Slurry Quay

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Slurry Quay is a small port in Dragon Quest IX. It is located in northwest Slurry Coast. Ferries run between it and Porth Llaffan.


Slurry Quay is only a brief stopping point for the hero during the game. It is the first point the hero reaches on the continent containing Dourbridge and Bloomingdale. No major events take place at the port.


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
6G per person

Item shop[edit]

Item Shop
Item Price Attributes Vocations
DQ9 MedicinalHerb.png Medicinal herb 8 Restore 30 HP N/A
DQ9 AntidotalHerb.png Antidotal herb 10 Cure poison state N/A
DQ9 MoonwortBulb.png Moonwort bulb 30 Cure paralyze state N/A
DQ9 ChimaeraWing.png Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to visited towns/villages N/A
DQ9 Evacubell.png Evac-u-bell 28 Escape from dungeons N/A
DQ9 HolyWater.png Holy water 40 Monster repellent N/A
DQ9 AngelBell.png Angel bell 90 Cure confusion state N/A
DQ9 MagicWater.png Magic water 500 Restore 30 MP N/A
Head fur hood 550 Defense +8
Magical Might +3
Magical Mending +5
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Head pointy hat 840 Defense +9
Magical Might +6
Magical Mending +4
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Tortoise shell 1550 Defense +22 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Robe of serenity 950 Defense +9
Magical Might +5
Magical Mending +5
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Arms silver bracelets 540 Defense +7 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Arms Rubber gloves 370 Deftness +23 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
LegsMale Boomer briefs 420 Defense +8
Magical Might +4
Magical Mending +4
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
LegsFemale fishnet stockings 800 Defense +9 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Feet Wellington boots 330 Defense +5 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Feet galvanised geta 560 Defense +6
Evasion Chance +0.5%
WarriorPriestMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Accessory bow tie 1600 Defense +3 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Note: The shop is only open during the day.

Location attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.


Quest #48 - "A Task for a Cask"
Location Slurry Quay
Availability After completing main story.
Requested by Barrel on the southern edge of dock.
Fulfilled to Barrel on the southern edge of dock.
Item Required Holy water, Fresh water, and Magic water
Reward Seed of defense, Gleeban guinea for repeat
Detail You heard a voice from inside a barrel on Slurry Quay. Whoever it is seems to be in need of water.
Hint for solution Give the barrel one of each of the waters requested.
Repeatable yes


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