elevating shoes
Elevating shoes
DQVIII fishnet stockings.png
Fishnet stockings
DQVIII Happy hat.png
Happy hat

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQVIII Happy hat.png
Happy hat
Elevating shoes
Elevating shoes
DQVIII Feathered cap PS2.png
Feathered cap

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX elevating shoes.png Elevating shoes DQIX Logo.png
Elevating shoes IX artwork.png
Footwear that fosters floods of experience.
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★★☆☆ Evasion +3.5%
Style +55
Used to create Pixie boots.
Price Location
N/a / 777 Alchemy only.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX depressing shoes.png
Depressing shoes
Lucky pendant.png
Lucky pendant

The elevating shoes are now footwear and this game and increase the amount of experience gained by the wearer (this extra experience is not taken away from the amount given to other party members). It is very useful to have multiple pairs to help with party revocation or skill point training.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Elevating shoes DQXI Logo EN.png
Elevating shoes xi icon.png
Prodigious pumps that will earn the wearer experience with every step they take.[3]
Stats with forge buffs
Agility +20/22/24/26
Charm +32/34/36/38
EXP Increase When Moving 1/2/3/4
Requires 17 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
N/a Received as a reward for completing the quest No Music, No Life. (2D mode of 3DS and Definitive Edition only)
Forging difficulty
Hero XI sprite walk.gifErik sprite walk.gifVeronica sprite walk.gifSerena sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifJade sprite walk.gifRab sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below[edit]

DQH Elevating shoes.png  Elevating shoes
Experience Earned +5.0%
Quick Recipe Celestial skein x3 + Faerie fluff x2*
Classic Recipe Celestial skein x2 + Kaleidoskin*
Luxury Recipe Celestial skein + Mugger's mask*
Equipable by All Characters
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 450 gold
Flavor text Slip on these slip-ons for an elevating experience.[4]

The quick recipe for the elevating shoes can be received from King Flaminio in exchange for 15 Mini medals onboard the Stonecloud, while the classic and luxury recipes can be dropped rarely by Metal slimes, Liquid metal slimes, and Metal king slimes.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

The elevating shoes increase the amount of experience gained by the wearer by 20% and can be dropped by Liquid metal slimes. Unlike other accessories, the shoes cannot be improved any further.

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

Dragon Quest Treasures Logo.png
A pair of pointy shoes that enhance the experience of ambulating adventurers.[5]

The elevating shoes are Treasure No. 40 in the Armour 1 category and can be found on the Maneland. Its base value is 6,400,000 gold.

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolZuecos de ánimoSpanish for "clogs of cheer".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisChaussures à talonsFrench for "high heel shoes/spurring shoes".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschErhebende SchuheGerman for "uplifting shoes".
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoScarponi santiItalian for "holy boots".

Related items[edit]



  1. Nintendo DS and Cell phone versions.
  2. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions.
  3. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  4. Sony PlayStation 4 and Steam versions.
  5. Nintendo Switch and Steam versions.