Magic armour

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The magic armour is a recurring suit of armour in the series. As its name suggests, it is designed to guard the wearer against magical onslaughts.


The magic armour consists of a blue breastplate with curved pauldrons and ornate gold filigree and edges, along with a dark orange fauld with gold edges that fully encircles the wearer's waist attached to a grey belt with a gold buckle. In some early pieces of artwork, the magic armour is worn with a long cape, a bronze coronet with a blue gemstone around the wearer's forehead, and blue vambraces with the same design as the breastplate, and has a jewel on the belt. It is not as heavy as some other suits of armour, allowing it to be used by a wider range of characters, including some spellcasters.

Starting with IX, the breastplate's colour was changed to a dark shade of purple. In X, the armour is now divided into torso and leg pieces, with the fauld also coloured purple, as well. In some games such as X Offline and Walk, the torso armour is worn with a pair of gauntlets.


Dragon Quest[edit]

Magic armour (まほうのよろい Mahō no yoroi)DQ-SNES-LOGO-ICON.PNG
Buy Sell Attributes
7,700 gold 3,850 gold Defence + 24.
All spell damage is reduced by 13 in the NES version and 14 in the remakes.
Restores 1 HP for every 4 steps taken on field*.
Can Be Equipped By Equipment Type Can Be Used As Tool In Battle?
ICON-Hero (Dragon Quest).png Armour ICON-NO-X.png NO
Shop(s) Rimuldar and Cantlin
In-Game Description
Mobile Restores HP while you walk.

Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line[edit]

The Magic armour has a Defence bonus of +35 (+25 in the NES version), reduces damage taken from magic spells by 25%, and can be equipped by the Prince of Midenhall and the Prince of Cannock. The armour can be purchased in Dirkandor and Slewse for 4,300 gold and sold for 3,225 gold. It can also be dropped by Dancing flames. One can be found in a treasure chest in the Sea Cave in remake versions.

  • In the smartphone and Nintendo Switch versions, the Magic armour now has a Defence bonus of +42, can be purchased for 6,000 Gold Coins, and sold for 4,500.

Mitigates magical damage.[1]

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +40, reduces damage taken from magic spells by 13, and can be equipped by the Hero, Warriors, Priests, and Sages. It can be purchased in Theddon, and Manoza, as well as Lanson in remake versions for 5,800 gold and sold for 4,350. In the original NES version, it is the most protective armour that both Priests and Sages can equip.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Magic armour III HD icon.png Magic armour DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Enchanted armour that reduces damage from enemy spells
Stats Vocations
Defence +50 Hero iconHD2D.pngPriest iconHD2D.pngSage iconHD2D.pngWarrior iconHD2D.png
-33% damage from spells
Price Location
6,900/1,720 Sold in:

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +60 and reduces damage taken from Frizz, Sizz, Crack, and Woosh spells by 10. It can be equipped by the Hero, Sancho, Tuppence, the Hero's son, Slime, Healslime, Metal slime, Liquid metal slime, Cureslime, King slime, King cureslime, Man o' war, Brownie, Orc king, Hoodlum, Archdemon, Gigantes, Battle pip, Conkerer, Slime knight, Restless armour, Blizzybody, Warhog, Moosifer, Pip fighter, Conkuistador, Wax murderer, Mudraker, Magic marionette, Golem, Samigina, Hawk man, Mandrake marshal, Hyperanemon, Killing machine, Barbatos, Dwight, Starkers, and Revaulting horse. It can be purchased at Lofty Peak for 12,000 gold and sold for 6,000 gold.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +50, a Style bonus of +38, and reduces damage taken from Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, and Woosh spells by 10 points. It can be equipped by the Hero, Carver, Nevan, Terry, Amos, and the slime recruits. The armour can be purchased at Sorceria for 7,500 gold and sold for 5,625 gold. Its Style can be bolstered to +61 after being reworked at the Fashion Forge for 2,000 gold.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

This armour will help reduce damage caused by magic.[2]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +47, a Style bonus of +38, and reduces damage taken from Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Crack, and Woosh spells by 10 points. It can be equipped by the Hero, Kiefer, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe. The armour can be purchased from Providence in the present, Hubble, Aeolus Vale, and the Mountain Mart for 11,000 gold and sold for 5,500 gold. It can also be won as a prize from the Lucky Panel as early as the Casino at Pilgrim's Rest in the present.

  • In the Nintendo 3DS version, the armour no longer reduces damage taken from Woosh spells.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

Enchanted armour that reduces damage from enemy spells by 15 points.[3]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +55, reduces damage taken from Frizz, Sizz, Bang, Woosh, and Crack spells by 15 points. It can be equipped by the Hero and Angelo, as well as Morrie in the Nintendo 3DS version. The armour can be purchased at Argonia once the bazaar starts and Arcadia for 6,100 gold and sold for 3,050 gold. It can be dropped by Body politics.

