
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Hubble (formerly Mardra) is a kingdom on an island located far to the northwest of Estard Island.


The kingdom of Hubble is a prosperous nation that has grown to dominate the island thanks to their powerful sorcery. In the past, they were a weak nation thanks to their reliance on magic as opposed to swordsmanship, which made them vulnerable to the neighboring kingdom of Rucker.


In modern times the country has taken up the arts in lieu of sorcery. Crispin has made a name for himself through his torban skills, but will not assist the party in finding a suitable player for the Roamers revival of the Almighty until the competition set up by queen Euphonia.

Shops & Services[edit]


ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8Restores a small amount of HP
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison status effect
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis status effect
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20Temporarily wards off monsters
ICON-Tangleweb.png Tangleweb35Slows down monsters
ICON-Bunny tail.png Bunny tail270+2 Style
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon and Armour shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Lunar fan.png Lunar fan7,700+60 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Faerie foil.png Faerie foil8,500+58 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Icicle dirk.png Icicle dirk9,000+62 Attack/+31 Style
ICON-Magical skirt.png Magical skirt8,700+45 Defence/+35 Style
ICON-Magic armour.png Magic armour11,000+47 Defence/+38 Style
ICON-Magic shield.png Magic shield5,000+18 Defence/+21 Style
ICON-Silver tiara.png Silver tiara45+14 Defence/+25 Style


ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Medicinal herb.png Medicinal herb8Restores a small amount of HP
ICON-Antidotal herb.png Antidotal herb10Cures poison status effect
ICON-Holy water.png Holy water20Temporarily wards off monsters
ICON-Chimaera wing.png Chimaera wing25?
ICON-Moonwort bulb.png Moonwort bulb30Cures paralysis status effect
ICON-Tangleweb.png Tangleweb35Slows down monsters
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Cautery sword.png Cautery sword5,400+42 Attack/+23 Style
ICON-Faerie foil.png Faerie foil8,500+58 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Lunar fan.png Lunar fan7,700+60 Attack/+30 Style
ICON-Icicle dirk.png Icicle dirk9,000+62 Attack/+31 Style
ICON-Dream blade.png Dream blade7,300+65 Attack/+28 Style
ICON-Spiked steel whip.png Spiked steel whip9,500+65 Attack/+22 Style
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Magical skirt.png Magical skirt8,700+45 Defence/+35 Style
ICON-Silver mail.png Silver mail9,100+43 Defence/+40 Style
ICON-Magic armour.png Magic armour11,000+47 Defence/+38 Style
ICON-Enchanted armour.png Enchanted armour12,000+55 Defence/+35 Style
ICON-Magic shield.png Magic shield5,000+18 Defence/+21 Style
ICON-Dragon shield.png Dragon shield7,100+26 Defence/+25 Style
ICON-Silver tiara.png Silver tiara45+14 Defence/+25 Style


Price per person
30 Gold Coins (Past)
40 Gold Coins (Present)

Other notable attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.







Nearby monsters[edit]



Notable Residents[edit]

  • Hybris (formerly Zeppel)
  • Former King
  • Queen Mother
  • Father Martyn (formerly Dino)
  • Lucia - A childhood friend of Prince Hybris and Martyn. After she lost her life during a Rucker attack on Hubble, Hybris dedicated himself to getting revenge on them.
  • Midge (formerly Mikwa)
  • Queen Euphonia (formerly Princess Michaela) - Ruler of the present day Hubble. A royal brat who will assist the party by hosting a contest to find the world's greatest torban.
  • Crispin - Torban player who's popular in the present day.

Other languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolMagasca
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisCharmeville
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschManaheim
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoArcania