Alltrades Abbey (Dragon Quest IX)

From Dragon Quest Wiki
This article is about Dragon Quest IX, for other games see Alltrades Abbey.

Alltrades Abbey is a large temple where characters can change vocation.

It is the Dragon Quest IX version of the familiar temple which appears in other Dragon Quest games that allow vocation changes. It is located in the center of Newid Isle. Similar to its predecessors, the abbey contains amenities such as an inn, shops, and various NPCs.


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All is not well when the Hero arrives at the abbey. Abbot Jack has gone missing and no one seems to know where he has gone. By speaking to people at the abbey, the Hero learns that the Abbot ate a mysterious fruit before running out of the abbey. The Abbot's colleagues seem to think he went to the Tower of Trades. The Hero learns the bow party trick which is necessary in order to enter the tower.

Visiting the tower, the Hero battles Master of Nu'un on the top floor. After defeating the monster, Abbot Jack is freed from his bondage and able to return to the abbey.

After being rescued, Abbot Jack remains at the abbey and can be talked to normally for the remainder of the game.


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
5G per person
Note: Free of charge while receiving or reporting success on quests #95 and #96.


A merchant is located in the basement of the abbey in front of the pub. There is no icon showing his position. He serves as an item shop at this location.

Item Price Attributes Vocations
DQ9 MedicinalHerb.png Medicinal herb 8 Restore 30 HP N/A
DQ9 AntidotalHerb.png Antidotal herb 10 Cure poison state N/A
DQ9 ChimaeraWing.png Chimaera wing 25 Teleport to visited towns/villages N/A
Sword Iron broadsword 1000 Attack +27 WarriorThiefMinstrelGladiatorArmamentalist
Spear Long spear 1400 Attack +29 WarriorPriest
Knife Poison moth knife 1250 Attack +24 WarriorMageThief
Wand Staff of sentencing 1600 Attack +11
MP Absorption Rate +2.0%
Whip Battle whip 960 Attack +17 MageMinstrel
Staff Oaken pole 780 Attack +22 PriestMartial Artist
Claws Razor claws 1750 Attack +28 Martial ArtistThief
Fan War fan 920 Attack +24 Martial ArtistMinstrel
Shield Iron shield 900 Defense +10
Block Chance +1.0%
Head Iron helmet 1100 Defense +11 WarriorPriestThiefMinstrelGladiator
Torso Iron armour 1200 Defense +18 WarriorThiefGladiator
Torso White t-shirt 520 Defense +11 WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Torso Robe of serenity 950 Defense +9
Magical Might +5
Magical Mending +5
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel
Legs Iron kneecaps 640 Defense +9 WarriorPriestThiefMinstrel
LegsFemale Springtime skirt 440 Defense +6
Magical Mending +2
WarriorPriestMageMartial ArtistThiefMinstrel

Location attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.

   Location Attributes Icon.png    This is a location where party members can change class.


