Stornway Castle
 In game map of Stornway Castle
Dragon Quest IX
Stornway Castle is the central location in the Stornway region in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.
It is surrounded by the town of same name. It is the home of King Schott and Princess Simona. Early in the game, it is terrorized by the Wight Knight.
Northwestern tower of Stornway Castle.
Upon arriving at Stornway Castle.
Medicinal herb, Antidotal herb, Moonwort bulb
Gleeban groat
A soldier called Angus has asked you to bring him one each of the following: a Medical herb, an Antidotal herb and a Moonwort bulb. He can be found upstairs in Stornway Castle.
The Medicinal herb and Antidotal herb can be bought in Stornway, and the Moonwort bulb can be bought in Zere.
Northwestern tower of Stornway Castle.
After finishing Quest #5 and defeating Wight Knight.
Fresh water
Seed of life
Angus, the soldier who can be found upstairs in Stornway Castle, has asked you to bring him a remedy from Angel Falls that's supposed to be good for curing headaches.
- You've agreed to look for a remedy that Angus in Stornway Castle needs. According to the man in front of the waterfall at Angel Falls, you'll need to find some Fresh water if you want him to make the necessary medicine.
After receiving this quest, go to Angel Falls and talk to the man on the bridge in front of the waterfall, then he will tell you that he needs some fresh water to dilute the water from Angel Falls lest whoever drinks it will have tummy problems. You can find a jug of fresh water in the northwest corner of Slurry Coast. Take the fresh water to the man before the waterfall and you will receive the Angel's Tears, take the it to Angus to complete the quest.
Stornway Castle library
After defeating Morag.
Find an ancient manuscript showing the connection between Brigadoom and Stornway.
3 Seed of sorcery
Make your way towards the castle's treasure's room. Examine the opened red box in the middle and you should find a crumpled piece of paper. Go back to Earnan. Then bring him three vials of Magic water and you're done.
Magic water can be bought at the item shop in Slurry Quay
Inside the well in Stornway Castle
After finishing the main story and completing Quest #7
Mighty armlet
Hamish, the man down the well in Stornway Castle, wants you to bring him a legendary item called a Platinum pick. Apparently, the monsters who carry them are called Darkonium slimes, and can only be found in Grottos.
Darkonium slimes are found in high-level Grottos and deep in mid-level Grottos.
Stornway Castle
After finishing the main story and completing quests #23 and #127.
Princess Simona
Princess Simona
Royal Regards Party Trick
Princess Simona has asked you to help her open a mysterious locked book. It was given to her by a former servant, who's apparently hanging around at the item shop.
Clear a Grotto with the word "silver" in its name.
Treasure and items[edit]