
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Batsureg is a nomad-styled town in Dragon Quest IX. It is located in Iluugazar Plains. There is a lot of minutiae that show cultural difference. For example, the church is located in a cave because of the different religions, and the weapon and armour shop sells mostly equipment for Gladiator and Ranger vocations, mainly because of nomadic living style.


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
6G per person

Item Shop[edit]

The item shop is inside a cave with the church.

Template:DQIX ShopItem/lambswool
Item Shop
Item Price Attributes
DQ9 MedicinalHerb.png Medicinal herb 8 Restore 30 HP
DQ9 StrongMedicine.png strong medicine 36 Restore 40 HP
DQ9 AntidotalHerb.png Antidotal herb 10 Cure poison state
DQ9 MoonwortBulb.png Moonwort bulb 30 Cure paralyze state
DQ9 ChimaeraWing.png Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to visited towns/villages
DQ9 Evacubell.png Evac-u-bell 28 Escape from dungeons
DQ9 HolyWater.png Holy water 40 Monster repellent
DQ9 AngelBell.png Angel bell 90 Cure confusion state
DQ9 MagicWater.png Magic water 500 Restore 30 MP
DQ9 Coagulant.png coagulant 90 Paralyze one enemy
DQ9 Tangelweb.png tangleweb 35 Slow down one enemy

Weapon Shop[edit]

Weapon Shop
Item Price Attributes Vocations
Sword bandit blade 6300 Attack +58 WarriorThiefMinstrelGladiatorArmamentalist
Sword valkyrie sword 7700 Attack +64 WarriorThiefMinstrelGladiatorArmamentalist
Spear sandstorm spear 6600 Attack +54 WarriorPriest
Spear partisan 7100 Attack +61 WarriorPriest
Knife assassin's dagger 7000 Attack +54
Possible fell an enemy with 1 strike
Wand lightning staff 8100 Attack +28
MP Absorption Rate +3.5%
Whip iron whip 6000 Attack +38 MageMinstrel
Staff driller pillar 5300 Attack +60 PriestMartial Artist
Staff sleepy stick 8200 Attack +65 PriestMartial Artist
Claws handrills 7600 Attack +61
Agility +10
Martial ArtistThief
Fan cobra fan 5200 Attack +56 Martial ArtistMinstrel
Axe battle axe 3900 Attack +52 GladiatorRanger
Hammer war hammer 4600 Attack +55 Gladiator
Boomerang crucerang 4300 Attack +30 Ranger
Boomerang razorwing boomerang 9100 Attack +38 Ranger
Bow hunter's bow 4900 Attack +57 RangerArmamentalist
Bow potshot bow 9200 Attack +70 RangerArmamentalist

Armor Shop[edit]

Item Price Attributes Vocations
Shield flame shield 5200 Defense +18
Block Chance +2.5%
Shield ice shield 5700 Defense +18
Block Chance +2.5%
Head mail coif 4500 Defense +20
Magical Mending +4
Head hocus hat 2800 Defense +12
Magical Might +18
Head hunter's hat 2200 Defense +15 Ranger
Head ear cosy 2400 Defense +16 Ranger
Head battler's band 4050 Defense +21 Gladiator
TorsoFemale Femiscyran mail 6100 Defense +40 Warrior
TorsoFemale strongsam 4100 Defense +32 Martial Artist
Torso fur vest 5800 Defense +36 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
ArmsFemale Femiscyran fingerwear 1900 Defense +11 Warrior
Arms archer's armguard 770 Deftness +50 Ranger
LegsFemale blue skirt 1750 Defense +12
Magical Might +8
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
LegsFemale Femiscyran bottoms 1450 Defense +13 Warrior
Legs chainmail socks 2900 Defense +17 Unknown
Legs steppe steppers 2600 Defense +16 Ranger
Legs green tights 2500 Defense +13 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Feet agiliboots 3100 Defense +13
Agility +20


Quest #34 - "A Simple Task"
Location Batsureg
Availability After defeating Larstasnaras.
Requested by Chuluun
Fulfilled to Chuluun
Item Required Simple Simon or Simple Simone accolade.
Reward Veteran's helm
Detail A girl called Chuluun from Batsureg wants to know just how simple a Simple Simon and a Simple Simone would be. Attain one or the other accolade and show Chuluun what she needs to see.
Hint for solution The accolade can be gotten by equiping the following as a Male Priest: Sadistick, Dragon Shield, Holy Hat, Dark Robe, Heavy Handwear, Blue Jeans, Classy Clogs, and Utility Belt.

Or as a Female Ranger: Headsman's Axe, Minotaur Helm, Jaguarment, Gloomy Gloves, Steppe Steppers, and Agiliboots

Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #35 - "All Dolled Up"
Location Westernmost tent in Batsureg.
Availability After defeating Larstastnaras.
Requested by Enkh
Fulfilled to Enkh
Item Required DQIX Rag doll.pngRag doll
Reward DQIX Einhänder.pngEinhänder
Detail Enkh from Batsureg needs you to recover Batkhaan's doll. You have to search the Iluugazar Plains for a Brainy badboon and use Half-Inch after putting the beast to sleep. If you're lucky, you'll be able to snatch back the doll.
Hint for solution Brainy badboons can be put to sleep with either the Snooze spell or by using a Sleeping hibiscus on them. Priests learn the spell the earliest, at level 6. Thieves learn Half-Inch by investing 10 skill points into their Acquisitiveness skill. It may take several successful steals from Brainy badboons to find the doll. As always, the quest can be finished quicker by having multiple characters in the party that can use Half-Inch.
Repeatable No.

Location Attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.

   FyggIcon.png    This is where a Fygg can be collected


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