
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Gleeba is a desert city in Dragon Quest IX. It is located in the center of the Djust Desert region, which is on the continent north of Dourbridge. Its current monarch is Queen Voluptua. Gleeba is intended to be the first major location the hero visits after acquiring the ship in Bloomingdale. It is a location which holds a fygg.


The hero arrives in Gleeba in search of the next fygg. There are rumors in town that the queen was given a mysterious fruit by a traveler. The hero then proceeds to the Mirage Mahal to find out more information and to meet Queen Voluptua.

Places of interest[edit]


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
10G per person

Item shop[edit]

Item Price Attributes Vocations
DQ9 MedicinalHerb.png Medicinal herb 8 Restore 30 HP N/A
DQ9 StrongMedicine.png strong medicine 36 Restore 40 HP N/A
DQ9 AntidotalHerb.png Antidotal herb 10 Cure poison state N/A
DQ9 StrongAntidote.png strong antidote 38 Cure poison state and restore 40 HP N/A
DQ9 MoonwortBulb.png Moonwort bulb 30 Cure paralyze state N/A
DQ9 ChimaeraWing.png Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to visited towns/villages N/A
DQ9 Evacubell.png Evac-u-bell 28 Escape from dungeons N/A
DQ9 HolyWater.png Holy water 40 Monster repellent N/A
DQ9 AngelBell.png Angel bell 90 Cure confusion state N/A
DQ9 MagicWater.png Magic water 500 Restore 30 MP N/A
Accessory pink pearl 1500 Defense +3 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Accessory bow tie 1600 Defense +3 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel

Weapon shop[edit]

Item Price Attributes Vocations
Sword Platinum sword 4500 Attack +51 WarriorThiefMinstrelGladiatorArmamentalist
Spear Holy lance 2700 Attack +39 WarriorPriest
Sword bandit blade 6300 Attack +58 WarriorThiefMinstrelGladiatorArmamentalist
Spear Battle fork 3900 Attack +47 WarriorPriest
Spear sandstorm spear 6600 Attack +54 WarriorPriest
Knife assassin's dagger 7000 Attack +54
Possible fell an enemy with 1 strike
Knife Falcon knife earrings 15800 Attack +1
Deliver a double attack
Wand Watermaul wand 4700 Attack +25
MP Absorption Rate +5.0%
Wand lightning staff 8100 Attack +28
MP Absorption Rate +3.5%
Whip Chain whip 3700 Attack +28 MageMinstrel
Whip iron whip 6000 Attack +38 MageMinstrel
Staff Pillar of strength 3400 Attack +47 PriestMartial Artist
Staff driller pillar 5300 Attack +60 PriestMartial Artist
Claws Crow's claws 4800 Attack +51
Agility +10
Martial ArtistThief
Claws handrills 7600 Attack +61
Agility +10
Martial ArtistThief
Fan fowl fan 5000 Attack +52 Martial ArtistMinstrel
Axe battle axe 3900 Attack +52 GladiatorRanger
Hammer war hammer 4600 Attack +55 Gladiator
Boomerang crucerang 4300 Attack +30 Ranger

Armor shop[edit]

Armour Shop
Item Price Attributes Vocations
Shield Magic shield 4000 Defense +17
Block chance +2.5%
Magical Might +8
Magical Mending +8
Head Platinum headgear 5500 Defense +19 WarriorMinstrelGladiatorRanger
Head Holy hat 2600 Defense +11
Magical Mending +18
Head Tricky turban 2680 Defense +11
Magical Might +18
Head Disturbin' turban 2900 Defense +16 Thief
Head Musketeer hat 1150 Defense +12
Magical Might +18
Torso Magic armour 5800 Defense +37
Magical Might +4
Magical Mending +4
TorsoFemale Summer dress 4800 Defense +24 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Velvet cape 3000 Defense +20 PriestMageThiefMinstrelArmamentalist
Torso Magical robe 3600 Defense +15
Magical Might +12
Magical Mending +12
Arms Magic mittens 2400 Defense +9
Magical Might +4
Magical Mending +4
Arms Fingerless gauntlets 1050 Deftness +58 Thief
Arms Gorgeous gloves 900 Deftness +45 Armamentalist
Legs Wizard's trousers 1700 Defense +10
Magical Might +12
Legs Nicker's knickers 1820 Defense +13
Agility +10
Legs Swordsman's slacks 2700 Defense +16 Armamentalist
Legs Red tights 2400 Defense +13 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Feet Sneakers 2400 Defense +13
Agility +10


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
Recipe: "Rings and Things"
sober ring, contra band, full moon ring, rousing ring, ring of clarity
the house right next to the town gate


Quest #29 - "Fool's Gold"
Location Gleeba, headquarter of Gleeban royal guard.
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Ruki
Fulfilled to Ruki
Item Required Defeat a gold plated Golem
Reward 1000 gold coins (500 gold coins for repeating)
Detail Ruki, a trainee guard in Gleeba, told you about a strange request he'd received. Apparently, the Gold golems who roam the Djust Desert want someone to go after the fake gold-plated golem in their midst.
Hint for solution Keep fighting Gold golems. When you defeat the right one, the fake's plating will fall off and the quest will be completed.
Repeatable yes
Quest #30 - "Wrapper's Delight"
Location Gleeba, headquarters of Gleeban Royal Guard.
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Mehdik
Fulfilled to Mehdik
Item Required 5 Grubby bandages.
Reward Ruby of protection for first-time completion, Corundum for repeating.
Detail Mehdik, a guard in Gleeba, asked you to grab five Grubby bandages.
Hint for solution You can find Manky mummy in The Plumbed Depths, steal grubby bandage from them using a Thief party member who has learned Half-Inch.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #31 - "Feathers for a Fan"
Location Gleeba, dance hall
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Afan
Fulfilled to Afan
Item Required 3 Hocus chimaera feathers.
Reward Magical skirt
Detail Afan, a young man who hangs around in the dance hall in Gleeba wants you to bring him three Hocus chimaera feathers so he can impress Belinda, a girl who struts her stuff there.
Hint for solution The feathers are a special drop item and cannot be stolen. They are only dropped by Hocus chimaeras when the quest has been activated. The easiest place to fight is at the Heights of Loneliness by zooming to Zere Rocks. They can also be found on the island off the coast of Bloomingdale.
Repeatable No.

Location attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.



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