Wormwood Creek

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Wormwood Creek is a town in Dragon Quest IX. It is a location of key importance in the plot relating to Serena and Corvus. Unless the hero arrive here along the storyline, all stores here (except the inn) will not serve any outsiders, including the hero. This is probably a protection setting to prevent the player obtaining better equipment too early, since the town is reachable from Porth Llaffan after the ship is acquired.


  • This place used to be called Wyrmward Creek. The natives were supposed to be wardens of a great hero. But over the years, the people forgot their purpose and the village name got changed. The great hero was named Greygnarl, who rode a mighty dragon into combat against an evil dragon in the fiercest of battles. The Hero of the Heavens, as he was also known, lived with his followers atop the Magmaroo, a volcano to the west of the village.
  • A saying in the town says "When he who seeks the way to Upover appears, open the gates of Wormwood with the light guarded by the sentry statue. " is a hint about how one should get pass the Wormwood Canyon.
  • The stone tablets in the east wing if church says, "This stone stands in place of the abomination that brought disaster on our village. Trust outsiders at your peril. Fellowship starts and ends at home. "

Places of Interest[edit]

  • Hope Springs (Northeast of the region)

Collectable items[edit]

Dragon Quest IX (DS)
Item Location
"Faerie Tales"
Recipes of: Purblind bow, Blinding bow, pixie boots, tricksie boots, Spirit bracer, Elfin charm
Bookshelf in Wallace's house
"Items you won't encounter anywhere else"
Recipes of : Soul breaker, King axe, erazor-wing boomerang, tempest shield, raging bull helm, payback pumps
Bookshelf in the church
"Sun Worship and Moon Gazing"
Recipes of: Lunar fan, Solar fan, Moon axe, Full moon axe, Sun crown, Apollo's Crown
Bookshelf in the item shop
Mini medal Blue chest in item shop
Cotton gloves Wardrobe in Inn
Lucida shard Hope springs


Dragon Quest IX (DS)
8G per person

Item Shop[edit]

Item Shop
Item Price Attributes
DQ9 StrongMedicine.png Strong medicine 36 Restore 40 HP
DQ9 MoonwortBulb.png Moonwort bulb 30 Cure paralyze state
DQ9 AngelBell.png Angel bell 90 Cure confusion state
DQ9 MagicWater.png Magic water 500 Restore 30 MP
DQ9 Coagulant.png Coagulant 90 Paralyze one enemy
DQ9 Tangelweb.png Tangleweb 35 Slow down one enemy
DQ9 Lambswool.png Lambswool 180 Alchemy ingredient


Item Price Attributes Vocations

Armor Shop[edit]

