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Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
Orgodemir Second Forme.png
Japanese name オルゴ・デミーラ
Romaji Orugo・Demira
Title Demon King
Race Demon
Age Ageless

Orgodemir is the final boss and main antagonist of Dragon Quest VII.

Known as the Demon King, he is the force behind all the evil that the Hero and his party encounter during the game. A villain with multiple forms, Orgodemir sought to replace the Almighty, and had nearly the entire world sealed away to keep his foe from being resurrected.

Orgodemir has appeared in various spinoffs in the series, including Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker, Joker 2 and Dragon Quest IX as a Legacy Boss.


Orgodemir's true form is a monstrous demonic centipede with an upper body that combines both humanoid and draconic features. His head is enlarged, has a pair of large spikes on each side of it, and exposes his brain. His brain also has smaller spikes surrounding it. Orgodemir has three eyes with vertical pupils, pointed ears, a black spike on his chin, a mouth lined with sharp fangs, and a purple tongue. He has a pair of dragon wings on his back, a yellow bone-like structure which surrounds his torso, and a section on his chest similar in appearance to a rib cage. His lower back is covered in dorsal fins and small black spines, ending in a long black spike. The underside of his lower body is yellow. Orgodemir moves about by crawling on his various legs in a fashion similar to real-world centipedes. In the past, most of Orgodemir's body is beige, he has yellow eyes, his brain is red, the webbing on his wings is orange, and his chest, legs, and various spikes are all purple. In the present, most of Orgodemir's body is dark green, his eyes are red, his brain is purple, and the spikes on his body are black. In both of his forms, Orgodemir has long, sharp nails on his hands, which are purple in the past and black in the present.

Orgodemir can also disguise himself in a Humanoid form, retaining the pair of wings on his back along with his three eyes and long, pointed ears (however, the shape of wings differs rather noticeably, from ones of his real form). His skin is now pale green and his exaggerated facial features are meant to be physically attractive. He wears his silver hair in a long, slick forelock falling over his face. His eyes are white with red pupils and he wears dark blue eyeshadow on all three of his eyelids, as well as dark purple lipstick. Orgodemir wears a red-lined suit with a coattail and puffed sleeves that exposes most of his chest, a leather codpiece with a skull belt around his waist, and leather shoes with steel tips. He also wears an extensive amount of jewelry, including a single black hoop earring on his right ear and numerous earrings on his left ear, a leather choker and chain necklace around his neck, and various bones on his fingers. In the past, the suit he wears is red and the webbing on his wings is orange, while in the present he wears a purple suit and the webbing on his wings is green.


Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Long before the game begins, Orgodemir set out to seal all lands and cast them in darkness. He was opposed by the Almighty and the Four Elemental Spirits: Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind. The Almighty was defeated and the four spirits were scattered. However, the Almighty had put a system into place that would allow the world to be reborn again within the Shrine of Mysteries.

Warning: Spoilers!
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The player fights Orgodemir twice at the end of each disc. In the first battle, he has two forms, and in the second battle, he has four forms.

Human form

First Encounter[edit]

First phase (past) (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir DQVII PSX.gif 3000 Infinite 182 127
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
107 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #314
Spell(s) Kaboom
Skill(s) Acts three times.
Disruptive Wave
Magma Blast
Wind Sickles
Energy Balls
Location(s) Malign Shrine
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 30% 30% 30%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
30% 30% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
0% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 30%
3DS version changes

Second phase (past) (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir2 DQVII PS.gif 4200 0 230 90
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
82 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #314
Skill(s) Acts twice per turn.
Disruptive Wave
Freezing Blizzard
Spike Charge
Thin Air
Location(s) Malign Shrine
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
132 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
0% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 0%
3DS version changes

Second Encounter[edit]

First phase (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir3 DQVII PS.gif 3500 Infinite 330 200
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
80 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #316
Skill(s) Disruptive Wave
Freezing Blizzard
Tail whip
Location(s) Cathedral of Blight
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
70% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 0%
3DS version changes

  • Orgodemir is considered a dragon in this encounter, leaving him vulnerable to the associated skills and weapons.

Second phase (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir4 DQVII PS.gif 3300 Infinite 330 200
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
135 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #316
Spell(s) Kaboom
Skill(s) Acts Twice
Disruptive Wave
Energy Balls (Attack/2+67)
Scorch (168~188)
Knuckle Sandwich
Wind Sickles
Location(s) Cathedral of Blight
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
132 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
70% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 0%
3DS version changes

Third phase (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir5 DQVII PS.gif 3000 Infinite 350 170
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
116 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #316
Spell(s) Kaboom
Skill(s) Acts twice per turn
Disruptive Wave
Ferocious Roar
Magma Blast
Venom Mist
Weird Whacker
Location(s) Cathedral of Blight
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
30% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 0%
3DS version changes

Fourth phase (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQVII Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Orgodemir6 DQVII PS.gif 4500 Infinite 300 140
Agility Experience Gold Recruit Rate
85 0 0 0
Bestiary No. #316
Spell(s) Magic Barrier
Magic Burst
Skill(s) Acts Twice per turn
Charges party. (50% damage to all.)
Disruptive Wave
Evil Prayer
C-c-cold Breath
Paralysis Attack
Summons minions (Orglob and Orgon)
Location(s) Cathedral of Blight
Item(s) Dropped
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
0% 0% 100% 100%
Poof Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Fuddle Resistance * Paralysis Resistance* Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance *
100% 100% 100% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
100% 100% 0%
3DS version changes

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

##304 - Orgodemir
Orgodemir DQIX DS.png
HP MP Experience Gold
16,070 (99)
255 68,600 2,490
Attack Defense Speed
1,366 (99)
810 (99)
380 (99)
Family ???
Bestiary # #304
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Japanese Name オルゴ・デミーラ
Romanized Jap. Orugo・Demīra
Description Screams enemies into submission with a blood-curdling cry, then hits hard with Hellfire. Always attacks twice.

Doesn't like people to know he's really a dumpy dragon, so disguises himself as a dashing young dandy.
Additional Attributes
Fire Ice Wind Earth Light Dark
150 100 100 50 100 100
Blast Dazzle Sleep Death Drain MP Confusion
100 25 0 0 100 0
Fizzle Inaction Paralyze Poison Charm Magic Res
0 0 0 0 10 50
Blunt Sap Decelerate
5 25 75

Orgodemir appears as a Legacy Boss, obtained after completing Quest #176 (or received at special events). He will become enraged once his health drops to orange range.


Level Range Secondary Drop Orb
1-3 Estard shoes 15% Blue Orb 10%
4-8 Estard shoes 20% Blue Orb 10%
9-15 Estard shoes 25% Blue Orb 11%
16-25 Estard trousers 15% Blue Orb 11%
26-40 Estard trousers 20% Blue Orb 12%
41-56 Estard trousers 25% Blue Orb 12%
57-68 Estard hood 20% Blue Orb 13%
69-80 Estard hood 25% Blue Orb 13%
81-90 Estard clothes 20% Blue Orb 14%
91-99 Estard clothes 25% Blue Orb 15%


Level New abilities
Initial Hellfire, Freezing Blizzard, Swats character like a fly, Confusion Attack, War Cry, attacks twice per round.
5 Disruptive Wave
10 Venom Mist
16 Raging Roar, stops using War Cry.
24 Burning Breath
33 C-c-cold Breath
41 Begins attacking 3 times per turn, stops using Freezing Blizzard.
57 Eerie Light

Dragon Quest Monsters 2[edit]

Orgodemir (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Orgodemir.png 65 7/10 8/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
8/10 7/10 10/10 6/10
Family ???
In-game description
Abilities Bang, EvilSlash, Focus
Breeding chart PsychoPiz x Niterich
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Strong Strong Strong Strong
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Strong Strong Strong Strong
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
Strong Strong Strong Weak
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Strong Immune Immune Strong
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Immune Strong Strong Weak
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Strong Strong Strong

