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Buccanham (formerly Coastal) is a kingdom located to the southeast of Estard island in Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. It is called the Floating City due to its proximity to the sea.



When the Hero and Party arrives in Buccanham, most of the townspeople are hiding in their homes from monsters. The party learns that the armour seller's wife, Alma, has given birth, but no one has seen the newborn because some of the people speak of a man named Sharkeye, a pirate who was cursed for daring to fight against the Demon Lord. Apparently Captain Sharkeye and the King of Buccanham were quite close.

The innkeeper is surprised to find travelers that wish to spend the night, and tells the party to ask for the king's permission to do so first. At first, the minister tells them they shouldn't stay in Buccanham since their kingdom has been cursed, but the king allows them to since the party must be accustomed to monsters by now and they've had a long journey to get there. The innkeeper agrees to let the party stay for free after receiving permission, but warns them not to go outside under any circumstances after it gets dark. During the night, a bloodcurdling scream awakens the party and they leave the inn to see what has happened. There is a Lesser demon terrorizing Alma, along with her husband. She refers to the monster as her baby, but it runs away, leaving Alma in tears. Her husband tells her to be strong, as they still have a child to care for. The party then learns from the minister that the city has been cursed by the Demon Lord for 5 years now, and on the first night after a full moon, newborns are turned into monsters.


Shops & Services[edit]


The shops are closed upon arrival to the castle. The weapon and armour shops open after the Glowmoss is obtained, while the item shop opens after The Beacon is reignited.

ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8?
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10?
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20?
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Rippled rapier.png Rippled rapier6,200+55 Attack/+35 Style
ICON-Dream blade.png Dream blade7,300+65 Attack/+28 Style
ICON-Lunar fan.png Lunar fan7,700+60 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Spiked steel whip.png Spiked steel whip9,500+65 Attack/+22 Style
ICON-Ferocious fangs.png Ferocious fangs17,000+73 Attack/+25 Style
ICON-Dragonsbane.png Dragonsbane20,000+83 Attack/+35 Style
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Dragon mail.png Dragon mail15,000+60 Defence/+37 Style
ICON-Flowing dress.png Flowing dress16,800+65 Defence/+42 Style
ICON-Ice shield.png Ice shield3,800+24 Defence/+17 Style
ICON-Tempest shield.png Tempest shield11,000+32 Defence/+18 Style
ICON-Pirate's hat.png Pirate's hat2,800+19 Defence/+21 Style
ICON-Pillager's helmet.png Pillager's helmet4,500+25 Defence/+15 Style


The item shop has the same inventory as the one in the past.

ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Rippled rapier.png Rippled rapier6,200+55 Attack/+35 Style
ICON-Lunar fan.png Lunar fan7,700+60 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Siren sword.png Siren sword9,800+70 Attack/+51 Style
ICON-Ferocious fangs.png Ferocious fangs17,000+73 Attack/+25 Style
ICON-Flametang boomerang.png Flametang boomerang13,000+65 Attack/+25 Style
ICON-Dragonsbane.png Dragonsbane20,000+83 Attack/+35 Style
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Pillager's platemail.png Pillager's platemail7,000+38 Defence/+20 Style
ICON-Dragon mail.png Dragon mail15,000+60 Defence/+37 Style
ICON-Flowing dress.png Flowing dress16,800+65 Defence/+42 Style
ICON-Ice shield.png Ice shield3,800+24 Defence/+17 Style
ICON-Tempest shield.png Tempest shield11,000+32 Defence/+18 Style
ICON-Pirate's hat.png Pirate's hat2,800+19 Defence/+21 Style
ICON-Pillager's helmet.png Pillager's helmet4,500+25 Defence/+15 Style


Price per person
60 Gold Coins

Other notable attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.




Mysterious Fragment sidequest[edit]

To obtain a Mysterious Fragment, the following NPCs must be spoken to:

  • The bunny girl near the staircase by the casino prize counter.
  • The old man on the top floor of the casino.
  • The man downstairs from the casino prize counter.
  • The armour shop owner from behind the counter.
  • The merchant at the top of The Beacon.
  • The priest in the west basement of the casino entrance.
  • The nun in the church bedroom.

Afterwards, search the desk downstairs with the nun operating behind it.

Nearby monsters[edit]


Notable Residents[edit]

  • King Buccanham
  • Alma (originally Sierra)
  • o' Cat'n Tibs (originally Mint) - Pet of Sharkeye. Left to keep watch in the past over Lady Anaïs.

Other languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolBucanarias
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisPort-la-Flibuste
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschArrrbados
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoBucanhamSame as English name