Item Price Attributes Vocations


Quest #038 - "Muffled Admiration"
Location Wormword Creek - Weapon Shop.
Availability not sure
Requested by Scarface
Fulfilled to Scarface
Reward Elfin elixir
Detail A warrior from Wormwood Creek wants you to pass on some handmade scarves he made for a selection of Sanguinis.
Hint for solution Find and defeat: Teeny sanguini, Pink sanguini, and Genie sanguini.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #53 - "Magmalice Mania"
Location Wormwood Creek - small house next door to inn
Availability After completing the main story
Requested by Hordy
Fulfilled to Hordy
Item Required Magmalice handprint
Reward Prince's pea coat for first completion. Bow tie for subsequent completions.
Detail Hordy from Wormwood Creek wants you to get him a magmalice handprint. He's given you a big bit of paper. If you're lucky, you should be able to get a magmalice handprint by defeating a magmalice at the Magmaroo. This quest is repeatable.
Hint for solution Quest description tells you everything you need to know.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #54 - "Moai Memorabilia"
Location Wormwood Creek - inn
Availability After completing the main story
Requested by Stasha
Fulfilled to Stasha
Item Required Mega moai headprint
Reward Princess's robe for first completion. Pink pearl for subsequent completions.
Detail Stasha from Wormwood Creek wants you to get her a mega moai headprint. She's given you a big bit of paper. If you're lucky, you should be able to get a print by defeating a mega moai at the Magmaroo. This quest is repeatable.
Hint for solution Quest description tells you everything you need to know.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #91 - "Critical Appraisal"
Location Wormwood Creek - by the fence on the south edge of town
Availability With a level 15 Warrior in your party
Requested by Kevo
Fulfilled to Kevo
Item Required Enrage two monsters, then kill them with a critical hit from the Attack action while they're still angry.
Reward Warrior's armour
Detail Kevo from Wormwood Creek wants to know just how formidable you are! He wants you to get two monsters really angry and then finish them off with regular critical attacks.
Hint for solution Use Whistle (or Eyes on Me if you've got a Luminary handy) to enrage the monsters; the monster doesn't have to be angry with the character who kills them. You cannot use a Coup de Grâce, Hatchet Man, or Thunder Thrust to achieve the critical hit.
Repeatable no
Quest #92 - "Warriors Three"
Location Wormwood Creek - by the fence on the south edge of town
Availability With a Level 40 Warrior in your party after completing quest 091
Requested by Kevo
Fulfilled to Kevo
Item Required Enrage ten mandrake marauders at the Magmaroo and kill them.
Reward 5000G and 'Warrior's Workbook'
Detail Farmer Kevo in Wormwood Creek needs you to protect his hometown! He wants you to get the attention of ten mandrake marauders at The Magmaroo and make them really angry before polishing them off.
Hint for solution Use Whistle (or Eyes on Me if you've got Luminary experience) to enrage the required monsters.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #93 - "Eggclesiastics"
Location Down the well in Wormwood Creek
Availability With a level 15 priest in your party
Requested by Old Man
Fulfilled to Old Man
Item Required None
Reward ascetic robe and priestess's pinafore
Detail An old man you met down the well in Wormwood Creek wants you to look after his egg. It appears to thrive off its carer's love and affection. All you need to do is defend yourself from attack thirty times, and you'll be a winner.
Hint for solution You must do this quest in the Eastern Wormwood area just outside of Wormwood Creek. Defending against monsters in any other area will not count towards your total. Have the party defend and allow monsters to hit them. Each hit that strikes for damage counts toward the total. It is possible to get all 30 in one long battle if you are patient.
Repeatable no
Quest #94 - "Nurtural Selection"
Location Down the well in Wormwood
Availability With a level 40 Priest in your party, and finished Quest #93
Requested by Old Man
Fulfilled to Old Man
Item Required Heal party members at critical HP (when their name/hp is an orange color) with Moreheal 20 times. This must be done during a battle.
Reward Priest's Primer Scroll
Hint for solution Find a lone monster so damage calculation is easy. Use your skills/defend to manipulate damage done to your characters. Alternately, have a low-level character walk over a poison marsh until he reaches critical HP and then heal the next time a battle begins.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #159 - "Have You Seen Charlene?"
Location Wormwood Creek, Mayor's house
Availability After downloading from DQVC.
Requested by Wormwood Creek Mayor
Fulfilled to Wormwood Creek Mayor
Item Required Sleeping hibiscus, Celestial skein.
Reward 3 Mini medals
Detail The mayor's daughter Charlene has gone missing. He doesn't think she would have wandered too far away.
Hint for solution Head to the springs area northeast of Wormwood Creek to find Charlene. Bring 5 Sleeping hibiscus and 2 Celestial skeins to her so she can make a bouquet. She will then run home and you will have a brief conversation with the ghost of a little girl. You can buy the Sleeping hibiscus in Bloomingdale & use alchemy for the Celestial skein.
Repeatable No
Date Released January 14, 2011
Quest #160 - "Chronic Delay"
Location Wormwood Creek, Mayor's house.
Availability After downloading from DQVC and completing Quest #159.
Requested by Wormwood Creek Mayor
Fulfilled to Wormwood Creek Mayor
Item Required Lunaria, Aggressence, and Trailblazing bandana
Reward Yggdrasil leaf
Detail The mayor wants you to bring the Dragon chronicler in Upover to Wormwood Creek.
Hint for solution Talk to the man in Upover's Inn. Bring him a Lunaria, Aggressence and Trailblazing bandana. You can use alchemy to make them. Then meet him on the summit of Magmaroo and report back to the mayor in Wormwood Creek.
Repeatable No
Date Released January 21, 2011

Monsters in the Area[edit]

Eastern Wormwood[edit]

Western Wormwood[edit]


Dragon Quest IX (DS)  
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#154 Moosifer 152 G 1240
#157 Cyclops 84 G 1400


Note: Quest #039 must be completed to access this elevated area.

Dragon Quest IX (DS)  
Enemy Gold Exp Drop Item
#159 Bomboulder 144 G 1300
#170 Abyss diver 92 G 2700
#176 Lethal armour 164 G 1680
#181 Fright knight 180 G 2180
#186 Bad karmour 132 G 2280
#188 King crab 146 G 2800

Location Attributes[edit]

   Save icon.png    This is a location where the game can be saved.

   Zoom icon.png    This location can be reached using the Zoom spell.



  • The town was name "Wyrmward Creek", which are similar to the names of the nearby regions "Wyrmneck", "Wyrmwing", "Wyrmsmaw" and "Wyrmtail".
  • Wormwood is a term used in the bible to describe a star which falls to earth and poisons the water supply. This description parallels the effect Corvus has on the town as a Celestrian.
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