Orgodemir (Transformed) (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DWM2 Taras Adventure Logo.png
Sprite Level cap * HP growth MP growth
Orgodemir2.png 70 8/10 10/10
Strength growth Resilience growth Wisdom growth Agility growth
9/10 7/10 10/10 7/10
Family ???
In-game description
Abilities DeMagic, LifeSong, MegaMagic
Breeding chart Orgodemir x GigaDraco, LordDraco
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance * Bang Resistance *
Immune Immune Strong Immune
Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance * Rock/Army Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Weak
Water Resistance * Zap Resistance * Gigaslash Resistance Magic Burst Resistance
Strong Strong Weak Strong
Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance * Kamikazee Resistance * Poison Resistance *
Strong Immune Immune Immune
Paralysis Resistance * Fuddle Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance *
Immune Immune Immune Immune
Fizzle Resistance Ban Dance Resistance Gobstopper Resistance Stun Resistance *
Immune Weak Weak Strong
Sap Resistance * Decelerate Resistance * Curse Resistance
Strong Immune Immune

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker[edit]

Family Undead
Rank X
Description In ages past, he sought to become a god.
Weapons Swords, Spears, Claws, Staves
Traits Double Trouble
Resistances Whackproof, Vulnerable to Confuse, Paralysisproof
Skill Muspell
Location -
Breeding chart Dragovian lord or Alabast dragon x Mortamor

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2[edit]

Family ???
Rank X
Size M
Weapons Swords, Spears, Claws, Staves
Traits Hit Squad, Big Hitter, Crafty Fire Breather, Crafty Ice Breather
Resistances Vulnerable to Ban Dance, Resists Confusion, Immune to Whack, Poison, Inaction, Paralysis, and Sleep, Reflects Fire Breath and Cold Breath
Skill Muspell
Location -
Breeding chart Mortamor x Alabast dragon

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious Key[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Orgodemir (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demira) DQM3 Logo.png
Icon Family Max HP* Max MP*
Orgodemir DQM3 portrait.png DQM3 ??? family icon.png 1,240 470
Max Attack* Max Defence * Max Agility * Max Wisdom *
560 540 490 830
Bestiary No. #501
Rank S
In-game description The triumphal transformation of the demon king who once fought the Almighty and won, sealing away the continents of the world. Possessed of a particularly malevolent mind
Talents Orgodemir (lv. 1)
Guaranteed traits Rando-Disrupt (lv. 1)
Wizardly Waft (lv. 20)
Ultra Crafty Banger (lv. 40)
Large-size exclusive traits Tactical Commander (lv. 1)
Ultra Crafty Frizzer (lv. 1)
Ultra Crafty Zapper (lv. 60)
Habitat This monster has no natural habitat
Items N/A
Synthesis chart Macho picchu DQM3 portrait.png X Pandora's box DQM3 portrait.png X The time being DQM3 portrait.png X Night knight DQM3 portrait.png
Notable synthesis Orgodemir DQM3 portrait.png X Emperor slime DQM3 portrait.jpeg = The almighty DQM3 portrait.png
Fire Resistance * Water Resistance * Wind Resistance * Earth Resistance *
25% 0% 0% 0%
Explosion Resistance * Ice Resistance * Electricity Resistance * Light Resistance *
50% 25% 0% 0%
Dark Resistance * Antimagic Resistance * Bedazzlement Resistance * Confusion Resistance *
50% 0% 0% 25%
Debilitation Resistance* MP Absorption Resistance * Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance *
0% 0% 25% 25%
Sleep Resistance * Stun Resistance *
25% 0%
Instant Death Resistance *

Dragon Quest: Monster Parade[edit]

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light[edit]

Dragon Quest of the Stars[edit]

Dragon Quest Rivals[edit]

Orgodemir was introduced in the fourth card pack as a legendary rare card. Each time he was defeated in battle, he would transform into his next form and return to the player's hand, each form having its own special effects. When the game's name was changed to Rivals Ace, Orgodemir's final form appeared again in the last expansion pack on a card entitled "Heavenly King Orgodemir".

