Porth Llaffan

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Porth Llaffan is a port town in Dragon Quest IX.

It is located on the southern coast of Newid Isle. Tywll Cave and Cuddiedig Cliff can only be accessed through the west exit of this town. Ferries run between here and Slurry Quay.


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Dragon Quest IX (DS)
5G per person

Item shop[edit]

Item Shop
Item Price Attributes Vocations
DQ9 MedicinalHerb.png Medicinal herb 8 Restore 30 HP N/A
DQ9 AntidotalHerb.png Antidotal herb 10 Cure poison state N/A
DQ9 MoonwortBulb.png Moonwort bulb 30 Cure paralyze state N/A
DQ9 ChimaeraWing.png Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to visited towns/villages N/A
DQ9 Evacubell.png Evac-u-bell 28 Escape from dungeons N/A
DQ9 HolyWater.png Holy water 40 Monster repellent N/A
DQ9 AngelBell.png Angel bell 90 Cure confusion state N/A
DQ9 MagicWater.png Magic water 500 Restore 30 MP N/A
Accessory Bunny tail 240 Agility +5 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Accessory Slime earrings 400 Defense +4 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Accessory Gold bracer 350 Defense +3 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Accessory Gold ring 220 Defense +2 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel

Equipment shop[edit]

Equipment Shop
Item Price Attributes Vocations
Axe Iron axe 1800 Attack +30 GladiatorRanger
Hammer Sledgehammer 1300 Attack +28 Gladiator
Boomerang Boomerang 750 Attack +13 Ranger
Bow Short bow 1150 Attack +20 RangerArmamentalist
Shield Iron shield 900 Defense +10
Block Chance +1.0%
Head Iron helmet 1100 Defense +11 WarriorPriestThiefMinstrelGladiator
Head Feathered cap 620 Defense +7
Magical Might +5
Magical Mending +5
PriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
HeadFemale Silver tiara 670 Defense +6
Magical Might +8
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Iron armour 1200 Defense +18 WarriorThiefGladiator
Torso Tortoise shell 1550 Defense +22 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Cloak of evasion 1000 Defense +13
Evasion Chance +3.0%
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
TorsoFemale Dancer's costume 740 Defense +13 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Arms Iron gauntlets 450 Defense +5 WarriorThiefMinstrel
Arms Rubber gloves 370 Deftness +23 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
LegsMale Boomer briefs 420 Defense +8
Magical Might +4
Magical Mending +4
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
LegsFemale Pop socks 680 Defense +7 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Feet Iron sabatons 580 Defense +7 WarriorPriestThiefMinstrel
Feet Wellington boots 330 Defense +5 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel

Location Attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.


Quest #12 - "Putting on the Glitz"
Location Porth Llaffan, inside the inn.
Availability After completing the main story at Port Llaffan involving Jona Jones.
Requested by Glitzy
Fulfilled to Glitzy
Item Required Equip as much precious metal armor and weapons as possible. This includes platinum, gold, etc. There are multiple combinations that work, all of which involving shiny and glitzy metals, hence the title of the quest. Style points are unrelated to completion.
Reward Majestic mantle
Detail There's a young woman with white bunny ears in Port Llaffan who wants you to put on an outfit that will wow her.
Hint for solution Your equipment has to raise your Style stat past 230.
Repeatable no
Quest #39 - "Follow That Fish!"
Location Porth Llaffan, Jona's House
Availability After finishing the main story.
Requested by Jona Jones
Fulfilled to Jona Jones
Item Required *Flowing dress
  • Watermaul wand
  • Silver shield
Reward DQ9 SterlingsWhistle.pngSterling's whistle, which allows the party to call upon the Starflight Express on the world map.
Detail Jona Jones from Porth Llaffan thinks she might have seen the real Lleviathan, and has asked you to find a way of summoning the great sea-beast. It seems there was once a woman known as Lleviathan's serenader in the village...
Hint for solution The serenader woman's ghost can be talked to on the beach in Porth Llaffan at night. She instructs you to get the following equipment:

After getting all the pieces of equipment, go to Cuddiedig Cliff to meet up with Jona, and Lleviathan will appear.

Repeatable No.
Quest #47 - "Dozy Mayor"
Location Porth Llaffan
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Man inside mayor's house
Fulfilled to Man inside mayor's house
Reward Seed of magic
Detail A man in Porth Llaffan asked you to help wake Mayor Bryce. Another man inside the mayor's house suggests a healing item from Angel Falls.
Hint for solution Visit Angel Falls with a Fresh water and talk to the man near the waterfall. He will turn the fresh water into Angel's tears. Give this item to the man near the mayor.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}

Treasure and hidden items[edit]


  • Porth Llaffan is based on Wales, and the populace have South Welsh accents. Occasionally, they will use Welsh words (Bach=Little or small Bara=Bread)
    • Porth is also the Welsh word for port.


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