The armour can be made in the Alchemy Pot and can also be used to create Spiked armour.

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
Magic armour
Magic armour
DQVIII Full plate armour PS2.png
Full plate armour
DQVIII Prayer ring.png
Prayer ring
DQVIII Ruby of protection PS2.png
Ruby of protection

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQVIII Spiked armour PS2.png
Spiked armour
Magic armour
Magic armour
DQVIII Edged boomerang.png
Edged boomerang

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

DQIX magic armour.png Magic armour DQIX Logo.png
Magic armour IX artwork.png
A strange suit of armour that staves off spells.
Rarity Stats Vocations
★☆☆☆☆ Defence +37
Style +40
Magical Might
Magical Mending +4
Reduces damage taken from fire, ice, wind, lightning attacks by 12%.
Reduces damage taken from dark attacks by 10%.
132 chance of being dropped or stolen from Charmours.
1128 chance of being dropped or stolen from Lethal armours.
Upgrades into Enchanted armour.
Price Location
5,800/2,900 Sold in Gleeba.
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
- - -

Dragon Quest X[edit]

The magic armour top has a Defence bonus of +27, a Style bonus of +14, a Magical Might and Magical Mending bonus of +12, increases the wearer's Weight by 25, and has an equipment level of 35. It reduces damage taken from attack spells by 5%. The armour can be equipped by Warriors, Priests, Thieves, Minstrels, Paladins, Armamentalists, Dancers, Demon Swordsmen, and Pirates, as well as Mjoll, Raguas, Hussar, and Duston in the Offline version.

Like many pieces of armour in X, the magic armour is divided into torso and lower body pieces. The entire set consists of the top, bottom, a circlet, gauntlets, and greaves, and can be made by an armour blacksmith. If all five pieces are equipped, the wearer gains an extra +4 bonus to Magical Might and Mending and a +25 to Style.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Magic armour DQXI Logo EN.png
Magic armour xi icon.png
Enchanted armour that enhances the wearer's magic and also protects against incoming spells.[4]
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +55/58/61/65
Magical Might +15/16/17/19
Magical Mending +15/16/17/19
Elemental damage taken reduced by 12%.
Requires 11 Perfectionist's pearls to rework.
Price Location
6,100 / 3,050 Sold at the item shop in Angri-La and from the south campsite roving emporium in the Champs Sauvage during the second act.
Forging difficulty
Platinum ore xi icon.png x2 + Spellbound bough xi icon.png x2 + Blue eye xi icon.png x2
Hero XI sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

The recipe book That's Magic contains the recipe for the magic armour. It is received as a reward for completing Quest #26: A Cold Crush in Sniflheim.

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors[edit]

DQVIII Magic armour PS2.png  Magic armour  (Wii)
Defence +45
Found Received as a reward for a S-rank score at the Dart Attack Shooting Gallery on Ultra-Hard difficulty.
Equipable by Hero
Class Armour
Buy Price 4,200
Sell Price 435
Notes Reduces damage taken from spells by 15%.

Dragon Quest Builders[edit]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +25 and reduces damage from indirect attacks. It can be crafted at a Welder's workbench with 2 Magic ingots, 1 Powie yowie fur and a Cord.

Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]

The magic armour has a Defence bonus of +48 and reduces damage from fire and ice attacks. The recipe is learned at level 28 and can be crafted with 1 Full plate armour and 5 Magic crystals at a Wizard's workbench.

Dragon Quest Treasures[edit]

Dragon Quest Treasures Logo.png
Magical mail forged from mythril, the most mystical of all metals.[5]

The magic armour is Treasure No. 82 in the Armour 1 category and can be found on the Wingswept Moors. Its base value is 1,200,000 gold.

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds[edit]

The Magic armour top is a 4★ piece of torso armour that can be equipped by Hero, Warrior, and Martial Artist characters. At level 35, it had a Physical Defence bonus of +155 and a Magical Defence bonus of +160. It increased resistance to each element by 1 and would temporarily reduce a target's Fire Resistance when a skill with a stock of 2 or higher hits.

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolArmadura mágicaSpanish for "magic armour".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisArmure magiqueFrench for "magic armour".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschZauberrüstungGerman for "magic armour".
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoArmatura magicaItalian for "magic armour".

Related equipment[edit]



  1. Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch versions.
  2. Nintendo 3DS version.
  3. Sony PlayStation 2, Mobile, and Nintendo 3DS versions.
  4. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  5. Nintendo Switch and Steam versions.