Dragon Quest Walk[edit]

Orgodemir first appeared in the game as a boss in Chapter 5, Episode 4 of the Dragon Quest VII event held in the game starting on April 9th, 2021. After he takes enough damage, he will change into his second form. His second form also appears as a boss in Chapter 6, Episode 4. On April 12th, 2021, Orgodemir's second form began appearing as a special mega monster that can be challenged by multiple players.

Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Both of Orgodemir's Humanoid and Demon King forms appear as S-rank members of the ??? family as part of the Dragon Quest VII event. Demon King Orgodemir appears on his own banner alongside Terrorhawk. His humanoid form appears on its own separate banner alongside Missing lynx. Both could eventually be scouted from any limited banner, as well. His Demon King form is faced as a boss in Chapter 5, Episode 3 of the event quests, entitled The Demon King Orgodemir 1, while his humanoid form is faced in Chapter 5, Episode 4: The Demon King Orgodemir 2. His demonic form could also faced as a Mega Boss Battle, as well, but only during the event's original run.

Demon King Orgodemir (魔王オルゴ・デミーラ Maō Orugo・Demīra)Tactlogo.png

DQT Demon King Orgodemir.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact AttackType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 1,216 401 2-3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
555 460 387 242 65
Basic Skills
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Move +1/Stats Up Zam Res +25/Stats Up Physical Potency +5%/Stats Up
Fourth Fifth
Zap Res +25/Stats Up Physical Potency +5%/Stats Up
Leader Perks
Lowers enemy ATK by 20% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Heavenly King: Greatly raises DEF and Spell Res for 3 turns at the start of battle. ATK +15
Max HP +30
Physical Potency +2%
Perk Details
Move +1: Raises Move by 1.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Normal Very Weak Normal Normal
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Very Weak Half Res Half Res Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Half Res Normal Normal
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Normal Super Weak Half Res Super Weak
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Immune Normal Normal

Orgodemir (オルゴ・デミーラ Orugo・Demīra)Tactlogo.png

DQT Orgodemir.png
Family Rank Role
Tact Icon SpecialFamily.png
DQTact Rank Icon S.png DQTact MagicType.png
Max Level HP MP Move
130 938 536 3
Attack Defense Agility Wisdom Weight
285 290 420 468 65
Basic Skills
First Second Third
Devil's Heart Nadirian Flames* Psyspark*
Talent Blossoming: Devil's Suction
Awakening Skills
First Second Third
Demonic Meditation/Stats Up Woosh Res +25/Stats Up Psyspark Potency +5%/Stats Up
Devil's Suction Potency +5%
Fourth Fifth
Zam Res +25/Stats Up Psyspark Potency +5%/Stats Up
Devil's Suction Potency +5%
Leader Perks
Lowers spell MP cost of allies, including himself, by 15% in a 5x5 square around him.
Basic Perks
First Second Third
Beauty Eternal: Grants +20% damage dealt if HP is at 100% at action start. WIS +15
Max MP +15
Psyspark Potency +2%
Perk Details
Demonic Meditation: Heals the user to full HP when HP drops under 20%, 1 time per battle.
Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Crack Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
Normal Normal Very Weak Half Res
Bang Resistance * Zap Resistance * Zam Resistance * Snooze Resistance
Very Weak Normal Half Res Normal
Poison Resistance Physical Lock Resistance Spell Lock Resistance Martial Lock Resistance
Normal Normal Super Weak Half Res
Breath Lock Resistance Hobble Resistance * Stun Resistance * Dazzle Resistance
Super Weak Normal Normal Normal
Curse Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confusion Resistance Charm Resistance
Normal Normal Immune Half Res

Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi[edit]

Similar species[edit]