Quest #95 - "Free the Faerie Two"
Location Alltrades Abbey inn
Availability Have a Level 15 Mage in your party
Requested by Wanda & Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Fulfilled to Wanda & Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Item Required Defeat 10 monsters using Frizz with the character that has a Faerie Staff equipped.
Reward Fizzle-retardant suit, Fizzle-retardant blouse
Detail While staying at the inn in Alltrades Abbey, you had a dream of two faeries, Wanda and Wandine, trapped inside a wand. Equip the Faerie staff they gave you and use Frizz to defeat ten monsters and release the faeries from their prison.
Hint for solution Only the monsters that are defeated with Frizz by the Mage party member equipped with Faerie staff counts.
Fight with the Slime that will form a stack, by defeating all but one Slime, the remaining one will keep calling for backups.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #96 - "Faerie Nearly There"
Location Alltrades Abbey inn
Availability Have a Level 40 Mage in your party, and finished Quest #95
Requested by Wanda & Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Fulfilled to Wanda & Wandine (by staying in the inn)
Item Required Faerie Staff
Reward Mage's manual, Faerie staff
Detail While staying at the inn in Alltrades Abbey, you had a dream of two faeries, Wanda and Wandine, trapped inside a wand. Equip the Faerie staff they gave you and defeat ten Wight priests with regular attack to release them...
Hint for solution Only the monsters that are hit by the Mage party member equipped with Faerie staff counts.
Wight priests can be found in The Old School. If a Weight priest resurrects another Weight priest with Zing, he can be killed again and count multiple times towards the quest.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #97 - "Cry Wolf"
Location Alltrades Abbey, outside main entrance
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un, have a Level 15 Martial Artist in your party
Requested by Brusque Lee
Fulfilled to Brusque Lee
Item Required Defeat 5 Scarewolves with a terrifying War Cry.
Reward Legs Slick slacks
Detail Brusque Lee at Alltrades Abbey has set you a challenge in return for the ultimate secret of martial arts: make five scarewolves quail with a terrifying War Cry before dealing the final blow.
Hint for solution This quest is a bit tricky. Scarewolves can be found in the forest north of Bloomingdale or accompanying other monsters outside Bloomingdale. You must use War Cry and it must be effective, saying that the scarewolf is stricken with terror. Then, the other party members must kill the scarewolf BEFORE his turn comes and it says the scarewolf is frozen in fear. Defeating it after its turn will not count. It helps to have several very fast party members before attempting this quest. You can also boost party speed using the Acceleratle spell.
Repeatable no
Quest #98 - "Slowly, Slowly, Critty Golem"
Location Alltrades Abbey, outside main entrance
Availability After completing quest #97, have a Level 40 Martial Artist in your party
Requested by Grandmaster Hun Tun Punch
Fulfilled to Grandmaster Hun Tun Punch
Item Required Defeat 3 Golems with regular critical hits
Reward Martial artist's manual
Detail If you want to learn the ultimate secret of the martial arts from the Grandmaster, you'll need to complete his challenge! Defeat three golems with regular critical attacks to show your strength.
Hint for solution Kill Golems with regular attacks until you kill 3 with regular critical hit.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #101 - "Eggstreme Sports"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un, have a level 15 Minstrel in your party
Requested by Tom Foolery
Fulfilled to Tom Foolery
Item Required Egg On one ally to the maximum tension 5 times.
Reward Flamenco shirt, Dancer's dress
Detail You've become an apprentice to Tom Foolery, a spirit Minstrel at Alltrades Abbey. Your first task is to Egg On your party members into a state of super-high tension five times.
Hint for solution This can be done together with quest #103 Gladiator Graduator to save some time.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #102 - "Prat's the Way to Do It!"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability Have a Level 40 Minstrel in your party, and finished Quest #101
Requested by Tom Foolery
Fulfilled to Tom Foolery
Item Required none
Reward Minstrel's manual
Detail Tom Foolery at Alltrades Abbey wants you to get into training to make a special someone laugh by splitting the sides of two monsters with critical Pratfalls first!
Hint for solution Use the skill "Pratfalls" on two monsters until you got "Critical Pratfall". Then go to Stornway Castle, take the staircase on the southwest corner, and talk with the prisoner in the east cell. Select "No" when he asks you a question. After that go back to Alltrades Abbey and report to Tom Foolery.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #103 - "Gladiator Graduator"
Location Alltrades Abbey, in front of the inn
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un
Requested by A priest
Fulfilled to A priest
Item Required Use Egg On or Psyche Up to maximize a party member who knows Dragon Slash, and kill 3 Slimes.
Reward Gladiator class becomes available
Detail A Priest at Alltrades Abbey has told you that a gladiator need not only Strength, but also composure. You must demonstrate this by defeating three Slimes using Dragon Slash while you're in a state of super-high tension.
Hint for solution Go to Angel Falls to fight the weakest Slimes. If you have a Priest in the party, have them cast Snooze to keep the slime from fleeing.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #109 - "Elementary Training"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Reward Armamentalist class become available.
Detail Windy at Alltrades Abbey says you must use the Fource of Mother Nature if you want to join the great fellowship of Armamentalists. He wants you to erect a Wizard Ward before defeating two Metal slimes in battle.
Hint for solution Equip your Mage party member with Poison needle. Try weakening the Metal slime with a Metal Slash, a sword skill, after you have casted Wizard ward. Note that the mage who cast Wizard ward must be the one to defeat the Slime.
Repeatable No
Quest #110 - "Fource In the Field"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After reaching Lvl 15 as an Armamentalist
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Reward Fencing jacket, Fencing frock
Detail Defeat 10 White trigertaur by an Armamentalist that decreased its defence twice with Sap and used Fire Fource to defeat it with a regular attack.
Hint for solution White trigertaurs can be found in Snowberia and Cringle Coast just north of it. Your armamentalist has to hit them with Sap twice and also use Fire Fource on themselves before hitting them.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #111 - "The Fource...Forever"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability With a Lvl 40 or higher an Armamentalist in the party
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Item Required Kill the requested monsters with the appropriate Fource.
Reward 'Armamentalist's Album'
Detail Windy at Alltrades Abbey wants you to defeat five monsters with the five Fources: a magmalice with Fire, a Great gruffon with Frost, a Cumulus rex with Gale, a king slime with Life, and a raving reaper with Funereal.
Hint for solution None of the monsters are particularly hard to find. In every case, you're being asked to use the worst possible Fource for that monster.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}

Treasure and hidden items[edit]

Dragon Quest IX
Item Location
Recipe: Steel shield In a closet of a room
Recipe: Steel helmet In a closet of a room
Recipe: Full plate armour In a closet of a room
Recipe: Steel gauntlets In a closet of a room
Recipe: Steel kneecaps In a closet of a room
Recipe: Steel sabatons In a closet of a room
Recipe: Steel broadsword In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Steel lance In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Spiked steel whip In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Steel bar In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Steel claws In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Steel fan In the book shelf of the room
Recipe: Steel axe In the book shelf of the room



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