Iron ore

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Iron ore is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series. It is a common mineral that is used as a crafting ingredient for weapons and armor.


Dragon Quest IX[edit]

DQ9 IronOre.png

Iron ore can be collected on Newid Isle, in Western Coffinwell, and near the Lonely Coast, as well as having a 10% of being found in Rank 3 treasure chests. It can also be dropped by Bad karmours, Corrupt carters, Hunter mechs, and Robo-robins. The ore can be sold for 120 gold and is used extensively in different alchemy recipes:

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Iron ore is used as an ingredient in the use of equipment and furniture crafting. It can be purchased from a material store for 120 gold, picked up from sparkly spots, or dropped by various monsters, including Mecha-mynahs, Knight errants, Alarmours, and Escudogres.

Dragon Quest XI[edit]

Iron ore can be purchased for 120 gold from Heliodor (3DS version only), Hotto or the roving emporium at the Emerald Coast during the second act, and the Havens Above during the third act. It can be received from sparkly spots in the Hotto Steppe, the Cryptic Crypt, the Gallopolis Region, the Zwaardsrust Region, Insula Incognita, and Insula Orientalis. A lump of iron ore is required to complete Quest #06: Smiths and Sparkly Spots. After turning the ore in to the smith, he will allow the player to keep it.

The iron ore is used in the following recipes for the Fun-Size Forge:

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors[edit]

Iron ore is used as a tempering ingredient for ten different swords. It can be dropped by Mischievous moles, received as a Rank A reward for defeating the Golem in Galantyne Glades, or received from clearing various early stage ranks.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below[edit]

Iron ore is dropped by Restless armours, Slime knights, and Metal slime knights. It can be used to create Adamant pendants and Wrecklaces in the Alchemy Pot or sold for 22 gold. Three lumps of iron ore are required to complete Quest #8: Improving on Perfection 1 and two are required to complete Quest #31: TOOLZ UV THE TRAID.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

Iron ore is used as an ingredient to improve various accessories. It can be dropped by Slime knights, Knight errants, Restless armours, and Metal slime knights.

Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]


Rock containing an enormous amount of iron. Alchemise it![1]
A ferrous fragment that can be melted to make metal.[2]
DQH Logo.png
A ferrous fragment that can be melted to make metal.[3]


  1. Nintendo DS version.
  2. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.
  3. Sony PlayStation 4 and Steam versions.